3 Side Characters Who Deserve Their Own Movie - Obsessive Pop Culture Disorder

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[Music] another net my name is Jane labryinth oh I'm also warming up to Dini Oh beanie and welcome to another oddly charming episode of obsessive pop culture disorder the show where I talk so fast that I'm told it makes our viewers actually uncomfortable today's episode cautiously optimistically investigates a phenomenon with no pre-existing nomenclature so we'll have to explicitly say it's called Shh here's the thing about me I rewatched movies and TV shows a lot sometimes I do it to see what I miss the first or second time around but mostly I do it because as much as I love watching new movies there's a nice comfort in indulging in the familiar in sitting down to consume something that I already know I love I treat movies like songs in this way you don't real isn't the same song to be surprised by it or experience it for the first time again you do it because you know you like it and it'll make you feel good or pump you up or whatever unfortunately re watching the same movies over and over again has resulted in me getting bored with the actual protagonist forcing me to care about minor and side characters and sometimes characters I've never even seen like Abe Froman the sausage king of Chicago a guy who is so big and famous that the snooty or snotty host at an exclusive restaurant says his name and title with odd reverence but he's not so big and famous that said host even knows what he looks like you are I'm from that's right I'm a Froman the sausage king of Chicago what's a pro mitts deal what's that guy's deal where's his movie why do we spend a whole movie on some 17 year olds day instead of figuring out what makes the majestic and elusive and benevolent meat king tick anyway I buried Abe sausage king of Chicago in the intro because I didn't have enough material to talk about him in a full entry like I'm done of him now so let's what's our first entry can we just who are the characters that I desperately need to know more about there are a lot of really cool experts in Ghostbusters the busters themselves are scientists who happen to be friends who are also professional Ghostbusters and also they're very funny Sigourney Weaver's Dana is smart and capable and an expert musician Slimer is this slime arias lots of accomplished and cool people to occupy your attention and yet I want a movie about Rick Moranis is Lewis Tully if you only have a dim memory of Ghostbusters you remember Louis as the squirrely nerdy guy who eventually becomes a dog monster but otherwise has very little impact on the first movie and the second movie decides he's a Ghostbuster but again has very little impact on the main plot and mostly serves as empty comic relief like hey look at the nerd if you've got an okay memory you remember that he's an accountant and an outspoken fitness nut I was just exercising I taped 20 minute workout of my machine and played it back at high speed so it only took ten minutes I got a great workout and if you have a crazy specific memory perhaps you remember what a good climber he is that's strange I didn't realize I loved to do oh yeah you know what I did I climbed on the ledge and tried to disconnect the cam but I couldn't get in so you know what I did I turned on my TV real loud - so everyone to think that their TVs that some wrong with me but I'm insane so I remember everything and I think about all of those things Plus this here is Lois outlining the agenda of a party he's throwing to Dana that's great I'll tell everybody you're coming we're gonna play twister we're gonna do some great dancing hey that party sounds like a goddamn blast Louis is an accountant and this party is comprised almost exclusively of his clients move that he made so he could write the entire party off as a business expense I'm giving this whole thing as a promotional expense that's why I invited clients instead of friends that's canny and you'd think it would be a dry affair because it's a bunch of clients who don't know each other but no it has twister and breakdancing which let's not dance around this this means this is a party twister and break dancing are two out of the only three things people can do on a concentrated and isolated rectangular surface and the third is you twist your body to breakdance on a rectangle of cardboard you twist your body to twister on a square twister pad and you etcetra your body to have sex on a rectangular bed and those are the things if you think Louis is throwing a twister and breakdance party to not invite the idea of showing off the flexibility and mobility of our bodies to have sex then I'm sorry but you're living in a fantasy world or you're 9 in which case please don't watch this show I say a lot and I don't think 9 year olds need to hear me say but hey here's another thing about Louis that gets forgotten because most of the movies about Bill Murray and ghosts and busting his party is full of mostly stuffy but clearly down clients and this person Louis I'm going don't leave yet who is this woman Lewis threw this party yes as a business tax write-off but mostly to woo Dana with whom he's in love meanwhile there's this goddamn full-blown 80s smoke show that he clearly came to this party for Louis this bombshell is ready to leave and Louis gets her to stay by reluctantly dancing poorly with her and she loves it listen maybe if we start dance and other people will join in what is anything this is why I need a standalone Louis movie this accountant slash fitness nut slash reluctant stud slash expert climber slash breakdancer is the most interesting part of the movie where ghosts are real and conflate dan Aykroyd and yet he's banished to the sidelines in every interaction Louis has with every other character he's never quite connecting because it seems like his mind is racing a mile a minute teach me Louis what is your level Breakfast Club has such a small cast and it's so focused and everyone gets to spend a lot of time talking about their deal so you mostly get what everyone is about even the principal you get a fairly complete picture of him Oh mess with a bull young man you'll get the horns but boy I'd give some amount of money for a spin-off featuring that weird janitor he'll look through your letters look through your lockers I listen to your conversations you don't know that but I do I am the eyes and ears of this institution my friends holy I want to read this guy's memoirs in eight years he learned more about this student body than all of its teachers and administrators combined he's been silently observing everyone and I want to know a what you learned and B what your life is like that you are choosing to spend your time learning the secrets of high school students this isn't prison where you can trade information for protection or more secrets you can't flip high school secrets for literally anything so what is your endgame buddy you read Ally's shooties notes would you learn mostly high school stuff cool why is that important to you please answer in the form of a movie on my desk by tomorrow anyway do we have another kid no last name given is thus an antagonist of the first Toy Story movie he's a kid who destroys toys before he knows that toys are real then he finds out that toys are real becoming as far as we can tell the first human being to do so he spent a life with his family and occupied his time rebuilding and then blowing up toys to express his emotions and creativity and then one day toys are like real stop that and don't tell no one will believe you play nice so today nice that's act 1 act 3 is Toy Story 3 where Sid is working as a garbage man so what is act 2 it would be easy to say ha Sid was bad as a kid and now he has a bad job justice ha and yet Sid is happy and being a garbage man is a good job we know it's a good job because we've interviewed garbageman for cracked but even if we hadn't we'd still know it was a good job we would accept that it was good because Sid was happy not just happy but actively dancing and drumming at his job a job at up which America's elite would turn their noses so what conclusions can we draw here's the information we have one Sid in the past had a rough home life when he was a kid - SID in the past learns toys were real and could talk and rotate their heads like monsters an undeniably traumatic affair 3 Sid in the present is careless and at peace what luck happened to sit between Toy Story 1 & 3 learning that toys are alive should destroy anyone even the hypothetical idea of that being present in someone's life should impact it but Sid learned it firsthand for real from toys they're real and they're mad at you and you're the only one who knows he managed to absorb and process this and still live a normal and positive life did he become a crazy person on the news spouting about how toys were real no did he become a drug addict no did he commit suicide no he did a thankless job that most Americans don't even think about and he did it while dancing what happened what happened in between toys Tori's 1 & 3 that turn sent from a sadistic monster with sole knowledge of toy magic to his end like appreciator of everything the answer to that question would have been monumentally better than Toy Story 2 and also hey I think we can learn a lot from SID anyway that's it for this month's obsessive occult part this off it's a shorter than normal but that's like that's by design this will come out in December and that's a Christmas time you should spend that time with your family so I'm intentionally giving you less of of all good old D neo beanie that's all done to encourage you to spend time with your family and not me join us next month when our topic will be why did Slimer become so iconic oh man that is a good question he was just one of the many ghosts in the first Ghostbuster movie and he persisted he somehow became synonymous with the ghost to brand even in the cartoon show as like a like a cool ghost character that the rest of the Ghostbusters accepted they were like we must goes but not this one he's our buddy they made juice boxes about him but I don't know what he brought to the table why did America love slammer that's weird I almost wish this show would pursue the episode concepts we talked about at the end of the episodes but and I know we won't like historically we haven't every time an episode ends with next time we'll talk about blah blah it's always a bit we never follow up on those but this this Slimer thing that'd be an okay concept anyway but we won't explore it bye everyone thanks for watching make sure you slime and some slime in the in the comments I'm still really hung up on this on this Slimer thing and I know we're not gonna do an episode about it so this is my last opportunity to talk to anyone about it hey our director thinks is about the hot dogs that eat the hot dogs in America is like holding he's like holding up a mirror to America that is like don't you love hot dogs and America's like I do and I see myself and used Slimer and the lady ghostbusters he gets a lady slammer that's interesting anyway make sure you slime
Channel: Cracked
Views: 696,011
Rating: 4.9332428 out of 5
Keywords: Toy Story, Daniel O'Brien, Sid, Ferris Bueller, Abe Froman, Louis Tully, Ghostbusters, Rick Moranis, Breakfast Club, The Janitor, Cracked, Obsessive Pop Culture Disorder, sketch, comedy, funny, spoof, humor, satire, parody, hilarious, movie reviews, screenjunkies
Id: 2NnkFmobvEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 47sec (587 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 26 2016
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