We Invent Pizza Skittles and Things Get Weird

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Myopically 📅︎︎ Mar 11 2021 🗫︎ replies
Ow! It's pulling the hairs! You have hairs on your hands? Yeah, I got hairy hands, I'm like a hobbit. That's so weird. What up, it's your boy Josh, AKA Trash Pizza, AKA Lemon Skittle, AKA the soft boy with the soft teeth. Rainbow taste go ouchie. And it's that time again. Time to take two iconic snacks, smash 'em together, and see what sort of beautiful snack baby we can create. We asked you which two snacks you wanted to see smashed together, and you said... Bagel Bites and Skittles. Where the heck did you come from? Space. Will this new snack be a smash? Find out, 'cause this is Snack Smash. All right, V, we gotta make some Skittles. Candy making is a very specific skillset that you do not even learn in the rest of the culinary canon, that people have trained years and years and years for, still struggle with, and so me, who has roughly nine hours total experience in candy making, it should go great. Do you like Skittles? I actually do like Skittles, and I don't eat candy that much. Okay, 'cause I got the soft teeth, we mentioned that, so I haven't eaten a Skittle in about four years, 'cause I'm afraid of pulling out a crown, 'cause one time I was on an intercontinental flight, and I was eating wine gums from the London Heathrow Airport, and I pulled out a crown and it really hurt. I don't really wanna know what that looks like. Do you wanna see all my crowns in my mouth? So we're making Bagel Bite Skittles, right? So we're gonna make two different flavors, we're gonna make a pepperoni and tomato red Skittle, and then we're gonna make a garlic and cheese flavored yellow Skittle, and then we're gonna throw a handful in our mouths, I'm gonna try not to break several thousand dollars worth of dental work, and it should taste like Bagel Bites? I hope so, 'cause I love Bagel Bites. I love Bagel Bites too. Nicole's never eaten a Bagel Bite, we gotta make her eat Bagel Bites after this. We do. Are they better than pizza rolls? So much better than pizza rolls. Not even close. Listen to the "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich" episode. Are you familiar with fine sugar work? I'm not. All right, so we're gonna add about two cups of sugar to this, can you pour in about a cup of corn syrup into this pot? So we gotta take this to softball stage, we're essentially making like a taffy, and you see we're measuring everything- Tell me when to stop. Keep going, keep going, squeeze, squeeze, squeeze! Wait, no, this is what my muscles are for! Earlier she tried to squat down beneath this, and she goes "I got grandma knees, I'm not doing it." I've had three surgeries, okay? Can you cut that in half, and then we're gonna dump that in here, I'm gonna add a little bit of corn starch, corn starch is sorta gonna like give it a little bit of tact to it, like a little bit of body. So now we're gonna let this melt, and we're sorta just gonna stir it together, and then, we gotta powder up some 'ronis. Yeah, we do. You wanna dump some 'ronis in there? Tender 'ronis? Yeah, yeah, yeah. What? Okay, I'm putting pepperonis in that. That's great. All right, and as the sugar and butter starts melting, we're just gonna add this water, and then we're gonna give it one quick stir, but then we don't wanna agitate it after this all melts together, 'cause then we just need to let it come up to temp, and we're essentially making taffy, because what is a Skittle other than taffy, if you really think about it? You turned that on, right? Okay, I'm just making sure, 'cause you forget things. I do forget things. You forget your keys, you forget your socks. But every time I forget something, it's an opportunity for other people, 'cause I go "I'll give someone a dollar if they find my keys." You never give me the dollar, and I find everything. I am holding that in a savings bond, it's a high yield bond, and when you turn 18 I'm gonna give it to you, and you can go to college. I already went. What college? Academy of Art. Go... what? Urban Knights. Urban Knights. You were the Urban Knights? We were the Urban Knights. Like a knight that is urban, or an urbanite? We were the knights, but we were in an urban city, San Francisco, so technically we were Urban Knights. I was a Gaucho. Isn't that like a... It's an Argentinian cowboy. Oh. Yeah. All right, can you...? Yeah, yeah yeah, strain that in a bowl, just strain the pepperonis out, and then we got this working, that margarine's melting, Margarine's such a pretty name. Kinda mash the pepperonis. Okay, yeah, I need your help. You have fingers of steel. Thanks. That's good meat. Lemme try. Don't bite my finger. It's like feeding a duck. Did you just call me a duck? You eat like a duck. V doesn't chew when she eats, she eats like a duck, like... A duck? Really? You know. No one said it would be easy, but no one ever said it would be this hard. No. But you know, people make Skittles. Are you singing? I did acapella in college. What was your favorite thing in acapella? Go! "Toxic" by Britney Spears. Oh, that's a good one. It's a great acapella song. Spoon, spoon! Oh, whisk. Wait, no, I lied, I lied, I lied. So maltodextrin, maltodextrin is a chemical that essentially derived from tapioca, soaks up liquid fat and turns it into a powder, so we're gonna gradually add that in there until we get just pure pepperoni flavored powder. We're using white cheddar cheese powder. You gotta bash it out, you gotta mash it with your fingers. Let's try not to pull a you, and just use my finger. Josh just likes to stick his hands in things, and I just don't understand why, 'cause that doesn't make it better! All right, so we're gonna add about six tablespoons of sugar to this. Yeah, yeah, yeah, okay, okay, okay. That's got the pepperoni, so we're gonna add the tomato powder to that, to give it a red. Is the tomato powder clumpy? Yeah, tomato powder gets really clumpy. Beat it up a little bit. Yeah, yeah, yeah! Beat it up emotionally. You're soft and weak and your mother doesn't love you! Hey, don't talk to tomatoes like that, man. They're soft and squishy, you know they can't take that. What did Papa Tomato say to Baby Tomato? What? Ketchup. Why don't eggs tell each other jokes? 'Cause they'd crack each other up. Sorry. More, more! Why is this so clumpy? Mas, mas, mucho mas! I failed Spanish! Es muy dificil, lo siento! Okay. Mi maestra, Senora Gonzalez, es cansado? Spanish, my mom was in and out of teaching me, but, you know, I appreciate her anyway, I know a little bit. If you like went to Mexico, could you get by? Yes, I could. 'Cause all I gotta ask for is the bathroom, where's the food at, where's the bar at, and that's it. We're just adding the sugar, citric acid, we got our garlic and our white cheese powder in here. And then we got the pepperoni fat and tomato powder, more sugar, citric acid in there. What we're gonna do, we're still waiting for this to come up to 250 degrees, so we're gonna take the taffy, and we're gonna get a cooling, where you kinda swish around to aerate it a little bit, and then we're gonna mix some more margarine in there, 'cause the fat's really what's gonna give it that chew, are you voguing? So voguing is like... Don't laugh. People are laughing. No, I was just going with what you were saying, but making hand and eye coordination. You look like Steve Jobs. Oh, thanks! As V Jobs, I would really wanna create a floating serving tray. There has to be some type of way where I don't have to go all the way to the kitchen to go get my snacks when I'm in bed. Science. Food. Apple Watch. iPad. That's my Steve Jobs impersonation. Okay, where we at, where we at? Oh, we're at 250, we're at 250. We're 250, it's , it's , it's . Do I pour it all on this? Wait, wait, yeah, yeah. Oh, god. Pull the hands! Pull it, do it, do it, do it! Get the spatchy thingy. Spatchy thingy, spatchy thingy. Spatchy thingy, oh god, I don't wanna get this on my hands, 'cause that's real burn. My hands can withstand some burns. Now we're just gonna swish this around, try and get some air into it, try and cool it off, and then oh yeah, add the margarine, add the margarine, add the margarine, add the margarine! Wait, wait, all of it? Okay, do you want me to warm it up with my hands? No, I'm not gonna cut it, I'm just gonna go- What, this is natural, you know? It's like how you don't need a food processor, you just chew all the food in your mouth and just spit it into the dish. Oh, that's nasty. V, mix it around, mix it around! I'm mixing, I'm mixing, I got butterfingers, but it's fine, it's fine. This feels nice. Why doesn't this work as a moisturizer? Because. I smell like biscuits! Smell me, I smell like biscuits. Oh, you do smell like biscuits. Big fan of covering my whole body in butter. Go down to the water park, you're just in the Speedo, you're covered in butter, you're gonna shoot down that slide extra fast. All right, that's looking good. It's almost sort of kinda gummy. Do you wanna butter up your hands before you glove? No, I don't, 'cause then they're gonna fall off, what the heck is the point? No, you always lube up your hands before you put 'em in gloves. Then the gloves smell like biscuits. I'm gonna do it this one time, but not any other time. This feels funny, V. Self-lubricated gloves. I have nothing to say to that. Thank you. Oh, double gloves, we gotta wear double gloves, 'cause it's hot. Nah. But yeah, you do it, you do it. I'm gonna, yeah, yeah, I'ma do it. I signed a waiver at the beginning of the year that says that any injury I have is technically my fault. And that if I get hurt, then Jake personally is gonna sue me. So if I ball you up in the parking lot and you get hurt, whose fault is that? Well, I mean, the parking lot fight club that we started is a different story. First rule of parking lot fight club, don't talk about parking lot fight club. Second rule of parking lot fight club, if you're not gonna bring a real dish to the potluck, you do have to still chip in money. You can't just bring paper plates, Morgan! I can do a quick... Bop! That's it. I can do a quick like, "I'ma use my words to defuse the situation, 'cause I'm against casual violence!" And then bop! Yeah, and then sucker punch to the face. All right, so we got our base Skittle mixture here, we eventually have to turn this into little balls, but right now we gotta make our two different flavors, so can you try and like scoop out half of that, onto this, and then, ew, ugh! I was gonna say use like a thing. You're taking after me too much, this is bad. I know, this is your fault! All right, you got half, I got half. Do you want the roni matoes, or the garlic cheese? Cheese. Yeah, I want the roni maters. All right, so we do have some extra fat that's been powdered in there. Now, work the sugar, I'm sorry, I got the pepperoni burps. I know, I smelled it! I know, it smells like ronis and Red Bulls. Ronis and Red Bulls, that sounds like a fun themed brunch. No, it, well... So this is it, this is what we did. We got- Why do you have so much more than I do? Here, do you want some? No, 'cause then you're gonna mix the flavors! Look at how they massacred my boy. All right, so we're just gonna pull it, so we're trying to get a taffy consistency, just give it... Give it a couple palm heel strikes. All right, we got the taffy, pulled it up, I'm satisfied with the stretchiness, are you stretched and satisfied? I am stretched, thank you. Okay, now we're actually gonna hand-roll our Skittles. High five. Nailed it. Let's try hand-rolling some Skittles. V, hold out your hands. Gotta lube up! I wasn't ready, but okay. Sorry. So this is the size you're going for, so we are- Don't make 'em like Mento sizes. Oh, god, I'm so greasy. Yeah, what the heck, Josh? I don't know, dude, I went heavy on the spray. Had a happy time with the elephant. Growing up I'd always have happy times with elephant. It was a stuffed elephant that I had in my bed. He'd teach me about my body. I think my first one looks nice. It's like a little moco, but I like it. You know what mocos are? They're boogies. Yeah, I taught him that yesterday. She used to eat boogies. That was one time! See, this is why I don't tell you things. Shockingly, I do not eat boogers, but now I can't stop thinking about what they taste like. I'm not doing it right now, no, I know that's your next question, I'm not gonna eat a booger on camera. These are looking pretty, pretty good. Let's get a Bagel Bite for reference. Yours are bulky like- Yeah, bulky, bulking season, V, come on, brother! No, not this time. Sorry. Can we talk about Bagel Bites for a second? Sure. You gotta spray some more WD-40 in your machines, 'cause how's this one get zero sauce and a lot of cheese, and this one got a quarter cup of sauce on the underside of it? That's a problem, you know, 'cause I stan for Bagel Bites, you know, I defend y'all all the time, and it's just, there's an issue. People always argue, microwave versus oven? I go straight out the freezer. Keeps it fresh. All right, V, so we gotta keep rolling these into Skittles, y'all go grab a drink or something, we got some work to do, now we're gonna make the hard candy pastillage. Pastillage! The pastillage. What? Dump exactly 18 grams of gelatin into that. So I'm gonna get couple tablespoons of corn syrup, going in here. We're making the thin candy coating for the outside of the Skittles, and to do that, we're using a French technique called pastillage, it's like a boiled corn syrup with gelatin that's been blewn, sorta whipped up into a paste, and we have to wrap each little Skittle by hand, like how you milk a muskrat. All right, so we got the corn syrup starting to heat. Dump a lid in, just scoopity scoop out. Scoopity scoopity. So we have a spoon, I'm just gonna stir this up, and we're gonna just bring this to a boil, . Whatever you want, what do you need? No, not yet, not yet. V, come on! Okay, I'm gonna put the sugar in there. Yeah, put it in, we're about eight seconds away, you got seven, six, five, V, fourth quarter, three, two, one, it's like when you're holding a plank for 10 seconds, and the coach stops and like "Two," and then add probably like a teaspoon of the cream of tartar. All right, this is good, we're at a boil, we're at a boil, we're at a boil, we're gonna, can I spin it, can I spin it? Whoa, we're blowing, we're blowing, all right, now, drizzle that in. Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, it's all working, it's all working, now we spin it. All right, we're looking good? Yeah. Should I go higher? I don't know. No, no, no, wait, wait, wait, now we just go, now we just go, now we just go, powder's coming out. Things are happening. Should I shake it? No! Should I pick it up? Should I hold it, should I yell at it? Josh has very little patience. But yeah. Go! Work, push! Push. I go to too many Lamaze classes. What do you mean, "Why do I bring up Lamaze class so much?" It's a great breathing technique for a variety of things, I use it during my deep squats, and also I like to go to the classes to meet friends. All right, leave the whisk. How do you take this out? Go, you take that out, I'll take this. We gotta hurry, though, 'cause this hardens really quickly. How hot is it? It's not that bad, actually. I don't know, maybe my hands- Uh-oh. V, roll, V, roll! Oh, I'm rolling, I'm rolling! Yeah, yeah, yeah. Oh, it's getting stuck! All right, it's looking a little too wet. Gonna add more sugar. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Now we got this. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I'ma just use one hand. V, my hands are gonna be incapacitated after this, so you gotta roll it out. No promises. Uh-oh. Uh-oh! No, no, no, something's wrong. What's going on here? Josh, what are you doing? I don't know what's happening! V, you gotta scrape it off of my hands. That's gonna make my- Ow! It's pulling the hairs! You have hairs on your hands? Yeah, I got hairy hands, I'm like a hobbit. That's so weird. It's not weird, it's natural and beautiful. And I stand by that. Sure. Ah, it's like I'm stuck in concrete! Help! Look, look, look, we're getting somewhere, we're getting somewhere. This is gonna fuse to my hands, I'm gonna have Skittle hands! I don't want Skittle hands! Covered in goo. I'm stuck, I can't pull my hands off! Okay, you go, you go. Okay, okay, okay, okay. I'm just gonna be here for now. We need a new rolling pin, 'cause you just messed this whole thing up! No, lube it, lube it! Where's the lube? Okay, we're just gonna switch it out. Josh, man. If you just want a simple candy at home, you can just spin all that, and put it on your hands, and then walk around and you got snacking hands. V just, here, just stick a Skittle in my hand, and then we can kinda wrap it around. Okay! Yeah, this is good, I'm kinda holding it at the perfect temperature, because you should lube up your hands- That didn't work, that didn't work. Yeah, it's solidifying. Go wash your hands! It's not gonna do anything! For the record, the hand Skittle would've worked. We could've been making hand Skittles this whole time! Wash your hands! Thank you. All right, so we're just gonna get a really thin piece, and press, so this is what it's supposed to feel like. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah, I'm gonna try and get it into a circle, get it as thin as possible, and wrap it around, and then as the air sort of dries this, it's gonna turn into a hard candy coating, trying to smooth it out with the hands, smooth it out, I'm gonna wrap it around and then pinch off the ends, like you're making agnolotti. This is not at all how you make agnolotti. I know. There we go, pinch off the end, pinch off the end, and then use your hand to sort of like- Roll it and then kinda shape it a little. It's like slightly bigger. It's like 15% bulkier, but that's great, 'cause it's got 8000% more pizza flavor than regular Skittles. Oh, see, that one's better than yours. That one's, whoa, that's nice, that's nice. All right, so we're gonna keep taking our little mocos, little boogies. This is the one time I'll eat something that looks like a moco. What do mocos taste like? So if anybody wants to know what mocos taste like, it's basically like a combination of water, salt, and some mucus. It's not that bad of a flavor. We got these wrapped up , we got more wrapping to do. We'll be here for another couple hours. But then, V, we gotta take these, once they harden, then we gotta start to color 'em, and then I think we can eat 'em. Yeah, then we can eat 'em. What the heck are these gonna taste like? Finally. Can't wait. This is the arts and crafts portion, so what we gotta do, we're hand-painting each Skittle. The last time I did arts and crafts was Valentine's Day, 2020, where I did a macaroni portrait of my girlfriend, and she wasn't happy, 'cause she said she looked like a linebacker with fake breasts. So I have the tomato and pepperoni Skittles here, you've got the garlic and cheese right there, so I think you should try and make it like, you know that Ninja Turtles pizza color? It's like a mustard yellow cream. Yeah, yeah, but with a little bit of pepperoni grease implied. So you're gonna make that color, you're gonna combine the brown with the yellow, and you went to art school, right? Yes, I did. All right, so I'm gonna dip the paintbrush very lightly in water, and then I'm gonna get it on the red, I'm gonna hold the Skittle in my hand. I'm real bad at art, the only thing I can draw good is a thick-bootied penguin. And you just draw a little eyeball right there, and it's a big-booty penguin. You can do a little crack if you want. Yeah, this is looking good. So we're trying to just evenly spread that color. And again, we're going for the artisanal, that's how, if you screw anything up, you just say it's artisanal. All right, okay, good, good, good, can you see that, can you see that? Mine's way too brown. Okay, sh, sh, sh, Bob Ross, put some happy little- You gotta focus. I'm focused, you're not focused. I am focused. I'm in the zone, man. I'm in the freaking zone, V. I don't see no zones happening. See, most players play worse when they're angry, but not you, no, it gets you fired up, that's what you live for, huh? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Mine kinda looks like a little poopy nugget. That's good. That looks like booger. Actually, it's similar to the color of earwax, except do you know I have clear earwax, because I have the gene where I don't have body odor? That's a thing? Yeah, yeah, people think I would have body odor, because I kinda look like someone who would. Yeah, you do, actually. But I don't, right? Did Josh actually say he doesn't have an odor? He doesn't smell like anything? He's lying. He smells like cheese and socks. Which is weird, 'cause he doesn't wear socks, so I'm just like "Where the heck is that smell coming from?" I don't smell like socks and cheese, I just smell like feet, which is what both of those things smell like, so technically she's wrong. I actually think the color looks really cool, it's not like a super even red, like on an actual Skittle, but that's what differentiates ours, you know? Mine kinda looks like that greasiness of the pizza, like the edges. Yeah, I think that's nice. Here's the thing, these snacks don't exist, V, what we're doing here at Snack Smash, we are creating new snacks, so it can look like whatever we think it should look like. Well I accidentally kinda misshaped this, so I- No, you purposefully misshaped it. I need to shape it back. Lao Tzu said beauty lies in imperfection, V, I think that is beautiful. Thank you. So we got this stencil, so I'm gonna place it directly, how do you see, on top of the Skittle. Yeah, yeah, where the flatter area's at. Just spray that, and then immediately, hold on, hold on, hold on, you're gonna spray it, and then you have to jump up on the counter and fan it with a pizza pan. Okay. And I'm gonna, hold on, hold on, you know the play, no, no, no! Are we going or no? Yeah, but hold on, I'm gonna pretend like I'm tying my shoes, and then you're gonna jump off my shoulders and you're gonna dunk. I always wanted to do that. No, come on. Okay, spray it, spray it, go go go, spray spray spray. No, don't, not yet! I already pulled it, I pulled it! Fudge! No, see, now we gotta do it again! No, no, hold on, flip it, flip it, flip it, there's two sides to a Skittle, two sides to a Skittle. Okay, round two, round two, round two. Okay. Yeah, yeah. Ready? Yeah. Okay, there we go, ow, ow! All right, jump! Okay, wait, where's my-? Pizza pan, it's in the drawer, it's in the drawer! I'm holding tight! Go, go, go, V, go! Grandma knees! Someone give her the shot! Is it drying? I don't know, my hands are cold, I'm covered in chemicals! They kinda look like you got frostbite. Do you know if you spray your whole body down with spray paint, and then you go dance at a rave, that you can overheat and die, 'cause you can't sweat through the spray paint? That's a fact that I really didn't wanna know about. Okay, okay, it's probably dry, it's probably dry. Okay, I can get down now? My legs. The Skittle's stuck! Oh, shoot! V, pull the Skittle! Nope! Thank gosh for editing. Now form this tighter to the Skittle. Oh, that's why, okay, I was gonna say, last time you didn't do that, and it messed up the S. There we go. Let it sit! Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, yeah yeah. Blow it, blow it, blow it! Yeah yeah yeah. Yeah, use your hot breath. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hot breath, yeah! I can't imagine this could possibly be a smash, it's pizza and Skittles, two opposite foods. V, this is the moment of truth. Come on, Skittle, come on little skittie. Little skittie. Is it a S? It's, oh my, look in the light, look in the light, you can see the S. You can see the S. We did it! We S'd it! I honestly don't think it's gonna be a smash, because Bagel Bites are just amazing, they're way better than pizza rolls, and who would wanna mess that up by making it sweet and in Skittle form? Josh would. All right, V, we got it, we did it. Now we gotta do the next one. We gotta do the next one. But, I think we cut to the packaging. Please, please cut to the packaging. I'm so tired. V, after long last, we went through all of that effort, we did all of our arts and crafts, we did all of that fine sugar work, to come to a tiny mound of these. It's okay, they're like little beauties, though. We got the garlic and cheese one, the yeller, and then we got the tomater and the ronis in the red. I think we have to try it at once, right, to get the full pizza Bagel Bite experience. You said all at once? No, just like two at once. No, you gotta do it one at a time! Okay, I'll do it one at a time, this is your show. Okay, what are we doing first? The garlic cheese? Garlic cheese, cheers. I haven't eaten a Skittle in years, I'm afraid. Can I just suck on it? I don't know. Ooh, it's garliccy. All right, V, hold your judgment, hold your judgment for the end. We're tasting it. I'm gonna pop one of these in, I'm gonna try and see if I get the full pizza flavor. Okay. It's like the other half I was missing. This is something I've certainly never experienced before. I will say that, I will say that, but, V, hold our judgment. Lemme take our official smash or pass paddles. I'm gonna do a three, two, one, and then after the one, you say if it smashes or passes. Okay, okay. On three, two, one. You're smashing, I'm smashing! Why is it good? Why is it good? It's weird, because you get these little savory notes, and I don't know if you could eat those blind and be like "That's absolutely pizza," but combined with the packaging, that little flavor of intonation, it's kind of incredible. It tastes similar to a Bagel Bite, so I kinda wanna eat more. I'm just gonna suck on 'em. I'm gonna keep 'em in here for the next half an hour. I wanna top these on an actual Bagel Bite. Do you think these are something they could sell in stores? Do you think Bagel Bites and Skittles could come together? Oh yeah, they need to form a union. Bagel Bites and Skittles, form a super team. Be like James Harden, and just run off and attach yourself to Bagel Bites, because you weren't confident enough that you could get the branding on your own. But now you suddenly become team player when you go to Bagel Bites, what's up with this? You could've been doing that in, not Houston, in Skittles land all along. I'ma just agree and shake my head. V, thank you so much for lending your beautiful arts and crafts skills to these Skittles. Thank you, I appreciate it, I'm glad I could put my actual painting skills to work. Thank you so much for stopping by the Mythical Kitchen, we got new episodes for you every week, we've got a new episode of our podcast, "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich" out wherever you get your podcasts every Wednesday, hit us up on Instagram @MythicalKitchen with pictures of your mythical dishes on #DreamsBecomeFood, see you next time. It's like Boomhauer. You sound like the people at the auctions. You can cook up your own feast while wearing the Mythical Kitchen apron, available now at Mythical.com.
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 527,150
Rating: 4.9299006 out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: SIJDrN_t_zg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 09 2021
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