5 More Deeply Disturbing Reddit Posts

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[Music] [Music] almost three years ago reddit user read once blue 80 shared a truly eerie experience that she captured using an app called sleep as Android the apps used to help improve your sleep and records your nighttime noises such as coughing snoring and all that jazz essentially so you can analyze it the next morning the results for the first couple of months were fairly unremarkable and just the usual nighttime noises one would expect at 2:04 a.m. on the 20th of December 2013 whilst asleep in bed with her three-year-old child this audio clip was captured there was nobody else in the house at the time well that she knew of at least so naturally this audio clip weirded her out it sounded as if she was talking to someone else in the room despite being asleep and having absolutely no memory of the exchange there were also a lot of unusual loud clicking sounds now your first thought might be that she was just mumbling in her sleep but take another listen now with the audio cleaned up a little it's difficult to be sure what's being said at the very end of the clip the user believes it's someone saying her name Jenny others say they hear I'm dead I'm Danny or that's them the audio has since been analyzed by a professional and though it is indeed her voice that says what are you doing it was determined that it's impossible for the other voice to be hers or her son's in the words of the analyzer the other person in the recording definitely is in you talking to yourself nor is it your son your voices pitch and the question what are you doing is around 265 Hertz C 4 in musical notes the answer is voice seems to be around 95 Hertz an f-sharp - that's a relatively low voice even for a man some remain convinced that the user was the victim of a home invasion and that Jenny in a recorded her intruder they say the unusual ambient noises sound as if someone's rummaging around the room that the pause in the clicking noises Sam momentary silence after Jenny says what are you doing yes down to the intruder being startled others think this recording here's something more paranormal there are some quite interesting theories to read about on the actual page linked below make sure to check it out if you're interested and whatever the case Jenny has since moved out of that house after that I can't really blame her three years ago a user by the name of Pathan started a thread simply titled and I think someone is following me attached were these pictures and the text and I noticed that one of my shocks on my car was making a lot of noise yeah my car was riding hard so I just figured that I'd blown it when I crawled under my car and I found this and I can only assume it's a GPS tracker held on with a large magnet now what should I do of course conspiracies started flying around on the thread saying that this was an FBI tracker however the box was quickly and correctly identified as a civilian purchasable GPS tracking device this particular model was extremely accurate in pinpointing the location of its target and cost between 400 and 800 dollars so who was stalking Pathan he had soon came to light that the most likely suspect was his own distrustful girlfriend Hotham himself wrote about a month ago it was a very close friend of Mines birthday this is a girl my now known crazy girlfriend doesn't like her at all for that very reason well for a month I told my girlfriend I wasn't going to go to my friend's party at the casino but when the time came up I thought screwed I'm going so why did an all-night my girlfriend called and called I think it was 45 times or more when I finally talked to her she mysteriously knew more than she could have but never told me how Pathan informed everyone in the thread that he had sent his girlfriend a text hinting at what he had found under his car all of a sudden she stopped answering her phone the plot thickened hungry for more information other users kept asking for updates on the situation pathum said that his girlfriend was at home he wrote that he was going to confront her about it and keep everyone up to date on what happened next and that's the last thing he posted he went to confront his girlfriend and never returned to the thread never made another post and nobody knows what happened to him he simply disappeared from the site now of course there's a lot of speculation about what happened next maybe he wanted to keep the truth private and there was a good reason for the device being there maybe it was all just a prank or a fraudulent post maybe something altogether more sinister happened to him me and his girlfriend was crazier than anyone anticipated ultimately we'll probably never find out but the post still gets talked about in certain corners of the site to this day with users splitting forward their own theories about what happened two paths on Reddit loves a good mystery those of you who watch my last video might remember the mysterious story of Jimmy see personally I think it's one of the most interesting and unsettling stories I've narrated on this channel and it's worth bringing up again here especially since the development five months ago or so her post appeared on the site asking users to share their unexplainable experiences one replies stood out the user wrote about an encounter he had about ten years ago in a bar on Tybee Beach Savannah Georgia he had taken the day off work to go fishing with his girlfriend but instead decided to head over to the bar across from the beach now after a while another man walks in and sits right between the user and his girlfriend and despite there being plenty of free seats in the place he goes on to describe this man in great detail from his bleached early 90s hair style to his filed teeth piercing gray eyes and expensive fashion sense stating that everything seemed normal at first glance but completely off at the same time when the user and the man were alone he introduces himself as Jimmy see and says that he jumped off the San Francisco Bay Bridge years ago and that he's been keeping a watch on the user the guy also says numerous things about the user things he had no way of knowing such as you were supposed to go fishing today if you had I would have drowned you in that ocean despite all this the user felt nothing but a strange calmness and a sort of knowing feeling something that his girlfriend also felt at the time and they both agreed that they didn't believe this guy was human and the girlfriend even said with certainty that that man was a demon now Tybee Beach apparently has more than its fair share of eccentric characters hanging around and the most obvious explanation would be that Jimmy C was just one of them but the original poster says the whole situation was completely off and that if you had experienced it you too would understand that this guy was something other than a man what that might be is of course debatable the encounter ended with Jimmy C telling the guy that he'll see him again and that the next time they meet he'll be driving a black Mercedes and the license plate will be utopia it's been 10 years since the incident took place and it's haunted the Reddit user ever since making him paranoid every time a black car passes by now this story is pretty creepy by itself but there since been an update the original post was taken down without explanation and the poster hasn't been heard from since but just this month a new post appeared on the site with the title remember the creepy story about Jimmy C and the black Mercedes update this reddit user had done a little detective work and found out that a black Mercedes with the Utopia license plate really did exist in California here's a portion of his post I discovered that it hadn't been registered with the DMV in awhile and had expired registration and it hadn't been serviced in a while It was as if it was just bought at the start of the year and then parked in a garage somewhere for months I'd signed up for Carfax at the time with the cars info and completely forgot about it until I just got an email asking how the recent maintenance on the Mercedes went so I logged in and found that on Friday the car was taken in to get new tires put on it no here's what's interesting not only as the car apparently been registered and got new tires and thusly is apparently back on the road but the place it was registered and take tires is just a short drive away from the San Francisco Bay Bridge I don't know if I'm allowed to post the name of the actual store for privacy sake but I will show you the place on the map according to Google Maps yet Sohn Lee a 21 minute drive so it seems like Jimmy sees back on the road I find the whole thing really interesting and if another update comes along I'll be sure to keep you guys up to date if you're interested in hearing the whole story you can click on the annotation on screen and hear my narration of it otherwise you can read the whole thing by following the link down in the description some of you might find this one a bit upsetting the thread was made a year ago where reddit users that have killed someone in self-defense discuss their stories and talked about the psychological repercussions they faced a lot of the entries could have made it into the video but the one I'm including here goes as follows a redditor posting from a throwaway account for obvious reasons was in his home office playing command & Conquer wearing a set of noise cancelling headphones immersed in the game and oblivious to the outside world he had no idea what was going on only 30 feet away during one particularly quiet moment he thought he could hear the faint cries of his wife coming from downstairs taking off his headphones he could hear his 20 month old daughter crying and an unknown man with a thick Mexican accent telling his wife to shut the hell up as if he was running on autopilot the Reddit user took his 45 out of his Lockbox hoo and walked downstairs quietly terrified he was going to find his wife dead at the bottom he doesn't even remember doing any of this at the time when he reached the bottom and opened the door to where the noises were coming from he saw something that doesn't bear thinking about there was a man in the middle of raping his wife he would later find out this had been going on for 10 minutes before he heard what was happening here's a section of his post I never said a word to the guy not while I was upstairs not while I was coming down the stairs yeah not when I walked into the room his back was to me so he had no idea I was even standing there he was holding his knife in his right hand so that was the arm I grabbed with my left when I pulled him off he spun away from her and towards me with a confused look on his face he and I shot him in the chest at nearly point-blank range before he had a chance to say a single word his face went pale as he went onto one knee and I fired twice more one hit his neck and the second missed entirely who I was told later that the first shot was the fatal one that's the short version of the story given the circumstances the police didn't pursue any charges as you can imagine this was a highly traumatic experience for the user as well as all of the other users who posted their stories too many of them involve home invasions and random attacks we can only hope that we don't find ourselves in a similar situation true souls is a community on reddit made up of some of the most deplorable people on the Internet and if you don't know what a true soul is and these guys sum it up pretty neatly the majority of us accept that it's okay to have differing opinions on things in fact it's a good thing but these guys take it to an extreme they're essentially a subreddit full of pro rape pro pedophilia prevalence users who occasionally dabble in a little racism here and there blaming others for their own inadequacies for example they might show a time lapse growing from a baby to the age of sixteen and they'll all disgust at what age they find her sexually attractive the results are usually unsettling that's just one mild example out of hundreds as some of these screenshots show there's plenty of creepy conversations going on over there needless to say it's a pretty disturbing subreddit to scroll through here to be nice to think that all of the members were just trolls but a quick glimpse at all of their accounts will show you they're being completely sincere earlier this year true Souls was quarantined by the site something that only happens to communities dedicated to shocking or highly offensive content if you do manage to get in there though you'll find all manner of messed up posts that you probably wish you'd avoided that is if you value your faith in humanity even if you only have a little bit left in you true Souls will kill off whatever's left it's just a sad place to be hey guys Laci here and thank you very much for listening yeah sorry for the delay on this video either way I hope you enjoyed it a lot of stuff going on in a minute in real life applications and all that also I was thinking about making another video in this sort of style but with two champ oast since Ted I'm sure if I looked hard enough I could rustle a few creepy posts up but we'll see we'll see next time is gonna be a story video anyway so uh don't worry about that more stories on the way soon if you did like this video then be sure to head on down south and smash that like button or I'll smash you subscribe and join the lazy Legion if you haven't already and I'll be back soon with something new for you to enjoy until then guys you stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,286,473
Rating: 4.9149733 out of 5
Keywords: scary true stories, lazy masquerade, top 10, top 5, scary, creepypasta, disturbing, new, best, most, true, real, long video, horror movies, scary 2016 movies, scariest video ever, dead, death, Halloween, crazy, Reddit, 2chan, 4chan, shocking, love, romance, meme, murder, ghost, ghosts, haunted, caught on tape, Obama, trump, how to, countdown, corpse husband, Mr Nightmare, learn english, british accent, audiobook, deep web, 911 calls, maskarade, study music, relaxing, horrific, search and resue, mysterious
Id: 4rcAsiBVl_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 46sec (1126 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2016
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