Giant House Plants: When Little Plants Get Big!

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welcome back you guys this is Amanda from plant arena I'm close to the camera because my mics not working but I'm going to get right to the point today today we're going to talk about what happens to little plants after they grow for a while they become big plants and I want to show you some examples from when a plant is small too when it gets big and I'm gonna start with like the Big Mama plant that maybe put plant arena Instagram on the map I think this guy let's first start to talk about what they're like when they're small right [Music] this thing is in a six inch container and it has big leaves and it's healthy I have it in a grow light back at my house I brought it here just to show you an example it has new growth coming out and it's very happy Siddalee figs take quite a long time to grow they really do so be patient I know I get asked a lot how long did it take to grow that tree it's so big and I'm like listen started out with a big tree that's the secret to having a big tree is kind of start out with the size that you're comfortable with this room is a massive room it has massive ceilings I'm in my business partners house and last year I had a whole bunch of plants in here I moved them out and brought them back to my place and we've kind of simplified this room for now but this tree lives here it lives here permanently permanently and we don't want to move it because we know it loves it here and that's what they say don't move a fiddly fig you can move it around if you can pick it up and turn it don't relocate it to a different spot if it's doing well in that spot and that's the key to success with fiddly pixel one of them the other one is that you have to let the soil dry out partially between watering and also have enough humidity in the air for it to not get the brown edges because that's a giant concern of people when they start this they start to see the brown edges on at the leaf fig they say what's wrong my answer is it's acclimating to its new spot or doesn't have enough light or doesn't have enough humidity or the watering is wrong you'll figure it out and I think I would suggest to start with a smaller plant when you're figuring it out because that's a big boy that's a big girl that's a big plant and sometimes you don't want to take the risk with a giant plant like that the other thing you should do is you rotate it every week if you can a quarter of a turn so it gets the light and it also is a well-balanced trait and the other thing you should do is clean the leaves if you clean the leaves it will get the sunlight it needs so it can go through photosynthesis and create energy and that's key because these little Eve's are big and they do hold on to a lot of dust and stuff in the air that you know covers it and blocks the sunlight so clean the leaves and another thing you should do is you should feed it should absolutely fertilize it I say feed when I say feed I mean fertilize fertilize your fiddly thing because it goes through a lot of nutrients especially a tree this big good there isn't that much soil in the pot and we had talked about repotting it and I decided I don't think we're gonna do it I think we're gonna leave it and top dress it with worm castings and just kind of work it in the first inch or so in the soil and that will give it a slow-release organic fertilizer that bill need eventually we'll have to repot it but I don't know I've got to find a pot bigger and just really don't have the time right now so it's doing great and I'd like to leave something that's doing well alone that's my theory if it starts to look like it needs help then we move in and put a big show and reap off that big so yeah that so it's a little little big and there's a big one there's a medium-sized one here too that is I think about like four to five feet tall and that's also a substantial size but I just wanted to show you the Beast the Beast there the Beast lies I just who doesn't love these Dracena margin otters they're like just like a vacation there's a weird bug on it though I don't know it doesn't look like a bad bug it was a good good bug it's like a vacation in a pot a movable vacation you can like bring it to each room with you if you want to feel like you're back in the tropics or back on your honeymoon I don't know but it's super cute and it's a small plant I consider this kind of a small sized plant although the top is full but look what look what happens when it gets big becomes a giant tree I'm gonna stand here so you can see it becomes a giant tree and it takes time and again this tree was purchased very large because like I said before this room is big it has big ceilings I mean 24 feet I mean it's big tall I mean it's tall and has a lot of light and the dracaena margin otters love love in direct sunlight there are a bunch of trees that are blocking like direct sunlight into this room so it's getting filtered bright light like a lot of it the lights are not on in here and it's still fairly bright it's hard to see with the camera like what the real light situation is but it's bright so this guy you know is dropping some leaves which is totally normal with resina because look that I just pulled the sleeve off but there's so much new growth coming out of the top so don't freak out when the leaves start hitting the ground because that's nature's way of just kind of shedding and cleaning itself and making room for more growth so just you know margin otters are really sculptural beautiful trees when they're big and they're really cute when they're small and someplace in between is I'll get close to the camera because I'm telling you that echo in here is massive so this is a Kiwi Dracena and this is kind of my favorite just you know look at the color on that couldn't see that so this has three different plants inside I'm not sure if you can see but this potentially could grow to be that big it's gonna take time I don't even know how long it's gonna take I hope I'm alive to see this guy get that big and maybe I will be but if you don't have a lot of time start bigger if you can so that is if I were to guess how old that for you us it depends where it was raised if it was it was grown in radius it's not a kid if it was grown in Florida in a greenhouse it could be I would say about I'm just totally guessing here 10 to 15 years old I really don't know so maybe somebody could put it in the comments if you have a better eye for age than I do because I really don't so Christina marginata grow moderately moderately I mean I think the foliage grows a lot faster than the stems so give a time have patience or buy bigger if you want a big tree what else can we talk about oh I got it let's go I'm not saying that this is a small bird of paradise because it's maybe like three feet tall but a comparison to the ones behind me it's smaller it's smaller but it's a with bird of paradise is that they don't stay small for long so if you do buy one that's been like a six inch container or that's about yay high it's going to grow fast especially if it's getting the light it needs the water and the fertilizer it needs these guys are heavy feeders and they love a lot of water especially when it's like this hot out it's like eighty eight ninety degrees today it's more so Berta paradise are big they get big I'm just saying they get big before you know it it's like you know when you have a kid and you don't really see how they're growing so quickly but then with the bird of paradise you see you leave for a week II come back there's a wholeness shoot that's grown that's double the size so it's one of those beautiful indoor house plans that look amazing but they do get big kind of quick so just keep your eye on it and they'll go bust out of their pot very very quickly but anyway I think it's worth it again you need a lot of light I'm gonna put this down you need a lot of light and they won't flower indoors generally they really flower outdoors unless you buy a plant that's flowering and bring it in you can probably enjoy it or you have so much light in your house that it thinks it's outside but just appreciate it for the foliage appreciate it for its stature its height its fat giant leaves and if you've got the room bring one in because I'm sure it'll be happy if you can provide it with the right condition that's really good about bird of paradise and I think there's one more I wanted to talk to you guys about Oh Sansevieria hold on get down and get comfy with me okay oops up the wrong way we get comfortable on the floor I cover it I can Mommy and Me class oh yeah just wait just wait for those classes so I want to talk about Sansevieria and the certain types that try caste otters that get tall thank you at all this is a ban tailed sensation and this is a division I took on over the winter and but it's not the same plant as Laurent I obviously because the markings are different but it has the same growth pattern so you might get one that's like half the size in a four inch pot six inch pot and think like oh great it's always gonna be on my desk it's always gonna be on my table but then you know time starts moving fast before you know it and years start feeling like weeks and then when you look up and you just think holy moly that thing got big what were you eating anyway that gets big and this one is flowering which is really beautiful I love it and they get tall and probably if I can remember maybe get to be like five feet or so on a good day but they do take a while to grow so it's not gonna happen overnight you can enjoy your sense of area for long periods of time in smaller containers I put my sunglasses on cuz I'm like squinting is that okay with you guys I don't and you'll know when it's time to repot them when their roots start busting the pot open or coming out or coming through the top or coming out the bottom and then you'll know it's time if you want to keep your plant smaller just as a general rule wait to repot to them don't repot them right away because the the root bound roots will restrict the growth on top so that's it so I think at this point in time I've covered all the big plants here let's go back to my house because I think traffic is better now it was terrible getting here and let's look at some of the larger plant that I have in my plant studio and throughout my house okay let's go let's you don't have to take a ride with me just I'll cut and we'll start there back at my place this is part two much easier to show you the plants in person than it is to talk about them and then put a bunch of b-roll on it but let's talk about the skins apses pictus well this is a different variety than this one this is a silver satin I think pretty sure it's a silver satin and this actually came pretty big you can generally get them like 4 inch 6 inch sometimes an 8 inch pots or you can start them from cutting like this and you know you think okay it's super cute it fills my little table side or my bedside table and then you think wait a minute I think this plant might get bigger and it does it's going to get bigger and it gets big you can train it to crawl up anything like a trellis or a steak this one is on a wood steak and I think they actually stapled it on there which I don't dig that kind of behavior but I got it that way and I did buy it relatively large it was very dense um along this pole around this pole and then it started sprawling and I thought well maybe I'll just keep cutting it back so it stays nice and tight on the pole but I couldn't do it I didn't have the heart so it's just growing and I have it trained or I'm training it to go up on this piece of driftwood that I got and I think it's going to look good and my hope is that it will take over this wall this kind of white area so that's the goal my dog just try to eat something that happens too so yeah so you're gonna get something that guys potentially from something this small if you treat it well and the thing that I do with this is in terms of care is I let this get dry almost bone dry until I see the foliage just starting to wilt a little bit and then I water it thoroughly and I do feed them these guys are heavy feeders in my opinion so I try to feed it maybe twice a month during the growing season and then if I see it growing during the winter I still feed it but with a very diluted fish emulsion or complete liquid fertilizer so that's how I care for this and that's how these get bigger another note that if you want the leaves to be bigger let it crawl up because they tend to produce smaller leaves when they're allowed to hang down so that's my tip on this and I have some other ones I'll show you upstairs different different type of pothos and epic remnant that is big ok so let's just let's move on I been down a little bit to get in frame but here's a not so little golden pothos you see it has some great trailing going on already and it's keeping its fabrication I think it looks great and you know you're the public in a byte like this and you're gonna say wow I'm excited because it's big but then fast forward like four or five years behind me that might happen that might happen but truth be told that was purchased large I bought a big I got it a few years ago because it was on sale and I couldn't resist so I picked it up it was heavy believe me I picked it up carefully and I brought it to my business partners house and then let me moved a bunch of plants out so I brought it back here I kind of like taking everything back here because I just really like living with the plants that's it so I just want to show you this a little bit closer and put this down these leaves are pretty big you see that camera closer I just wanted you to see the whole how tall it was but now these leaves are pretty big and they were bigger when I first got it because it was getting more light it was in a greenhouse and sometimes you're gonna bring your plant home from the greenhouse or from a nursery or to order them online they're going to look fantastic and then they need to acclimate to your space so don't freak out if leaves start dropping or some things start getting leggy that's just a plant making itself at home it's understanding what the light is there's adjusting to the light it's adjusting to the humidity levels so don't have a panic attack just realize like the planet needs that time to adjust to it's new home just like anybody does right you just don't make a bunch of new friends and become mayor like it takes time so yeah so this guy thinned out a little bit but what I do is I'm gonna rotate it as I do pretty much all the big plans so I get a little more didn't sound good access to the light there's two windows and items I so it gets indirect light and see these leaves on top you really can't see but they're there hold on I'm just gonna hold a camera I'm just gonna go I'm gonna go rogue so you see this they're not giant but they're definitely not small like the ones I was showing you before if you leave a little bit smaller sorry but variegated and I will train this up I will tie it secondary I'll tie it back up and encourage the growth forward towards the ceiling upwards towards the ceiling and encourage these leaves to get bigger fertilizing helps fertilizing helps keep the variation and it helps keep a strong healthy plant during the growing season unless it grows in the winter like it does for me here if these guys do so I said before I feed them with a diluted like almost quarter strength solution a complete liquid fertilizer or fish emulsion so yeah this is one of my pride and joy plants as you can see it's pretty much of a statement piece and I just just want to keep it happy I'm trying to keep all these plants happy it's like a full-time job alright let's move on because I'm standing next to one that is probably the biggest in terms of width in my house I like talking about big boys I'm not a size Queen oh I love plants big I love them small I love the medium I love them healthy I like to help them just I just want to talk about big plants because I feel like nobody really talks about big plans nobody really talked about how big the plants get over time and I think we definitely have to remember that we need space and this is the perfect example for that so you get him on Stara filitosa and this is a cutting that I just planted in soil like four days ago three days ago and it needed some water actually just lost a leaf but yeah the thing I want to say is that I take cuttings from leaves that have fenestrations already because in general the next growth will be demonstrated this one wasn't you see it's just forming a simple leaf a very non holy leaf and this one hasn't started growing yet but I assume it'll be a fenestration type leaf let me get my thoughts back in order so yeah we've got a plant a small plant you can probably find them in 6 inch 4 inch maybe I'm not sure I haven't seen many of those on market but they start out small and compact and pretty darn cute right and then fast-forward the time clock here say 7 years 7 years maybe in optimal conditions you got this you got this okay so I'm when I say 7 years I'm gonna put this down because whatever I'll just hold it I say 7 years because that was in a greenhouse probably for four of those years and I'm not sure how it started it started from a seed if it started from multiple plants that were planted together that were slightly mature I don't know that but I would assume that's about 7 you can even say 8 years old and that's my guess on this I don't know for sure but the point is you need to have the space and it's this space look at this it takes up so much room in here it's probably about I'm gonna walk it off so I'm good I don't know it's 9 feet across that's a lot and I am really seriously thinking about cutting it back because I kind of like the space and I'm competing with this plant and my family's competing with the plant point is this will keep going it'll keep growing up it will keep growing out like and eventually just take over so when you buy a cute little monster deliciosa keep in mind that it will grow most of these plants you're getting will grow to a decent size so do a little research and just think about the long-term as well and don't be like me like keep making cuttings and you end up with like ten and you think I don't have the space hopefully you have friends that like plants because they'll be grateful that you're propagating a machine of Montero I'm gonna get down low for this one because I just want to show you I just want to show you some stuff and this queen of oil oh yeah Curt notes that come back that isn't cutting I put in months ago maybe Foom like one of the first propagating videos I don't remember but look it's doing very very well putting out a lot of roots it takes time and it's going to take time for this plant to get big even to get small just grow so slowly that's why I want to show you something that's a little bit bigger actually a lot bigger and exactly like me so this way yeah Cardoza compacta variegata whose variegated version I can't even begin to tell you how old it is and I've finally found a spot that works for it I'll get my face out of the way that is the best I can do it really wants a lot of light it really does and I don't have that much light to give it unfortunately but I'm doing my best it has lost some foliage between moves from one bad place to the next but it has pushed out some new growth and be patient be super patient with these guys because they are not they're not fast growers that's all the pretty easy plant actually just let the that the soil dry out between watering and give it a lot of light a lot of indirect some if you can and keep it clean keep those mealy bugs out just check them check them with a q-tip and dig in and dig those critters out if you see them okay it's pretty easy just you know put some music on get a cup of coffee and start cleaning the leaves clean those leaves so that's it it's a beauty isn't she she's really look at this I mean I don't even know what to say about it other than that it's like living rope I guess that's why it's called Hindu rope I don't know just a quick note this we're fated for a tetris Burma cutting is actually doing very well it was touch-and-go it was touch-and-go but it's recovered but it came from this plant I like to call this the mother plant I don't like to say stock plant because it's a mother it's a mother and I'm sorry about the light it's bad but as you can see they get big they get long they get linky they want to crawl they want to dominate the room and I'm letting this guy do that to a certain extent and then I will cut off this guy and I'll cut off this one once this vegetation has hardened off and I will propagate it and when I do that it also encourages the plant to get a little more dense so that's my goal with this guy but this is one of my favorite plants for a good reason because it's just like a mid-century modern version of the monster until the CEO so much of you guys have tried to have or grow a rattlesnake Alethea and you usually get them about this size or slightly bigger because it's not common to find them too big generally but I found a very big one I guess last year this guy who's doing incredibly well pretty much in any location I put it in it does very very well and the thing I want to say about this is this doesn't get that much bigger than this it will spread it'll kind of creep out and spread by like rhizomes that's gross so if I transplant it into a bigger pot it'll get wider but it probably won't get much taller so especially indoors it just kind of maxes out depending on what kind of container it's them and how much light is getting and so yeah you're gonna see them this big and they're really adorable but there's something so impactful about seeing them this size I have to say something because I feel like there's so much easier to take care of when they're bigger and it might have to do with the fact that there's more soil so they don't dry out as fast because I'm finding that I'm I'm actually watering this much more often and as you can tell I've missed a few waterings because there's a little bit of yellowing on the edges and this new leaf slightly damaged because that was out of town for a couple of days and nobody got to bed it suffers a little bit so yeah the rattlesnake Alethea and as well as other clay Thea's will get to a certain size and they kind of maxed out so don't expect them to be trees don't expect them to be 5 or 6 feet tall expect them to be around this size because the toast I have is much taller and it's not gonna get that much much taller than that and I think that's it there's a plane coming so I'm gonna move on one more I want to talk about here and then I'm gonna wrap it up but the singhania me arrowheads this one I think is called mini illusion or bold I think as mini illusion and they come very compact really cute adorable and this actually isn't the best example of what I want to show you but the the varieties like berry and white butterfly end up getting very big right very Viney the vine er vines Arrowhead vine and they will just go to town up or down so that's what they're doing this is what this is doing this was on a pole I think I talked to you guys about this before but this just fits in my subject today and I let it off the pole I took it I removed a nice I freed it it just said thanks Amanda now I can do my thing on the vine you're a human we're gonna get along now that I'm happy that this plane is happy and I do bring this inside and it does not grow nearly as much as it's growing right now so it's going to give me hopefully another month of good solid growth and then kind of go into dormancy a little bit in the garage I really do love how this pink it's like someone like smeared it on but they're like finger paint pans so cute planes I'm saying I think it's the coolest thing ever to see plants that you normally see sold small or medium sized big I like to see what nature wants it to do and given the proper light the proper care food they need to be fertilized I think especially the bigger they get they go through the water quicker and there are nutrients quicker because there's less soil right so that's something to consider when you're letting your plants get big but I love seeing this stuff I think it's like it's just beyond beyond cool I just feel like you don't always get to see plants that are big unless we go to our marina or a conservatory or something like that which is fine man I love visiting them and I don't really have the space for plants that big like the fiddly fig and those giant bird paradise but some of us do and some of us don't and those that don't we just like to go look at them and imagine that one day our plant or a little bird of paradise will be like queen of the jungle and that's aspiration that maybe is wishful thinking on my part but you know and if you don't want your plants to get that big prune them prune them they will respond to pruning they'll Bush out and they will still grow you have to stay on top of it though so if you're a big plant plant person or a small plant person doesn't really matter just we just want to treat our plans as our plants would treat us anyway take care guys see you soon have an amazing week and I will put some videos up here if you guys want to look at more videos and that's it thank you so much for everything again I can't even imagine that I'm still doing this I can't believe I'm still doing it I'm sweating ah fine and I'm gonna stop talking and I'm gonna let you guys get on with your lives take care high-five
Views: 921,912
Rating: 4.9227605 out of 5
Keywords: indoor plants, houseplants, house plants, large houseplants, indoor trees, plant care, indoor plant care, best houseplants, best indoor plants, good houseplants, big houseplants, big indoor plants, how to care for indoor plants, plant styling, houseplant tour, indoor plant tour, plantas, indoor plants for beginners, fiddle leaf fig, ficus lyrata, monstera deliciosa, hoya, pothos, giant houseplants, large indoor plants, houseplant care
Id: EI80bt8eUak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 45sec (1785 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 30 2019
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