5 Low-Maintenance Houseplants for The Lazy Plant Parent

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Hey guys what's going on welcome back to my channel, so in today's video I'm going to go through my top 5 recommended houseplants for the lazy plant parent that's you, that's why you're watching this video I'm just kidding. LOL. But it's also for those people who may not necessarily have the time to care for plants or don't want all the responsibilities that comes with it you know maybe you're just getting into plants and you're looking for something a little bit more easier a little bit more low-maintenance these plants are perfect and they will thrive in the kind of love you can give them which is neglect, lol I'm just kidding but for real these are plants I've owned in the past and they're fairly easy to care for and very low-maintenance, they all require very little watering, they can thrive in any lighting direction or condition so that's either if you have a north south east or west facing window and whether that's low, medium or bright. Although some of them may prefer more on the bright side but they can still thrive well in a low/medium setting we also don't need to be repotted every year or fertilize quite often they're perfect for people who tend to forget they even have plants at home. I always suggest for beginners that before bringing plants into your home that you assess the home environment you have, know what kind of lighting do you get and then figure out what kind of plants will thrive in that environment, but I also think it's as important to assess the kind of plant parent you are. Are you the type who tends to love your plants a little too much, wants to water them every chance you get, caress them, touch them, hug them, talk to them or are you the type of plant parent who you know, tends to neglect them, forgets that they're even there don't want to water them, don't want to repot them. Regardless the type of plant parent you are, there's always a plant perfect for you. Obviously in this video we're going to cover those plants that are a little bit more ideal for the plant parent who may not necessarily want all the responsibilities but at the same time you want to be able to flex your plant a parent card amongst your plant friends and say that you have houseplants in your home and that they're still alive. so without further ado here my top 5 recommended low-maintenance houseplants for you guys starting with number 5 its the, ZZ plant so obviously a fairly common house plant that you guys see often that's because they're so easy to care for I've actually had this guy for about three years now I bought it at IKEA and I've never once repotted it at all so he's actually further back there in my place so it gets a bit more of a medium type of light but yeah fairly easy and I watered this guy maybe like once a month, whether it's winter or summer and when I do water him, I water it very little and yeah he shot out a few stalks obviously this was a lot smaller when I first got him but fairly fairly cool-looking plant in my opinion I think it's one of the coolest looking plant I love the green foliage and it's cool piece to have your home now if you're not too fond of this you know type of this ZZ plant there are different varieties I also have here the ZZ Raven so this is a little bit smaller but the leaves on this one is that black color so fairly fairly cool looking, very unique. if you guys don't want this in the more of the traditional green and then I also recently got this type of ZZ plant that's called the Zenzi, I recently just got this and I didn't even know this existed but pretty much it is like a dwarf version of this plant and you guys can see here that the leaves are a little bit closer together and the stalks are obviously shorter it's so cute so if we're really really cool looking great for like a tabletop whether it's on your office desk or you know a coffee table, but yeah definitely a highly recommended plant in my opinion so coming in at number four it is the the Ponytail Palm so this guy's a pretty cool-looking plant and why I love this guy is first of all I also got this at IKEA three years ago at the same time I got that ZZ Plant and I haven't repotted it but I think I might need to repot it this year for once because I want this trunk that you guys see here obviously it's such a cool looking unique type of plant you can see this thick trunk, also called like an elephant's foot that's a nickname of it and you guys can see why and it has its cool you know foliage that's kind of like just makes it look so much more tropical I've actually seen a really big one that's like a floor plant when I went to like Mexico and I stayed at an Airbnb, there was no other plant there except for this huge ponytail palm and I was like man that is such a statement piece for your home, makes your place looks so cool and unique and just gives that tropical vibe so definitely highly recommended again I don't water this guy often once a month very similar to the way I water my ZZ Plant, very little sometimes I'll just use my hand put some water in it and just kind of splash a bit on so easy and so cool looking so again you guys can get these in different sizes but definitely this is really really you know honestly the more I look at this plant the more I actually want a big one because it reminds me of when I first saw that huge one so I'm definitely going to repot this guy just to promote a bit more growth because he's definitely like you know it's been three years in this same little container, but yeah so coming in at number three it is the the Sansevieria, Snake Plants so obviously snake plans, another common house plant, really really easy to care for and can thrive in any lighting condition and they come in so many varieties. This one is the cylindrical one and I actually I also got this I think at ikea, around the same time those ponytail palm and ZZ plant but I have this guy in my bathroom and I don't have any windows in my bathroom the only lighting gets is from my bedroom, if it even reaches that far so it does get a bit more in the lower lighting side but you know, thriving really well. I've actually propagated this a few times and like I mentioned they come in many varieties so this is just one of them, another favorite is this Sansevieria Samurai it has this cool looking thick kind of leaves that's really really like stiff you know so you don't want to fall on this guy because these are really really sharp but really unique and really cool but obviously my favorite Sansevieria ever is this whale fin and he sits right here so gets a bit more in the bright light and you guys know i featured this one in my top 10 favorite house plants i did a few videos ago and i think this came in at number 8 and come on you guys can see why this is such a beauty and love this thick kind of leaf he's got going on here such a statement piece literally you guys can put this anywhere in your home make it look like a sculpture but he does produce a bit of baby so you can either you know remove this and plant it on its own or keep it I've done both and yeah I watered this guy and all my Sansevieria quite similarly where you know maybe once a month again and very little watering but yeah they can thrive in any lighting conditions so they're perfect for for those of you guys who are you know I tell you right now if you get up one of these plants you're gonna notice it because it's so unique specially if it's your only plant but yeah so that is a number three so coming in at number two it is the, The Jade plant so this is obviously a succulent so they do prefer to be more on the bright light side but you know they can still do well in a low and even in the north-facing window cuz my barber has one he's got a huge one and his store is facing like the north side and he even has a further back as well too and it's thriving really well but I've had this guy for almost three years as well started off as this tiny little plant right here and obviously I'm trying to grow this into more like a tree shape form that's how you guys can see this thick trunk he's got going on yeah a pretty cool-looking plant like I said it's a succulent so you don't need to water these guys often again maybe like once a month especially for this size of a container fairly unique looking they come also different styles in different varieties so you guys don't have to stick with this kind of traditional one that I have here and depending on the size of Jade you want, you guys get something that's a little bit more small like this and grow it to a tree form like this or you guys can get something that's pretty huge and that can be a statement piece because they are pretty cool-looking specially if you get like a really humongous one that's more of a floor plant then more of a tabletop type of plant so the other easy plant that I think is also low-maintenance and again very similar to all of these guys where they require very little watering you know any lighting condition don't need to be repotted often is the, the Opuntia so also known as a Prickly Pear obviously a cactus and look how cute and adorable this guy is with his bunny ears right there so really easy to care for you know they do prefer a bit more in the medium to bright light but again can thrive in any lighting condition and very little watering as well and these bunny ears are so easy to propagate you can literally just like pluck them off plant them directly into cacti soil and that's that so if you want to flex your plant Parent Card, not only are you able to keep these houseplants alive but now you can say you propagated a few plants. then definitely get yourself one of these but yeah so those are five low-maintenance plants that I definitely recommend for the plant parents that you know, don't want the responsibility of it there are a couple more plants I would say you guys should also check out, these are some bonus plants I guess they are the the aloe plant so obviously part of the succulent family and again another fairly very easy low-maintenance type of plant and requires little watering you know does prefer more on the bright side but can thrive also in a more of a medium and low light, it just probably won't grow as fast but maybe that's great for you guys because you know if you do want your your aloe plant to grow bigger you're gonna have to report this at least once a year or once every two years for the most part fairly easy and fairly low maintenance I have never fertilized this guy once and you know I've had them for about three years now, it started off as a small pup and like I mentioned I think everyone should have an aloe plant because they're perfect for like burns in case you're cooking something and hot oil spills in your hand which has happened to me a few times so came in really really handy just taking a leaf off and obviously you know putting that aloe gel on your hand to ease the burn and really helps heal your burn quite quickly but definitely a highly recommended plant you know whether you're a beginner or an expert because I think Aloes are cool and the other type of plant I would say is another fairly low maintenance in my opinion anyway is the ta-dah. The Hoyas so who hoyas come in many varieties, many species and I think there's over 200 types. This one is the Macrophylla and this one's the Sp. Vietnam and if you guys haven't seen my Hoya Collection Tour, definitely check that out I think I got about ten different types but the reason why I think these guys are so low maintenance is they're kind of semi succulent in my opinion so they require very little watering you know. they prefer more medium to bright light but can also work well in a north-facing window,I had a Hoya yeah in my office one time and it was thriving this was actually in my office last winter and thrive really well during that time but they're so low maintenance because these guys you actually don't need to repot at all I've heard the Hoyas, you know can remain in their container for like 10-15 years and on top of that they put these pretty cool-looking blooms so really unique type of plants, especially if you guys are not wanting a lot of these more common house plants and you want a little bit more of a different variety but again very low-maintenance I would definitely suggest looking into Hoyas, but yeah so those are all the plants I would recommend for you know the low-maintenance plant parents, again these are plants I've owned and cared for obviously. I'm sure there are other types of plants are also fairly easy and low-maintenance that's perfect for you guys. So for those of you guys who have a little bit more experience and know those types of plants comment below and let these guys know what other plants you would recommend that are fairly easy and low maintenance and for the rest of you guys, What kind of plant parents are you? I am curious. Are you more on the loving too much side or Are you more in the you know I'm gonna forget I even have a host plant, let me know by commenting below other than that hopefully you guys enjoyed this video, see you guys on the next one, stay safe and enjoy the rest of your weekend. Peace
Channel: Crazy Plant Guy
Views: 58,742
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: low maintenance plants, easy houseplants, easy to care for indoor plants, easy indoor plants for beginners, 5 low maintenance indoor plants, low light houseplants, no fuss houseplants, air purifying plants, plants for beginners, plants for busy people, 5 easy plants to grow, house plants, indoor plants
Id: zJ0L3nAaDuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun May 24 2020
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