3 Keys to Find Your SoulMate

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hey everyone Caroline Roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel in this video we're talking about three keys to identifying your soulmate so if you're interested in watching more then definitely stay tuned [Music] so the reason I'm making this video is because people always ask me Caroline how do you know who is the one how did you know that your husband was the one for you how did you know that your husband was your soul mate and I actually have a book called the one revealed when I talk a little more about does the one even exist what does that mean what does that look like so if you're interested in that topic definitely check out my book I'll link it in the description below but in today's video we're gonna be talking about three keys to identifying your soul mate and the reason we use the word soul mate is because when a man and woman joined together in holy matrimony in marriage their souls are knit together that is why when someone has sex outside of marriage or fornicate they create a soul tie because your soul is knit together with that person so a soul mate is basically someone who God has designed for you to be knit with in marriage so a soul mate is someone who is your soul partner they are the one whose soul is gonna be knit to yours so when we're talking about a soul mate we're talking about the one that you are going to marry the one that you're gonna walk through life with the one that you're gonna accomplish purpose with so without further ado let's get started the first key to identifying your soul mate and this is so important you shouldn't even really be looking for a soul mate and considering having a romantic relationship if this key isn't in place so the first key to identifying your soul mate is one having a relationship with God this is kind of like purpose right you don't know your purpose until you know the purpose creator until you have a relationship with God because he gave you purpose in the same way you will know your soulmate when you have a relationship with the maker the author of your soul what I love God is that he created us all and in one of my videos I say that God is the best relationship giver he gives the best advice because he created all of us he knows our quirks our strengths he knows our weaknesses so if you really want to find a good soul mate if you really want to find someone that is compatible to you what better counselor what better relationship matter than God himself now I don't want you to seek God or start a relationship with God just because you want to be in a relationship with someone else but when you naturally fall in love with the Lord and grow in him he in due season will lead you to the right person if it is his will for you to get married if you have a desire to get married keep him first above all else one of the things that I often say is that God doesn't give you idols but he takes idols away so if you're idolizing marriage you're just in and out of every relationship just trying to be with people to fill a void then God is not going to give you a relationship he's not gonna bring your soulmate that is our number one soul mate he is the number one lover of our soul he is inside of us the Holy Spirit is living inside of us so before we're joined to anyone else we are joined with him he should be the first one that we are joined to and have a relationship with and from that he will bring the right people in our lives and not just you know soul mates in terms of romantic relationships but he'll bring the right friendships so make sure that your soul is knit together with the right people another reason why this is so important is God wants you to have your identity in him our identity is not in a relationship it's not in a person it's not in a status or a title our identity comes from him so God a lot of times he won't bring your soulmate you won't be able to find your soulmate until you really figure out who you are in Christ because a lot of us get lost in relationships and that's the last thing that God wants you to do he doesn't want you to get lost in your relationship but he wants you to find yourself in him so the first key to identifying your soulmate is having a relationship with God number two the second key to identifying your soulmate is submitting your desires to God submit your desires to God first of all do you even know what you desire what do you really want out of a person how are you going to identify something or recognize something if you don't know what you want one thing that I did went before I met my husband is I made a list of my standards I made a list of something that I wanted in a man now after I made that list of what I desired I took those desires and I submitted it to God I said God whatever from this list you want me to have then this is what I'm praying for if there's anything on this list that you don't think it's the best for me then that's fine as well but these are my desires I know what I want and I'm submitting my wants to you it's very important to also realize that what you want is not always what you need God is gonna give you a soulmate that helps build you up in him that draws you closer to him a lot of times we look for people who are just like us but many times God will put you in relationship with someone who's different from you or someone who has different attributes so that they can challenge you and so that they can help you to grow so you know what you want know your desires don't be afraid to write those things down so that when the time comes you'll be able to identify the right person but submit those desires to God the third key to identifying your soulmate is having a purposeful vision for the future if you are a man god is not gonna bring your soulmate if you don't have any direction or vision of where you're gonna take this marriage where are you gonna take this relationship marriage is purpose marriage has a purpose when that puts two people together it's because he has a purpose in mind for them the man should have a vision and the woman comes alongside to be a helpmeet so that the man is able to fulfill the vision that God has given them when a woman has an idea of the type of man she would like to help when she has an idea of the type of vision and mission that she would like to come under through submission then she is able to truly identify who is the right mate for her when you meet a guy and when you're dating or when you're courting ask yourself can I submit under this man can I help him with his vision can I submit under the mission of what he is doing that is what submission is you know submission isn't a weak thing it's a strong thing but you're making the decision I am making the decision to get under the mission of what you are doing so a vision is really important and a man should have a mission so that he's able to communicate to the woman this is the mission this is the vision and this is the goal this is what I want to do with my life this is what I feel God is leading me is this something that you feel like you can help with is this something you're also interested do we share similar gifts do we share similar talents do we share similar beliefs and interests that's why it's so important to be equally yoked the Bible says how can two walk together if they not be agreed so before you meet your soulmate you want to make sure that you have a relationship with God and that you're seeking his face about the purpose he has for you about the vision he has for you and about who you are in him so those are my three keys to identifying your soulmate if it's your first time on my channel don't forget to subscribe and if you enjoyed this video definitely leave it a thumbs up I'll see you in the next video until next time [Music]
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 114,410
Rating: 4.9627523 out of 5
Keywords: soulmate, soul mate, soulmates, keys, identifying, identify, the one, finding the one, how to find the one, relationships, godly relationships, godly dating, karolyne roberts, God told me who my husband was
Id: Ooy0eTAL5Tw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 04 2019
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