How to Be Led by God's Spirit | The Holy Spirit Guide

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hey everyone Caroline Roberts here and welcome back to my youtube channel in today's video we are gonna be talking about how to be led by the Holy Spirit so if you're interested in watching more then definitely stay tuned [Music] so I'm super excited about today's topic we're gonna be talking about the holy spirit now this is such a very important subject and I wanted to do this video because if you've ever heard the phrase be led by the Holy Spirit or what is the Holy Spirit telling you to do and you know you or maybe confused by that statement may be confused by that phrase I am creating this video to bring clarity on who the Holy Spirit is and to bring clarity on how you can be led by the Holy Spirit to follow God's will for your life so in this video I'm gonna be sharing three specific ways that you can be led by the Holy Spirit or three specific strategies to help you discern the voice of the Holy Spirit in your life now I just want to start off off bat just making it clear that the Holy Spirit is a hymn the Holy Spirit is a person the Holy Spirit is not an it the Holy Spirit is God in the form of a spirit living inside of every single Christ professing believer so if you are a Christian if you have accepted Jesus as your Lord and Savior then you have been given the promised Holy Spirit the Bible says as a seal until the day of redemption so having the Holy Spirit living inside of you is proof that you indeed are saved but why did God send the Holy Spirit why is the Holy Spirit here with us on this earth today because I did not want to leave us alone Jesus is right now in heaven with God the Father seated at the right hand of God the Father and Jesus said that he would come back but he went to heaven to prepare a place for us so that when we die or when he returns for his church that we could live with him for all eternity in heaven but while we are on this earth we have an assignment while we are on this earth we still have a purpose to fulfill that still has a will in a plan to fulfill through this earth so through and by the Holy Spirit we are able to partner with God to see his will come to pass on this earth because with the Holy Spirit living inside of us he tells us where to go where not to go he convicts us of sin he convicts the world of darkness and sin the Holy Spirit is like the light the Holy Spirit is a comforter he's a helper and in this video I'm gonna go deeper and share scriptures so you can really you know get a better idea of who the Holy Spirit is and what his role is in our lives and what his role is in this earth but if this topic really interests you I have created a free Holy Spirit guide and this guide goes more in-depth on the Holy Spirit and you'll also give information on how you can receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit just like in the book of Acts the day of Pentecost the Church of Acts how they receive the Holy Spirit and they were able to speak in different tongues and then they were enabled with power power to do various spiritual works and miracles and these works shall follow them these signs shall follow them that believe the Bible says so in this guy that talks about the fruits of the Holy Spirit it talks about the signs of a believer that has been baptized with the Holy Spirit and how to really get in tune with the voice of the Holy Spirit so that you can hear God's speaking in your life but if you're interested in downloading that guide it is completely free you know I love giving you guys tons of resources through this channel so click the link in my description box to download your free Holy Spirit guide and I also have a whole bunch of other different guides down there I have a guide on how to start a relationship with God I have a guide on how to fast so tons of resources that I definitely want you to take advantage of but without further ado let's get into the rest of the video these are three different ways that you can be led by the Holy Spirit so the first way that you can be led by the Holy Spirit is by knowing and studying God's Word the Holy Bible now this is probably the first and foremost way that I recommend people to seek the voice of God a lot of times we want to sign in the sky we want a sign from heaven we want God's voice to Thunder down and tell us what to do tell us should we date this person should we not make this person what should I do Lord but all of God's principles God's character there are so many subjects and topics covered in the Bible knowing God's Word having God's Word living inside of you is going to confirm what Spirit is speaking to you because there's a lot of spirits out here in this earth and you want to make sure that you're being led by the Holy Spirit you want to make sure that a voice of a stranger you do not follow the Holy Spirit is one with God and he would never contradict God the Father so you know that you were being led by the Holy Spirit when you hear a spirit say a thing and it aligns with God's Word in the Bible it says test the spirits and ask them has Jesus Christ come in the flesh so a spirit that does not bear witness to the gospel of Jesus Christ a spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus and the power of Jesus is not a spirit from God you want to test the spirits and make sure that the spirit that you're listening to aligns with God's Word let's go to John chapter 14 verse 26 it says but the helper the Holy Spirit whom the father will send in my name will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have told you it says that the Holy Spirit will remind us of God's Word the Holy Spirit will remind us of Jesus's sayings Jesus's teachings it says the Holy Spirit will teach you things and remind you of what you maybe forgot but how can you be reminded of God's Word if you're not familiar with God's Word to begin with how can you be of the teachings of Jesus if you're not familiar with it to begin with how can you be reminded of different scriptures if you never studied those scriptures so that's why it's important to do your part to study the scripture to study God's Word and then when you come into a situation and the Holy Spirit is trying to speak to you and trying to lead you he will bring scripture to your mind he will bring parables to your minds he will bring God's Word to your minds and he will lead you in the right direction to go so make sure that you have God's Word inside of you so that the Holy Spirit can remind you of what God already told you the second way to be led by the Holy Spirit is to pray in the spirit I love praying in the spirit because sometimes you don't know what direction to go in sometimes you don't even know what to pray for or what to pray about maybe you're having an uneasy day maybe you feel like something is unsettling in your spirit you can't quite put your finger on it so you're not sure what to do in that situation or maybe you have a relationship with someone and you can't quite put your finger on it but you don't feel right about that person and you don't want to be superstitious but you feel like something is not right about that person but on the outside it looks like they have it all together but you can't quite put your finger on it so then I encourage you to pray in the spirit because when you do not know what to pray the Holy Spirit knows what to pray and he makes groanings on your behalf pray in the spirit when you have the Holy Spirit inside of you he knows better to pray than we know to pray because he knows God's will God's will is revealed to him so he will pray according to God's will and he will pray for you exactly what you need so pray in the spirit pray in your heavenly language when you don't know what to do you don't know what direction to go in and maybe this is a situation where you can't go to God's Word and find like a specific answer for a specific instance in this situation you're like God I want to know specifically for this situation for this instance because it's not outlined like exactly in the Bible specifically what I should do what is the step that I should take the Bible doesn't tell me whether or not I should go to law school or if I should get my doctorates degree like the Bible doesn't tell me whether or not I should travel for the year or whether or not I should buy a house so that what should I specifically do give me wisdom in this situation so there's some times where there are specific situations and you're looking for a specific answer but you don't know how to pray about it you don't know what God's will is but when you pray in the spirit when you pray in your heavenly language there is an edifying work done on the inside the purpose of praying in tongues the purpose of praying in your heavenly language is so that you can be built up on the inside so that you can be edified so that you can be strengthened spiritually so not only is the Holy Spirit praying for you not only is God praying for you but you are being built up you're being built up spiritually you are being built up to be wiser you're being built up to be more spiritually discerning you're being built up to learn more of what God's will is in that situation and the Bible says that the prayer of the righteous man is powerful and effective so what more the prayer of the Holy Spirit himself what more the prayer of Jesus himself praying for you how effective can that be Romans 8 verse 26 says in the same way the spirit also helps us in our weakness because we do not know what to pray for as we should but the Spirit Himself intercedes for us with unspoken things the Spirit Himself intercedes for us we don't know what to pray we don't know what to do we don't know what decision to make and in that case we pray in the Spirit of God so that we can be edified and led by the Spirit of God and number 3 the last tip that I want to give to be led by the Spirit of God is to remain grounded in God's peace when you come across a situation or you know something happens in your piece within you a lot of people call it your conscience is disturbed something doesn't sit well with you it's like you have like a prick or you have an awakening or a stirring on the inside I want you to pay attention it's like you have a prick in your spirit it's like you know something is not sitting well with you I want you to pay attention to that invasion of your peace now it's important for you to have discernment and I've said this in a video that I've done before there's a difference between a lack of peace and paranoia sometimes we're just paranoid because of fear and fear causes us every relationship we get into oh I can't trust that person I don't feel right about that person that's not having peace that's not a lack of peace peace is something that God gives you God does not give you a spirit of fear so you have to discern the difference between having peace and then something tries to disturb your peace versus not having peace and at all but having a spirit of fear and always being paranoid there is a drastic difference but if you're able to go on in your day and you're always confused your øystein drama you feed off of the drama you feed off of the gossip you feed off of the toxic environments and the dysfunction then where is your peace and are you grounded in the spirit of peace peace I leave with you my peace I give to you I do not give you as the world gives don't let your heart be troubled or fearful the peace that Jesus left with us and gave with us is the Holy Spirit Himself the holy spirit of peace 2nd Timothy 1:7 says for God has not given us a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind sound judgment and that's where grounding yourself and peace comes in because when you are grounded in your peace you have a sound mind you have a sound judgment you're able to make better decisions toxic environments influence and shift your decision-making having a spirit of fear is going to change your perspective in a negative way where you make decisions out of an effort to protect yourself from being hurt out of an effort to hurt someone before they hurt you that skews your mindset of seeing things for as they truly are seeing things and having true discernment and sound judgment but that says I have not given you a spirit of fear but of power of love and of a sound mind sound judgment good discernment so I just want to declare that over you today I just want to declare that you do not have a spirit of fear we come against fear right now in the name of Jesus God has given you his peace he has given you discernment he is giving you a sound mind he has given you sound judgment in the name of Jesus I come against paranoia in the name of Jesus Lord God I come against anxiety Lord God I come against fear I come against all these things or God all these things our God that are clouding our judgment that are bringing confusion the Bible says that God is not a God of confusion but of peace and all the churches of the saints he is a God of peace so I declare God's peace right now over you in the name of Jesus I declare that you're strengthened in your inner man that she was strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit I declare right now that you are led by God's Spirit he leads you into all truth and a voice of a stranger you do not follow hallelujah so I declare all these things over you and I call it so and we call it done in Jesus name Amen so I hope that you found this video helpful if you did leave it a thumbs up and if it's your first time on my channel do not forget to subscribe if you guys are not following me on Instagram be sure to follow me on Instagram for encouraging posts throughout the week I love you guys so much I'll see you in my next YouTube video until next time bye [Music]
Channel: Karolyne Roberts
Views: 102,880
Rating: 4.9730639 out of 5
Keywords: god's spirit, holy spirit, how to be led by God's spirit, how to be led by the Holy spirit, God, jesus, holy ghost, how to be led by the holy ghost, baptism of the Holy Spirit, The Holy Spirit as Guide, Being led by the holy spirit, How to be led by the spirit, Walking in the holy spirit, christianity
Id: 91ckVZHQAPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 24sec (984 seconds)
Published: Thu May 28 2020
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