Indoor Plant Care: Join Me on My Daily Routine!

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[Music] and back it's Tuesday this is Amanda from fans arena you know what I have to take care of a lot of plants and I'm often asked how do you do it really I do it when I can and so I'm gonna take this opportunity just to bring you guys around with me as I kind of give these plants a once-over and anything that really needs the attention I'll take care of it I take care of plants as I can and as I go along so I'm in my plant studio which is the garage just as a reminder and I usually start from one section and work my way around to the other side of the room so I'm going to just do it with you guys and there's no real rhyme or reason to this but we'll talk about the plants as I kind of uncover them I guess I show them to you so let's just get started I want to bring you guys over here this area is closest to the door and that's the garage door but I haven't opened now because it's actually quite warm but it's been cool so over the winter I don't open this door in general so right now it's open it's hot and humid it's not hot it's just humid it's like maybe 64 degrees and that's pretty good for these plans so anyway I'm just gonna go and look and see what's happening here I was check out this philodendron Rio because I got it like last year or something and it looked good but just it's not growing that well and I don't really know why I let it dry out between waterings you see here's like a water sticky thing like a pen and when it's and when it's white that's when I water it and I think maybe I overwatered it for a while but it's growing and I've fed it but I think it's just more of a slow growing type of philodendron now I'm not really sure but I like it it has really pretty markings on it so I'm gonna maybe I'll propagate it maybe I'll propagate so I don't know maybe I'll take it out of a terra cotta pot - that's I'll do that that's gonna be on the list so this it's doing okay I don't need to water this guy like I just said I have whew ficus la rata around here some of these smaller ones and some I had propagated from a video a while ago but I don't think this was one of them but I'm getting dirt everywhere this guy is definitely not root bound you see that so I would not transplant a ficus until I see roots like strangling each other because they like to be rubout I have a giant one of my business partners house that it's been the same pot for a long time and that I don't want to transplant because it's so big so this is good just gonna leave it here this says it's a Dracaena marginata but it's not it's an old pot you know this was a spider plant that I took a cutting off of the one from in my office and it's been taking a really long time for it to grow but it's finally growing really long time so you would expect it to grow a lot faster but I just I have patience I let it kind of dry out between waterings it's Anna terracotta pot so it dries out faster and it probably needs more sunlight because I think it was over there for a long time and I moved it here so it gets a little bit more light right now this is a epiphyllum Guatemala densest something like that and has spider webs all over it and yes I've I've read on some of the comments like I saw a spider I saw a spider I don't mind the spiders in the garage because they eat other bad bugs and they need to live someplace so why not live in the garage so anyway look at this this guy flowered and it has a fruit and I hear you can eat the fruit but I'm not eating it I don't eat anything that I grow trust myself I really don't but it's pretty look at that color there's a good fuchsia it's really gorgeous so I'm just gonna let it stay here and I like this guy dry out like crazy I mean bone dry like a low dry just let it go super dry and then I try to soak it this doesn't really require any maintenance at all oh boy see what happens do you see what happens sometimes when you just maybe have too many plans and you forget about one this is that Christmas cactus it's really droopy so I'm gonna water it now I'm gonna water that should I water it right now I guess that's the whole point of this video is to do things with you so let's go water it wash between my three dogs and my neighbor's dog and my neighbor's two dogs that's five to six dogs barking a lot so all right here we go so I they're all barking they're all drinking this is super sad and there's a couple things you can do here you can just because this hasn't been one because this hasn't been watered in a long time you should really put it in a pot and soak it I'm gonna do that you take like whatever and you just dump the whole thing you don't take the plastic pot off you just put it in like that it's okay let it absorb the water I think its way through the capillaries opening up the capillaries get it in there because this is in desperate need of a drink so I feel a 5 o'clock everyday desperate but um this plant needs it more than I do so here we go I feel I just think thank you thank you for this please don't do this again to me because this is kind of cruel so it's soaking it feels good you feel the water feels good so you can maybe do it for ten minutes but I'm done so it's pretty it's much heavier now so you leave it a matter for ten minutes so I'm gonna like my slop sink as you can tell and there's plants in there that have the same condition as this one so yeah why are you in this pot you were not in this one yeah so recover recover and let's go back to the corner over there so it's gonna go recover [Music] here's that zig zag cactus that I have propagated kind of feel bad for my propagations because I forget to water them sometimes but I'll give this water to it's gonna bring the water in can here I think this Jade this appreciates not being over watered and look at that that's all new growth on there so I had broke this section off on my plant upstairs and I just stuck it in this well draining soil and I barely water it this is my barely water table little lift ops before serious cuteness here serious cuteness so okay if you want to take care of these I'll get my face out of the camera if you want to take care of these do what I do don't take care of them there's something going on outside behind me yeah just pretty much don't ever water them what are them maybe once every two months if it's warm I don't know it's the first time I've had them so just don't water them hi I'm filming I didn't get a package the next story okay so don't water these I'm this booty olya pepper pepper pepper owe me a booty olya I think that's how you say it this was in a different container this was in my office I put it outside here and it likes it okay look at those remarkable markings on here and hearty because I didn't kill it they're really really pretty so again I let this get super super dry that I took doing during one of the many propagation videos I did remember all those if you saw them a lot there'll be more so these were just cuttings right i cut the section of the stem and stuck it in soil and there is a lot of new growth it's becoming really full remember I said the more you put in the fuller it gets it's getting there then I see about three or four more leaves in there so stick as many cuttings as you can when you're propagating both Osen and philodendron no the sago is doing this is doing pretty well I love sago palms huh I'm embarrassed I just cut got caught with my plants down that's embarrassing so okay here's a really good example of poor format plant management so this is what happens when you water your plants and you don't dump the excess water out of the cover pots these roots are gonna search for water especially if you don't water them a lot so that's exactly what happened they left the pot went to the source so what I can do and what I will do I'll just do it well today's a day of doing there was a spider on my finger so today's the day of doing I'm gonna see these really interesting roots I don't know what that is around the roots is that like root gall or something hmm get my face I hit me I don't like my face being so close to the camera brightening so yeah let's just go do that come on just letting you guys know that I have my little office setup here have been working in the garage so I'm just I'm working around that spot just the computer okay so what we need to do here is I gotta bring you closer oops and we need the light you know me and my technical ability so you can cut the pot if you want you can cut it but I try not to cut the pot unless I absolutely have to because I like to reuse them I want to reuse everything I possibly can so I'm just going to try to pull this pot away without breaking the roots and I think it's gonna happen because they're not tangled they're not entwined so you can just do this I have a tray underneath me I'm trying to be neat just slowly wiggle that nothing's ever nothing goes the way I expect it look at that it's just like not much damage right I think it's really hard to do it when you're trying to do it for the camera so I'm just don't want to damage these roots get this little galls the Gauls are holding on that's it okay I have maybe broke two or three little tiny roots but that's fine so now I'm gonna put this in a bigger pot if I have one oh I see a terra cotta pot hold on I'm gonna get it okay before I pot this up what really stinks is I just found that it has mealy bugs on it see that white stuff that's those are mealy bugs and they're kind of easy to get rid of with especially plants like this that don't have bullies it has a lot of creases so I'm gonna take a rag and I'm gonna wash them off and then I'm gonna spray neem oil on it and I'm gonna do it a few times and get rid of them it's gonna get rid of them this really annoys me when I see these things but they um they're they're real it's real I think these are dead they're dead maybe this is just it yeah these don't seem to be a lot this one could be alive no they're dead they're dead and you can you know take it under the hose if you have a hose yeah it's not these are definitely goners so I maybe had sprayed this previously to get rid of it yeah you just want to get these buggers off yeah I don't see any ones that are alive they're all just they're dead but you see how they just find their way in the cracks and things you want to wash your hands after you do this you don't spread it do that I'll wash this off every time I find a Neeley bug or something I feel like I'm itchy all over like I have bugs crawling all over body like right now my head itches I think it took a response to sing bugs I knew plants that's not fun okay so now I'm gonna take it to the sink and wash it off okay so I want to try to clear any plants away from this think that because you don't want the foliage touching other plans in general but you know I'm just gonna rinse off I think there are more like carcasses that were on there I didn't see anything moving they want to get that rinsed off just in case there's any eggs you want them gone my rattlesnake leave you just moved by itself over there that's a big time take I'm gonna take the soil out just to make sure that I get any like egg cases or anything out so I'm gonna first shake it out all right so basically what I'm gonna do here is just try to get the excess soil and not destroy the roots and just try to dislodge any soil I can because you know sometimes those little critters get in the soil and then they'll come back up to the surface and start attacking the foliage so you know just kind of work your fingers through it try not to damage the roots it looks I don't really see anything but then again I can't see I'm not wearing my glasses but I did see those mealy bugs cuz they were right in my face but like I said they weren't alive so mmm I probably sprayed it at one point and killed it and never just never cleaned it so you know just loosen the roots get the soil out and then I'll take it to the sink and get any other little bits and pieces I couldn't get with my fingers I'm trying to keep the roots intact as you can see it's a pretty healthy root system and it it's very interesting looking isn't it I love looking at the roots okay so I think okay there's a big chunk in here I can't get out if you break a root or two do not stress out about it because you know it happens it's it'll grow back it's kind of like your hair if your hair still grows back all right and then let's go to the sink and rinse it okay now I'm just gonna rinse the roots free your sago get out nice fresh clean start you owe me to the conditionally yeah give a new name you got the new address get a new social security number start over why not I mean it wasn't that bad for this plant that's it so let's get into into some fresh new good dirt you guys see me over here you see this so now I have terracotta pot that I rinsed off I had used it for something else good you don't want to plant the bulb too far down right because otherwise it'll rot so I use the trowel nice and slow don't pack the roots down so much they give them some space we're not like that before right the dirt around them it's gonna have to work the dirt in and around the roots [Music] okay so making sense to you guys so it taken all the carcasses of the mealybugs and if there were any remaining alive ones we rinse them off we rinsed we took off the soil around the roots and we gave it some fresh soil and I murder don't want to bury the Pope too deep want the bulb sitting like on the top of the soil line like that now I'm gonna go wash my hands off wash this off and water it and spray it with some neem oil got this guy in a bigger pot see happier and no I'm gonna do is I'm gonna spray some neem oil on it which is just you know it's pretty much like 0.9 percent neem oil and water that's kind of it so and it's super super safe it's totally non-toxic which is great so that's why I use it and it works so I just kind of spray it good underneath it spray underneath do this for a couple of weeks until this is done just don't just don't put it in the direct Sun okay because you can burn the leaves because it'll magnify the Rays of the Sun and it's the end it's bad so just try not to do that so I'm gonna put this off by itself on the isolation floor and look at the rest and see what's coming up and what's happening over there but first I had to actually go back to work for a minute because someone was calling it's important so I'll get back to you in a minute I'm back I'm back I can do two things at once I can multitask so okay so then what I did a couple of days ago I took I had a propagation wall thing shelf on the wall and I didn't like the way it looks so I took it down and I just have these guys here now and you've seen these watermelon pepperonis and so what what they started as were just blocks that I had drilled holes in to hold these test tubes and I kind of liked them better just on their own so I can put them on tables I can put them wherever I want and also I liked to put something beautiful in front of that white wall that I could actually focus on and not have like so many crazy things going on which is kind of what it's like in here and still brooding I'm not sure I'm just gonna keep it in the test tube's little test-tube babies they never find a home I just I just propagate them from my own satisfaction this is in Geneva that was on the porch I think it's just gonna live in here because I have one inside I showed it to you on a last video one of the last videos but it's already declining this one isn't it likes to be in here because it gets a lot of light and humidity so maybe I should bring the other one in here too but I'm running out of space I need room to work so I can't have this whole place filled with plants I mean I guess I could Romeo abscissa folia because it had scale what is on what was on my face I don't know I don't want to know so there's also so let me see if I got rid of the scale and I can't tell I can't tell scale it's hard to get rid of but you got to keep trying this is a lot of spiderwebs and dog hair dirty in the garage so I think I think it's doing okay I must have sprayed this like seven or eight times with that diluted neem oil and change the soil I did the whole works on it and it's doing well if there's a plant I love I'm gonna spend the time to resurrect it I'm gonna get rid of those pests and keep it on the list if it's just a tiny little plant that I can get another one I'm just gonna toss it because I don't want to infect everything here so yeah this guy's doing well do I check on this end it's slightly dry I'm gonna let it completely dry out these guys actually really like that so your pep let your pepperoni is dry out you're doing great you're doing great so spending that little area back there I you I go back and forth a lot to get tools and stuff and I forget to water it's like common thread so this I just water the other day it's looking good this is a peperomia Clouseau folia and I always check under the leaves I mean there's a little bit of physical damage but there are no insects that I can see it's doing okay it's doing great it has new growth isn't that sweet beautiful light chartreuse green leaf leaves coming out so it passes the test just a little dusty so I have to do something with this lemon line this lemon or lime Miranda because it's still in the hanging pot I had outside I haven't transferred it yet so but it's healthy it's healthy on the to-do list rabbits this rabbit's foot fern over in the sink for a long time and look this side looks really good if this is facing the outside this side looks terrible but I'll tell you why I like a two-sided plant because I want to go look at the heat at the feet so makes me happy makes me remember I like to pet them like that pet them so yeah I'm moving him closer to light just to give him like a little bit of extra energy because I mean I have a lot of girl lights grow lights in here but they you know nothing like the real thing right nothing like getting a little bit of the real thing occasionally okay so this North Fork North Fork I don't know how I made it in life how I speak that North Fork Island pine behind me that was on my back patio it requires a lot of light it I let it dry out but it likes a little bit more water when it's getting more light so I put it in it I transferred it into a grow pot I took it out that big planter I just totally turn my beautiful turn around put it in if I might pull the whole plant out so you see it's in here and it's time to dry it's time to water it and maybe prune it a little bit but what's gonna happen and this is totally normal there's a giant web of something in there I don't know what that is fighters it's totally normal for the lower branches to dry off dry up and fall off that's just what they do so don't be alarmed I'm just going to cut that off I'll do that right now oh yeah so you're gonna lose lower limbs take it off foliage that's it that's it there's not a lot of badness there the thing is big it's big and they get really big if they're outside but they usually are okay inside don't get that big so let me just throw this out and I get up on a ladder usually to water this stuff so like this pipe again pepper moieties that in that giant um in a giant pot should I get back down I need to soak it so I'm gonna get it down so let me get a ladder Oh a little late I haven't taken us down in a while I've been pretty much watering it as is where it is but I think it needs a good soaking losing a couple leaves inside there but that's kind of normal and um it's kind of normal it just I think it's super dry actually it's not at all it's wet here's the deal you know you get a planet from a greenhouse it looks fabulous spectacular you bring it home and it starts changing and you know why it's changing did you hear that Hawk it's changing because you don't have the same light that the greenhouse had so anyway I don't need to water this but it needs light and it's super dense so expect to lose some foliage occasionally so you're gonna go back up you're going back that's okay what else what else well it's going to do here so I have this giant skins abscess well that giant but it's super long it's growing like crazy so I think I need to prune it I think I need to cut it back possibly propagate it or maybe I'll have a crawl up on the ceiling how do I know what do you think so I've had this for schoo SEI for a while and it was not happy and I just put it with the other clay Thea and there's a little bit of discoloration there's a leaf or two that have expired but there's some new growth in here there's 1 2 3 that's a new leaf 3 new leaves so four give it time humid humid humid let the soil dry out partially between watering and you should be ok but really it wants humidity that's why these policías are starting to really come back because I don't know what is on it you just got to check those leaves this is dirt it's just some dirt so this dries out so fast and it's because I probably have it in too porous of a soil and I should change the soil I will I'm not gonna do it right now but you know when these these leaves dry out they don't really come back they just die so cut them back keep it watered what are this more than your other clay Thea's it has more of a velvety leaf which is harder to clean but is nice and soft so I just I have to keep my eye out on this side what else I don't know I took these mister steena this marginata these these are three plants in one pot and they were on my patio for maybe until like last week I finally brought them in and they grew twice the size twice the size when they were maybe three times the size from when I planted it so I like them all together it's pretty I know where I'm gonna put it maybe just it's just gonna live here for a while so do that um I haven't checked on my strawberry begonia it's wet it's wet if it's wet I don't I don't come back to it for maybe another week because it's still in a plastic pot inside the terra cotta pot so it's not gonna dry out that fast plus it's getting cooler so at the temperatures changing you're gonna have to water a lot less mainly mainly a lot less depends on how much light your house is getting there's always a caveat this little spot here I check a lot because I've got two very important plants in my life here feel bad I'm gonna cut that because you guys don't like spiders you guys don't like spiders this is covered with spider webs I'm still filming she went poopoo you like football she likes her own poopoo cuz the dogs like to camouflage their smell disguise their smell with deer crap and she's a big dog and that's a lot okay yeah there's something on there but it's gone okay so back to it it's like a weird headshot here's a ficus Audrey that I'm surprised that it's doing well the new leaves are coming up a little crinkly can you see that I don't know why I don't know why I try not to overwater overwater it I try to be as good as I can to this but I haven't looked in this pot in a long time and now I'm really scared because I really should come back and dump the excess water out and I don't a lot so there's excess water which I'm going to have to dump so that's not good sitting in water maybe that's why those leaves are coming out a little crinkly so there's a little bit of roots on the bottom yeah just got to watch it with your plants and get all the spider webs off I have to clean this I'm going to clean the leaves let's do that so first of all I'm not I'm not cleaning the poop I'm not fitting that dog with the poop on its on its birth so yeah I mean pretty much you just want to take a cloth that's water on it you can use dish soap if you want that's deleted you can put some neem oil and dilute it with the neem oil but I don't see any problems here so I'm just that's fake yeah take that layer of dirt off of it but I haven't taken off in a long time there's a lot of dirt actually it's not really that bad not very dirty oops you have to be gentle you gotta slow gotta go slow when you're doing this because you you don't want to rip the leaves I would feel so bad cuz enough leaves have dropped off like this but there used to be three plants in this now there's just these guys are done so I just got one mean stem left that I have to treat it very nicely because the main stone is growing so you see that just this one is very dirty dirt begone let the light in you know you can't keep this you know if they're not spider mites you can keep the spiders on your plants depends on where you're living and in this environment in the garage happy to do it inside I'm not as forgiving I bring them to the garage to live yeah having a lot of bees come in lately trying to make their home here I don't like that I think they're wasps ok so just yeah a little cleaning goes a long way and make sure that you get and you know you don't have to have shiny shiny leaves I don't think there's strange shiny leaves in nature so why have shiny shiny leaves in your house that plants not supposed to have shiny shiny leaves all right I've done I'm gonna put it back I was actually going to cut this and propagate it to sell and then I decided I couldn't do it I just don't have the heart to do it so I'm glad I didn't because there's this brand-new beautiful leaf on it that would never have survived if I cut it up so what I did is I cleared I said before I cleared the ball behind it so you see it like you see this beauty there's no not being it so I gave it a little like a white backdrop so you can appreciate it so yeah that's what I did and they I did it this shelf unit here I'd like to keep my cuttings because I have the growth light so these are paneled LED panel grow lights that I adhere to the bottom of the shelves so these guys can get a little extra special attention excuse me one second what's up okay thank you thanks for being - mmm I have to look at the schedule yes yes okay bye-bye all right they're gone they're gone peace and quiet so I used the shelf for the propagating propagations which I'll just give you an update I come here every day I come here every day and I look because how could you not want to keep these as good as you can as humanly possible so these are you know this was originally like that when I before I cut it and they're taking they're taking really well I have these growth lights here and this ficus elastica cutting I did on the propagation videos new leaf it's a newly forming so yeah I just I should clean the leaves - oh okay you don't have to see everything because it's gonna be a good ridiculous in one video so if I do everything you know I have this monster of Peru other plants in the process that I don't know what I keep doing they keep growing with like no leaves unless it's just gonna take a long time I think it's gonna take a long time but I bobby pinned it down so we could start reroute income vine when I got it so now it seems to be getting its roots established inside so be patient because before you know it you're gonna be taken over by plants which could be a good thing should I show you join me here so I check these roots these aerial roots are getting really big so this actually is it's time to put this into some soil right this looks pretty good to me and I just taken this cutting off of this philodendron from a plant upstairs I think and it's taking taking its time I just put it in here maybe two weeks ago oh look there's a new leaf coming look at that so you know it's gonna want to put energy for the new leaf let's see what happens keep our fingers crossed because I really don't want that to to go away from me ever so yeah I take care of this stuff a lot I pay a lot of attention to this area and you know why not so I'm trying to fit a leaf fig leaf propagation again because that big one I had the water kept evaporating I couldn't keep up so this one I'm keeping up with and let's see oh look there's some little good you see that where's the camera lens there's some roots there's some roots but I need to change the waters I'm gonna do that water that's it just tap water shove it in there and let's see so you go back under the grow light where you like it you like it and know if I talked to you guys about this or if I did it on Instagram maybe I did a story but this philodendron glory awesome came to me planted upside down and I was kind of furious because it wasn't growing I'm like all I got with this leaf and of this leaf looks like garbage and then I took it out and I saw these white this white like ghost like stuff like that anyway I sent in this leaf look at this this is about popped out this is about popped out is really exciting this one I don't think well I think it's too late for this one but there's another one coming out this is so exciting and I even have a new one upstairs that I love it's gorgeous so you can't have enough of these two is like I feel so blessed and honored to have two so I pay a lot of attention to this guy I can't believe you're coming out here new leaf so I don't know why I love these oxalis there look at the color it's so pretty and I whacked this back just to the Justin like there was no vegetation and it grew back I'm keeping it under the grow light and I'm watering it when it's um it's pretty dry it's pretty dry right now we give a little bit of water so pretty much at this stage of my life you guys can see me at this stage of my life I'm just using tap water on everything and because the plant that needs the special water I don't really actually that's not true because I don't have high salts I don't have like Burma it's and things like that in the water here so the plants can handle it but if you have chlorine chloramine with a chloramine in your water system you should really think about getting filtered water for your plants these guys don't care about like the clay thieves do and Racine is really don't like to have like the chemicals and the salts in their water so pretty you are doing great anyway I don't know I was given a cutting I was giving a cutting the other day at a nursery I went to they wouldn't sell me the plant it's like please please they said no every plant I wanted they wouldn't sell it to me so they gave me a little cutting and I'm just hoping something happens from this it was a type of philodendron I don't know what type it was I'm hoping to find out by seeing some leaf äj-- thing anyway what else down here you know he has some cool stuff some cool stuff a little this little baby remember this one little baby pink philodendron pink princess that was it's like just this is really dry this needs to be watered pretty much anything in these small terra cotta pots are going to need they're gonna need a see look you see those my eyesight is so bad but no if you can see a spider pretty much they're not spider mites if you have vision like me water this still to became in here drive that like crazy mmm dries out like crazy any listen I've been losing a couple of leaves lately it has I have to admit I don't know what's going on but I think it's geez I let it dry out too much so and also there I could there's a problem this one is barely in there's just like one root holding it in just see that so I got to stick that into the soil somehow is that the leaf that's having the issue or the stem no I don't know so this is gonna go into like a little doctor area the waiting room no my mother-in-law got it for me at an antique fair and it's like a little know what it is but it's gonna be a plant rock fan holder I thought it slid to the side but just I don't know he's put plant plant plant plant plant on the wall right there it's dry okay you're gonna witness this this is the kind of joke but this is what I do alright somebody pretty much do they take a towel like one of the old towels up VCU's for the dogs and I put it on the floor because I'm in the garage and that's fine and I water it you got to do what you got to do that's it if I'm feeling lazy and I don't want to take the plants down and bring them to the sink and just go up here does a bunch of water in it till it starts running out that's it otherwise let these guys get to drive because if it gets too dry the water just runs down the sides anyway that's the problem with these mosh baskets you waste a lot of water it is annoying but pretty good that's all that's all did and I'll do that with all the other ones like this during pearls I have up there they maybe need to be watered like once or once every two weeks and my fat so I'm gonna go back to work this video is but I'll pick it up later I go to work and I have this hole there area I'll show you what I I'll just go check it with you how about that alright see you a little bit Hey hello I'm back I'm back so another thing I do is that I keep a bunch of plants that I'm kind of keeping a close eye on on this table here but you can't see but like this who's Sonia that I love and you know it's it's a fantastic plant but it had spider mites and then it had I think scale and it's time having a hard time with it so I've been spraying it with neem oil and washing it down and I don't know I think it's just prone it's potentially prone to problems but it has a new growth so you know I don't know this could be I think there's spider mites back on I don't know I don't know I'm just frustrated with it because it's such a cool plant and it's growing but it definitely it has issues so I don't know what to do with it I just keep I'm gonna stay on it I'm gonna stay on it I'm gonna actually rinse it off the games I think I see some more webbing on it it's so frustrating when you love a plant and sometimes you just can't have it because nature's going against you and then I don't know then I got like let me go wash my hands they touched it leave this hurts Alice I stuck it up here come closer and I gotta come down here I'm taking another work break and they my phones but this is a good thing so yeah I got this rhipsalis because I could not walk by it and not take it back with me look how long it is in gorgeous and there were a few that were flowering there but they were sold yep it's always they always sell the ones that I want who goes there before I do yeah anyway so this it has some like clover in it see that I don't doesn't bother me so look at this is a beauty so I'm gonna let this dry out still kind of moist inside there so it's got some drying time to do I check this one it's you temporarily and that means it's kind of that for good this Chia that I was also really happy to find because I had one dad died it went down and this one you know it better not it has beautiful beautiful purpley leaves on it see that and a little bit of clover gotta have that clover bad control management now for merits now from our greenhouse I'll tell you that so yeah this guy um I will probably pot it into like a concrete plant or something but it's gonna stay in here for quite a while because I just brought it here I'm gonna let it acclimate to this garage and then see what happens from there I didn't show you this yet I don't know what to do with it so these things are giant organ pipes let me show you the organ part hold on I got a heavy oh okay I'm trying to make it so you can see it see these things giant organ pipes and I have two of them and I'm thinking about cutting them up and making like some plant stands or making a shelving unit out of it or I don't know but I have to get a saw that's big enough for this thing and my neighbor down the street has like a sweet workshop so we're gonna bring it there and just like run it through the table on the table saw and cut it so I can put some more shelving up under where I have the grow lights over there and that's what I'm gonna do with that so I think that's enough for today I don't really have much more time and I think I've covered a lot of the plants I didn't get yesterday and that's kind of a part of what I do every day I just when I'm working in the garage I tried I'm looking at turkeys wild turkeys just eating ticks or something out in front it's pretty cool so yeah I go through and just touch things and I look at leaves and I what are plants when they need it and if they don't I just wait for another day so I try to do things like I just did like I do a bunch of work then I'll take a break so I don't sit down all day long cuz sitting is like the new smoking it's really bad for you and I get up and I move around and then play with my plants and then go back to work there's one thing I forgot to show you I had these hanging shelves outside in the porch so I decided I was gonna bring them in and hang them from the ceiling in the garage because I have all those grow lights there and I figured well I think the string of pearls and the fish hooks and that chain of hearts and the fern and whatever else is up there will appreciate it and so far so good like these guys are doing really well they're growing from the top and they transitioned from outdoors indoors pretty well well it's kind of like indoors here but yeah I just wanted to show you that so and that's a pain to water cuz I have to get the ladder all the time but anyway I just wanted to add that so I picked this big boy up I think it's red emerald philodendron the other day and it's good it's going to go inside my house but I don't know I just I like it I like it here I like it that it's with his friends out here plus I think it's really happy under the grow light and I just want to keep these leaves big I want to I want all this new growth that's pushing out on top I want that to form successfully so I'm just gonna leave it here for a month or so or so let's see what happens that's a yeah these monstera like they won't stop growing they're just great look at this look over here new growth that's a little strange new growth but look at new leaf and there's another new there's a lot going on there's another one they just keep popping up so they still think it's growing season and I'm happy with that I'll do a close-up of the variegated monstera leaf that popped up look at that it's very gated I was nervous because this was this the newest one or the second to newest and there's not a lot of irrigation but this guy came in came in strong came in powerful beautiful beautiful I'm gonna tell you that every time I see you don't think I'm shallow but look at you this chain of hearts look at that chain of hearts doing doing okay oh I have to water that lipstick plant you see it was looking like it it needs it that's it hope you enjoyed it hope you learned something and if that's it have an amazing week I'll see you guys on Friday and you know getting pretty really close to launching the site putting it live so if you guys want there's like a sign up I can email sign up on planaria comm if you're interested you can check that out and I will see you guys on Friday thank you take care bye bye
Views: 1,116,022
Rating: 4.8823528 out of 5
Keywords: Plant care, indoor plant care, houseplant care, plant tour, houseplant tour, sago palm, fiddle leaf fig, indoor plants, house plants, houseplants, interior plants, watering indoor plants, repotting plants, transplanting indoor plants, potted plants, indoor plant pests, pest control for plants, organic pest control
Id: hp9KuJmCz7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 50sec (3230 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 15 2019
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