7 Creepy True Stories Animated (Compilation Of May 2020)

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[Music] i've been going through a rough patch with my wife recently so i decided to put in more effort to be more emotionally available and help around the house one day as i was charging an old ipad for my son to use i accidentally stumbled upon some messages from my wife's facebook messenger that was still locked in it was with a guy named jbc from her hometown the messages weren't completely inappropriate but i made a mental note to keep an eye on this the next day i left her some sweet notes reminding her how much i appreciated her and she was once again in the corner of the living room texting her girlfriends i took the boy's ipad to the office opened up facebook messenger and watched in real time as my wife tore me down my flaws my insecurities and secrets i entrusted to my partner i managed to take screenshots but she was deleting them as the conversation was unfolding i wasn't emotionally capable of confronting her so i drank trying to figure out what to do what's wrong she asked i just had a bad day a couple minutes later i was watching the ipad as the train wreck kept unfolding messages that were clearly inappropriate and my wife was completely into it jbc even sprinkled some i love yous in there so became the worst two weeks of my life drinking and losing myself in the relationship i consulted a lawyer and had him draft a strong separation agreement stating that she would move out she would get weekend visitation no child support in the interim until the divorce is final i also found out that jbc was coming to town to spend a weekend of quality time with my wife in a nice hotel the next day she's buttering me up and wanting to take a spa weekend with our daughter to relax and when she gets back we can really focus on our marriage i go along with it at this point most of my feelings for her are completely gone and i'm just seething with anger like i've never felt before the day arrives i take the day off work and i withdraw half of any money in any accounts we are joined on and i left hers alone i stopped by at officemax and i print out about 75 pages of facebook messenger screenshots she texts me that she's taking off and that she loves me i tell her to have fun at about 8 30 i show up to the hotel and call my wife's phone from the lobby but it goes straight to voicemail so i walk up to the front desk and i ask if i can use the phone to be connected to jbc's room it rings three times and he picks up hello jbc can you send my wife down to the lobby please i don't know what you're talking about okay then i guess i'll have to call mrs jbc and get her down here totally a bluff i knew he was married and i knew her first name but that was it you got five minutes not even two minutes later my wife comes walking out of the elevator looking a little flustered it's not what it seems i'm not here to argue the things that are said in this pile of papers are what's going on the only way i'm not giving a copy of this to our daughter your parents and emailing it to everyone we know is if you move out immediately her professional life is built up around her image so i knew she would protect it at all costs here is a separation agreement that i think is more than fair considering what's going on i'm going to need you to look this over sign it and leave it at the house when you get your stuff do you want to look through these screenshots no okay go have fun with jbc do not come back to the house or i'm going to send this to everyone as i'm exiting the lobby i can hear her start to have a breakdown she texted and called over and over wanting to talk i just turned the phone off and by the time monday afternoon rolled around there were movers getting her stuff and she delivered the agreement she wants another chance she wants her family back but i have no intention of ever taking her back i tell her she needs to set up marriage counseling on her own at a time that works for me i tell her that i can't live with her but she should be around the children to try and maintain a relationship with them so starts our new normal of her coming over the house cooking and having dinner with the kids three nights a week we went to marriage counseling it consisted of her working through her issues with the therapist trying to figure out why she did it her begging for forgiveness and me stoically playing the victim i was never going to give her another chance all i wanted to do was kill time establish myself as the primary caregiver to the kids and establish her as not having residency in the house after a few months i go to my own therapist and get diagnosed with depression and ptsd i ask my work if it's possible to go to part-time for the foreseeable future to deal with personal issues six months of therapy go by i told her that i couldn't forgive her right now and that i wanted an amicable divorce but she is still the love of my life maybe someday we could give it another try she was devastated but agreed to the divorce if i promised to try again someday once the divorce was filed i needed the kids to want to stay with me so i left the google search for how to survive your wife's infidelity up on the shared pc at home and i left some printed out infidelity articles not so hidden in the kitchen my daughter found them and came to me crying i told her she wasn't supposed to find those that mom made a mistake that mom still loves her and that i would always be here for her my sweet daughter who used to hold my wife in such high regard now wouldn't talk to her without screaming and crushed her not surprisingly when the court needed statements from the kids a few months later little brother followed big sisters lead and they both wanted to stay with dad in the house they grew up in when the divorce was finalized i got the house i got primary custody of the kids i got awarded generous child support due to the difference in our incomes due to me working part-time so in the eyes of my kids i'm the patron saint of fatherhood for taking the high road and always being there in the eyes of my ex i'm the one that got away and that she will always pine for i make her believe that there will be a chance that we will get back together but that is never going to happen [Music] during the weekends i along with my sister and friend usually went to town around 20 minutes away to go out and eat it was a busy area so there were many people on the streets asking for money after a lot of fizzy drinks we were walking to the nearest restroom and my friend accidentally kicked over one of the man's pot of money and it all went under this young guy's car the man was still in his car so luckily she could ask him to move so she could collect the money back she knocked on his window and asked politely for him to move he simply stared at her for a second and replied alright young lady with an extremely large grin on his face at the time my sister and i could tell something was up and that man was fishy however there wasn't much we could do to prove it he reversed the car ever so slightly my friend and i went over to pick up this man's money and he was waiting angrily my sister however refused to help collect the money and that seemed very out of character for her and i knew something was up she proceeded to watch us pick up the money until she stormed over to the man's car parked elsewhere the man turned on his car and drove away as fast as he could my sister began yelling different slurs at him she tells us that the man was taking photos of us from his car while we were leading over to collect the money as there was not much we could do we just continued to complain about the man and how disgusting it was after this encounter we realized we started seeing the same white car around us but we didn't think too much of it and made jokes that it was the creepy guy and he was coming to get us about a week later when all three of us returned to town to go to mcdonald's we saw the same homeless man outside and he seemed to have changed places as we walked past him the man then whispered i pray for you young girl and tapped my friend's leg we all stopped scared and not sure what to do but my sister had enough and asked him what he meant by that he refused to respond so we continued walking later the next evening i received the facetime from my friend and she seemed pretty shaken up and she swears there's a person silhouette in her back garden i told her to show me and from what i could see there was so my sister and i headed straight to her place and told her to lock the doors we grouped up in her living room and debated on whether to call the police we decided to stay with her for the night just in case as we all woke up in the morning and went outside before heading to school we saw multiple sticky notes stuck to my friend's fence it said simple compliments like beautiful and gorgeous but the ones further down said more creepy things like soft skin and then we read yellow polka dots strangely enough my friend always had a liking for yellow polka dots we asked her whether she maybe had a mad ex boyfriend but she claimed she hadn't been with someone for two years we were all scared and confused until my sister brought up considering the drastic increase in that white car and that homeless man saying that to us in town it could be that creepy man who took photos of us that day and he may have seen her underwear we took down the sticky notes after taking a photo of it just in case i didn't see my friend in school for the next five days i tried visiting and she let me in and locked the door all the blinds were shut and her family still weren't back from their vacation my friend explains how this man returned during the night to put sticky notes on her fence once again spelling polka dots i told her to call the police but she refused the next day i convinced her to come along with me to talk to the homeless man and maybe we could find some answers luckily he was still there we asked him over and over to explain what he said last time or tell us if he knows about the man in the white car but he wouldn't say anything my sister stood at the other side of the road to keep watch suddenly the man in the white car creeps up behind us and my sister came running over and grabbed both of his arms and restrained them behind his back as if she was some kind of police officer she told the man that she's not afraid to report him to the police and told him to get out of sight and never to disturb us again the man was able to escape from her hold and got into his car quickly and drove away we went over to the homeless man who seemed not only scared but guilty we asked whether he knew that was going to happen and he was surprisingly honest the man said he was approached a few weeks ago by him and said if he could help him lure in my friend he'd pay him 600 dollars in cash so the homeless man agreed and got the money he then said the man called himself adam j my friend seemed very shocked about that name we asked what was going on and she said adam jay was a kid back in school who kept trying to flirt with her after she rejected him but that man looked nothing like him my sister then let the homeless man off with the warning and we all went back home truth is we never heard whether it was that adam jay he just vanished in that white car and we never saw him again [Music] my neighbor is one of those annoying wannabe youtubers hey what's up guys welcome back to another crazy video the cinnamon challenge let's go are you getting this it can get tiring to watch him go about his shenanigans in the pursuit of viral fame so when he knocked on my door the other day he told me he was going away for a few weeks and asked that i get his mail honestly it was a relief i was afraid his stunts would wind up bleeding over into my life things were pretty normal for the first couple of days he received a few bills a bit of spam and from what i could assume was a birthday card and then one evening i got home to find a cardboard box waiting on his front porch and in big letters was written returned to sender now i'm no small fry but i admit i had trouble lifting the box on my own it was really freaking heavy getting it across the road to my house was even harder i decided i leave this package in my garage it wasn't like i kept my car in there it was because my garage door refused to open without a good thug and a whack it was when i kicked the door again when i walked in that i lost my grip on the package and fell to the ground and i heard a like crack inside ah [ __ ] i hope i hadn't broken anything important but figured i just wouldn't tell my neighbor about it and let him assume that the break happened on route i dragged the box the rest of the way setting it in the corner for whenever my neighbor would come back to claim it and then i forgot all about it until a few days pass that is there was a horrible smell in my garage coming from the box in the corner i remember thinking it must have been one of those meat of the month subscription boxes and thought it must have gone rancid from being left out for so long i covered my nose as i approached the box with a pair of scissors in my hands i probably wouldn't even have needed them to open it as i had it become soggy enough at the bottom to poke through with a finger my scissors tore through the tape along the top of the cardboard box i thought the smell couldn't get any worse but as i flipped the flaps open i discovered a whole new stink i had a garbage bag in one hand and the strongest cleaner i could find in the other and i had long rubber gloves on to keep my skin from having to touch what was inside but as it turns out i needed none of those things you see there was meat in that box but it didn't come from a cow or a pig no it was worse than that it was my neighbor still in one piece but the dead i caught the cops and they took me in for interrogation it's kind of hard not to suspect the man with the corpse in its garage after all thankfully they soon realized i wasn't involved my dna might have been all over that box the smell might have left a mark throughout my house but there was one piece of irrefutable evidence in my neighbor's own hands that proved my innocence a vlogging camera they showed me the footage only once my neighbor was sitting in the box outside of a shipping facility laughing as he told the world how he was going to mail himself across state lines he brought pea bottles food a pillow and a few flashlights his friend a guy i'd seen at his place several times to help with his stunts closed the lid and presumably dropped him off the shipment throughout the next couple of hours or days i'm honestly not sure my neighbor recorded a few short clips of his progress hey what's up guys i think i'm in a truck right now i can feel it moving it must be in a warehouse who was pretty warm in here and then on the last entry the box toppled over he broke his neck and that was it the camera recorded until either the memory card got too full or the battery had died there's one thing i didn't tell the police after they showed me the video one thing i heard in the footage that will haunt me until the day i die just after the tumble that broke his neck i heard the familiar screeching sound of my garage door during my early 20s i worked as a meter reader in iowa i'm the person who records how much electricity gas or water you've used each month the owner who signed up would give us consent and provide us with spare keys to enter if their meters were inside the house entering a home when nobody's there is something i never got used to i hate basements i've seen walls with roaches scurrying across cobwebs so thick and dusty rats and snakes and more strange things but there was one basement that truly terrified me it was an old apartment house i entered the back door and found myself at the top of a staircase i ran my hand along the wall until it grazed the light switch i flipped the switch but no lights turned on i wasn't carrying a flashlight either as the typical route involved five or six hours of walking i did carry an old lantern with me so i made my way down into the darkness once at the bottom i discovered two doors i chose the door on the right and found the meters in the far corner as i entered the reeds i began hearing noises coming from the other room something was moving and there was whimpering that grew louder the longer i listened i realized it was a dog and it sounded weak and distressed i tried to open the door but it was locked at this point the dog was scratching the other side of the door and i felt helpless and then the sound stopped i reported it when i got back into the office but i couldn't shake the thought of it so there i was not long after back within that basement i kept my ears open for any sounds coming from the other room this time i heard nothing but i couldn't shake the memory of that dog my curiosity got the best of me and that is when i made a huge mistake i tried to open the door blood curdling screams unlike anything i've ever heard i stumbled backwards nearly losing my balance hello who's in there there was no response just screams are you okay do you need help there was no doubt that i yelled loud enough for him to hear me but he didn't want my help he wanted me gone i fumbled my way through the darkened room toward the exit when i reached the top of the stairs i just stood there listening who would be alone inside that room i finally left and i reported what i'd heard but nothing came out of it there was no sign of him the next month or even the next several months i nearly given up on solving the mystery when a stroke of luck pulled me back in one night i went to a concert with my friend lara after the show i gave her a ride home she just moved in so she had to give me directions i didn't pay much attention to where she was leading me until she pointed to a house a ways up the street i couldn't believe it she had moved into the house with the mysterious room in the basement uh this may sound weird but have you noticed anything odd about the basement at this yeah a crazy guy lives down there finally i had confirmation she told me that even though she lived in the attic she often heard him yelling late at night she had actually met him she saw him standing in the lawn he stood perfectly still with no expression on his face feeling a little creeped out she just went in her car and left and then i finally met him myself i entered the back door like i had before but this time something was different the light was on in the basement i peered down the staircase and at the bottom a ragged looking dog was staring back at me then i noticed something else behind the dog i could see a pair of bare feet i should have left right then at this point my desire to finally get some answers outweighed my fear i shakenly called out uh meet a reader as i made my way down more of him was revealed he looked to be middle-aged his head was shaved and his eyes were wild i explained who i was and what i was doing there and to my surprise not only did he talk to me but he actually sounded somewhat normal i even started to doubt whether or not he was the same man i'd heard screaming as i read the meters he was constantly wringing his hands together and spastically cocking his head from side to side the longer he talked the more agitated he became as i turned to head up the staircase he could no longer hold it in screams the very same unforgettable screams i'd heard coming from the locked room i ran up the stairs as fast as my legs would carry me flung the door open and rushed back into the daylight i told my friends about the experience and when i finished telling my story she told me about something she'd seen a week earlier one day she noticed lights flashing outside her window she looked outside just in time to see police officers placing the man from the basement in the back seat of a squad car she later found out from another tenant that he had attacked someone with a weapon and that was the last they ever saw of him i don't know what became of that man in the basement i like to think that he got the help he needed but maybe that's just because i'd rather not think about the alternative [Music] in the late 90s rocky and his wife just got married and decided to dink it double income no kids for a few years to save up for a down payment on the house the dotcom bubble was still rising and he was a newly minted software developer they rented an apartment in the new city that was listed for 950 dollars a month the landlord hank wazowski was a real estate agent who owned a two-bedroom condo as an investment property he seemed slightly amused by them clueless young newlywed couple they filled out the rental agreement and the credit check hank looked at the credit application where rocky listed his job title as software developer and his income 75k for a 23 year old in his second year out of college in the late 1990s this is a small fortune i can't believe how much money you make rocky explained that they were saving to buy a house and that they were only going to stay in the apartment for a year we might stay a few months after the term is over would month-to-month be okay after hank assured them that would be fine when they saw him again another time he kept mentioning he couldn't believe that's what software developers were making it was awkward and rocky gave a vague reply a year later they had found a house dubai signed all the papers and they were making plans to move the new house wasn't going to be ready until two months after their rental lease was up so rocky called hank to ask if they could as discussed simply extend the lease by two months before moving out hank assured him on the phone it would be no problem and he would send over an extension for them to sign it arrived in the mail and it included a month-to-month clause and a 500 increase in the rent hank why are you increasing the rent over 50 percent that's too much that's more than my new mortgage is gonna be he was super condescending rocky it's what the apartment goes for now i would be losing money by renting it for less rocky tried to reason with him but it was very clear he knew that they could afford the five hundred dollars you don't have to like it rocky you just have to pay it he swallowed his pride and wrote out the check for a thousand four hundred fifty dollars each month hancock screwed him for over a thousand dollars and there was nothing he could do about it what made it even more infuriating is that rocky saw the ad hank put in the paper after they moved out and he listed the apartment for rent at only a hundred fifty dollars more than they had been paying originally and still it didn't rent so a month later he saw the same ad and he had lowered the price to 75 dollars more than they have been paying fast forward about five years one day out of the blue rocky over here is one of his co-workers phil i'm like i'm expecting someone to drop off some paperwork for me if a hank wazowski asks for me tell him i'll be right out rocky throws phil how do you know that name hank wazowski phil explains that hank is his real estate agent right then the front door to the office opens and in walks hank wazowski hey this is my friend rocky i think you may have already met yeah my wife and i were your tenants a few years ago remember the software developer who rented for a year saving to buy a house hank's eyes indicate he now remembers rocky oh of course how are you doing this is the early 2000s so the real estate market is very strong and easy money for any agent hmm an agent getting three percent on a six hundred thousand dollar sale on a house and the purchase is around twenty thousand dollars for his trouble that's a good commission for the agent isn't it hank's eyes flash and rocky can tell he remembers everything about him now hank deflects rocky's question saying it's complicated and tells phil to send back the papers as soon as possible he leaves but not before rocky said it was really good to see you again hank rocky what was that all about they'll notice rocky's passive aggressive tone so he tells him the whole story phil you can't use this guy to sell your condo and buy a house i'll help you find another real estate agent just anyone but hank phil said he's a little surprised at the story and has always known hank as a straightforward guy but i totally see him doing that to you he admits there's no way i could use it now and then phil's eyes lit up a bit hey what do you want me to say when i fire him they came up with a plan and rocky made sure there were some key phrases in phil's repertoire hi hank it's phil calling yeah about that i've decided to get some other quotes from other agents i'm not going to sign with you no no you shouldn't give a discount you'd be losing money if you did that no it has nothing to do with rocky well you don't have to like it hank you just have to accept it goodbye and it was the greatest revenge rocky could have ever imagined through a chance meeting years later rocky lost out on twenty thousand dollars in easy commissions and the best part is hank absolutely knew it had everything to do with rocky [Music] kerry's boyfriend had just inherited his aunt's house after she passed away she was blind so the house had speakers and wires around telling her back door open fridge open back room window opened honestly the robotic voice kind of freaked carrie out so the couple had to go through the house and remove tons of wires after moving in they got a puppy and it was nice not being alone her boyfriend had to leave for the weekend because of work so she stayed home one day carrie was out walking with her puppy and he started wagging near the fence she turned thinking he was making friends with the bird or critter again but it was a man tall chubby and unkempt grinning at them what a cool dog he shouted thanks he's a native american indian dog she responded oh i have a rare breed too see he then proceeded to point at a small shih tzu dog i see cool you have a good one kerry started feeling uneasy why don't i come over and let our dogs meet maybe we can do play dates you're new in town right cause the old lady there died upset that he mentioned her boyfriend's aunt and she was scared he wanted to come over i'm sorry but i'm not looking to make friends right now have a good one oh come on anytime's a good time to make new friends and he proceeded to start bolting around the corner towards her direction carrie panicked she grabbed her puppy from the ground and rushed to the house locking all the doors all exterior doors locked house secure wait i thought i removed all the wires she hid behind a kitchen counter as it was the only place in the house with the windows and doors couldn't see the puppy got angry and started nibbling her but she made sure not to let him go because she was afraid this man wanted to steal her puppy she hears someone opening her back gate to the yard and she sees him the man with the hawaiian shirt is out there he started looking at the windows and sliding door on the porch that looked into the kitchen he tried the sliding door grunting angrily when it wouldn't open she was looking for her phone but realized that it was actually in the porch and she hoped he wouldn't notice front door opened unsecured and immediately heard banging and scratching she took this chance to make her way out to the sliding back door to grab her phone and ran back and locked it again oh there you are i see you now she just locked it so it was okay but she didn't know if he was going to shatter the class she held her phone up and said i called the police they're on their way and my cameras have your face so please leave he smiled and said you haven't called anyone yet all i wanted was to play with your dog you're such a tease kerry called 9-1-1 while he watched she requested help and they asked her to stay on the phone he smiled he held his hands up and left the dispatch sent someone out and she gave them a picture from her phone however the next day there was no news of capture even though they said they would update her so she stepped outside and there he was standing in the other yard smiling at her hey you want to play today then he began laughing loudly she ran inside put her puppy away and called the police again and they said it would take time to arrive since last time it was a false alarm front screen door opened unsecured she ran to the sliding door and it was unlocked she quickly locked it and heard banging on the side door carrie called her last hope for help her boyfriend's mother who lived a couple blocks down the woman was a black belt and the boxer she called her crying and the mother rushed over and all she heard from her kitchen was to scream if you don't leave i'll be forced to take you down she looked out her curtain and saw her and the man outside he was holding something shiny in his back pocket her boyfriend's mother suddenly grabbed the man and kicked him in the ribs as hard as she could and made him drop to the ground she screamed that carrion to call the cops again tell them he has a knife they'll come quicker the cops arrived soon after and the man was arrested carrie asked them what he was doing was he planning to hurt my puppy the officer told her you're naive if you thought this man wanted your puppy he was after you miss he's a wanted criminal apparently he was a suspect they couldn't find until now her boyfriend's mom stayed with carrie over the night to make sure she was okay a few days later her boyfriend came back home and he was updated on everything that happened he proceeded to put up cameras and more security he even put the speakers back into the house as well as that voice was actually able to help protect carrie that horrifying weekend [Music] carly was searching for a nice laptop to buy on craigslist she was looking searching around until she came across one in perfect condition for an extremely affordable price carly was thrilled a laptop for this price in perfect condition too she immediately emailed the guy who was selling it asking questions about the computer like the hardware specs etc just to make sure she wasn't getting scammed he responded saying that it's hers she was the first to respond to his offer so carly arranged the meeting to collect the laptop from him weirdly he asked for her address her name and surname carly told him she's not exactly comfortable with giving her name and address to strangers he seemed to be fine with it though she was waiting for him at the university when suddenly someone walks up to her hey are you carly oh yeah that's me i have the laptop for you awesome thanks so much she said can i take a look at it after a brief check that everything on the laptop was working properly she got the money out and the transaction was smooth hey i really appreciate it i hope you have a nice day thanks you too she left the university went back home and pretty much forgot about him everything was fine until this happened carly started doing her school project when she suddenly deleted one of her files by mistake she opened the trash bin to get the file out and saw hundreds of photos of numerous girls the photos had my love or my darling letterings near them all circled with red marker carly thought that this guy must have been a dirty cheater but then she discovered a creepy coincidence all the girls looked exactly like her she got scared and decided to take a walk while she was walking at the park she saw a tall figure in a black hood carly pretended not to see him but she was tearing apart inside as the figure was getting closer and closer she started picking up the pace but the hooded man was right on her tail carly ran out of patience left the park and quickly hopped on the bus and made sure that this guy wasn't following her when she was finally home she called her brother over and told him about the creepy pictures and the scary figure she saw at the park he calmed carly down and she showed him the pictures on the laptop he was absolutely disgusted what is wrong with this guy he said her brother was very familiar with computers and its mechanics so he decided to check the laptop he started doing something to it while carly went to her room to take a nap about an hour later she heard a loud yell from outside she got up flustered ran out the room and found her brother sitting on the floor looking at the laptop like it was some kind of monster she noticed something on the floor it was a tracker placed inside the laptop she bought from the man on craigslist carly froze and it was all adding up now the laptop the low price she bought it for him asking for her full name and address this guy placed the tracker in the laptop and he sold it to her so he could stalk her and she was certain the scary figure she saw there was the same guy carly then realized that this whole week she was being stalked never noticing anything she and her brother rushed to the police immediately they started asking her questions but she realized that this guy's face was completely erased from her memory she started to look him up on social media but failed the mysterious man she bought the laptop from on craigslist suddenly vanished without a trace and the police never contacted them again to this day carly still thinks about that tracker placed inside the laptop what he's been doing when he was following her and what could have happened if she didn't leave the park immediately [Music]
Channel: Steven D
Views: 561,423
Rating: 4.9209228 out of 5
Keywords: animation, animated story, story time, creepy stories, creepy, crazy stalker, true stories, animation channel, compilation
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 44sec (2444 seconds)
Published: Mon May 25 2020
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