3 Animated Horror Stories (School Stalker and Deep Web)

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this particular encounter still freaks me out i know how horrible it could have ended and i sometimes thank my crippling social anxiety as well as general common sense for preventing the worst my freshman year of high school when i was about 14 proved challenging socially afraid to really connect with strangers i would typically eat lunch by myself or sit in the back of a classroom to avoid detection i did have a few close friends from band and i also grew fond of an equally awkward girl in my public speaking class now because our public speaking teacher was also the drama teacher and cared much more about the musical than assigning a speeches we never had to stand up in front of the class instead i would walk into the room sit down next to my friend and talk to her for about an hour until the bell rang after probably about three months this class became a nightmare i was walking through the halls one day in between classes when i was approached by a fellow freshman that i knew from band she handed me a piece of paper and winked at me this is from zach she said i believe that i stared at her rather blankly earning me an eye roll the zack that sits behind you in public speaking she clarified still confused but not wanting to appear stupid i smiled nodded and thanked her i put the note in my backpack and resolved to read it when i returned home that evening once in the comfort of my bedroom i retrieved the note after recalling a very tall and large senior named zack who did in fact sit behind me in that class i didn't remember never speaking to him but thinking it might have been a message from the teacher i opened the line paper up as i skimmed the words i immediately became uncomfortable printed in sloppy handwriting was a cheesy love poem in it he described all of my physical features mentioned my full name which he spelled correctly a feat which not many people can accomplish and professed his undying love now i was very very confused i had never even spoken to this kid i only ever talked to the other freshman in the class and i had no account on any social media platform where he could have lifted the information even if i did know him my mental issues would have definitely prevented any sort of long-term relationship at this point i was honestly a little more scared of the prospect of having to speak with someone i didn't know than the actual poem but i still began to skip that particular class after not attending public speaking for a good two weeks i was eventually approached by a girl i knew from band a fellow clarinet player by the name of corey i heard you've been ditching she said with a bit of a smirk good girls don't ditch when i just laughed and shrugged she continued well your boyfriend thinks you're avoiding him what that zack guy he's definitely not my boyfriend i have some classes with him too i think he's a nice guy you should give him a chance he likes you a lot wanting to end the conversation i just said that i would think about it and walked away i think that corey told zach what i had said and things started to escalate i received a similar poem taped to my locker a few days later and i began to see zach standing outside my classes as i left because he was blocking the door i had no choice but to talk to him i don't remember the exact conversation but i remember that he pulled out a large black binder and handed it to me he told me that he was a writer and all the pages were filled with poems for me after flipping through some very cringe-worthy writing i believed that i thanked him not wanting to hurt any feelings he interpreted this as a go ahead for a kiss and i became pinned to a wall and this guy was well over 200 pounds so he had quite the advantage physically against a small 14 year old girl when he finally came up for air smiling like he had just won the ultimate prize i told him that i was running late for my next class and he released me i felt assaulted and even more freaked out but i never told anyone about this i never told anyone even when he began to wait for me by my brother's car he went to the same school and drove me home i never told anyone even when i saw zach walking through my neighborhood staring at houses intently like he was trying to figure out which one was mine i had to change all of the routes i took to get to my classes and i would sneak out back doors just to avoid him i guess i figured that the school year was almost over and once he graduated my problems would resolve themselves however about a month later i was leaving the school with a couple of band friends it was around midnight after a musical performance i was in the pit orchestra and we were going to grab a bite to eat at a village inn as i made my way to my friend's car i felt hands grasped me around my waist spinning around in fright i noticed zack had pinned me against a different car i haven't seen you in a while he said but that's okay love transcends time i think i just smiled uncomfortably and said something about being busy with the musical he ran a hand up my back and wrapped it around the back of my neck i know you're super busy and that got me thinking i love you more than anything and i know that we're young and i know that i don't have a ring but please run away with me please marry me completely stunned and paralyzed one of my friends arrived she overheard the conversation and picked up on how freaked out i was and she swooped in hey she said we have to leave right now sorry my mom wants me home in like five minutes and she'll not be happy if i'm late come on she grabbed my arm and wiggled my body free from zack wait so will you zach asked as my friend dragged me away i said something stupid about having to think about it and i made my way into my friend's car without any other problems he laughed and joked about it later but it scared me enough to take my cautiousness to the next level for the rest of the school year i made complex plans on how to travel between classes so i wouldn't have to see him and i made sure that i walked to and from any car with a group of people again i never told anyone even though an 18 year old adult man proposing to and stalking a young girl was more than not okay i wish i had though and i wish it had ended there a few years ago when i was about 21 i was scrolling through my facebook page when all of a sudden messages from people i hadn't talked to in years began flooding in they all said something along the lines of holy [ __ ] this is creepy oh my god are you okay they included links to a news article apparently zach had been arrested for the possession of child pornography and for multiple counts of molestation against a minor a couple of the girls mentioned in the article i even knew from high school i was pretty decent friends with them too even though they were freshmen when i was a senior i just hope that he didn't hurt them because they were friends with me he's in jail now for a very long time however if you search my name through google you'll still find books that zack actually published containing hundreds of poems that he dedicated to me but honestly i'm just glad that he's locked up and unable to hurt any more girls this story began sometime around my junior year of high school i was 15 years old and in that phase of my life where i didn't listen to anyone yet at the same time was completely impressionable at the beginning of the year i was sitting in my sixth period chem class probably zoned out looking at my phone under the clunky gray lab table when i heard two people laughing to my right the way the classroom was set up was a long rectangle so essentially the teacher wouldn't really be able to hear what was going on in the back the people laughing were a guy and a girl eric and callie they were somewhat popular not the top of the food chain by any means but everyone knew who they were my younger sister knew eric personally they had a tennis match about a month or two earlier eric was really funny that's a crucial element to this story he was definitely the class clown he was tall good looking and extremely charismatic i wasn't attracted to him but i could see why everyone else was i think it was at this point in time where i made one of the most regrettable decisions of my life i decided i wanted to be friends with eric eric was in my second fifth and sixth periods the next morning i poked him in the back in spanish class hey i said i heard my sister kicked your ass in tennis he turned around with a goofy smile his friends all looking at me who's your sister his voice had a specific cadence to it karen i replied i don't really remember the rest of this encounter but i'm pretty sure he did not losing the tennis match i think the conversation ended shortly thereafter and my day continued until i saw him in math class algebra 2 was one of those classes where the teacher would lecture for a while give us homework and then let us have the rest of the period to work on it so we wouldn't have to do it when we got home i was looking at my paper probably confused when i hear a familiar voice hey girl i looked down and saw eric crouch to my desk on the floor what's up he started asking me about tennis and once i said that i played a huge smile spread across his face i think this is when he latched on to me he asked for my phone number and i gave it to him that day in our next period he introduced me to cali she was older and really intimidating i had never met anyone like her and i was beginning to get excited at the prospect of these new interesting friends that night he kept texting me non-stop he would ask me questions and then would reply to everything i said i thought it was weird but that was just his humor after this day he never left my side we spent most of the school day together and then would be in constant contact after school this was 2011 so we were mostly on facebook or doing group phone calls with callie and two other friends of mine that i had brought into the group sasha and natalie there were lots of red flags eric wanted me to hold hands with him at school and told everyone he had taken my virginity for some reason this wasn't something i got too mad about i just thought it was weird he would say your virginity belongs to me again i assumed it was a joke i always assumed eric wasn't attracted to girls because he said he wasn't although he would have sex with them and tell everyone making fun of them he would walk down the hallway after fifth period and he would stop for a group of freshman girls waiting for him to give them each a peck on the laps one time we were walking to the bus and there was a girl about 10 feet in front of us she was cheating on her boyfriend which i whispered to him pointing her out yes it was childish but keep in mind this was high school and i was 15. he proceeds to run towards her stops her only to point at me and tell her what i said she came over and yelled at me and he watched laughing a few months into the friendship i began sneaking out with eric bringing him alcohol from my dad's liquor cabinet eric was a heavy drinker especially considering her age this came to a head when he asked callie and i to come over one night his dad was in prison and his mom was in rehab so he lived with his grandparents we pulled up outside his house and his car wasn't there we waited for a while and finally he sped into the neighborhood and stumbled out of the driver's side wasted we followed him inside his grandparents weren't home i don't know what i said but next thing i know he grabs a knife off the kitchen counter and charges at me i took off running and made it into cali's car slamming the door shut and locking it he stares at me through the window before bursting out in laughter my heart was racing and my blood ran cold kelly got into the car and we left i don't know why i stuck around it was almost like an abusive relationship he told me he was the only guy who would ever find me attractive but somehow it would turn into a joke and i would let it go i believe the breaking point was when i heard about the baby squirrel he had found a live baby squirrel after school and brought it home his grandparents said they didn't want it in the house so he walked outside and tossed it into the retention pond before walking back in i wasn't there for that but it disgusted me all the same in algebra a few days later he knocked my pen off my desk and called me a [ __ ] eric i don't want to be friends with you anymore i told him firmly don't talk to me his head snapped back and he moved to the desk in front of mine you won't be able to ignore me he laughed i know where to find you i'm going to college next year i reminded him you'll never be able to get away from me are you threatening me yes i know this sounds like a cheesy horror movie but that was our exchange word for word the next week was endless phone calls and him trying to get me to talk to him at school at first it was jovial when he thought i was going to change my mind then he came up to me in math class and opened his backpack inside there were several large kitchen knives in case there's a zombie attack another big smile i should have told the teacher at that point i really should have but it wasn't until a few days later when he pushed me too far i'm going to rape you then murder you and i'll make natalie film it i went to the dean's office and told them everything i had grown up being told not to snitch but i couldn't focus on class anymore i had been a good kid i'd never been in trouble so they believed what i told them here's the kicker they called him into the office and he admitted to everything nodded smiling confirming all the stories i'd told them dean thomas sat me down the next day and told me that i needed to call the police they said there was clearly something wrong with him and that he didn't get it they put a school version of a restraining order on him he wasn't to talk to me and during tests he had to be taken to a separate classroom he would do everything he could to get around those rooms he would talk about me right in front of my face but wasn't technically talking to me he said out loud to the class some girl put a restraining order on me because she thinks i'm dangerous the teacher laughed and said doesn't she know you're joking that's just you being eric right the backlash i faced was enormous all of his groupie shunned and laughed at me even my own friends said i was overreacting except for natalie she was always intuitive and she said he made her feel very uncomfortable and it started following her from class to class when his birthday came he approached me with callie and callie said he wants you to wish him a happy birthday eventually a mutual friend called me and told me eric had threatened to kill himself if i wouldn't talk to him again i went back to the dean's office this time every dean vice principal and even the principal got involved my school was big and there were 550 kids in my class the school year ended and without the protection of the authorities there i was fielding more phone calls when i blocked his number he would just call me on cali's phone he would drive around my neighborhood to see if my car was in the driveway he even came to my tennis matches the ones we initially bonded over i could see his silhouette in the fence watching me by senior year things had calmed down a bit his attention was elsewhere and i had picked my classes with the dean to ensure we weren't in any together he was still watching i would be walking down the hallway with someone he didn't know and all of a sudden he would be walking with us next to my unassuming friend hi i'm eric nice to meet you he told my friends he had decided to wait for me because we were soul mates and i'd come around eventually i graduated high school and moved out of town until my new college friends and if something ever happened to me he was the one who did it and that's all there's no conclusion really except he always knows when i come into town i don't know how because i blocked him on everything i suspect he still stalks my house he's been arrested since on drug charges and a few duis i'm looking at his mug shots as i write this to remember those dead eyes sometimes i think maybe i overreacted maybe it really was all a joke when i was a little girl maybe around 11 years old a coat tried to recruit me and my friends through the dark web this was in 2012. we lived in the gated community but somehow this church name assembly of prayer christian church will have its members walking around trying to get everyone to attend their church my friends and i would go to the local pool for our neighborhood and these people were taking pictures of everyone including parents lifeguards and us we looked up their facebook but none of the pictures would be there it only showed the outside of their building then a rumor started to circulate that these pictures were on the deep web i didn't believe it until all of my friends and i went over our friend greg's house greg went on a regular browser but somehow got on the deep web i didn't know much about it so i just watched we looked up assembly of prayer christian church it's on facebook popped up again we went to it but we can see more photos than we could before it was like we had more access than before but still didn't see much just inside the chapel that's when greg mentioned that the rest of the photos might be on the dark web only knew about the deep web but they sounded like the same thing that's when he went on a browser it wasn't tor it was some other browser that i can't remember the name of he made a call and asked someone on the phone where and how to search what he was looking for we interrupted him telling him that he needs to just put the church name in again he said it's not that easy when he got off the phone he searched free the dolphins from yellow cowboy then the facebook page popped up but we had complete access not as an admin but as if we were a friend or we were following the page then we saw the pictures but what was creepy is that every single picture had a name of the person or multiple names if there were more than one person we then saw our pictures there were a picture with about eight of us in it walking to the pool with a link under it greg clicked on it we entered a live video we were looking at the inside of the chapel with a man standing on a podium he said welcome number 77 in the top right hand corner of our screen was 77 we were number 77. greg typed hi then the man on the stage said that he was called chief so just type chief if we need him greg typed okay chieftain said that he would continue he picked up a picture it was one of my friends he held it in front of the camera then everyone in the chat put numbers i saw a lot of numbers between one and five a few were higher than five greg looked less confused then chief looked at the camera and said number 77 we're waiting for you i believe he typed three i can't really remember for the next hour or so this man that was called chief had put all of our pictures in front of the camera and we were rated between one and ten by coincidence i had the highest rating out of nowhere the stream ended and we were back on the facebook page with all of our pictures but all of our pictures disappeared being that this is all we got on for we got off and all of us went home the next couple of days seemed weird the church people disappeared no one was asking us to join anymore one day everything became even more strange one of my friends were over my house while my parents were at work we're on facebook watching youtube we both paused and looked at each other i looked outside the window and one of the people from the church were just standing there i looked back at my friend and she pointed at the front door i looked out the peephole and another guy was standing there we looked out the back window and there were literally 20 people standing in a formation so i called the police like any other person would and of course these people were long gone by the time the police arrived the police said that they will keep a report on file they tried looking at the security cameras throughout the neighborhood but nothing was showing these people and there were time gaps within the footage it's been a while since this incident but i will never forget what happened when i went on a dark web
Channel: IMR Scary Tales
Views: 198,885
Rating: 4.8957682 out of 5
Keywords: scary, animated stories, animated horror stories, scary animated story, scary story, mr nightmare‬, chillingtales‬, creepy story‬, horror‬, ‎horror story‬, creepypasta, halloween, scary stories, terrifying true story, horror movies, halloween true stories, true scary story, true scary stories, nightmare, most scary story, haunted, short scary stories, long scary stories, scary cartoons, School Horror Stories, School Stalker, Deepweb
Id: XXD15iR4UzM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 04 2020
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