The Best Low-Light Indoor Plants: 37 Tried-and-True Winners!

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[Music] welcome back everybody this is Amanda from Planet Arena and I want to talk about low-light plans that are really good in low-light you know that plans tolerate low like they don't really want to be in low-light so we're gonna talk about the plans that actually do well in low light and I know this because I've been living with these plans for a while and they're not dead so I just wanted to talk about it and show you guys that you can add these plans if you have not the best lighting and the other thing I want to talk about is um that's it I just want to start talking about plans let's go one more thing if you guys do stick around to the end of the video there might be something a little different I don't know if I'm gonna do it or not but I've been thinking about it this morning so I might just do it let's start with ferns ferns right ferns love dappled shade when they're outdoors in nature but the thing is the shade outside is much brighter than our houses in general if you don't have big picture windows and the southern exposure so we need to give them light right because low light doesn't mean no light but at the same time they can tolerate pretty dark areas and I will just reiterate this low light means that you can actually read a book when the lights are off that's enough light for a plant to live so if you can do that not your phone because there's you know it's illuminated an actual book your plant should be okay so let's just look at some ferns that I've had especially in this plan studio garage thing that are in the way in the corner and they're about 15 feet from the door the big door and the other door and they're doing great they're actually growing so let's start with this big old blue fern and this guy look at this thing this is really really healthy really big and it's a little dry that's okay and I'm going to put this because I've had it just in the garage a little while I'm going to put it probably in my living room and what I'm going to do so they have most of my ferns currently in here we're gonna put a humidifier on because they need the humid air they really love it it's so humid in here that they thrive although it's dark it's humid so I think they want the humidity more than they need like bright light so this ring does very well and I've got so this is a smaller version of it but can you see the blue tint it's sometimes in the right light you can see it but there's a blue tint to the leaf and it's like a balloon it's called a blue bloom and it does very well this probably should be repotted but it's doing fine let me leave it so this is the same thing but this is just a much bigger version of this they will benefit from a little more light than you think ferns might need so if it's too dark just move it a little bit closer to the window I had this Terrace and so formas can you see the leaves on this good that variegation really is you have to get up close to some of these plans to really appreciate it it's just absolutely gorgeous so um again especially plants that are variegated they might need a little bit more light this is broken sorry about that guy so but because they don't have a lot of chlorophyll in or leave so if it has a little if it happens to have a lot of white on the leaf give it a little bit more time and closer to the window not in front of the window because you will burn the leaves for sure okay I'm back so this bird's nest room look this leaf it's almost when I saw it it reminded me of like every fit of for I lost the big fat leaves glossy leaves the little low being in it that's pretty cool and this one I think is called Chrissy but there are they're both birds nests ferns and there's a couple of different varieties like Victoria and the Japanese bird nest fern this I think is Chrissy I think I'm pretty sure so these guys do not need a lot of light but they need a lot of humidity so keep the humidity up if you want your ferns the bigger the leaf of a fern the less humidity you need and that's I'm not saying you don't need any humidity it's just the ferns that have more kind of serrated leaves like this these more pinnately compound leaves they dry up faster and they require I think a higher humidity this is just me and my experience because I've noticed the minute I kind of ignore the humidity levels these guys get really crispy you want to increase your humidity you should really think about getting a humidifier especially if you want a fern collection and this Japanese painted fur and I'm pretty sure to Japanese paint and fern because it has this red stem that goes all the way up through the leaf there you see that so this again needs a higher humidity level to be happy but can handle being in a lower light area so I suggest keeping your ferns together in one big group because they look fantastic together and also it helps them retain the humidity a higher humidity level because when I transpires it just creates a little more micro environment a little moist micro environment pretty very pretty this could turn into a fern video ok I like French can you guys be inside here I think I've showed this before in a former video but this is a rabbit's foot fern do you see all that crazy footage look at that look at those a hairy legs so yeah this guy has been over the sink over there in the corner not getting a lot of light getting watered almost every every two days because it is rootbound and it needs to be repotted but I don't know how I'm going to do it how am I gonna get how am I gonna do that I don't want to do it it's so pretty in here you don't even see the pot anymore I'm dripping water all over the place but I want you to reach out and touch that can you touch that can you rub your face on that oh wow that's nice I've never done that before you gotta try everything right you gotta try it so yeah this guy does pretty well it is losing a little bit of some some prawns in the center but that's just because this is about a few months old or not old but here it's its newly found home and your plants are always going to acclimate and adjust to its new space it's coming from like a greenhouse most likely where it's getting at the optimal prime conditions and more likely than that your house is not optimal no one's house is optimal so if it ends up looking like this I am fine with that because I want to see its legs this is crazy this is a crazy fun this is like it does look like a crocodile skin doesn't it it likes it moist it does not like to dry out and it likes lower fish like although because the foliage is like a lighter green it tells me it wants to have a little bit more light darker green leaves can handle a lower lower light area lighter green leaves want a little bit brighter on the low side right okay pila yeah falcata I forgot I forgot to show you too just another cool fern that likes Oh dirt don't wear white when you're making a plant video look at that and also needs to be repotted there's so many birds another fern I found another fern they're like hiding in here is the kangaroo paw I have a much bigger one outside but cute animal legs coming out of the pot let's talk about some philodendron philodendron Xin low light I have a few different types of philodendron and in general they get medium light and in occasionally I have to put them in low light just because some of my other plants need that light more than they do so like this for example philodendron see this you can't I'm not holding it up yet this guy you know it's remarkable how little light it does well in so I'm not talking about no light I'm not I'm talking about maybe light that is like medium to low so basically if you have this plant about 7 to 10 feet from a window that's receiving a good amount of light coming through it it's going to do well it just doesn't want to be in a dark room it doesn't want to be around a corner from a window kind of want to see window but it can be about 10 to 15 feet from a window and it's still going to do well it probably won't grow as fast as others that are closer to the window but sometimes you don't want your plants to grow that fast this is growing pretty fast and I'm gonna put it down that was getting kind of heavy but I just want to show you that this generally can handle a lower light area as philodendron is like this this is the mayo eye and this is a fairly new plant and I do have it actually in an area that's getting more light but its fate is that it's going into a lower light area upstairs in about a month I have to break the news to you this is gonna end soon and you're gonna go into a little bit of a hibernation dormancy hibernation the same thing really but just for a plan so Phillip engines like this and I'll just talk about it so philodendron is like the pink princess and oh I do have a cutting someplace like the pink the pink princess philodendron this doesn't get a lot of light it's not glowing that much it's really not growing that much it is it takes a long time for these guys to grow so they can spider webs they can handle lower light but not for long I'm just saying like if you can rotate your plans bring them closer to a window and then put it back just rotate your plants if you don't have a lot of light in your house then I have a Prince of Orange philodendron that it's in a really dark corner on the porch and it grows it's not growing that fast but happy it's not dead and actually it'll be a really easy adjustment for for it to come into the house for the winter because it's not getting a lot of indirect sunlight it's really like muffled like dampened light if that makes any sense so yeah if you have your plants on the porch or outside and they're in deep shade the transition will be a lot easier for you to bring them inside for the winter so also the philodendron what the philodendron do I have I have a glory awesome that I can't even show you because it's not doing well that's coming across okay seriously this shirt I need like a shirt under the shirt a shirt or just get my hair here so maybe that's enough about the philodendron is I have a glory awesome you know it's not doing that great it didn't show up in great form but I'm trying to get it to grow so it was under a grow light right now and then I have the philodendron varicose some melon okra some that I cut up and it's in a medium light spot because I wanted to grow and so it's doing pretty well and then also just in a quick note the monster is really handle a lower light I had this one that's back there that you've seen quite often but it's growing like crazy and it doesn't hit a lot of light and the one I have in the porch it's growing like crazy and it gets a lot of light I want to have upstairs is growing like crazy it gets early morning light and then really no light in the afternoon not that much light so there's a wide variation of light that monsters and philodendron can actually do very very well in this might not be a surprise to you but kalay the-- is kind of do really well in low light I'm just gonna say a low light is not like zero light low light probably is about ten feet from your window depending on the size of the window and I'll show you examples because everybody's house has totally different light situations and you are going to have to play and learn where your plants want to be like you have to experience you have to have them experience that you have to go through maybe a little bit of loss maybe a little bit of frustration to know where your plant will live and if it's too far away from the window it's gonna start talking to you it's going to get pale leaves smaller leaves and probably just cease growing but just bring it a little bit closer to your window and then you'll say wait a minute the color is brighter the leaves are bigger and it's general happier plant so this or nada this clay Thea Coliseo or nada is in an area that is like 10 feet from the window look at it not a well there's some weird little holes in it but the rest of its really good as really goes really healthy so I'm gonna tell you it just likes it so this Colegio or nada does live in a low light area in my kitchen we keep the lights off there's only one window that is facing east that really lights up anything kitchen so it's pretty dark without the lights on and this has been here for like eight months and it has grown a lot I did find some issues with it like just to begin of mealybugs so I cleans it up I put some worm castings on the top and took out any debris so those mealy bugs can't find a place to live and breed and kind of sprayed it off with water I didn't use any insecticides like neem oil yet because I wanted to manually try to do it because it wasn't bad so anyway this guy lives in low light and seems to be very happy I'm gonna talk about romancey with you but I have to admit I am NOT an expert at all on storoe manthie Chhaya star because every time I think I've got it I'm proven wrong because then the brown comes back it comes back no matter what I try so here's a brand new leaf see how perfect that is well get a good look cause it's not gonna be like that for long it's going to look like that but I find that if I keep it in slightly lower light like I say medium to low light it does better the minute I bring it in a brighter area this stuff happens a lot faster and at least I can keep this guy going for like 3 or 4 months it's good I'm actually quite happy with that because I treat it a little bit like an annual or a cut flower that's better because it lives a lot longer I have this larger one here that's actually three plants and one and I find that when a plant is in a bigger pot or the plant is actually bigger it's like in a fixer 8 inch pot the more soil is better because it keeps the plant a little more moist and doesn't dry out as fast as the smaller ones do I don't know what it is but it seems to work and that's guys they'll do them really really well so just keep my fingers crossed across that's cause just want to show you one more clue yeah this horsequest di that I showed you before I had to clean this up I had to take out a bunch of dead foliage um just give it a little love give it a little food I don't know how long this is gonna last I hope it does last I will put it cuz this isn't my plan studio yeah I think that was a good spider I took out sorry I'm going to move it in shortly in about a month and I'm gonna group all of my clay things together and I'm gonna put them in an east-facing window so it gets a morning light and then it gets quite dark after that especially if I don't leave the lights on not that it really matters so much but as long as this is gonna get about like three to four hours of morning light it should be fine and it's not direct light but in the winter it doesn't really matter you can put it up to the window it's not strong enough Sun here in the Northeast to make a difference but these can handle a lower light as well so pretty pretty you're like what what is this this is a really long snake plant like four feet tall I don't know regardless of how tall it is it is literally in a dark dark corner dog dog corner cuz it's been bad really good but it's not growing it's just living and that's okay with me because it is living is better than not living for a plant but I would like it to grow and if I want this to grow I'm going to have to put it in a much brighter area but I don't have it so their lives being tall and just like standing still in time in plant time and that's what's gonna happen to a bunch of your plants if they're not getting the right amount of light which is fine because sometimes we just want the plants to stay the size there they come or we want them to get big and then we move them to a brighter spot and pop them to a larger sized pot this guy is gonna be like this for a couple of years until I move it I have some snake plant some Santa various cylindrical in that corner so I'll show you here that gets minimal light and I'm talking like maybe 40 foot candles or something like that I'm just making that up but that's what sounds right to me and it's fine they're just they're green they don't have the brown tips and they are not growing but they're looking good and listen you just can't have everything be perfect you can't have a green house you can't all live in a green house as much as I want to it's just not practical so I just want every single space to have the right plant in it and the plan to be happy as much as they can you want to fall in love with a piece Lily look how cute the flowers are spent look at the foliage is adorable but these guys can live pretty much anywhere they really can this is a tiny little plant in a tiny little pot and it needs water like every 30 seconds so you probably want to pop this up pretty quickly just a little larger size yeah anyway these guys are really great in lower light areas as well as other ones I don't have any they're blooming I have two that are upstairs that are on either side side of a television it gets like no light and they're not they're not complaining so if you have very limited metal light to try to peaceful ease but water them okay you don't order let me just go and you water in they go who should I talk about ivy I mean I like Hedera helix I'm hesitant to talk about Hedrick helix because it has a pretty big problem and those are actually a lot of little tiny problems and they're called spider mites so I have tried to have long left beautiful ivy in my house and it looks so good as long as I stay on top of cleaning the leaves the minute I stopped taking the ivy into the shower and washing it or taking outside and hitting with a hose it was expired on my show up and they like wreak havoc so and it's too late by the time you notice it it's too late because all the foliage is falling off and there's little Dipple speckled things all over the leaves and you oh my god I missed it so I can live in and put in a pretty dark area although still need some light right I'm gonna keep saying that over and over again but Ivy you can give it a try I think it's worth it I think the beauty maybe outweighs the effort so you can give it a shot there's some beautiful better the other ones or just as straight on hedgerows Felix is absolutely gorgeous to give that a shot if you if you want to wash leaves all day long just let you know I only have two home ala Mina's this is Selby and I forgot the name of this I'll have to look it up and put it on the screen this might have some issues on it there's a lot of little speckles on the leaves I just noticed but it's going into quarantine stay keep it over there but these do remarkably well in low light so I don't know if you've ever run across them if you do there's a screen variety that looks a lot like a spathiphyllum like a large fat the phylum if you see one grab on because they're actually really easy to maintain in your home especially if you don't have it a tremendous amount of light so give them a shot I think be it foliage on this is like it's my new love I'm in love there's some new leaves season a new leaf coming in there look how spectacular those leaves look when you're super close to it look at that guy's I don't know that's the other thing with plants that live in low light you want to let them dry out you absolutely do not want to overwater them because it takes them so much longer for them to use up the water so if anything err on the side of caution don't water it if you think it shouldn't be stay away from it and then come back to it stick your finger in there this is severely dry so this needs to be watered maybe that's what you going through some problems I'm not sure if you can see see those speckled come on focus camera how do you focus with one hand you guys see that whatever believe me something's wrong but there's a new leaf there's a new leaf coming in right there everything's backwards with the camera you see that you guys relief out with the old in with the new belief oh yeah you might be so sick of me talking about pothos but they're probably the best plant you can have in low-light I'm gonna go through this quick because that's the last 13,000 videos I made we're about pothos so it's super easy in low light they don't require a lot of water and they do require being fed during the growing season sometimes off the growing season that they're still growing but super super super diluted amount of fertilizer and yeah so if you're thinking that you need something for a very dark spot in your home you adapt this or epic remnant here's the sea blue blue that resides in that corner as well with the other low-light tolerant plants and it's growing I have one that is in come next to my kitchen that I was like I just put there temporarily because I wanted to take a picture and I kept it there and it likes it so it's staying sometimes these things happen accidentally where you literally don't know where to put a plant you think I'll just stick it there it works so you guys take some risks to understand like where the stuff is going to live and end up but this guy could use a haircut but I don't really want to do that yet maybe maybe one of my favorites and go nians this guy is called Randy and I I spent a bunch of money on this elbow variegata sango Neum puddle phylum and I really like it this is not as rare and it's so much more interesting to look at for me the other one is more of a pain in the head was gonna say pain in the head or headache because I was worried about it and I was worried about cutting it back to propagate it because it's so long to get it some over it I'm gonna cut it I don't care actually what happens if I make a mistake because I've got this guy and anyway these guys can live in a ridiculously low light environment that but like I said before if the more variegation it has you kind of want to give it more like so I'm ruining my shirt by this is concrete I'm gonna have to hold it like this so yeah you want to give this guy a little bit more light but other varieties like this I have one here called bold illusion they all look very similar to me but I'm starting to get it so many single onehans so a little time but this can handle it a little bit more there is variation each leaf has a very different look which is so pretty so they will grow in a bathroom with no window I know cuz i gave my neighbor one and she put it in the bathroom and i use the bathroom it's like really that thing is still alive she's like yeah can you believe that like not really so now I believe it I believe I'm a believer yeah single names are really really loci low low light tolerant this is a white butterfly and it's starting to vine you see somebody asked me I think on Instagram last night when is my thing going I'm gonna start vining and I said well nothing I replied first of all it depends on what kind of Cydonia dance and are they have like a growth retardant put in them to slow down their growth and others like this white butterfly and berry will start binding rather quickly and I did suggest put it in a lower light area so it starts to reach for the light I think that was the right thing to say I did not research it that was just off the top of my head so this guy starting to vine and I'm just gonna let it I'm gonna let it go wouldn't let you go you're gonna do what you do best so different Bock is I find do well pretty much anywhere put them as long as you water them they don't like to go for too long without water so I let it get partially dry I get in there with my finger and if it feels dry then I water it but this can go pretty much anywhere so again more of arrogation a little bit more light but it can spend long periods of time in a darker area not darkness do not put it in a very dark closet because this is kind of plant torture you don't want to do that you want to give it light so try this if you have a little leg you might like it I'm not being a Salesman I'm just trying to share to you share with you things that do well in my home that I don't have to worry about anymore I don't have to keep like freaking out like oh my gosh I need to put more windows in and skylights like I'm over that I'm going to use plants that work in my home and not rebuild my house to accommodate my plants because it has too much work and it's too expensive this is what happens when you don't like take the time to organize your video and kind of like run around and grab any plant you feel like it because your forgot what order you're doing things in but this is a sparkling sara.a glia Nima lady doesn't really matter because beauty is everywhere and beauty is all around this plant and this is in a dark spot this was in my kitchen and I moved it out here because maybe to make a video I don't remember but it's out here now it's somewhat dry it won't lose a leaf like that okay that's that's okay because guess what there's new leaves coming nature needs to make room for more leaves and that's why it sheds them and kind of that's the way it works science it's science so anyway this sparkling Sara Aguilar Nemo is probably on the top of my ass there's a lot of eggs I love but just I love this very very very pale you see this very pale stuff pale pink pale Rose possibly you decide a little tough with me see if I can change the lighting on this OOP no either way that pink get sparkled and spread through the foliage up on up here so it's kind of like a tie-dye effect it's really quite spectacular nature is the coolest somebody's sprinkler just went off I am all over the place let me get my thoughts together together and come back so I'm gonna cut and come back all right I don't okay back to the Agata movement this AG Leonie uh I think it's called stripe okay it's perfect it's perfect the foliage is like it's almost fake I hate to say that because I'm not an advocate for fake anything so yeah but in terms of the foliage you just want to touch it I just want to say I just want to say thank you you know just thanks I know how else to say it thank you I'll show you this new leaf that's coming out whoa whoa I can totally handle low-light I think I'm gonna say it anymore you get it the reason I'm showing these plants is because they do well in low light that's it just appreciate the beauty of this guy fills the screen with like life and hope and the idea that we should not be watching our phones right now but we should be outside looking at this stuff we're inside looking at this stuff inside caring for this stuff outside finding this stuff just just actually living and experiencing life around plants it's fun if I look at my phone all the time so I shouldn't say anything but I look at plants a lot as of now at this moment in time I have two different types of ZD plants I have the standard Z Z plant and then I have the Zen ZZ Z plant and both are like the kings and queens of living in dark dark spots and I feel bad sometimes I have one that up by the television in the living room like completely gets ignored and it's just fine it just doesn't doesn't get upset and it occasionally loses a leaf or two or stem but then I take it out and give it a little extra light and I put it back and kind of all I really do to them feed them like once a year and I water them I'm looking at some wedding in here it's fine you have to remember these plants are in the garage so there's a lot of little spiders in here and they eat the bad bugs but now I had to light I can see what's going on just a little spider webs fine fine so then Z Z Z extremely low light tolerant tolerant is the key and really adorable especially when they're little like this you see that new leaf that new sprout sprig yeah I gotta clean and clean this one off I'm a little nervous the idea of this video is not to list every single low light plant because there's a giant variation of what low light is right there's like there's a graph and we all fit at some point in the graph so I just wanted to show you what works in my house which is a low light house and these plants are actually thriving and doing very well and over the course of a number of years I've eliminated plants that don't do well because I cannot have them and I refuse to battle it I refuse to keep trying with something that's absolutely not going to work so I've now placed plants where they they should be but they should live and so I thought oh this crazy this is my shirt and I've accepted a lot of things I didn't want to accept basically that I can have this range of plans and this range of plans does very well in this area in this range of plans does that work does very well in another area so that's really it I thought was super long and confusing but it was more like I'm a little bit of a Show and Tell of low lay plants low lay tolerant plants that do well in my house that's it enjoy your weekend and you know I don't know what to tell you anymore but I'm so thankful you're watching these videos and not shutting it off as soon as you hear my voice well I've decided something I've decided if somebody shout me out from now on I'm gonna write a song to them sing them a song I cannot play guitar and I cannot sing and I cannot write songs but feels like the right thing to do cuz in the shower this morning I came up with a song for Laura from garden answer because it's happened not really my song and but I'm not gonna sing it well enough that anyone will recognize where it's coming from does anyone just gonna I'm gonna start I just learned three quart by not these three quarts but I have not practiced I'm just gonna start ready just figure this out because I no idea what I'm gonna say but it's time feeling it [Music] woke up this morning when I looked inside I wasn't alone then there was be nearly come love my name and her channel yes two days ago and I was like what my name again [Music] - hi - bring it back down she's got all the plant cancers on our channel and learn I'll watch her I realize kind of don't know what I'm talking about [Music] she walks around my garden and she decorates it and she knows where to put all the plans and you know it's Thank You aura you're the best you are really such a nice person and I'm sorry you had to hear this but it's the only way I could say thank you that's not true but anyway thank you very sweet of you I
Views: 511,195
Rating: 4.9397883 out of 5
Keywords: low light indoor plants, low light houseplants, low light house plants, easy care plants, best houseplants, best indoor plants, potted plants, interior plants, plants you cant kill, low light plants, plants, good houseplants, lighting for plants, where to put houseplants, tropical plants, tropical houseplants, plants that live indoors
Id: 1AB1mYLhv6o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 55sec (2215 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 16 2019
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