Online Classes Horror Story Animated

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I'm not really a fan of online classes to be honest I miss my school and I miss my friends but we're unable to leave our house after the recent outbreak in my country it's situations like these where you really realize how much you took for granted just by going outside going to the movies to the beach or just simply doing whatever you wanted but I don't want to be infected so I obey the state's order to quarantine and wash my hands really often and avoid touching my face to give you some background information I live alone I rent an apartment while studying in a big city for my parents we've never really gotten along so I decided to go back to my hometown they would make me do the laundry and cook every day like last summer I'm not falling for that again not this time this really creepy situation happened to me during my last online class of the day I have heard stories about people doing pranks by hacking into random classroom meetings on the Internet and I never expected I could ever go this far a scary stranger made me frightened for my life for the next few nights I attend a University where classes on Thursday ends around 9:00 p.m. it was half past eight and I was already so bored and tired after a whole day of sitting on my desk chair I was drinking an energy drink and pretending to listen to my teacher while scrolling on my phone under the table it was already dark outside and the only light in my room was emitted by the display of a shiny full moon coming through the window my teacher I decided to enter class sooner because we were listening carefully and actively participating in the lesson obviously he wasn't talking about me I thought to myself and I lost slightly most of the lesson I was on my phone anyway yes I know I'm lazy but I'm sure you've all done this plenty of times in your classes to teacher and the students left the class but me and a few of my friends stayed a while longer to talk about some school stuff for a few minutes we were talking and joking around all of a sudden someone entered our chat room his nickname was Tim 16 and he had turned on the microphone and a camera but we couldn't see anything because it was pitch black me and my friends were so confused and it was funny in the beginning we thought it was one of our friends who came back to the chat room to prank us but soon it became too creepy to even categorize it as a prank we asked him some questions like who are you or how did you even get into this meeting but the only answer we got was just breathing I could recognize a window or door through his camera and see some movement there but I figure it was too dark to make up even a face or her face my friends and I decided to make fun of them had started to say some things like oh I'm so scared of you mr. mysterious guy I'm gonna piss my pants right now of course with a really bad acting along with it we were all laughing when he finally said something with a really heavy evil voice it was so terrifying that we all froze in fear shivers went down my spine he was using one of those voice modulating apps but still it was even scary as hell just to consider the fact that I was sitting alone in my room and it was nighttime suddenly the mood in the chat room was serious ok whoever the hell you are please stop pranking us because it's not funny anymore my friend Thomas told him I still thought it was one of our best friends but he was just pushing it way too far at this point suddenly the figure and the screen came closer I can make out some of the facial attributes I don't know if it was because of his low quality camera that he was using or if there was something wrong with my own display but his face looks so deformed I was so scared maybe it was a mask or something I asked myself someone really wants to scare us with the sixth joke if this would turn out to be just a praying from one of our classmates I swear to god I'll beat their ass I texted Thomas in a private chat then the man said because you were so mean to me I'll have to punish you first won't be Thomas cui in police resume then he left the chat room how the hell did he even know his name on the chat he had his nickname as student 85 this must have been somebody that Thomas knew at that point I had a huge lump in my throat I couldn't even say a word I think some of my friends in my chat room has some of the same feelings as well we all looked through each other and we all agreed to in this meeting for today so we all closed out the chat room nobody was thinking straight at this point when I turned off my computer I immediately felt like somebody was watching me from outside I hopped to the window and I closed it I knew it was just my imagination but I just couldn't stop thinking about this guy and his weird deformed face on that computer even more scary was the fact that I was alone in my apartment I immediately locked the doors and I went straight to bed after a long sleepless night I texted Thomas and I was fortunate to know that he was okay and nobody was anywhere in his house all evening we were both scared and decided to text all of our classmates and let our teacher know about the incident nobody admitted to this type of prank we gave up after a few days of trying to figure out who it was but that person never again joined our chat room or even appeared around Thomas's house I really hope it was just a prank and I will never see him again or that face I'm still anxious even having online classes in the evening on Thursday nights but it's becoming more and more bearable I really can't wait for this outbreak to be over and we can just all go back to our normal daily lives
Channel: Mort
Views: 202,015
Rating: 4.9264293 out of 5
Keywords: mcdonald's horror, creepy mcdonald, horror story, reddit stories animated, true horror story animated, ron mcdonalds horror, scary clown, mcdonalds clown horror story, animated horror compilation, deep web horror story, deep web animated, kfc animated horror story, school lockdown, school horror story, school lockdown horror animated, quarantine, virus, isolation, home alone horror story, college horror story animated
Id: 9mlIFWGxle0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 24sec (384 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 24 2020
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