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Is it me or did "Cabin" make no sense?

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Jeri_Shea 📅︎︎ Feb 11 2020 🗫︎ replies
hello everybody my name is markiplier and welcome to three scary games the video where I play really scary games and then you watch me play three scary games and when I'm done with those three scary games I will then review the security giving you my thoughts on the cabin cabin let's start this game or start the show as it's saying no no what kind of a show we're gonna see but it's gonna be an interesting I wonder where I should park don't want to venture in too far I'll need some place to put my tent there's the Train what's the sign say what the heck was that I loved that opening it was so quick and so dry and the delivery with her who was legs I wanna like Max Payne level delivery like that narration and that's not a bad thing this road this road is long it's really dark out it's snowing undriveable I'm looking at a sign that's a sign to a trail I can't read it I take my eyes off the road oh [ __ ] I swerve but I hit a tree I better open the door I'm unbuckling my seat belts Wow the mouth filter do we tyres you should what you should chain your tires or you should check your tires because those are two different things [Music] should get the gear from the bed of my truck and camp for the night don't worry about this important I'm opening at the back of the truck I'm grabbing my gear out of the back I should probably want to get it go to the campsite and set up my tent when I set up my tent I should probably get inside of it I better put my sleeping back inside of it who knows what had happened if I didn't I'm closing the bed of my truck not bothering to lock it not even gonna close the door what's the point life is so meaningless colors don't even have any vibrancy anymore where's the North Star there's no North Star to turn off the truck ah turns out that I'm smart after all better turn off the truck better close the door better do all these maintenance things Stacy why'd she leave it's dark now good thing I got that flashlight hope there's no monsters in the woods would be awfully serendipitous for me to die at this point I should go to the trail I saw earlier you're right I saw a trail the one that made me crash I'm gonna beat the [ __ ] out of that sign the sign did you take city the sign communal cabin up ahead this must be one of those cabinets that hikers share I gotta check it out I don't like the sound of a communal cabin that sounds just all kinds of terrifying what's dark alright you know I met I've made fun of it before but now it's it's calling me out on me it's dark this trail is narrow that was a wolf howl I'm startled that what what kind of my seeing things now that was a lumberjack that was very clearly a lumberjack with an axe I saw the red flannel I thought I saw the like leather or brown coat I saw boots tromping through the woods that was a lumberjack probably had a big hear to the cabin right there no no looks like somebody's inside already time to bars on in hello you sleeping in here oh sure woodsy on the lift somebody in it's getting colder out here someone must be using the cabin the fires on maybe they left to grab firewood that sure would explain the lumberjack that I said just go inside I'm sure they won't mind since the weather is getting bad I think I'm just shaking out from the tire blowing out on me snag WAP caught me hmm which one do I want Oh give me that dark chocolate baby didn't know this is gonna be a choose-your-own-adventure kind of deal okay interesting ah heroin someone doing drugs over here huh that doesn't seem too good hmm well this is awfully quaint lovely even let me just read all their personal stuff yeah I'll just hope they don't mind I don't know what that is oh oh oops wait you're Jessica I didn't I didn't know that you weren't gonna read I thought that meant never mind dear Jessica I'm sorry I haven't been really in touch with you I've been busy doing the hunt with the deputy for this monster how are the kids tell them that daddy says hi and I'll be back home shortly love you Jason Stacy goddamnit Stacy bogeyman something's outside I'm okay now let's open it or that other hiker hey how you doing over there yeah definitely don't shine the light out first want to ride the ground oh god that's not good all right I guess though I I am playing this but my mouse isn't working oh I'm just going forward oh okay I'm like on Rails here this weird didn't expect that yeah this is good no whoa awesome dead bird that is a dead bird what do I do I can't go forward anymore oh my goodness Oh what cheese my my dark chocolate no I got it go man I gotta go I'm crawling on my belly what is happening what is happening Oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] well not what I was expecting but I get what it said by start the show the only choice I had in that game was chocolate or almond I mean not bad but not really a game it was a pseudo interactive experience and some odd moments I felt like they just wanted to make that last segment a cutscene but they were like oh [ __ ] if we make it a cutscene then there's not really anything for the player to do so they had to make it I'll leave it at that I don't want to get too nitpicky about it because there is some potentially eine recognize when someone went into this with a vision and I think that's what the developer did they went in with a specific vision and they didn't absolutely know how they're gonna execute it but they wanted to execute it as true to that vision as possible and I totally get that I get that and I respect that however there are many shortfalls so I'll leave it at that and we'll move on to the next one okay this one is called SCP oh nine one nostalgia now the thing is I don't remember what SCP oh nine one is what's with the well oh yeah I don't really remember what icpo nine one was I don't know what the story is for this game I don't know the scenario with which we're here and I don't remember any kind of containment procedures for a CP o 9 one I could have looked up but I wanted to see if it would tell this story as I played it I don't know what the purple lines are all about this important Scottie's the tissue for any issue okay whoa sumo with the purple wool son awfully majestic box of tissues okay [Music] tissue I got I got a tissue I got a dick oh let me just pick up these dishes here oh I is se po9 won a box of tissues pit box of anomalous tissue is really creepy I don't even know why why is that inherently creepy were there any tissues up here that I've missed I when did was in the floor change I didn't even notice that okay there was no yeah I got it oh it's one over here - yeah okay afraid I'm missing one so there's one more tissue somewhere no tissue I see it oh wait what the Frick there's more tissues what ten tissues eleven of den twelve of ten ah a bonanza tissues who knew that I could have so many I was not prepared for it okay let's go outside what's the deal here whoa test subject did not escape the test from the test subjects mine was lost to the nostalgia inducing properties of SCP oh nine one test subject remains a lot but every memory has been replaced by memories of Scotty's brand tissue boxes the SUV container breach needs your help what did I do wrong hey come on now I ain't that nostalgic wait a minute here wait so was I supposed to collect the tissues Oh weird [Music] oh I don't remember this one at all that's the thing about visa s he begins you could make a million SC p games there are so many different scps out there and someone made a game about a box of tissues someone made an SCP about a box of tissues like that's fascinating okay so I got 10 of 10 now the question is is there anything I can do with the dead of dead hey all your dishes back buddy you want your dishes alright apparently that wasn't the correct answer maybe maybe the problem is because I went up in data legitimately like from the gift wait why is it green now oh oh oh subject test test subject passed the subject appeared to be affected by a CBO 9 one for most of the session accepted for successfully retained memory and sanity levels enough after the session to find the exit door of the testing room the subject will be used for further tests on other se Peas that's funny I feel like that one was put together in a hurry to help out the SCP foundation for their legal troubles which I made a video about a little bit ago but you know I like it I like it I'm into that I'm down for that I'm oh I'm a sucker for SCP games I'm a sucker I'm a sucker for him so I like it it is not possible to save progress is the game only lasts 10 to 15 minutes oh all right then this one's called true nightmares chapter one well you as mini a nightmare I'm gonna see how true these really are I'm going to take a shower I need the towel in my room upstairs this is a weird thing to declare as I walk in my front door you think that I would know where my towel was as I shout to myself but alas sometimes I try to keep myself company by hearing my own echo as it reverberates off the walls you'd think that I would keep a towel in my bathroom but apparently no hello wait what wait oh god I thought did my bedroom door just not open enough it's locked the keys somewhere downstairs go to the bathroom and place it on the tower old rag god I'm a real stickler for protocol when it comes to my showers you all right time to get naked and scrub-a-dub-dub [Laughter] Chris push all the water all at once I'm an efficient man get me wet and get me out all right dry off what am I'm not even gonna use the toe a lot of lot of hoots pas about that towel and I'm not even gonna use it Krista have to toggle the flashlight on the smartphone turn off all the lights in the house and put this cell phone in the dresser I'm sorry what I'm sir what I'm sorry what alright I'm gonna make sure I don't waste power I suppose also if there's apparently a key somewhere down here this is lush wimpiest light I've ever seen in my life I'm not a big fan of traipsing around my house in the dark but so far not so bad tutti-frutti whoa okay so supposedly there's a key somewhere around here I don't know where oh there I don't need this now what do you mean you don't need this now what do you mean you don't need this now alright fine I'll just turn off all my gosh darn lights at least I know where that is you think I would have turned them off on the way oh oh it's a broom closet I thought it was just a black wall interesting home sweet home yeah you deserve to be haunted if I thought 5.12 what kind of telephone has a radio on it okay whatever alright goodnight god this is the worst who would do this to themselves who would turn off all the lights and then walk back upstairs I hate it you sprint you sprint as fast as you can so the demons can't grab your ankles I'm spitting yeah okay I need to turn off all the lights before my smartphone yeah yeah yeah there we go what what light is on there's not there's not a light on uh-uh in here oh I'm sorry my upstairs den/office what was that the last one are we gonna be nice now there we go nice you're a Rama time to get my snooze on no one crushes sleep like I do I'm a winner baby what am I looking at I like to sleep eyes are open at the door so no one dares come in my room at night I'll strangle them with my own feet there's a slumber away I'm gonna strangle these dreams so come out hello oh this is not my room ah this makes sense okay all right cool I need to find the key well I had a key but I said to myself that I didn't need it now which lo and behold looks like I might have needed it is that the key I needed well there's no description on the key which to be fair you know not many things in real life have descriptions on the keys so I don't know for certain if that's just me oh hey Oh hoping I could do that over and over again all right so that's good news there's at least a little bit of power here which is pretty cool any horrible monstrosity is in here hello oh this door not that door this door okay okay no these doors seem to be working anything behind me good we're on the same page as long as we're all on the same page and we know that nothing is going to be sneaking up behind me we're all gonna be totally okay Wow hey how are you you're tall or you're floating it even better than being tall wait a minute look at that fie gap doh oh [ __ ] anyway how are you good good oh good Oh bassy lightning struck Oh boom great this is this stunner down across just dream like a crushed puss and my dad my dad dead that can't be good that sounds like someone trying to break in not call the police I'll go downstairs and look with my eyeballs hey this the alarm must be defective all the big balls and tiny brain on this guy here am I gonna have to turn out all the lights I bet it's gonna be I bet it's gonna make me turn out the lights you know what up to brave for lights why did it turn them on in the first place why do what the fuck-ass nothing snuffin actually do I need that key now I don't need it you know why do I even have my phone light doesn't even do anything put turn it off I say kill it kill it dirt lion who needs it get out of here I can stumble my way through the dark I'm brave yeah fine oh is that son Kim from the first hallway room you mean my bathroom the bathroom oh you know what oh I can't turn on lights who's there who dares what do you mean by the first hallway room what does the first hallway room mean oh [ __ ] this room the one that I couldn't open before right yeah what was that oh here we go press shift to run better get the gun it's safe gun yeah let's okay I gotta go get the key I'm going for it baby you can't stop me I know exactly where the key is oh [ __ ] didn't think you were gonna come for me right then in there alright let's ride again wait no wrong way let's ride again I didn't know that you were just oh alright what do i do what do i do what do i do i how can i get away from you I I don't think I can close door that'll be the perfect deterrent oh [ __ ] didn't blows sure wish I actually had light blue where are you where'd you go where did you go where did it go oh there it is okay I guess I didn't see it but you know I'm just gonna guess that it was there alright I got the key baby you got the key let's assume oh come on what what now where are you going the door open the door oh don't close the door you know what don't even worry about the door I'm not even worried about the door anymore you don't screw the door with doors were overrated I'm gonna shoot this thing I want to shoot you you're about to get shot and I'm sure that this is gonna work perfectly right mouse button to shoot yeah it makes sense ah oh now I've got a light oh now I've got a light whoa what did I say when I sell you a crush that Ghost it's gonna crush it it's like a wall not like a watermelon between my thighs crushed it crushed that ghost crushed that sleep feel great solid eight hours no more no less every night every night baby so I do what are you reading there ghost and some weird some stupid book for nurse I'm dead I'm dead my dad my dad good my dad proud I crushed that death just like I crushed life oh no I was a bro for that one they just seemed like that character no I don't choose the character the character chooses me so yeah that was true nightmares not bad no there's something very scary about being in bed and your security alarm going off it's a way that it's like shown an intruder that has I haven't seen in other games before and it's relatable just because it's a very modern way of knowing like oh [ __ ] some things in yeah but anyway very cool so that was three scary games thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to play this game for yourself they are linked in the description below thank you thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed this video there's a like button that lets you know how much you appreciate me playing these games please consider pressing that button I have no idea what it does but it means the world to me it's the only number that really matters and also subscriptions so if you want to subscribe there's a button for that Annabelle it's no number of tied to the Bell but hey what if it was or if you can see how many people to ring that Bell look at that be pretty cool what's really low anyway thank you everybody so much for watching if you want to see more scary games that linked in the description or the suggested videos down there just click on any scare game with my face on it I'm sure it's scary so thanks again and as always I will see you in the next video [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 2,736,993
Rating: 4.9754262 out of 5
Keywords: 3 scary games 41, 3 scary games markipllier, scary games, 3 scary games, 3 scary games mark, indie horror game, indie horror, horror games, 3 horror games, 3 horror games markiplier, 3 scary games playlist, funny, scary, horror
Id: SYEhrlqZ6Xc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 08 2020
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