3 Disturbing Mysteries That Will Make You Question Humanity

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first up we have a mystery you may have heard  of before that of okie albert kite jr blame it   on jorge did a great deep dive into this cult  kiss and i highly recommend you check his video   on it out but right now i'm gonna have a stab at  it myself okie or al as he preferred to be called   was known for being a kind and easygoing guy  the type of man that had no enemies to speak of   even his ex-wife gail whom he divorced in 2002  remained good friends with him long after they   had separated and al went out of his way to keep  a good relationship with his stepdaughter julie   in early 2004 al was living the carefree  bachelor's lifestyle despite having lost his wife   step daughter and previous job just two years  prior the 53 year old was now doing very well   for himself once again he'd purchased a  two-story townhouse in aurora colorado   and had landed a new job at the consulting  firm carter douglas during a work function   he also happened to meet a charming woman named  linda angelopoulos the pair quickly headed off   and began a casual romance one which quickly  blossomed into something more serious   now with a new partner a new job and newfound  happiness there was just one thing al still needed   a new tenant as mentioned al's townhouse in  aurora was two stories he lived on the top   floor and rented out the lower one to bring in  a little extra cash each month in may 2004 his   previous tenant had moved out so al was on the  hunt for a new housemate to fill his empty room   he put up ads in the university of colorado's  library and on may 19th someone responded   a guy who went by the name robert cooper well  whoever this robert cooper was he sounded   desperate for a place to stay and wanted to move  in as quickly as possible he told al over the   phone that he could have the security deposit  and first month's rent for him that same day   in order to secure the lease mr cooper also  mentioned that he worked at wells fargo   said that he had just been transferred from the  east coast hence why he needed a place to stay   robert cooper ticked all the boxes and  sounded like a decent enough guy so i'll   agree to rent him the room perhaps he thought  this could be the start of a new friendship   at some point within the next three days  al's girlfriend linda came to the townhouse   to pay him a visit she just so happened to  arrive while al was showing robert cooper   around the downstairs apartment i'll ask  linda if she'd like to meet the new tenant   she said of course she would but  she had to use the bathroom first   in the short space of time that linda was  inside the bathroom cooper told dal that he   had forgotten about an important appointment  he had and hastily made for the exit as   linda stepped out of the bathroom she only caught  the briefest glimpse of cooper's back as he left   according to both linda and several other  neighbours he was a well-dressed man   who appeared to be in his late 30s or early 40s  of medium height and build with dark curly hair   most notably linda said that he walked with a limp  and carried a cane neither she nor al thought much   about robert cooper's speedy exit maybe he  really did have a prior engagement or maybe   he had some social anxiety problems and didn't  want to meet linda for some reason either way   it wasn't a big deal as long as the guy kept up  with the rent he could come and go as he pleased   a few days later on may 22nd al  dropped linda off at the airport   she was taking a week-long trip to virginia beach  while al finalized the contract with mr cooper and   helped him settle in cooper said he needed some  assistance with moving an armchair down the stairs   or something like that and al being a nice guy  offered to lend a hand linda's plane landed safely   later that day and she called dal at 3  30 pm to tell him that she had arrived   but there was something off about the phone  call al wasn't his usual happy-go-lucky self   instead he was quiet distracted maybe even  uncomfortable figuring that he was just busy   helping cooper move in linda wished him a good  weekend and they both exchanged i love yous   before hanging up linda had no idea  that she would never speak to al again   nor would anyone else for that matter  except perhaps for the man who took his life on may 24th just two days after linda's departure  al's absence at work was noticed by his boss   that was slightly alarming al was a diligent  and punctual worker he wouldn't have just   taken a day off without notifying the company  the boss tried to call al but got no response   to be on the safe side he called dapao's sister  barbara and asked if she could check up on him   barbara didn't live in colorado so she  in turn called up the local authorities   within minutes officers were on their way  to al's home to conduct a welfare check   they knocked on his door but nobody answered  realizing that the door had been left unlocked   the officers slowly entered and took a look  around hoping to find some trace of al inside   well they found more than just a trace at the  bottom of the stairs to the basement they found al   hogg tied and lying face down in a puddle of his  own blood he had been struck in the back of the   head with a blunt object while walking down the  stairs but it wasn't the strike that killed him   while incapacitated at the bottom of the stairs  his attacker tied up his arms and legs behind his   back and then proceeded to torture him for hours  the soles of his feet were extremely bruised and   swollen having been repeatedly beaten with a steel  honing rod a form of punishment known as falakka   sharp blades from his own kitchen  have been inserted into his ears   down through his shoulders and even into the  spaces right above his eyes the unusual way   in which al had been bound made it impossible  for him to move all he could do was endure the   pain finally whoever had done this to him have  finished him off with 22 stabs to the chest head   and neck the final blows were so ferocious that  al's head was nearly detached from his own body   sickeningly after taking al's life the purp then  made himself at home he cleaned up the scene   ate food from al's fridge wore else clothes took  a shower in his bathroom and even slept in his bed   something very reminiscent of the  japanese setagaya family massacre case   it's believed that cooper may have stayed in al's  home for more than a full day after slaying him   perhaps the perp wanted to know what it felt like  to be his victim perhaps he just got a thrill out   of remaining at the scene perhaps taking al's life  wasn't enough and he wanted to take his privacy   too whatever was going through the guy's head it  was clear to the investigators that they weren't   dealing with an ordinary killer whoever this man  was he hadn't known al personally but had still   taken great satisfaction in his work and he had  to have been planning this for a very long time   the lead investigator on the case detective thomas  sobieski believes that al was struck in the head   while helping his new tenant robert cooper move  in this robert cooper was the obvious suspect   now all the authorities had  to do was track him down   to begin with they found the crumpled up rental  contract between cooper and al in the kitchen bin   the contract contained all of cooper's personal  information but obviously it had all been made up   his social security number belonged to  an 80 year old woman who lived in indiana   his address was for an elementary school  in denver his reference phone number was   from an aurora retirement village and the  name robert cooper was of course an alias   no one with that name worked at  wells fargo or had moved to the area   because this guy had chosen to target al not  because he knew him but because he had an   apartment to rent they didn't really have a lot  to work with but they did have something when   the perp finally left the townhouse he took al's  debit card and truckees with him he then drove   al's vehicle to a nearby atm where he withdrew a  thousand dollars of his victim's hard-earned cash   while doing so the atm's inbuilt camera took  several pictures of the killer his face hidden   behind a ski mask strangely al had a lot more  savings in his checking account and the purp could   have taken a much heftier sum if he wanted to  but for some reason only took a thousand dollars   then again money clearly wasn't this  guy's motive he hadn't tormented al and   then taken his life for financial gain  no he'd done it simply because he could   after withdrawing the money cooper  again returned to al's townhouse   removed all the blades he had inserted into al and  then placed them in the kitchen sink along with   the steel honing rod he poured bleach all over  them as well as down the shower drain to remove   any dna evidence he left behind finally he walked  out the front door and vanished into the night   to this day nobody knows who robert cooper  really was or why he did what he did he'd   been careful not to leave behind any trace of  his identity even in the lead-up to the slaying   the only evidence he had left behind was his  phone number which he had used to contact hal   in the first place but it turned out that  he had actually been using a burner phone   that very phone was found in downtown denver  and investigators were able to work out   which 7-eleven cooper had purchased it from one  close to the university of colorado's library   but cooper had done his homework he had  waited 30 days to activate his bernathon   and guess how long that 711 kept their cctv  footage before deleting it bingo exactly 30 days   cooper was also smart enough not  to call anyone else using that bone   so unfortunately the seemingly vital  piece of evidence was in reality worthless   mr cooper had been disturbingly methodical   as the investigators would come to learn just  before al's untimely slaughter numerous other   landlords in aurora had left ads at the university  of colorado's library looking for tenants to rent   their empty rooms many of them have been contacted  by a man calling himself robert cooper several of   them even met with him one landlord described him  as a well-dressed man who walked without a lump   another landlord who happened to be familiar  with european dialects said that the man spoke   with a distinctly romanian accent according to her  cooper spent a lot of time examining her windows   both landlords agreed that he gave off a creepy  vibe with one of them saying that he made the hair   on the back of her neck stand up and because  of that they both turned him away well their   intuitions likely saved their lives and if they  hadn't followed their gut instincts we'd probably   be talking about one of their deaths here instead  of us but al liked to think the best of people   always had and that cost him everything as it  stands the case of al qaeda remains unsolved   to this very day and the true identity of  robert cooper remained shrouded in mystery   but the audacity of his actions the amount  of effort he put into finding his victim   the time he invested in planning this whole  thing the efficiency with which he pulled it off   the confidence he displayed by remaining at the  scene and the joy he clearly got from his work   well it all makes me wonder whether this really  was just a one-time deal or whether al was just   another victim on this killer's sick resume a  lot of internet sleuths believe that's the case   and have tried to link robert cooper to  other killers who were caught trying to use   their victims bank cards guys like roy charles  waller who also like to disguise his identity   others have suggested the infamous israel  keys his ammo was very similar to that of   the perp in this case and the atm photos  certainly bear a striking resemblance to him   still to date no definitive connections have been  drawn but there is one piece of good news a small   amount of dna belonging to an unknown male was  uncovered on the basement stairs at al's house   this was run through the authority's database  and though no matches have ever turned up   the dna did reveal that this unknown male was of  south east european descent and using advances   in forensic technology composite artists were  recently able to create this image of his face   this 3d figure is robert cooper back then and now  with developments like this still being made more   than a decade after the incident perhaps one  day this incredibly sinister figure will be   brought to justice and this rabbit hole finally  filled in with a little luck the fbi might be   able to map his family tree and find him that  way in the near future until then all we can do   is shudder at the fact that people like robert  cooper actually exist and that on any given day   they could choose to target you not because  you wronged them but just for the thrill of it if you've checked out a lot of unsolved mysteries  content before it can almost end up feeling   like you're listening to movie plots rather than  things that have happened to real ordinary people   like you and me but as this next case proves  any one of us could unwillingly become the   star of our own murder mystery the year was  2005. the subject of this story todd guyb   your average 22 year old living in the small  community of casinovia michigan with a good job   at hager distribution an active social life and  a loving family the future seemed bright for todd   but sadly that future was about to be  taken away from him by a sinister force   june 11th 2005 was a saturday and for a  young and outgoing guy like todd that meant   a night out with his buddies now todd and his  friends were a very close group not surprising   since casenovia only had a population of 314  at the time he left the house that he shared   with his cousin at 7 30 pm and went to meet  his friends at the half moon bar in grill   they ate dinner together and at 9 30 set  off to an orchard party just off a dirt road   basically in the middle of nowhere but still very  close to where todd was staying with his cousin   most of the youngsters living in and  around the area went to this event   about a hundred people in total one person  who wasn't attending was todd's designated   driver she dropped todd and the others off at the  orchard and promised to pick them all up later   straight away the event seemed like it was going  to be a rager there was a keg and a bonfire and   by all accounts the atmosphere was electric a  little too electric at approximately 12 45 am   a fight broke out between a few of the local  guys and almost erupted into a full brawl   this prompted todd who was still in a sober  state of mind to leave the party very abruptly   it's unclear whether he was frightened about the  brawl or whether he was just tired and wanted   to get some rest but either way he said a quick  goodbye to his friends and told them he was going   to walk home he set off on foot and disappeared  from the party into the darkness since he only   lived about a mile away and hadn't drunk too much  his pals weren't too worried about him making the   journey by himself but almost as soon as he left  the orchard todd made a series of odd phone calls   that were concerning to say the least at 12 47  am just two minutes after leaving the orchard   todd called up his close friend  the woman who had dropped him off   she answered and todd simply said i've  had enough before the line cut out   it's not known whether he meant he had had enough  of the event and wanted to be picked up or if he   meant he had had enough generally in another call  which he made at 12 51 he told that same friend   i'm in a field before the line cut out once  again his friend immediately called them back   but all she could hear on the other end of  the line was either the rush of wind or heavy   breathing phone records show that dog kept trying  to call his friend back for the next five minutes   but the course wouldn't go through that was  the last contact anyone had with todd guyb   he never made it home that night while making the  ma long journey back to his cousin's house todd   seemingly fell off the face of the earth  and vanished entirely for the next three   weeks a search effort involving 1500 officers and  volunteers worked day and night to help find todd   planes scoured the area from above and thermal  imaging devices were used to try and locate him   in the latter days of the search sniffer dogs  were brought in to track todd's movements   they picked up on his scent and followed it from  the orchard along a dirt road and up into a field   it appeared that after leaving the party todd was  indeed walking in the right direction back home   but strangely the dogs lost his scent as  soon as they reached the main paved road   the road that would have led todd straight to  his cousin's house the final stretch of his   journey but why did his sense simply vanish when  he reached it did somebody pick him up after all   on july 2nd todd was found but to everyone's  dismay the search for him didn't have a happy   ending a local couple found his body in ovidl  lake very close to where his scent disappeared   smack bang in the middle of the search area but  he wasn't submerged in the lake he was standing   upright his head and shoulders above the water's  surface it almost looked like he was still alive   and was just treading water but there were  no ripples and the lake was completely still   at first the wife thought that he was a beaver but  when the couple realized what they were actually   looking at they immediately called the authorities  investigators arrived and removed todd from the   lake he was fully clothed and his wallet was still  in his pocket there were no noticeable injuries   on his body and since he had a large amount of  alcohol in his system they theorized that todd   must have left the party then decided to go for  a drunken swim and ultimately drowned in their   eyes it was a classic case of misadventure  and they closed the case almost immediately   but their conclusion just didn't seem to make  sense for several reasons firstly how had todd's   body gone undetected in that lake for three weeks  when he was so obviously standing in the middle of   it a group of 1500 had thoroughly searched that  area it seemed strange that nobody spotted him   secondly most people who drown are found  bobbing face down in the water but the   chilling way in which todd was standing it almost  appeared as if somebody had placed him there   it also doesn't make sense that todd would go  swimming fully clothed not to mention when he   left the orchard everybody noted how clear todd's  head was like he hadn't had too many drinks at all   in response to these questions a team of  independent investigators examined todd's remains   and what they discovered was truly disturbing  although todd had been missing for three weeks he   had only been dead for two to five days his body  was in too fresher condition and there was hardly   any insect activity or algae built up on his body  even stranger they found absolutely no water in   his lungs none whatsoever which completely  discredited the police's conclusion that he   had drowned and strongly indicated that he had  been killed on land and then placed in the water   as a result of these findings this independent  team conducted a number of tests with pig   carcasses they placed these carcasses in the  lake to examine the rate at which they decomposed   pigs are anatomically very similar to humans  so they wanted to see if after three weeks   their carcasses were in a similar condition  to todd's body as expected a huge number of   insects colonized the pigs on top of that  there was also a large amount of bloating   foaming algae and slime buildup all things that  weren't present on todd there was no way he had   been in the water for all those weeks and he had  almost certainly been the victim of foul play this   new team theorized that when todd made it to the  paved road he was actually picked up by one or   more people who then held him on land for a period  of time before taking his life and eerily placing   him in the water they even put forward a possible  group of suspects namely the smiley face killers   a group you have likely heard of before their  existence remains unverified but many people   including seasoned investigators believe they're  a shadowy group of organized killers who target   young successful popular men and almost always  dump their remains in rivers canals and lakes   often leaving behind the graffiti signature  close to the scene a crudely sprayed smiley face   according to some witnesses one such smiley face  was found spray-painted on a tree near vidal lake   though i can't seem to find any official reports  confirming that the team speculated that the   smileys forced todd to consume a lethal dose of  amitriptyline and decipramine two prescription   substances which were also found in his system  and which todd himself hadn't been prescribed   despite the independent team's findings the  authorities stuck with their ruling and said todd   had accidentally perished while night swimming  even though there was no water in his lungs   it's entirely possible that todd's demise was  a complete accident but the official version   of events ignores too much evidence to be taken  seriously and the quest for definitive answers   persists to this day todd's mother has tried for  years to get her son's case reopened but even   though all the evidence points towards foul play  the cops still refuse to take another look at it   remember todd lived in a very  small community of only 314 people   if somebody did take his life it doesn't seem like  it would be hard to find the person responsible   that combined with the authorities  refusing to reopen their investigation   has led some people to believe there's  a cover-up going on if that's the case   then the only questions left to answer are  who are the authorities protecting and why we'll end things with a mystery from germany  that of ursula hermann the girl in the box   ursula was a sweet and intelligent 10 year old who  loved nothing more than gymnastics and playing the   piano in 1981 she lived in the small village of  schondorf bavaria with her parents and brother   michael on september 15th the siblings both  attended an after-school piano lesson after which   ursula took her bike and rode to a gymnastics  class which she always attended with her cousin   being close friends ursula went back to her  cousin's house in the neighboring village of eking   and at 7 30 pm began the short cycle back  to her own home thing is she never made it   when apm rolled around ursula's mother called  her cousin's house and asked if her daughter   would be leaving soon the cousin's mother told  her that ursula had left 30 minutes earlier   the ride should have only taken five to ten  minutes so immediately alarm bells started ringing   the two households immediately started  searching the areas between schondorf and eking   but there was no sign of ursula anywhere  her parents went straight to the police   station and before long a huge  scale search effort was underway   almost the entire population of both  villages were out looking for ursula   but their efforts were all in vain two days later  on september 17th ursula's parents received a   bizarre phone call from an unknown person when  the phone rang they both jumped for the receiver   hoping against hope that someone was calling with  information about their daughter's whereabouts   for the first few seconds of the call though  all they heard on the other end of the line   was silence then an eerie radio jingle began to  play they didn't know what to make of it after   receiving three identical calls the authorities  began tapping the family phone lines three days   after that first call a mysterious letter arrived  in the mail made from letters cut out from books   it read as follows we have taken your daughter if  you ever want to see her alive again pay 2 million   deutsche marks as a ransom 2 million deutsche  marks worked out to be roughly 1.2 million dollars   a huge sum which the hermann family simply didn't  have still they were going to agree to pay and   worry about how later but how are they supposed  to tell the perps that they were willing to pay   well as it turns out the note had arrived  much later than the perps had anticipated   it was supposed to have been read  before the first phone call was made   but due to postal delays had arrived after  the cryptic radio jingles that they played   over the phone were supposed to elicit a yes or  no response with regards to the ransom payment   but without the note telling them that there  was no way ursula's parents could have known   well the next time the phone rang ursula's  mother confirmed that they would indeed pay   then on monday the 21st a final letter arrived  this one detailing the payment instructions   the money must be made in 100 deutschmark bills   ursula's father should deliver the packed suitcase  the date and location will be communicated later   he must drive a yellow fiat 600 no  faster than 90 kilometers an hour over the course of the next few days the hermans  reached out to everyone in their community for   support and as a result were able to raise the 2  million deutsche marks they needed to get their   daughter back now all they had to do was wait  for the perps to tell them when and where to meet   but those instructions never came after two  weeks with no contact search efforts for   ursula reignited hundreds of officers tens of  sniffer dogs and many people from the villages   comb the woods this time they used metal  rods to search beneath the leaves and foliage   finally nineteen long days after ursula had  first disappeared a huge discovery was made   using a metal rod one of the officers found  something hidden beneath the forest floor   a green box shallowly buried in the earth  inside was the lifeless body of ursula hermann   everyone was devastated ursula's parents  had agreed to pay the ransom so why had   the perps so callously taken her life well as  it would turn out they likely hadn't meant to   to begin with ursula's remains were examined it  was clear that she hadn't put up much of a fight   had likely been sedated when she was first taken  and hadn't tried to escape as for the box she   was entombed in it had actually been designed  to keep her cellar both alive and entertained   there was food and water inside it along with  books a small bulb a radio a toilet bucket and a   ventilation pipe which went up to the surface so  she could breathe but just like how they hadn't   anticipated their ransom note being delivered late  they had also failed to consider air circulation   despite designing the box to keep her  cellar alive she'd ultimately perished   due to a lack of oxygen the ventilation pipe  simply didn't allow for enough air exchange and   in all likelihood she had suffocated just  a few hours after being placed in the box   the authorities quickly realized that  the box was far too big and heavy   for one person to have moved alone meaning  there were at least two perps involved   they were quickly tipped off that a man named  verna masarek may have been one of those   responsible masarek lived next door to ursula in  her family and was known to be in a lot of debt   so he certainly had a motive thing is he  also had an alibi he claimed that at the   time ursula disappeared he was playing the  board game risk with his wife and her friends   something which they all confirmed he was taken  in for questioning anyway but released after   several days after his release an acquaintance  of his klaus faffinger told the authorities   that masarek had asked him to dig a hole out  in the woods not long before ursula vanished   thing is when the authorities asked  faffinger to take them to the hall   he was unable to do so and recanted his statement  perhaps he was lying for attention perhaps he   wanted revenge on masarek for something  or perhaps he was involved in some way   in 2007 the statute of limitations  on the case was fast approaching   by that point faffinger had passed away and the  only living suspect was verna masarek with nothing   left to go on and the case about to freeze over  forever the authorities eraded mazurek's house   and found a grundig model tk248 tape recorder  something which he could have used to play the   jingle all those years ago they used that tape  recorder along with faffinger's past statement   to take masarek and his wife to trial in all  honesty it wasn't a lot to go on with all of   this evidence being circumstantial there was  no dna evidence or fingerprints to speak of   even ursula's own brother michael didn't  believe that the couple were responsible   still against all odds werner masarek was found  guilty and sentenced to lifelong imprisonment   his wife was acquitted to this day masurek remains  behind bars though there are many who consider him   to be an innocent man most notably michael herman  in 2016 michael was able to get masarek a retrial   this time with strong evidence that he wasn't  the one responsible for what happened to ursula   sound experts had analyzed the tape recorder and  said there was no way to prove it was the one that   had played the jingles a language expert examined  the ransom note and concluded that it had to have   been made by someone who spoke broken german  someone who wasn't a native speaker like masarek   still the court refused to overturn his conviction   the final update in this case happened just last  year nearly 30 years after ursula's life was taken   in march 2021 top german media houses  received an anonymous letter in the mail   this still unidentified person confessed  that he and his friends were the ones   responsible for taking ursula's life back  when they were high school students in 1981   and that masarec was an innocent man it remains  unknown whether this confession was legit or   not but with this case now officially closed  it's unlikely anyone's going to look into it a huge thank you to all of my supporters here on  youtube and over on patreon especially my biggest   supporters that one guy thomas jesse jugg alex  greenswall alicia jaggals anikra asriel warakai   beatrice matarazzo charlie lackey colin monsma  crawford k macdonald expand on gina valera   grace archie infamous empappy ki ganidi leonardo  martinez myra lancaster monica mendoza nadine   natalie escobedo peter logdredge philip westra  procupadine nata sarah ramirez taylor and   monica gruink the only dorita zayn miss krypto  damian bennett the deck of cards lydia glassley   and hamish k thank you guys so much for your  continued support it really helps the channel out   be sure to smash that like button or i'll smash  you and you'll be hearing from me again very soon   until then you will stay spooky and  remember the best things happen in the dark you
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,945,371
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, solved mysteries, scariest video ever, lazy maskarade, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, nexpo, mr nightmare, reignbot, blameitonjorge, new, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, English, British accent, asmr, top 10, skin walkers, unsolved mysteries, exploring, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, real, cold case, clues, question humanity, Oakey al kite, todd geib, ursula herrmann, usa
Id: rB3EkfHfKCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 28sec (2128 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 12 2022
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