3 Scary Games #38

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Bob bingi

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jan 08 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to three scary games so asbestos best slow nice best slow night hey lik seein you scare them scare them I'll go I'm gonna go you you give them a nice spook hey no pressure you got this hey I trust you I trust you I trust you so this game is called the tapes midnight mom and dad are asleep time to go watch TV or time for bed so you can get up and study your hardest tomorrow examine the poster of my favorite pants oh no / stupid who's this my poster of the best person to ever exist you don't even know their name alright perfect whoa what just happened we're I'm sorry I don't know what just happened there but that was very bizarre but anyway I guess we're gonna leave now it's real quiet I didn't want to make them my parents oh okay it's real quiet why is it so quiet they left the TV on yeah I'm sure that's what happened all channels show static I better check the back there's a VHS tape stuck to the back of the DAV find my tapes oh I bet it's just mom trying to scare me yeah I need mom I know [ __ ] another tape in the garage yeah mom let me show you I'm a big boy I'm a big boy and I ain't scared of nothing I'm scared of nothing MA I'll show you I'll scare you I'll teach you a lesson I hated that I hated that of all the things that I've seen I hate that I'm not hungry I should grab that flashlight you know it's a smart move I regret this it's even spookier all right got the tape time to go pop this in the TV I don't want to go out hey better shine a flashlight oh good job oh but there are still more tapes to find there's a weird cartoon storage room that's right here yeah you you you right you ready you really it's my stereo in front of my room way way way I know [Music] you you know what you know what what do you know what do you know what do you know I don't know no I'm I'm always have never known nothing watch for the boy don't be afraid the parents are having a hell of a time are they exchanging special presents with each other I think I'm slipping the other horse oh goodness gravy rock on my dude I think that's what you were doing I love Smash Mouth ooh where are mom and dad don't know are you exchanging special presents with each other almost there okay very very close it's not even plugged in what's going on strange weird hands start grabbing me from round my head someone's knocking on the door yeah use peephole okay can't open it I can only look through their people okay well that's good I'm gonna go see what Mama and Papa up do haha are you having private shower time I guess this is just my eyes now oh the weather's really sub snowing out there I know what the people looks like fine time to sit down relaxing movie what I like most about you oh my goodness that's fun oh wow is that nothing will stop you TV night oh it was called TV night not the tapes wow that was um terrifying yeah I got no criticism about that was scary though spooky it really used quiet to its advantage anyway good start I'm gonna go clean my pants then we're gonna move on this is paralysis or Lulu Z's Lulu Z's all right [Music] I'm assuming this is about the sleep paralysis variety and not just general paralysis this game contains loud noises and is based on true events there may be true events meaning that everybody gets sleep paralysis on occasion not everybody oh my god it is way asleep oh god what's going on I can't move it is it seems I can only move my eyes oh yeah these are my eyes this looks like my bedroom well yeah I'd be suspicious if it didn't what are you gonna do to me I know what you're going to do gonna put a sleep paralysis demon in there well then what what the hell is that yeah I'm asking the same really you're not gonna put it creepily in the distance for a little bit you're just gonna brew water you're just gonna write up in my face like that whoa well oh well hey listen hey this is more what I was thinking about but you can you can stop the approach there you can Oh what an intricate design you have in your ask there hi hello mmm yeah don't like that whoo all right then someone mod this game and put in Ethan on the cups as soon my sleep paralysis demon move I need to move the light the light the light I need to get up uh-huh okay move left arm huh you doesn't seem to be helping much whew Oh am i up oh I'm up but I move very slow oh no whoa do they turn it off or on what do they do what hi my back here dot dot dot I don't even know how to speak that language why am i back here I can't move again the light me wiggle waggle my arm well that's normal can I wiggle waggle no hi hello okay I'm wiggling I'm wiggling is bear get off of me bear Oh Brigid you got me there bear but I'm a little wiggle left and wiggle right oh yeah ah okay oh I see ho are you afraid yeah interesting oh you're interesting interestingly ugly did you notice something in the corner of your room what what did I see it no are you sure look again now look up oh now look at the text in the description now look at the title now look at the hash tag I use now look in the tags now look in my comment surprised oh hi yes did you enjoy that as pretty cool I have another surprise for you oh good goody goody gumdrops where's your friend mr. bear I don't know I don't know a little old dabeh oh I can't wait to see you I need to get the light now I don't even want to get up hands up there a slowly very slowly the light click got it nailed it I'm the best I've done it uh-oh I'm back here again again Oh can't believe this bull why I don't know can't move again hello what the hell all right hey mama mama hmm that's not right uncle Jeff okay I'm waiting for the why it's funny cuz I can't see you I'm feeling I'm gonna see you anxiety bangs I oh I'm gonna curb my anxiety oh it's the baby the baby's crawling to me well Wow Oh baby got big baby hey I don't know if saying that because oh well hang on let me get my exercise down there we go got it I don't know if saying you're my worst nightmare actually makes you sad thing my asthma the light oh alright well it better work this time to tell you ooh it's finally over I'm back baby I want to go downstairs for a drink baby I'm back I'm on a roll I'm back baby baby I'm back I'm out of control I'm back baby wait I don't live in the house is really over all right okay not bad not bad not bad but I also have to say it needs a lot of work in terms of pacing because right off the bat getting the the viewer with like an immediate jump scare that was kind of ridiculous in the first place just like set the tone because the whole concept of like sleep paralysis is that you can't move and the most horrible thing to me anyways that whenever I get sleep paralysis is that I think there's something and trying to move makes it go away but it's being locked in that position and not being able to do anything that really really makes it I think there's a lot of stuff to play with this with just having the viewer be in bed and not sure of what they're seeing because that's what sleep paralysis is all about I've had sleep paralysis where I'm rolled over to one side of the bed facing one side of the room and yet in my dream state I am looking over there I know that's tough to explain but it's completely illogical because the way you dream is is different and when it slips into reality that's what makes things seem scary either way not bad krytus general here go speaking hey boss it's me Gail I don't you left holidays I can't stop thinking about it boss the letter I can't get it out of my head something about this one just feels different different what are you talking about it's just about the hotel story again I just think it could be worth checking out as all I keep thinking I tell you to not waste time with this kind of crap these people are lonely Gail they have nothing better to do they just want some form of recognition even this Ben guy he doesn't exist believe me this is all hogwash I've seen it for I'm just saying this one feels different it just doesn't make sense lying about something like this on the letter itself something about it really stuck with me what are you really asking me here I think I'm asking you to trust me listen I'll even bring my own camera do you have a title I'll figure it out hmm okay well Benjamin's in the enquires journal dated january 9th 1979 by Gayle Smith why only a my left ear yeah your arrival seems to be expected a single room key with a note attached someone here has been waiting for me oh I'm playing now okay all right then um cool this is the onlooker and I am Gayle and we are about to explore the hotel room for some reason all right thank you whoever is the patron of this establishment you are very very lovely Oh my camera is Oh all right okay well this is a fine establishment that is not something for me to read that is a dog have you seen our beloved Bob a binky Bob binky Bob binky you're you are trying to tell me that that dog's name is Bob binky maybe that dog ran away because you gave it such a ridiculous name when you recall Bob bingi comeback you didn't know what the hell you were saying go Bob pinkie sit Bob pinkie lay down this dog's name is Bob number one this stock Robert binky binky the dog that doesn't even look like a Bob doesn't even look like a binky I never criticized a dog's name in my life that dog's name is a binky Bob binky you're telling me that you had a whole slew of names and you went with Bob binky I can't get over this Oh binky doesn't exist in I just googled it there's no results I don't know who Bob Bing yeah this is the scariest thing about this game so far and I'm just two seconds to do it Bob binky okay whatever it's fine it's totally fun I'm gonna overlook that dog's name all right so I think I'm going tills glory days might be long past but the walls are strangely comforting yeah sure they don't look like blood no one's like something a horrible happen here please do not disturb hey I got a key this is the room right - OH - oh I thought it was - OH - yeah maybe it wasn't oh my god is this game running at two frames a second yeah it's a little better might have hoped Benjamin would meet me here but no such luck Ben binky binky the vent okay interesting so what's in the vent also I didn't even know this place would have a ventilation system as a problem Oh weird oh cool Oh weird okay I'm into this that's bizarre okay so what about this whoa I'm down here now Oh turns out the door to the mystery was right here with me all along Benjamin wanted me to see something Oh mr. Stevens is back again like an old friend doesn't your wife worry Isaac does she know where you are he still spends all his time eating or wandering around his room nothing ever changes in some way it's comforting to watch him the TV is turned up too loud for him to hear me knocking on the wall okay weird disgusting that looks like a corpse I'm pretty sure that's blood on the shoes job had a normal life I went that lion for gray and for paper to use this is where he would come to be completely alone turns out he wasn't much a part of growing up Wow weird kind of creepy voyeuristic thing going on here find the key uh who's leaving me this message why is this our whole back room thing in here here's a camera flash to see in dark places exactly what I was supposed to do but okay Norma and toad dirty lazy workers Norman never does anything but complainant ona is a stupid [ __ ] i watch them drop some meat on the floor and still serve it pretty sure they serve bites of people's foods to the dog as well that [ __ ] stupid dog Bob angee he keeps barking at the ceiling he knows I'm up here I must do something about him Bob the eating staff going about their day fulfilling their mundane tasks little did they know that someone was keeping an eye on them waiting for Miss tip she apparently the only moderately creepy but that's okay oh the lovebirds they've been here for four weeks don't they have anywhere to be never seen far apart skin always touching in some way almost enough to make a man jos except Mary is always just crying Michael is the one with the black eye this time not really lovebirds then I guess why am I looking at this I remember hearing breathing she said but I wasn't in a state of mind to think anything of it and she thought her husband was the only one who knew of her violent outbursts what are you saying how do you well how are you saying this what are you saying this is weird I don't like this this is creepy in a different way who's eaten cake who's eaten fresh cake who got this cake why is her shoe why is your boob hanging out what's going on here oh I'm falling I'm down here now ah there were stairs and I just didn't see them oh alright okay good well this is odd don't like that don't like that but it seems like I'm the monster here so maybe I've got nothing to worry about just regular old maze of climbing fence to make a layer dusty and cramped I wonder if he watched me from his bed when I arrived yeah maybe yeah maybe maybe he's down here to kill me Oh interesting I see I see I see well wasn't this the guy that left me in the note to go to the vent in the first place so it's like he wanted me to see this right which is bizarre but then again it's the least bizarre of the things I've seen of this guy dude he didn't the shadows of his room to drink and sleep his days away the stench of liquor carries through the vent and becomes an opening for the world to know his terrible secret she's Bonin bottle collection is impressive at this point growing more and more every day all he does is watch pornography I'm surprised he can still get it up with all that alcohol in his blood the other day I heard him talking to somebody on the phone it sounded relatively one-sided to wonder if the girls in reception are ignoring him on purpose they have good reason to yeah you know I'm just gonna move past that one like I just wants to spend his days fapping and drinking I guess that's that can be done in their own times long as he doesn't hurt anybody oh yeah closeted this this this wouldn't be found ever very subtle this game's weird found the key to the secret door take this key I will show you something why are you showing me anything should I take that knife instead of just the key hello is there nothing else over here Bob binky got you Bob Bob being nice it's Bob binky everybody okay so secret door go back in the room go to the secret door uh-huh where was a secret door I don't remember there being a secret door anywhere Gayle Smith I know I said I would meet you here and I will i mrs. before yeah I just need you to see something first I'm sure it's only a matter of time before you realize it will all become clear to you then enjoy your stay take your time look around okay I enjoyed my stay now I have my key and now I need a secret door where's a secret door this is bizarre it's just like some strange like feeling of wrongness like I know it's a game and all that but just like watching people this is creepy this is even before like the day and age when cameras are everywhere and you know anyone can hack into anything this door was this the door I think this might have been the door niphas wrong about that where's this secret door oh I know where it was I'm an idiot oh god let's see and cut it all out don't let anyone see my shame of course I know where it is I know exactly where it is about no longer it's like no one ever saw him again he was always there it was always there here we go I got it here right on the first try I knew exactly where that secret door would be anyway glad you could be here for me why did you have to peep what's wrong with you what's wrong with me you are [ __ ] up I'm [ __ ] up I'm the only one who sees us for what we are and I see my part in it waiting for you Gale there's nothing left for me okay he ordered grapes wine and she sat on his couch watching his favorite show what a life the grape went straight down his throat and he choked three minutes he struggled for about three minutes eventually his face turned blue and his arms drop dead Isaac Stephens died by suffocating on a grape I just stood there watching what what also he was dead oh okay did you see now I let him die let him die I let him die yeah I see that yeah I see well what would what could he have done maybe called the front desk you know that would have been nice made a whole world inside these walls and he made sure nobody knew even though they were all part of it they had founded lying I saw the opening and gladly well I didn't know it was a choice I didn't know that there was a choice I saw game and I just did is not my fault is the end of our story make it a good one hey bud bud bud bud bud bud listen listen listen what happened I didn't see it is that a gun hole Oh oh my god don't shoot me oh I can't look away oh no that's a problem this is a story about remorse this is a story about obsession Benjamin couldn't live with the weight of his sin he had seen too much and had nobody to tell it to what I saw what he saw and it still wasn't enough to shift the blame but the worst part of it all I think I understand I didn't realize I didn't have to look I was thrown so thrown off by Bob binky Eric halls Tyrone oklets Tomas Havre my Dell that was a fascinating story I really enjoyed that I didn't realize I was enjoying it until I got to the point where I was like oh holy [ __ ] that's what it's about Anders Grondahl Jurgen stole Stein set Frederick Hoffman hanja rosana's that was quite good I think was really good oh yeah oh hey boss I have the title on okay okay I like that a lot slow burn but I did like that that was good so that was three scary games thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to see more scary games you know where to find him lick see and point them in the right direction so right down there in the description thank you Thank You Lexi and thank you so much for helping out you're such a yeah you're just so you're so nice man I don't want to make you do lots of work you're such you're so great everyone should subscribe to you that's what they should do how long has my door been opened back there I I don't go in there it just opens not a joke let's you know or it's fine if you can go you may go thank you so thank you everybody so much for watching and as always I'll see you in the next video [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,226,476
Rating: 4.9698329 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games 38, 3 scary games, 3 scary games markiplier, markiplier scary game, tv night game, tv night horror game, paralyzis game, onlooker game, onlooker horror game, markiplier, markiplier horror, markiplier scary, scary, horror, gameplay, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, gaming
Id: gQgPlwY9fFE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 51sec (1911 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 08 2020
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