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👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/At_Witts_End 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

FNaF and every single Markiplier video are set in the same universe now.

👍︎︎ 15 👤︎︎ u/Realshow 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

That's cool!

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/Shakielaaa 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies

Easter egg

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Kaylared01 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Fnaf12345678910fan 📅︎︎ Nov 28 2019 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to three scary games okey thing I don't know [Music] we're gonna start off with a game called slender lonely Hong don't know why you need to cry so much we all got problems pages spot on random places every time the game gets loaded interesting so this is based off of the original Slenderman obviously but I have not played a Slenderman type game in a long time so this will be kind of a throwback because this is literally this isn't like a Slenderman kind of game it's legitimately this is supposed to be a slender my end game which hasn't existed for quite a while you need a key to open the door really I'm locked in here is that what I'm led to believe am I supposed to be able to open this oh well that's hard to see oh that's better thank you for teaching me about the kheema game oh wow this looks awesome you know that reminds me I never did beat the original Slender Man game I always got close but I never actually beat it I'm sorry hello okay probably nothing I don't have anything to worry about until later on in the game anyway not that Slenderman can't kill you in the beginning but I'm pretty sure oh pretty sure it only starts after you first pick up a page it might have been prudent to scout around the area before I pick that up hey you know what maybe I won't open that door maybe on oh you need a flashlight to go down soon do I do i is that something that I need I mean it'd be nice but uh I don't know if Mead is the correct word as reassuring as the crying is I'm going to ignore it for the time being and try to find myself a flash of light Oh huh I saw that you are tricky to find in the pitch-black darkness but I'm assuming that once I get a flashlight it will be just a little bit easier Oh another key thank you for that god this damn floor damn floor is a son of a [ __ ] oh hey now it's feeling like old times alright then make your move buddy boo are you gonna go what are you gonna do where you at Slendy man or Slendy boy okay well that didn't answer my question of what the hell was that oh hi is that a Slendy ooh how do we get over there I need that key yes please key for me thank you so glad that every door is securely locked in this place I feel safer already let's just go downstairs there's six more pages I've got a feeling I'm gonna need all all pages to open that door oh we was in here thank you that's much better I appreciate that oh good okay no sign of Slendy yet I would have thought that I would have heard him thumping his way downtown by now he's practicing his didgeridoo whoo okay all right he's gotta be around here somewhere oh good good for ya that's usually when things are good hello hello huh what is that I don't know what that is I have no idea Oh help me sure will do buddy boo five well this seems easier than I thought it'd be there's not a single sign of the Slendy salut okay well you know I guess I'll never know what's on the other side of that door because I don't have enough key okay I don't know if key hi don't know what that thumb pitch is all about but you stop that now what was that wait whoa whoa you can't just be making random noises on me you have to have a reason behind it or else I'm gonna start to think you're a son of a [ __ ] can i stuff this in my pocket sick reference me thanks me how many can I stop that my but how many of you guys remember yield references of your okay well I got a key that's good found one I'm gonna ignore that I think I can safely say that that is a whole lot of nothing and I'm not gonna concern myself with it what is making this infernal racket oh I assumed it would stop when I open the door oh god you it's just a radio really it's just the radio it's just a goddamn radio oh okay well I don't need to open that door because I already know where it goes how about this one hey how's it going champ hey slugger how you doing it there slender man is there no slender man in this game hey weird considering the name of the game is something slender okay oh seven of eight usually this is the deadly time but not now I guess oh wait what ooh I hear that oh okay maybe it was full on me for assuming that it'd be the exact same recipe as before oh my god that's getting it that's getting faster um hey there's no need wherever you are Oh was i under a time limit this whole time I'm gonna grab it I'm gonna grab it then I'm gonna grab this and I'm gonna get out there I've got eight what do I do now that I am eight I've got another key plenty man don't do this to me okay it's fine I got eight so I just get out right oh god wait what the hell what am i how am i fine why was he in that corner [ __ ] scuse me you got me hook line and sinker E are you kidding me you're gonna make a Slenderman game here the only time he shows up it right at the end he was afraid of me I was the scary one and why there's nothing scary about me oh well whatever okay cool had great ambience there was so much there so much potential and yet they squandered it oh well whatever moving on all right so this next game is called start survey um ah sure yeah let's do this whatever this is are you having a nice day yeah it's been pretty good pretty chill do you have many responsibilities oh you know a few like I gotta you what wait what wait a minute what why would maybe I have to close my window what Oh oops oh wait no that's not good no I dropped something once I pick it up oh wait I guess don't need this garbage here oh yeah the answer is yes sorry look around for a moment oh okay yeah I will are you familiar with your surroundings oh yeah do you know where you are oh well I mean now that you mention it um uh no what have you ever had a panic attack you know not really why do you ask maybe I don't think so do you find yourself questioning your existence Oh every day you know overall newness honest we kind of do that on a daily basis you know the whole channel ain't gonna last long so you better go check it out if you haven't already because it's about to go away yes do you believe there is a God oh you know that's a pretty that's pretty heavy question uh me personally no not really uh-uh so I'm gonna go with a no are you answering these questions out of free will you know I was thinking uh maybe he I just like could have been by it was hoping yes are you certain when you put it like that you know I'm not a hundred I'm so paranoid right now I'm so paranoid why see what are you gonna do to me yeah yeah do you feel comfortable in your room yeah yes so comfortable I'm gonna go with the big no on that one if the lights went out would you be scared ah I'm brave who's that I can't I won't tell you Oh God never wondered when you'll die thought about it thought about it you know this black and white aesthetic is very good at very honest honesty I love it oh that's a problem um that no okay have you cleaned off your desk lately yeah yeah actually yeah I have I did actually open the folder on your desk that's a little weird that you know that okay oh I know that you recognize contents of the folder yeah that's a di Megara fault yes throw away the contents of the folder you have internet access oh my go yeah do you have any enemies you know I'm a pretty nice guy but you know you gotta make a break a few eggs if you want to get to the top if you suddenly went missing would anybody come looking for you probably I'm gonna go with the big illa yes on that one because I think everybody watching this video might suspect something are you alone define alone are any of us really alone on this world right now yeah and this room I really hope so yeah if you screamed would anybody here Bobby technically in the recording people might in the future you're asking some really probing questions here I don't feel comfortable with this uh yeah I'm gonna go with you do you know the person standing behind you I pull that trick you don't pull it you don't pull that trick on me is there anybody behind me you guys who tell me right if there's someone by me right you guys would tell me hos there I didn't even think about in the game yes I implode relax take some time to relax okay we okay relaxing time for a relaxing people oh so chill I'm chill as can be are your feelings real and not just programmed like a machine yeah they're real and valid is there a meaning to life sure probably do you know who you are yet markiplier [ __ ] who do you think you are you think you know who I am I knew who I am I'm a man whose five ovens do you know what is happening oh never nah know why not really if you were told the truth about your existence would you deny it in hopes for a better answer no I'd probably accept it hahahaha yeah hey what's up they ask you questions is it really you answering oh you know yeah probably I think yeah if I could prove to you that you are not sentient would you be shocked sure yeah sure you want to know the truth all right I love truth look out your window okay I did it but nothing look okay oh look around you it's from the door of the house next door ah oh 101 Oh [Music] Oh where's Eric go poo poo poo goodbye you for what it is and now I finally done it I can finally set you free okay I'm free please avoid the frizz can be glad we had that conversation thank you for letting me know that I am now free big preach on that okay good I'm gonna go question my existence I'm gonna go question everything I've ever done I'm gonna get I will go over there and I'm gonna be like who i cuz i don't know what's happened anymore with my life Who am I I don't remember okay this one is called it lies Oh weird hello are you my pop am i the monster oh no if oh if you I swear do anything to that dog [Music] come on this is amazing but I don't know what's happening huh Freya huh just ready new well what's happening my eyes [Music] Oh [Music] I'm not sure what lies but something is lying right now and it better not be about my dog okay how do I play woz shift here we need to break free from grasp I don't know what's gonna be grabbing me but it better not be grabbing me too severely because I'm gonna have a severe problem with that so uh might want to think twice all right let's uh let's go for it baby let's do this whatever this is am I trying to find my dog or something okay it's real quiet Oh after two distant encounters we've failed to locate the gentles and we have no comparison to determine sex suggests the creature reproduces asexually and less likely that it's only the only one of its kind I'm sorry I didn't know I would find a research paper nailed do a windmill just seems like something that you know I wouldn't ordinarily encounter what am I doing here hey bucket head oh this is normal what is happening hey hey oh exposed bone covers its skull at this time we're unsure if it's natural or if it's another example the creature grafting organic material to itself like it did with the wheat another plant matter its body surprisingly human-like but deformed and elongated a single tail snakes okay well someone was killed in the middle of writing this message and I don't know why I'm not taking that as a warning doesn't spend so much time reading it I'm just confused we originally thought the purpose of the creatures unparalleled ability to mimic voices was to lure creatures closer to ambush and while this may be true to an extent we've noticed the creature exhibits sadistic behaviors it seems to toy with its prey using their own voices or voices of previous victims of dormant the subject oh hi truck car ooh the Jabberwocky well ain't that a handsome thing okay alright then I don't know what I'm supposed to do with this sudden influx of information about a Jabberwocky the creature attracts seemed to vary oftentimes displaying bipedal patterns with prints similar to elongated human hands we imagine this is how its prints other times the tracks trail revealing a pattern similar to that of a snake and I'm just supposedly finding these in some semblance of an order or am I really haphazardly wandering through the forest here because I would like some direction but it seems like I'm making it okay oh I did that Oh so this is what I was doing hello Oh hop-hop wait no come back oh damn it up don't run from me hop where are you going whoa Oh what the hell what what's going on what what what are you doing I can't run that fast oh oh I see okay well I yeah that's fine I read this one did I need to do anything - I heard that all the way over here okay yeah well I knew about this I already knew where oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh no oh that's not good oh that's a bad thing oh that's a hole in the ground that's a jabberwocky sized hole in the ground Oh Oh No yeah what do you see what do you see boy okay I guess I read these out of order what what why why why whoa whoa whoa whoa Wow Wow that's much bigger than I thought it was gonna be oh my god oh do I do anything about it that I just do I oh my god I heard that poppers knob up herb up oh oh they're here okay okay hi oh oh my god what if what what dog dog up oh wait what I don't know what happened han I have to go back in the game just because I have to see like what just happened okay so I what I think happened is I was supposed to find these in the order that the dog shows you but because I wandered around and saw everything first it like flagged that I saw everything and then probably just ended the game I don't know why that's how it ends the game but that's what it did so I just gotta follow what was that did I just see in the world did I just see that did I see what I think I saw I saw a tail this makes a lot of sense this explains why I was so confused well wha see now I'm getting all the things I was supposed to be getting before and I wasn't able to get oh yeah the whole that's problem whoa whoa what what what okay see now this makes a lot of sense now this makes a lot of sense hello hello al oh oh well I guess it's go time apparently no don't take me I don't wanna go no no don't take me I gotta get outta here listen I gotta go well I'm dead I got it oh it does lie it lies I'm guessing it lies means like it also calls as the barking dog sometimes okay anyway that is three scary games got some good ones this time around not too shabby I don't like it a lot so thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to see more scary games why not leave a tasty delicious like right down there subscribe to be notified of when new videos are coming at you hot and heavy ring the bell to know exactly one thanks again and as always I will see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,186,864
Rating: 4.9690809 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, 3 scary games 33, markiplier, scary games, scary, scariest, scariest game ever, horror, horror game, slender man, slender, slender man game, jumpscare, jumpscare reactions, reactions, facecam, quiz, quiz game, horror quiz, slender lonely home, start survery, horror games, markiplier scary games, gameplay, creepypasta, playthrough, walkthrough, gaming, slenderman, scare reactions, let's play, indie horror, lets play, creepy
Id: TGNgaN5nwo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 3sec (1563 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 28 2019
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