Join My Peperomia Party! | 15 Easy Care Plants

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[Music] today's a good day if you're a peperomia because you're getting some attention my name is amanda from plant arena and i'm i'm going to talk about some peperomia today because they've been catching my eye and i like them i like them because they're super easy to care for most of them are actually pretty much every one of these i'm going to show you is pretty pretty easy to care for i have done a pepperoni video in the past but this is kind of what's left of my collection i have lost some plants along the way i've given some plants up along the way and this is what it's narrowed down to and it changes i do bring some in and i do let them go but anyway let me just talk about some peperomia uh okay i'll start with this one because i always start with the one that's right in front of my face this is a peperomia prostrata it's a string of turtles and i show that i showed them a lot because they're just so pretty they're so pretty and this one is in a terracotta pot but it's actually in a plastic container i didn't i didn't transplant it because i find when i transplant these guys i lose a lot of foliage so i try not to handle it too much uh but that's okay because it doesn't really matter there's so many leaves on it can you see all these leaves there's a ton i keep all of my pepper pepperoni in bright light bright indirect light except for one this one i'm not sure if you can see it this isn't a little darker area but i'll talk about that later i don't know why it's doing so well they can handle a little bit of low light but like they really prefer to be in a brighter lit area so the the string of turtles are just like i don't know just so adorable in so many different ways especially because their leaves have this beaut beautiful little patterns on them and they're just like minuscule and adorable so i love them i love this guy a lot a lot and we actually nope we're sold out sorry they come and they go fast on but uh i like to i like to keep this one close to my heart keep it in the plan studio so string of turtles i'm going to show you this one like right off the bat because it keeps catching my eye and kind of proud and proud of this so hold on one second i'm just gonna bring it over here and this this guy this is a peperomia ruby cascade that is attaching itself to everything uh look at this can you look at that this was just like a little tiny plant a little two years ago two years ago i think and the first one i got i got from a very lovely person who sent me one and it died it didn't like being transported in the mail so much so i luckily found another one and i completely ignore it almost i completely ignore it i water it when it's very very dry i think i just recently watered it i'm not going to touch it until literally this whole thing is dried out and it has just grown tremendously and it has like this kind of very uh natural color it's like a rose red like a light faded rose red and the backs of the leaves can you see that have the same color that rosy dusty rose red and the tops of the leaves are they're very similar in terms of the shape of the turtles but bigger bigger and just i think very elegant i like long hanging plants i love long vining plants like this one so and you know maybe i'll try to propagate this i have not done that that's bizarre so i'm gonna try to do that maybe i'll do it later so that's my ruby cascade which is like pretty cool it's pretty pretty cool and then okay so i have a lot i guess so i'm just picking up pick and choose then this guy i i almost gave up on this this is a peperomia pudia lotta pudiolata i want to put the names on here can you see this it's kind of cool it's kind of cool i can't give up give up on it i it looks a lot like a pailia but it's not it's a peperomia and it's it's doing pretty well so did i say what it was i did pootielia pudiolia i think so it should be bushier maybe i should propagate this too i'm not really sure but again i keep this guy behind me a little bit lower so it's not getting super super super bright light but it's getting enough maybe not enough pepperonis you don't have to feed them a lot i like to start feeding them this time of year because things are starting to push out new growth and i it's time it's time so i just got a whole shipment of worm castings i'm really excited about that so i've been starting to incorporate that into the soil so if i do transplant some of these i'm going to add the worm castings because the worm castings will kind of be used gradually over time and if you're using a water-soluble fertilizer the plants take it up rather quickly and when you water them again it kind of leaches out of the soil but i do both i like to feed my plants because they get hungry they get hungry so and then i have okay i have a couple of clusifolias so this is i think a red edge it's also called other other things i'm not really sure because i've seen it been it's been called many different names but it's incredibly beautiful simply beautiful it has this beautiful margin that is like it's like a glowy purple i'm just making things up i'm making names of colors up but it is it's like it's like tinged like somebody took a paintbrush and just just a nice little really even stroke around it it's very pretty and it kind of bleeds into the green which i absolutely love it then i have another one and i'm pretty sure this is occlusifolia too um but it's just green it's just pure pure green pure is nature and it's very very similar leaf it's just that it's different colors on it so very nice plants they they're pretty compact which is why i like them and if they out if they start getting crazy you just pinch them back and i'll show you how to do that in a second and then it's another cluecifolia this is ginny and i think we actually do have this on the site currently jenny has many different colors many different sides to it it prefers to what's going on with this one yeah it's this stuff it's funky it's funky it's funky and it's very dry you'll notice a lot of these plants that i'm picking up are extremely dry because they like to completely dry out between watering uh so but i need to what i need to really soak this i need to sew good and when you do water the your plants you either can slowly water it so you make sure it all doesn't just pour out of the bottom or you can put it in a bowl of water and let the capillary action do its thing okay because then you'll be sure that the whole entire thing has been watered and then i've got i've got this poly boat truck i can never say this the raindrop ram drop peperomia it's dry and this is what happens when you let it dry out too much like you're going to start seeing this sort of damage on the leaves oh it's not good um and it's starting to lose a little bit of its color so i and i probably should transplant this let's see what's going on in here that's the thing you'll find with peperomia is that they're not often root bound you know i think the problem here is that maybe there is zero nutrition in the soil so excuse me i'll probably pot it in a slightly bigger pot and i'll add warm castings and compost and stuff like that sorry i don't know why i'm burping it's disgusting um so it happens though doesn't it just has to happen otherwise you'll explode so very pretty the leaf shape is uh it's a little different you know it's a little different it's got a little kind of i guess you want to say raindrop a little bit of like a heart just very pretty and they get tall too just like the obtusifolius which i'm going to talk about right now so i have this big obtusifolia that has a lot of dog hair on it and dust do you see that i'm embarrassed i'm highly embarrassed so this one is in my living room area it does not get a lot of light but it's growing like crazy so what i do occasionally is i and i'm gonna do it again because if you don't pinch it back they start falling over and i don't i don't know i don't want steak sticking out of most of my plants because i don't know i just don't i just want to see the plant for what it is so i'll just pinch it back with my fingers because it's pretty like crisp you just pinch it back and propagate this you can propagate this get back i wore the wrong shirt and then you will avoid having to stake i'm sorry about the shoulder guys you'll avoid having to stake the plant okay i'm gonna put you down because you're pruned that was it that was super easy to prune that plant then you put them in water they're okay i'm going to talk about a little bit of propagation now so this it that's it put it in water like that and then when you take it out a few like a month later it depends depends on how much light it's getting it depends on the warmth sorry but then they grow roots so if you want to water propagate them stick them in water and change the water once a week you should i don't i'm guilty of waiting at least like two two to three weeks or you can stick you can stick them right in soil so i just took a bunch of leaves i think last summer and it's taken a long time right i put them in soil and they're rooted you see that it's rooted nothing's happening yet it's just rooted this is a golden gate i have here i have a golden egg two this is a golden gate very pretty the different than the marble the marble variegation is slightly different i'll show a picture of the marble but the golden gate um is another uh obtusafolia that's that's variegated and beautiful i say beautiful a lot gorgeous you're gorgeous you know that you know it so and i have a hope a pepperoni of hope that it also propagated directly in soil with just one leaf and look would you look at that i'm super excited about that i have a hope here i have hope i have a hope here that is in terra cotta pop the reason i have them in terror terra cotta pots mainly is gonna it allows the soil to dry out between watering and quickly quickly my problem here can you see that too dry too dry so i'm gonna have to just pluck those off like that plug it off but the pepperoni peppermint hope which we also have on the site i can't keep track of everything but it becomes a vine it becomes a vine so it's really really really pretty and just kind of crazy looking but i like crazy looking plants so then what else do we have in my collection we have did i talk about the graviolans i don't remember nope i didn't um i just did a video on instagram yesterday about i potted it in this pot it doesn't have a drainage hole i have to still do that but this has another very interesting shape and coloration so like the inside of the leaves are green the top and the bottom is that cool color very very similar to the color of the ruby cascade but you see more of this because these leaves are cupped so this is a succulent well it is like i'm loving it i'm loving it because it has its own character i love plants that have their own character and this guy does so i'm gonna put you down here okay i'm gonna put you down gent gently gently um and then i have this watermelon peperomia which i didn't i haven't had it for a long long time i usually have one in the house and then over time it dies just dies they're hard for me to grow but look look at the look at the foliage it's not perfect you'll see that there's brown spots there's brown spots underneath um but if you look at it from a distance it looks pretty darn good to me so the i think is our geria art i wrote it down argy gria i can't ever say that word but that's the latin name i'll write it down i'll put it down on the screen so you can see it dry the key to this is to really be dry all of them every single one of these let them dry out and give them plenty of light and i see some little little new growth coming out so that's really great that signals to me that it's spring i'm so excited you're you've got to be so excited if you live in the northeast to be outside to get out because i think i have lost my mind i think it finally happened so it's gone it's been gone for a while so then we have these are the capparadas here and i have all this stuff here sorry um this is like a ruby ripple i'm sorry it's a shumai red i'm looking down shoe my red it looks like a ruby ripple to me it looks exactly like it i don't know you tell me but deep deep rich color which looks really good with darker greens with you know if you put if you pair this like i don't know just this rich deep beautiful colorations like a burgundy like a burgundy right that's a burgundy and beautiful texture on the leaves these are a little difficult i'll be honest with you these are for me a little bit more difficult than the watermelon pepperoni to care for because you gotta get the water just right if you let it dry out too much you see what's happening here you see it you see a trend right they just wither and go and uh it likes brighter light wow i'm bad i'm bad then there's another caporata i think this is frost i think this is frost come here you i'm gonna put you in a terracotta pot or any any pot time to pot you guys this is frost i think uh yeah i'm pretty i'm pretty darn sure again it's very similar to the care for that caprada and just again watch watch the water watch the water you're always better off under watering than over watering them this is really lovely lovely hints of silver you know it's gorgeous you're gorgeous you're gorgeous and then we have this one which is i forgot the name of this one i wrote it down i'm sorry you don't remember it oh it's the there's a peperomia alba albo vitata albo vitata anytime i can say the word vatata i'm gonna say it uh look just look you see those things on top those are flowers if you're new to plants and your plants are putting out weird-looking spikes like that it's usually a flower and it's an insignificant flower i mean it's meaning it's not gonna be like an orchid flower or something that is like breathtaking but this is a flower it's resting on top of these lovely leaves these absolutely lovely lovely leaves same sort of care as the capparadas in in my book and then do i have anything over there um i have to i have to i think did i cover all of them is that all i have for peperomia that's kind of crazy maybe that's enough maybe that's enough so again it's i think i think that's it that is it uh they're really really easy to care for plants except for these and that one just put them in a brightly lit spot pick them up and feel them if they're super super dry then you just you just water them you soak them and propagate them they're so fun to propagate and i love this kind of leaf experiment we just putting up i put a bunch of leaves on a tray and a lot of stuff grew and a lot of stuff died so you gotta propagate a lot when you're propagating if you want to be successful that's really it i think let's talk about humidity i don't think it really matters so much about humidity i have not had a problem with these indoors uh in very dry dry air most most succulents don't really care so much about the humidity because they're kind of from a drier area so don't worry so much about that but just kind of keep the water not too much keep it in a brightly lit spot and don't rush too transplanted okay because i'll tell you these roots are not like they're not like pothos they're not like monstera that get like super super thick and dense takes a while especially for like the string of turtles to really get rooted out so don't mess with them it's like the hoyas don't really mess with the roots when you're transplanting just kind of leave it until you really have to transplant it okay that is it that is my that's my sunday peperomia um rant and showing off i don't know if it's wrong to show off your plans it feels right to me but anyway that's it guys have a great day i'll see you soon and um spring is coming it's so exciting i can't wait to get out of this garage okay i like it in here bye
Views: 164,330
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Id: AD9qh1QP1vw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 54sec (1134 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 14 2021
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