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Hello everybody, my name is Markiplier and welcome back to... THREE. SCARY GAMES. I almost broke e-everything... This is Hollow Head. Hollow Head was made for the PS1 Game Jam. What a horrible dream I can't go back to sleep just yet. Oh, I can't, can't I? Why not? What's waiting for me in my dreams? Oh, that's nice. Oh, I hack for a living. Whoo, I don't like the way that door is. All right, cool. Hey, nice balcony! Don't like the way the light uh... burns everything. I think I can hear someone's voice in the vent? Wait a minute. Why can I hear someone's voice in the vent?! That's not what you want to hear... That's the opposite of what you want to hear. Something smells terrible. Yeah, no-no kidding. What is it? There's the culprit. Better go take it out. Okay, cool. Where to? Where am I taking this? Right in the toilet. Put in the turlet, put it right in the turlet! You know, I guess now that I think about it the voice in the vent could just be a neighbor and nothing could be wrong Everything could be fine. ಠ_ಠ *Vent noises* You know actually now that I think about it, I don't think that everything's fine, I think that everything is actually not fine. Put it in the chute. *goat screams* Did I just hear someone call for help? NOOOO heh. Sounds like it came from the garbage room. I better go check it out, no- you know call the police. Somebody needs to call the police, you know, I don't think it's my job. For some reason I just don't think it's my job. Hey, fastest way to the garbage room is just down the chute, right? Okay through my- *GASP* Uh oh... I should of separated my recyclables. I don't know where that flashlight came from, but I need it right now Yeah, no joke. OH am I still going downstairs? Why am I going downdehuh. Why am I going downstairs? Hey voices in the vents, did you know that something's wrong right now? Did you know that there's problems in here? You guys might want to be a little concerned about this... cOnUNdrUm that we're operating under- because there's bad things Afoot. Ooh. Ooh. Ah, this is my floor. Good, great. Wha- DO DA DA DA. Do I want to keep going? Yah yo- No. Uh- Do I have a choice? Are you giving me a choice here? Are you giving me choices? *strange Markiplier moan* Are you giving me a choice? I don't think- I don't think- *Buzzing noise* Okay, cool, all right, that's fine, that's totally fine, totes mixed scrotes (?) fine. I don't remember the basement being this way ooOH. Man whoever has to live down here. Sure sucks for them. Okay *Knock on door* No. ( ・ั﹏・ั) Don't do that. Whatever you're thinking about doing just don't do it, and we won't have a problem. We're not gonna have a problem if you don't do it. I'm not sure where I'm going. I feel like I've been going in a bit of circle. Yeah. Oh shit, found a dead end. Okay, that's weird. Oh, no, that's the way I started. Isn't it? Oh, god damn it Have I gone in a circle already...? Oh shit, I don't know why I expected that to open... but okay. *wailing noises* ooOOOOOhhWOahhh. *Creature roars* OH! WAIT WAIT WAIT! Um WAAAAAA- Ohhh. (ಥ﹏ಥ) oH gOoD I haVe tHat to LoOk ForWarD tO. Great! That's just in here with me! (/◕ヮ◕)/ Wonderful, do I want to keep going-- How did I miss that this whole time? I've been wandering around and I missed THAT. Hello-o. Listen, there's something down here. You gotta get out of here guys. Whoever lives down here, you gotta go! Actually, oh down here. Okay, you know if we all team up I bet that thing, whatever it was, won't stand a chance. Oh shit, oh shit. (ㆁωㆁ*) Oh shit, I'm going towards it. I'm going towards it. Oh shit. Oh shit. Oh shit. *Creature roars* AAAA I REGRET! I REGRETTI MY SPAGHETTI! *Creature roars again* oH gOD. Ooh it's right behind me, it's gonna get me. ooh it's gonna get me!!11!! No, it won't get me, not today. Uh okay, you know, I love a good maze but wHeRe aM I gOInG and whY. No, I just went in a big corcle didn't I, I bet this is the way I came in. It is it is the way I came in... g0d DAMN IT. (´_ゝ`) Oh, what's this? What's ohOO. Hi. Oh, hey, how are you doing? I caught him for you. You know, that's great. Ima get you though. Ueh. You can run... you can... hide. But it's won't stop till you kill the monster inside. oH. Well, I killed the monster outside and I think that's just as good. All right, so that's Hollow Head. ´• ل •` .W0w Glad that worked out. All right this next one's called Ghost of Tomorrow, as opposed to the Ghost of Today. Ooh. Alright, well, pretty standard fare... oh- Ooohkay hi-heheh title screen. Oh, August 23rd, 2019- it's in the fUtUrE This is in the future. Hello. Did I just get a ding dong? Alice I've been calling and texting you for two days and you haven't answered. I haven't heard anything from you for days. Exactly TWO days. Where are you? Are you okay? Please call me. Leaving that on read. (sAvAGe) Pfft. Talk about a needy mother. I'm fine, mOm. All right. Hello? *Creepy music starts playing* Excuse me, exquEEeEEeeze me? *Music stops* Oh just my bathrooms haunted, it's just my bathroom. It's only in my bathroom. It's just the bathroom. Yeah, good good to know good to know that only my bathroom is that way that that is. Hello. Hi. Okay cool. All right, cool. Good good. Great. All right Anyway, is the ghost of tomorrow gonna come out and say hi? Or maybe the ghost of next Thursday is gonna come out and say hi? Maybe the ghost of Memorial Day Past is gonna come out and say hi to me. Okay- well, I can't leave so I guess I'm staying in. *sqeak* ಠ_ಠ What. Oh. Alice Graham: Last seen outside Wyman University on August 23rd wearing a white tank top and jeans shorts. Brown eyes, dark hair, five foot seven, 130 lbs, age 24. *Woman crying* *Tries to open door* *Woman stops crying* Okeh, all right. Okay. Hey shut up in there stop your crying, we *Thunk* aLL GOT PROBLEMS! (◉ω◉) *Thunk from door* Yes, hello, hi. *THUNK* Is that my pizza? *Thunk* I'm just gonna go, I'm just gonna go ahead, it's not for me. *Thunk* It's not delivery, it's DiGiorno. They got the picture they got the message, that's good *Haunted bathroom noises* still weird in here. *Pounding on door gets faster* Hello? *Pounding on door gets faster* Listen, I'm not paying for it. Oh you oh wait, you could stop crying any day now. You ain't gonna get my sympathy. Okay, whatever you say. Hey, why did that close? When did that door close? When did this door close? When did the door--HEY! Don't even suspect a thing about it, don't you (forget about me) Ooh. Brutally murdered, you say. Missing Student Found Brutally Murdered By Roommate: Roommate Confesses Murder: Alice Graham, a 24 year-old. *weird Markiplier noises* Eh brutally... Suh what does this sa- Gale Rogers was arrested yesterday as she confessed to comitting the murder. *mumbling* Let's share a two bedroom. I think Alice was Gales only friend. Okay. HO-OLLLLLY SHIT. Hoooly shit. Hiiiiiiiiiiii Alice! (/◕ヮ◕)/ How are you doing? Hey come give me a big huuug! Hi, oh hi, okay. *Pops back up* aH! MMmmrrgGgah. Listen. Wut. Uh. uH. Oooh really? *Markiplier having an excorsism* Where am I? hOOO. Ho no. Ho no. Agh. nooooooOOAGGGHH! You suck. How dare you make a good horror game then rip it away from me?! hOW dArE YOu?? That was great. That was that was really.. really good. Just the way they executed the scares was... *italian cheff kiss* It's a one-time only thing, like, it won't be scary the second time you do it but... MAN they really nailed those scares! Really good stuff. I like that a lot. Okay next up... Fuzzy Tomato. :3 That's not the name of the game. This one's called 6 am. Now why it's called 6 a.m... I'm not a 100% sure. Find the first floor and leave the building. Simple as that. Third floor you say... well, I'm looking for the first- key card. All right, cool. That's alright, easy. There's no way that I won't be able to get that. *gurgle * *weez* I'm sorry. Was that a giant spider? Am I to believe that there's giant spiders crawling all over this floor, because if so... that's ridiculous. That is rigoddamn diculous. First floor, hey Was that the shadow of a giant spider or was I gravely mistaken? With my own idiocy. I have deluded myself into thinking that there are giant spiders crawling all over the place in this office because that'd just be ridiculous. Now fool me thrice... shame on thice, because I do declare my eyes doth not save me when I think there are giant spiders crawling every which way in this building. Then again, I might be a fool who smoked far too much PCP for my own good. WhO's tO sAy? nOt I. (this bitch) The only person inside this building besides the giant spiders that may or may not be figments of mine own imagination. Heluuuuuh! *scary Brittish accent* Anybody?! WELL I'll just mosey on forward. I think I'm going crazy. (so do I) Too many horror games. Or too many spiders. (oh boi) Don't know which one is more true. Euhhh! Are these the front doors? Ffffffrick! Family friendly, please. The doors are locked. I need to get to Adams office so I can unlock floor 3. And uh-okay. Find the second floor manager's office. You got is baby. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) Hey, is that a keycard? Oh yea. Haah. Nice. All right. Time to mosey on back up, because everything's looking up for me. Oh wuh bwuh. *weez* Now hold on a second here. What the hell is that? Ok, the spider am I supposed to- wELL. Now that may have been a fever dream for my repeated exposure to the various recreational drugs I take in frivolous occasions BUT are there now aliens in addition to a horde of giant spiders crawling towards me menacingly and then staring at me directly in mine eyes...? Hold the shift to run key. What are these voices talking in mine MiNd? Why would I need to rUn? Surely that is not an urgency that I need to address. Surely I can take all the time that I doth desire. Ok, the second floor East Wing- wh- that's UH GIGANWUAY- Wait a minute... That is very clearly a gi- OWWWWW. *weez* OWuh! aH- Man injured! (Manager?) Get- *absolute f*cking nonsense* I should check her desk. She sits next to me. Okay, where do I sit? That's- I don't remember where. oHH giant spider problem *Chuckles* *once again, absolute nonsense* OOF. *giggle* Really? W-ha-ha-ha-ha. Well, I need to check Sarah's desk I keep getting eaten alive by these spiders but oh no, they will not get the best of me because of all the drugs I've taken I am practically immune. Oh! The spider's still after me! You silly bitch. I shalt not die to you. There is my objective. Stupid spider. You've been fooled by my clever ruUuuuSe. Anyway, time to go back into the manager's office. I'm gonna stop doing that voice. (thank u) I don't know why I'm doing it in the first place can't help it. Sometimes I just have to listen to my brain be weird. Hey, I got the keycard. I got it. I got the keycard. What's the dealio? I got the keycard. I swear I did. I gotta stop getting my ankles nibbled off. OOF. Roblox *oof* indeed. So jump over it. That's- that's apparently the strategy, okay. A leap- Okay, leapfrog don't work so good. Well, I got the keycard, then when does it open? Hey spider, you dumbass. Okay, yooink- okay owowowowow. You know, they can't all be winners. You can have two great... good horror games and then you can have things kind of fall apart at the end and you know, it's fine. That's the way it goes. You take the good with the bad. And if-if this is what this is gonna be then this is what it's gonna be but man this.. *wheeze* yeah a... A little simp- number one lemme say this first off: Uh, choose your monsters correctly. People may have a fear of spiders... but it doesn't translate very well into a videogame unless you do it correctly. And even then you're really not gonna get the essence of what makes that spider terrifying. Number two: Don't show your monster too much. You get accustomed to the monster and if it's not a scary monster in the first place... then they're gonna lose all threat. Number three: don't make the respawn mechanic that forgiving Uh, because it's just too forgiving *chuckles* like there's no way that there could be any threat to it because of the way it is. Oh, hi alien. I finally see you now in the corner over there. You're weird jiggly head. Oh, I see both of you. What are you doing over there? You weirdos. I'm sure there's more to this game story wise, but it's too bright. You can see too much. It's too flat It's too even. The whole key card- a bunch of key cards in the same office doesn't make any sense because it's just weird gating mechanic to try to get you through the same environment instead of moving to different environments and all of the environments look the same anyway, so it kinda just makes it very blasé. That being said, you know, everyone has to start somewhere with horror. And you know, you got to start somewhere. It didn't work, this idea, but that doesn't mean that you can't keep going in with it. You take what you learned from this, and you apply to the next one. So, I'm gonna leave it there. If you want to play any of these horror games for yourself, i'll put links in the description. Thank you everybody for watching, and thank you all developers for taking the time to make these wonderful games. And if you want to see any more scary games that I have played, check the description or subscribe, and ring that bell to be notified of when and where and why I will be uploading more horror games in the future. Thank you everybody so much for watching. And as always, I will see you in the next video. Buh-bye!
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,494,258
Rating: 4.9638586 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, markiplier scary games, scariest games, creepy, creepypasta, scary, scariest, horror, horror games, lets play, gameplay, gaming, video games, playthrough, walkthrough
Id: RVdTs7Sb1-0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 23 2019
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