5 Disturbing Photos with Backstories

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today's video is sponsored by underlucky  stars under lucky stars make these beautiful   personalized star maps showing the unique  alignment of the stars in a place and time chosen   by you they're the perfect gift for immortalizing  an important moment in your life enter the   location date and time of the special memory you'd  like to commemorate and under lucky stars will   render the constellations and star patterns that  were above you at that exact moment the results   for your unique search are independently verified  by nasa astrophysicists ensuring that your map is   completely accurate under lucky stars provides  a personalized gift experience allowing you to   choose from 15 original map designs with the  option of including one of six beautiful frames   each star map is highly detailed and comes  printed on museum quality thick matar paper   my wife and i got this one to celebrate the  night we met and believe me the quality of both   the map and the frame really are second to none  under lucky stars have also committed to keeping   our skies clear and helping limit space litter by  supporting the international dark sky association   right now under lucky stars are offering all  of my viewers an exclusive 10 percent discount   on any purchase head over to underlucky stars.com  forward slash lazy and use my promo code lazy and   get 10 off your own unique personalized star map  today again that's under lucky stars.com forward   slash lazy or click the link in my description  and don't forget to use promo code lazy albuquerque new mexico on the night of june 3rd  1991 between the hours of 9 30 pm and 11 pm a   local trucker named eduardo collin checked into a  super 8 motel despite seemingly having a ride by   himself he asked the clerk for a two-person room  for one night and was given the keys to room 233   eduardo paid in cash at the truckers rate and the  clerk told him to check out by 11 am the following   morning two days later on june 5th the hotel  employees realized that eduardo hadn't checked   out the previous morning like he was supposed  to a security guard was sent to check up on him   the door to room 233 was locked from the inside  and there was a do not disturb sign hanging   from the doorknob the guard knocked but there  was no answer so with no spare key available   he used a screwdriver to gain access to the  room aside from a few bottles on the table   nothing really seemed out of place that is  until he entered the bathroom inside hanging   from the shower head by a suitcase trap was  the lifeless body of an unidentified woman   despite her face being badly decomposed  pathologists believe she died the exact same day   eduardo had checked into the motel two days prior  on june 3rd a toxicology report revealed that she   had her oin in her system she was a caucasian or  possibly hispanic woman between the ages of 25   and 35 she stood around 5 foot 7 weighed  approximately 140 pounds and had curly   strawberry blonde hair with nothing to id her  with they dubbed her the albuquerque jane doe   investigators examined the room and  one of the first things they found   was this picture resting on the table the photo  is believed to be of the deceased woman herself   sat next to an unidentified man the distorted  angle combined with the dose expression   give the picture an eerie almost uncanny quality  that leaves a lot of people feeling unsettled   given the photo's backstory that's not surprising  it's believed the image was taken in a mall photo   booth just a few short hours before the woman's  death the photo was shown to the clerk who was   working on the night of the third and despite not  seeing the woman enter the motel she confirmed   that the man in the picture was indeed eduardo  as it would turn out eduardo had checked into the   motel using legitimate information the only thing  he had lied about was his license plate number   after several years of detective work  eduardo's family was tracked down   by the time the police found them however  eduardo had already passed from natural courses   strangely when his family were shown this photo  they said that the man pictured wasn't eduardo and   that they had no idea who the guy was they  didn't have a clue who the doe was either   the fact that she had been found dead in his  motel room years earlier was news to them   with their primary lead now gone up in smoke  investigators re-examined all the other pieces   of evidence that they had found in the motel  room there was a woman's suede purse with a   wallet containing five hundred dollars in cash  a suitcase full of women's clothes a bracelet   and most interestingly a digital weighing scale  with the name george martinez written on it   it's believed that this scale was  used to measure illicit substances   and that george martinez may have been the name of  the man in this photo if these photo booth prints   really were taken just before the woman died was  this george martinez with her when she passed   in an effort to discover this woman's true  identity the authorities released to this   digitally altered version of the photobooth  picture this version gives her a much more   neutral expression and in a strange way  it's even more unsettling to look at   regardless it had the desired effect in march  2021 investigators received a reliable tip   that the doe's real name may have been becca and  that she may have been from los angeles county   it's believed that she flew from california to  new mexico shortly before her life came to an end   at this present moment in time the police  don't suspect foul play in becker's case   instead believing that she took her own life right  now all they want to do is give her back her full   name and talk to the male companion that she was  with in her final photograph to this day however   he still hasn't been located and becca's true  identity remains unknown still there are many   who believe that given the circumstances becca  was actually murdered with so many former john   and jane does being identified as of late it  seems likely that in the not so distant future   we'll actually discover who becca really was still  it's strange to think that for more than 30 years   nobody's come forward to claim her even with this  photo available to the public surely someone out   there knows that she's missing if only the  man who was with her in her final picture now for a photo that's both very visceral and very  recent it was february 19th 2022 paula ruiz was a   mother of four living in chiapas mexico at around  11 pm she finished her shift at the arecif de   corral hotel after which she met up with her son  miguel and walked with him to a nearby parking lot   when the pair got there they realized that  miguel's motorcycle had been stolen paula   was enraged that somebody would take her son's  bike and she and miguel began walking around the   area hoping the thief hadn't got far as luck  would have it they saw a man pushing miguel's   motorbike down a dark street accompanied by an  accomplice on a separate motorbike beside him   paula and miguel quickly approached these  two men and demanded that they give the   bite back immediately unfortunately  they weren't dealing with petty crooks   these two men were hardened criminals now  known to the public only as antonio and pedro   things escalated and an argument erupted between  miguel and pedro fearing for her son's safety   paula stepped in front of miguel to protect  him a move which may have saved his life   having had enough of their protestations one  of the thieves pedro took out a pistol and   aimed it at paula as he did paula took out  her phone and snapped this picture of him this was the last picture she would ever take  at the exact moment the camera shutter fell   pedro opened fire hitting  paula just above the heart   in that moment miguel forgot about his bike and  immediately tried to stem his mother's bleeding   he called for an ambulance which took its  sweet time to arrive but eventually paula   did make it to hospital unfortunately  she passed away the following morning as for the perps antonio and pedro they  both fled from the scene after killing paula   leaving meghan's motorbike behind they had  taken the 41 year old mother's life for nothing   thankfully they were both  apprehended three days later   in la ilah two other suspects linked to the  incident were also arrested that same day   since this all just happened last month they're  yet to be sentenced though with this picture as   evidence i think it's safe to say that  pedro won't be getting away with murder this next entry has come to be known as the  taiwanese elisa lam case and for the past   14 years has been the subject of a huge amount of  speculation throughout the chinese speaking world   in 2008 a 37 year old woman known only as liu went  missing in taiwan along with her four-year-old   daughter they were both last seen at the yuan-lim  financial building in jiangwa where they were   caught on cctv entering an elevator after these  images were captured neither liu nor her daughter   were ever seen or heard from again to this day  it's unknown what happened to either of them   according to the building manager liu was acting  very strangely when she entered the building that   evening when the manager asked her what she was  up to liu told him that she was looking for a   friend at which point she quickly rushed into  the elevator before he could ask her any more   questions inside the elevator liu and her daughter  discarded their shoes and red jackets and left   them on the ground as soon as the doors opened  on the 11th floor liu picked up her daughter   and sprinted down the hallway out of the camera's  view the manager watched all of this unfold on   the downstairs monitor and quickly called the  authorities fearing that liu was about to jump   from the roof with her daughter removing one's  shoes is a relatively common practice for jumpers   planning to end their lives in taiwan it's done so  that they don't track dirt into the afterlife that   and so that loose footwear doesn't fly off while  you're falling and strike an innocent bystander   the removal of the red jackets was also a worrying  sign red is a very symbolic colour in taiwan and   those who die while wearing red clothes are said  to return as vengeful spirits it was almost as if   liu was preparing herself and her child for  a peaceful transition into their next lives   the police quickly arrived  examined the footage and agreed   that the woman's irrational behaviour  suggested she was about to end her life   thing is they searched the entire perimeter  of the building and didn't find the woman's   body nor the body of her daughter dozens of  officers scoured the inside of the complex too   including the building's rooftop but they found  absolutely no trace of either missing person   they went door-to-door and asked if anyone had  seen anything they even checked the water tanks   and the building's pipes nothing it was as if the  pair of them had fallen off the face of the earth   in hopes of uncovering liu's true identity  these images were released to the public   a few days later liu's ex-husband came forward  and told the authorities that liu had been raising   their daughter alone now with the woman's identity  revealed investigators had a lot more to work with   they found miss liu's moped a few days later  parked a short distance from the yuan lim   financial building that was about the last  significant piece of evidence they ever found   after 10 years with no new developments the search  for both liu and her missing daughter was called   off in all the years since they disappeared miss  liu never once used her national health card and   her daughter was never registered to any schools  strongly suggesting that whatever happened to them   neither of them are alive but what do you think  why was liu acting so strangely that night and   why have neither of them ever been found how did  they escape the building without being detected   where did they go next and  what ultimately became of them andrew mccauley was known for being an adventurous  competitive spirit the young australian was an   avid mountaineer and sea kayaker who liked to  push himself to his mental and physical limits   and really put his abilities to the test he  scaled some of the highest peaks in australia   new zealand pakistan and patagonia taking risky  exploratory routes he made the first non-stop   kayak trip across the bass strait and had even  paddled 800 kilometers within the antarctic circle   for all of his daring antics andrew was  named as the australian geographic society's   adventurer of the year in 2005. by that point  andrew had effectively conquered all of the   most difficult kayaking routes throughout  oceania all of them that is except for one   in 2006 andrew set himself a new challenge   he was going to cross the tasman sea in a standard  one-man kayak completely alone and unaided   in his mind that journey was his white whale  the one he had to conquer he knew just how   difficult the voyage would be to make the 994 mile  journey he'd need to spend about a month at sea   survive on little food and sleep  and face the most extreme elements   but andrew wasn't one to shy away from a test  of endurance after months of planning andrew   set off in december of 2006 but his first attempt  to cross the tasman sea ended after just one night   he was having trouble keeping warm in the  cockpit of his kayak and he quickly realized   that life on the ocean was going to be  much more hostile than he had anticipated   andrew was rescued and immediately  went back to the drawing board   on january 11 2007 he set off on his second  attempt this time fully prepared to deal with   the intense temperatures and conditions that  he'd be facing or at least he thought he was   all of andrew's adventurous predecessors  who had attempted to cross the tasman sea   had done so in elaborate custom-built kayaks  designed to withstand storms and freezing weather   but as mentioned andrew wanted to  make the journey in a standard kayak   just one man his simple vehicle and the ocean  all he had to defend himself against the harsh   elements was a removable homemade fiberglass  capsule that sat on top of his cockpit   this capsule which he named casper was fitted  with an air-only ventilator and self-writing   capabilities meaning that should his kayak  cap size in the middle of the night which   it almost certainly would in stormy conditions  it would automatically flip itself back upright   for the first two thirds of his voyage that  wasn't so much of a problem during that time   andrew regularly radioed him with his wife and son  back in australia and told them that he was doing   very well that weather conditions were good and  that he had enough supplies to make the journey   but as andrew got closer to new zealand the  conditions outside his kayak became much harder   to deal with 30-foot waves began slamming into  his vessel day and night and on february 9th   andrew made a distress call in which he said  quote do you copy this is kayak one do you copy   over i've got an emergency situation i'm in a  kayak about 30 kilometers from milford sound   i need a rescue my kayak sinking fell  off into the sea and i'm going down on february 12th one month after setting off  on his journey andrew's partly flooded kayak   was found floating about 30 nautical miles from  his final destination but both andrew and his   protective yellow dome were missing casper  had failed him the way it had been fitted   meant that whenever andrew's kayak capsized it  wouldn't self-roll back into an upright position   instead andrew would have to crawl out of the  kayak and perform a self-rescue by manually   flipping his vessel it's theorized that casper  must have become detached after being struck by a   particularly strong wave with no protection and no  way to autoflip the kayak it was just a matter of   time before the tasman sea claimed andrew a single  memory stick was found inside andrew's camera   which was still inside the kayak andrew had taken  a number of photos documenting his entire journey   the photos near the end of this deck shed light  on just how dire andrew's situation really was this was the final photo he took to this  day andrew's remains have never been found this is the last photo taken of nicholas mavoli a  freediver from brooklyn who died while attempting   to set an american world record at vertical blue  on november 15th 2013 nicholas took to the waters   of dean's blue hole a 200 meter deep limestone pit  in the bahamas he attempted to reach a depth of   96 metres on a single breath without the aid of  any propulsion equipment or supplemental oxygen   at the 68 meter mark he stopped and began swimming  back up to the surface but seemingly changed his   mind and continued downwards everyone assumed he  had just experienced a moment of panic and had now   settled his nerves but it soon became clear  that something was very very wrong with nicolas   he made it to a depth of 80 meters  before quickly swimming back up again   when he surfaced the photographer captured  this picture of nicholas the last ever taken   of him while he was still alive and judging by  his facial expression it's clear he realized   the seriousness of his situation and likely  even knew that his own death was imminent   after spending three minutes and 38 seconds  underwater without oxygen nicholas was now   suffering from pulmonary edema otherwise known as  wetland in this moment right here he was literally   drowning from the inside despite not being able  to breathe nicolas flashed the okay sign with   his fingers something that has to be done in order  for one's dive attempt to officially be recognized   but from the way nick was acting it was clear  he was far from okay he was having trouble   communicating with the safety divers around  him and his eyes remained wide and terrified   soon blood began pouring from his mouth he lost  consciousness moments after this photo was taken   and despite the best efforts of  the medics nicholas passed away   right then and there he became the first athlete  to die in an international free diving competition a huge thank you to my supporters here on  youtube and over on patreon especially my   biggest supporters that one guy thomas jesse  jugg alex greenswall alicia jaggels anikra anya   katarina faustov asriel warakai beatrice matarazzo  charlie lackey chief gotchuwake colin monsma   connor lothan crawford k macdonald expandong gina  valera grace archie infamous empappy joseph zizza   leonardo martinez macarla may mackenzie  griffin mayra lancaster monica mendoza   nadine natalie escobedo peter loggerech philip  wester pro cuper dinetta taylor and monica gruink   the only dorita zane mrs von rankin the  deck of cards punished kratos hamish k   nephes1988 and lydia glassley thank you  guys so much for your continued support   it really helps the channel out be sure to  smash that like button or i'll smash you   and you'll be hearing from me again very soon  until then you all stay spooky and remember the best things happen in the dark
Channel: Lazy Masquerade
Views: 1,598,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lazy masquerade unsolved mysteries, scariest video ever, deeply disturbing, creepy, creepy pasta, scary, horror, audiobook, nexpo, mr nightmare, blameitonjorge, new, best, reddit stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, English, British accent, asmr, top 10, skin walkers, unsolved mysteries, exploring, photos with backstories, true crime, mystery, real, cold case, buzzfeed unsolved, internet, Japanese cases, rabbit holes, blame it on Jorge, disturbing things from the internet
Id: GLl8DCdNl0A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 21sec (1401 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 20 2022
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