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hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome back to three scary games the Domino level with you I don't have any other scares to give you I've been trying to do it but sometimes things just gotta go you can't repeat the same thing over and over again every video and expected it's still stay fresh that's just unrealistic sometimes you just gotta believe new opportunities are putting up every door new things at any moment new opportunities new spooks new scares sometimes the most surprising things hit you in the most unsurprising waters so without further ado we're going to go with this game unthread how to play move interact Crouch his space grab look around I like the visual of the melting man oh I hate it already wait I'm sorry I'm I'm sorry wait a minute that's the wait a minute are you telling me that I'm one of these things and I just popped myself right off of a hook oh that's what you're telling me isn't it oh that is exactly what you're telling me oh I hate that oh it's just pieces it's just pieces that's been stitched together oh that's ah what can be open with this crew draft wait are those footsteps actually something I should worry about probably hammer are you trying to tell me that there's something there that's gonna get me Oh Oh gramma grama ball hi don't mind me just one of your flesh puppets springing to life I hate that I don't like that at all I'm gonna wait for granny to go by if that is granny maybe it's mother mother oh hi you know what actually I've discovered I don't really care but that does look like a granny shuffle oh no that's a mother No mother mother okay oh that's a handy hole I got a hurry or else I'm gonna get caught nail in the open with my pants down I need a screwdriver I think Oh school she can hear you no she's coming this way or not she's off to the that way okay I think she's going farther away okay okay this is like granny this really is okay so I still need to find some kind of a screwdriver probably um can I open this no damn it oh [ __ ] that's not good oh that's not good okay okay there was a hole here I don't know if it's a good idea to go in the hole but I'm going in the hole for some reason that was noisy but I'm somewhere oh I can't read that what am I looking for I do not know what I'm looking for okay so it's moderately unsettling but I think that I'm relatively okay I never mind everybody who ever oh my god I didn't know that you could run later oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god oh go go go go go okay um we're just gonna pretend like that never happened I don't know why I felt safe I don't have a I don't have a I am high up I'm flying there's a hammer here but I can't get the hammer I don't know I don't know this game is weird so I need a screwdriver but what did I even need the screwdriver for I've completely forgotten oh you have the electrical box that's what it was so that was a bit of a bust good news is I am faster than grandma that is some good news so long as I can stay mobile I should be fine so I just got to find a screwdriver then be out of here wherever screwdriver might be what is that candle oh right click right click is pick up that would be very helpful to know grab that means I can go get the hammer in them whatever I needed the hammer for I can use the hammer on no oh god no my ankles Graham Mimi grammy-maw my ankles you got me okay fine men if you're gonna be like that grandma MA I ain't gonna play nice either think I'm gonna play nice no I'm not at least the hammer is in the same place she's at comon can I just like bash her ankle with this hammer and then be done with her right also why does she got a flesh face - oh God oh ye gods okay we're fine we're fine we're fine we're fine open open open open is there anything in here I have no idea Oh God turns a see get open the doors pretty quick turns up surprisingly pretty quick pretty quick on the doors okay we're fine I think if we just make our way through here and then get to the next area we'll be fine okay so she's got it all it's toys broken find a handle to fix it Wow the toy is broken why do I need to fix the toy I don't know I don't know anything there's probably something in the umpteen bajillion drawers that were over there crowbar a hammer what was that that's a knife no give give give give give give give give it give it I see it Oh God is that the store screwdriver granite oh my god there we go Go Go the closet oh my god I found the screw they're just gonna wait for her to come this way go beyond do whatever this screwdriver does I don't know I don't know how long this game is either because it seems like a lot of steps that I gotta take care of and I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to do them all wait no no wait no wait what no no no no no you shuffling lady no way no way no no no yeah you squat down there you squat down there I got a do a thing or two oh I got a do a thing or two I got a float down gently like a butterfly go over here do whatever this do okay got it what is oh the handle that's important I know the handle goes handle goes on the toy everyone knows the who's the boy I just gotta get in the hole and then I gotta keep moving cuz once I'm in the hole I'm scot-free cuz I know the toys on the other side and then whatever the toy does which I don't know of what it would do besides be like a jack-in-the-box or something but it'll give me something and then I'll be able to get something else and then I'll be able to move on then I'm able to get out of here I see how this goes something nice what am I gonna stab her I don't know what to do with the knife what would I do with the knife something in the bathroom maybe wait whoa whoa whoa whoa lady lady lady lady oh do something I was safe oh that made my toes curl what'd you do that to me I thought it was safe what the hell what the hell all right you know what I'm not playin around lady anymore good god that actually started oh god damn it are you kidding me I don't know what to do with the knife how can you suck yeah that's what you do you suck yeah you suck can I even go around you all I can yeah oh I'm too fast for you okay so you're not even a threat I can just scoot around you scoot around you have full speed no consequences easy peasy okay so knife what would I do with a knife besides the obvious of stabbing her which I don't think is an option she's got to be something else that I can stab maybe one of the meat puppets maybe that's what I need to steer maybe one of the meat puppets needs to get stabbed so I can get something out of the meat what do I do with the knife all right lost now I think I've gone to all the areas that I need to go to so where would I bring the knife oh hey all right lady we're gonna do this we're gonna dance this dance I can get pretty close okay so this spook factor has been eliminated a little bit which is fine I gotta figure out where to put this knife if I can't put it in the back of her skull oh well well well looks like we got ourselves a crew bur I'll take that you want to get warm Flay it's soaked Rover Kroeber open ah interesting tur let's turn anything in the air that's interesting and necessary for me maybe I should go get the knife I'll come get it when I need you all right Oh a back way into here but that doesn't help me wait what's that but can't another candle how many candles do I need I don't know where where what do the candles go Oh pincer okay pincer I know that was needed for the chains right here yes pincer open got it okay another candle that's good anything else be a ye a ye come on Lady I've actually got something to lose now will you dare don't you keep moving lady okay so candle is that it's just another candle I don't even know what the candles are for I don't see anything else unless I need to knife that guy which is possible it's leaving the candles there for now where did I put that knife back in the schoolroom oh [ __ ] Oh God egads okay that's that gadzooks on that one okay I'm gonna go in here I'm gonna get the knife I'm gonna assume that maybe I need to stab somebody can I please could I please could I be as evident thank you oh wait what do I need for this this not even a door I could go through probably not there's another candle [ __ ] can she hear that oh she can hear that okay yeah she can hear that she can hear that all right she can really hear that anything else in here nah just that god damn it what else do I need that's right move on back okay so I've got there's a bunch of candles I don't know what the candles are for I don't know if I'm supposed to bring the candles back I don't know if I have a way to light the candles I don't know where the candles are supposed to go I don't know where the knife is for I've kind of had kind of a dead end here like what else could I possibly do with all this stuff maybe this is all about the candles and I got to bring the candles back oh god man I hate it when this happens like a game is too obscure where I don't know what I'm doing and I don't know why I'm doing it I'm all about mystery but I'm not so much about aimless wandering eye and that's all it feels like I'm doing I'm wandering aimlessly the enemy has no longer become a threat so I'm not as spooked therefore all the contrivances that are supposed to lead me on through the game are kind of just acting as a hindrance instead of being motivational you know what I mean cuz I don't know if I'm running away from this lady I don't know why I'm running away from this lady I don't know what I'm trying to do is it revenge like is that what I'm trying to do am I trying to accomplish some kind of like way to get my other flesh puppet brethren alive again say I really don't know and that's kind of kind of sucks because this this gave me it's got a lot of potential I love the styling of it but at the same time I can't get into it if it won't give me anything and now I've reached this stopping point where I'm just gonna try to stab this lady you come here yeah hi and then especially if I'd like get a game over and I have to reset all of that progress and go through the whole problem I'm trying to do this again man that sucks oh well hey and unfortunately I just don't have the time to finish it right now I I don't honestly truly do not have the time to see this to its completion I don't even know if I was close to the end or if there was a whole other phase waiting for me unfortunately right now I have to let this one live but if you guys want to play for yourself and see the end of it there is a link in the description right down there click read more and you will find this game where you can play it for yourself for now though sometimes the most surprising things this is crunchy a horror game based off of Captain Crunch scour the island for boxes of Captain Crunch cereal you may find them inside various landmarks crunchy will patrol the island in search of trespassers such as yourself he said the only enemy capable of killing you Crunchy's pals want in on the fun each one is capable of ruining your run okay easy it's early in the morning crunchy traps some locations crunchy moves a regular speed crunching will investigate some noises cereal boxes have static spawns the classic nighttime experience trapped locations regular speed investigating noises slightly random spawns crunchy trapped the whole damn island crunchy moves faster than you will investigate thoroughly boxes are scattered around the fog is thicker Seymour wants you dead whose seaboard give me the [ __ ] hard one I'm going going Jim here's the deal don't argue with me alright I got a lot of money going on this job life is hard we lost our goddamn prized boxes of Captain Crunch cereal and don't you dare look at them funny alright you hear me or else I'm gonna blow up your house not not really I'll just extra dog for my paycheck because you know we're kind of low on funds but grab those boxes should I look around and bring them back to me personally oh yeah I don't let him see you you might love reading on who he is good luck employee wait Oh stupid [ __ ] okay find all eight boxes of Captain Crunch cereal here we go baby we're doing this hard mode because I hate myself all right I have no idea what this island is gonna be like I'm on a bit of a time crunch today so I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to beat this either but uh here we go maybe I should have done this on like a normal difficulty or something maybe doing this immediately at Hard difficulty is a terrible idea maybe this is like the worst thing to do maybe I should go back and do normal maybe what I what when I die I'll probably end up doing that don't get me wrong I love Captain Crunch I do is one of my favorite cereals I mean it's terrible for you it's got like no nutritional value it's just pure sugar but hey isn't that what we all grew up on and we turned out okay which are not fine hello if there's nothing oh yes there is oh yeah baby yeah baby screw my boss I'm gonna shove those right in my job all right if that was a landmark what the hell oh no no no no no no no the captain's coming captain's mad oh hello aha Oh scary well now that we got that out of the way I will never be scared again because it was a cheap jump scare and it shouldn't have got me in the first place therefore it was not worthy of my fear and when I conquer my fear nothing shall stand in my way I've got a exceptionally runny nose today and I don't know why okay what do we have here this looks like a thing me captain crow I probably shouldn't crunch on those sticks okay yeah I said you were not worthy of my fear so get the hell out of here before I shove my foot up your rear oh you are faster than me hey that's not fair that's not bad alright so obviously that difficulties a little too much I'm going to Normal difficulty oh maybe if I turn it off turn off my flashlight give me that give me that give me that keep it up oh that's probably not a good idea Crouch my lights off you can't find me that's how this works it's law even you captain after you obey the law you think there's Captain Crunch fanfiction I mean is Captain Crunch game now so maybe there's got to be like a good fanfiction I'm four of eight baby I'm gonna kick your ass no no no no you don't know where I am anymore does it turn my light off and therefore that's the only mechanism with which to disappear it is what is fair oh [ __ ] oh god but how will I ever survive you'll never get my boxes opted crunch can you come up here tell me you can't come up here all right bet you can't I bet you can't I'm lean and lead or are you waiting at the bottom of the ladder for me to fall down oh he's not there I'm out of here I was a bird while I was there scared of a bird who cares about a bird a bird get out of your bird know what squawking - nothing that's pretty interesting okay alright that's pretty intricate interactions between the different forces that are be set against me also what's at the top of this what is that what is it oh is birds okay whose boards hey there's box I see it yum yum yum yum give me the box he's six of am kicking your ass captain stealing all your goodies and you don't even know all right so I've ran the circumference of the island and I'm 6 of 8 so I'm pretty sure that I've got a start moving inland at some point unless I don't and then that's good too thankfully the boxes do kind of glow in the dark ooh what is that what was that captain listen I'm just here to steal some crunch berries and then I'm gonna get out and then I go home and then I leave okay I definitely think I got to start moving inland wait a minute everybody hold on to your horses we've got a pirate ship to explore Oh God ask her screw it got to go God do it one more to go one more just one more oh yeah oh yeah baby Oh God he comes come get some crunchy boy no oh god he's coming after me why would he come after me no no no no listen you can't see me I'm breaking the line of sight I'm breaking line of sight I'm breaking line of me please leave me alone is there any way to get away from me I don't know how to do it how do I do it how do I get away from you if I can't possibly run away then what can I possibly do to get away from you oh god Lisa's not faster than me we're gonna do yeah where did I go where did I go you don't know where I want you don't know where where'd you go boy what is this Oh what is this no no I'm not here that's what I thought please be in here please please please oh come on ding dong meat ooh I'll have the crunch King eat my ass captain I did it but what made those boxes of Captain Crunch so special no I guess I never will thank you seeing deke cardboard games Oh Dave microwave - yeah good stuff thank you alright that was very good surprisingly well-made fluid experience kind of spooky but silly moving on this one is called no connections allowed if you remember again called no players online this one is similar huh weird doesn't seem to be anyone online now maybe just needs to get the party started maybe I'll jump in this server and maybe we'll get a good time going this is my favorite game after all ooh that's interesting that's not what I expected hello how are you I asked you first oh that's really mature saying exactly what I'm saying I'm indeed okay so what am I doing here I see cameras I see London I see France s here under blue ooh I gots good power I'm reloading ready to go cocked locked and ready to drop I'm asked blasts and ready to pass a brewski all right so what's the dealio flags captured do I need to capture flags all right I'm going for it nobody's gonna stop me huh how risky no well this doesn't exactly seem symmetrical maybe it's like a pseudo symmetry going on here flowertchi oh I thought that was a capstone love it whoo flambe go where's our goddamn flag what where's this what is this nothing all right interesting usually capture the flags they have come some kind of for both teams to be kind of even why would there be a dead zone I'm sorry pardon okay weird but I guess we're just not gonna address that anything even happened in the first place it's gonna keep moseying on as if everything is hunky and or dory right that with the monitors on in here just a little bit ago what do I go oh hard down does this go this is sorry okay I think I've got a now that I've actually decided to look there's a mini-map that has a little blue icon in it so I can only imagine that's where the blue flag is see some maize I'm sorry what did you say to me run that by me again oh that's not a flag ah has joined the server okay well I'm gonna kick your ass at I'm gonna kick your ad ass I'll kick your ass ass ass hat your it is where you bet what Rick was that hard why is that a thing that's happening it's not gonna stop me from getting the flag although the flag does seem to be in a transient place which definitely isn't conducive to normal capture the flag rules you out that I'm gonna your ass whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa I almost didn't see you kind of blended into the environment a little bit okay I don't like that unlike that at all Oh what weight but for a minute wait a minute wait a hot second here ding-dong I get it I'm the best there ever was none are better than me Oh L or I or the line symbol they want to be my friend ooh ah that's Morse code this maybe that was a mistake that might have been a mistake that might have been him hey whoa whoa whoa boys up my whole master have your face what are you doing what are you doing okay oh hello ah they're saying hello hello all right good good good good good good who wants a face full of all learned no definitely not I think it's down this whoa I saw that I saw that some things are trying to get me I saw something oh hi what's down here dork oh that little dorky ear okay it's fine I got it I'm slow I'm slower than it was four of three players online well that's not possible at all that's not even for you who are you who are you huh who are you this shouldn't be yeah well you should get good cuz I'm kicking your ass and you losing bad so it is don't worry about what could be it should exist oh okay read each second passing the curse is growing stronger keep talking I'll blame it on the controls like we all do blame it on the curse to shoot twice if you understand my words come on firing you you I understand you just fine buddy food you understand me then wow you know as much as one person can understand another listen I'm listening there are things humans can't understand people end up vanishing use commands show me meet me I'm on the map what am i what wait what what what what just happen what the frick just happened what Oh what why what it just booted me from the game but why wait what the hell why oh come on I was having fun you're gonna bug out on me god damn it of course I figure out a way to ruin everything all right whatever let's speed this speed time-lapse go [Music] I blazing [Music] [Applause] [Music] what was that oh this shouldn't be I know this shouldn't be this shouldn't be but it is buddy but it is okay so now where are you did you reveal yourself on the map to be over here somewhere where are you friend where are you yeah oh yeah damn I understand now show me show me where you are whoa brick golf suck ass okay so that's I think that's what game you oh forgot me a game oh oh hey buddy hey how you doing hello I'm here where are you meeting you I mean here if you could stop moving around hello nice nose Yeah right oh this is open before who got be cats okay Kabam yeah you I don't know what the point of that is shooting the dolls but whatever the access to server join join the server what oh hi bud you don't look so good um okay oh no not today but no no stop stop don't do it again don't do it again stop Oh No God are you kidding me oh wait no I can get two other ones now oh Claire - okay has joined oh my there's no easy way out now well alright then wait I don't know if you two given me some better guidance from the get-go maybe we wouldn't be in this situation I can't explain to you what exactly is going on oh so you don't know anything so you're stupid I'm not allowed not in this world you mean you don't have privileges you need admin access or something they give permission to very few worlds out there this isn't one all right then let's get this out of the way who made this why they do it who they're trying to bring back from the dead they think they're whoa nope they think the world should not exist yeah probably died they want it gone why did they make it why make it in the first place and they want to use you ah all right makes perfectly logical sense I am the one after all don't let them oh yeah of course makes perfectly logical sense after all get the flag but don't deliver it got the flag get the flag buddy too good at this game destroy the jukebox I don't know if I trust you but let's do it let's kill it jukebox they are coming from it know about that find it and destroy it fast I don't know where it is how would I know where it is this is all a whole bunch of nothing well delivered was I not supposed to do that hey whoa nice oh I'm guessing I wasn't supposed to deliver it and that's a prayer that's a bad thing that's bad that's that's no good that's it's no good I don't know what those words mean but probably is not too good whoo hey all right well that wasn't ideal what about Forrest what's in the forest huh ooh oh there's a change of pace he's pre-call let's go get the flag baby this [ __ ] is mine [ __ ] say nothing you joined the wrong server did I go did I I don't know about that how'd you know I was on this server type in Lobby please I don't think I want to do that to be perfectly honest I don't think I am oh wait are you there I think I see you do not deliver the flags please hi hey I'm gonna deliver the flags will deliver the beasts smarter than them mmm I don't know how smart can one man be holding on to this much genius is a difficult task Bunte got it nailed it on the best you got nothing to say about this player - nothing at all he's gonna let me do this without trying to intervene in any way shape or form cuz I'm gonna deliver these flags let's say I make a serious effort to stop me here I go that's a lot of shadow people that's a lot of sleep paralysis demons Oh scuse me what's going on all right here we go here we go boom I didn't what did I do [Music] [Music] alright ok let's go back to Metro Oh God jeez ohms Christmas criminy crawe god damn it oh my god well I'm not gonna be able to beat this game if you can't just let me do anything alright there's gonna be my leg my leg last attempted trying to get into this like I said my time is limited and I want to get want to get all three of these deliciously delectable horror games in I can't do it if I have to wait around maybe I'm supposed to go for the laughing because there's this laughing that I hear maybe if I find it I get to shut up the jokester that's chuckling at me what am i funny to you am i something to be mocked just because I can't seem to get to the end of this game doesn't mean that you get to laughing what hi how are you what do you have a chicken or a bunny what is what okay I guess we're going this way then no oh hi Oh what thank you um Oh but what I do you joined the wrong server I don't know if I did oh my boom so the only thing I can think of is that it at some point said that I could join a specific lobby but I don't know what the specific lobby was because I can't remember it so I'm gonna go find it but I go find it hi I'm an idiot I literally just played through to the end of the game and I wasn't recording the entire time I was not recording I don't know what happened I don't know what happened I thought I was recording I was recording why would I press the record button again I swear I just spent 30 minutes getting this this is a person by the name of Jared gaming I just found their video the password is join 1 1 0-0 underscore X space 3 1 tasting we're not right you get sent to a special area Oh No oh where are we so you get spent to his Connor I've got guys I just I could show you again but it took so long oh god I don't have time this person Jared gaming day have they figured out the mystery and also I'll put the link in the description below it's so heartbreaking I don't know why I don't know why I wasn't recording put a link to this video here in the description and the game is down there too I I'm heartbroken i I just spent a lot of time and it's all good to poop guys I'm sorry I literally am out of time guys please have mercy on me I heart broken thank you everybody so much for watching and they know if you got other horror games that you want to see in the comments below if you want to see other scary games I've played I'll link them in the description this has just been the episode of unfinished games thank you for watching if you wanna see more they subscribe ring the bell to be notified when I am putting up videos leave a like if you somehow enjoyed this video and thank you everybody so much for watching but as always I will see you [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 3,548,199
Rating: 4.9624414 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games, 3 scary games 39, 3 scary games markiplier, scary games, horror games, markiplier, playthrough, walkthrough, lets play, spooky, creepy, creepypasta games, no players online, crunchy game, captain crunch horror game, unthread game, indie horror, scary moments, connection haunted game, mannequins, scary mannequins
Id: 7cOL4Nky7Jw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 47sec (2507 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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