22 Low Maintenance Indoor Plants & How to Care for Them!

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hi guys how are you my name is amanda from plant arena you might already know that and i want to show you guys some of the easy iss to care for plants like super low maintenance plants that we are currently shipping at right now so it's kind of easy to pick them because they're all just being staged getting ready to ship just for a few days and they go out so we're super excited about it and it's a really good opportunity to kind of talk about plants when you're around them all so let's just start looking first okay i have uh i love these chinese evergreens these are called tivoli right effectively or slime aurora i always get them confused yeah it's tivoli it's like my brain is gone so tivoli i i first of all i barely water this plant in my house and i've had it seriously sitting by the sink to remind myself to water plants just because life has been so crazy and i still don't water it and it still is doing super super well and you don't really want to over water these because when you do they just get like soggy and the stems will start to get a little bit not so great and mushy and you'll see some browning on the leaves so keep these guys pretty dry and they like kind of medium to bright indirect light but not direct light they do not like direct light but and they'll start like fading out if they don't have enough light does that make sense i hope that makes sense so these guys are super beautiful um and then these are kind of the tail end of our antherium superbum no i'm sorry the plowman eye and uh love these it's like a wave it's like a wave of a leaf and it's just kind of creepy a little bit too if you're into like tarantulas you might love this but it actually reminds me of the um the rabbit's foot fern remember that one it has like the furry things that hang off the sides of the pot and you think like am i in love with it or am i or am i terrified anyway i like to look at it from this perspective because it's so pretty and they get big they actually get really big just because these plants are in four inch pots doesn't mean they're gonna stay they're gonna stay small and i think i broke one of the legs off sorry i'm sorry anyway they're really and they're easy super easy to care for again i'd say 99 of the plants that you might have or eventually have like to dry out between watering and it's going to solve a lot of problems it'll solve your fungus gnat problems if you have them let it dry out and then they kind of disappear i keep looking over there i'm getting distracted so and then we have i'm gonna try to avoid like the harder to care for plants wait it's okay what that's it yes well because it's not a super easy to care for plan i'm going to show it to you anyway do you want to say it lauren i do you do so the fatsia japonica this is called camouflage and some people have a hard time with it i sometimes i have a hard time with this so i shouldn't really be talking about it in an easy care video but just look at it it's so pretty i think i talked about it in the last video or two videos ago i don't remember i'm gonna put you back but again this likes to dry up but not a lot it's one of those plants it's kind of on like if there's a spectrum between like ferns and zz plants it's a little closer to the fern in terms of how much water it actually needs so i'm putting you back carefully actually i'm going to leave it here because i don't want to damage anything okay so not easy here i'm sorry i thought i had this all planned out so that the violin domino is not low maintenance i mean it is low maintenance and in this in the sense that you don't need to do anything but water it and don't let it dry out because you will regret it a lot so okay let's talk about the syngonium white butterfly one of my favorite plants i mean this syngonium genus in general is one of my favorite plants of plant families plant genus because they are vines and they can take any kind of light and they don't like to be over watered and they don't really care if you forget they're kind of forgiving plants and they're beautiful but i really do like it when they start vining so this actually has been growing up this sisal and bamboo pole which is actually made from all natural materials which i sound like i'm totally promoting it but it is a cool it's a cool steak because you don't you know you're not using plastic i know this isn't a plastic pot but we're gonna figure that out one day we're working on it so anyway it when when you plant these they just start kind of finding their way to growing inside behind this isil so that's what's so cool about this there's a little spot but that happens plants aren't perfect and so can i talk about a sago palm because i just want to say how much i love them and i think how kind of underrated they are maybe it's because they're sharp they're sharp i'm not talking smart i'm talking they hurt like if you kind of came down to water it and you got it on your face it's gonna hurt your face it's really gonna hurt your face don't hurt your face water it from afar but when you are watering it don't over water it i say that a lot because like look it's dry you don't i wouldn't even water this for another like week personally so this the form is so beautiful the new the new growth here in florida by the way when i used to have time to take walks i saw this giant sago palm and all this new growth just kept busting out from the top it's so beautiful and like in two days it was fully grown so plants like growing in florida just fyi lucky plants okay so let me scan through here let's go okay so here we are here we are the string of turtles uh love this plant this plant i talked about it in two videos whatever i'm gonna keep talking about it it is easy to care for it does i have to say when we do ship these plants you we are you are going to experience a little bit of leaf pop leaves popping off it's a fragile plant but the good news want to hear the good news okay the good news is that you can even propagate the leaves so dry almost like bone dry between watering bright indirect light yeah you don't want to put pepperonis in direct light as a general rule so super easy there's a lot of plants here this could be a long video so are you doing ballet so then we have um we have this chinese evergreen sparkling sarah i just i'm not gonna say anything look at her look at her she's adorable we have a bad leaf there we do clean up some of the plants before we ship them so i'm just saying it just happens so i think i did i think i just talked about this plant my memory is gone by the way it's completely gone so really subtle markings of pink inside here and again chinese evergreens just want to dry out between watering and i keep them in like moderately lit rooms because i have a lot of them back home i don't get a lot of sunlight in these guys and also the different bakias do super well in medium light medium to low and let me just kind of reiterate from past videos that low light does not mean no light i want to get a shirt that says that low plants need light they actually absolutely need light to live they don't have it it's going to be a slow death that's okay just you can buy a new plant if you don't have light in your apartment it's better than flowers i mean for some people it is like me i don't like getting flowers i'm like oh great thanks for the flowers now i have to actually put it in a vase and that's work and i don't want to do the work okay so let's go over here speaking of different baffia uh we have it's beautiful because camouflage right um yes it is it's it's labeled wrong but this is right it's camouflage what is wrong with me i'm so tired look at this guy absolutely stunning foliage super super just capable it's a capable house plant when someone calls you capable is that a compliment she's very capable okay so anyway this is nice and tall it can be a great floor desk plant doorway plant i don't know it's just a plant that's kind of large and beautiful and it kind of dominates the room i think and it's got that really light foliage what it's got light foliage which is a really nice contrast to some of the darker things like these jade pothos over here and these uh i'm literally forgetting the name of the most basic plant in the world it's the golden pothos it's not basic i'm sorry i called you basic you're not you're very complex you're you're complicated here's another golden potos it's on a pole and you can see what i'm talking about i'm getting sweaty we turned the fans off so we had like better sound are you how you doing you're sweaty too hot see all this new growth and the aerial roots are sticking in the sisal because look it's not going anywhere it's going up and you might be asking yourself what happens when it grows taller you're you run out of a pole height you okay over there you might need a bigger pole or i i often tell people to do this just cut it back and propagate it and let it get bushy and full and you can keep it like this for a while or you can actually have another idea take it out of this pot transplant it into like a 10-inch pot and put a pole on the outside like plant the pole in with the plant and then you have another pole you can just you can have two poles on one plant did they make a youtube video about that once no i'm talking about right so okay so we've got there's a lot of easy care plants let's so sweaty oh here this is so pretty it's so pretty the tropic marianne uh different bakia this it's like plant elegance i think it's like look how cute you are beautiful okay easy i'm gonna follow me over here so we are still in the realm of easy care low maintenance plants and one of them is a holly syngonium i love you i do love you and out of the out of all the syngoniums this maybe it's just a little trickier excuse to have hair in my mouth because it doesn't have as much green in the leaves so it requires a little bit more light so give it a little bit more light and it's going to stay like frosty like like a frosting coating on the leaves so beautiful i love you and then we have wintry wine house am i literally going to go through every single one of these plants i'm probably it's okay you can talk what snake plants i was getting there okay so the wintry wine house chinese evergreen just i don't know i think holly and wintery look really nice together we should get married uh and then we have our mikadoo i love these mikado we just got more of these right so kind of on the on the sharp side but you'll notice with most of the cylindrical uh snake plants i can't even say sansevieri anymore but i'm saying it because i like the term sense of area dersina you'll see and this is totally normal they get little just kind of brown tips it happens and you might notice like when you go to a grocery store um they paint them which isn't good just let nature do its thing they're supposed to just be like this it's almost impossible for them to retain their green on top i've i've never experienced in my life of collecting snake plants or looking at snake plants zz it's a zz plant this is a zzzzzenz yeah just let me go with it um it's a just a different version of a better version i think of this of the zz plant as you know it like the samuel calcus so it's compact i'm so sweaty it has just like to me it looks like a ladder that's little little bugs and i'm gonna say bugs but can climb up to their little bug heaven i don't know whatever it's in my head i should just keep it in my head love this guy and no it's got dirt all over me uh um okay these aren't the easy easy plants then we have you know how to say hoya compacta a hindu hoya hindu rope is easy and i think people uh initially thought it's a bit of a kind of struggle to keep these alive just because you have to have indirect bright bright indirect light like on the top of the plant and if you don't if you set it too high like above a window and it's just going to get mushy on top especially if you over water it so keep it on the dry side don't re-pot these plants i would not recommend repotting them because i'm going to show you it takes a long time for these uh roots to really really really become established i mean they're established we're shipping plants that have established roots um for the most part you see but for this to fill in and become like a web of roots it's going to take time give it time don't dismantle them i mean you can you can do whatever you want i'm just giving you advice so way of the palettes another beautiful beautiful this is like a speckled version of it this is not a hoya tricolor clonus who did that who put that there but um don't cut the new growth off don't do it don't be tempted this is all new growth and these are just tiny little leaves that are trying to come out and make their way into the world so okay so we're back so we had a little break my camera partner camera partner her arm started shaking and she just lost control of the camera so i'm back we're back so this this isn't the best example i think i might probably not ship that one put that over here but ponytail pump i have one of my cottage right now it's like doubled in size but i love these they're like little tropical paradise trees for me and i maybe might make a little mini beach scene underneath it a little towel little people be like ah this is nice nice and shady don't do not over water them when you do they just kind of start shriveling up and then they just kind of the roots rot out and they just fall over like a dead tree so avoid it bright light they actually can take full sun i'm not saying do that but they can you see them all over the place out here in florida growing in the sun so just saying let's continue now the bananas back we got the bananas back so i'm not going to shake this out because i don't want to have to re-wrap it but these string of bananas are on the easier side in the senecio family they're definitely easier to care for than string of pearls a lot less problems definitely a string of dolphins a string of dolphins like i love but they're really like string of manta rays they don't hold their form very well they don't ship very well we discovered so we stopped shipping them um it was we were just really wanted them to be out in the world but we can't provide them but we can provide drinking bananas and this is like a long super lush one i love them i hope i hope the one at home is still doing well i'm gonna find out soon next video is gonna be follow up on uh the old plant studio five months later uh-oh so anyway let these dry out really let them dry out between watering and uh you can tell their little leaves pucker a little bit okay i see you're handshaking so let's continue on here's an here i'm sweating you're shaking this is bad so we have the philodendron little hope is it little hope it's a little hope and um you know i just i kind of love these i had a few of them i think i hope i still have one but again it's the same care pretty much in terms of the watering this can take a wide range of light it can take lower light it prefers medium light like this is kind of like medium light the light's filtering in but it's not direct so it's diffused light and i think i'm talking to you like that flip the camera oh i can't my arm i can't i'm too short like that so your little hope again is by the way a lot of times when you get a new plant you'll see like some white stuff on it they're not mealy bugs i promise you it is it's fertilizer residue and this has to be cleaned off it's going to be fine it's going to be fine i promise so and then here's the other zz plant that um this is pretty dry you do not want to ship these wet because it is like the kiss of plant death you don't want to do that and again probably on the top of the low maintenance easy care house plant list ever it's number one a to z z's number one it's easy it's easy and i think let me see anything else here this is a new one for us a chorus it's odon i think and it's a it looks like a grass i think it's like in the lily turf family i forgot but um i don't know i have had it last winter in my house and it was receiving low to medium light and it lasted a really long time until i put it behind some other plants and completely forgot about it and it dried out and died it likes a little bit more wet soil it so this is something probably you treat like a fern you probably want to keep it more moist and not let it completely dry out i would say like when you feel like it's halfway dry down here hit it hit it with some water again but anyway that's a new one and then oh another i'll end it on this because i think i have to go throw cold water on my face and the whole body is the rubber the rubber tree the fast the ficus elastica and lots of light lots of light i see it growing out here completely full sun no issues no burning leaves as long as it kind of has if it has grown in that environment it can live in that environment but in your house the brighter the light you have the better and the more vibrant the colors will be you know they do this this is a burgundy but right this is the burgundy um they do like their leaves resort back to a green color eventually so but it will change depending on how much light it's getting does that make sense do you understand that okay good so that is it i think that is it you guys and aloe aloe we have these little aloes that are super cute um i'm trying to be gentle because you have to be gentle with plants here we go the cute little aloe that it's in a little two-inch pot you know the thing is with these little minis these little two-inch ones they probably can be repotted almost immediately they can live especially the aloe because it doesn't need a lot of water you probably know about aloe that it has a lot of medicinal purposes and people use them for all different things but in general like i just like to look at them and i only repot them when they've kind of busted out again this is a small pot so you could probably transfer this into a four inch pot or so like in a month or two or three depending on what you want to do with it and wait till it starts kind of pushing out growth like lateral little pups they're called and then you can separate the pups and grow more i'm talking a lot about aloe but anyway i love this i have a crazy one back at home i hope it's still alive let's see all right i'm getting too close to the camera i'm sweaty so you guys thank you so much thanks for watching these videos and thanks for coming along on this tour you probably know all about these easy care plans but i just wanted to kind of show you them because it's super easy to talk about them when they're just here easy to grab so that was it that's it see you soon have a great weekend and i'll see you around
Views: 226,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Easy Care plants, easy care houseplants, easy care indoor plants, best plants, greenhouse plants, interior plants, hard to kill houseplants, Chinese evergreen, anthurium, hoya, shop indoor plants, buy indoor plants
Id: 9vDpgaoynhY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 34sec (1294 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 25 2020
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