12 Horror Stories Animated (Compilation Of March 2020)

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my name is dan this happened three years ago I moved out of my parents house once I started making a steady paycheck I'm a plumber and one day I had to go to someone's house to fix some pipes there was a married couple and their daughter living there their daughter was 22 at the time she was six months older than me and her name was Amanda while I was working she was talking to me asking if I was single and stuff like that and to be honest she seemed pretty cute we exchanged phone numbers and eventually started dating and she even moved into my house we were three months into our relationship and stuff started to get out of hand she was always getting mad and annoyed so easily she always started arguments and so on this began to happen all the time even in public which was incredibly embarrassing one day I had enough and I had to break up with her and I told her to leave and never come back Amanda was pretty pissed off when I said that I just ignored her and she was packing her stuff she finally left or so I thought after that day she would always show up in my house harass me throw rocks in my window and so on I had called the cops many times but she was gone by the time they showed up about a month later when I came home from working I would find her in her house yelling at me to come back hard find writing on my walls would say come back I'll kill you the writing eventually went from pencil to marker and then around [ __ ] blood and Jess and being serious when I said blood that [ __ ] carved my name a bunch of times into her arms and legs she only got into my house because I forgot to take the house key back from her at the time in hindsight I'm such an idiot I know that psycho knew where my parents lived and showed up to their house during the night my mom was had a heart attack when she woke up to the sound of a knife being tapped on the window glass when she woke up she saw Amanda standing there staring at her while psychotically smiling at her Amanda did a lot which really pissed me off so one night I decided to stay overnight at my parents house it was about 2:00 in the morning I heard a tapping noise in the window next to me I turned and saw Amanda staring right at me her eyes were wide open and red she had bags in her eyes and a huge smile I went outside and I started yelling at her to stay away from me and my family but she screamed the top of her lungs and charged at me with a knife I punched her right in the face which knocked her out I called the cops and made sure Amanda didn't wake up while they were arriving the cops came quickly while amanda was knocked out they found my house key on her and she was arrested and eventually sentenced for a long while after amanda was sentenced my parents and I moved out of state because we'd like to stay as far away from Amanda as we possibly can because she will eventually be released you [Music] this happened to me at the beginning of this year just after I lost my husband to meningitis I had to moved in with my father and taken a job at a local hotel it was a nice cushy job that wasn't very stressful and it was also nice to me in my grief-stricken state the job was the night shift front desk manager position so I was watching scary movies or listening to creepy podcasts that seemed to help keep me awake my husband had never liked scary things like I did so it was nice getting back to something that was mine being the night worker I was always by myself during my shift the hotel was new so it wasn't creepy to be by myself especially since there was always someone around as far as guess when and on top of that my boss was always a phone call away I knew I'd have backup if needed anyway it was a night like any other I was in the back office behind the desk watching the cameras and listening to a podcast while twirling a pen around waiting for hours to tick away the hotel was pretty empty so I felt more alone than usual I looked down at my phone as my podcast ended and went to pick another one when I noticed movement outside the building on the cameras a guest was walking in I hadn't seen a car pulling from the driveway camera but I chalked it up to me just not paying attention and went to the desk the man walked in and I quickly noticed his clothes were dirty catered and that he had this odd smell to him metallic smelling I shook off the weird feeling and looked up in his face before greeting him and I noticed that his eyes weren't on me but the wall behind just above me I followed his gaze wondering what he could be looking at but there wasn't anything there I was confused but thought maybe he was lost in thought I greeted him again but his gaze still remained on the wall I was starting to get freaked out but kept my cool and cleared my throat sir is there something I can help you with I asked more firmly quickly his eyes flicked down and his eyes were wide and crazy-looking it startled me enough that I took a small step back his previously blank expression grew into that of a crazed wide smile he was missing teeth and the second his lips parted I could smell his rotten breath it made my stomach churn before I could open my mouth I watched his eye slowly creep up and down my body as if he were undressing me with his eyes then his eyes moved to my hand and his smile faded into a hate-filled glare his eyes were on my wedding ring well yes I still wore it as I wasn't ready to give it up yet what the heck is that he asked his voice thick and gruff and full of anger my wedding ring sir I'm married I said thinking maybe he was drunk his glare got worse as his eyes met mine again married you lying [ __ ] you never told me you were married you lied to me sir I don't know what you're talking about and I'm afraid that I'm going to have to ask you to leave I was so scared at that moment but tried desperately not to cry he was still shouting at me so you're kicking me out of my own home you're a little hussy I'm taking what's owed to me get over here he reached across the counter to try and grab me and I let out a scream stumbled back tripping over my long skirt I crawled quickly for the office door as he rushed to the counter he grabbed my shirt tearing it down the back as I went to slam the door shut and I slammed it on his hand making him scream in pain as I heard the bones break as he let me go I managed to finally shut and lock it before going into my boss's office and as I dialed 911 I could hear him screaming at the office door kicking as hard as he could to get it open the operator stayed on the phone with me until the cops arrived it took three grown officers and a taser gun to take him down and get him in the car when everything was safe I was sat down for a statement and my boss and father were called as my father was getting me into this truck I heard an officer say that the man was a highly wanted man from Florida who had escaped a psychiatric facility after he escaped the facility he went looking for young brunette girls who were heavyset like me or rather like his late wife he had killed her and cut out her eyes and breasts and done the same to two other girls in Alabama so I could only guess he planned to do the same to me thank God for strong deadbolts and all of the police officers I used to work at a call center company and my shift started at 11 p.m. since training I'd heard a lot of ghost stories about our buildings of course I didn't believe them and I really wouldn't have cared anyway because I only cared about was work one night I went on a short break to go to the Comfort room our office is located at the left corner of the building and usually it's quite dark compared to the other office corners I normally used a comfort room in the middle of our building because it's bigger and a lot of people go there but since it was just a short break I chose to use the executives comfort room because it was much closer besides it was always clean and looked a lot nicer compared to the other ones when you enter the comfort room the first thing you see on your right side are two sinks a large mirror and two lights above them then there are three cubicles on the right side and two cubicles on the left side of the room when I entered I noticed that the room was a little bit darker than usual some of the lights were not on and only the cubicle in the corner in the right side had paper left so I entered that one when I was sitting on the toilet I heard someone come in and enter the cubicle next to mine and then I heard a woman crying I tried to ask if she was okay but she just kept crying as I finished my business I stood up the crying suddenly stopped concerned I stood outside the door of the middle cubicle not slightly and asked again if she was okay but there were still no answer I tried peeking under the cubicle door but no one was in there I could have sworn I heard someone coming earlier I felt a bit spooked as I remember the ghost stories that my co-workers used to tell about our building I started walking fast to the exit but somehow the doorknob that was fine when I'd entered was now broken and I couldn't get the door to open I was getting actually scared I cry and begin again he started banging on the door and shaking the doorknob was no use and then the sound of the woman crying started getting closer panicking I also started crying about I mean desperately on the door the crying stopped I could feel the woman standing right behind me one of the lights in the ceiling started flickering and the door still wouldn't open I tried to avoid looking back in fear of what I might see but from the corner of my eye I saw in the mirror a reflection of a woman in the flickering the light wasn't standing at my back half of her face was visible in one of the cubical doorways I closed my eyes I have a soaked in cold sweat I remember shaking from fear thinking I was going to die I started praying as I cried only a minute or two so it felt much longer at first before the door suddenly opened and a maintenance lady stepped in I was so relieved I told her about what had happened but she just apologized for the broken doorknob and ignored everything I said about the crying woman I went straight to the office and apologized to my supervisor for coming back late from my break I tried to tell her about what happened and told her that I was not feeling well that I didn't think I could finish my shift that night she didn't seem to believe my story I warned my co-workers as well and told them about my scary toilet trip I never went back to that comfort room ever again and eventually left my job a few months later [Music] it was in sixth grade in junior high school I remember this one specific day when there was a thunderstorm I was heading to gym where the gym teacher greets each student outside the girls locker room as usual I went inside the locker room I was getting ready to change into my gym clothes as usual and I noticed that the corner of my eye a shadow was walking past at the other side of the lockers I looked and said is anybody here there was no answer so I took my gym clothes with me and thought stupidly that I should follow where the shadow was heading I went to the back of the lockers where the shower room was I opened every curtain from each shower booth except the one in the last all of a sudden the light that was illuminating in the back started to blink I don't know where my courage came from but I decided to open the last koryn in the back and when I did there was nothing I turned around but then I heard someone crying in the shower booth so I opened the other curtain again quickly but still there was nothing it was rather strange to me because at that moment I felt cold I heard in the distance talking and it was a few girls walking past I asked them if they saw anyone who was crying but they said no it was literally weird when all the students arrived the gym teacher asked one of the girls to open the gym doors usually I'm the one that opens the gym doors but she decided to let someone else have the turn we were waiting for her and then we heard a loud sharp scream shortly that girl ran into the locker room and cried we were all confused and she told us that she saw something a baby covered in blood I went to the gym the keys were on the floor the gym door was opened and I tried to turn on the lights but they were completely off I wasn't sure but thought maybe somehow it was due to the thunderstorm I couldn't see anything because it was too dark and when I stepped inside the gym I heard crying it was a baby crying and it was coming from the stage I was frozen but I wanted to check what was going on here I went closer to the stage but the crying abruptly stopped and was followed by a cracking noise then I heard crying from another girl she was sobbing all of a sudden the lights were on my teacher grabbed me and asked if I was okay I told her that I heard something but didn't see anything she looked at me calmly and said I know what you're talking about you're lucky that you didn't see anything then she said when she was working late one day she saw a body floating in the swimming pool which is close to the gym she thought it was one of the students so she tried to save that person when I tried to get to her it was completely gone she said and then she told me there was the ghost of the girl who drowned a few years back this girl was pregnant and she gave birth in the shower booth she didn't want it so she killed the baby by breaking its neck later on she regretted what she did so she drowned herself in the swimming pool when I heard the whole story from my teacher I felt a little bit sad after that I didn't see or hear anything but I'm still wondering what was the shadow I saw in the locker room and sometimes it still gives me goosebumps when I think about it especially the crying of the baby and the bone cracking noise if the gym teacher did not come along would I have seen that ghost of a girl holding the baby well other than that I just feel grateful that I didn't see anything that would shock me for my whole life so before getting into this story itself I want to give some backstory on something that happened when I was around the age of nine I grew up in a village called Haute lux in the northern parts of Sweden the road leading from my school to my home was a long one with the local authorities had to put up lamps which emitted a very dim blue light I always felt like a nervous wreck when I had to walk to and from my school both because even with the lamps the road was very dark no so because I was bullied so the bullies could have waited in the woods right next to the road it was one event that I remembered vividly during the winter of 1999 I'd slept poorly the night before and the math lesson had been killing me so I barely felt awake when I was beginning to walk home the lamps were off which isn't really so weird as the sensors for the lamps were pretty low so any kid could have taken a flashlight put it towards the sensors and after a few seconds the lamps will shut down for a few minutes since I was so tired I'd closed my eyes when I started walking but after walking about 20 meters on this road I notice that the lamps were off and I stopped I was getting nervous I was reasoning with myself and decided to push on I was 10 and in my youthful arrogance I thought I had reached the age where my boss should have been as hard as Duke Nukem x' who alex is a very quiet village so I was barely hearing anything except the wind when this happened to the left of the road is a very thick forest and suddenly I could just hear this loud scream coming from it it was very similar to the male scream you can hear in movies when someone's in huge pain with the speed of Usain Bolt I ran as fast as I could towards my home without looking back now we're jumping to late autumn 2011 my parents were on a trip to the Canary Islands and asked me to move into their house just for the week so I could take care of the dog and the thought of spending a whole week in my old room listening to my old mayhem CDs and eating pizza were just too good to be true I always walked with my dog outside during midnight because then I didn't have to take him outside again until the late morning hours this time was no different except I decided to walk a bit longer I decided to walk along Excel vagon and then follow any marks wagon towards Nova hotel X wagon there are no lamps on the most parts of any marks wagon so after leaving Excel vagon I stopped a little cigar and told my dog to stay close to me while walking along the road I was just enjoying the fresh air and listening to the sound of leaves rustling in the trees there's a pretty big area next to the road where they have chopped down a lot of trees when I came to that area my dog stopped and started barking towards the area I described when I looked towards the area I could see the silhouette of a person the only visible parts were the hands I said what the hell with a pretty loud voice a person turned around towards me if I didn't know any better I could have sworn that only the head and hands turned as I didn't see any movements at all on the rest of the body a white mask the guy was wearing a white mask with a slit for each of his eyes my dog started whimpering the guy raised his right hand with all of his fingers pointing towards me and he screamed it sounded like the exact same scream I'd heard as a kid walking home from school that afternoon what must have been survival instinct I just started running when I had ran for 20 meters or so I stopped to see if my dog was still with me when she was and then looked towards the spot the guy had stood he wasn't there he had moved to the spot where I stood now with his hands down but the mess still towards me I started running again until I got to know the Haute Lacs wagon I had never been so scared before when I stopped that was crying and my whole body was shaking and then I walked home [Applause] this happened when I was in my junior year of high school I was picked as a candidate for a beauty contest but I didn't know how to sing or do something out of the ordinary so I decided to dance with two of my friends from class we planned it in class and agreed to rehearse our choreography immediately there was an empty house in front of my house that had a caretaker my mom and the caretaker were friends so I asked her if I could use one of their empty rooms to rehearse our dance she agreed but told us that the electricity doesn't work so it was best to practice during the daytime the house was pretty big it was three stories tall with a rooftop however this house was unfinished after class we all gathered in front of the house it was around 4:00 p.m. I brought my laptop to play music and we practice for a while and finally almost memorized it then I suggested that we should record our dance using my laptop's camera to see if we were making any mistakes or were in synchronized we were having fun with each other while dancing and we even took pictures after that while taking a break we played our dance video it was good at first however in the middle of us dancing there was a warrants awful screaming in the background like someone was being murdered the same continuous scream was going on and on while it was recording it was already getting dark outside and we were in shock that we couldn't even move our bodies at all we knew that we were the only ones in the room and of course we would have stopped our practice if there was someone else there and furthermore we did not remember hearing anyone scream continuously shaking my hands with fear I decided to rewind the video and play it again the same screaming was in the video but for some reason this time her voice was much higher and very sharp I've never heard that kind of horrific voice in my whole life we then turned off my laptop screamed and ran outside of the house when we got home we explained it to my mom but she thought we were being paranoid at first but when I played the video she was creeped out - mom didn't say anything but forced me to delete the video ever since then we never rehearse there anymore and every time I look outside my window I am scared that I might see the lady behind those screams [Music] my name is Christian this happened three years ago and I was living in a dormitory with my best friend Miko I was a civil engineering student at that time and Miko was a pharmacy student the dormitory where we were staying had nine rooms overall our room was quite small but enough space for two people the kitchen was at the opposite end of the entrance door and we had no fire exit the restroom was just at the left side of the kitchen and the bed that we even shared together was on the right side and there was a table in the middle where we used to eat or make it as a study table our dormitory had rumors about ghosts in there but we hadn't encountered any in our two years staying so one day on Friday morning before going to school we decided to put a hot cup of coffee in the sink I know that was such a stupid thing but we were curious about it if this became empty when we came back from the school then this is a haunted dormitory I told him then we left for school and soon I forgot about the coffee thing because I was quite busy with the calculus examination after that when I came back to the dorm around 7:00 p.m. I saw Miko was sleeping in his bed it was quite weird since usually when I come back to the room he was either playing games or cooking in the kitchen but it didn't bother me since it was a midterm season and I thought that he might just be exhausted suddenly I remembered the mug of coffee that we put in the sink earlier in the morning I put my bag on the table and headed straight to the sink I saw the coffee was still full so I said told you there's no ghosts so I poured out the hot coffee and washed the cup right after I washed the cup my phone inside my pocket vibrated someone was calling me I looked at the phone and it was Miko I stared at the bed where Miko was still lying and sleeping I shouted hey man why are you calling me but he didn't respond so I thought inside my head did he leave his phone at school I answered the call hello to my shock and disbelief it was Miko it was his voice and he said dude just eat without me if you're already hungry and still at the mall buying our food supply for next week I was frozen I was so confused and terrified at the time until I got the courage to say are you serious he said yeah sorry but I'm almost done at the counter I'm just gonna drive home now if you can wait let's eat together bye and hung up I was there standing still in the kitchen and couldn't move while still looking at the man in the bed then I realized the cup of coffee we left it in the morning when I went to the dorm it was not empty as we expected but it was still hot it should have cooled down I looked back at the sink for one second and to my terror when I looked again at the bed he was no longer there I screamed ran out of the room and waited for my best friend when Mika was finally home after 40 minutes I told him what happened and saw his confused scared reaction after that night we decided to transfer to another dormitory and fortunately nothing happened anymore in the new place but I will never forget this memory forever you ah what a pleasant way to begin my 3:00 a.m. shift at Mercy Hospital the first thing I did as I sat down was cut my finger it was a paper cut and despite working at one of the largest hospitals in the state I couldn't find a single band-aid laying around I sucked on my index finger like a vampire while I scrambled my desk of that band-aid I found one purple I'm a hospital receptionist and all that means is I greet visitors make appointments and look nice well as nice as a thirty year old man who hasn't slept in hours can look that night as we call it it was just me and a few nurses on the floor other than that it was ghosts quiet except for the heavy heavy rain I sat back on the cheap recliner chair or receptionist to get the honor abusing while addressing my band-aid I listened to the television master on the corner of the ceiling as it broadcasted a seemingly important message authorities say the woman was last seen on Cedar Avenue I looked up to see if the television was showing any images of the strange woman none it was yet another crazy person with no name and no face who was supposed to look out for not creepy at all authorities also say the woman was reportedly walking around and asking people very variables are questions I focused back on my desk and continued working but I still listen to the news anchor went on and on she continued the following statement was issued by an unidentified government official listen carefully folks whatever she asks you to answer no do not under any circumstances answer yes official one common fiber sy citing security clearance they are asking that you immediately call 9-1-1 if you deem anyone suspicious I thought that part of the coverage was quite hard but I wasn't sure anything could scare me anymore working here at the hospital I thought I'd seen it all at the flash of the ruby-red ambulance lights I've seen people come in with seven arms legs fingers people who somehow managed to scoop out their eyes failed suicide attempts and much much more you get used to it my head was practically sunken to my desk as I filled out paperwork that's when I heard something very subtle initially I heard it coming from the front doors the entrance the automatic doors opening closed opening closed slamming against each other and sounding an obnoxiously loud third each time the very dim lighting I had surrounding my desk flickered incessantly hello seated behind the safety of my desk only the whistling wind responded hello I called out again I felt obligated check if someone was there especially since it might have been someone who was injured and needed our attention I reluctantly picked myself up from my chair and walked over to inspect I nearly slipped and cracked my head open as the entrance floor was almost flooded from the rain I noticed footsteps wet shoe match that seemed to come inside the hospital and then back out I stood near the doors poking my head outside and looked all I had was distant sounds of sirens and honking cars the rain poured harder the peace and quiet was disturbed within moments of me sitting back down the automatic door started again opening and closing slamming shut and letting any more rain as they did but this time I heard gentle footsteps make their way towards me tapping closer and closer someone slowly emerged from the darkness between the entrance and front desk a woman with drenched black hair approached wearing a dark brown Rinku and a pair of boots that were too lashed with her teeth paper legs her face was inundated with wrinkles and wet makeup her black eye shadows smudged despite the heavy rain outside she didn't seem to a bothered wearing her hoodie hello how can I help you ma'am she didn't respond she looked around scanning and observing an unimpressive hospital is there something I can help you with still nothing we engaged in a brief stare down which she won I look down and pretended to gather important paperwork are you here to visit someone then finally she responded without talking she simply nodded and then took a few steps forward her hands hanging down her side posture was unnatural almost uncomfortable ok for now I need you to sign here then after wait a few hours for visiting time to begin I said pushing forward a sheet of paper and a pen she raised her arm to sign and then abruptly stopped she seemed startled by something on the desk she looked at me tilted her head and with a smile that was as wide as her eyes said would you please leave that for me I was confused at first and then she pointed at it with her index finger as drops of rain water tapped against my desk while her arm hovered over it I took the little crucifix we had at the front desk and put it in a drawer the woman proceeded as if she was going to finally sign the paper and and stop before writing anything she dropped the pen on the ground and stood there again staring at me she asked me a question do you reject the Trinity I'm sorry I replied for a few more uncomfortable moments the woman stood there like an ancient statue I had no idea what she meant by the question ma'am exactly are you here to see family friend what's your relationship with the patient before I could finish talking midway through my question the woman turned around and walked out the door still smiling in her eyes as wide as I'd ever seen on a person I went back to work and tried to move on that her creepy mannerisms were trapped in my mind throughout the night that's around 4:00 a.m. I spotted one of the children in our Hospital walking down the hall ena is that you I called out all the kids in the hospital knew me I was proudly considered one of the cooler employees I let them break the rules I brought them snacks upstairs and even taught him scary stories despite their predictable regret later on the nurses would get angry with me every time I heard one of my scary story nights they always had a bunch of bed sheets to change the next morning only did these things for the kids when I wasn't busy when it was a quiet night and this is one of those uneventful nights which of course was a good thing anyway it was very odd to see Nina awake at that time walking down those shadowy halls she was absolutely terrified of the dark and yet there she was Nina is that you I squinted my eyes as I walked towards her sorry mat she began I don't want to be there anymore she had dragged her blue blanket along with her which was her way of gesturing to us that she wanted to move to another room you ever kids bothering you again I asked I took all of her hand and began walking her back to the elevator Matt please don't make me go back up there I don't like the new nurse I stopped walking what I said meaning to Nina's level she keeps asking us the same question over and over I said no so many times I keep telling her no but everyone else kept laughing with her and saying yes to her I don't want to go back up Nina's words immediately played flashbacks inside my tired overworked mind something about strange women going around and asking even stranger questions I didn't pay enough attention stop broadcaster notice the woman but even if I had I thought she'd left the principal too I did she elevates her and run up a flight of daunting stairs stumping against each step with all the force I could muster I probably woke up all their sleeping employees I was so loud I open the doors for the children's room couldn't believe my eyes I checked each room each one on each floor I woke up my car a nurse and asked about the children she couldn't find them either we looked everywhere and put Hospital in lockdown we set off all possible alarms and other emergency procedures we didn't find them well that was left behind where their clothes it happened on a Friday night when I came home from work I texted my friends and told them to grab a drink with me but they didn't feel like doing anything this weekend I'm 24 and all my friends started working too so I understand that they wanted to stay at home be cozy and just relax I was home alone at the time sitting all by myself and then something just came to my mind I just wanted to drive somewhere so I got in the car again and drove for a while then I tried to find a spot to park my car to have a smoke there was an underground parking lot that was placed in a one-way street it was around 11:30 p.m. even though it was a big city there wasn't much activity around this area after smoking I walked back to the parking lot through the dark small streets but I was getting anxious and thought to myself what if someone is following me I'm out here all alone so I turned up the pace and reached the parking lot there was nobody at the parking lot so I was relieved but at that very moment someone behind me shouted lobby I got the chills and the hairs on the back of my head stood up I slowly turned around and there was this huge guy in the hoodie he came to me and started talking he was talking about how he just came out of prison and that his wife changed the locks on the doors I noticed that his right hand was in the pocket of his hoodie I swear I saw the outline of an object in that pocket I immediately thought it was a knife crap this is not supposed to happen I'm gonna die in here I thought to myself with a quivering voice I told him very politely that I had to run the graveyard shift at work so that I could leave and that was when his voice started to change he angrily said oh you have to help me I reached in my pocket and took out $30 that was the only money I had on me and I just handed it to him he took the money but became angrier and shouted hey man is this the only money you've brought he took another step and was much closer to me but what happened next was a mirror a loud sound came from a door that was shut outside the parking lot and got distracted and turned his head around and that is when I rushed to the elevators it was a separate room which was only accessible to people who parked their cars there because the door could only be opened with the parking receipt I got into the elevator safely but then I heard his loud footsteps behind me I ran to my car got in and started it I slowly pulled up to the gate and it opened although I could see the guy charging at me when I tried to get out of the parking lot it was too late for him I stepped on the gas and drove away as fast as I could and it only took me 15 minutes because I was using too much gas to this day I can't stop thinking about what would have happened if that door outside the parking lot wouldn't have made that loud noise my name is Kim I'm 20 years old and this happened about 10 years ago I used to live across the street from my friend Eric one Saturday my parents were going away for a night but I didn't want to go so we all arranged that I would sleep over my friend Eric house we order pizza I spent a night playing video games and watched a few movies I'm not sure what time it was it was pretty late probably around 1:00 in the morning I think I was flicking through Eric's PlayStation games and Eric said I thought your parents were going away for tonight I said yeah they are but there's someone in the house Eric said confused I got up and looked out the window where Eric was looking and there was a light on and someone was walking around in one of the rooms Eric asked me who that could be I told him I had no idea my parents were out of town for the night and we never had anyone come over by our house unannounced especially at this time of night instead of waking Eric's parents or trying to call the police we came up with this idea to sneak out and investigate who was in my house looking back the dumbest thing I ever did but we were just young boys we grabbed a couple of flashlights snuck out of Eric's backdoor and headed over to my house we didn't even think of how we would get in but we didn't need to because the front door had been forced open upon entering the house we saw there were damp muddy footprints leading upstairs I'm not sure if whoever was inside hurt us but we started following the footprints and one of the lights turned off at this point I was getting afraid and I told Eric we should just leave and tell someone Eric proceeded upstairs however I didn't follow him up I kept whispering to him Eric come let's go he ignored me and continued going up he walked into one of the rooms and I lost sight of him I didn't bravely went upstairs to see where he went I walked into my bedroom and a foul odor hit me in the face I kept whispering Aaron's name but he wouldn't answer then I heard something it sounded like sobbing I was scanning the room with my flashlight in one of the corners of the room I could see Eric's shoes I raised the flashlight and I saw a disgusting dirty hand that was covered in cuts and dirt covering Eric's mouth the next thing I saw would hump me for the rest of my life I raised the flashlight once more and the person covering Eric's mouth was a man who had massive grin on his face a vile beard and long straight black and great greasy hair the way he was staring at me traumatized me his eyes were wide and filled with a rage I screamed as loud as I could and ran up the bedroom and the man proceeded to chase me down the stairs and out the house I thought I was going to die thankfully when he ran outside there were police car the driveway someone had phoned the police when they saw flashlights and someone wandering around the house the man saw the police and ran off as he ran there were things dropping out of his pocket screwdrivers a few other small tools and one object that fell out however it wasn't a tool it was a long rusty dirty blade thankfully the man was found and arrested Erik was unharmed and so was I the scary thing was the man didn't seem to have taken anything so that suggests his interests were much much more sinister Erik and I remain best friends but he nor I will ever forget this terrifying experience [Music] I'm a 16 year old girl and this took place in July of 2019 me my parents and two sisters were having a family gathering at this lake where we all used to go we hadn't been to this lake in a few years so I was excited to be going back just to give you a general idea of the place when you first pull into the path to head up to the lake you have to drive for a few minutes a very narrow path surrounded by woods and you come to a fork in the path one leads to a picnic area and the other leads to the lake then you continue up the path to the lake and after a few more minutes come across another Fork one side leads to one entrance to the lake and the other side leads to another entrance that's across the lake after that you still have to drive for a few more minutes until you get to the parking area so it's pretty tedious we'd already been to the lake for a few hours and suddenly I got a headache my mom gave me the car keys so I could go sit in the car with the air conditioning on I took the keys and started to walk back to the car the parking lot in the lake area were a little way off apart from each other as I was approaching our car I saw a man who was looking through the corner windows he was a skinny old white man with shoulder-length gray hair and he wore old clothes I stopped walking and asked him sir what are you doing he slowly turned to me stared at me for a moment and then walked away I thought it was weird but I just ignored him that he might be just another visitor in this area and I was totally wrong I got into the driver's seat and locked the car I turned the car on and tried to call my mom to tell her about the man asked if she could send someone to come sit with me but there wasn't any cell service out at this lake so the call never went through I then looked to the right and saw the old man looking at me through the passenger-side window he was trying to open the door I screamed and desperately tried calling my dad and then my aunt hoping the call would somehow go through but of course it didn't I was freaking out at this point and I thought the horn at the man hoping that someone would hear and come see I was blaring the horn but there was no one else in the parking area I was too far away from the lake area so my family couldn't hear me at all the man stopped stared at me and gave up trying to open the door and then he stepped back from the car while saying something but I couldn't hear him as he disappeared I got out of the car locked it and rushed back to the lake area when I got there I slammed the keys on the table and my mom asked me what was wrong I told her and as I was talking I could see that she got angry she looked at my dad and uncles and told them they needed to come with us back to the car I started crying and shaking as we were walking back towards the cars two of my uncle's ran into the woods and my father drove down to the path as I was crying I just stood there my two aunts and grandmother hugged me and told me that everything is okay mom looked in the windows of the other cars in the area to see if the man got inside one of the cars but all the cars were empty a few minutes later everyone was back but they couldn't find that old man soon we left the lake and as we were leaving we saw a park ranger we told him everything and he looked confused he said that no one didn't go out from this area before us which meant that man came from the woods in this lake when I heard of it I was terrified but now I'm glad that I'm okay but I still think about what could have happened to me if the man managed to get inside the car I'm 17 now but this happened when I was 13 years old my mom couldn't pay for the household on her own since my parents divorced so she rented one room and I used to share a room with my mom I had one older brother and he was staying with his dad and that night I had to sleep around 9:00 p.m. because I had school the next day I shared a bed with my mom she slept on the other side while I slept close to the wall for most of the nights I always fell asleep pretty fast and well but sometimes I had dreams or nightmares since I was little however this nightmare was different than any other nightmare I've ever had I was walking in a room and I saw an older man standing near the closet I tried to speak but when he opened my mouth nothing came out I had no choice so I walked to him and when I got closer to the man he suddenly collapsed on the floor clutching his chest his eyes are so wide almost bulged Allen and his mouth was also wide open he looked like he was gasping for air his body was trembling terribly I couldn't get much closer to him anymore because I was too scared to see it his skin colour became paler and paler like his warm colour was being sucked away I only froze and felt my own heart beat faster than ever before I felt like my chest was about to burst open in any second the man was gazing at me and soon the pupils of his eyes went up slowly that was the most horrible moment in my life then suddenly I could let my voice out and when I got up by myself I saw my mom's worrying face looking at me I could only let out a sob I thought everything was fine nothing could be more serious than this but I freaked out when my mom finished the conversation that she had on the phone once she ended the call she told me it was my older brother and that dad just died from a heart attack I couldn't believe what my mom was saying I immediately told my mom about my nightmare she only stared at me in pure shock and we both didn't see anything while we hugged each other that day the only thing I could do was pray for him to rest in peace
Channel: Wansee Entertainment
Views: 2,889,185
Rating: 4.84758 out of 5
Id: 5klzm1EYiaA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 22sec (3022 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 02 2020
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