The Darkest Lost Media [Vol. 1]

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(unnerving music) - [Reporter] On April 25th, at this bus stop, one boy, 15 years old, shot and killed a 17 year old boy with a revolver. - [Reporter] WXLT TV, Channel 40, Sarasota-Bradenton. (intense synth music) - [Man] Preview Guide. - [Nexpo] Lost media is a topic that I have been enamored by for years, yet have surprisingly not formally gotten into. The thought of disturbing TV broadcasts, audio, and VHS footage that have been lost to time, is fascinating, and the lengths that people go to find them is incredible. So much dark and disturbing content has existed even before the internet. And the aim of this series is to dive into them, their search, and their stories. Because, as it turns out, some of the Darkest Lost Media out there seems to have always existed... Among us. (dramatic synth music) (low rumbling) (beeping) (calming music) - [Presenter] The following is a presentation of the Christian Television Network. (catchy groovy music) ♪ Joy to the world ♪ ♪ All the boys and girls ♪ ♪ Joy Junction is the place to be ♪ ♪ Joy for you and me ♪ - [Presenter] Come and join us for a half hour of fun and games at Joy Junction. Now here's Sheriff Don! (people clapping) - Hi, how you doin'? Good to see you. (tense music) - [Nexpo] 1980. A show is broadcasting on the Christian Television Network named Joy Junction. It's textbook public access TV, set at the eponymous village and hosted by the town sheriff. Throughout the show's lifespan, the town residents would join in for educational bits about the Bible, and kids were encouraged to take part in various games. It seemed to have been successful during its time, as it was on air for a few years. Bizarrely, nearly every record and archive of this show ever existing have been wiped though, merely leaving us with a handful of surviving re-uploads on YouTube. This has, admittedly, made it difficult to find any further information about Joy Junction, aside from what we can distill from the existing footage. But that's okay, 'cause that's not the main reason we're here anyway. - [Ron] Hi, everybody, what's happenin'? - [Don] Hey, Ron! Good to see ya! - Oh, no, I've been waiting and waiting, and waiting on you. Oh, I'm sorry, I got tied up, Marty. But traffic was heavy, and the stores were busy. You know how it is when... - [Nexpo] One of the show's cast members was a ventriloquist by the name of Ron, and he was present in nearly every episode, joined by his doll Marty. - Never going to come back. Well, I did come back, didn't I? Yeah. I told you I would come back, didn't I? Yeah. - [Nexpo] Typically, they'd have a quick conversation about whatever the topic of the day was, and it, at least in the surviving archives, appeared to serve as a bridge between two segments of the show. Ron's full name was Ronald Brown, and in the years following the show's eventual end, he'd launch his own puppeteering company out of Florida called Puppets Plus. On his website at, we can observe a myriad of their clients, along with the age groups that he was primarily hired for. Ages two to five, and six to eleven. Now, at first glance, this seems par for the course in his profession. Children's entertainment was his forte. However, it's when we back up and take a look at Ronald as a person when things begin to sour. You see, throughout the years, Ronald had a strange dynamic with children. For instance, in 1998, he was pulled over for a traffic violation and was found to be in possession of boys underwear. His excuse was that he used them for his puppets, and he was eventually let off. Other complaints came throughout the 2000s about him giving rides to kids in his church van. Unfortunately, police couldn't ever do much because there wasn't any explicit crime being committed. It was incredibly strange, but unfortunately not enough to warrant any sort of arrest. Where things really get nutty though, is when we jump to the early 2010s, in which Brown would find himself caught in a web of controversy. (message beeps) (unnerving music) (keyboard clacks) In May of 2012, a man named Michael Arnett was arrested after a... Sting operation. He was charged with the production of... And upon searching his home and computer, they would find chat logs on Yahoo Messenger between he and a person named uelime. As it turned out, Arnett would produce these images, and distribute them to various others online from the usernames ck_3666, sweettalkerlinda, and calfkeeper2. You'll notice that uelime was outward about their desires. They expressed interest in cannibalism, torture, sexual assault, and all of it was directed towards children, even as young as two. The catch here, though, is that uelime wasn't just a random person. It was Ronald Brown. His secret online alias in which he'd express his fantasy about the kids he surrounded himself with daily. Let me remind you that this was a man whose entire career, entire life, was centered around associating with kids. Someone who was, at one point, on television in front of thousands. To say that these chat logs were a bad look would be putting it lightly. And yes, the messages you're seeing are straight out of the official case file. (message beeps) (door shuts) (melancholic music) After corresponding with, authorities were able to track down Ronald Brown, and tie his username to a profile on a necrophilia website named Ronald's profile has been lost to time. However, through his own case report, we're able find details describing it. On this site, his bio read... "I love them young and dead. I enjoy them fresh, but like to see them displayed in their casket too." And a few snippets from his post history. "I like the blonde boy. Would love to snuff him. Very hot pics. That boy looks dead, I like that one. I'd love to kill them." It's safe to say that at this point, there was more than enough to warrant an arrest. And on July 19th of 2012, that notion would finally become a reality. - Federal marshals arrest a Largo man for possessing... And conspiring to kidnap a child. They say he was a puppeteer who performed for children in the Bay Area. News Channel 8's Yolanda Fernandez has been following this story for us. She's joining us live tonight from Pinellas County. Well, Keith, 57 year old Ron Brown is here in the Pinellas County Jail tonight. Federal investigators say it was his gruesome and very graphic online chat with a known... (melancholic music) - [Nexpo] Brown's house was raided. And scattered across his home were images of... Pictures of kids being tied up, and even some that appeared to be dead. Furthermore, agents found CDs with much of the same material, a blowup sex doll dressed in boys clothes, a journal he kept about his fantasies dating back to 1978, and even books about serial killers and cannibalism. He was eventually found guilty of possession of... And was sentenced to 20 years in federal prison with a lifetime of supervision thereafter. Had he lived out his full sentence, he would be out sometime in 2033. However, as of August of 2020, it's reported that he is now deceased. My heart goes out to the children who had to suffer for the pleasure of this monster, and all of those who associated with him. For his entire life, he was calculated, and knew what he was doing. His career, his church van favors, his company parties, all a front for some of the darkest desires imaginable. In hindsight, I understand why Joy Junction's records were wiped. It was a show with a good premise and good intentions, I won't deny that, however, now bears a reputation forever stained by the devil... Hidden within them. (melancholic music) (dreamy synth music) Before we continue, just a couple quick announcements. First off, I'd like to formally announce my second channel, called Nexpo: After Hours. (distorted jazz music) Here, I aim to bring you guys analytical videos about smaller webseries and horror video games. Currently, I have an upload about a smaller creepy webseries, and I'll be dropping the next one in about... Five minutes from now. So if you're into that sorta thing, I welcome you with open arms. It's a big creative outlet for me, and we're gonna have some fun. If you're not, however, no sweat. We've still got the big projects on main. Second, new merch is now available at We've got some super cool new designs if you're interested. Link in the description. Lastly, if you're interested in gaining early access to videos, script files, and work-in-progress cuts of upcoming projects, your support would mean the world to me over at Of course, it's never expected, but always appreciated as I try to keep these videos sponsor free. (distorted jazz music) (unnerving music) (beeping) (water splashes) (dramatic horn music) (wondrous music) The year is 1928, and a romantic disaster film about Noah's Ark hits theaters. Directed by a man named Michael Curtiz, it premieres during a transitional period between silent movies and "talkies", or films with actual spoken dialog. Because of this, it's mostly regarded as a hybrid film with long scenes being played over music, and with it comes a healthy dose of extensive criticism. Most of the backlash is due to its runtime. Clocking in at a whopping two hours and fifteen minutes long, with considerable portions containing awkward dialogue and drawn out scenes, sitting through this movie is, to put it lightly, a considerable undertaking. Because of this, the film is pulled for revision, and the cut content is never shown again. A good portion of the cut footage came from what the movie is mostly known for today, and that's the flood scene. (film reel rolls) (dramatic music) (wind howls) In it, we can observe a slew of actors fighting their way out of a crumbling temple and towards the ark to stay alive. It's a grandiose set with a lot going on, and keeping in mind the time period, all of this was pulled off with practical effects. These people were legitimately submerged. (dramatic music) Some might consider the acting here to be pretty well done. Like I said, this scene is grand, and due to the time period, was all pulled off practically. The thing is, some of these actors weren't actually acting, as during this scene, three actors drowned and one reportedly lost their leg. This was the result of over 600,000 gallons of water being dumped across the set, something that the film's extras were reportedly unaware of. It's been reported that, before filming commenced, Michael Curtiz was warned against putting so many people in danger. However, he shrugged it off, claiming that the extras were expected to be prepared for anything. And that, quote, "They're just gonna have to take their chances". In the original cut of the movie, it's rumored that you could see these deaths happen on the screen, with a much more fleshed out flood scene. However, since the revisions, that original version is forever considered lost. It's rumored that Curtiz was in pursuit of relentless perfection. He wanted this movie to be grand and authentic. However, in this chase came a loss of life that did not need to happen, leaving Noah's Ark forever stained with an enduring legacy of tragedy. (unnerving music) (beeping) ♪ Searching for a website ♪ ♪ A window to the world about to get online ♪ ♪ Take a spin, now you're in with a techno set ♪ ♪ You're going surfing on the internet ♪ (unnerving music) - [Nexpo] On the 2nd of July, 2014, an ad was made on Craigslist. (beeping) It came from an 18 year old girl named Brooke Slocum, and was but a simple request for cash. - [Brooke] "I need $50 by 3:30 p.m. today. I can pay you back later tonight, but I need gas and some mess quick! Everyone has bronchitis at my house and I do not want to get sick! I'm 8 months pregnant and my lungs are all squished as is... If you could help, me and my daughter will greatly appreciate it!" - [Nexpo] This post remained untouched for ten days. (message beeps) At 10:08 p.m. on the night of July 12th, Slocum receives an email from a man going by the name "Mike's Hard". "I can host. What are you thinking? I'm 25." This was a reply to other, separate ads that Brooke made around the same time period in which she would solicit sex for money. According to her friends, it wasn't willingly, as her then boyfriend, 25 year old Charles Oppeneer, would coerce her to do this, while accompanying her during these meetups. Reluctant, Slocum responds twenty minutes later: - [Brooke] "Um, well, we're looking for donations if possible. Kinda in a tight spot and we have a baby on the way. As far as the fun goes though, there wont be any male." (message beeps) - [Nexpo] "How does $120 sound? I can drive you over here if you need." - [Brooke] "No, we can travel, just can't host is all. When and where would you like to meet up?" - [Nexpo] "I like to (bleep) outside in a park around 11:30. That okay?" - [Brooke] Mm, I dunno. I don't wanna get in trouble for indecent exposure or anything... I can't go to jail being 8 months pregnant. - [Nexpo] "It's cop free. It's a park, but behind it there are lots of woods. No cops at all." This last email arrived at 10:59 p.m., and as we can see, Mike's Hard was keen on meeting that same night. Needless to say, Slocum ended up accepting, and their trip to Gezon Park in Wyoming, Michigan was on. (unnerving music) It's midnight. (cricket chirps) The couple arrives, with Mike pulling up shortly after. Initially believing this to be another sex meetup, the two approach Mike without much concern. Sometime during the next few minutes, Brooke is grabbed, bound, and shoved into the trunk of Mike's car. In haste, Charles tries to help, however, is unsuccessful, resulting in a violent altercation between the two. It's unclear how long this fight lasted. However, what is certain, is that during this, Charles was violently killed. Mike drags his body near the woods, saws his head off, and covers the remains with sticks. And without so much of a single witness, he jumps in his car, and alongside Charles' head and Brooke Slocum stowed behind him, drives off into the night. (unnerving music) (birds chirping) After realizing that Oppeneer's car had not moved in days, police began probing on his whereabouts. When asked, his parents drummed up nothing. His work, nothing. No one knew where he was, but his car was there. And so they begin searching the park on July 17th, five days after the incident with Mike's Hard. Upon scouring the wooded area that lined its back end, they then discover a headless body under some brush. And it was later identified as Charles Oppeneer. (sinister music) In the coming hours, it was realized that Oppeneer wasn't single, and his girlfriend, too, was missing. In haste, authorities obtain a search warrant for her apartment, and begin searching her laptop. On it, there were a myriad of conversations, however, one thread from Mike's Hard stood out among the rest. The Internet Crimes Against Children unit was called in for analysis on the real name behind the alias, and they found that this address was tied to another email, which was tied to a Facebook for a man, not named Mike, but Brady. Brady Oestrike. (dramatic music) They stake out near his home while they await a search warrant. There wasn't enough evidence for an arrest warrant by this point, so that was a frustrating roadblock. The hours tick by without much happening. However, around 9 p.m. on the night of July 17th, Brady would be spotted jumping into his car and leaving his home. A few moments later, he's stopped by a nearby officer. Before they could get to him though, he takes off, leading to a grueling pursuit. (engine revs) (radio chatter) Eventually he loses control and crashes into a cement barrier. As the officers pull up for apprehension however, he (bleeps) himself in the head and falls forth to his death. (dramatic music) A few seconds later, police approach, and search his vehicle. In it was 31 year old Brady Oestrike, dead in the front seat. And in the trunk, stuffed within a suitcase, was 18 year old Brooke Slocum and her unborn daughter. Both of whom were deceased. Upon searching Oestrike's home shortly after, they discovered a plethora of ropes, knives, swords, cages, straps, and bizarre writings that make little to no sense at all. His toilet was inoperable, and the entire place was nothing short of rancid. (dramatic music) Most interesting of all, however, was the discovery of cameras. As it turned out, he had them all over his home so he could document his actions, and what you're seeing here is Oestrike as he prepares the basement he kept Slocum in for those agonizing five days. Now, there exists footage of Brady Oestrike's grueling torture of Brooke Slocum, however, you'll never see it. The police department has gone on record to say that they will never release it, however describe it as something straight out of a nightmare. During the time Slocum was captive, and even when police were right outside the home, she was locked in handcuffs with a chain around her neck. Reportedly, Oestrike had bound her arms to the ropes hanging from the ceiling and left her dangling while he sexually assaulted and tortured her, before strangling her to death. All of this was captured on film. Years later, Oppeneer's head was found off some back roads, 17 miles north of Gezon Park. It's a chilling end to a disturbing online saga, and really drives home the fact that you really, really don't truly know who it is you're meeting with on Craigslist, dating apps, OfferUp, what have you, until you actually come face to face. What began as a simple request for just $50, had led to the loss of three lives, following a day's long nightmare orchestrated by a depraved man. The torture footage is, as of 2022, considered indefinite lost media that may never see the light of day. However, considering what exactly it entails, I don't think we'd really want it to. (unnerving music) (beeping) ♪ Coast is the one ♪ ♪ Coast Federal ♪ - [Woman] Gwen Armstrong for Coast Federal. - [Presenter] WXLT TV, Channel 40, Sarasota-Bradenton. ♪ We're with you on ABC with you ♪ (unnerving music) - [Nexpo] The year is 1972, and a reporter named Christine Chubbuck eagerly lands a job at WXLT, Channel 40, in Sarasota, Florida. Initially hired as a reporter, she was reassigned to a spot named Suncoast Digest, a local affairs segment that ran at 9 a.m. every Saturday. During her time there, she'd become attracted to a fellow reporter named George Ryan, and would seek his attention by baking him cakes and expressing a desire to hang out. When she realized that he was already romantically involved with another coworker however, it was detrimental to her self-image as Christine historically had difficulty finding love. According to her family, she'd go on dates with various men throughout the years, however, had trouble connecting socially with them. On top of this, by 1973, Chubbuck underwent surgery to have one of her ovaries removed, and as a result, her doctors began to pressure her, claiming that if she wasn't able to conceive within two to three years thereafter, she may never be able to. - [Presenter] The following program is brought to you in living color, on NBC. (lighthearted music) - [Presenter] Super spy Fred Flintstone is off on the trail of the mysterious Green Goose, a master of dis- - Tonight we begin with the death of a man armed with scissors. He was shot by police 24 times. - Do something. Get him to do something about the problem. Meantime, they say they're gonna back the leafleting up with a meeting this Friday with city and state official. - Good evening. More than 100 people were reported dead in a plane crash near New York's Kennedy Airport this afternoon. The plane was an Eastern Airlines 727 nearing the end- - [Nexpo] As 1974 approached, Chubbuck witnessed a shift in news methodology. Christine always had a desire to pursue what she believed to be high-impact stories about issues affecting the community. However, WXLT executives were leaning more towards stories that were "juicier" per se, utilizing fear and sensationalism to drive viewership, in turn generating revenue. The news she was tasked with reporting began to shift further and further towards spectacle and shock, and she frequently rallied against this, to no avail. Resultingly, she became stuck in a mindset, in a world that she was growing to hate. Her professional life, her personal life, everything around her. (ominous music) - Good evening, I'm Steve Newman, and this is Channel 40 Weather Watch. It's gonna be even cooler tomorrow night than tonight. The reason for this, with a passage of the cold front today when we picked up some showers, skies have cleared very nicely. And as we- - [Nexpo] On the 15th of July, 1974, Christine enthusiastically entered the station. Instead of opening Suncoast Digest traditionally, however, she claimed that there was a newscast she had to read to open it, something that hadn't been done hitherto. She takes her seat at the news desk, and for the first eight minutes, opens her segment about three national news stories and a shooting that took place the day prior. Following this, a film reel of the shooting was supposed to play, but had jammed, leaving a few moments of dead air. In response, Christine apologized for the error, before taking out a script she'd hand-written, and reading to the viewers the following. (unnerving music) (film reel rolls) - This weekend, being typical of the recent rash of violence, saw one man stabbed, another assaulted, and a third shot and wounded. Sarasota Police report the firing of an 18 year old, a man by the name of David Winn, in the parking lot of the Friendly Tavern on 27th Street. Winn had an apparent stab wound in the chest, which, according to witnesses, was inflicted by James Witworth during a fight. Police charged Witworth with aggravated assault. Winn is in satisfactory condition at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. The second attempt at armed robbery in a week has involved law enforcement officers from both Sarasota and Manatee counties. Last week, teenage gunmen held up the Highway Bar, and after a shootout and high speed automobile chase, held a family hostage and finally were nabbed by Sarasota Sheriff's Deputies. Early Sunday morning, the Beef and Bottle restaurant north of Sarasota Bradenton Airport on US-41 was the site of an attempted armed robbery and shooting. TV-40 Newsman Bob Peterson was on the scene shortly after it began, and he filed this report. Sorry. For those of you who saw late night weekend Newswatch last night, we did have a thorough report and a commentary by Bob Peterson, but unfortunately we had technical difficulties and cannot bring it to you now. However, watch Newswatch tonight at 5:30 and we'll have that story for you then. As of this morning, Foster, Race Foster who was shot in that incident, is in satisfactory condition at Sarasota Memorial Hospital. In keeping with the WXLT practice of presenting the most immediate and complete reports of local blood and guts news, TV-40 presents what is believed to be a television first. In living color, exclusive coverage of an attempted suici... - [Nexpo] At this moment, Christine drew a Smith and Wesson revolver that she had hidden in her bag, placed it behind her right ear, and fired, immediately falling forward onto her desk. In a frantic response, the tech directors quickly faded the broadcast to black, and scrambled to play a movie thereafter. (phone rings) Calls began to flood in with the viewers questioning the authenticity of what they just witnessed, with some believing that this was a morbid joke or a prank, however it was far from it. She was rushed to Sarasota Hospital. And back at the station, the news director, Mike Simmons, had discovered two pages of a script left behind by her. The first page contained what we heard prior, however, the second was a follow-up intended to be read by a third party. "Today, Christine Chubbuck... During a live broadcast. She was rushed to Sarasota Memorial Hospital where she remains in critical condition." Surprisingly, Christine's prediction turned out to be correct, not only because she was at that very hospital, but because she remained in critical condition for fourteen hours until her eventual death. Christine's body was cremated, and spread in the Gulf of Mexico, marking the end of a life full of despair. To those around her, and to her loved ones however, an agonizing void was left that would forever go unfilled. Reportedly, only one tape of this incident existed, and was kept by Bob Nelson, the station's owner. After his death, his wife Molly would inherit it, before handing it over to a law firm for good. As of now, this is where it lies. And for the foreseeable future, may never see the light of day. (unnerving music) (beeping) (catchy groovy music) (lighthearted music) - [Presenter] We'll return after these messages. (lighthearted music) - [Man] Good morning. - [Nexpo] To preface this last entry, I'd like to state from the outset that the following could be absolutely nothing. The answer could be completely mundane. However, the footage in this section has personally stood out to me because of how bizarrely out of place it is, and how little info there is about it. I was gonna put it in the next Disturbing Things, however, I think it fits better here. Let us begin. It's the 1980s. (sinister music) Beetlejuice makes its debut. Journey, Survivor, Guns N' Roses, and our favorite Rick Astley are on the airwaves. And over on a standup comedy show named An Evening at the Improv, a child actor turned musician named Corey Feldman is world premiering his latest track, Something In Your Eyes. - Woo! Okay, ladies and gentlemen. I'm gonna start the show off tonight a bit differently than usual. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna world premier my song that I just finished writing and producing with Michael Damian for my new movie, Dream a Little Dream with Jason Robards, it's called Something In Your Eyes, I'm gonna do it right now. (audience cheers) ("Something In Your Eyes" by Corey Feldman) ♪ Oh ♪ - [Nexpo] As we can see, he had a mixed reaction from the audience. Clearly lip syncing and taking inspiration from Michael Jackson, he employs dance moves in a musical style that attempts to emulate them. Upon looking through comments about him on YouTube, it's clear that history hasn't exactly been kind to Feldman, but that's beside the point. The reason I bring this video up in the first place is because towards the song's end, Feldman's producer makes an incredibly strange cutaway to something that is very out of place for a video like this. Have a look. ♪ You shouldn't of let it go ♪ ♪ You should've held on ♪ ♪ Stop your running away ♪ (unnerving music) - [Nexpo] What is this? And why is it here? Nowhere in the song does Feldman make any sort of mention about a woman being bound to a pool table. And after performing a cursory scan of his other music videos, cutaways like this never happen again. This seems eerily out of place, and discussion about this is painstakingly few and far between. The only mentions I could find about it were from Reddit and a few YouTube comments, however none of them garnered much attention, and their sources are pretty much nonexistent. With that being said, let's circle back to the footage so we can break it down ourselves. (ominous music) As we can see, the video of this woman was patched in in post-production. Unlike the other cutaways that happen prior, this one has a different border, it's in black and white, and seems to be slightly lower quality than his music video. In the footage, we have a woman with brown or black hair, tied up on each corner of the pool table, is in what appears to be a small room with a swinging light above her, and seems to be moving because of discomfort. To me, this footage could be one of three things. Either, it's a scene from an obscure movie, a cut of a (bleep) film, or it could be from a legitimate (bleep) film. Personally, I believe it's one of the first two, given how obvious this cutaway is on something that's been seen by hundreds, if not thousands of people. If this were truly as sinister as it's been rumored, it would be a pretty stupid move to put it here. Regardless, this cutaway is one of the weirdest edits I have ever seen, and I'm still struggling to drum up a reason as to why it's there in the first place. I'm curious if you know anything about this. If you've seen it before, if you've heard about it, anything. This is a weird little mystery, and this is where I'm calling for your help. Who is the woman on the table? (dreamy synth music) Even apart from the internet, the world is dark. So many pieces of media have been forgotten and lost to time, and in this series, I aim to document and bring those back to light. Thank you so much for joining me in this first installment of The Darkest Lost Media. I truly appreciate each and every one of you for taking the time out of your day to watch my videos, and I truly apologize for the delay on this one. I had to completely rework a section due to copyright issues, so it set me back pretty badly. Nonetheless, I really hope you guys like this. I made this series with the goal of it standing toe to toe with Disturbing Things in terms of quality, and I'm thrilled to keep this going if you would have me. That said, if you have any creepy suggestions for future installments for this series and even Disturbing Things from Around the Internet, feel free to shoot me an email at Thank you, thank you, thank you again for watching. I'll see you in the next one. I love you all, and good night. (dreamy synth music) - Security tells me they do not expect a third raid of Ronald Brown's trailer home in Largo, at least not any time soon. At this hour, bags of possible new clues seized late last night are headed for a crime lab. Agents can't tell us what's in those bags yet. The 57 year old puppeteer is accused of crimes against children. Authorities say Brown had pictures of boys with their hands and feet bound. Brown's already appeared in federal court, where detectives say he admitted to chatting with another man online about cooking children and eating their remains. We spoke with some of... (dreamy synth music) (mysterious music)
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 6,263,446
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lost media, creepiest lost media, disturbing lost media, disturbing things, disturbing things from around the internet
Id: KZbzIf_C6Y4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 29sec (2609 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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