Peace Lily Pro Tips! | Complete Spathiphyllum Care Guide

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[Music] what is going on how are you my name is amanda from plant arena and i'm sitting here with chubbs and he wants to talk about peace lilies he told me he's like just let there be peace lilies all over the place because they make me pretty pretty excited he gets very excited when he's near a peace lily they're toxic to pets though so keep them away keep your plant eating pets away from from spathophyllum but i do want to talk about their care today i want to talk about their ease of care and a little bit about the flowering when they're really not flowers i'll talk about that in a second and just about their growth habit there's a bunch of stuff bunch of stuff about peace lilies so i'm gonna start with juan here that is right in front of me because i kind of think i carry it around with me a lot it's like my companion it's my companion plant but it is called a domino peace lily domino and the reason i love this one so much is because of its variegation it's not because of the flowers right which i'll get to in a minute it's because it has this beautiful marbling on the leaves and it has a texture that's a little bit like dimpled it's a beautiful plant i it's one of my favorite ones we also have we do have this on as well as silver streak um platinum mist which is another beautiful one it has a silver hue to the foliage and sweet chico which i have over here but this is not the one we have on the site but i'll just explain what i'm talking about i keep thinking i'm hearing i'm hearing a hummingbird but i'm probably too loud for hummingbird to come close so let's just talk about the soil first with peace with peace lilies peace lilies really want to have a soil that drains well but still holds on to enough moisture to keep the plant upright not drooping down which they do when they're not getting enough water they'll just start doing like they'll just start falling they'll fall down and then you drench it and they come right back up don't let it sit too long without water because they might not make it back up if you forget for too long they're very sensitive to that so if you have good rich well-draining soil with like uh coco coir peat moss if you use peat moss and bark and stuff that lets the water kind of sift through and not sit in a pond these are not like aquatic plants but they they love humidity they love moisture and humidity but they don't want to sit in a puddle do you want to sit in a puddle i don't want to sit in a pot i've done it before i don't want to do it again so this is domino and this one is called sweet chico and it has these very kind of narrow leaves there's so many different types of spathophylum i can't cover them because i don't have them but you can look you can search it online and see there's some with fat leaves some with skinny leaves some with just whatever different types of leaves and so let's talk about the flower it's not a flower don't be fooled it looks like a flower it has a little bit of a shape like a flower but it's actually a modified leaf that is kind of covering like a hood over the insignificant flowers inside you see it poking out there i'll show you a little bit closer but when i say insignificant i'm not like i'm not dissing this plants flower i'm just saying it's not this big showy flower like a passion flower or something like that or a chrysanthemum you know a dahlia it's it's little it's little and subtle that's what that means when it's insignificant the plant's not all about the flower it's about it's about what's outside the flower so the flowers are insignificant but doesn't mean they're they're not cool they're cool they're just covered with with this modified leaf in white but it's pretty so i'm not about the flowers really for peace lilies i'm about the foliage like this one like my fave my favorite at the moment and the platinum mist and sweet chico is the sweet this is a larger version these plants these two and even this one i'll get to in a second are slower growers they their leaves don't get giant like this other one i'm going to talk about in a minute and they're great for a tabletop and and for the floor if you want to put on the floor or your desk you can put your plants wherever you want to put them they just don't grow that fast so let's talk about the light requirements for these guys they in the world they live in they come from they're in dappled sunlight when they're kind of growing out in nature they're in dappled sunlight and dappled sunlight means to get a little bit of sun a little bit of shade quickly it's like dappled it's moving and if you can replicate that in your house that's pretty amazing but i think rather than doing that put it in a brightly lit area but not direct sunlight i keep picking up the same one okay i'm sorry i mean i'm not sorry sorry to the other plants put them in um like bright indirect light because they're going to probably flower for you a little bit sooner than if they're in a darkly lit area because they just don't grow that well when it's when it's really dark they do i mean they'll totally just hang in there for a long time but they like it better with bright indirect light and i'll let's talk about let's talk about the flowers okay so basically what's going on here is that the nurseries and the growers sorry i know i'm holding i'm always holding a plant they use a acid i think that's how i'm pronouncing it right and what that does that forces these guys to bloom so and they do it all the time i don't recommend that you do it on your own because using an acid or anything you're not sure of probably not a good idea and you just have to have patience and wait for them to bloom again and also encourage them to bloom by putting them in a brightly in brightly lit spot but not direct light and make sure that the temperatures are warm because if they're warm they respond they just like whoa we like this we like the temperature between 65 and 85 and they like humidity so crank up the humidity if you can inside use a humidifier use a a pebble tray filled with water and group them together so they can benefit from each other's moisture and they will like that too and you can fertilize them twice a month twice a month with like a quarter diluted strength of your favorite fertilizer and they'll just probably bloom i have one that's blooming i'm so excited well this one's blooming too but this one i wasn't expecting it to bloom and it did and it is so that's that that's that so this one i got actually from a uh a nursery that i frequent all the time around here and i'm there once a week i i keep asking them for a job but they won't hire me i don't i just like that i like their plants and i've known them forever and so he gave me this one and i he didn't know the name of it but i think it's called sonia i'm not really sure but the interesting thing about this particular spathophylum is that this was given to him by a longtime grower uh who whose business like they sold it or something happened or they gave it up or they gave up the greenhouse and he took one of these and he's had it for a very long time and he's been propagating it for i don't know years and years and the thing he thinks that's going on here is that this is like original stock this is not a tissue culture plant this was from the time before they were doing tissue culture so that's really interesting so i i was given this and i'm super thankful because i always like to as plants as a gift because it means a lot to me when somebody gives me a plant and i'm gonna take really good care of this and i'm gonna divide it i think i'm gonna i'm gonna look i'm gonna look here at the the soil chubby is seriously snoring behind me i'm gonna look and see what's going on okay it's time it's time to either divide it or bump it up and i'm gonna go backwards a little bit and talk about the watering issue if your plant is root bound like this and you only have it in a pot like like this size it's time to bump it up because you're gonna you're going to be watering it less frequently this is a six inch grow pot and i would put this into an eight inch grow pot so there's more soil for the water to be absorbed into and these roots actually will have a chance to capture that water if i keep it in this pot for too long i'm gonna be watering this all the time i don't want to be watering my plants all day do you i mean it's relaxing but i want to sit there and do it all day long or every single day the other thing that i do too is like i see this spent this is a spent leaf or yeah it was a leaf i remove any of the dead spent stuff so it makes this plant have more energy for more produce production of leaves and flowers flowers flowers you know what i'm talking about okay so this i'm very excited you could really just use pruners to cut this i'd like to pull them off but some of these plants like to hold on to their old their old foliage look at that they got it i got it okay so i've got this big one this big one next to me and this is called a sensation piece lily and it has giant leaves it's one of the ones that grow the biggest out in peace peace lily world and just like look at it it's so wide it's so big so beautiful and it is like the perfect floor plan look at the size of this flower look at the size of this flower and you see the size of the actual flower inside it i can't see it i'm going to rip it pretty pretty cool stuff right and i think there was another one growing out of here i have one planted on my front porch that's kind of tucked in and it's looking really good and it's doing well because i gave it more i gave it more soil so it doesn't dry out that is the thing with these guys you guys that you know they they look so beautiful and then like you miss a watering and then they flop back down uh just have i would actually recommend having a watering routine with these particular plants uh you know what they're not lilies they're in the they're in the philodendron family so just in case you wanted to know that interesting fact they uh you know so they're not lilies why are they calling them piece of leaves then why do they do that why do they call them that anyway i think i've really covered it they're super simple to take care of they're really great gifts they're great to get as a gift like i did today i was really excited really really excited and just kind of easy care plants that that require more water than some of your other ones and that's it you guys have a beautiful week if just feel positive get out there and smile because for so long we were smiling and nobody could see that so just get out there and give somebody a smile and you're going to change their day it's a fact it's a fact it happens every day whatever just have a great great week and thank you so much for subscribing i really really absolutely appreciates it i appreciate it he appreciates it he might not look like it but he does thank you see you guys soon bye
Views: 142,659
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S8mfHPuP8AQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 26sec (686 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 21 2021
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