Recreating McDonald's Discontinued McStuffins | PAST FOOD

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To me, Past Foods is Mythical KItchen's best series and Trevor is the best co-host. Yes, even better than Emily.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Electronic-Pool 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2021 đź—«︎ replies
Who told them? Who told them about the McStuffins? Are you the rat, Johnny Tight Lips? Are you the rat? In 1993, McDonald's added a bready pocket of saucy meat to the menu and they dubbed it the McStuffins. That same year, it was discontinued, but today we're bringing it back. It's time for. Past Food. That was it, man. All right, Trevor, so the McStuffins came out in 1993. This is McDonald's answer to the Hot Pocket that is, it was an answer to a question that literally nobody asked, but you weren't even available as a person to have had had tried these. Available, no, I was not. I was preoccupied. Busy. I was busy. Busy in the limbo of non-existence. So the McStuffins, there was a huge ad campaign for McDonald's that was like, "we're keeping it a secret. We're keeping it a secret. Don't tell what the McStuffins are," and then they came out and everyone was like, "bro, Hot Pockets have existed for a decade. Hot Pockets have existed," and then when they came out, people were like "Hot Pockets have existed for a decade. We do not want to buy them from McDonald's." And so they were discontinued in the same year. I really want to try them though. Why? Because to me, this is a beautiful idea of like McDonald's saw a product that existed that people loved, the Hot Pocket, and they were like "we can do that, but probably a lot worse and more expensively and more time consuming." And they did it. I love the idea of a failed fast food item, so I'm stoked to make it. I'm excited to make it too, because I get to bake bread. And you get to bake fresh French bread, which McDonald's bragged about doing daily, which if you know about fast food workflow, that is incredibly difficult to do and makes sense why it probably didn't work out. So what we're gonna do, you're gonna bake the fresh French bread, but you have to try and do it as McDonald's-y as possible, which means cutting all the corners, adding all the chemicals to make it very shelf stable, and then what we're gonna do is we're gonna stuff that with two of the flavors they had. So they had pepperoni pizza, Philly beef and cheese, which we're gonna do, they had barbecue style chicken. I don't know why they couldn't legally just call it barbecue chicken. Is that why we got all this barbecue sauce and chicken? Yes, these are the two ingredients. But we also got McDonald's onions and cheese. And so we're gonna try and recreate this as true to form as possible. You know how we do it here in the kitchen. We make it like they would make it, bad. Now let's bring that. Back from the past! Did anyone notice how stupid my hair looks? This is not yet bread. Not yet. That's right. We're making French bread, and I'm very excited because Josh finally let me weigh something and measure it in grams and not using cups. I hate that we have the scale here. I hate that the scale exists. The scale is here because I'm gonna put 567 grams of water in this bowl. The reason I'll accept the scale on this one is because when this bread was made, McDonald's claims that they baked it fresh every day, and I don't doubt that they did, but like obviously all the bread's coming to them pre-made as dough in a giant factory where I'm sure they are measuring things. So we are doing the industrial process right here. 11 grams of yeast. We could not find a single record of a person living or dead who has ever tried a McStuffin. So we don't exactly know what they tasted like, what the texture was. All we're going off of is grainy commercial from 1993. That is the smallest whisk in the world. Babish, you would be proud, and I do still intend to get your face tattooed on my bum. We've done a lot of research into this specific item from McDonald's, and we didn't really find out a lot. From what I understand, there is an abusive culture of secrecy at McDonald's, because in all the commercials they're like, "who told?" And it's like a manager trying to interrogate his staff. Did you tell? Who do you work for? Who do you work? Is the Burger King involved? And so that's the general tone of these commercials. I'm sorry for shaking you. No, that's okay, that's okay. But it's very confusing because they must have anticipated this item was like gonna be big, right? I assume they're shooting for the stars. You never go into a new, a new menu item thinking that it's not gonna be big, I suppose. Yeah. You know, like the McSalad Shaker, to me, that's the perfect example of a McDonald's item that should have blown up. They put a salad in a Slurpee cup that you could put the ranch in and shake it and then eat it, eat it with a straw. I think that's a terrible idea. Megan, do you not know about the McSalad Shaker? You seem confused. They put ham cubes in it too. Yeah, it's like a Lunchable, but in a cup with the world's sweatiest iceberg lettuce. What are the chances that the McStuffins never actually existed, right? 'Cause I'm thinking about Doc McStuffins on Disney, which as we all know is a plant from the government, right? What? What? What's this, Josh? This is actually how we're McDonald's-ifying the French bread, that's a dough conditioner. We bought it off the old, but dough conditioners are a mix of enzymes, proteins, emulsifiers, basically anything to give the bread more structure to make it more shelf stable. So that's what we're trying to go for this. Because like if McDonald's supposedly they were baking these loaves fresh. What we believe they were doing is that they were hollowing out the bread and stuffing them. Every article we found seems to indicate that these were a form of Hot Pockets, or Pot Pockets brand sandwiches that we all know and love, but I don't believe they were baking the filling in there because they say in the commercial "we're baking French bread fresh daily then stuffing it." So some poor McDonald's employee had to be there cutting open the ends of bread, fingering out the baguette, and then stuffing the barbecue style chicken, which again, that's where the FDA puts their foot down with McDonald's, they're making pink slime burgers. They say, "oh, you gotta call it barbecue style chicken." That to me is absolutely wild. So they were stuffing these French bread loaves and not baking it like a Hot Pocket. So we need all that structure from the dough conditioner to really sort of give our fingers room to work. This is my favorite part, Josh. What do I do? Do I get to knead it? Would you like to? I would really liked to knead it. This is a part of baking that I think I'm good at. Okay, then go ahead. I started wearing decorative beads. It was originally for my Guy Fieri costume last Halloween. But I now just wear them because, I don't know, it makes you feel safe. It makes you feel safe? I don't know, it's like a little token to have, you know, it's like you can put a part of your identity into a little tchotchke that you wear, so you never quite have to be your full self. You know, it's like people growing beards, and like Ben has a mustache, that's his whole thing. You know, it's not Ben doesn't have to be a person, he just gets to be mustache guy, and Lisa's optimism, she wears her optimism like a personality token. What am I? What am I? What's my thing? Gamer. Oh. Nicole's wearing a beanie today. She must've felt vulnerable this morning. I'm getting a lot of beads in the bread. I should probably take these off. Can I have some fun? Putting those right in the trash. Yeah, you get to knead. Is there any techniques that you really use? Generally, you just want to make sure that you're pushing with the heel of your hand and you're pushing through the dough. You don't want to like just push it like that. You want to come through so it's kind of rolling out. Get your head on the side. Yeah, I like to fold it up and over. Face mask up, that way you're not hitting it with the crown of the helmet. Josh, are you talking about football? I don't believe so. What sport are you talking about? Quidditch. You know, there's actually college Quidditch. There is! It's so ridiculous to watch, 'cause it's just people running around with sticks between their legs and like trying to dunk on people. But that's not the ridiculous part. The ridiculous part is the snitch. The snitch is a person in a golden morph suit with little wings on their hat. I remember once I was at like track practice, a real sport that no one watches, not a fake sport that no one watches like Quidditch, and there was just like a dude in like a golden morph suit just came and like sat down next to us. And we're just like, "Hey man, can we help you?" He's like, "I'm the snitch." I'm like, "is that supposed to mean something to me? What are you talking about?" It looks fun though. If you want to know that your dough is ready, what you do is you press in it and look at that, it bounces back. So that means that the glutens have developed. Yeah, the glutens have developed. And also since we added that dough conditioner, that's really gonna activate the yeast and make this extra spongy. So we don't really need to worry too much about kneading it. I love that for us. Just gonna ball this up and then, what the? Oh, Josh. I take every hot sauce bottle I own, I take the stopper out. And then I often forget that I did that. And then I have to drain a lot of salads into the trash. So we're gonna go ahead and let this bread proof, and then we're gonna roll it out and shape it into our French bread loaves, then we got to make our fillings. And then we got to uncover the deep state conspiracy theory that were the McStuffins. All right Trevor, so we have to make the fillings. So you're gonna be doing the barbecue style chicken. This is not the barbecue chicken, and to be as real as possible, we've gotten the only chicken product that McDonald's has left. When Taco Bell gets rid of a menu item, everyone notices and gets up in arms, myself included. McDonald's during the pandemic has crushed almost half of their menu. They do not have a single salad left. They have no like premium burgers. What they do have is their new Deluxe Chicken Sandwich, which is their answer to Popeye's, and spoiler alert, it's bad. It's not a good, it's not a good sandwich, which is disappointing. There's not a lot of flavor. I'm sure they tried though, but it is devoid of flavor. So that's what we have here. So we're gonna add flavor by putting the tangy barbecue sauce on it. We're gonna empty about eight packets of that on there. So you got that game plan. What do you want me to do with this? Just get your fingernails in there. You want me to take off the breading? Yeah, 'cause barbecue style chicken, right? It wouldn't have breading on it. And McDonald's again, got rid of all of their grilled chicken, which I thought was really great 'cause they soak the chicken in salt water, so it's just like a salt sponge. Why do I have to de-bread the chicken? What are those? These are gloves, Josh. Like a prophylactic? I will be making the Philly beef and cheese. They could not use the word steak, which is why we are using a product-- Wait, why couldn't they use the word steak? I don't know, they would've said Philly steak and cheese if they could, right? But technically I think there's some FDA definition on steak that they couldn't use. And so we're using a product that most closely skirts that definition, which is Steak-Umm. I grew up on Steak-Umms. A lot of people know Steak-Umms from their viral tweet storm about why millennials are disaffected. But I grew up eating Steak-Umms, and I really like them. So they are a processed, emulsified beef sheet. So here's what it looks like. They call them sandwich steaks. What they do is they essentially take all the usable steaks off of the cow and they take the carcass and they throw it over to the Steak-Umm factory. You just like chop them up super thin, so that's what we're doing. And then this looks like butter, but it is not and I cannot believe it. Actually, this is Imperial brand margarine sticks. It's about an eighth of the cost of real butter, and it's pretty delicious. Also grew up eating a lot of this. It's extremely fake. Well, if I can eat it, it's real. So I'm gonna add all these onions to our margarine. I'm gonna hit it with a little bit salt and a little bit of pepper. Trevor, how's the chicken shredding going? Do you ever wonder if you know, sometimes we do too much? Maybe we should just stop. Maybe there's a reason that this doesn't exist. Like maybe we're, like are we doing this in spite of God or something? Have you seen the movie "Jurassic Park?" Yes. Some people said there's a reason to not bring dinosaurs back from the dead, but they did that, and then everyone had a really good time at the amusement park. I don't think that's how it happened. I'm not gonna lie, I watched the first 20 minutes of that movie, and then I kind of just supposed what happened which was everyone had a really nice time. All right, so we're adding our frozen beef sheets to the onions. These are gonna cook up real, real quick. Trevor, you got the barbecue sauce mixed up with that chicken, look how stylish that barbecue style chicken is. So now we're gonna take that also and stuff it into the French bread. Cool. To create Doc McStuffins. Can we say that? Yeah. Doc McStuffins. If the first title and thumbnail fails in this video, we're just gonna pivot to Doc McStuffins toy unboxing video. Yeah. Trevor, tell us, baker boy, what are we at? Baker Boy is a really great Indigenous rapper from Australia, by the way. Give it a schlap for me. Look up Baker Boy. Give it a schlap. I'm talking about my favorite Aboriginal Australian rappers. This isn't working. Do you want me to like kind of like ceasarean it? Yeah. There we go. So Josh, I don't, how are we doing this? Because the commercials were inconclusive. Correct, and again, that is our only research material. So it seemed like they were about yay big. If I had to guess, I'd say six inches with a 3.8 inch diameter. Are we filling the bread? We're not gonna fill and bake. We are gonna bake and then fill, because they say in the commercial "we're baking French bread fresh daily and then stuffing it" with whatever legalistic terms they had to use on the filling. So we're gonna bake and then stuff. I'm nervous to scrape this against there because it makes the noise that makes my nipples hard. You want to see what I'm doing so you can do it too? So you're gonna fold it in a rectangle and then take this. Okay. That's pretty long. Hey, hey, be careful, be gentle with the dough. Trying to let the camera see. Now you're gonna fold this over. Okay, and pinch it down. All right. Like that? Fold it over, okay, okay. And then you're gonna take these ends, these corners and you're gonna bring them in a little bit and pinch it and then you do another roll and then you just keep doing that, pinching these ends in and rolling it up, and that is gonna make your little log. And then once you get to the end here, then you can kind of pinch and bring these in underneath so that your seam is on the downside. You can give it a little bit of a roll. Mine's kind of oblong has a little mushroom head. Oh God, stop. What did you? I don't know. I don't know! We're brushing down with garlic margarine because these bread loaves like very well browned and we know McDonald's if they can add fat and salt somewhere, they're going to add fat and salt somewhere. Then we're putting panko on it because again, all we're going off of is a 60-second commercial and you can see some sort of debris. There is a crusty debris. There's granules. And they look big though, doesn't look like granulated garlic or something. I don't think it was like a Parmesan, and so-- Uh-oh. You've painted our log. Oh, there's food dye stuck in this one. It's okay, you can just rub it off. Now I got butter all over the dish. There's food dye in this one too. What did we do? I don't know. Does anyone remember what we did? Maybe someone was painting. Maybe. And then we are gonna give these, do you want to do this, would you like to? Yes. Yes, yes, yes. Okay, so you're just gonna give it a little cut down the middle. How far? You know, just kind of like that's good and then you'd go down, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah. Looking good there? Is that not deep enough? I mean, on the McDonald's ones, they spread apart quite a bit. There's quite a bit of stuff in the middle. Can you like cheat that? Well, yeah, you just cut it deeper. Cutting it deeper is gonna make it spread out more, but you don't want to like cut all the way into it. I'm not getting all the way into it, I'm just giving a little, I'm just gonna give it a little haircut. Okay, look at that. And then we'll put these in the oven until they are done. Now they're being put in the oven until they're done. Oh, I forgot my hair was like this until I felt the ponytail pull when I turned my head. Excited for the comments about this one. Trevor, I feel like we have not hit the important point that you're very young as much in this episode as we have in the past. It's because I look older. It is true. Trevor has recently sprouted some facial hair. So he is no longer a baby. Trevor has now graduated to being the angsty teen of the Mythical Kitchen, so we will not harp on how young he is. Trevor, you're very young. Thank you. Absolutely, so what we're gonna do, we've already, we've made the Mc, and now we got to make the Stuffin. That's what creates a McStuffin, it's a two-part process. We made the Stuffin and now we have to Mc the Stuffin. I know you think you're always right now that you're a teen, right? You got everything figured out. I get it. I am always right. It's not a phase! You're right! So what we gotta do, as we've seen in our commercial, there seems to be a diagonal cut. There's a diagonal cut. Watch the commercial, you can't google just McStuffin, because then stuff about Doc McStuffins will come up. But if you Google McDonald's McStuffin, you'll see the commercial, and that's really all we had to go on. The physics are very confusing. Would you like a bite? Do we need this? Do we need the tip for anything? Yeah, what did they do with the tips? I dunno, maybe they just snack on them. Snack on them. Can we snack on them? I'm gonna snack on them. Nice little bread roll. It's good with some butter. Yeah, get some butter. Oh, now we can't talk. Uh-oh. What I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take what's known as a sharp pointy in some cultures and I am just gonna do this, just try to hollow out a hole and then kind of go in with my fingies. I'm gonna do that, but without a knife. I don't think the knife helped. It's gonna take a while. We should have gotten like a crew, like a specialty crew to do this. So we got this, well what I got are tweezers as well. So I think I can go deeper with tweezers. There's no way this is what they were doing. Well what they were doing? What were they doing? We viewed the film, right? You know, we agreed that that was what we thought they were doing. Maybe what they were doing when they had the cut-off end is they were trying to showcase the McStuffin. It was like a beauty shot, because if you just have a loaf of bread that has stuff inside it, you can't tell, it just looks like a normal French bread roll. That's true. So maybe they were just cutting off the end of it. 'Cause there was a scene in the commercial where somebody ripped it in half. Yes, that is true. Which is like, why would you rip it in half if the end was already cut off and there was already stuff inside? why wouldn't you just take a bite off the top? Why would you rip it in half? But was that just styling for the commercial? Or was that indicative of the practicality of actually eating McStuffins? Which again, no one has ever eaten the McStuffins. Did you notice how deep we had to go into Reddit to try and find an account? We got into some weird stuff. Here's the thing. It was a 50/50 shot. We had two options and both were represented in the commercial. One of them was a styling choice and one of them was how it was actually made. And I think we might've picked wrong. Hollowing this out, this is labor-intensive. This is terrible. It's labor-intensive, but maybe this is why-- There's no way to get deep about it. This is just indicative of why the McStuffins failed, because the messaging was wrong. It has a hat. It has a hat. All right, so I'm pretty confident with how much this is hollowed out. I'm gonna go ahead and take my Philly beef and cheese, not to be confused with steak and cheese, and what I think I'm gonna do is I'm gonna take like a whole slice of McDonald's American cheese and I'm gonna shove it in there with my fingers. We're taking these, we have a pan of water in there. We're trying to mimic a McDonald's steam drawer, 'cause I imagine these were just kind of steamed and left hot, and then we're gonna put these in the oven until they get all nice and melty and fresh baked. Does that sound right to you, Trevor? Yes, chef. Can you imagine going to McDonald's and just hearing him yell "yes, chef?" I'd be so uncomfortable. I have really mashed the cheese in there. I'm trying to like, I'm really pressing it. I'm trying to McStuff this as much as possible. You see I got a little bit of seepage from the beef juice, but I think that's fine 'cause we're really trying to pack this in here. I'm gonna take just a little bit more of that beef filling, really inject some beef in this log. I'm putting barbecue style chicken in mine. I'm pretty satisfied with where mine's at. I got some cheese evenly distributed in large uneven chunks. That looks like pretty good barbecue style chicken. Do you want to, can I, may I? Yeah, that's good. It's tightly packed. We got some tight package. We're just gonna pop this back in the oven, let everything and kind of melt, and then when the customers walk in the door, we greet them with a smile in the McDonald's way. No, that's when you yell at then, you're like "who told them? Who told them about the McStuffins?" Are you the rat? Johnny Tight Lips, are you the rat? All right Trevor, so the McStuffins, they've been Mc'd, they've been stuffed. We gotta go ahead and take them out of the oven. You ready? You ready to see the big reveal? Yeah! Come on! Get it, all right, come on. On three, one, two go. Whoa, look at that, they look like they did accept some cheese leaked out a little bit. It looks kind of like the same as when we put it in, but warm. That's it, these can be really fricking delicious. It's not gonna be anything spectacular, I don't think, but then again, McDonald's usually isn't. It could be good though. I think it's gonna be very delicious. And Trevor, you know what the most important thing is, we've brought this back from the past! That's right, that's the thing we say in the show. Cut to the packaging! Trevor, this is very exciting because we, as far as we know, are the first people to ever eat a McStuffin, and maybe these are the first McStuffins to ever exists. It's possible, it's very possible. So let's dig in, I suppose. If you want to just do little bit more forensic investigating, there's a snail trail of that margarine that we brushed the bread down with, and I imagine that is how it exists at McDonald's too. All right, take the Philly beef and cheese. I'm gonna try and just get as much in one bite. I mean. I'm choking. That's really delicious though. Got back down your windpipe. I'm getting so much of that margarine and the Steak-Umm fat have soaked into the bread, it's really nice. I mean, barbecue chicken's good. Yeah. It tastes like barbecue chicken. Well, does it taste like barbecue chicken or barbecue style chicken? I don't know what barbecue style chicken tastes like, but I assume that this is close. I feel like Brendan Fraser blasted from the past. He was in a movie called "Blast From the Past." It's a movie from the, maybe about 2000. This kid, someone get some culture into him, for the love of all things Brendan Fraser. Make a "Mummy" reference, or a "Journey to the Center of the Earth" reference. Not even a "George of the Jungle" reference? No, you can do "George of the Jungle," I've seen that one. I mean, do you think this is something that that should be brought back from the past? Nobody would buy this. Nobody would buy this. This is like it's okay, but it's nowhere near as good as a Big Mac. No, it's also not as good as like a Philly cheese steak. All they've done is maybe made a less convenient Philly cheese steak. It's fun 'cause the bread closed on all sides. All right, you know, I don't know if this deserves to be brought back from the past. I think there's elements of things that we can take. I think we have learned something today, which is the very important part, that I love margarine and Steak-Umms. Yeah, you love margarine and Steak-Umms, and this wasn't real. This did not exist. It was a deep state conspiracy to get people to stop believing in chem trails. But if you think that McDonald's to bring the McStuffins back from the past, tweet @McDonald's with #PastFood and ask them if the McStuffins existed, more so than demanding that they bring them back, because to bring them back would presuppose existence. And I don't know if that's the case. We're dying to know though. Thank you so much for stopping by the Mythical Kitchen. We got new episodes every week, Trevor. We also have new episodes of our podcast, "A Hot Dog is a Sandwich" every Wednesday wherever you get your podcasts, Trevor. We also got an Instagram, it's @MythicalKitchen, where you can send us pictures of your mythical dishes under a hashtag we use called Dreams Become Food. We'll see you next time. We'll see you next time, Trevor. Really? Yeah. Cool. You can cook up your own feast while wearing the Mythical Kitchen apron, available now at
Channel: Mythical Kitchen
Views: 681,695
Rating: 4.948627 out of 5
Keywords: mythical kitchen, mythical, chef, josh, scherer, nicole, food, taste test, snack, smash, fears, fancy, fast, recipe, culinary, cooking, cook, bake, baking, mythical chef josh, culinary bro-down, good mythical kitchen
Id: sdc0vYXL1kA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 2sec (1202 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 16 2021
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