AVOID This Multiclass MISTAKES in Baldurs Gate 3

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baltus Gate 3 is a big game and when you diving in and making your multi-class builds there are tons of mistakes to make and it's totally possible that you already made these mistakes so I'm here to shine some light on top 10 mistakes you're possibly making with multi-class in baltus gate 3. so first one was actually made by my friend so as you can see I got to arrange it right now and most of the fighter classes martial classes got this extra attack future on level 5 and my friend said that this future on level 5 can be stacked with your other multi-classes so maybe you're doing this mistake too let me explain so his idea was to multi-class from Level 5 into other class for example into Fighter by doing so on level 10 you get this extra attack from fighter and in theory it could do three attacks in one action so in one turn basically but that doesn't work that way so let me demonstrate you we just success guys and as you can see we're starting our turn from attacking once just like that then we're doing our second attack and that's it so how this works basically when you got these attacks and especially extra attack feature it's called like notable futures or we can call this like passive features they need to have different names or completely different writings so they need to do some different stuff but extra attack from fighter and from Ranger exactly the same future so that's why it's not working that way so one of the way you can go around this future for example or if you really want this additional attack you need to find a way how to make this attack from other source for example you can pick Warlock and on Level 3 you will get this packed Boon and bugbon you pick impact of the blade for example and not for example you basically picking this part of the blade so on level 5 you will get this improved class future so basically you get deep and packed into a steep impact you get in extra attacked with your back weapon so while this extra attack can be used from the ball crossbow basically whatever weapon you want to use this packed weapon is a melee weapon basically and if you want to use your melee weapon and you won't actually this extra attack with your multi-classic because if you're not multi-classic Fighters get this extra attack on level 11 but if you get this 5 Warlock and get 5 fighter then you get this extra attack from fighter and to get this bonus attack from Warlock and just like that you can create your pucked weapon and now over here we get deep and packed and extra attack so now we can basically go and Destroy This dude and we will do three attacks in one turn so that's one Z two and there's three from our deep and pucked just like that and this comes with an action so you can use your action search as a fighter and do few more attacks so it's like one attack second attack and again it's just in one turn on level 10 we'll be making six attacks in one turn so be smart with your combinations so next mistake is kinda similar to this and it's kinda following almost same rules and I want to show you this on Barbarian so as Barbarian you get in this class feature an armored defense and while you're not wearing armor you add your Constitution modifier to your armor class so let's just try to do it dumping strange with dumping decks but wait why are we making our decks as high as possible Constitution as high as possible and with them as high as possible so we should add our constitution to our armored classmate audix 32 so right now we're wearing armor and we're getting this setting from armor and plus 2 from dexility we will get rid of this armor and we get 15 again so we got plus 3 from our Constitution and plus two from dexterity and as you can see it's an armored defense so when we're trying to multi-class you could think like oh that's nice idea to go and pick for example monk because monk got this awesome unarment Defense 2 and it got different icons so maybe it's like different stuff Barbarian against this orange monk got this blue one and you will add your wisdom to your armor modifier so why not to pick this yeah sounds smart sounds smart and we got high wisdom too so as you can see it's not Star King yeah we got two sources that's increasing our Armor class and how this sources will work so let me level up few more levels right now we got three levels in Monks and we're still getting this an armored defense from Constitution but if we take our feet no matter in what class and get plus one to wisdom so wisdom will get more bonuses than Constitution then instantly we get this overrated Armor class and now we get plus 4 from wisdom so basically how it works it's picking the best possible modifier you possibly could get that means they doesn't stuck and you need to be smart when you allocating your attributes so another example in this same category and it's already with armor it will be a sorcerer so for example if you can sorcerer and most importantly draconic bloodline sorcer jacobic bloodline saucer we will get this drag queen increase this island and dragon like scales cover parts of your skin so basically when we are not wearing armor our boys Armor class is setting again sounds smart and it's like completely different image it's completely different stuff so why should it not work yeah and it's not working as you can see because it will do kind of the same stuff so basically every stuff that's increasing your armor will all override every other stuff it works like this so make sure to pick your passives smart I guess there is like more examples from this stuff but that's how it works and next one again from my friend who are new to DND and to this stuff as baldos gets rip so what he thinks is cool he fought like it's good idea to pick fighter yeah he like fights then he got his level 2 fighter with action surge then he got his level 3 fighter and he picked his subclass so his subclass was Champion yeah why not why not cool subclass improved Critical Strike and then he decided like yeah why not my fighter is really strong so I can go and with improved Critical Strike get my Ranger right now going so he picked Ranger and started to level up and started to leveling up Ranger to get additional fighting style more spells so it looks like cool and is interesting developing character level 3 we're getting our subclass so from Ranger of course he picked in Gloom stalker to get this additional attack from the start of the turn sounds cool and just next one he decided he need to have a rage you need to be able to make few shots from his crossbow and then go in the Miller Range so why not to have rage for extra damage for defense and other stuff yeah why not why not it sounds smart at least a little bit and he of course picked Berserker and I guess you already understand what is this mistake that possibly you're making too or not write in the comments what's the idea of this horrible mistake when you're multiclassing in bottles get free especially and last but not least of course he picked a rogue to get more cool sneak attacks and other stuff and then to the last level and get this additional bonus action from Rogue so while this character can somehow work actually this big and very big mistake when you're doing this in this mistake lies in our abilities so yeah when you're not leveling up your characters up to level 4 you're losing your feet and feets give the ability to increase your abilities to get some additional stuff and most of the time fields are really cool and give your character really nice Edge in the battle so whenever you leveling up you need to consider how much feels you want to pick for your build and the most amount of fields you could get is three so you need to allocate your ability points according to this information and to get at least two Fields you need to get two characters to level four if you want to get 3 Fields you can get three characters to level 4 or you can have fighter at level 6 because fighter is only one who have additional fit at level 6 so basically fighter at level 6 Plus any character to level 4 at least getting all registry sheets and then you can even get two levels in any other class so I was thinking about fields in advance is really nice idea and while it's smart to think about your feet sometimes it's smart not to take it so let me explain we started for example as warlock we're getting some levels we'll leveling up and then we're getting this ability to choose our feet so if you got your build in advance and for example you're planning to get this heavy armor proficiency with this fit the it's really hard tasks to achieve so you need one feed to get proficiency with medium armor for example then you need another feat to get proficiency with heavy armor and if you want to improve this proficiency you need third feed so all our Fields will go only to armor while this is like not 100 a mistake but you can go around it and basically what you can do is to multi-class just one time though if you plan to get like medium armor heavy armor shield and to your class don't allow it you can go and pick cleric just one level in cleric give you Proficiency in medium Shields and heavy armor so always check out and sync in advance what you need from your feeds and maybe some classes can already close the stuff for you so instead of picking like feet maybe you want just one level in saucer to get four care ships if you need the scan chips always think about what you're giving away when you're not leveling your class something like this is nice question and another one another one is really subtle but sometimes a pretty big mistake so this mistake is to start in multi-classing too early your build can be like super smart and cool and it could work like on level 8 for example in my latest video I got this one build as it's actually very strong on level 8 and starting to play in level 8 but on level 7 we got really weird character who not doing too much so you need to think in advance with ideas of power spikes and other stuff the biggest power spike in the game when you're starting to face like strongest enemies is coming on around level 5 so on level 4 heck just get this access to level 2 spells they get additional feet and this field gets a new plus one plus one and two stats and this stats is actually insane so while you can think like whoa plus one to Charisma is not a big deal no it's like super big deal because it gives you plus one two attack rolls with spells that use nicarisma and it's adding to damage and seven throws and plus one is like a big deal because when you're rolling for example like D20 plus one is five percent increase and it's five percent increase in hit chance and in damage most of the time because like most of the weapons so small weapons given you one to six damage for example and you get in this one damage so it's like 10 percent of your damage increase and it's stable not random so that's like uh getting your subclass at level 5 already not hitting this level 5. it would sometimes be a mistake because it's warlock for example you get this dip in parked with additional attack and while on level Fourier was doing for example only one attack and doing like 10 damage right now you can do 20 damage in one turn so it's like 100 increase in your damage per round with just one future and that's crazy and next mistake ties again to this one so for example you're planning to play this warlock with sparked of the blade to get this spotted weapon and basically attack with your awesome cool weapon and this part of the blade will use your charisma modifier as your damage so let me just show you if you don't know it so as you can see you get right now my dragon's grasp and it's doing 1d6-1 damage minus one because we got eight straight and it's using strange as main attribute so it's like doing really low damage but if we use our bind packed weapon and we will bind with it it's starting to use my Charisma and instead it's starting to do in one to six plus four damage just like that but just before we get this subclass feature to get this all some damage increase from bucket weapon if we got our stats like this with 18 Charisma there's like super bad idea so you can basically plan in advance and play your character as it is right now and when you know just like yeah right now my multi-class will work then you go and respect your character and change your ability so if you play in for example Rangers and go and get a lot of decks get super low Charisma and then when you get to these three levels in warlock at least get this ability to bind your weapon then you respect and then you bind your weapon with high Charisma and you forget about your dexterity at all or about your strange next up not understanding mechanics so I get this from comment section and it's not like mistake from comment section because I wasn't advised to do this but I was asked like will this stuff work and stuff that we was talking about is kinda for example plain to do it then get 10 circle of the Moon Droid I only getting worn and from Monk on level 5 you're getting this extra attack and we can make additional free attack after making unarmed or weapon attack and few levels in storm softening so this mistake it is kinda not understanding how mechanics work so for example you can just cast a spike growth over here and its concentration spell so you need to concentrate on this stuff then you can go and become for example like Badger why not why not to become better and just like that your beijer and you still can concentrate on this Spiker growth so it sounds like concentration spells should work and to get this base Armor class of 10 but then we're getting again into do it form we're getting get rid of our armor and we get in this nice wisdom and armored defense from one but if we decide to get into the budget form again we get this under armored defense coin so basically as you can see another defense is is working and this concentration spell working too but that's not always true and my advice would be to save the game before you level up and then test everything if everything working then continue for example if you're going into bear about shape pair get high Armor class bass Armor class but if you're using an armored defense simply get this Lord on Armored glass so basically if you want higher AC with bear you need a lot of wisdom to compensate for this an armored defense and yeah you can do it basically with high wisdom but still it's nice to know how it's working and sometimes it's not like too clear on the writings and descriptions of your abilities and skills for example martial arts bonus unarmed strike will give you ability to get bonus attack after you make an attack with monk weapon or while unarmed so when we are bear we're unarmed basic and let's start our fight with this concentration which bolt on this dude just like that so as you can see we concentrating on this Bell and basically every turn we can do this spell without using our spell slot sounds cool and considering when we was in like Badger form our spy grows keep its concentration this stuff should keep our concentration too yeah when we go into Badger form we should be able to keep this lighting going and while this Legend is actually going we not able to cast it so we don't have option to just use this skill on other turns as the Badger and same goes with other spells but again concentration keeping in our normal form so you are not able to cut spells when you're kind of bare or Badger but again when you're for example Badger and you're making unarmed attack you should be able to do bonus action ball strike for example but you don't have your knuckles right now so you can't attack with the knuckles but extra attack is working so our X attack from our Monk class is actually working on our Badger because it's only Arduino one more attack in a turn so it's working but other features Works only when you're in a monk shape so to use your unarmed attack with your bonus action you need to be in one and as you can see we got a lot of spells and with a lot of multi-class possibilities chances to make mistakes is like massive so always test out before you try and always save before you go into multi-class so next up not keeping in mind scaling some stuff is nice and working curve whatever you get it so for example like Barbarian Ridge while it's getting like better when you level up and doesn't matter too much it's like level 4 Barbarian or level one barbarian it works the same but for example when you try and two multi-class me to do it and to use your wild shapes as you can see where right now level 12 character and we decided that we very beneficial from three levels into it when you're using your Druid forums they not scale with you so some stuff scales with character level even but some stuff scales only with class level and it's nice to know because if you need to like this animal forums they won't be strong as you can see on level 12 we're getting only 13 HP from this forum so basically a multi-classing in the Droid is not a great idea if you want these forms from Druid and basically much lesson into any Android is not a great idea because all Druids scale with Druids level and all important Futures like this Badger and other animal forms from mondroid sport stuff from sport Druid and the next tip I heard in some YouTube videos of other guys but they not always explain it throughout so who people can make mistakes that's why I think it's worth to mention so right now I'm leveling my sorcerer so when you get to level 12 as sorcerer you get around like 15 spells in your disposal so you can use them so what I hear pretty often instead of going into 12 level sources and picking one more level six spell or level five spell some strong spell and pick and feed from Level 12. a nice idea and really smart idea to just go and get level in Wizards to be able learn every spell in the game because without got this awesome future when you're getting your spell Scrolls and you can get it from Traders you can find it in the game in the chests just in many places and spells look like this and we will buy every spell from this dude that's really nice feature that's nice feature to being able to learn spells many spells got this uh saving Troll And when you picking wizard it's already completely messing up everything and everything stopped working like it should be so for example our Fireball came from Al Sorcerer And it should use our spell difficulty class from Sorcerer And as you can see we got this platform from proficiency and plus one from intelligence so it's like messed up to be like wizard spell and writings on this code sometimes like messing up too much when you're doing this multi-class but they work most of the time as intended so for example from where and you don't have this ice knife on your sorcerer it will use wizard stats so for example let me show you a rare Frost is our kinship and when we're pressing on it we got this Charisma and intelligence so every start is kind of the same but when you're using this charisma very Frost you have like 80 percent of heating but if you use your intelligence 65 because we got really low intelligence compared to Charisma and same with every other spell so while it can be like smart idea to learn many spells as a wizard and it's cool to learn utility spells like Scroll of Dimension so it's not like bad idea a horrible mistake some stuff this really requires you to be able to cast it with your main attribute will be like biggest problem and and because you will get like low intelligence strong Wizard and only one level from Wizard well it will give you additional spells they will be learned in this wizard spell book so you get yours we use a spell book until you learn spells over here so you're not getting them in your sorcerer spell list you're getting them only in Wizard spell list and you can prepare only two spells so there's like no real reason to learn a lot of spells when you can use only a few of them and at the same same time they will use your intelligence as main attribute and I guess like this stuff is bucked and you will get like 13 difficulty class when it's actually casting last one is not like super big mistake I guess it's like sync that you need to keep in mind you need to keep in mind your starting class so if you got like yo wall beat mapped and you will build will be like maybe a warlock with hex blades or with like cool blade item and you combining him with uh Ranger to make this cool 10 attack in one turn guy if you saw my build like 10 attacks in one turn is really possible and really funny stuff to do on the later levels you're going into fighter and to basically get in these two levels in fighter to get this action search but when you're starting with warlock and then you're getting a ranger or vice versa and then you get a new fighter maybe you're thinking like oh I get fighter on the latest stages and on later stages I will go in heavy armor to be like super high armored guy and as you can see every fighter gets this heavy armor proficiency so why not to start as a ranger instead yeah and have fun visible in earlier stages and then we get our cool swords and other stuff so that's why you don't want to start as a ranger if you're planning to get this heavy armor proficiency because when you're starting to multi-class into fighter you're not having this heavy armor proficiency so when you're going into fighter you lose many skills some weapons sometime and most importantly you're not getting this heavy armor same is true for many classes so like warlock I got this little proficiencies and I guess if you start in this warlock you get like more weapons proficiency maybe since it's like main idea when you're multi-classing when you pick in your class and play chess stages you're losing some stuff for example when you go in a rock you're not getting Proficiency in any weapon and if you created already some class like Warlock and uh or wizard with zero proficiency just only in quarter stuffs and then you're multicast into broke you will get on the proficiency with light armor and no Proficiency in weapons and if you're starting race not giving you Proficiency in weapons you're basically doomed with this class because you won't be able to use anything beside quarter stuff from Wizard so always check out what classes got what proficiency and if you need this heavy armor as a multi-class in later stages just as deep then you go for cleric let it gets his heavy armor proficiency and when you start as Barbarian for example you get in this medium armor and light armor proficiency but when you get your Barbarian as a multi-class you don't have any armor proficiency beside Shields so this thing is nice to keep in mind so if there's some mistakes that you're probably making then definitely you will need this complete guide on multi-classing that is on the screen right now I recommend you to go and watch it it's like most easy guide on multi-classing that you will see on YouTube see you in the next videos guys
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 20,623
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Id: gd41LSx3UKY
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Length: 24min 12sec (1452 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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