How I Grow Massive Pothos & Philodendron Vines: Tips You Need to Know!

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[Music] hi guys it's Amanda from Planet arena and today we're gonna talk about how to get philodendron and pothos in skinned abscess looking fine-looking big looking lush looking like you'll want to hold it and be next to it and just be proud of it so we're gonna go over some basic tips and tricks on how to get your maybe not so full guys to be fuller and then we're also gonna talk about different ways of propagating them which I love to talk about propagating as you know and then also just some different ways on staking them up because when you stake them up the leaves grow bigger this is getting really heavy so and I'm getting a little sweaty so we're just gonna start action-heavy whoo hi so sweaty the first thing that we want to do is start with a plant that has a lot of cuttings or smaller plants inside the pot because if you start with a plant that just has one or two cuttings or one or two starters it's going to be leggy it's going to look pretty possibly but you're not gonna get that full lush the head of hair type of look that you want so when you're propagating you want to get as many in as you can I'd say between ten and fifteen and if you're buying a plant look inside it like look to see what's going on in there if there's like only three or four you might want to put it back and get one that it has like fifteen or twenty because that will ensure that you'll get a big full plant so that's like the first step is to make sure that that pot is packed with pothos or skin to abscess or philodendron the second thing you want to do is make sure your plant has access to enough light I know they're considered low light plants but as we discussed plants tolerate low light and they'll do better in medium to indirect bright light so you'll get bigger leaves you know fatter leaves you'll get more growth and you'll get the better variegation as well so if you have one that's struggling that's in a corner or that's too far away from the window push it a little bit of closer you'd be amazed how quickly they will respond to more light talk about the need to fertilize pothos philodendron scanned abscess I'm just gonna say pothos for now because I consider all those vining plants to have the same sort of care requirements so let's just say Pozos don't have to keep saying that over and over again but you get it right so let's talk about the their need to fertilize these plants go through a lot of nutrients they go through quite a bit of water especially when you have a lot of little plants in one container and they do so much better if they're fertilized what you do fertilize it with well that's kind of up to you but what I like to use is fish emulsion that's diluted to like a quarter strength sometimes half strength it depends if there's a lot of growth I'll go half strength if it's kind of offseason I've been known to feed offseason because they grow if they're growing I'm gonna feed them I'm gonna feed them a little bit just tiny a little bit and or you can put a good topdressing of worm castings on the top of the surface and just kind of get it in mix it in a little bit with a probe and then you won't have to use liquid fertilizer if you use the compost the compost is a slow-release fertilizer so every time you water it adds a little bit more of the nutrients into the root system so that's another way you can do it or you can use slow-release fertilizers as well but i tend to use the fish or the worms that's what I use I like going kind of organic with that stuff fertilizing is really important and you'll have bigger leaves and you'll have a greater chance of a variation stain because sometimes a variation goes especially if it's not getting enough light and enough fertilizer so if you do that your plants will get bigger or - I really believe me they will the other thing that you can do is prune them back and I know that feels like maybe the counterproductive because do you think well I wanted to get long I want to grow bigger it will it'll get longer but you'll also have longer Internode's the sections but the nodes between their the leaves form and then it'll look like here I like the legs look I don't know about you guys but I do like some legs and it depends on where they're going like this skin adapt is pictus this is actually a silvery an you see those beautiful silver leaves I'm okay I'm okay with it because I like to hang this from those little shelves up there and it just gives me an elegant look but if I wanted a nice full plant I would absolutely cut these back because what it does and it forces growth coming from some of the other nodes up above sometimes you'll see that you'll have growth going growing right above where you cut it but it's never gonna grow right from the cut it doesn't it forces growth this like an adventitious growth from throughout the plant okay does that make sense that make sense I hope it makes sense so yeah you can leave them long and leggy or you can cut them back when you cut them back it forces it to be fuller like I'm gonna show you hold on a second like this big Brazil philodendron so it actually is time to cut these little leggy guys off so that can maintain this this fullness I like it it's definitely one of the plants that people say wow what is that and where can I get one I'm like though can't have mine but you can I'll teach you how to get one like this so yeah that's that's the goal is to have a nice full head in full cascading foliage so that's why I'm doing this video another trick you can do is you can use like the bobby pin method and that's where you take some of the foliage the vines and pull it back over the top onto the plant and just pin it in and that'll force those roots to grow and fill in that bald spot that what are the like pattern baldness what's it called I forgot I forgot the name of it but anyway it'll solve that balding issue if you do that and what it does like so you'll have the little nodes will produce roots and start filling in and you to do any cutting so I call it the bobby pin method and I know nurseries do it they use like floral pins or something but I happen to have some bobby pins leftover from I don't know when I just gonna curl my hair and it was like a failure so I have a whole bunch of them left anyway so that's just a great way to do it as well so easy easy pin it pin it wait a few month or so two months and then like whoa I have a lot more hair on top I like to call it hair it's foliage it is what it is it is crucial here's the here's like a crucial tip I'm sorry I'm like doing the hand thing but I get excited about it don't overwater them you'd be surprised how dry you can let your skinned abscess get you can get let your pothos get you can't let your philodendron get before you have to water them and I'm eight I think I see this in every single video but let it get to a critical dryness and then water it because they absolutely hate being over watered and it'll slow the growth down and the leaves will be a much smaller it's just it's not good for them so let them dry out and then give them a good watering and make sure that your pots have drainage and make sure the soil is dreaming because these guys if they're sitting in water or soggy soil they're they're not they're not gonna be happy and they're gonna not grow and they're not gonna get big and full like that so just just that's to keep that in mind when you're walking around with the watering can maybe stay away from them for a while and check with your finger dig in you can use a moisture meter you can use your finger you can lift it if it feels super super light maybe it's time to water it but you'll get to know your plants a lot better too as you spend more time with them and live with them and the other thing I want to say about encouraging bigger fatter leaves is to let the roots get a little root bound don't be so quick to transplant it into a bigger pot because I find the plants that have been in the nursery containers for a while or or the cover pots or it's the same thing or some terracotta pots I have the longer they're in there like the more foliage they're pushing out I don't know if I'm right or wrong maybe someone will correct me but I find slightly rootbound pothos and philodendron and skin's abscess produce bigger leaves and produce more leaves so don't rush to repot it ok sometimes that's a mistake and when you do that I think it you have a tendency tendency to overwater because there's more soil and the soil holds on to the moisture and then the roots sit in that moisture and tend to rot so it can lead to a very quick decline too if you do it too quickly so let those roots fill in so now let's talk about different ways to propagate pothos philodendron ssandsk and abscess I had to say it I had to say it well the first way and I've done a video on this before when I was at the greenhouse in Florida is soil propagating and it's really easy you just take cuttings take about 10 to 15 cuttings and I'm not sure if I did that many in this demonstration and put the bottom side down so so basically the bottom is where you cut from the mother plant that closest to the mother plant is the bottom put them in put them in put them in you just need one node and you will be so surprised how quickly well maybe it's a few months it depends on how much lights getting and how warm it is so you say 2 to 4 months you'll get a nice big full plant but soil propagated is pretty easy so your propagating is pretty easy and the soil should remain somewhat moist for the first 2 to 3 weeks because just think about it you cut the vine and it has to get water someplace right it's only a little bit of plant there and we need to help those cuttings produce roots think about it when you cut a plant and the plant think that's going to die and what it wants to do is live right so it puts out a whole bunch of roots in order to maintain its life so we need to help it by giving it the water it needs so we can convert out that's the whole goal is to like it's kind of mean if you think about it we kind of shock the plan for thinking it's gonna die but then we give it another chance to live and it's kind of crazy but it's great if you're a plant lover so while propagating is one of my preferred ways but so is water propagating because I love to watch the roots grow in the water it's really beautiful you can decorate with the cuttings they just look pretty amazing and I have them all over my plants to do and eventually the whole plants to do will be covered in Pozos I think I'm not really sure but it's a possibility so what our cutting is pretty easy take it's similar I like to take a longer cutting because I like the way it looks and strip the bottom leaves off and put it in water and it's just tap water you don't need to add fertilizer because it's really not that good for it I've tried actually and this is really gross but I put fish and muslin in the water and I was wondering what that smell was when I came in a couple days later so don't do that just change the water out every like four to five days if you remember I never remember so it's usually like every two weeks but I top it off with fresh water so it's there okay you'd be surprised nature's pretty resilient so the weight you wait until you get about two inches of roots and then you have plop it in some soil like pre-moistened soil it's similar the care is similar to what you do with the soil cuttings but you have to water these guys a little bit more because they're coming from a water medium and going into a dry medium and we need to make that transition easy for them so because I just think about it it's like taking a fish out of water and expecting it to live on land so it's a terrible analogy but you know what I'm saying so water often and then over the course of like a month gradually hold back the watering until the roots have established and then you can go back to let it get to a critical dryness and then saturate it does that make sense I hope that makes sense it makes sense to me it makes sense up here sometimes it doesn't make sense coming out there I hope look at that that's not good I could at least I think it's working if it's not working I quit I'm done I'm just gonna talk to myself in a corner in a plant corner they do it anyway do you really need to root divide pothos philodendron and skin taxes not really because it's so easy to water propagate or soil propagate I mean you can do it but I don't think it's necessary I mean if you're transplanting a very large plant and you want to break it down into smaller plants absolutely go ahead and do it but I just I've never done it and I don't think I'm going to do it because snip-snip put it in water snip-snip put it in soil and you're kind of done so although you have to wait a little bit longer with the cuttings not so much with the root divisions you know we're just dividing the whole plant but you can do it if you want I think you should try it you should try everything once not everything good things let's talk about staking these plants up so sometimes you let them grow long because you like the look and then you realize we in a minute I think I want that plant to grow up like grow up vertically now I grow up I grow up your baby anyway there's a couple of different ways you can do it and there's a benefit to doing it the benefit is as the plant grows up the leaves tend to get bigger I've noticed that especially and the can you see behind me I've showed you that a thousand times but that big golden pothos those leaves are huge and you know they get bigger because I think as they're going towards the light that's what they do they get a bigger go figure that's a great thing so if you want your plants to have bigger leaves encourage it to grow up and there's a couple of ways you can do it you can use a regular moss pole that you can buy from the store or online and that is a good thing because those tendrils just get in there and they just work their way up and stick to it it's pretty easy I'm not in love with a way they look so I tend to make my own or or try to be creative and do different different things to make it look a little bit more interesting eventually the foliage will cover it and you won't see it but you got to see it for some time so the thing I like to do is I liked take a conceder stake depends on what size the plant is right and wrap thin twine or jute or sisal around it so it's just a little more narrow of a silhouette it's not this big giant thick pole sticking out of your plant which is okay if you have a big giant plant but in general we're starting with smaller plants so I'll wrap it around wrap wrap wrap wrap wrap it wrap it wrap it and your hands hurt but and then tie it off or you can hot glue it to the top and then put it in the pot and wrap your vegetation around it you can tie it on it's best to tie it just with a little bit of twine because after the plant has established itself you just snip it off right because something else I'm going to show you is that some nurseries staple the pothos skinned apses philodendron to the pole that makes me really uncomfortable because of girdling girdling is when the the stem or the vine will get like cheat like strangled by the staple or by a very tight like string anyway it cuts off the circulation of water and nutrients so you don't you don't want to do that so if you have a plant that has been stapled to a big pole like this over here pull the staples out after the plant has attached itself onto the pole and you can see here that this planet is on the pole it's not coming off it is like suction cupped onto it which is great so after this video I'm gonna pull those staples out with a I guess with pliers or something there they seem to be in there but they're coming out the other thing I've done in the past I've used metal and I have been criticized for it but the plant seemed to like it and I'm gonna stick with it because I like the way it looks again I like the thin silhouettes I don't like just like giant bulky things in the middle of my plants unless like you know whatever unless it works unless the plant is big enough to support that size so I was I talking about oh so I took these plumbing pipes and I first I attached the flange to this disc like a wooden disk from a tree you know and I attached the flange and I screwed it in the four-foot metal piping it's a plumbing pipe and I dropped it in the container and then I planted the pothos in there and I wrapped it around and I think I think it's oh no it's wood I forgot it's wood I screwed the wood to it but I've done that before - I've done the metal I have to find the footage for that I screw the metal in the matter now but either way you can create something that gives a vertical uplifting for your plants and they will grow and they will love it and the best thing to do is just tie it on and stay away from the stapler stay away from nails just so you can untie it later after it's got on by itself with its tendrils what's wrong with me talking about something completely different yeah you can use bamboo bamboo is great and this one I did not make I purchased it like this but what they've done here is that they used I think they use zip ties oh no they use like bread bread ties I'm gonna take one out and see because I think watch the thing falls down nope this use bread ties see that and I think this thing is so interwoven I could take all the bread ties out and it'll be fine but it looks great it's like a little bit of a triangle a little pyramid shape and I love this guy this is a this was a marble Queen pothos that has reverted its reverting back to a jade pothos but I like the way it looks I like this deep rich green you know it's going to lose leaves especially the leaves inside because it's not getting light but I rotate this a lot and I have it in an area that gets like medium light and more bright light in the afternoon here are those crunchy leaves I'm gonna do some work so yeah you can use bamboo you can also use different bamboo you can but if you're using bamboo you need to tie it on because there's nothing to hold on to if you're using a raw wood like the cedar that I just showed before those tendrils will latch on to it there's like a rough surface for it to actually attach itself to the wall okay you've got the wall right if you really are into having the foliage growing on your wall you can do it you can use those little detachable sticky hooks that they make that you can go like this and they come off but in my experience whenever I do that I take off the paint so I've stopped using those because I'm kind of sick of painting over it and or just having rooms that had these giant gash is taken out of the wall so I'm done with those things but I do like to put them on like a trellis that I hang and it looks like there's almost like a green tapestry and I love the way that looks I'm not so into the kind of thin look of the pothos crawling around as it looks like maybe I have a hole in my house and the posts are growing in and taking over I like a little more control look it's just just me though I've tried the whole thing on the wall and I can't I'm done with that I can't do it anymore I just I walked in my room I said what did I do is that all that I'm putting in the wall it looks like there's some kind of green virus growing on my wall no insult to anybody who has that because like I said it's just people have different aesthetic likings right and I just happen to not like that but I do like when it grows on the wall when it's dense does that make sense I just like I'm trying to get this thing to grow over the the window and because like a like a green curtain so it's very similar to what I don't like it's just I don't know I just think it looks good when it's in a room that's like dedicated to plants I think it's a little strange looking when there's just some random vine crunk Carling up your wall in your living room I'm gonna probably cut that part out because that's pretty judgmental and that's not cool you all like what we like that's okay there's no right or wrong right there's no right or wrong maybe I just need to start ending this video before I start getting hate mail but anyway yeah like you could just decorate how you want to decorate with these vines they're beautiful and big huge vines like this these big this is a lemon philodendron Oh a second I'm gonna knock : I'm gonna knock something off I should just get up being lazy like this lemon philodendron doesn't really matter where you put it it doesn't it doesn't matter where you put it because it just looks good you put it on a shelf instant it looks good put it on the table Wow where'd you get that oh I agree that I'm pretty amazing put it going down the staircase because you just feel like doing it someone's gonna say wow I'm gonna do that that looks great it's like you can't go wrong with this guy at this size at this level at this magnitude like come on really this I can't even tell you what to do with it because you should you could do anything with and it's gonna look great so you can wear it you can put it in a cradle I don't know seriously you just put it on a shelf put it on a high bookshelf put it on a high cabinet put it wherever you want to put it they look great so it's not really like a styling video anyway because it just styles itself it really does this makes anybody look good anyway you guys thanks again for joining me on these ridiculous videos and I hope that there is some some information you're getting from it and that you're having some fun with all this plant stuff because that's really what it's about like living with these plants enjoying it taking time out for ourselves you know taking care of them and then in turn they take care of us that's the way I look at it I do when I'm stressed out guess what I do I look at my plants and I care for my plants and they make me feel better and a better person I'm a better mother and I'm a better wife sometimes because of these guys that's it have a great weekend thank you I thought
Views: 2,146,212
Rating: 4.9463592 out of 5
Keywords: indoor plants, indoor vines, pothos, philodendrons, houseplants, house plants, hanging plants, propagating indoor plants, staking indoor plants, easy care platnts, low light plants, bedroom plants, easy care houseplants, plants, pruning indoor plants, indoor hanging plants, best houseplants, best indoor plants, plant care, indoor plant care, big indoor plants
Id: mBmeOL0AHkY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 4sec (1444 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 09 2019
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