30 Low Maintenance Houseplants I Can't Live Without!

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[Music] thanks for coming back everybody I really really do appreciate it today is not such a great day outside it had some other video planned but change of plans because I'm kind of stuck in the garage but I'm gonna talk about some of the easiest plants that you can care for and I'm only seeing this because they're truly easy so let's just get right to it let's just look at some of these plants and talk about why they're easy not just telling you they're easy I'm going to show you why so let's start with like the philodendron pothos skin daxus family because I consider them like just one group in terms of care they really do like to dry out a lot and you'd be surprised even though this plant has a lot of a little plants in it that makes this big full plant I do let it go dry it's still kind of moist so I will not water this but I will go through and pull out some of the dead foliage when it's completely dead I don't like to pull it off until it's time to pull it off makes it easier that's another easy thing but you don't even have to get the pruners you just here look that comes right off that's great so yeah this is a golden pothos and it is super long and it just keeps going you can cut it back and easily propagate it to make more plants I like the look of it just go into town downtown I said we have this Brazil philodendron that I'm in love with I think I'm in love with most of these plants but just look at the foliage look at this is ridiculous this was outside of my porch and is going back out I just wanted to give you guys a closer look because I'm not sure if you've got a really good up close and personal not with me with the plant look of this plant the foliage is spectacular so easy because it wants to dry out almost completely I noticed that the other day I noticed that the other day that some of the foliage was getting a little wrinkly and to me that was a visual vacation of when this needs water so I did I gave it a good soaking and it hurt right back up the thing is when you soak your plants when you flush water through the plants you'll want to replenish nutrients after you do that especially when they're growing this profusely so if you do give it a good soak when you water give it some fertilizer occasionally okay maybe once every two weeks in the growing season because they will love it and they'll grow even bigger and longer and stronger so yeah so that's this I think I have another example I have a skinned abscess that I tied up in the coop sorry that I tied up in the corner and I'm just gonna show you right here I don't know what I did I don't think I really like the way it looks but I think eventually it'll fill in and start looking a little bit better so again super easy loves to almost get to a critical dryness and that means that the I'm not sure where I'm looking there's there's the I keep thinking that lens is there but it's there sorry I'm trying to make eye contact it wants to reach a critical dryness and that means that the plant has used up all the moisture and it's getting ready for the next time it would like rain out in nature or when you manually water it if you water sparingly just on the top like but the half a cup or depending on the size of the plant the roots are gonna stay shallow you want those roots to get down deep and establish themselves so that's why we want to water water thoroughly for most plants so what do I have next let's talk about ponytail palms because you kind of set it and forget it so this guy and I've got a few around here so but I'll just this is easier to hold up I love these guys because they hold so much water in this base this base is built for water retention I'm not gonna say what I was going to say and the other thing I do I don't really care so much when the little tips turn brown because that is normal that's going to happen on your ponytail palms is going to happen on your jersey nose it's just the way it is so if it bothers you can cut them off you can take some scissors or pruners or whatever you've got and just cut the tips off like that if you really like things neat but I don't care so much when it comes to plants because I love the imperfection of nature it astounds me it amazes me and I'm just gonna let nature go with it I'm gonna go with it with nature so yeah the ponytail palms are spectacular they don't really need to be fed let me put these down you should never point with scissors especially at somebody so they don't really need to be fed you can top dress them with worm castings or you can give them a weak diluted complete fertilizer complete meaning it has potassium nitrogen and phosphorous not in that order and also this probably could be used to be repotted but I'll wait I have enough repotting to do so yeah the ponytail I'm gonna show you that crazy ponytail pom I brought back from Florida hold on it's right here can you I just hit the camera that was really bad hold on sorry about that I almost ruined everything get myself back together so I would think this I forgot what this was called and we step back I think it's a nut in a cell and Isola is a grass no well uh it'll come to me anyway but this is when I brought back from Florida and it's big and I put it in this pot that's a little too small because I don't have an available pot that's bigger so anyway it's fine the roots will go to grow down I water it just enough maybe I've only had it a few weeks so I've watered it twice because the soil is very dry when it put it in so this will hopefully flesh out new growth and just be a giant mop head of foliage which be like so this is a different I'm gonna put here the name it but I forgot but yeah so that's just another ponytail pom and can you imagine how much water this thing holds maybe two pounds I don't know okay let's go on to the next planet feel like I'm too tall am I too tall so I'm just gonna move on to a plant that's just right next to me and I actually did a little bit of hair a little care to this because I noticed that it had scale which was kind of embarrassing and annoying at the same time I shouldn't be embarrassed about getting a plant disease goodbye I swear I was using protection but it didn't work the neem oil didn't work so anyway it has some slight damage to it but that's not a big deal because it has all this new growth going but in general a peperomia the peperomia family the genus of peperomia holds a lot of water in its leaves for the most part some of the copper Otto's need to be watered a little more often but the obtrusive Foley is an occlusive folios they can handle mr. waterings actually they prefer that so they don't need a lot of fertilizer and I think I fertilized this once and but back to the point if you're if you're really saturating the soil and flushing out anything that you know like buildup of salt and minerals you'll want to fertilize it again because it'll start looking peak it and light color like a it's called chlorosis when it's lacking that nutrients it needs the pepper Romeo's are fantastic for people who like to have a plant and don't want to worry about it all the time and don't want to water them all the time and this one I love its form it's a little more appropriate prostate roast prostrate it grows out it grows out rather than growing up it could be a slightly different variety I'm not really sure about this is one of my favorites and I'm really happy to get it back on track so if maybe you caught in my last video with some of the plants I brought back from Florida this sago palm nugget look at it it's starting to push out new growth this is what it will look like potentially if I give it enough light so I consider this easy care because it doesn't need a lot of water but it needs Sun it needs sunlight and he's in direct sunlight as much as you can give it so the more you give it the greener it'll stay these guys can actually go outside and take temperatures as low as 50 and below you don't really want to do that with most of your indoor plants but if you do have this on your porch or you can bring it aside like at the way end of the season so these are great plants either way they demand a lot of light so they're not the easiest if you have no light you probably don't want to get this plant but if you have enough you might want to consider getting it look at this is so pretty I can't wait to this turns into this one more thing about these the foliage a little hard right so if you have young children around or hairless cats you might want to keep them away from this let's talk about Dracena that Dracena family and i have this down here because this had mealy bugs and i know i'm just trying to tell you everything so easy not everything is completely easy things happen right things happen and if you don't pay attention like I wasn't paying attention to this things bad things can happen but it wasn't terrible I got it under control I took it outside I hit it hard with the hose and dislodged there's little white furry disgusting things and then I sprayed it with neem oil so I don't see one on here at this point no I do there's one you had to just keep doing it would get rid of it so this is somewhat in quarantine although I have it sitting with my other plants right now to show you guys but anyway it's going back in the quarantine right now because I discovered another Miglia bug enough of the mealy bug thing this planet wants to be watered when the soil is completely dry that's why it's an easy care plant and also it does not require much fertilizer at all you can top dress it with worm castings or an organic mulch or something like that or you can spray it not spray it or you can add a liquid fertilizer once once or twice in this season that's it and if you if you give it too much fertilizer it might just grow super fast and weak and we don't want that to happen to our plants so here's a marginata I think this is magenta let me see what else I have here it's gonna put this over here this one is called moonlight and it's really elegant and this is taking me back to my days of traveling through the tropics okay like a tree the tree and the foliage has really beautiful and simple variegation see that it's a little reminiscent of the philodendron Brazil maybe they could live together I don't know it's possible at this point that you've seen me holding a lot of Sansevieria propagating Sansevieria decorating with Sansevieria dividing everything but the best thing about it is that they're so incredibly easy and the reason I have so many of them is because that's the reason they love it they love any kind of light condition but as you know they prefer medium to bright indirect light plants can tolerate low light and some can write but doesn't mean they want to be in the minimal amount of light you can supply them with so if for some reason you can move it a little closer to a window they will do better and you'll start getting new growth they do they'll just they'll remain a little stunted when they're not getting it I got to put this down where they're not getting enough light and minute you do you'll see there's like a major change they will start flashing out new growth hold I gotta put something down what was this one called again I've got dirt on me this was called the fun name Oh this jabo jeboa Sansevieria this is I also brought this back from Florida I love this I just love the fact that it looks like a bromeliad is slightly different shape than any one that I have and you water it let it dry and put it in the light and it'll be a good plan for you let that plane go by look at this it looks like a floret can you see inside there you can see inside there I bet there's more stuff popping out that I just can't see there is there's more growth in here so since the Sansevieria family is easy for those two reasons they don't require a lot of water and they don't require a lot of light to live in your house so you can go away from month and not water them and they're still gonna be waiting for you alive that is pretty amazing because since we're talking about really easy care plans this easy plan is one of them this one is called Zenzi I've showed this to you before I've shown this to you before and why I love this one because it has this herringbone type of shape it looks like a living ladder reaching up to the skies and it has this cute little bulbous base but yeah so this is this more compact version of the standards easy plant that you're familiar with so Zenzi gonna go a long way I think in the plant world so the aglio Nima's are incredibly colorful easy care plants they have this is a silver Bay and you might have seen this before but really really stunning subtle beauty right and sparkling sarah has more pink it has beautiful soft pink stems it has this really intricate variegation and it has a slight gloss to the leaf it's actually quite quite impressive so they get big I don't really have I have a bigger one over here hold on they are perfect for it like your office for your desk for your bathroom like anywhere like that but then they get bigger they take a little bit of time to grow but when they do they can become amazing floor plans this one is not quite a floor plan yet but it's getting there my bigger ones are at my business partners house and she has a giant silver Bay but I think things like Maria or I had to have to check they all kind of look alike to me it's you know these contouring and silver ones there's a lot of like there's like six varieties that look very similar but there's just subtle differences but this one will eventually be a floor plant which I think it's aspiring to be I don't see any oh this might have been a flower you see that kind of like no big deal it's not a big deal and if you want the foliage to grow more just take the flowers off you have to worry about it it'll just promote more foliar growth like here this is new growth new tender beautiful growth Hoyas oh yes I love boys okay so they they check the mark on easy care by not requiring a lot of water they do want a lot of light so you got to have the light to have a happy boy yeah and I think the other thing too is is the misnomer is that you don't have to water Hoyas they like a super super dry you have to water it because the more light it gets the more it's going to use and it's going to need much more frequent watering than you might want to give it or think you should give it so just think about that if your plant is getting a lot of Sun like you know it's in a hot spot and it dries up in three days you might have to water this plant every three days depending on what's going on in its environment right so these are gorgeous this is a car Nosa I'm not sure what this is like a truck a tricolour possibly that's not that pink that's that's what I think it is but these holy Arco noses are super beautiful they have this this growth that happens here this is all new growth don't cut that off I know it looks like maybe it's spent but it's not it's actually where the new leaves are going to come from keep them on you're gonna want more leaves so the Hoyas are great the whole family the whole so we've got parlor palms and I have been asked to do some videos on palm care but the truth is I don't have a lot of palms in my home because they require a lot of light the good thing about parlor palms is that they don't they do need a little bit more water especially when they're getting more light like I just said but they are slow growing so they're perfect for tabletops are perfect for your bedside wherever you want to put a plant these aren't gonna grow that fast and they just give you like this crazy tropical feel and I have some little ones and I have this big one and I and I think they're a really great staple plant so they're easy in a sense that they don't require a lot of light and but you have to water them okay not all the time they don't want soaking wet feet they want to dry out partially and then give them a good soaking so if you do travel a lot or you're not gonna be around for a few weeks at a time this might not make it for you but I still want to call it an easy care plan because all you have to do is water it I'm not sure what it is about single inium I know what it is they're pretty easy to care for they can handle any kind of light but they do need more water once you see it's dry I've partially dry give it some water because you'll start Lewis losing lower leaves and that's they're telling you you forgot about me you gotta water me and don't worry about it loosen leaves you're gonna have much more growth coming up on the top and they get to be like giant vines or you could stake them up you can do whatever you want I love to watch them just crawl over and spill over the size of their pots but I have one on the porch that I was on a stake I took it off and now it's just loving life hanging out and I'll bring it back in the studio in the fall stop and look I showed you this before but I'm gonna show it to you again this is a Tiki diffenbach iya dumb cane and do you know why they're called dumb canes right because if you get this SAP in your mouth it'll close your throat and you won't be able to speak so wash your hands after you handle this and keep it away from pets keep it away from kids just be aware of what plants you have that are toxic that's really important information to know but these guys are easy they're very easy it could take a wide range of light and again you water them when the soil is partially dry you can see the the the thinner the leaf is and the larger the surface area you're probably gonna want to give that plant a little bit more water than your other plans that are more succulent that hold more moisture in their leaves so you know you'll figure that out but and they'll tell you they will start drooping and you'll start losing lower leaves and you'll know it's time to water it but in terms of the amount of light it needs this doesn't require a lot medium light is probably the best for it but it can handle long periods of time of low light but move it closer to the light if you see this beautiful variegated starting to fade okay you might think I'm insane well you might think that anyway but that's okay I can handle that but this drom Anthes sanguine EI is actually really easy because it doesn't have the white variegation like the Tri o star has and I'm telling you I let this thing almost dry out then I water it and it just doesn't want to die not that I'm trying to kill it I'm just saying that I have a lot to attend to and so if I miss this it forgives me and I have it in a medium light area I mean just look at that look look at that if you were a bird and you're flying over this you'd want to land I would so you can give that a shot I think this is if you're looking to get into the realm of Callay Thea and mer anta's and like the next level plants maybe start with this straw man 'they sing whinny hey because i think you're gonna think you're gonna find it's pretty easy maybe another surprise is that the philodendron family like the non vining ones we quite easy there's the word again but they are this guy I you know I've got I forgot where I got it from it but it was delivered to me bare rooted and it's just killing it it's killing it this is a new leaf look at that it's called Mayo I may oh I I think yes so philodendron Mayo I I'm pretty sure and I am really excited to watch this thing grow this can go from like a medium low to not such a bright in there yeah right in direct light or well within that range and it likes to dry out between watering it really does and that's it I think the more you what are these things like it's gonna promote root rot and you'll get yellow leaves and brown spots so just back away with the watering can when you're watering your philodendron same girl with monstera I have let me see this this monstera at a Sona Edison yeah I know I always have a hard time saying that they love it it's my favorite plant this as well likes to dry out there's a lot of foliage going on here for the size of this pot so I might consider bumping it up a little bit or cutting this back but I have this hanging outside and I'm just gonna leave it because I know my husband hates when plants touch his head it's gonna touch his head he's gonna get angry but I'm okay with that too his deep down he really loves plants I know it so yeah these guys want to be fertilized throughout the growing season i fertilizes every two weeks with fish fertilizer with a fish emulsion and a little bit of chelated iron and it responds very well as you can see and looking for something to attach itself to like my husband's head and anyway so the monstera the philodendron they are definitely easy care plans and you might be a little you know unsure about it because you think oh it's a little more of a rare plan I'm not sure if I can handle it you can handle it if you have if you water it and you have a window this will actually work very well in your place so that's that's good news right isn't that good news right I had this tray of succulents that I haven't done anything with and it's literally been sitting under that table over there for about a month and a half and I watered it like once and you can see they're all kind of leaning this way towards the light and there they're good I love this look I love the color the soft just pastel kind of purple and pinks and I treat succulents like annuals kind of like when they start getting growing super wonky and falling over it's time to get a new one at least that's how I feel or you can plop the top off and put it in another pot like this one hold on I think I still have it because it's so cute like this it's easy so cute so yeah they're kind of you know you can recycle these over and over again hold on another plane are you gonna land on my driveway cuz you're so low okay I should not be angry at the plane people don't be angry at the plane people so yeah so if you want if you find your your your succulent your echeverria's or starting to get like out of control take the top off and pull ant it it's that easy back on the crazy train about saying what's easy and what's not I'm gonna tell you that this Vitara clay Thea is easy and there are a few clay Thea's that are much more compatible with you than other ones so the this batata is and also the rattlesnake Alethea because I kind of can't mess it up and I'm gonna just bring it I'm gonna bring it to you okay bring it to you bring in the rattlesnake to you I just found out that there's a rattlesnake in New York so I'm scared but I'm not together this guy look at this so this I've had in my office I've had this upstairs I've had it here in the garage slash plant studio just doesn't want to stop and I'm happy about that I let it I do let it dry out actually almost completely and I think that is the key to success with these guys the water that sits in the bottom of these pots when you overwater them rots the roots that's just what it does so avoid over watering at all costs potentially there's rosio picta rosie this one as well seems to not get the brown edges like maybe some of the other ones do like the horsequest CI which I'm having a really difficult time with but I do still love it I'm gonna keep trying to figure it out but yet so this this foliage is quite scraped quite stunning quite spectacular and look look how the new growth forms it looks just like there's little pirouette those little cookies that yeah but you don't ever want to eat this but look it's so pretty so yeah so there's some clay the-- is that I would put on the easy list oh yeah I talked about dracaena before I may show you that this is a Janet Craig super cute super just just dense and it's like a little green sculptor I love this plant looking around them and then the monstera deliciosa probably the easiest cool plant you can have because it just wants to grow when it's getting the right light and when it's hot in summary it just like takes off so these were for plans for cuttings that I took from various plants in my house and I decided I wanted another big plant like I need another big plant but I figured it was time so all I let all I do is I put this in a soil mixture that has proper drainage but still holds moisture and then I water it when it's completely dry I'm watering it more often now because it's still summer and it's going through a lot of water but in the winter I back way off and I let it get bone dry to that critical join us so these are easy they're just get out of control they get big and I think the thing we forget about is that we started out with these small plants and then if you're successful which you will be they're gonna get big so be prepared to have a lot of foliage around you because that's a good thing I'm just talking about like super easy super easy plants that are gonna live they're gonna live for you there's a neighbor walking by I think she thinks I'm a crazy talking to my phone they don't have the I don't have the big ficus elastica that I took this cutting from but these are easy too if you don't saturate them you know you said they have to have good drainage in their soil and they need a fair amount of light and this I had to put more water in here but you'll see this is rooting this is one of the ones I did on the propagating video and it might be time now I'm gonna give it another another couple of weeks I'm gonna put it in some potting soil and pot it up but these are really quite easy and if you have it in too dark of a spot it'll lose its its color like this was a burgundy color and now it's just green so once I remove it there from the propagating area and I put it in some soil I'm gonna put it in the brighter spot and I'm hoping that that maroon color comes back and if it doesn't such as life oh I never even turn these lights on tada alright it was so dark and rainy before what else do I have in here what else do I have that I can show you there's a couple of not easy plants [Music] Kirsten I think that's it I think that is probably like the top of the list although I threw some maybe not the easiest plants in there but that's enough what do you think Carson why are you wet he's crazy he's crazy so that's it you guys an amazing week if you can try to get your pants dirty a little bit try to make some plant babies I don't know whatever you guys do that makes you happy do it well that's it guys that is kind of what I've had around here now that I've got all these plants out I can give them a good soaking I can feed some of them but the majority that you see on these tables are easy care plants and I would say about half of them are low light tolerant maybe more maybe three-quarters but that's it so I hope that this gave you some information I know there's a lot of you guys that are new that have come to this channel so I just wanted to back up a little bit and talk about some of the basic stuffs stuffs and some of the basic plants and also if you're trying to get your feet wet in the plant world like maybe this is a good place for you to start have a great week I'll see you guys on Friday and hopefully the sun's out and I can't get out of the garage because I'm getting a little cluster phobic bye guys take care
Views: 1,148,525
Rating: 4.925251 out of 5
Keywords: easy care houseplants, easy care plants, easy care indoor plants, best houseplants, best indoor plants, low lighy houseplants, must have houseplants, plant care, indoor plant care, bedroom plants, best plants, how to care for indoor plants, interior plants, houseplant care, low care houseplants, easy to care for houseplants, house plants, good indoor plants, beginner houseplants, beginner indoor plants, best plants for gifts
Id: l6huWZZaZek
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 9sec (1869 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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