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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to three scary games listen to the soothing sounds of music this is a calm place relaxing no stress here only Joy's thoughts nothing is standing behind you nothing is lurking in your closet nothing is watching you from the corners and the shadows nothing is stalking you you're safe inside your home you're safe they can't give you here they're not already inside you're safe so let's start with some scary games now that we're nice and safe and comfortable we're gonna start with a game called two lines do okay I don't know what this game is about to tender lines carefully drawn two for life two for death I don't like the implication rule willow where am I I'm in a very dirty bathroom oh and now I'm playing yep that is just about the Crimea's bathtub I've ever seen it's so stained with blood it's marred the porcelain I kind of move a little funny is that door made of so uh what's going on here what's the dealio what's the story what's it going on these aren't doors oh wow oh my what the hell is that that doesn't seem normal okay Matheson and Midwich okay block Street am I supposed to remember these at all no even the building was red everything about that place was red this is moderately unsettling love the music though very very nice just gonna wander through these empty streets hoping that nothing's gonna happen well I don't know how I got here oh these buildings are more red is this a clue am I headed in the right direction I'm assuming this way this way I'm going up I'm going up baby I'm going up hello you the dude from Death Note oh I'm thinking you might be able to navigate these a little better than I am okay see you around buddy alright so that guy's no fun but maybe he's lots of fun I don't know I never really gave him a chance to say I ran away a little too quick okay is he still a stomping he's still a stomping this way I'm gonna sue me and I should probably keep moving didn't know that I could pick up so much zoom so is my objective just to run away that all I'm doing going up find another place I feel like I'm being herded but playing right into its hands Oh where do these go Oh what the hell what the hell is with this place this is so weird I don't know why the just the architecture what the hell why I don't know why the architecture is unsettling to me but it is something just inherently weird about it just this idea that every rooftop is connected by these red bridges where am I going am I just going in a circle no not quite I think I left that dude far behind so I think I'm okay unless I just went in a big circle well oh I hear him okay hey bud oh yeah yeah I should keep moving yeah I should keep moving yeah he ain't let enough cuz it's like the futility of running away from death nothing could ever stop it enough nothing could ever slow it down it's this constant ticking of time this slowly ticks down to the end of your pitiful rope the candle of your life being snuffed out in the end just a tiny flame trying to stay alive in a hurricane that is life Yatta Yatta symbolism blah blah blah what happened to my dick jokes and ass jokes pontificating about the inevitability of the bitter end that we all meet called hard ground reaching up to embrace us cans of dirt grabbing our throats and clawing us underneath nothing will ever stop and nothing it'll ever slowed it way just keep marching on hoping that through the future generations that come after us we get some sorta semblance of immortality but we're all just spinning on a rock floating in space cosmic forces beyond our comprehension threatening dark snuff out the candle that is our planet we are such insignificant wisps of sparks of life I'm ascending is weird oh my god the hell is up man whoever made this probably had a field day with the model and oh my god I hope they had a system that made it easy Oh God said the street or the sky or a Plaza or a choice I don't know I'm already on this path I don't think it matters I don't know I'm kind of just having fun going through these uh these little pathways here it's a different experience but I'm all about that you know sometimes horror games or scary games could be very formulaic and this is just like such a bizarrely new idea that I'm super into it I don't know why that dude is chasing me but frankly I don't care it's it is awesome I love this way blood Street if that's a blood no block milk Street are you there about dude Oh another Plaza all right choices to be made I guess Oh God choices to be made I might just be going back the way I came for all I know I guess I'll know if I run into the dude what is going on what is it happen oh my god am i looping back to places I've been how would I know how would I ever know how can anybody know what is happenin here okay I'm going somewhere I may just be going back the way I came I don't know where who what where oh hi I don't know if you're closer far I'm losing my mind I'm losing my marbles god I had no idea was it for this kind of an experience does it ever end god it's like an SCP to some bizarre world dimension third world dimension I'm definitely looping oh I'm 100% looping I've got to be I don't know exactly where I am but whoa what what no way no way no no oh no no no okay I've been here I have been here I think I took that path before unless I took this path and now I'm just being dumb there has to be some kind of path here the street names aren't helping because oh whoa yeah yeah up is uh ups good whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa oh my god okay whoa I didn't mean it I'm sorry I apologize whoo hi oh well no there's no need why hey wait a minute I deserve what what anyway oh no oh no I don't deserve two lines Wow oh this is the same person that made nemesis never cease oh that was a great experience I really liked that it was way different but I liked it I really did I like that a lot that was cool that was really cool Matt Reeves well done and I will keep my eyes peeled for nemec's what the [ __ ] okay this one's called one got in the house turn around where did the children go wait the evil got me oh that's sad first these ago to my family who's being haunted by cancer oh okay downstairs hallway what left door the darkness you can feel it wait you died large closet okay so don't wait what's buying those doors door number one is there any way to survive this an unfinished dish right wait what the evil is gone you serve out Wow Wow I think that's literally just a jump-scare game what was eaten here Oh evil is gone okay that's kinda that's kind of cool it's different it's weird it reminds me of like there was an era when there was a lot of like point-and-click style horror games like this like how what was it called I have to look it up okay I'm gonna get out of this real quick not bad I like it kind of like a randomly generated horror game um let's see cube escape what's a cube escape have there been like more or games I'm looking for uh I forget what it's called it's like Exorcist or something like that there's a lot more horror games so I thought there'd be on here maybe I should try them out fear would hides in the mist that sounds cool okay I don't know what this is hide you know it's not even what I was thinking about whoa it's not what I was expecting this is so weird this is not what I was like prescribed to play this went on a bit of a bender no one seems to be here huh interesting I need a jerrican for this it's getting foggy ooh what the hell happened here I don't know a lot of blood this PC controls gas pumps I need to find weeds getting real foggy outside so foggy I got a can okay do I go back out late your I've got a can not a jerrycan knife okay yeah nice can knife okay can knife okay oh you can see me okay your bail out louder than I probably oh god it's been so much this is not what I was looking for oh geez okay um it was like I feel it was called um what was it called ex mortis that was it ex mortis it's mortis sad rules I played this one a long time ago November 25th 2012 hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to let's play ex mortis expertise oh yeah those dog pictures of his friends that he photoshopped to be bloody highs a blasphemer passed 2004 [ __ ] 2004 this gives 16 years old Wow with a lump on your head you can remember how you got are you gonna man and memories let's see if I remember anything about this it's been a long look at this flash ass flash [ __ ] look at this delete tool magic eraser done ass transparency you've got going on here well I'm lost in the woods time to go in this house of course God okay with the pacing you know I I honestly truly I love me a good point and click there's something very disconcerting about the style like it's just the style is shockingly good sometimes just another painting on the wall one two three four five six easy got it remembered in my brain old fans like little descriptions dark hallways I love that [ __ ] there's something about the the lack of you know navigational control that makes it like fun there's a be a fresh kill I really have just played this ah looks like a symbol has been smeared on the forehead and among other things that have happened to that head hello ah good knife oh oh oh guys guys play through it goddamn it all right screw it that's not what I was doing anyway I just reminded of it if you want to see export as I did it in November 25th 2012 okay this is called the ward if you can't read all right let's do this a very small percent of individuals epileptic seizure seizure warning everybody seizure hey hey you're finally awake oh we are all I remember is I was having a great nap and then BAM Here I am I guess well whatever let's get out of here maybe things will start to make a bit more sense okay am i like you were I'm kind of a traveler I've been a ton of places but this one really take you hey you have eyes on the back of your head you you literally have eyes on the back of your head why you you have eyes on the back oh you have eyes on the top of your head first things first let's get something to watch on the TV then maybe see if you can find me a pack of cigarettes all right oh one last thing grab me a bite to eat won't you sweet cheeks sweet cheeks maybe see if you can find me a pack of cigarettes [Music] that's what I was gonna your salary is that right I know that the real just move me on the couch I'm gonna miss the damn game Oh Oh go baby go baby go baby go baby go hey kid do something right for once and go that's my favorite take back with Timmy Peterson Warriors play extra he was the best bet for the Aberdeen thing mr. Nye that's apparently and I you know what kid you're all right pick some time we can play cat pegs bucko oh I want to go back to X Marcus please honey you need something to eat that's right anybody got anything to eat in here anything they're not using you know bring this back yo yo yo k here you want this what okay that's there for you uh you want something to watch on the telly I got the best thing get a baseball highlights this work fun but beats watching grass grow I guess thanks a bunch okay all right well just be on my way towards whoever the hell this is hi ru you look different you need you need help with that you need there you go here you go I got you I'm sorry I didn't I don't know I have no word there is no commentary to be made about this suite thanks buddy you're the best friend a fella could ask call me sweet cheeks that's what I love and that's what I know hi goodbye forget what the [ __ ] did I just say did I see a pair of lips on a floating spire of flesh very penis like is that what I saw yeah good to see you've finally decided to get out and if you don't like it we'll cook it yourself Oh [Laughter] thank you sweetheart he appreciates for noon time with you like this could you give me a hand and round up the others for supper oh this is so unsettling so so unsettling unbelievably unsettling and I don't know why is it the smooth jazz that's yeah you wanted in the dead oh well you're still dead hey mom if that's what I call you that I can't find you found Shane here oh well it was only a matter of time you guys ain't so bad landing feeling well what can I say I'm a green [Music] [Music] [Music] okay well that was probably to seizure inducing an even show all when we're done what I feel thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed this uh I know I did thank you if you want to see more scary games links in the description if you want to play these for yourself maybe that game would have a different ending if you didn't accidentally kill the other guy more scare games suggested videos description Hey ring that bell ring ring ring a ling a ding that bowed that dinner bells ringing you better get to the table or mom's gonna be upset so thanks and as always I will see you [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,083,006
Rating: 4.9711609 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, scary games, scary games markiplier, 3 scary games 42, 3 scary games markiplier, markiplier, mark fischbach, markiplier horror, 3 horror games, horror games, indie horror, 3 indie horror games, 3 scary games playthrough, 3 scary games playlist
Id: y9V7cKS4ML4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 45sec (1425 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 17 2020
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