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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back what's behind you [Applause] nothing probably nothing anyway we're starting off with a game called police force we're going to the Barker residence if you could stop them and set some siren they'll be wonderful thank you thank you for this Thank You 1031 1988 case suspects Adam Barker 48 year old Caucasian male case hostages Margaret Barker and Mary Beth Barker neighbors have called the domestic disturbance on the Barker household Adam Barker is known marker marker Barker Barker Barker and embark or is known avatar with his family and has also recently been undergoing psychiatric treatment the 911 caller reported hearing screaming and believes Adam may be dangerous to his family proceed with caution Adam Barker is assumed I was not done reading up an atom marker oh hello wast unholstered whoa whoa whoa mama you can only interact when the gun is holstered all right well ooh squeaky peaky all right maggots inside my brain made me go insane my expert analysis is that he's got maggots in his brain and they made him go insane that's my expert analysis who do I need to shoot who do I need to give the old Boom Bang II - oh god you're dead you're already dead that scared me way more than it should have was excuse me you're lucky I didn't have my gun out oh I would have been shooting up a storm my expert analysis tells me that someone had died here and that the noises should be wary of my boom banger okay I was a bit you know caught off guard because of the that not top-notch graphics but I sometimes forget that it doesn't need have a good graphics when it's got a good atmosphere okay alright game ok game is this grass versus a horrible carpet oh oh okay you know I I don't like why is there a naughty chair who needs to be putting at me me I go a naughty corner please thank you I want to go in the naughty corner now if I just stay here and I stare at the corner I won't think about all the horrible monstrosity that are lurking up behind me and I definitely won't think about all the monstrosity that are looking up behind you that was an inopportune time for the music to cut up I did not do that that was the game okay well I my boomstick um I was just gonna look around my why is this door already opened oh it's a closet that that would be why ok nothing here alright red ah much better choice more stylist move 11 110 what did you just say I don't even know what you just said what I need to say to me oh no idea whatever alright I don't know what noises just came out of my body but I don't think I've ever made those noises before you have eyes I hate you can I just shoot you okay glad we took care that you are horrifying I hate you if you sneak up behind me I swear to God okay whatever it's fine probably it's right by me good do you think that kind of stuff is just okay to do huh you think that I'm just gonna allow you to do that kind of stuff to me no no I'm sorry I did not know that that would make me go outside I'm outside now forever which is uh no is that a snowman interesting art piece oh oh okay oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all right fine that's a little weird but not that weird so I guess uh oh you had on the other side I see oh hi hello oh wait a minute are you in the naughty corner are you in timeout what do I do about this hello I'm a police officer I'm here to rescue you I think [Music] uh yeah I'm collected three or four evidence I don't even know what I collected I don't even know what I did what I win I guess oh my god okay that was oh god the sirens and I'm gonna get out of here real quick I I cannot believe that that was as scary as it was I can't fathom it that that scared me that legitimately scared me I don't know if it was just because of the music the Krampus it's getting all these cliches and one but that that scared me ah I don't know why it just goes to show I mean it's it's not poorly made I I do want to say that I'm not criticizing the game developer in any way but man you would not expect that to be that scary and yet it was so good alright anyway moving on next up we have a game called forgotten school which is a short Japanese VHS Horrigan I didn't know that was a category of games but what where is everyone I better hurry or I'll be late for class two hundred meters okay you know that is a good question where is everyone you'd think that if I was late well I guess if I'm late for class that makes sense everyone would already be in the school so my sorry butt needs to get in that school that's definitely not haunted in any way shape or form I know this situation like the back of my hand perfectly a normal day oh I am really stupid I need to go to the stairs that it's quite obviously pointing at okay I am up primary class hello teach I have to find the library for why do I have to find the library first I got taller oh that ain't right well let me film that hate yourself lifeless Oh loser dumb um I'm sorry okay well this is an awfully pessimistic there's an awfully pessimistic game here but uh oh hi ghost oh yeah maybe it's best not to look into the ethereal nature of the universe beyond and uh just how do I grab things I want that but I can't have it so tantalizingly close and yet so far yeah maybe it's best not to peer into the beyond because the beyond seems really depressing no book I wonder if this is the library oh the library seems something something's rubbing me wrong about this library of here huh very concerning did I bring up my ethereal camera from [Laughter] [Music] yeah okay who is going on oh well this is awfully disturbing huh and now it's normal and this Durbin yeah yeah oh-ho-ho-ho hi oh wait no Hey I don't want it well guys were putting it away huh hey how you doing um that's weird and my dad is everyone else dead I don't know man I don't know what's happening Oh moral of the story because I mean yeah sure yeah if there's gonna be a moral about this be kind rewind I'm not sure what the hell happened I think it was probably a game about bullying if I had to guess and then a student ended up committing suicide that's my guess as to what this game is about ho k so this next game I'm pretty sure this game is not what it seems to be but I can't confirm that it's a game about literally doing your taxes and a headphone recommendation because that's something that you would need when you're just doing your taxes so let's go let's do our tack keep taxes what does that mean oh I tossed okay alright easy enough being bald is a choice someone till wid that hose a lot of taxes I did seven taxes I threw away eight things tax returns Oh Oh Jimmy mock liar and a tiny box Tim to cap it off there we go alright next day I good job thanks thank you Wow oh wait that's not taxes is that taxes that's not taxes I got tricked oh shoot okay well I'm screwing this up ah not taxes not taxes no no no no taxes taxes no no no aah I might have goofed out a bit oh no way that's a big negative number I might've goofed it okay I'll give me a big ol mark blah tiny back stim bad job I I'm aware I'm aware whoa that's a nice check can I keep that that looks good at toss it oh wait IRS important that's not taxes maybe I should keep the checks am i doing it wrong with the yes I am unsure if those things are actually taxes or not I am doing very poorly in this excursion I did eight taxes at least I'm in the posse a big ol em tiny tiny box Tim's has never looked better doing it ah thank you thank you oh it's dark I don't know why it's dark what what the hell is that what the hell do you guys hear that well this is this is a depressing amount of nothing all right uh okay did that I did zero taxes I threw away thirty five pieces of junk okay just a big ol tiny box Tim let's put that day there you go he's a cute little biscuit whoa you did taxes that's us Thank You tiny bags superb I'm aware I'm aware I'm aware of these things five okay please help wait what did I say please help please help please help oh okay I'm really doing it guys I'm really do you ever feel like you're being watched up not often Oh way way that was important wait why was that important my money went down feeling trapped what what was that what was that what was that wait a minute what was that way what was that what the hell was that what the hell was that oh so what is with this goddamn mind-numbing music is this intentional I thought at first it was just like something being like okay just a common drone but I feel like this music is eating away at my soul yes thank you yes indeed that's a lot of coffees error are you crazy well you know not not often let's a PayPal em now all right interesting all right well I will not listen to you voices in my head telling me to stop don't even think about it you think that you know me not not true at all nailed it tell you what I nailed that what does it even matter we've been through this oh wait a minute hang on you might want to stop what you're doing here yeah let me think about things before you just take action like this I'm not in too many of sort of things I need I need some time to think about it thinking it over to Kampala bye-bye I wasn't planning on leaving you here you get a tiny box Tim right there and you and tiny box Tim has a tinier box as a friend look so you're not alone anymore oh that is an interesting paper that's definitely taxes taxes taxes I know taxes when I see taxes I know taxes just keep doing my tag just doing my taxes here don't know what you guys are doing I'm doing my taxes sure are a lot of taxes to do today oh well penny saved is a penny earned another dollar another day the only thing scape is death and taxes okay I think I'm getting close to the end oh hello do you really want to go back oh um well I mean like I guess I can't you're not letting me really do I can't really mmm I just I don't really wanna I don't want to fight I want to make a fuss about things but I can't seems to not be allowing me to do anything else okay how about I've got I've got a hack around this I know how to know how to deal with nerds okay we're gonna build a nice line here okay I'm gonna build another nice line here oh yeah see I've beat you at your own game have beat you at your own game no hahaha Billy oh I didn't mean that Oh um yeah I'll keep that to the right the pills the pills there bye-bye it bye now now get out of here ha ha keep that to the left okay I want to go back left okay left left oh now get that now stupid advertisements all right to the right yeah keep my laughing yeah get out of here get out of here get out of here get out of here Oh money yeah um is there some kind of like offshoot of presentable liberty where I'm just perpetually spiraling down or have a hole as I slowly erode what sanity half I guess yeah I get that pills go back to sleep keep that one it bills out here wait what [Music] all right Oh would you like to go back go back to what I don't know what I'm going back to I'm gonna go with no cuz I'm assuming I want the truth I do not do not want to go back [Music] okay um I guess that's the end of that game uh I feel like I feel like I feel like some new medic virus has wormed its way into my brain and my subconscious will be ruptured from the inside out but hey pretty cool game I love surreal things like this I love them I think they're so cool I think there's so much potential in doing experiences like this and making these into games so really well done well well good job good job great maybe there's a secret that I didn't find I don't know if you get like a perfect game does it even matter that's what they asked I don't know I don't know what's happening so thanks everybody for watching let me know what you thought down in the comments below and yeah does do your taxes do those taxes I guess so that has been three scary games thank you everybody so much for watching that thing is still behind you but I wouldn't worry about it too much just don't turn around if you want to see more of these there's a link in the description and there's suggested scary games over there and thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,582,958
Rating: 4.9712677 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, 3 scary games 34, 3 scary games markiplier, markiplier, scary games, scary, police force game, forgotten school game, a game about literally doing your taxes, all endings, explained, horror games, spooky, creepy, creepypasta, markiplier scary games, lets play, jump scare, jumpscares, walkthrough, scariest, jumpscare, indie horror, indie horror game, horror, playthrough, gameplay
Id: Kj-B0i3j6WU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 01 2019
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