5 Signs This Man Might Be Your Future Husband / Spouse

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hey everyone caroline roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel in today's video we are going to be talking about five signs that this man just might be your husband so if you're interested in watching more then definitely stay tuned [Music] do so number one the first sign that this man just might be your husband is if he loves you just as much as he loves himself if he treats you just as good as he treats himself this is a big indicator that this just might be husband quality husband material so you want to be with someone you want to marry someone who treats you just as he treats himself he doesn't abuse you he doesn't talk down to you if he sees that he needs something for example if he needs a pair of shoes he gets it if he sees that you need a new pair of shoes or you know you're missing something he's willing to provide it so you want to be with someone who treats you as they would treat themselves who loves themselves who loves god and who can love you as well so that is the first sign that this man just might be your husband so number two the second sign that this man just might be your husband is if he can spiritually lead you and teach you so if he loves to teach you new things if he loves to see you grow spiritually naturally in every single way and if he could lead you if he can make decisions if he has direction if he has a goal and he could be someone who can potentially lead your family lead your marriage then this is a good indicator that he could be husband material number three the third sign that this man could possibly be your husband is if he loves you like christ loves the church so if he's willing to make sacrifices for you if he's willing to put you before he puts his own self if he's willing to lay his life on the line to serve you and to build you up and protect you then this is a good sign that this man could potentially be the one for you the one for you to marry that he is husband material number four the fourth sign that this might be your husband and that this person is husband material is if he is willing to leave his mother and his family to put you first if he is willing to make that transition into marriage some men aren't ready for that some men if i could just be honest they're still tied to mommy they're still tied to home they're not independent enough to step out on their own and they're not ready to lead a family and they're not ready to have a wife but if you are currently in a relationship with somebody and you're trying to decide whether or not this is husband material whether or not i should marry this person if he is willing to take that leap of faith and to lead you and if he is independent and responsible and grown enough to you know carry his own weight and also carry the weight of a family then that is a good sign that he is ready for marriage and he is husband material and the fifth sign that he just might be your husband is if this is someone that you can respect okay ask yourself is this someone that i can respect is this someone that i look up to is this someone that i admire does this person make me want to grow and become a better woman and become a better person is this someone that i would like my son to grow up to be or i would like my children to look up to so if he is someone that you can respect and admire then this is a good sign that he is husband material and he may just be the one for you to marry so these are my five signs that this just might be your husband and all of the signs that i shared today are scripture based so i'm gonna read the scripture that i pulled these five signs out of just for a biblical reference a biblical background and i really hope that this passage of scripture blesses you when you're praying about your husband or when you're seeking god's face to see if you know the person that you're with maybe the person that you're dating if you want to be sure that if this is the right one for you if you see you know a few of these signs in that person then this just might mean that this is the right one for you to marry so if you have peace about it and if you can recognize some of these signs in that person's life then that is a good indicator that this person is probably ready for marriage now keep in mind that nobody is perfect so your guy may not have all of these signs on the list right because we're all growing we're all maturing so if he has a few of the signs on the list but some of them he still needs to work on and he still needs to improve on and it's a possibility then you have to keep that in mind as well all right so let's go to the passage of scripture today so we're going to be reading ephesians 5 verses 25-33 and it says husbands love your wives just as christ also loved the church and gave himself for her all right so this is where we took our third point where we said he needs to love you just as christ loves the church all right and then it says that he might sanctify her and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word right so we said that your husband he needs to be someone who can spiritually lead you and teach you teach you god's word okay that he might present her to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that she would be holy and without blemish so husbands ought to love their own wives as their own bodies so we talked about how a husband should love his wife just as much as he loves himself and he who loves his wife also loves himself for no one ever hated his own flesh but nourishes and cherishes it just as the lord does the church for we are members of his body of his flesh and of his bones and it says for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife and the two shall become one flesh a man who is ready to be a husband is a man who is ready to leave his mother and his father and put his wife first and realize that when they become one flesh the wife comes before mama the wife comes before daddy and a mature man understands this okay and it says this is a great mystery but i speak concerning christ and the church nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself and let the wife see that she respects her husband and then for our last point we said that this man just might be your husband if he is someone that you can definitely see yourself respecting so these are the five signs that he just might be your husband that this person is husband material if you are in a relationship with someone and you're just not sure and you're like god is he the one is he the perfect guy that you have destined for me and i just want to encourage you to have the peace and confidence to know that if he's someone who loves the lord and he loves you as he loves himself and you know he is responsible he's a leader and he's someone that you respect then that is a good indicator that he is husband material as well all right so i hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did leave it a thumbs up and super quick announcement this month i am opening up an opportunity for communicators to work with me so if you are a communicator a speaker a writer a podcaster even if you're just aspiring so maybe even if you have not published a book or you know done anything big like that but you want to start communicating and sharing your story or if you're an entrepreneur and you have a message to share a product to share then i am opening up an opportunity to work with me so if you're interested in doing that then you can click the link in my description box and fill out the application to do so and um this application will just let you know what is the best way to work with me so the website is caroline.com wwm and wwm stands for work with me so caroline.com wwm and i look forward to working with you so um if it's your first time on my channel do not forget to subscribe and make sure to put on the push notifications bell so that you do not miss out on any of our upcoming updates all right i love you guys so much and i'll see you in my next youtube video until next time bye
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 262,859
Rating: 4.9547381 out of 5
Keywords: this man might be for you, this man might be your husband, future spouse, future husband, the one, reveal, God told me, dreams, God told me who my husband was, Godly dating, christian dating, future husband to be, godly dating, marriage, future, God revealed, how will God reveal, how will God reveal my husband to me, How will god reveal the one to you, God revealed my husband, karolyne, karolyne roberts, karolyn, karolyn roberts, godly marriage, marriage God's way, relationships
Id: Ta3ezC5A1-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 04 2020
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