My Gigantic Philodendron Collection | 22 Species, Great and Small!

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[Music] hello everybody my name is Amanda from plant arena and you know what I gathered all of my philodendron philodendron that's what they say but I say philodendron because it's weird to say philodendron for me anyway so I gather them I gathered them all together because I wanted to talk about all philodendron great and small because not that I have all of them I have quite a few of them that I realized after I pulled them all together on this table and behind me and there are still some in the house that are just too big for me to move at this point because I don't feel like it so is this gonna talk about the different types and I have to say they really mostly all have the same kind of care and they're really kind of easy plants to have indoors because they're not as sensitive to humidity as other plants and they can handle lower light than a lot of other plants and that's why I think I have a lot of them so let's just start with uh with with some it's gonna be plant by plant I think in this video so let's just start okay I start with my kins mic ins is it a vining type of philodendron as you can see it has lots of vines and it has this velvety kind of maroon leaf and they're just spectacular philodendron and i keep these in quite a few different locations in my house I have some in lower light I have some closer to the window in a west-facing window I have some other I have one up in a garage right there just a hanging out by some grow lights and they're all doing great and what I do with all of these type of philodendron zall the vining ones like the show you right here because I have it I'm trying to be prepared like the Brazil again a very very beautiful and amazing vining philodendron I let them dry out I really really let them dry between waterings because they do so much better in the minute I'm tempted to give it an extra bit of water for some reason I don't know why they start drooping they start just their leaves just go and it's not cool like you don't want to do that to your plants so let these guys dry out this was just recently watered aren't you surprised that I water my plants and it's doing great I have this guy in the corner and it doesn't get a lot of light and but it probably should get a little bit more than it's getting but I do have grow lights everywhere here so that's the Brazil and then I have this lemon lime right so this is a lemon lime philodendron and I think I did another video where I said where you can tell the difference between a pothos and a philodendron by you know has these little leaf sheaths that stay on there and dry up and fall off so this is um a header a CM header a soon and it's interesting because I have one behind me that is also called a lemon lime philodendron and it's a little bit confusing I'm gonna get this scarf you don't need this scarf I thought I was gonna be cold so this is a philodendron domestic um and it has much larger leaves and they're more kind of ah there's kind of more elongated and this this one is not very gated I love this I got this from a local nursery and it wasn't doing so great and I brought it home and I put it out in the porch for the summer and it loved it it was in the shade and it's just anymore I put it it does really well so this is another type of philodendron and you know I'm pretty excited about this one too because it's been doing it's been doing great to get a good look at it so yeah they're both called lemon lime I love this one and it really it needs a lot of water and as you can tell I have some of my philodendron zin the nursery pot still and then I have others that I put in terracotta so because these guys do not like to get root rot at all as with most plants so I prefer to water them more then have them risk getting root rot so that's what I do with these guys and then I've got this guy and I have to say this was this was an extra philodendron that I got when I ordered a couple of other philodendron and they didn't tell me what it was and I think it's a run ran out Raunak I run it down um run act CI Ren Ren out CI I don't know if that's right I don't even know if that's what this is it looks like an MV to me that's not very gated so if anybody knows can you just put it in the comments but it was like a tiny plant when I got it and now it's just kind of doing its thing and I let it dry out almost almost completely before I water it and I keep it in a low light area and I just brought it in here to show you guys and it's going back into low light and when I'm in low light I mean it's a dark corner so but I do leave the lights on in that part of the house so it gets some light it's some light and I guess it's working so yeah so if you come again if you guys know for sure what this is just put it in the comments I'm pretty sure it's a Rinna ran out see I okay so then let's go to this guy and I if you've seen any of my former videos I have talked about this this is a philodendron REO and uh it wasn't doing well and so I just I don't know what I do I think I put it in a different container and I put it in a different location and starting to perk up a little bit so I'm glad I didn't give it give up on it because it's quite beautiful and it has these very very pronounced creamy white of arrogation very pronounced so I really do love this and I'm thinking I'm actually going to put it outside the summer and just try to increase the volume I'll probably propagate these guys too and put them in a bigger pot so this is the REO which is quite beautiful then we have one that it's not so beautiful right now it this is a very kösem and philodendron dark some look at this poor thing look at this thing but I actually have it in a decent area it has some good light and it's just it's having some issues here so I don't know what I might do this this is going in like the double secret area for rehabilitation for plants sorry but you gotta go and I see some weird stuff going on in your leaves so it's gonna isolate yeah you're getting isolated maybe that's why you're not doing so fun don't in fact the other plants do not do it do not to do it um and that day so I do have a lot of philodendron I'm realizing as I'm because I wanted this to be a short video okay so here's the Mayo I I love this moment I saw a giant one at a nursery the other day I mean it was 10 feet tall and a trellis it was gorgeous and it wasn't first bono it was for sale but is all a lot of money so I didn't buy it oh you have a little funky leaf going on so I'm just gonna wait till this guy gets big because I can wait a year or two or ten maybe you don't have that much time I don't know we never know but anyway I look forward to this getting bigger this is absolutely gorgeous I love these really deeply load leaves and they're just it's a spectacular philodendron there's so many types of philodendron I don't know like I don't even know half of them I don't even know a quarter of them I don't even know like a tenth but I know when I like one I want I want it but the problem here's the problem with the philodendron xand collecting them they're hard to find I don't know how you guys are finding your philodendron but I'm telling you like I have a hard time finding them in the ones I see your dinky and like this big and I forget it I don't know have that much time to wait for that thing to grow but I want big philodendron so start out at least like decent size so here is a philodendron go out go phylum and this was tiny I guess I do like tiny plants I don't know what I'm talking about I'm all over the place today so this is a glockl phylum and it has beautiful this waxy bloom this bluish waxy bloom on its leaves and I really can't wait till this gets bigger it's pushing out some new growth so that's good news and it's also a vine a lot of them are vines some of them aren't and I'll start showing you those but yes so this is the philodendron glocca phylum and if you can find any of these I would I would grab them i would grab them doesn't matter how big they are just grab them cuz they're gonna get bigger and you're probably a lot younger than I am and you have more time what this was called okay this is probably this is the philodendron sevilla dendron domestic 'm I'm pretty sure and this is putting out like a white leaf I don't think that's a good thing I think I did something wrong I think I've had so I've had it under the grow light for a few months now and I think Oh unless you know actually it is beautiful because it has some you can't see it yet but when I opened up I'll show you guys it has some very very lively green with white so maybe this is a good variation and what's gonna happen is that white it's gonna slowly turn into these the lime church fruits colors that's what's gonna happen I thought it was just a lack of chlorophyll well that's what it is anyway that's variegated I have a head cold okay so I have this one sitting right here and this is the philodendron soda I so do RI something like that and I love it I love it I do love this and I just can't get enough of it and I actually I propagated it I'll show you i propagate in this I put it in water and lost a leaf but I have a new leaf coming out so that's super exciting and I even have another one propagating in water right now just because I would concerned because it keeps getting these weird little things and I think it's some sort of insect like a tiny little scale I don't even know what it is but they keep showing no matter what I do no matter how much horticultural oil and neem oil I use it just keeps showing up so I'm just trying to propagate as many as I can that's what I'm doing with these guys and let's see let's see what else so I've got let's talk about this gloriosa me behind me oh I don't think I can pick it up I'm just being lazy so this glorious 'm is uh spectacular I just took a leaf off of it because it was deteriorating but I don't really mind because there's another one coming up here I see it poking through there it is it's poking through the soil so um totally into these glory awesome they're stunning they do have a little bit of a problem transitioning at least to my house it gets some weird oh no it's emif was a bacteria or some weird white stuff can you see it on the leaves I don't I don't really even know what it is but it has stopped spreading so that's the good news and it's grown it's growing new leaves and I had this other one remember I'll show you this one so this one was the first one I got and it was planted upside down and I didn't know it when I got it it was just that was the way it was delivered and it was sad it still kind of sad but it has a new leaf coming out and somebody suggested that I kind of potted up with that one because I was going to give this away I still might um we'll see what happens but I maybe I'll just transplant them together when I do finally transplant that oh oh sorry okay so behind me if you can see it but this I just did a time lapse on this and this is a philodendron mb variegata and it's beautiful it has gotten so big it's going to get so much bigger because these guys get bigger they're going to get so big and um I like that so I'm making a room for the philodendron to get big and getting rid of some of my plants that are just it's just too many sometimes you can have too many plants and it takes over a little bit so you to just kind of decide on the ones you really love and that makes sense for you so sorry about my aunt that used to this shirt for my shoulders I'll do that so you can't see and then to my right this is like my latest acquisition and this is a philodendron gigantea --m excited about this so i'm gonna show you pictures of this a little more close-up because it's pretty hard to lift I put it in a terracotta pot and it is spectacular that is going to become a giant and I will put that upstairs because I did I did kind of like kind of hacked up my Salome a philodendron which is called Theophilus or something now I don't remember I'll put it on that screen I can't ever remember it obviously so I cut the vegetation off and I have it over there and I hope I'm hoping it'll push out new growth this spring but it was just taking over it my upstairs and honestly it didn't look that good it was looking like sad and weepy and so I was like you're done I'll cut me back it was it hurts for a second but you know what I don't miss it it's funny hug when you edit you almost don't realize something's gone so it's okay to edit for short so I want to show you that that's absolutely stunning for me and then before I show you more stuff I'm gonna say that I have one inside and you've seen it before it is a red emerald philodendron that's pretty large and I find with these larger pillows that they are an amazing statement pieces and what I love about them is that if you have lower light and you want a tree most trees aren't gonna do well in lower light so what I would suggest and what I do is I'll either buy one that's already on a pole and pretty established or I'll encourage some different types of philodendron to grow up along the pole so you can have a vertical element that's kind of like a tree so that's what I that's that's kind of what I'm pushing for in my design in lower light areas so that red emerald I think looks spectacular in that corner and it gets afternoon light western light and it's just enough for it it's actually perfect for right so this is a philodendron moon light and I have to tell you like I've passed these up before in the nursery and I don't know why I just felt like do I really need another philodendron and then when I saw this when I said yes I definitely need a lot more philodendron so philodendron x' philodendron I don't care you know what I'm talking about and I do love the chartreuse leaves and you know when I used to be a gardener I wasn't like a giant chartreuse fan but then one year I got so into it I was like planting this I was planting nicotiana like anything that just was super lime green so anyway this is to me that color and I'm kind of into it now so starting to gather lime green plants just because it lightens up a darker corner or it lightens up any room just it's kind of a happy color so this is the moon light and I'm looking for to this getting much bigger as with all my other plants and then we have Birkin philodendron Birkin and I do like it you know I've seen a lot of Instagram and it's like I don't know I don't know if I want to like run and get every plant I see an Instagram but not really with them but you see it in real life hey I gotta I gotta have that gotta have that plan so I have this plant now and it is really beautiful and I do suspect that over time this variegation diminishes and it becomes more like these leaves so but that's okay because each new leaf is like a surprise right and who doesn't like a surprise in a planet so I'm very I'm really looking forward to seeing how this progresses I am gonna leave most of these philodendron 's in the plant studio because it is pretty high humidity it's like 50 to 60 and I do run a humidifier over by this other big one I'm going to show you in a second because you've seen it in the last video it was like he was poking behind me when I was talking so anyway so this is the Birkin and it is quite beautiful it's a crow it's a very beautiful philodendron don't you think so then then we have little fill philodendron little fill and I'll tell you I feel kind of ridiculous because I was calling I was calling this one Phil because that's what they told me where I bought it then I looked it up Mike it does not look like little Phil little Phil is this its bushy it's compact it has much different leaves so now I have a little Phil and I know that's not a little Phil little Phil your cute little feels like looks like your dress you know almost but bushier so I'm pretty happy to have this one too I really want like more i'm more philodendron why is that I don't know I even have the pink princess I forgot to bring here but just a little one then I also have the red Congo Congo rope Rojo Congo ridiculous that I like learning to love more and more and more and especially after I time-lapse that leave coming out it was super cool so I think I planted it in way too big of a pot but it's there now and the roots have establish so I can't really transplant it because it looks a little awkward in such a big pot but that's where it lives that right now and then I got this giant beautiful gorgeous philodendron and it's passed Azzam that doesn't sound right I gotta look this up hold on how am I only look this up I got this beautiful giant philodendron past is annum I think that's how you pronounce it and I can't stop looking at the leaves when I saw it in the nursery I was like that I don't care what that thing cost is coming home my son's like what what I'm like I'm sorry just get in the truck and don't touch the plant so that's that's what god I got it I'm so happy I love it um you know and I also really realized after when you bring in a beautiful plant home like that you need to appreciate the beauty of it so I am going to find the right spot not surrounded by a bunch of other plants but where you walk in a room and you say holy moly that is a fabulous plant so that's the goal with that guy I'm just letting it acclimate here because it's coming from a greenhouse super high humidity a lot of light so this is a good transitional space for plants too enter before they come into the house and then uh what else do I have so I got okay let me get that paint princess because you've seen it but whatever and then I have about like four of these little pink princess philodendron I used to have much larger ones but I sent them to the greenhouse to be propagated so we can sell them down the road and they're actually growing very very nicely but we really want to build up stock for it so anyway this is what I've got left I'm gonna send some to my sister because they're doing really well she lives in California and she's like she showed me a picture of it now I'm gonna send her some more because they'll do better there than they're doing here for me in I don't know they're just not growing for me tiny a little bit no but yeah the pink princess is great in the beginning but I find like over time they become Brown princesses so I don't know they're beautiful I got it I get I get it I get the attraction when I first saw it and in a nursery locally it was so beautiful it was lush it was pink it was like how could you not want me and so I took it home and then you know then I cut it up cuz that's what you do to beautiful plants no you don't I only did it cuz I want to share share the beauty what else how do I talk about did I speak about oh okay ooh let's die so um this this philodendron branded teen and however you say it it's like a failed plan for me and I don't know what to do with this thing I know you bring it up a lot I show it to you guys but you know put it down then we have some sort of uh this is hope philodendron hope I think the type of Salome and yeah it's really pretty it's really pretty uh we'll see what happens with it you can tell them that better oh I think it's really pretty I don't know why I feel this way because I think I feel guilty because I cut my other one upstairs I cut it down to like a nub so maybe I'm feeling guilty but it's quite pretty it has these really interesting textural leaves so it's it's it's a it's a pretty plant pretty did I cover all them me look so I've got oh I didn't talk about just the the Hartley philodendron they're just like an amazing staple they these Hartley philodendron live anywhere are so incredibly adaptable so they're just like kind of all over the place in my house I have a nice big pull of it and I've got them um it's got them everywhere so these are just kind of like the staples right like the ketchup and mustard of plants so I think that's my philodendron collection I don't really oh did I show you Bruce I showed you everything I have I'm pretty sure I brought everything down that's it I thought I had more than that but I guess it has been a long enough video right I've been talking a lot that's it fill identities do really well inside they don't require a lot of humidity they prefer it if you can give it to them but they don't need it to actually grow and thrive so if you're thinking about a plant that is pretty easy to care for that doesn't require a ton of water all the time that looks beautiful and then you have a huge variety to choose from if you can find them because they are getting harder and harder to find some of the rare ones so if you see one or if you see somebody that has one asked for cutting or pick it up if someone is selling it that's all I'm saying about that but but also there's so many beautiful ones that are readily available so don't pass them up either because they're gonna live in your space pretty nicely okay so uh have a great week it's Tuesday I never know what day it is because every day is just a day it just feels like another day that means but thank you guys so much for subscribing and thanks for showing up for these videos and thanks for everything thanks for you guys who are going to planaria calm I mean really appreciate everything you're doing and I just wanted to say thank you so much okay we'll see you guys on Friday okay God willing Friday bye
Views: 583,903
Rating: 4.9061694 out of 5
Keywords: philodendron, low light plants, air purifying indoor plants, indoor plants, houseplants, house plants, best houseplants, office plants, hanging plants, large houseplants, houseplants for small spaces, plant care, low maintenance houseplants, plants, interior plants, foliage plants
Id: K7drQ48w4Fw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 9sec (1449 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 04 2020
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