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ah okay hi my name is markiplier welcome to three scary games oh my god I'm recording oh [ __ ] okay that was weird this one's called no players online there are no players online Wow okay hang on Oh weird so this is offline so that's a no-go I don't know I Wow what the hell oh God Oh weird okay so I should have read up on this guy I like to jump into these as blind as possible but I I suppose I should have read up okay it's like quake graphics I get five bullets per that there's no other players online so fat a lot of good that's gonna do hey I'm coming for you baby I'm gonna come get your flag I think I think that's the main objective here hey whoa weird well let's not jump into the abyss just yet let's find out what we have going on here this is bizarrely reminiscent of the feeling that you would actually get if you were playing a game that no longer has an active user base you see it a lot on indie horror games that have like a multiplayer component or just indie games in general sometimes there's just knowing that plays I guess I'm just gonna go get the flag hey look it's their flag let's just go take that this is weird I know it's got something in store for me I've got the flag looking for players I don't know what to will excuse me why are you go darker why you go dark [Music] [Music] okay ah Hey I didn't mean to I didn't mean to oh is it me too oh yes no what I meant to do wars - accidentally shooting people you know how it is these guns the rampant desire to get a good kill death ratio you know how it is I gotta make the pro-gamer moves I am a pro gamer after all I'm here to professionally game my word what is it oh no I see what I'm seeing up there there's some up there oh I'm coming to get you you think you can escape from me oh oh what was that oh you want to run that by me again who was hiding behind it a tree what's going on here oh I don't like this oh I don't like this none at all who was over here huh huh huh you think you're gonna keep me from scoring this flag here I'll just run in a distraction play that's all it is that's all it is that's all you are just a bunch of distractions for me getting this victory kaboom baby boom I did it I'm the best yeah that's right that's what here's what I thought GG easy am i right everybody why is it glowing red or it's probably fine that is the red team over there so I'm just guessing it's just trying to illuminate my path to the where the where the flag would be which we would obviously be over this way but you know in case I get lost I thought I saw something oh that's very red oh that oh I don't know I'm going for baby oh well we're done now okay good what about the photo graph anything weird going on with the photo graph ooh sorry bud okay okay okay okay it's all good I didn't need to do that but I did it anyway just to make sure they know who's the boss around here no they know I mean business I mean like 401 K 1099 business I'm here to I got the flag there's no that place is Gabe no one plays this game as far as I was concerned hello who's there huh you're ready I'm I'm getting less bullets every time I don't Oh like that they're not giving me enough bullets what oh god I thought I saw something back there getting spooked by my own shadow here you're not stopping me I'm gonna score this I'm scoring baby you can't stop it you can't like one bullet really that's all I get now you see garbage sometimes I have one sometimes I don't doesn't make a lot of sense but okay whatever you think you can mess with me the answer is you cannot yeah oh what's this oh crushing victory oh yeah oh okay told you to hold my toes you're not gonna tow my toes you ain't gonna tow my toes you toes my toes we're toes all of our toes yeah I got ten toes what are you dealing with that tree is disappearing into peer that tree wasn't there I'm not crazy that tree was not there when I whoa sorry that tree wasn't there there was one tree before it was normal let's get this looks good this job let's get this sweet dub wait what's in a tree back here before the last time I went here it's really weird guys things is changing things has changed good things has changing by Ed actually not good the opposite of good the bad thing hey your doors open shouldn't believe it someone's gonna sneak in the back way oh I can't go that way it's okay I didn't need to I got the flag baby I'm about to get this sweet dog oh hell yeah I don't even know who they're dealing with here oh sorry your game was ruined as soon as ma RK i p li er walked in the door there's a tree missing there too now well whatever man not today oh boy you were right listen buddy you wanna mess with the likes of me go you want to slow down throw down you better slow down - you better throw down Hey well you hate to see it do not move another step whatever you do do not deliver that flag how did you even get access to this game whoa no no no can you hear me la dee dee you can read this press Y and chat to say something oh not can't do it okay well too late boo boo wait never mind I don't think you have chat permission on this server go back what why do not deliver that flag oh just shoot twice if you can read this okay I can read you I'm reading you so let me explain oh I don't know if I want you to explain if you deliver that last flag the service will shut down I absolutely cannot let that happen I've been working on this project for more than 11 years I can't let you jeopardize all of my work this may look like a simple FPS game to you but this game has the power to raise the dead oh yeah that makes sense that at least that's what it's supposed to do are you oh so casual project it's still a work in progress as you can probably tell yeah yeah I'm making this talk and see my wife again oh that's so sad yeah it's real sad but she seems to be stuck in a sort of limbo uh-huh okay you probably already met her oh yeah she's lovely she might come over a bit of ggressive but she's just scared and confused okay can you blame her you destroyed the record player with her favorite music well I didn't mean to I used that to keep her calm I didn't mean it if you deliver that last flag or soul will be set free but I know I can save her and bring her back okay please press escape and shut down the game please well oh but you know I could also delivered the flag please don't Wow why no no no do not deliver that flag well go back to the center of the map what why why what's in the center what's in the center what's in the center Johnny boy what's in the center huh what's in the center of the map also weird game to resurrect your wife and Wyatt why an FPS game the center of the map hmm you talking about this little alcove over here you talking about little alcove II is this the center of the map hello okay well if you're not gonna talk to me that I ain't gonna do nothing about nothing to you I didn't mean to destroy the record player I just I didn't think the music was very comforting anyway I'm not gonna I'm not gonna listen to you because you do you're not talking to me so I'm gonna slap this flag right in its flag hole and there's nothing you can do it to stop me here I go go back what if I go no no no go back that nap let's see what happens slam right there oh oh oh well [ __ ] I may have goofed that a little bit maybe I wasn't supposed to do that okay oh [ __ ] what have I done oh please shall be a permanent thing please oh [ __ ] oh [ __ ] it is a prop god oh no oh no okay I've got a way around this guys don't you worry let me worry about worry don't you worry about worry let me worry about worry okay wait wait wait wait wait wait okay wait someone said this might work this might work this is my work I have no idea ah this might help this might be a joke I have no idea this this might work okay everybody hold onto your butts I've been hold onto your butts nothing here up up down down left right left right BA oh wow all right cool um I'm about that I'm pretty about that okay okay so let's let's do the speed run baby speed run I'm not gonna break the music box this time around you ain't gonna trick me like that okay all right Oh trees God okay everything seems Samos ammo why are you why are you here again hey I don't know please just leave us alone wait a minute oh yeah buddy you want to mess with the likes of me but you want to mess with the likes of me oh yeah buddy yeah you think you can go toe-to-toe with this guy no no's you cannot you can't go on any of my toes all right where's he's probably waiting by the flag drop-off but I'm just being you know thorough just make sure he's not speaking up on me not spawn camping or nothing I'm just making sure okay hey buddy Johnny boy Oh Johnny boy Johnny boy Arnold sue Johnny boy where you at Johnny boy Johnny boy where's Johnny boy I don't know where Johnny boy oh ho John a John Oh I can't read that or tell what it is it's like a squiggly line what I mean could you film this on something other than a piece of asparagus wait oh wait wait that was a map that was an arrow on it enter it looked like an enter button whoa what is that what is that what is that there's something there it was like it was pointing to keys that led to the enter button there's a code it's that's what that's representing it's bracket Oh bracket that's like the down-up-down I don't have that drawing is anyone have like a picture of that drawing okay I can't figure this out for the life of me for the life of me I cannot figure this out there's a deeper mystery here and I think I'm on the right track with this because I believe that the code is simpler than people would probably assume it to be it is just a diagram of buttons on the keyboard and it goes down up down down up down up down down up down down up down up down up up down up and bracket circle bracket is part of it I don't know so I don't have time to put her through all of these different confirmations but there is a secret here so we'll leave it at that but we are not done there's been an intense game yes but we are not done three scary games must move on so this next one is a game all right this next one is a game called flesh birds I don't know what that means but it don't look too friendly all right let's do this hey bird are you doing anyway I just gotta go you guys don't eat me please oh boy well they're gonna eat me aren't they I'm gonna get ed up I know this for a fact I'm gonna get it it must be like the era of PlayStation 1 graphics there must have been like a game jam or something with this level of graphics that just brought along a lot of cool ideas it's always well that's not good oh yeah the ominous music confirms that that is definitely most definitely not good oh that is a big hole heap and helping and not good oh that's what you call C okay all right wow that's a lot of Boyd's oh Jesus okay what am I supposed to do behave my god was that me I didn't stand a chance but didn't even play please tell me that wasn't me all right good get well what oh boy oh they say it's a hard job but they had me sold with a good pay a good paycheck in this field is hard to come by and I'm lucky that my family have allowed me to travel this far of course the wife wasn't happy but I'm here they say this Forester stood for centuries I was certain the plans had come together to work this place but developments must follow through I don't know but don't start working till Monday so I've been enjoying her being hunted here in the wild for once gives me a break from the bloody rat race back in the city blueberries seem to grow all around the place and some for breakfast today bloody lovely it's a shame we're here to take it all away but a job is a job and I need to put food on the table all right cool hey how you couldn't please everyone ran to that old church I've stayed here yeah I don't know you may actually be the smart one here Wow all right everybody I'm gonna go run to the old church see you around buddy see you around gotta keep up if you want a roll with the big boys hey have you checked out a heist with markiplier yet if you haven't you're missing out it's pretty amazing or maybe you checked it out and you haven't gotten all the endings it's my latest interactive story 31 endings it's amazing really really proud of it okay alright blueberries I'll get some boobs and have some boobs oh yeah yeah leave none for the boy I'll leave some for the boys oh my god you can't do that to me that is unfair oh good this will help oh yeah one [ __ ] Oh God Oh Oh what whomp-whomp get down Oh slides holy crap holy crap Oh God hey hey hey how oh okay okay Wow why are those in 3d and all the people are 2d no wonder they didn't stand a chance no get what I've been up a net bird food okay yeah that makes sense okay yeah that yeah I didn't do too good okay good here I am okay good great this is going swimmingly all right let's try the skin G yeah come on hit him Danny hit him Oh two-for-one sale three-for-one sale I got all of them okay I can run a little faster if I dag and I'll strafe so I'm gonna do that oh you Oh shooty shooty tutti it's so many good oh yeah one come all not one thing enough get some of this you want some our whoop yeah you you thought you could handle the lump it's turns out you could not oh my god [Applause] come here you oh where why help get in the birdhouse whoo come here you yeah yeah that's right good god you suck oh my god you suck damn it we're good start activating this side but we're halted by a bunch of crazy-ass hippies now I've had my fair share of protests at the sites but this ain't my first gig but these people were different they were cloaks and stood around our cabins in a circle chanting some gibberish it's not like they can do anything in us they wouldn't dare lay a finger on me unless they want our employer to sue their asses anyway I tried to get some sleep earlier and welcome to see that they had gone I noticed a fair few birds are flying around up here now hopefully the birds scared them off work must go ahead tomorrow regardless of if the people come back or not the boss isn't gonna like this yeah I'm not gonna I thought they were our god it burns heard we were not gone I'm just gonna go for you know it oh I'm just gonna go for it diagonal run it's the old doom method og somes Oh jiminy Christmas it ain't good okay I'll be there by me Oh who all of them all of them okay I'm just gonna go yeah get some blooms are those blooms Oh hot fresh blooms what is that whoa what is that tree what was that tree just spinning by oh oh what is that oh what is that oh oh hi oh hi hello hi they took my god yeah they do Wow oh it's been a couple days I haven't slept a wink caww caww caww God's keys give me a break this place creeps me out man Birds everywhere trees everywhere and yet nah one of my co-workers insight I hope this is just some elaborate ruse from the boys I really do oh and those hippies say I keep seeing I tell you I don't think there were hippies man the birds they follow them I seen it I seen it I tried to get out of here but we're deep into the forest and are shipping on with all of our equipment around and never arrived I'd kill to be stuck in traffic bad at home right now yeah me too man yeah me too I'm gonna rock oh so many oh so many there they all are where am I going bloob I love me some boobs give me the boobs okay where do I go from here I don't know little I'll just keep going this way I guess all right here we go other blimey oh yes she's very yes oh good fine as fine is fine oh can I make it through here oh god I cannot can't I oh god no oh god please how they all burn oh wait no I just cut through the woods wait what but I was here already what is it I have been here M&A yeah Oh God Oh was I supposed to go I think I was just supposed to go through like some path here in the woods I don't know man I don't know they're really really really hustled up right how about I just just got rump the lump Oh one oh yeah that's that's she Benny Christmas Oh God okay there we go whoa whoa hey whoa whoa that's not normal oh that's so not normal oh my god that's not normal what is that all about oh it's not normal okay so I was over here the path just kind of dead ends in this Plaza but why oh Jesus oh hey buddy hey how you doing they took my goddamn arm they're about to think something else to use ah come here you stop you'll leave him alone oh never mind he's gone he done though holy [ __ ] oh my god there was so many of you right there why I'm gonna come back around for this I think I just might have seen a path about back this way oh yeah there's something back here okay so this is kind of a path yeah yeah definitely Oh God Oh why are there weird meat cocoons in the forest here that I don't understand Hey look at that is so old look at that that's no good oh you you you you you oh god I've lost my sense of direction hey where did that thing go that I saw Oh God okay that's not good okay I gotta go this way I guess who the birds dude it is just bloops all right thank you oh that's that looks good oh I love it oh I love it oh I love it oh I love it yeah yeah not today Bartoli's oh yeah birdy wordy's go boom one more two more easy busy lemon squeeze me oh so sad all gone oh hey sorry that's just the way the cookie crumbles hey Church it's a little okay that's more odd than I thought it was what a big boy or girl what are you so big okay why is this my responsibility I responsible 'ti to deal with Oh Larry's leg help me oh god help me okay there go I guess one hit oh hey I can still move good okay great yeah okay okay okay okay okay nissim so god what happened oh geez oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god okay I know what I know what you need I know you want good god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god oh my god stop that good God just die okay okay all right do I burn away all this [ __ ] apparently not alright well that was fun glad I did that hey Larry's lag how you doing buddy good to see you Oh Larry go great alright see you around kid see round nice door sound effect where'd my flamethrower go I don't feel good why looks pretty good pretty good pretty good pretty good I gotta say it's pretty good but good pretty good get very good very good German food very good everyone want to go stay up-to-date on germ foods project okay okay this one is called Oh only in darkness I don't know what's happening only in darkness but it can't be good movement run Crouch flare great all these are good difficulty oh man to normal thank you I'm gonna do normal I'm gonna just normals for me please one normal use mirror oh I don't know what that means what do you mean by mirror Oh but why what what wait what do you mean prepare to run what's happening bye oh geez oh I'm dead I'm dead am i dead I'm not dead I'm dead Oh God oh I'm dead oh no no no no no listen you don't want to do anything like this to me oh it's red light green light it's green light my red light oh okay I get it okay all right this ain't so bad okay all right no shoot oh oh oh that felt real close behind me I should move faster than should I should I get it I get it I get it I get it oh okay rebuild the painting what do you mean rebuild the painting oh wait no wait no hang on that's not fair Oh Oh this this is an untidy l-- oh okay okay I'm rebuilding it why am i building on wow oh god please no I was trying to rebuild it I really was I swear I've been a good boy okay all right rebuilding rebuilding rebuilding rebuilding okay last one here we go and got it okay rebuild it rebuild well God okay we're good Wow all right cool I might get my name on this hey cool good let's go for it baby easy this games so easy who'da thunk it was so easy I I'm going away okay easy what is the mirror do I don't know who would know not me oh boy oh boy okay we're fine it's so good yeah so far behind didn't even know who I am oh come on give me a challenge stupid so easy never even knew the definition of not easy oh yeah it's nothing to me I got hops mad hops biggest goofiest beefiest hops so hoppy you'd never knew how hoppy I've been okay I don't even hear behind me this way yeah you you ain't never gonna get me you ain't never gonna get me oh [ __ ] oh god no no not like this no I need to get him oh [ __ ] oh God Oh flare I don't know II aah oh oh oh god oh god I'm stuck get up get up get up get up get up Oh God come on come on not like this oh come on please oh god please oh thank you thank you please what am i doing what am i doing oh [ __ ] thing okay got it I don't know what do you want what do you want I don't know what I don't know what I don't understand Oh oh shoot oh I don't know I don't know what what do I do purple okay okay I don't understand oh hi hey how you doing alright looks like I'm not going on the leaderboard everybody let's try that again alright take tois so easy mind-numbing ly easy so easy I've got this in the bag in all of my bags I've got this of all the bags for me to get I get this insanity uh-oh really yo you're gonna dick me like that oh you're gonna dick me like that you're gonna dick me midair when I'm trying to hit any hoop all right you got I got this this is easy easy he's got it okay okay yellow purple blue yellow purple yellow purple blue purple yellow blue oh [Music] okay I got that that one was a bit there was a bit more difficult I should be more difficult I probably could have done that brute force style but I didn't think about okay let's go let's just go let's go let's not think about it why would we think about it I'm not thinking about anything why would I think about anything I'm not thinking about something oh it's dork but not for long oh I don't know where I'm going where am I going okay here I go okay it's a little dork but that's okay it's alright I got something you gonna like oh [ __ ] I don't like it I don't know what the mirrors for I have no idea maybe it's like a last minute thing if she's gone about to get me but oh really that's not appropriate woo okay hey oh hey why oh why what oh jeez oh really oh this is not this not ideal okay I'm going for it come on let me go for it come on let me go for it oh yeah what's this oh yeah through that house sweet nade come on come on I did it okay thank you Wow I'm not gonna try hard mode that sounds like a pain in the ass especially with the puzzle solving portion of that but that was cool I like that it was it was different it was very different from most horror games I played very rkt very arcade style and I kind of liked cuz it's kind of hard to do an arcade style horror game I like that that's cool then anyway that is it for three scary games thank you everybody so much for watching oh geez let me know what you thought of these games down in the comments below and if you've got other scary games that you want me to play write them in the comments as well if you haven't checked out a heist with markiplier please do it is the best thing I've ever made link is in the description and thank you everybody so much for watching it if you want to help me make other cool projects like a high school markiplier why not become a member of the channel click the join button down there and see if you can support me doing these cool projects and get a sneak peek and future things as they're being developed and you get weekly member-only live streams check it out it's worth it thank you so much for your support and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,952,639
Rating: 4.9610286 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, markiplier, 3 scary games 32, scariest games, scary games, horror games, jumpscares, jumpscare, jump scare, jumpscare game, indie horror, indie horror game, 3 scary games 30, facecam, scary stories, horror stories, survival horror, pixelated, scary horror stories, horror game gameplay, spooky, horror, scary, markiplier scary games, gameplay, creepypasta, creepy, horror game, lets play, playthrough, walkthrough, no players online, flesh birds, only in darkness, game
Id: cd1q8dDOmc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 7sec (2407 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 12 2019
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