Grow BIG, Beautiful Monstera! | Swiss Cheese Plant Care Tips & Tricks

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my name is amanda from plant arena and thank you guys for watching and thank you for subscribing and thanks for watching this video and also you should be sure i just started doing tick tock yeah i don't know i'm yeah i'm trying it out so if you guys want to check that out it's plant arena on tick tock so anyway enough about that today i'm going to talk about how to grow a big monstera deliciosa how do you encourage a plant like this to be a plant like that and where do you where do you start like would you start with a tiny little one or it all depends you can start anywhere but i want to talk about the process and the things that you can do to encourage it along to give it a little bit more hope and i said encouragement and how about care a little bit of care to help it along its way to become a beast like this this is the beast i'm gonna like move myself into the beast oopsie i just had a water that's about the phylum because uh this space right now is actually being occupied by someone in my family who i'm so happy to have here and she's responsible for watering and she's not here right now so that's why i'm in the space also because i wanted to check to see if the plants were watered and i figured let me make a video about the care for this monster deliciosa and how to make it grow big here what are you doing are you are you shia from plant arena jaya start start talking don't don't touch it so in order to get a plant to grow this big you need to start with a monstera right you need to start with a swiss cheese plant not a swiss cheese a fine that's a monstera and sony eye so you know you can i'm gonna come back in frame hold on a second hold on a second you can start with one you can start with the cutting let's start with the cutting how about that you can start with the cutting from someone else's from one of yours don't take it on a walk because it's probably not your property you shouldn't just be snipping other people's plants up without permission but this cutting actually i think no it's not from this plant it's from another monstera but i have made many many cuttings in this world in this lifetime and and a lot of them are monster deliciosa so you can definitely take them from cuttings you definitely and you're probably going to hear this a lot if you watch a lot of plant videos cut below the node you cut below the node you're going to get i'm going to i'm going to have to do it this way i'm sorry because i freed one when there's freedom for this one so just gonna get a little close okay i'm gonna get a little close this is the node right there the swollen part right of the bottom of the leaf and that's kind of sad this has been growing because it's zero sunlight and it's white there's no chlorophyll in there but anyway so it starts sprouting roots from the node and then also it'll start sprouting vegetation from the node like this pathetic vegetation i'm sorry i didn't mean to insult you but you don't look so good so that's what you do when you're when you're cutting a monstera to propagate if you just want to cut it for show don't worry about it it's just if you're not going to propagate you don't need the node you need to know the node when you're propagating so that's one way to start with a monstera i'm going to get back there's another subject i want to talk about within this whole propagating from leaves or leaf stems but you know and i'm going to do that after this i'm going to try to be organized i'm trying or you can start with a smaller plant this one is probably about five months old or something like that and it doesn't have any fenestrated leaves yet it's just all these simple leaves you see that but there's a lot of new growth look i had cut it back for some reason and there's growth coming from just the stem which is surprising sometimes i've seen that happen a lot with monstera so it doesn't necessarily always happen at the node cut it happens kind of where it wants to if it's in survival mode right so we can start with a small one and this one is probably about six seven eight months old or something i'm kind of guessing off the top of my head but i'm pretty sure that's about right and there are these two about the same age and here's a big question like when am i going to get my leaves to have fenestrations or my plants leaves do have fenestrations this is like the same type of plant it is i mean it is the same type of plant but it's the same age and guess what this one has fenestrations on it and this one i know my floors are creaky i put the floors in myself so that's why they're creaky so i'm sorry i'm not good at floor installation apparently and this one does not have any fenestrations and i can't tell you why i really i think i thought it was about exposure to light maybe a little bit of movement you know maybe if there's a little bit of wind or something it'll start encouraging it to break into fenestration because that's why they have them for potential wind storms and hurricanes so their leaves won't rip because it's like a sail with holes in them then the wind can pass right through it and that's why they develop them so maybe it is a little bit to do with if you shake your plant a little bit maybe you'll get fenestrations faster it's worth a try right isn't it just give it a little shake occasion they like that too it strengthens their roots so anyway so we've got one that's about like we'll say four to six four to six months old we'll say like we'll say six and a half to nine and a half months old and then we've got i'm just going to jump right to it because i don't want to bring my one that's outside that's like medium size between this and this and we'll call that about like a two to three year older is that a toddler i don't know it's a toddler in plant world and then we've got this guy which i would say i said it was seven years old two years ago let me think i'm just going to think with three seven i think it's about seven or eight years old right now that's what i think when i really stop and think about it when i got it it was probably like yea big and that was three and a half four years ago and now it's like yay big but you know it's pretty big it's about i'd say it's like my height like like seven feet i'm not seven feet tall it's i don't know it's pretty big you can tell it's pretty big and this has been growing out and into the space because i'm letting it sometimes i prune it back sometimes i prune it back and i'm going to show you one of the prunings okay one of the cuttings i cut this back because first of all the leaf was damaged and i needed a little bit more space when i thought i was going to be able to control this plant now it controls me so i'm good with that that plant's good with that we're like we have an understanding but so i took this i took this cutting off and i think i did this video like a year ago or so on youtube and i didn't really get the note i did i got the swollen part of the the stem but the node was really kind of down here so what's happened i have this giant mass of roots and no other foliage growing from it so i think this is only just going to keep growing roots and live as long as it can live and that's that because it's been like a year and nothing but beautiful root structure but that's it with that so anyway maybe i'm going to bring you a little bit closer okay hold on a second this guy behind me needs to be fertilized in order for it to keep growing and i have a confession to make that i haven't fertilized it in like two to three months which is like the worst because this is the time it needs it and i did notice that there's not a lot of new growth there was a lot in the spring it's not so much there isn't so much right now and i feel very disappointed in myself for neglecting it but that is a really big important thing that you need to do to encourage your monstera deliciosa to grow during the growing season they use a lot of nutrients and that is that this plant is in maybe it's like a 14 inch grow pot inside this basket and it's it's very heavily rooted so it's absorbing a lot of the nutrients very quickly and also because these leaves are so big and they need they need to be fertilized more often especially when they're growing a lot so i have i have a few new leaves back here and you know they're just like they're pretty beautiful but they're it's not as prolific as i would like and they're not as big as i would like so if i notice that my plant is putting out my big plant is putting out leaves that are smaller than the larger ones i know something's wrong so i have to address that and that usually means fertilizing it with like i am going to put i have it here as a matter of fact and i'm probably going to show you close up but i'm going to put these worm castings on the top of the soil and just kind of rake it in the soil because i can't repot that right now i think it's not good it's not going to be repotted re-potted for quite a long time if ever if ever i don't know how much bigger i can go with the basket you know what i mean so just gonna put it on top and rake it in and it's a great organic fertilizer that's a slow release type it's not like chemical or anything it just takes a while for the plant to absorb it and every time you water it gets down a little bit deeper and the plants benefit from the nutrients you can use a liquid fertilizer too like i use fish emulsion i use seaweed emulsion and you can use whatever you want that just gets in there a little bit faster and i find like with you can still burn your foliage on your plants if you don't water your soil first before you fertilize with liquid so be very careful of that you can really impair the the health they see this is a little bit yellow it could be a lot worse than that okay so just water first fertilize after so this next tip might seem like counter intuitive to you because you might not think it's going to help a plant grow if you cut it back right like what's this going to be smaller why are you doing that and i'm going to tell you why i do this occasionally i do it because when you cut a plant it facilitates more growth within the plant so and and also at the same time it helps me maintain control of this beast because i literally don't know if i let it go it is taking up this entire space i mean right now what i like about this uh and my sister arranged it this way it was it's like it's like a wall it's like a wall between the kitchen area and the sitting area here but still you need a place to sit and still you need a place to eat and cook and stuff like that so like this there's a leaf right here that could come off because it's a little droopy and there's a couple of droopy leaves here which whatever i don't really want to take it down but i think the perfect example because look this leaf here i'm not sure if you can see i'm gonna hold i'm gonna pull the camera back i'm going to pull the camera back a little bit so you can see oh yeah you can see but i'm going to do that so you can see better shall i what am i doing i don't know what i'm doing i'm going to figure this out but so this leaf is a new leaf that's just about hardened off but it has like i don't like cutting these because i can't cut it under the node and i don't have to lose these two leaves but if i were to remove this these two sections here you see this one this one the plant's going to feel a lot smaller i don't want to do that i think that is the reason sorry i think this is the reason why exactly the reason why this plant is getting so big because i'm always hesitant to cut it back and i'm pretty much giving it this whole upstairs of this house because it's winning i'm i'm a wiggling i'm a plant weakling um the other way if you if you don't if you decide to not cut it like i am you could tighten it up a little bit like i literally have this cedar post that is stuck on the outside of the pot it's not in the soil it's stuck on the outside of the pot and tied onto the basket i've squeezed as many vines as i can together so it can be less like broad so uh yeah i tie it up in order to keep it not from being about fourteen feet wide now i think it's probably about seven or eight feet wide and it you can tell it's on its on a table so it's not really this tall so if i really wanted to let it hit the ceiling i'm not cutting this i'm not cutting this back and that's why i'm justifying myself for myself not to cut it back because it eventually will be a floor plant i mean it is a floor plan but i wanted it high so it just created this this room divider which i think it did successfully i'm always like afraid to cut my plants i don't want to cut it i don't want to cut it so something else to consider when you're trying to get your monstera to be as big as it can possibly be be its best self is where is it in conjunction with your light source with your windows i find that direct direct i'm sorry i always i'm talking about i find that indirect delight for you know the majority of the day makes them get to the nice and big and strong plants and they want they want a lot of it they don't want direct light i know because i burned one outside i feel really bad about it sorry to detail you i'm sorry but they definitely need oopsie whoops hide that they need it uh they can survive in low light and they'll grow much slower in low light but they just they're looking they're looking for it that's a new leaf that's so soft it's so soft uh they're looking for it i have to turn this a lot because you know you'll see they're just they're looking to get out the window i actually pulled it away from the wall for this video but i'm what are you guys doing over there but you have to turn it in order for it to be evened out how does that look does that look good should i keep turning it it look better am i knocking it off the table what do you think let me see i gotta step back and look at it my sister was going to come in like what did you do that looks good too that looks good too so now that new leaf is going to turn around like in the next couple of weeks or maybe a week and turn around and face the light and then so i turned it a lot but you should do like a quarter turn i only turned it a lot because um i just wanted to show you that i'm strong not no i think it looks okay like that and i'm gonna look at it from the other side from the little sitting area and oh it's nice over here it's nice i have to tell you though i'll tell you and also i forgot to say this but this is actually really really important if you want your monstera to grow bigger bigger you have to repot it you have to repot it once the roots get rebound because if you don't it stuns the growth i am not repotting this because i can't and i don't actually really want to get that much bigger so re-potting your monstera deliciosa encourages it to grow faster and bigger okay i just had to add that these are my favorite plants they're my favorite plants because they just like they just do everything perfectly they're so easy and they just propagate so easily and they fill up a space rapidly but it's got to keep them under control if you don't want them to be that big so when you're buying a plant like this like we do actually have this on or that or this size just understand and recognize that it takes about from this point to that point i'll say eight years i'll say eight years and that all depends on how much light it's getting and it depends on uh the humidity because they love humidity but they will adapt to a less humid environment it depends if you're fertilizing them or not and it depends on if you give them a little shake occasionally get them all like rigid and thing whatever and i don't know it's just like be patient too i think that's the most important thing because there is nothing like when out of nowhere it seems like you get a leaf like this and you think like it was worth the wait it's so worth the wait to see that and then the next one comes the next one comes oh yeah i have a point i forgot to make before so when you're propagating your monstera take take a leaf with fenestrations put it in water let it get rooted you can then stick it right in some soil and then most likely the knot the next leaf is going to have the fenestration and be big so if you want to forget about all this waiting time for the fenestrations cut a fenestrated leaf off propagate it and then you'll have a smaller plant but with bigger leaves and it's not going to it's probably going to take just as long to grow to be the size but it'll have those cool mature leaves that we're all waiting for to happen when we get a brand new monstera i hope that makes sense and i have this weird mic on because i'm having such audio problems but i'm trying to push through it and that's it so i think it's time for me to know put some worm castings on this and and mix it in the soil and say goodbye because probably don't want to watch me do that i don't think these animals don't want to watch me do it yeah they're sleeping all right bye thanks again you guys see you soon
Views: 245,568
Rating: 4.9097333 out of 5
Keywords: monstera, monstera deliciosa, big indoor plants, indoor plants, big plants
Id: afhJxg1avH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 13 2021
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