3 Lost In The Woods Animated Horror Stories

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a guy with Down syndrome in his 20s went missing after his family lost sight of him on a major path that was odd in and of itself because this guy never left his mom's side she was absolutely convinced he'd been kidnapped and unfortunately a ranger who isn't with the park anymore insinuated that no one was going to kidnap someone well with that kind of disability not very tactful to say the least we wasted a lot of time trying to calm her down enough to get information about him and then we put out an official missing-persons call because of the urgency of the situation him being mostly unable to function alone we had local police come in and help us we didn't find him the first night which was heartbreaking none of us wanted to think of him being alone out there we assumed he'd just kept wandering and was staying ahead of us we brought out helicopters the next day and they spotted him in a little Canyon I helped bring him back up but he was in bad shape and I think we all knew he wasn't gonna make it he'd fallen and broken his spine and couldn't feel his lower half he'd also broken both his legs one at the femur and he'd lost a lot of blood he was confused and scared while he was alone so he'd probably exacerbated the injuries by dragging himself and moving around I know it sounds awful but while I was riding in the copter with him I asked him why he'd wandered off I just wanted something to tell his mother to let her know it wasn't her fault because he was fading fast and I didn't think she'd get to ask him herself he was crying and he said something about how the little sad boy had wanted him to come play he said the little boy wanted to trade so he could go home then he closed his eyes and when he woke up again he was in the canyon I'm not sure that's exactly what he said but it was what I thought the gist of it was he just kept crying asking where his mommy was and I held his hand in my best to keep him calm it was cold out there he kept saying that it was cold out there my legs were frozen it was cold out there it's cold in me he was getting even weaker so he eventually stopped talking and he closed his eyes for a while then when we were about five minutes from the hospital he looked right at me with these big tears running down his face and he said mama won't see me no more love mama wish she was here and he closed his eyes and he just never woke up it was horrible and I don't like talking about it that case was one of the first ones that really rattled me badly because of how badly it affected me I reached out to a senior ranger who ended up helping me through it as time went on and we got to know each other better he ended up sharing one of his own stories with me it was disturbing but it helped to know that I wasn't the only one affected by things going on out there he started his story I think this must have happened before you got here because I think if it had happened while you were here you'd have remembered it I know it didn't end up on the news for some reason but I think most people who've been here long enough know about it the park sold off a portion of land to a logging company and it was a really controversial thing but it wasn't that large or old of a plot and it was right after the recession so we needed cash bad anyway they were selling this plot of land and we get a call that we need to get our supervisors out right away I don't know why but they ended up sending me and a few other guys along with the heads I guess for power in numbers to see what was up we got there and all these guys are crowded around a tree that they've just cut down they're all pissed off and freaking out and the foreman comes over and says he wants to know what we think we're up to what the hell y'all think this is some kind of sick joke you've got a lot of [ __ ] nerve pulling this we bought this land fair and square well we don't know what the hell he's talking about so he brings us over to this fallen tree and points at it he tells us that they cut it down and it was just like this and they'll be damned if they put it there the inside of the tree was all rotted in Hollow in one spot and when they'd cut it down it had exposed that chamber and inside of it was a hand like a perfectly severed hand and looks like it's actually fused with the inside of the tree well now we think they're pulling a joke so we tell them that we don't like being [ __ ] with and we start to leave but they tell us that they've already called the cops and they'll go right to the media if we don't stick around well that of course gets the heads attention so they stick around and talk to the police about it everyone is denying that they put the hand in there and besides how would anyone have ever done it it's clearly a real hand but it's not mummified or skeletal it's brand-new probably not even a day old and it is definitely fused with the wood you can see that it's coming right out of it the loggers insist that they didn't put it there somehow this fresh human hand ended up fused to the inside of this living tree the cops have them cut up that section of the tree into a movable chunk then they take the hand away and the area is closed off there was a pretty big investigation but I know they didn't get any answers now it's become this legend and as far as I know we haven't sold any more property for logging I mentioned to her that I was interested in hearing about any experiences she had with people completely disappearing her eyes light up and she leans in close to me wanna hear a real doozy she asks she tells me about how when she first started there was a case that got a lot of attention in the media a family had been out berry picking in an area of the forest very close to the entrance of the park they had two little boys both under the age of five and at some point during the day one of them vanishes there's an absolutely massive search and they find absolutely nothing it's another one of those cases where it's like the kid was never there in the first place the dogs just sit down and don't pick up on anything no trace of the kid is found the search goes on for about two months but is eventually called off fast forward to six months later the family comes back to place flowers at a memorial that's been set up for the kid they bring their other son while they're placing the flowers and they lose sight of the kid for about three seconds and in that span of time he vanishes into thin air now obviously the parents are beyond devastated it's awful enough to lose one child but to lose two is beyond imagining the search is huge one of the largest in state history there are about 300 volunteers combing every inch of this park looking for the kid but again there's no trace of him the search goes on for about a week with people looking miles from the part of the park he vanished from and then almost two weeks later a volunteer about 15 miles from the designated search area radios in that he's found the kid they assume that the kid was dead but the volunteer says he's not only alive but he's in good shape too KD and her team go out to recover the kid and when they get there she can't believe that this is the same kid that's been missing his clothes are cleaned there's no dirt on him anywhere and he doesn't appear traumatized the volunteer says he found the kid sitting on a log playing with a little twig bundle that's bound together with some old rope KD asks him where he's been and who he was with for two weeks and the kid tells her that he's been with the fuzzy man now KD firmly believes in Bigfoot so she gets all excited and asked what he means by fuzzy was he hairy but the kid says no he wasn't hairy he was a fuzzy man and describes a man that's blurry like when you close your eyes but not all the way closed he says the man came out of the trees and took the kid with him deep into the woods the kid says he slept in a hollow tree and the fuzzy man gave him berries to eat Kady asks if the man was mean if he scared the kid and the kid says no he wasn't scary but I didn't like how he didn't have eyes Kady says they get the kid back to headquarters and a cop takes him into town to talk to him more about what happened she's friends with the cop that talked to him and she said the kid described being kept in this tree by the fuzzy man and given berries whenever he was hungry he was allowed to wander around in a very specific clearing but when he tried to go further the fuzzy man would get mad and yell real loud even though he didn't have a mouth when the kid got scared at night the fuzzy man made it go brighter and gave him the twig bundle he said the fuzzy man was going to keep him but he had to let him go because the kid wasn't the right kind he either can't or won't elaborate more on that the cops are just sort of left scratching their heads and the search for his brother is renewed with no results the kid has no idea where his brother might be and they never find him
Channel: Mort
Views: 105,498
Rating: 4.9303036 out of 5
Keywords: mcdonald's horror, creepy mcdonald, horror story, reddit stories animated, true horror story animated, ron mcdonalds horror, scary clown, mcdonalds clown horror story, animated horror compilation, deep web horror story, deep web animated, kfc animated horror story, school lockdown, school horror story, school lockdown horror animated
Id: 0XukVIE0V2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 15sec (615 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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