$203 Domino's Pizza Taste Test | FANCY FAST FOOD

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"It's not sacrilegious, it's sacrelicious."

That is a quote that deserves to live on...

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 14 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/FergusCragson ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I hope Jarod Way sees this video

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 9 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/daveloper80 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

So if you order the pizza on their website I was able to get said pizza for $16, $7, or $6 ..... depending on how I ordered it

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 5 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/thissux2021 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Apr 20 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
I'm pouring it in. Pour. That was way too big! Abondanza! What happened? Oh, Chris, we burned your microphone, dude! Oh my God! Hey, Josh, what are we doing today? Nicole, I'm glad you asked, 'cause we're sitting here in my 2017 certified pre-owned Nissan Altima, and we're sitting and sweating and waiting for our two large Domino's Brooklyn-style Memphis barbecue chicken pizzas to come. I'm really excited. What is this pizza? 'Cause I've never heard of this pizza. Have you heard of the state of Tennessee? Nashville, Tennessee, yes, I have. It's like that, except it's more pizza. Hm. Hm. We'll see. I mean, well, I'm excited, I'm excited. I'm looking forward to it. You'll see. Normally we'd go through a drive-thru, but they ain't got no pizza drive-thrus, so the drive-thru's coming to us. Makes sense. Makes sense. How are we gonna finesse that? They're just gonna T-bone our car with the Domino's drive-thru mobile. Wa-bam! Hello! What's you address? Is it for Josh? Yes. We're having a pizza party in our car. Yeah, yeah. Oh, okay, all right. He's my boss. Only in name. Thank you so much. Of course, of course. Well, this is exciting. Open it up. Open it up. It's so warm. It's so warm. It's like there's a kitty cat on my lap. Oh yeah! Whoa, they cut it into squares? What? Why'd they do that? Wait, see if the other one's cut into squares. Yeah, yeah. Here, hold this one. Hold this one. Oh, this is like a cat. Yeah, meow, meow. It's a cat you can eat. They cut it into squares. So, okay, so this is my favorite pizza from Domino's. That's why we're fancifying it. So this is the Memphis style barbecue chicken. I like to get a Brooklyn style. They normally don't cut it into squares, 'cause they also don't do that in Brooklyn. But they've done that today and that's perfectly fine. And I add pineapple and jalapeno. I'm so excited to try this. And then, on the app, they go, "Do you want extra cheese?" And I go, "Ugh, yeah I want extra cheese!" So that one's extra cheese. Oh, it's so hot. Yeah, it's too hot for me to get the center filet. I cannot say, this is not a sponsored episode, cannot say enough good things about Domino's app and its user-friendliness. Yeah, I love Domino's. Oh, this looks really fantastic. Okay, cheers. Jump in. Oh no, it's so hot. Mm. Wow. I'm a big barbecue chicken pizza fan. Huge barbecue chicken pizza- The pineapple and the jalapeno just adds to the enjoyment. This is the best fast food pizza. This is a sacrilege to a lot of people and I don't care. Sacrilege to me, but you're paying for the pizza party, so I can't really comment on it. It's not sacrilegious, it's sacri-licious. And I'm super into it. High five, that was a good one. Hey-o! All right, so we got like, the multiple cheeses on here. You got provolone, you got cheddar, you got mozzarella. You got just a whole lotta super sweet barbecue sauce on it. Mm-hm. You got their kind of like pressed in form grilled chicken that's absolutely delicious 'cause they're nice and tender. This is really good. I can't wait to fancify it. I think we've got some tricks up our sleeve. Mm-hm. You know, fancy barbecue sauce we can absolutely do. Mm-hm. We can get a little weird with the cheeses. We can certainly get weird with the protein on this. You know I love a weird protein. Nicole, I'm really excited to take this journey with you. I'm excited. Let's do it! Nicole, what we have in front of us is a duck. I love duck. What were you, were you dancing to Afrika Bambaataa that I was humming earlier? Yeah, that makes sense. Yes. Okay, so this isn't any normal duck. So this is actually a Rohan duckling. This is specially bred by D'Artagnan Farms. They're in upstate New York. They sell a lot of super upscale poultry and meat, and like, foie gras and truffles. They crossbred the American Mallard with the Chinese Peking Duck to essentially create like, a more buttery, rich flavor. They mature it five weeks past what they normally do for ducks before slaughter. It's a really, really spectacular product. I cannot wait to get into it. Wow. So this takes care of our chicken component. Yeah. But what is, what else is that chicken, what is on the chicken? Uh, barbecue? Barbecue! A seasoning? Barbecue was the answer, so- Oh, okay, sorry. Barbecue, my favorite form of barbecue chicken is Jamaican jerk chicken, right? I love Jamaican jerk chicken as well. It's really fire. And so I thought we could play with those flavor profiles. We got all this stuff here. We've got whole allspice berries. We got nutmeg. We got this barrel-aged shoyu. We got some garlic. We got some habanero. And so we're essentially gonna be making duck confit, but with all the Jamaican jerk spices. Then we're gonna shred the duck and then put that on our pizza. Can you, actually, I have a surprise in there for you. Inside the duck? You have left a surprise inside of an animal. Oh God! We got a, what is it? Oh, it's still, it's still a, this is attached still? It's the neck. It's in there. I can break it myself. Isn't that awesome? Yeah! You did it! Wow! Thanks. So here , I have a duck neck. We, in order to honor this beautiful product, we're gonna go ahead and use the whole duck carcass. I'm gonna go wash my hands. I'll be right back. Yeah, that's probably a good idea. I'm just gonna marinate in it. And as I'm breaking down the duck right now, I'm gonna just kind of expose the joint here past the wing, try and crack it . Duck wings are really, really big. You scared me. Don't be scared, it's just a duck! And then, I'm just gonna run the knife in there, continue to expose that joint. Yeah, there we go. Big ol' tendon. I'm gonna melt the duck fat. Is that okay? Yeah, melt the duck fat. 'Cause we're gonna confit it, right? Yes we are. So confit is where you slowly cook, duck is the main sort of confit. People actually say that carnitas comes from the technique of confit, where you cook an animal essentially in his own fat. Hey, no way. I learned something new today. There we go, I got a wing off. Bro, ducks are way harder to break down the chickens. No they're not. It's all intuitive. It's the same. You just gotta crack the bones. It's like being in, like, a fight. You just gotta attack their weak points. Gotta attack the joints. I'm against casual violence. Nicole, you ever been in a physical fight? Let's talk about this right now. You've asked me more than once. And for some reason you think that I like to fight. Well, no, I just- I don't know why I give off that energy, 'cause you're not the first person who's asked me that. You're bellicose. What'd you say about my belly? What does bellicose mean? Bellicose, you're prone to warfare. Really? All right, so we got this quarter exposed. You're gonna go, "What's not fancy about this?" I'm gonna go through, cut around that thighbone. All right, so here we got a whole duck quarter exposed. Does that look good to you? Please don't wave that around in my face. We're gonna put that in there. And then when Nicole finishes that up, that is passive aggressive for me telling her to hurry the eff up. We're gonna get these quarters marinating. I can't touch that. What? That. Oh, the habanero. I'm scared of it. Nicole has had some bad experiences with habaneros. I'm scarred. I have trauma. Take the seeds out, pop that in there. I have like, deep trauma. Ah, leave some of the seeds in, take the seeds and stuff it inside the duck. Ready? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Blend it up, blend it up, blend it up. I'm closing my eye. What the heck? Nicole doesn't know how to work the machine. What the heck? What do you mean? Laugh at Nicole! What the freaking heck was that about? Nicole, what part of me do you think you would confit? You really want me to answer? Yeah, yeah. Your butt. Well, I mean, it's a lot more lean tissue than you'd expect. No, it's what I expect. That's why I'm confiting it. Well, that makes sense. 'Cause it needs the help. Hey Josh, if you could eat any person, who would you eat? Charlize Theron 'cause she's a great actor. Okay, so we have both of our duck quarters right in there. And now I'm gonna take the breasts off and we're gonna save the skin from the breasts. I'm gonna create a nice little textural contrast, right? Like normally you put crushed chili flake on your pizza. You put Parmesan cheese, but no. We're gonna make some duck cracklings. All right, so now I'm just gonna take my fingers in and I'm just gonna rip off the skin. So now we have this nice big breast skin that we can use for chicharrones. Kali ma! I love that movie. That's my favorite Indiana Jones movie of all time. Can I tell you why? I probably told you why. It's because of the food scene in it. Whenever they're eating monkey brain and they're also eating beetles, and that was like the first time I saw food in movies and I was like, "Whoa, this is totally impossible to do. How'd you guys do that?" The only Indiana Jones I've seen is the Shia LeBeouf one. What? Oh, don't shake your head. Oh, Phil, major peanut gallery over there. Are you for real? I didn't see "Back to the Future" till like a week ago. I've never seen "Back to the Future" either. It makes no sense. Yeah. "Back to the Future", what? Trying to mack on his mom. Yeah, what? Do I take the hot oil and just put it over it? Yeah. So just take a hot duck fat, put it over that. And then all we're gonna do is cook that. So what's happening here is all this duck fat is essentially insulating all of this from the elements, it's gonna die of exposure. I don't know, but no, the duck fat's gonna retain all that moisture. It's gonna slowly cook in its own fat. All we're gonna do is we're gonna pop this carcass in the oven at about 400 degrees for an hour and roast it off so we can make our stock. Are we also gonna put like, the wings and the, that part in there? Yeah. What part is this, Nicole? Tell me which part of the duck this is. It's the neck. Yeah, we're gonna roast off the neck, roast off the wings, roast off the carcass, and then we're gonna make our duck stock out of that. Woo! Good start. Wow. So much fun stuff already. Heck of a start. All right, Nicole, what's the fanciest pineapple you've ever had? I went to like Austria or something and I had like a piece of pineapple and I'm like, whoa, such a good pineapple in the middle of Austria in Eastern Europe. Oh my god! Suck it, Austrian pineapple. We got the pink glow pineapple that all this sexies on Instagram have. Have we have it now. So this is the pink glow pineapple. This was pioneered by Del Monte. What they did is they used genetic modification to prevent the formation of beta carotene and to increase the formation of lycopene. So lycopene is what makes tomatoes red, beta carotene is what makes, you don't care about the science in this. No, no, I do. No, no, no, I know lycopene. I need to eat this pineapple. Hold on, let me cut it. So we're using half the pineapple for this sexy barbecue sauce. Sorry, I just keep thinking about Instagram influencers. And then we're using the other half of the pineapple to actually go on the pizza, because I enjoy pineapple on my barbecue chicken pizza. This is the most clout I have ever gotten. I'm eating this pineapple, so suck it people that don't follow me, but still look at my profile. So lots of you asked for my skincare routine. Mm. Mm. What does it taste like once you swallow it? Capri Sun. Yeah! Wow. Kool-Aid jammers. Yeah, it really tastes like Kool-Aid. Anyways, what we're doing right now is we're making a barbecue sauce. So we have this awesome Zacapa XO rum right here. It's actually aged in French oak barrels that once housed cognac. And so they use a massive rum blender to take rums between six and 25 years. And those rums start off in like, American bourbon barrels or Spanish sherry barrels. And they all end up in French Oak. So this should have some lovely sort of candy nose to it. It's aged in Guatemala. And we got some other cool stuff here that we're throwing in the barbecue sauce. We're gonna take some of that Jamaican jerk seasoning that we did to like tie in there. You got some shallots, and this is a really cool thing. This is datil pepper hot sauce. Datil do it! Datil tail. Totally. You're gonna be such a good dad. This is datil pepper hot sauce. Datil peppers are big in St. Augustine, Florida. A lot of people think they're indigenous to the Americas, but they're actually not. They were likely brought from central Africa. That's a pepper that is very close to the fatalii pepper. It smells like chipotle. It does. It smells like chipotles in adobo. It really does smell like chipotles in adobo. Very similar. I'm gonna get the shallots starting. Good. Toss some pineapple? Go for it, why not? Nice, so we're gonna blend this all up and then we're gonna strain it just a little bit. You wanna light that on fire? Smell it. It smells like durian. Oh, weird. It smells like burnt shallots. It smells like durian. Okay, wait, wait. Where's the lighter, where's the lighter? You do it. Are you ready? Yeah, yeah. One, two, three. I'm pouring it in. Pour. That was way too big! Abondanza! That was- What happened? Oh, Chris, we burned your microphone, dude. Oh my god! Did you need this? So we got the stock. We took the duck carcass and we roasted it along. This was burning. We took the duck carcass along with the wings and the neck and a lot of aromatics. And so now we're gonna deglaze this in stock to really infuse all of that duck flavor in there. Yeah, dump the carcass in. All right, so now we're gonna take some of that Jamaican jerk mixture and we're gonna add it right to the barbecue sauce. Smell it, smell that. This is so lovely. I can smell the habanero. It's traumatizing. It's so fragrant. Do you like, Nicole got, Nicole, tell 'em what happened. I got a booboo on my eye because of habanero. She got a boooboo in her eye 'cause of habanero. And I got a booboo on my eye. So now I'm gonna take some of that datil pepper hot sauce for a little bit of heat. And then we're gonna add just a little bit of fresh rum in there. We flambed it, but I wanna get some of that raw rum flavor in there, really sort of elevate it. Raw rum. And then. Raw rum, raw rum. What's that? Pineapple vinegar. This is white balsamic vinegar infused with pineapple. Who's John-Pierre? Jean-Pierre is my alter ego on OnlyFans. Follow me on OnlyFans. I'm OnlyHams. That's OnlyHams at onlyfans.org. It's no pornographic images. Just me holding various hams that I'm proud of. Please go visit the website. So we're gonna drop some of that Jean-Pierre white balsamic vinegar in there to get some acid. This is so funny. You're funny today. We're funny together. Here, drop molasses in there, get some nice dark color on there. And then, wait, Chinese five spice. Gonna dust some of that in there. So we're gonna cook this down, then we're gonna strain it just a little bit to get half the solids out there, to get half of all that fibrous pineapple, but still infuse all that flavor. Then we're gonna reduce it down. I'm so sticky from the pineapple and the raw duck. I wanna do something. We'll do something in the next beat. What are you, a scene girl in 2004? Yes. Anyway, so you got the sauce cooking. So the pineapple is kind of like brazing in all that liquid, so you can blend that up. Look how gorgeous that looks. That looks really lovely. And I love all the jerk seasonings in there. I think this is gonna be really tasty. So I'm gonna get going on this pizza dough. So what we're making is an einkorn flour pizza dough. Einkorn is actually a wild species of wheat. People think that it was maybe the first species of wheat to ever be domesticated about 10,000 years ago. So it's an ancient grain is very, very cool. We've got some water here. We got some yeast and we got a little bit of turbinado sugar, 'cause it's fancy. That's why. Nice. Got a little Starbucks, you know, they got a little Sugar in the Raw. I am such a Sugar in the Raw girl. Did you know that about me? I don't like it. I like Splenda in the Raw. I've added oil to this, and I'm also taking just a little bit of that Jamaican jerk paste, just 'cause I want all those Jamaican jerk flavors to go in literally every single bite of this. I am so excited to see what that dough's gonna taste like With that jerk seasoning. I'm excited too. Who was your crush when you were 12 years old? Jared Way from My Chemical Romance. Oh, really? Oh, you were deep in it then. I was- His name is Gerard? What'd you call him? Jared. That's how deep my crushes go in case you were wondering. Did you know that the day that David proposed to me, I had a barbecue duck pizza? No way! Yes! From where? Tell us. It was at the Bellaire Hotel. You're gonna be like passing down your barbecue duck pizza recipe to your children. We'll see. In seven months. Why did you tell them? No, the whole thing was, I was supposed to tell them. No, that's actually, but you're not though, right? Josh. That'd be messed up, if I actually. I'm not pregnant! I got a Thai food baby from lunch, his name is King Green Bean. I'm gonna turn this dough out and I'm gonna start kneading it by hand. 'Cause what's fancier than pouring your own sweat? How much degrees is it in here? Only 77. Well, it's about 98 with the oven on. So what's fancier than pouring your own artisanal sweat? It's so hard to cook with glasses. 'Cause it's like, you get like sweaty and like hot. How do you cook with glasses? It's so difficult. You know what? It's because I have an asymmetrical astigmatism. Oh my God, me too! But I wear contacts. Oh no, we're the same person! Oh my god. Did you know that when I got proposed to, I was eating barbecue duck pizza. So it's like, really important to me. I do now. Congratulations, by the way. Thank you so much. No, I have asymmetrical astigmatism too, but it's because I only have one astigmatism in one eye. What? What's it called, chimera? Two different eye colors? No, it's like two twins are in the belly and then one twin eats the other twin and then you become part of the twin and it's like half of your body's one twin, half of the body is the other twin. That didn't happen to me. But like, yeah, that's what it's called. Pizza dough's done. We're gonna let our pizza dough rest for 48 hours in the fridge. And then we're gonna take it out to room temp. And then we're gonna make a fancy pizza. Nicole, we've come all this way. And here is the fruits of our labor. This is beautiful. Already the colors are just speaking to me. So we got this young olio verde right here. We have some scamorza, which is a smoked mozzarella, essentially. It's not technically a mozzarella, but it comes from the Calabria region of Italia. The country that invented a-pizza. We have some simply pickled Fresno chilies here, with a little bit of thyme. We have our einkorn dough. We got some shallots that's gonna go on top 'cause they put onions on the Domino's one. Nicole! This looks like a purse. Stop stroking the dough. It's weird. You're making them uncomfortable. No I'm not. Leave it to you to make them uncomfortable instead of me, which is wild. No I'm not. Do the duck confit, shred the duck confit. We're gonna sauce the pizza, but then we're gonna mix some of the duck confit with this barbecue sauce. Yeah, oh, look at that little nugget. Some would say this is raw, but they just don't know good duck when they see it, right? Yeah, yeah. That's not wrong, right? Of course not. It's been cooked. I was cooking this for six hours. I don't know, sometimes we have things that we think we cooked for a long time, and then Abe Lincoln's eating raw beef tongue. I watched the video back. That was a chance encounter. I don't really know how that happened. Cheese and rice. So after Googling, we find out einkorn, not the best for making doughs, but you know what? We're gonna make it. It looks like a biscuit. It does look like a biscuit. So I'm gonna slowly just sort of work this dough around in my hands. Oh, you're doing really good, Josh. I'm so lube-y. Why am I doing this like it's a hamburger? You're doing a really good job. I think we're pretty good, 'cause I think we can just kind of, I think we can just do this, right? Yeah, totally. Fancy fast food doesn't always have to be, fancy doesn't equate good. That's true. And this is what we're learning right now. And you know what, Josh? You're doing really well. Welcome to "Garbage Fast Food". I'm your host, Garbage Josh. Hey, hey, hey! Stop that. You're doing a great job. I am proud of you even if it looks like utter garbage. It literally looks like baby throw-up. Yeah. It's absolutely disgusting. Shame on us for giving this to the people, but you know what? It's good. Just keep going. So wet. I have a great idea. I think we should cook the dough a little bit. Get it nice, get it nice and taut, whatever that means. Okay. Just get it cooked down. Try to form like a, you know, a pseudo crust. You're doing such a good job. Look at that nice edge. And then we can bake it off. Maybe like par-bake it, you know? So it stays nice and sturdy so that sturdiness can, so once it's nice and sturdy and we're ensured that it's gonna work, we can just put all the toppings on and then put it in the oven and then give it its full bake. How does that sound? That's a great idea, 'cause right now this is porridge. It looks fit. It's a dough. It looks more rustic than the pizza you made with Emily. Rustic. Yeah. And here's the thing. It's a dough. It is. So it's gonna work. Of course it is. Have confidence in yourself. I know, I just, I struggle with self-confidence. I know you do, it's okay. I'm the same way, but you know what you need to do? Go to therapy. Yeah, that's true. Just do it. Probably should, probably should. Hey, welcome back to "Fancy Fast Food"! Turns out the dough kinda works. We got the dough like, a little bit par-baked, just enough to make sure it works. That's literally all we were doing. So now Nicole, I'm gonna sauce this. I'm gonna put sauce on it, but save some sauce. I'm gonna eat some of this duck confit, 'cause this is like. Yeah, do it. It is so good. I snuck a little piece when nobody was looking, especially the cameras. Who would have thought jerk chicken confit was like the most amazing thing we've made? This barbecue sauce is really incredible, the pineapple made it almost kind of jammy, but there's so many of that savory notes from like, the datil pepper. And I think the pineapple probably provided a lot of like pectin in there. Yeah, for sure. What's the dish you cook most at home? A quesadilla. Yeah, just like cheese, tortilla? I live with my mom and dad still and my mom has full range of the kitchen. Sometimes I have to ask her to use the kitchen and she goes, "No", but most of the time she's like, "Okay, just don't screw anything up." So most of the time it's just a quesadilla or it's just leftovers. Yeah, mine is I take a rotisserie chicken and I dip it with my hands in a jar of salsa. That's a good low carb option. It's a really great low carb option. So let's get some cheese on there. So the pizza at Domino's, it's got provolone, it's got cheddar, and it's got mozzarella. So we have some cubed-up provolone right here. But first I'm gonna add a nice layer of shredded white cheddar. I'm adding all of this in here? I think so, right? Like, well, you can't take it with you when you die, you know? All right, so now we have some. I got some cubes. What was that? I dropped cheese and I wanted to eat it. What was that noise you made? That was my, that's how my nana eats. Hm, hm. You're an interesting man. Anyway, so we got some provolone here. This is provolone picante, it's a nice sharp provolone. I think it's gonna cut through a lot of that sweetness. They put provolone on a Domino's pizza? Yeah, so Domino's has. I need to get some of that. You can get like, feta at Domino's, bro. They got so much. In like 2008 or something they were basically like a, we know we kind of suck and you seem to hate us. So if you could tell us why, that'd be great. And people were just like, yeah, your crust has no flavor. And then they were like, boom, every crust is getting like a garlic butter brush. And they really did respond to consumer demand in a really awesome way. You wanna try some scamorza? Yeah, sure. Mm. Oh my god. I don't even care for smoked cheese, but that is a good smoked cheese. Well, because most smoked cheese is kind of like hard, like smoked Gouda doesn't really melt well. But this is like a nice, like, semi-soft kind of smoked cheese. It's like really, really incredible. I've seen this cheese other places and it kind of looks like a kidney. Yeah, yeah. It's like a sack. It smells like sack cheese too. Good one. That's for the 18 and over crowd. Yeah, sign up for Mythical Kitchen After Dark. It's a feature on OnlyHams. You have to get the premium subscription to watch that. Check out onlyhams.com for Mythical Kitchen After Dark, where it's just Nicole arguing with her mom about who gets to use the stove. I wanna make a quesadilla! No. Why is my life such a joke to you? You can put a little dollops of duck confit on there. And I'm gonna start, I'm just gonna fist up these peppers here. Hey, you should try one. That's nice. All right, a little pickled Fresnos on there. You wild man. 2021 Josh is wild. These are Fresno chilies. They're a little bit fruitier than a jalapeno. I think a jalapeno has a kind of grassy, verdant flavor, these have a nice fruity capsicum flavor. Capsicum! Capsicum. What's capsicum? For the people that don't know, 'cause I know what capsicum is, but you know. Yeah, no, me too. I know what a lot of things are. Capsicum is what people in the Commonwealth countries call peppers. All right, so we're putting some shallots on there. Just raw shallots, Domino's puts onion on there. We're doing shallots 'cause they're fancy onions. And we're doing pink pineapple because they can't afford pink pineapple at Domino's. Idiot boors at Domino's. Yeah, so we're getting some pink pineapple on there. This is gonna be a big, fat, wet pizza, Nicole. I'm ready! You ready? Put it in, put it in. Let me put this in the oven. Put it in the oven! I'm putting this in the oven at 500 degrees for like 10 minutes. By God, Nicole. We've done it. We have made a fancy barbecue chicken pizza. It's gorgeous. It really is gorgeous. So if you want to get some of the duck cracklings on there. I'm putting a leaf of cilantro for color. They don't do this at the Domino's, but you know, I'm like the cool pizza place. Is this good? Making it rain is quite fancy. Please do that more. Just shower me with duck cracklings. I feel objectified. All right, give it a nice little drizzle of olive oil. Yes, Nicole, yes. All right, so let's compare this to the original. Oh God, that looks good. Oh my God. Trash! No it's not. Trash, no, this is still very good. All right, so let's eat the original, remind ourselves what it tastes like. Nice little thin crust. So good. Still love this. Yeah, this is really good stuff. We got a little more going on with ours. Grab a slice. I want this big one. That's the one I wanted! Take it. No, I'm kidding. I just wanted to bust your balls. Wow. This is wet. Ready? What am I eating? Oh, whoa. Oh my God. What is it? It's like a delicious alien foreign object. This is so freaking delicious. That crust is phenomenal. You get that like intense wheaty flavor from the crust but the freaking juiciness of this duck confit. It's gorgeous. It's insane. What it is is literally this but everything has turned up to 11. It is exponentialized because of all the Jamaican jerk seasonings that we put in the duck and that barbecue sauce with the pineapple, the pineapple vinegar, all that rum, the datil pepper is like. So special. There's so much heat and spice to this, but it's not overwhelming. And then the smoked cheese and the pickled chilies. It's just a gorgeous cacophony symphony in my mouth. It's beautiful. Un-freaking-real. Well done, Josh. But the real question is, how much did this cost? Oh, God, who cares? I do. It comes to $203.68. This was $200? Worth it! Are you kidding me? With tip, this was $200. I tipped him 170 bucks. Nicole, thank you so much for sharing this incredibly special moment with me. Thank you all so much for stopping by and continuing to inexplicably watch the YouTube show that we make. That's pretty rad. If you want to do more stuff like that, you can listen to me and Nicole's podcast, "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich", every Wednesday wherever you get your podcasts. Also find us on Instagram @mythicalkitchen under #greensbecomefood. Send us pictures of you eating fast food in your best, like, eating attire. In your Maserati. In your Maserati. Yeah. We'll see you next time. This was a religious experience this is stupid good. Stupid good, stupid good. This is dummy good. The mythical trucker hat is literally the only hat I wear. And I am not just saying that because this is an ad. So get yours now at mythical.com.
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 1,016,155
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: 7jtCcBOYQnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 2sec (1382 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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