21 True Horror Stories Animated Compilation

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the story happened in the year nineteen deewana and is a very tragic but true story my wife Alex and I were invited to my best friend's Tim and Jessica's private Mountain House for the night and to have a sort of small house party and they had recently gotten engaged and invited us to celebrate with Alma they also asked my brother Daniel and his girlfriend Madison to join us as well my brother drove us all to Tim and Jessica's Allison it was a wonderful private house in the woods and mountains this took place during the summer so the weather was really nice as well we drove up the long driveway part and headed inside to greet our friends we got to the house around 7 p.m. Jessica had been preparing a meal for all of us we ate dinner chatted and reminisced about old times and then played some fun couples games while we shared some wine and snacks but I honestly don't remember what the time was I'm guessing around 10:00 p.m. herself Dana but we heard a knock on the front door we all looked at each other with a grave confusion I asked him if he was expecting anyone else and he said no Jessica opened the door and I stood next to her and it was a woman she must have been in early 20 he said Sheila to Palin had a dark bags under her eyes she said that she and her husband had broken down and they needed help she then pointed behind herself and down the driveway but there is a pickup truck with the hood of the bonnet open and some guy waving at us myself and Daniel didn't know the first thing about cars but - Tim did and so Tim offered to go down with some of his tools and to take a look meanwhile the girl waited inside she took a seat and the first thing she said was do you have any food we all didn't say anything for a second - probably because of how weird and awkward the situation was Jessica being kind said there was some leftover chicken that she could have Jessica made her up a plantain handed it to the girl she started to eat it so quickly like she was starving or something in it each of us tried to make small talk with her but she gave some vague answers the owner and it didn't seem like she was interested in talking I asked what she was doing out here and how they broke down as I found it really odd that they got stranded right at the bottom of the driveway she then said that to me my brother Ron our way to go camping again I said brother I thought you said you're with your husband she carried on slowly eating before mumbling and said something like oh yeah I met my husband I thought something just isn't right with all the best and so I went to take a look through the window down the driveway and I couldn't see Tim or her supposedly husband I said to my brother Daniel that we should go down and check if everything is all right and she agreed with me Daniel and I headed down the long driveway while sharing each other's suspicions about that girl when we got down to the car Tim not nor that guy was anywhere in sight but what we did see was the toolbox that Tim had brought with him it was on the floor with tools scattered everywhere Daniel and I called out a few times Tim Tim are you out here both of us can denier by Woodson we couldn't see a thing it had gradually been getting darker and we couldn't see anything without flashlights so going further into the woods was pointless and so Daniel said that oh we should go back and call the police about halfway up the driveway we heard a scream coming from the house it was one of the girls Daniel and I ran up to the house day as fast as we could burst through the door and couldn't see where the girls were we each called for our other halves names we heard another scream coming from upstairs we ran upstairs and saw that girl kicking and screaming at the bathroom door while holding the kitchen knife Daniel and I tackled her to the ground and disarmed her of the night - the Daniel held the girl down while I went to check on the girls Jessica had been slashed with a knife on her arm it wasn't serious but - she was in some pain Alex and Madison were untouched I said that Tim is missing him we don't know where he is Alex went to call the police but said that she couldn't get through what she said that there was no dial tone as we couldn't get through the police I said let's just tie this girl up and wait until we figure out what to do I asked Jessica where the flashlights were Daniel and I grab the flashlights inside we needed to look for Tim as we think he was in trouble I said to the girls I keep trying to get through the please we'll be back in 20 minutes and I know we would drive to the nearest police station or any worth a phone in Daniels car Daniel and I went outside and we searched nearby for Tim we watch around in the woods Collington named after some time of search aina we came across a telephone pole that had been chopped down someone must have done this on purpose and that was the reason why we didn't get through to the police the line had been disconnected it we need to get back to the girls right now I said to Daniel we started running back towards the Hollister and then we heard something on the other side of the woods it was what sounded like two gunshots Daniel and I carried on running again eventually we got back to the bottom of the driveway and were shocked to see that the pickup truck along with the tools were now gone we didn't have time to ask questions as he wanted to get back to the house and to check the girl hosan when we returned to the house it was empty and the girls were gone and somehow WA so was the girl who was tied up we searched the entire house the back yard and again the nearby woods and found no one there nothing at all me and Daniel got in a car and drove as fast as we could to the nearest police station and we told the police everything that had happened we waited at the police station for them to return they came up with nothing just like us I'm gonna skip all the search any morning because this story is depressing enough this story is haunted me my whole life I don't know what happened that night to who those people were where my wife or the others had gone missing - my brother and I remain close and still do to this day my name is Gordon I'm 22 years old but this story happened when I was 10 and it takes place in Florida me my six-year-old brother and parents were on our way to Disney World for the weekend it was our first time driving there and we got a bit lost we had to leave in the afternoon and it was quite a long drive from where we lived and like I said we got a bit lost it was dark outside we had to drive to the country lanes but it wasn't just start it was basically pitch black because there were no street lamps whatsoever the country roads we were driving through or quite creepy I know me and my brother were freaked out and to be honest I think my parents were too we've been driving for a while and I had to pee very bad I know we could pull over but I really didn't want to because it was scary as hell out there but unfortunately I couldn't hold it anymore so I asked my dad pulled over I got outside and I walked over there's some nearby bushes which led into a forest it was pretty cold outside and I was shivering like I said it was pitch black but I could see a little bit because our cars headlights were owned I went to do my business when I heard a branch snapped I looked up and towards the woods and I saw some kind of light it was a lantern I looked closer and it was floating up and then I saw it wasn't floating someone was picking it up and the lantern light revealed a face a face I will never forget it was a man who looked to be in his late forties he had gray beard and he was smiling with his eyes wide open he had crooked yellow teeth I stood there and shot with tears in my eyes he didn't motion with his finger for me to come toward him I pulled up my pants and ran back to my car my mom said to me are you okay sweetie I just smiled and said yeah and we continued driving I didn't say anything to anyone about what I saw and I still had to pee but what was on my mind was that man I just saw we finally arrived and I was able to use the bathroom me and my brother were it's still our clothes so that night while we were laying in our beds I told him what I saw and to my surprise he didn't seem that freaked out when I told him he looked down was a worried look on his face then he told me something something he saw in the car law we were pulled over he was looking outside of his window which were farm fields he said he saw what looked to be a family of four standing in the middle of a field who were also holding lanterns he then asked our mom who were those people and her response was what people there's no one out there and at that point that's when I got back in the car that night in many nights after me and my brother have discussed we discussed what we saw and we didn't know if it was real or not or imagination I personally still believed to this day what I saw was real this story still hunts me and gives me chills every time I think of it what do you think when I was in high school about 10 years ago I was home alone while my mom went to pick up my brother and before my mom left she told me to bring the dogs in now we had two beagles one that was friendly but barcloud and an older one that we had gotten from a shelter that was extremely protective and was not afraid to show his teeth I usually ignored her and left him outside for a bit I was in the back part of the house and was on a computer when I heard a noise I walked through our front room and saw a young guy near the front door looking inside my house I stood slightly out of sight and saw him walk back and forth between our window and then back to the door and then he tried opening the door and he literally threw himself against the door immediately my blood went cold I rushed to the back door and quietly yelled for the dogs to come in they ran in and I herded them to the front room then I saw the mailbox slot open I saw his eyes he was looking right at me right away my older beagle got on the defense and growled it was more like I'm gonna bite you type of growl while the other one barked I got my phone and it called my mom and begged her to come back home in which she did was my brother they looked around and saw no other signs of injury a triple check every door now and even though those two dogs have passed away I'll keep our current dog near me when I'm home alone that was one of the scariest experiences I've ever had in my life I'm a 21 year old woman and when I was five years old I could remember a situation happening then when I was a little older I figured out that it could have gone very bad my street was full of kids and our parents all knew each other every weekend someone would have a sleepover one Friday night we all begged our parents to stay tonight at Lisa's house she was six years old at the time and lived two houses down from me we were all outside and once our parents said yes we all went to our houses bathed grab blankets and went to Lisa's house after our parents dropped us off Lisa's mother made everyone popcorn while we watched movies in Lisa's bedroom we played and watched TV for hours and we all fell asleep in the middle of the night I woke up to Lisa's bedroom door opening all of us girls were sleeping on the floor on top of blankets when I turned toward the light that was outside of the open door I saw Lisa's dad in the doorway looking at us and my five-year-old mind I thought he was just checking on us so I went back to sleep after being asleep for a bit I wake up again and it's her door opening it's her dad again he's standing in the doorway looking at us with the camera I thought it was weird because he had his shirt off also I didn't let him know that I was awoke when he walked away from the door I waited a few minutes and ran home I knocked on my big sister's window which was downstairs and she let me in I told my parents and they never let me back over there again a few years later Lisa's father was arrested for trying to kidnap a little girl who was outside riding her bike near her house every time I think of that night at Lisa's house and what he was caught for I cringed because who knows what he was thinking and what he wanted to do I'm glad he got caught and no other kids got hurt this was a really weird but scary experience for me I worked in a more of a few years back I'd also like to mention that this was the last time I smoked weed just throwing that in there anyway on my way to work one day I smoked a blunt about the way from some random guy not my usual person anyways this was actually my first day out of training and they trusted me to be by myself it was around 2:00 p.m. when I got to work and everything started off normal I hated the smell of that place though we had a good amount of bodies stacked up there and I was working on one I turned around for a few seconds while looking for a tool and I heard a moan from behind me I pause for a second remember that somebody still have air in them and air continues to come out in the bodies will still make noises sometimes move I gather myself turned around and now the man on the table his eyes were wide open as if he were looking at me I pause once again and told myself that this is normal at this point is starting to get dark outside it starts raining by coincidence I know this sounds like a cliche horror story but it really did happen my anxiety was an all-time high so I took a break I had de Moines she saw it decided to snack on a bag of chips then I heard something in the hallway I couldn't tell what it was at this time I had the sweats but I wasn't hot but I was also really hungry I got up to see what that was in the hallway didn't I heard something it stopped me in my tracks before I reached the door I stopped in I thought I'm here by myself I got the courage to walk into the hallway when I turned the corner I saw one of the bodies standing at the end of the hallway [Music] a frozen I just did there just felt like a scary movie but at this point I will be yelling for the person to run but I couldn't move I thought to myself am i tripping right now the body started walking toward me and I backed up I brought my eyes for a few seconds then I looked back down the hallway and the guy was gone again I stood there for a few more seconds out of nowhere every door in the building open before Singh at the same time that laughing I ran out of there so fast and called my boss he laughed at me and came in while I sat in the car he checked the building and everything seemed normal I quit right there on the spot I don't know maybe I was blazed but the fear I felt was real I know I haven't smoked since then or ever worked with dead bodies I got this great job working at a hospital I really got to do something that I enjoy taking care of others has always been a passion of mine but I work on one of the hardest floors be cancer floor we always have the same patients and not a whole lot of them make it this makes my job hard in a lot of ways you could probably guess that I've seen my fair share of death since I started here anyway I work the night shift and at night it can be a little creepy when you have to go to the morgue one night me and a co-worker we're taking someone down to the morgue now let me explain our morgue is a little freezer box that is in the basement and it smells horrible plus it has a ramp to get into it so she and I will the body down there and we push it up the ramp and then we begin to argue over who is going to push the body inside of course I lose so I swing the freezer door open and I push in the body then I slammed the door shot we start to fill out our paperwork when we both look up at each other she says to me did you hear that I said I think so we both turn and look at the door the two of us got cold chills and the hairs on our arms were standing straight up it sounded like someone was crying we froze turned and looked at each other then ran out halfway down the hall she asked if I really heard what she did and I told her yes I really didn't know what to think so I was telling one of my friends who was a nurse in our floor the story she tells me that she has had similar things happen to her in the morgue to this day I will not go alone and I always try to get out of going at all we also have a tradition on our floor that when someone passes away we open the window so the soul of that person is not trapped in the hospital to roam I'm not making this up it truly happened if you don't believe me I don't care I know and so does everyone else who works there this story took place about three years ago I started my new job working at a morgue I was about three miles to the countryside for the first week everything went fine I got shown around the building you know how everything works and I understood my job that was until I met the guy who used to deliver the bodies to the morgue his name was Kinney I first met him on the elevator we shook hands and he made an inappropriate joke he also stunk of smoke had long greasy hair bad yellow teeth and the faded poorly drawn tattoo of a snake on his forearm my first thought that he was just weird I figured I will only see him from time to time when he delivered the bodies that wasn't the case however as he will come up into the building and talk to the staff apparently he worked there for years and knew everybody I asked a few staff members about him and they kind of just shrugged him off those beings it was like I was the only one who saw through that he would joke around with most people but when it came to me it was like he was a different person the first time we met he will make inappropriate jokes towards me he would joke about the dead bodies that got delivered and make rude comments about the way that people died and actually found it funny when I however I was working on the body when I decided to take a little break when I returned I found the body was off the table and propped up against the wall I almost had a heart attack and then Kenny jumped out from the corner screaming and grabbed my shoulders shaking me violently then he stopped and laughed telling me how good he got me and my reaction was hilarious this was the last straw and I had enough and reported this to my superiors my complaint was backed up by the footage from the CCTV cameras the next evening as I arrived into work I saw Kenny walking down the corridor and he didn't have his weird grin on his face his look was much more disturbing he looked furious like he was a different person he passed by me while giving me the worst stare I've ever seen I was told later dad he had been fired I was a little bit surprised I didn't know what they would do I didn't know they were firing exactly but I was kind of relieved that night I finished work around 3:00 a.m. and got out to my car to drive home as soon as I pulled out another car started up from across the parking lot and started to instantly tailgate me like I said the building was located in the country so there were no other cars on the road at first I didn't know who this was I pulled over to see if the car will keep going but as soon as I pulled over the car slammed on his brakes that was when Kenny came running out of his car and over to mine yanking on the door handle as hard as he could while banging on the window screaming for me to get out of the car I thought he's gonna rip the door off and kill me I quickly started my car back up and drove off as fast as I could I saw Kenya get into his car for some reason he didn't chase me I'm not sure if his car wouldn't start or he just decided not to pursue me either way I was relieved I later informed my superior of what happened I didn't find out what happened whether the police were involved or what but I never saw Keaney again after that thinking what might have happened if somehow Kenny did manage to open my door keeps me awake at night my brother is a mortician at a facility in New York in one night when I was visiting he asked if I wanted to go to work with him so I wouldn't be alone in his house I reluctantly said yes what's the worst that can happen right boy was I wrong start off with this place was creepy as how dark and smelled funny he said it was normal and it was probably the smell of the formaldehyde so I just ignored it after a little time of chit chatting and catching up he told me that he needed to get to work but that I could stay in the little joint office and watch some TV and so that's exactly what I did for a little bit the entrance to the morgue had swinging doors and you could hear when someone was coming in or out of them he came to check on me a few times so I heard them after a few hours of being by myself I started to doze off when the sudden sound of the doors woke me up expecting from my brother to walk in and greet me there was nothing again I started to fall asleep in yet again the loud doors went off you couldn't tell us someone was coming in or out but they kept on swinging and didn't stop thinking my brother was playing a joke on me I got up and went to tell him to stop but to my surprise there was only a little girl standing there playing by the doors pushing them high I told her she looked at me and didn't say a word one of the things that caught my eye was a pretty blue dress with the pink ribbon that she was wearing your dress is pretty and the bow makes it stand out again no reply she looked down and started to run the opposite way towards a lonesome hall I thought the kid belonged to another employee so I went back to my chair and sat down a couple of hours later when my brother ship was over he finally woke me up to go back to his place as we were driving I started to tell him about the doors in the little girl with the cute blue dress and big pink ribbon he slammed the brakes what the hell why did you break he told me with a chilling look on his face last night I did an autopsy got a little girl that drowned she was wearing a blue dress with a big pink ribbon my blood ran cold and I've never been to work with my brother ever again growing up I lived in a heavily forested area there's this now abandoned house that was in the woods behind my childhood home the driveway connected to ours and broke off and circled around our garage and went deeper into the trees it was a single-story house with a nice big front porch and how to outdoor overhang instead of a full garage when I was a kid we had an elderly neighbor who lived back there named mr. Fisher he was a Vietnam vet who was partially blind in one eye he normally wore glasses or 9-patch on the rare occasions that we would see him outside he kept to himself mostly and never really had any visitors it was about 20 years ago back when I was in high school I was home alone playing on my Nintendo I remember that it was later in the day and it was raining pretty hard I was grounded for some reason that I can't remember and I was bitterly sitting in my room taking out my teenage frustrations on the game and that's when I heard screaming from behind in my house I paused my game cracked open my window and listened every few moments I would hear a faint screaming coming from mr. Fisher's house maybe fifty or so yards away from my own I couldn't figure out if it was an angry scream or a terrified one but I remember just sitting there for a few moments and listening to it more curious than alarmed after a few minutes I got bored and shut the window and returned to my video game I don't know why I didn't call for help or run over a knock on mr. Fisher's door to see if things were okay my only explanation was that I was a bitter teenager and I didn't want to be bothered with anything that wasn't my business later that night after my parents came home I was lying in bed when I once again heard the muffled screaming coming from behind the house this time I could tell it was labored and ragged and I can remember being annoyed wishing that whoever it was would just shut up already I didn't even mention it to my parents the next morning so about a week goes by and I have completely forgotten about the screaming I heard that night I was outside throwing the football with my father and the mailman stopped his truck and asked us if we had seen mr. Fisher apparently he had not been collecting his mail my father replied that he hadn't seen his car for a few days when I remained silent the mailman and my father walked down the driveway and knocked on mr. Fisher's door the next thing I remember were the sirens an ambulance a fire engine and several police cars arrived I spent most of that afternoon up in a tree watching mr. Fisher's house as law enforcement and paramedics went in and out my father had found mr. Fisher's front door unlocked he had been lying in a crumpled heap at the bottom of his basement stairs it appears that he had fallen and broken both of his legs but it wasn't the fall that killed him it was the rats my father eventually told me that the corner reported the man had been eaten alive while he was screaming for help unable to climb back upstairs he had defensive wounds all over his hands from swatting at them and several dead rats were scattered around but in the end there had been too many of them to fight off his face had sustained the worst damage there was almost nothing left of it when they found him the corners were convinced that he had been alive through the worst of it I felt as though I had been stabbed in the stomach in a wave of traumatizing guilt washed over me and I broke down in tears I still didn't tell my parents but on the inside I was mortified I felt like a criminal for ignoring those screams and for weeks after that I was convinced that the police were going to come back and arrest me for negligence or something for about a year afterwards it traumatized me and I carried the guilt around in secret I started doing drugs and drinking alcohol to try to dull the pain in retrospect I'm extremely lucky I graduated high school without overdosing or killing someone while being drunk behind the wheel I was about 20 years old when myself and three of my friends went back to the house and late October the house had been repossessed by the bank I this point and now sat condemned me and my friends sat on the front porch and shared a bottle of bourbon my family almost considered this vacant house our second home since it was so close to our property my father would even do some yard work every once in a while and make sure nothing was growing on the house so like I said my friends and I were drinking and smoking and being belligerent idiots just talking [ __ ] and lying about girls that we got slept with I got up and went around the back of the house to take a piss I happened to crouch down and glanced inside one of those low-to-the-ground basement windows and just scanned the basement floor all I could really see was a cracked cement floor and loads of cobwebs Criss crossing the window I took care of business it was about to walk back around front when I paused glancing back towards the window I felt a sudden sensation that I was being examined this time there was something in the window that hadn't been there before very clearly I could see the outline of an old bearded face and a single eye staring up at me kind of at an angle as if someone was lifting themselves up to peer out the window I stared back my body going numb and my mind going blank I suppose that this is the part in horror stories where the people would say I felt the chill go down my spine or my blood ran cold I didn't feel that way I just went and numb as I looked back at the figure in the window the unmistakable feeling of being caught in an act of washing over me like I had been vandalizing the place or something I believe the eye contact lasted for about 10 seconds maybe slightly more and I eventually just turned around and walked away when I got to the front porch I told my friends I was heading back to my garage for a few short hours I was convinced that had been either a squatter or maybe my imagination but that night I had the most horrific nightmare I was trapped in a dark room with rats crawling all over me and gnawing at my face as I lay helpless I woke up the next morning feeling sick what bothered me the most was that whatever I had seen in the basement window there had only been one I've Isabel just like when I remember my old and neighbor it wasn't till I was about thirty years old that I had made peace with the fact that I had seen the man's spirit he had been staring back at me and distress and confusion wondering why I hadn't helped him I have read several books on the paranormal and I came to the conclusion that his spirit wasn't yet at peace my parents eventually sold that house to me and today I only use it as a summer home but I've never wandered back to the old man's property again several times he's made his presence known a few years ago I was jump-starting my car outside in the driveway when suddenly four rat shot out from under the axle between my legs and scurried away towards mr. Fisher's old home last year there was a soft knock on my window as I sat in my living room and only a few months ago I was awoken from a deep sleep because I thought I could hear screaming from outside my biggest fear now that I'm an adult is being alone and in pain and having no one to come and aid me as I scream for help I guess this is my way of finally getting it off my chest when I go back there this summer I plan on returning to mr. Fisher's house I will try my best to apologize to him and I can only hope that this will finally put his spirit at rest this happened when I was 14 years old staying at a friend's house it was a cold misty moonless October Friday night Halloween was upon us and all the usual pranks still come along with it in the weeks up to that night the usual prints of knocking on doors and running friends knocking on windows to scare you it stuff like that but this night was different this night is what nightmares are made of recently my friend's sister for this story we'll call it Jayme was being harassed and stalked by some guy who she didn't know we just came back from 100 house then we turned on the TV and started to watch The Exorcist in the living room it had to be around 11:00 or midnight and the dog started to bark at the back door so I went to see what she was barking at and I heard the fence rattle I didn't think anything of it is it could have been the wind or an animal someone back in the living room and continued to watch TV with my friend then all of a sudden Jayme screamed from a room we ran to see will be going going Jimmy said someone was knocking on her window and saw someone run to the back of the house Justin we heard someone trying to pry open the sliding back door and when I ran in there I saw someone standing there with a ski mask and hoodie or his eyes were void a filling void any sense of morality I made sure the extra lock was said he's seen me do this and started to bang on the glass then all of a sudden he took off running I asked my friend if the front door was locked and the look of Terror came over his face he ran and locked the front door then all of a sudden it swung slightly open luckily he got there in time to stop it from opening completely the intruder got his arm inside the door he kept pushing it open so ever so slightly but my friend yelled for me to help his Jamie was frozen and frightened screaming I ran as fast as I could and slam my shoulder to the door smashing the intruders arm in between the door and the door jamb he jerked his arm out enough that we could close the door and lock it the stalker was screaming and banging on the door yelling over and over Jamie I'm gonna get you if not tonight would be another time and I'm going to kill those kids for what they've done I grabbed a baseball bat and my friend grabbed a shotgun out of the closet we thought he was gonna try and get back in we called the police and waited what seems like hours before we went out to see if anyone was around but all we found was handprints on windows and footprints in the mud leading to the backyard the stalkers identity was never found out and after that incident Jamie was never bothered again but after the incident Jamie was never the same she was quiet distant and it was hard for her to trust people it took a long time for her to be herself again it makes you think you never know who was watching you was following you in person or on social media you don't know what their intent is or if they have nefarious intentions the world has become an information nightmare and for that you'd never know who was spying peeping and lying waiting to ambush you you always have to be aware of your surroundings and ensure you are able to keep yourself safe [Music] this happened nine years ago when I was 15 years old it was a Friday morning at school and my friend told me that she was spent at night throughout the day we spoke about what we could do for entertainment but by the end of the day she let me know that she couldn't stay for the night on my way home my mother texts me to let me know that I will be home alone tonight because she picked up a shift from 7:00 to 7:00 she was a nurse and that happened frequently my mother started dinner while I was watching TV in the living room but as I'm watching TV I randomly look out of the window because I heard a car going down the street and like I usually do I look at it because we live right at the end of a dead-end street this car didn't stop it just circled around and crept down the street about thirty minutes later I saw the same car while I was watching TV it did the same thing went to the end of the street very slowly and turned around the windows were tinted so I couldn't really see how many people were in there it was around 6:30 when my mother was walking out of the door it was the winter time so it was already dark outside but it was unusually warm also so I threw my mother's food away because it was trash and she could never cook and I made a few bags of popcorn I was contented with that I laid on our couch turned on movies and started to text my friends it also became hot in there so I opened the window that was behind the couch my mother hated when I opened it up because there's no screen so I opened it up just a few inches and laid back down a few minutes later someone knocked at the door as I'm getting up I can hear about three people talking only because my window was open but I don't think they noticed it because it sounded like they were whispering in a way where they definitely did not want me to hear I opened the door expecting to see a few people but to my surprise I only saw one parked a few houses down I saw the car that kept riding up and down the street anyways when I open that door but man asked me was Darrell home I said don't know Darrell lives here then he asked me where my parents home and I said no my mother's gone for the night he said ok what's a smirk on his face and he said sorry to bother you and he left I lay down watching a few movies then I dozed off maybe around midnight I think all of a sudden I was awakened with a sound I didn't know what it was I looked at the clock and it said 302 a.m. then I heard another noise it was footsteps behind me outside of the window on my front porch I continued to lay down flat on the couch then I stuck my head just above the back of the couch very slowly I've never been so frightened in my life there was a man pressing his face against my front window trying to look inside I was frozen in fear I don't think he could see me because I was right under him and it was dark inside with the only light being my TV then the guy did something that almost made me scream I laid flat again on the couch and the guy in the window said he leaped right there if he screams I'll shut her up he then started to lift the window I ran in the kitchen and grabbed my mother's gun while he should smuggled with the window as i'm running i dialed 9-1-1 and put them on speaker i explained the situation ran for the window with the gun pointed it and told him that i was shoot and the police are on the way the guy was halfway inside when i held the gun to him he froze while other guys ran off the porch i made the guy stayed there when the police run away he was arrested my mother never took a night shift again at the same time i'm glad my mother taught me what to do in those type of situations because they could have ended up a lot worse [Music] this story happened August 14 2003 when I was 14 years old I lived on the street that hell a lot of boys on it all of us were the same age and will frequently spend the night over each other's houses and simply just hang out there were literally around ten boys the same grade it was a Thursday afternoon when five of my friends came over to hang out we were all inside my room and all of a sudden the power went out I yelled outside my window to tell my father because he was cutting our grass I want to check the fuses but the power never turned back on all of my friends went home and shortly after that they all started calling me telling me that their power was also out so we all met outside and played football in the street at this point it was all tenantless plus other kids once it started to become darker outside we started to notice that it was a blackout but we didn't know the severity of it it was very hard to see so we are grass flashlights and played hide and seek we ran everywhere on our block my parents wrote on our street while we were playing along with other parents after a while we saw some old guy walking down the street that we didn't know but we didn't pay any attention to him as it grew later we all decided to go home a few guys came to my house but no one's parents were home at least that's what I noticed I don't think anyone else noticed it though my friend across the street stayed home so we all called him it was telling me that he wished that his mother would stay out of his room I asked him why did he say that he said because when he went to his room his underwear was dumped all on his bed everywhere I said that's weird then he said I keep hearing her upstairs walking around the room I told him that's impossible then me and a few of my friends got up and looked out of my window or across the street of his room I asked him does he still hear the footsteps and he said yeah then we all saw someone walk across his window it was that random guy we saw earlier I told him that is not his mom and they get out of the house then we called our other friends ran across the street and ran into the house we beat the crap out of that guy and called the police we come to find out that this guy had been arrested in the past for similar acts luckily you saw him when we did but who knows what would have happened [Music] I've gotten obras plenty of times before but this one experience I had a few years ago was the creepiest and weirdest of my life it was a Saturday night and I've been out bar hopping with my friends it was around 1:30 a.m. with my friends and I decided to call it at night I say goodbye to my friends as they walked to the bus stop I live in obviously direction so I started walking to a spot where my brother was gonna pick me up but as I pulled my phone out I received a text message from my brother telling me that he can't pick me up as he had been called in to work he works nights I opened up and over and there was this one guy about two minutes away so I clicked for him to pick me up his name was Jim and in his picture he was a balding middle-aged man with a mustache and stubbled facial hair an old car pulled up beside me Jim looked out the window and confirmed that he was my uber ride once I got inside I noticed there was another person in the passenger seat I said oh hi they didn't reply to me I asked Jim how his night was going he didn't reply either I was too drunk or too tired to care destination to my house was already on the app before I made the call for the uber so Jim started driving I was scrolling through my phone and texting friends and I started to hear Jim whisper and mumble to himself I couldn't understand what he was saying and if he was talking to me or the person next to him but I ignored it as we were driving he started to become more on edge and the things he was whispering to himself was becoming more coherent one thing I heard Jim say and the loud whisper was you do it I can't risk going back to jail even though I was drunk that was enough for me to stop playing around on my phone and focus on my surroundings and keep a closer eye on Jim and the person next to him the person hadn't said a word the whole time I was in the car which I found weird I looked around outside and we were on the freeway which wasn't unusual as you had to take to get to my house the next thing happened is Jim pull the car over at a rest stop he once again started talking to himself Jim then said I won't do it you can't make me he didn't hit the person next to him in the face and he got out the car he grabs something from the trunk and walked off into the darkness I was stoned what was going on that's the person in the passenger seat if they were all right but once again they didn't say anything or do anything I asked again this time tapping him on the shoulder something didn't feel right after grabbing hold of him it felt cold I took a closer look at the person and to my complete shock and horror the man looked lifeless with a hoodie on and was a white and Lewis purple type skin the expression on his face was shocking It was as if you were frightened to death I said back in the seat and couldn't believe what was going on I could hear something from outside it sounded like there being shoveled that must have been what Jim was doing digging some type of ditch or grave at that point I got out of the car and ran down the road hoping to spot another car to pick me up this was a sobering experience but I was still drunk and tired I ran down the road but didn't get very far without being out of breath and kneading at the rub I'm not sure from running around at night after drinking or the horrifying experience maybe both I felt sick I turned around to look at Jim's car I've started to fear the worst when I saw the car start I thought it was about to chase me down but he did he just started the car then sped off into the night never to be seen again I felt so relieved but I still kept fearing he would come back I carried her when I'm walking down the road until passing a car and they gave me a lift home this incident scarred me for life and I never gotten uber again my name is Kyle and I'm an uber driver and have been for around three and a half years most of the time I work from early evening or late at night I've had my fair share of rude weird and awkward customers but I never thought I would have my life threatened I think it was a Thursday night about 10:30 p.m. I get an alert from a guy named Caleb needing a ride to a house that was located in the countryside I pull up so a guy wearing dark blue jeans a black hoodie old white sneakers and a baseball cap I roll my window down and ask if he's Caleb he nodded yes and got in the back of my car I looked at him in the rearview mirror he was just looking out the window with his cap down and had both of his hands in his pockets of his hoodie that was enough for me to know that he wasn't interested in conversation and the destination was already set up as I picked him up so there was no need to make small talk either as we were nearing the house he set forward and started looking out of the window like he was looking for something or someone in particular he was looking around the quiet dark forest area as was I I then heard something thud on the floor of my car Caleb in pick it up whatever it was and put it back in his pocket but I took a look in the rearview mirror and saw that it was a gun the butt of a handgun was taken out of his pocket I look at Caleb to see if he'd noticed me looking at him but he was still looking out of the window my heart started racing and I began to panic I was thinking like I was about to get killed and needed to think quickly on how I'm going to get out of this situation we pull it up to an abandoned cottage I've been vandalized and forgotten about for years and outside were three hooded men standing around a barrel with a fire inside before I had a chance to do anything Caleb leaned forward pointed the gun and not back of my neck and grabbed the keys from my car turning off the engine at that point the three men turned toward the car I started to slowly approach it I thought I was about to get robbed beaten or even worse killed Caleb in said don't move as he got out of the car he approached the three men and started talking one of the men then handed him something I don't know what it was I couldn't make it out but shortly after that talking turned into arguing and it wasn't long before Caleb shot one of the men day before the other two ran off into the dark woods Caleb Ben turned to me pointed a handgun and fired causing the window to shatter thankfully I wasn't hit another gunshot went off coming from the woods Caleb turned toward the sound of the gunshot and led off two more rounds before running off into the woods himself I grabbed my phone and ran out of the car to the opposite direction when I thought I was far enough away I called the police as I was running I could still hear gunshots in the distance I told the police and go to the address I still had it on my phone so I know exactly where to send him two police cars drove by and one of them stopping for me as I was waving him down told them I was the one who called I was taken back to the station to make a more official statement I was also informed that the cottage was abandoned and found no one near the property in the woods the only thing they found was my car in the shattered window the police told me it was a drug deal gone bad and I should be considered lucky that I wasn't killed my name is Edie I'm 25 years old and I'm an uber driver the story happened about four months ago it was late on a Friday night around 11 p.m. and I was doing my pickups around local bars and nightclubs I had just finished dropping off some passengers when I got a notification from a guy named Jackson I pulled up to his location when a man peered through my window asking if I was aid his uber driver I said yeah you Jackson he replied yeah and got in once he got in my car I could see him more clearly yeah I loaned dirty blonde hair an unshaven face and red bags under his eyes he was wearing jeans and a dark blue hoodie I started driving toward the destination that he had marked down it wasn't long before I could smell his file odor I took a few glances at him in the rearview mirror he looked pretty paranoid he kept looking around outside as if he was searching for someone the place he was driving to was a bar on the quieter part of the town and I thought the bar was shut down but I didn't want to ask and make conversation with this guy as I didn't feel comfortable he didn't say anything at the start of the journey he was just looking around as I mentioned before it kept taking sips for some kind of liquor yet with him it was when we started to get to the quiet empty highway when he started talking he was saying things like life is precious and always be careful because you can lose someone too close to you I wasn't sure if he was even talking to me I just assumed he was he then showed me a picture of a woman and a young girl he said that was his wife and daughter a girl he said you have a nice family Ethan asked if I had a daughter I said yes but I don't really I don't know why I said yes but thank God I did because at that point Jackson told me to stop the car as I was stopping the car he wrapped his arm around my throat and pointed something in the back of my head boom he told me to go home to my daughter and be thankful as he said this he passed me the photo of his wife and daughter he then got out of the car and fled into the darkness of the night I'd then drove to the police station and reported what happened what they told me made the incident and Tom scared and what it already was after showing him the photo the man handed to me the police told me that the man had killed a woman and her daughter hours earlier and the police were out looking for him thinking about this story horrifies me I think about a lot of things but I had sadistic mania I came on a car now he murdered that woman in child I also think about how I told him I had a daughter honestly thing if I hadn't he would have killed me it won't be here to tell this story as far as I know the police still haven't found Jackson he's still out there somewhere I mentioned in a previous post that for a good week my car was in the shop getting fixed this resulted in me lifting just about everywhere and having to deal with a lot of weirdos now I already thought that the last lyft driver I had was already pretty bad but this guy takes the creepy cake I had just finished my shift and this dude picks me up by the name of angel but anyways as I get in the backseat of his car he pulls in my lyft photo and then zooms it on it repeatedly before he stares at me in the rearview mirror this is you he asks um yeah no no way how ordered you you look so cute how old are you as he says this he keeps pulling up my lyft photo I'm 22 what how old were you when you took this photo you look like a child you're so cute Wow and my head I was just like two years ago get off my butt but instead I didn't really answer and just kind of brushed him off he continues driving all the while staring at me whenever he can we get to a red light and he changes the radio station from Katy Perry to the Spanish channels I instantly groan inside because I'm mixed-race and this is getting pretty old for me a lot of people do this thing to me where they try and see if I can speak their language or know enough about their culture as if to approve me or something you speak Spanish you know this song this is real Spanish music you should give it a listen no I don't speak Spanish Thanks do you know any Spanish artists no I don't well that's okay even if you don't speak Spanish you'll do good on your honeymoon I asked what he means by that and he doesn't really give me an answer instead he asked what my work schedules like how many days a week I work is it always at that location do I live alone etc I answer him instead in half-truths saying oh I don't have a schedule yet or a fixed location as I'm training between locations that way he can't really find me or know my routine at all he just nods and homes all the while still just glancing at me right in the mirror a car cuts him off and then he honks before stating loudly move move I have a really pretty girl in the backseat of my car I tell him to let me out of the corner and he says no that'll take me to my door because I don't want it to be too obvious that I'm freaked out I tell him to go up to these random town houses which are all connected by a path and park he lets me out at the front of some random house and I move behind it and then wait until he drives off before I was exacted I mean he'll I almost got lost myself by walking around all these weird pathways until I finally found myself home so yeah angel let's definitely not encounter each other again me and my girlfriend were in a city in Texas right off the highway and was stopped at a tiny little gas station to get some beer and chips and such for some reason when we pulled in I felt the need to say I actually think I need to come in with you this time which was really weird because I usually always stay in the car whenever we go places or if I do get out I don't ever feel the need to announce it Wilma walked in and everything felt normal we were kind of just laughing and joking around about the half-naked Modelo girl cutout had a super pixelated face we then started looking at all of the beer and I was being really indecisive but could tell that we were both getting really sketched out so I just grabbed two coconut margarita type drinks without even thinking about it and rushed to the counter thinking that we needed to get out of there really quickly there was this growing feeling of being watched it was like pure malice that I haven't felt before I can't really describe it there was an old Hispanic man leaning on the ice cream cooler ride by the counter and pretty much watching every customer everything just felt slow it's hard to explain when I put my things on the counter the man started smiling at us really Wyatt and then started talking in a very strange manner it was like he was trying to be charming or personable but really just came off as really creepy outside the door I could see a man in a red jacket also just staring through the doors just watching and waiting it was pretty obvious now these men were waiting for us it's really hard to explain the overwhelming feeling of dread that we had and I didn't really talk about it until we're driving out of the parking lot the man in the red jacket was still circling the building and watching us as the car drove off the city we were in it has a pretty bad reputation for having a lot of human trafficking victims coming in and out and I honestly think that they were just waiting to find the perfect victim I honestly think that if I hadn't gone in with my girlfriend when I did she probably would have been taken or maybe they would have taken me from the car I've never had such an intense looming feeling of doom and paranoia in my life it seems very mundane but it was definitely a very close call we kept discussing at the rest of the night we're really lucky that we went in together and got out as quick as we could I mean who knows what could have happened the story happened a couple of years ago after a breakup I had a little time to myself and I just wanted to meet new people not necessarily to hook up but just go on dates here hinners JB seems nice enough and we met at the nearest city we had a pretty good date and I say goodbye we make some more arrangements to hang out and eventually we end up back at his flat in an area of a city that I knew quite well as I lived there as a student so I felt pretty confident and comfortable that his flatmates would also be home and that I wouldn't be completely alone with them we're sitting downstairs watching the office when his flatmates come home and they're making their meals and then he suggested to finish him watching an episode upstairs before I left for the bus well he has the smallest room with a single bed and no chairs he lays down on the bed and I sit on the end of it he encourages me to move up and I awkwardly do just that he says that he can't see so do i down so I lie down on the bed pretty uncomfortably but try to think logically and we hadn't even kissed yet so I mean what could really happen right at that moment I really wish that I just left without even a cuddle or anything the guy just grabbed my arm and then tries to shove my hand down his shorts nope luckily for me I was kind of clutching my handbag pretty close ish and I just flipped out of the bed into a standing position throw my bag over me and then ran downstairs with him saying oh my gosh I'm so sorry please don't leave he had no shoes on and he didn't know that I used to live in the city I was so out of there and down a different Street that we had come down earlier I was totally freaking out at the bus stop and on the phone trying to get a lift home before he finds me I finally make it home and no I never see him again I never saw him again but make no mistake that wasn't the last time I heard from him he went mighty quiet after I ignored his messages begging for me to meet up with him again I spied on his Facebook when he did go quiet and just a little curious and he had just moved in with a girlfriend I mean this was mere weeks after the event who moves him with someone that quick or maybe he was already seeing her I guess I'll never really know cue about 6 months and nothing I hadn't been on plenty of fish for a while after that and then in January I get a message from him he split with his girlfriend and he just wants to meet chat and have a coffee with me being a little bit lonely I kind of thought about it I agreed but I said that we could only meet in public he agrees we make plans in that evening and I'm leaving work and he says that he can't make it and that I should just meet him at his place nope I decline and I go straight home this goes on for a further six months and him badgering and guilting me into saying that I'd meet him in a coffee place and then him changing the plans last minute than me canceling this probably sounds like nothing until about June when I'd been messaging my friend who had lived the next town over let's call my friend M him had a really psycho ex-girlfriend that he had told me all about and him had a very normal name but it was spelled pretty unusual at least to me anyway so one evening I'm chilling at home and I get a whatsapp from a number that I don't recognize and it's mentioned to him and the way that his name is spelled I obviously freaked out and I didn't tell him that I think his crazy ex had sent me a message unfortunately I've totally forgotten what the threatening message actually was just that I was really freaked enough to ask who it was and I then get a message back you know M knows so M freaks out and I keep getting calls from this number into the early hours and the caller kept hanging up whenever I answered I suffered from anxiety at the time and the next morning I was a total wreck I went to work and got another slew of random calls later that night I decided to tell my cousin everything that happened and she called from her phone guess whose voicemail she got yes JB she leaves him a message saying to not contact me ever again or else the police will be involved I check his facebook oh what a wall later and he's apparently moving back to his home country hopefully I'll never meet him again this probably wasn't the most scary or creepy encounter but it was really playing on my mind and it really creeped me out I remember this like it was yesterday my brother and I were home alone for the night while our parents went out with their friends he's 17 and I'm 13 my brother left soon after my parents even though he was supposed to stay home recently a new neighbor just moved in next door some old guy I saw him speaking with our parents the first day at his house anyway we live in Florida and it was the winter time so it wasn't too cold I say this because we have a pool in our backyard that's heated and I love swimming at around 10:30 p.m. I decided to go swimming I called my friend to let him know so he said he'll come over he lives about a street away I started to swim some laps and as I come up for some air I saw the old man from next door standing on outside of our fence leaning against the gate with the creepiest smile on his face I lost all form of my swimming strokes and completely stopped I played it cool and I said hi he didn't even say hi he went straight to her I noticed that your parents aren't home I told him that my older brother is and he didn't said he's not I didn't see him when I was watching you through your bedroom window I didn't say anything I was just shocked he opened up the gate and started to speed walk toward me I began to back up in order to climb out of the pool while yelling help he was getting closer then he stopped and looked behind me my friend was on the other side of the fence running toward us and also on the phone with the cops my neighbor ran into his house the cops came but the old man denied everything he didn't know that my friend recorded him before he called the cops he was arrested and eventually moved away I don't know what his plan was but I'm glad my friend showed up obviously my parents were pissed at my brother for leaving when you're supposed to stay at home and watch me but they were happy I was okay to this day I haven't seen that guy since while in college I loved finding snakes so a friend of mine from the herpetology Club he showed me this road that he would cruise for snakes cruising is when you drive slowly down an old back roads after dark looking for snakes that have slithered onto the warmer road they heat up the road we took was about four miles and had around four houses on it we had taken a few laps on this road and we were making our final pass there are two houses near the beginning of the road one at the end and one near the middle but we're getting close to the sinner when we see movement on the left side of the road there are a lot of animals on this road so we weren't surprised to see this however what shoots out is this kid probably around eight or nine torn blue jeans in a rib dark t-shirt he takes one look at us in his face is a mix of fear and pain he looked back really quick from where they come out of then booked it across the road the guy I'm with he gets out of the car chasing to see if he's all right and I pull of the car up to the point where the boy went into the woods I'm starting to get out of the car when my friend walks back quickly he just says let's go now we hop in the car and tear out of there he says there's a graveyard about 10 yards into the woods where the boy had ran and it was five gravestones with the same death date they all had the same last name and one was a boy who was 9 we never came back for the rest of the summer to that road we usually would go out once or twice a week but not anymore the next year when my friend I graduated I took my girlfriend out to that road we are going early to try and find different types of snakes because different snakes tend to move at different times of the day we got to the house and of the graveyard and there's three men doing some yard work I roll down the window and I explained what I was doing and asked him about the graveyard apparently their dads brothers family had all had died and then a space heater caught on fire around 20 years ago I kept pushing and asking him about it and they told me the fireman or whoever does it have found all the bodies in the rubble except for the youngest son but they assumed he was too far burned I asked if they had a little brother in the six-four 250-pound man said he was the youngest when I gave the description of the kid I saw they all went white they all have you know individually seen the kid I was talking about and he always runs into the gravesite I have never been on that road again honestly I have no plans on going back I'm not too fond of the paranormal [Music] my onion uncle moved into a new house I was staying with them for a week but I got a weird vibe about their house I was sleeping in the head again around 3:00 a.m. I woke up to find my six-year-old cousin's standing next to my bed staring at me he just started telling me about his imaginary friend Maury the next day when I asked his parents about it they told me he didn't have an imaginary friend and they said he never had one in your previous house they decided to ask him about it but he said he had no idea what they were talking about the next night around 3:00 a.m. I woke up again to find my little cousin staring right at me she kept repeating over and over why did you tell why did you tell why did you tell I tried to talk to him and he started telling me about how more you would appear in his dreams at night to eat dinner with his family whenever at the table I asked him how he met Morey and he told me that Maury came to him and asked him if he can come inside of him he said yeah sure come in that's when Mora started to come beside his bed every night to talk to him the next day I told his parents but they didn't believe me they thought I was making it up on my final night in the house I was awoken by I think something under my bed at this point I was very scared but I worked up the courage to peek under my bed I found my little cousin hiding under there he said he was protecting me they told me that Maury couldn't trust me and he wants me gone and that Maury won't hurt me if he's there to protect me then he started going back and forth with someone who wasn't there moving around like he was wrestling with someone did not heard the words kill him it was a deep raspy voice that I've never heard before those were the last words I heard him say I ran faster than I ever have before and made it at least three blocks down the road before my uncle caught up with me and begged me to come back they asked me what had happened and when I told him again they didn't believe me and when we walked back to the house and went upstairs my cousin was in his bed sound asleep I left the next morning and never went back that was a very creepy experience in my life very creepy and I can't compare to any other experience ever and it's extremely difficult for me to talk about because I really don't know what was going on my cousin doesn't remember well my uncle still don't believe me at the same time my cousin has always been weird ever since that day and he doesn't make a lot of friends I don't know I figured that I'll get this story out there to other people so I won't keep it bottled up inside to add to that I've never been back to my cousin's house because I don't trust him I don't trust my aunt and I don't trust my uncle something's up with that family and it isn't something good just be careful the company you keep whether it's your family whether it's your friends just always be careful you never know the intentions of people around you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Martin Animations
Views: 1,671,380
Rating: 4.8399348 out of 5
Keywords: horror stories animated, animated horror stories, horror stories, true scary stories, true horror stories, scary stories, llama art horror stories animated, true horror stories animated, 4 horror stories animated, horror story animated, stories animated, 4 creepy true horror stories, 4 creepy true horro stories mr nightmare, true horror story animated, 12 horror stories animated, horror story animated compilation, horror animation compilation
Id: iYlSnkMq9BI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 27sec (4647 seconds)
Published: Sun May 03 2020
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