10 Scary TRUE Stories Posted on Reddit

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[Music] I met a guy who had been traveling Australia with a couple of friends hitchhiking around as many of us had done one of his friends told him they were near his distant uncle's house whom he had never actually met before he got a phone number from a family member and as they had hoped the uncle offered them a place to stay he picked them up in a town and drove them out to his rural property way out in the bush and they said he seemed like a pretty normal guy friendly and cheery when it was time to set up a place to sleep the uncle took them to a closet that was totally full of sleeping bags and bed rolls like totally full and they didn't think much of it at the time and all grabbed a kit and set up on the living room floor they stayed there a couple of days and nothing out of the ordinary happened afterwards the uncle drove them to a bus station and they were on their way about a year later that man the uncle was arrested and charged with several counts of murder he was the man who was picking up young hitchhiking backpackers and slaughtering them the guy who told me the story was 100% certain he had slept in the sleeping bag of one of the victims I'm from Chechnya and have witnessed more than a few bombings and shootouts in my life as a result of the insurgency here probably the scariest happened when I was about nine or ten years old my father and I live in a village in the mountains and it was a hot point of the insurgency against Russia up until a few years ago Russian FSB raids on insurgents there was somewhat common anyway I was walking home from school with some of my friends one day when all of a sudden we heard really loud bangs and booms in a nearby street we all scatter like dogs me and my friend Kaz Matt hide in this back alley for a few minutes just trying to lay low the gunfire sounded like it was coming from everywhere so we didn't want to move well after about three or so minutes this guy comes running around the corner and he's holding a rifle he looks pretty young maybe around 18 19 20 long dark brown hair and a scruffy beard that looked kind of funny because it hadn't grown in Foley and I remember he was wearing a gray Puma hoodie he was limping pretty bad as he'd been shot in the leg or being hit by shrapnel or something and a lot of blood was coming out we were behind a concrete wall and he fired off a couple of rounds at whoever was behind the wall before running out of ammo while trying to reload he saw us and yelled at us something along the lines of god damn you kids why are you here run well of course being like 10 we were scared shitless and couldn't move in the meantime his gun jammed or something because he was getting really angry and started crying and hitting his gun out of frustration right after that on the other end of the wall a guy with a ski mask and a bunch of armor pokes his head around the wall he's a Russian FSB he makes the movement motions for us to lay low and then shoots the other guy clean in the throat he collapses yeah makes that awful throaty sound people who get shot there make before they die me and cosmetic Astaire achill at this point because we're both kids and the gunshots are ridiculously loud we're scared we're going to die a few more FSB troops come from behind the other side shoot the guy's body a few more times for good measure and then start stripping him all the while making jokes about him and talking about how they're going to take souvenirs from his corpse and how much they love killing Jonah Safi a cellar used by Russians for Chechens they completely ignored us until one who I think was the one that shot him first walks over to us and tells us to stop crying and to go home he actually seemed somewhat empathetic and patted us on the back as we got up saying something along the lines of sorry you had to see that but you did good and we slowly get up and leave I'm not exactly haunted by it as I don't have PTSD but it's easily the scariest thing that's ever happened to me and I think about it sometimes my father used to have two Cambodian employees that were cousins and they were survivors of the Cambodian genocide they were in a labor camp that had no fences if you ran he would likely die in the harsh conditions every day they would line up the prisoners and shoot one person at random saying something like more of you will die if anyone leaves they were kept there purely through fair the two cousins decided to escape one day one of their brothers was too afraid to go with them and they left him behind and they said that they live with knowing and that probably a hundred or more people were killed because they escaped but they tell themselves that those people would have likely died anyway it was hitchhiking through South Australia heading west I was about 14 years old at the time and I got picked up by a carload of 20-something year old blokes in an old HQ and they were super drunk at one point one of these guys tells me that we're going to a party and asks if I want to come well I was on a walkabout and that's all about finding yourself and new experiences and all that so I was like hell yeah but then the driver got all upset no he says in a loud voice he shouts [ __ ] you guys not again and he screeched the car to a stop in the middle of [ __ ] nowhere get out he says to me I'm like what and all these other guys are protesting he looks me dead in the eyes and says get out now he seemed pretty serious so I did everyone else in the car was losing their collective [ __ ] and I was left standing on the side of the road 200 klicks from [ __ ] anything now I don't know what they were planning but in retrospect I'm fairly sure it wasn't anything good I was at a bonfire where people were telling ghost stories and a friend told us this story about his aunt in Mexico back when she was a little kid six or seven she lived on a ranch Nissa mountains and one day she was playing outside and ended up going missing a lot of people from the area came to help look for her call for her but nothing like a week went by and the family had begun to give up hope then suddenly she comes out from the trees dirty and with her mouth sewn shut the family take her to the hospital immediately the story that the little girl tells them is that she was wandering around in the trees and some Duende a folkloric creature came out and asked her to play with them so she goes with them in the woods and when she starts to get hungry they tell her that she needs to stay so she does but then it starts to get dark so eventually she finds her way back home she apparently thought she was only gone a couple of hours not a week apparently afterwards and that girl the armed was never the same again and she grew up to be a very quiet and reserved woman he says she still has scars from where her mouth was sewn shut so while everyone at the time was telling stories about how to end a are a hundred percent real and some people had even seen them when visiting their families in Mexico and that's definitely scary on its own but for this story in particular what's scary is that the seven-year-old girl was taken from her family ranch and held hostage in the woods for a week where she was so tortured that she ended up blocking out what happened to her and came up with a story in order to cope and then the people who took her so to her mouth shut probably thinking she would die before she ever made it back to her family's home there's a freak story that never leaves me a guy went missing in 2004 he had left his home without his shoes or jacket in October and just before he disappeared he had called his friends and asked if they wanted to come and go to a sauna with him like a normal Finnish person might do on a Friday night his girlfriend came home from work to an empty home with the lights turned on and the front door open case went cold and the guy was never found four years later kids were playing in the woods near the missing guy's home and noticed a scarecrow high in a spruce tree they told their parents who came to investigate and they immediately called the police it wasn't a scarecrow it was the body of the guy who went missing four years earlier he was tied to the tree and the body had been there for the whole time that the guy was missing it was officially ruled as a suicide now the weird thing is that according to some Finnish crime websites the rope wasn't tied around his neck like it would have been if he tried to hang himself and got stuck in the tree he was sat on a branch facing the trunk and his body was tied from three or four places to the tree and that doesn't really scream suicide to me the guy was a drug user and have been to prison for drugs to some people on those websites think that his sudden disappearance and strange death might be related to drug debts did someone force him to climb the tree and tie himself up like that maybe he died of hypothermia up there since temperatures in Finland in October can drop below zero maybe the debt collectors just left his body another strange thing is that the newspapers didn't tell where his body was found or how he died and just that some kids have found him near his home and that there was no crime this story is so weird it's disturbed me ever since I heard about it my mum was an ER nurse a guy comes in who had flown off his motorcycle face-first and slid down the road on his face he was wearing his helmet but it didn't help basically he was shredded with no chin no mouth and no nose all that was left were his eyes looking around in shock and body was all scraped up too he died I have never ridden a motorcycle in my adult life after hearing that story a bit over a decade ago I helped carry a few dead guys out of an armored car and into an ambulance like a testament to its maker the armored car was relatively intact and the whole hand cabin weren't punctured the vehicle had been thrown so far and so fast that the occupants were almost liquefied in their own skin and I remember my buddy saying he had doesn't matter how strong a hulless if you throw it far enough the occupants were much harder to carry than normal dead weight as they were floppy and contorted they bent like Gumby moved thinking about it sucks and I occasionally have nightmares I'll definitely never forget it I went to the bathroom in the middle of the night after some nightmares and left my door cracked open before I got back into bed when I fell asleep I dreamt that I was outside my room in the dream I saw my door cracked open I pushed it open and then saw myself sleeping when I woke up my door was wide open so years in years back on an autumn night I experienced my first and only bad trip from magic mushrooms I ended up locking myself in my bedroom in my flat and at one point heard the most horrible noises scratching and a kind of eerily wet choke over and over it just never seemed to end I was cold up in a ball scared out of my mind at whatever this thing was trying to break through my wall well then eventually stopped but the night wasn't over for me and stayed bad until I eventually drifted back to reality and passed out from the stress of what I had heard now here's where the real horror comes in those noises weren't a part of my trip my upstairs neighbor whose staircase went along my bedroom wall had died that night from an overdose he had vomited into his lungs bad enough to be lethal but not bad enough to be fast and he'd been crawling up my wall presumably to get my attention I found out over the next few days and that he wasn't alone his best friend had Kayode on the couch and the dead guy had gone into the bathroom to be sick here went wrong and when staggering out he had fallen down the stairs leaving him badly injured and stuck at the bottom next to my wall I don't see it as a case I could have helped dinner had I been sober enough to do anything I wouldn't have been home at all but as terrifying as what I felt was I feel what he went through was a terror most couldn't imagine I know I can't trapped dying and with people around but you can't get their attention that's nightmare fuel at its worst hey guys are lazy hair and thank you very much for listening well a little late with the Halloween video this year but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless some spooky stories in this one I hope you enjoyed them and I'll have another video ready for you guys very soon actually um I've got it in the works so stay tuned for that not much more to add this time guys so remember to smash that like button or I'll smash you and I'll see you in the next one until then stay spooky and remember the less things happen in the doll
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 554,844
Rating: 4.9320774 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, real horror stories, new, best, most, scariest video ever, on youtube, long video, deeply disturbing, lazy masquerade, maskarade, top 10, Halloween, chilling, ghost, duende, mysterious, mysteries, shocking, creepypasta, creepiest, how to, 4chan, 2chan, reddit, haunted, ghosts, caught on tape, camera, pictures, 10 Scary TRUE Stories Posted on Reddit, posts, horror, narration, audiobook, british accent, lets not meet, deep web
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 42sec (1062 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 02 2018
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