2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: Love: The Secret to Success (6:30 p.m. CT)

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thank you lord jesus father we come before the word tonight with expected hearts this has come up on the inside of me as you know and i thank you for the anointing i thank you for the gifts necessary in the spirit to deliver this message accurately and i call upon the spirit of god and the angels of god to move on the hearts and the minds of the people both in this building on those watching on the victory channel the victory network and those watching online wherever they are in the world that they will hear equally as accurately and that we will be on the same wavelength and that we will be on your wavelength and we can see in the spirit what you are saying by your spirit and we thank you for it and we declare that all of the glory for every word and every deed must go must absolutely must go to the wonderful matchless glorious name that is above every name that's named the name not a name the name the name and tonight we bow our knee to that name and we confess that jesus is lord to the glory of god the father we pray it in the name of jesus and therefore we fully expect every word of it to come to pass thank you thank you thank you thank you not a bitter use in the world me staying up here yes sir don't want to do it your honor and respect for the word of god for the man of god and for the works of the spirit has brought you into a place that will take you farther now in the spirit than you have ever been before and the work of the spirit and the power of the spirit and the gifts of the spirit will therefore function in your life as you give him the honor and the glory and spend much time before him on your knees and he will cause you to understand and to see and to know things that you never dreamed you would ever know in the name of jesus in the name of jesus glory to god glory to god glory to god now whatever this has been in the way of your knees in the name of jesus and certain pains and aches must leave your body in jesus name hallelujah thank you amen yes sir glory to god thank you lord jesus thank you lord i'll get all my equipment up here thank you lord jesus and the time that has been allotted to me i want to talk to you about love the secret to success the god kind of love the agape love not the filial love agape the god kind of love is love on purpose it doesn't have it doesn't need it's not necessary for it to feel good about anything god loves because he is love and love is good but brother copeland this is a military meeting i'm well aware of that and that's that is from that angle that we will be talking about this and particularly those of you that are in the military now or planning to be in the military listen up listen up and this could very easily help some people that have already been in the military and have seen some nasty stuff so the first thing we'll look at is the soldier's psalm well we're going to look at two things together the 91st psalm thank you lord i tell you what i'm going to do that from the classic amplifier tonight and um now don't read just listen i probably put it up on the screen but just listen here he who dwells lives in the secret place of the most high who is love amen he is love he has faith he is love [Applause] shall he will remain stable and fixed under the shadow of shaddai whose power no foe can withstand we already there hallelujah glory to god now but it's no good unless you say something i will say of the lord he is my refuge he is my fortress he is my god on him i lean and rely and in him i confidently trust for then he'll deliver me he will i said he will deliver me no if ands or buts about it he will he is love he loves me and he will thank you lord thank you lord now i want to go over here to the book of numbers this is the soldier's promise a lot of people chap you know over the years i've had personal experience with this uh a man very very close uh keith kerber colonel keith culver oh pastors in wasilla alaska special forces a bad pastor he's a pastor they'll kill you if he has to yes sir to defend the constitution that's right that's right now we were there when he was about to be deployed and so he said no all right you know here we go so i talked to him about this and i said keith now there's record of this and we discussed the record that happened in world war one and then again in world war ii where commanders taught their units the 91st psalm and you had to be able to quote it like you did the orders of the day you had to be i mean if he called for verse 5 you better come up with verse 5. hit a brace and say it until you just ingrained it in people just ingrained it he and and he said you know i'm taking over a unit that has had a lot of casualties really too many and he said i'm going to do that and so i said well as soon as you get back let me hear what happened well i didn't know he was going to call me at three o'clock in the morning but he had just i mean he just got back to the stateside the phone rang there by my bed and he said it's keith hey colonel what what have man he said it worked just like you said we had no casualty we had zero casualty but he said everybody there memorized that 91st psalm and he said we hey we that it was a absolute for the whole two years nobody got a scratch but he said now he said kenneth i i have a problem though he said when i left and another commander took my place he said they began to have casualties again not as many as they had i said keith that's simple those guys were saying that and memorized that because you ordered them too now that some of them were saying it because you said to but it's still work that's right now you got a bunch of lazy ones that didn't believe it now he didn't say this this is just me i expect those were the casualties there were some of them stayed with it but that's so easy to understand it ain't even funny it's the word of god he is my refuge he is my fortress he is my god and in him i do trust and i'm about to say so and then he will deliver me and if when you when you go on down then you come to the place where he says he has placed his love upon me now listen michael aiken um he has known my name [Laughter] he's known my name he's known my covenant he's a covenant man and i'll keep him and with long life i'll satisfy him and show him my salvation that's a soldier but now wait a minute he cannot he cannot be quoting that 91st psalm and then the next breath take god's name in vain there's no way that's going to work oh brother copeland i just don't see i just don't see it well because you don't see that mean anything now what about david the warrior king a lot of combat sir a lot of combat you went and you think he just got in all that and just went just just lost the power of his tongue no david wrote 75 of the psalms here's what he said i will bless the lord at all times his praise shall continually be in my mouth when absalom was was after him trying to kill him you know what he said i just lay down and slept he was really afraid wasn't he then he said you alone o lord make me dwell in safety in my sleep to sweep they get after me i just go to sleep in god but he kept praise in his mouth he did some ugly stuff but he kept his mouth this is man after god who is love's own heart because when he missed it he just fall on his knees and he kept praise in his mouth even in times of awesome combat when he came against goliath now goliath had a nasty mouth and he cursed david well that was his final words things didn't work out too well for him so david didn't say i'm coming after you and i'm going to kill you that's not what he said he said i come to you in the name of the lord god of hosts he came in the name he came in the name and the lord god of hosts lord of saboth is the lord of the angelic armies of god learn to go to war surrounded by angels and depend on them and know how to depend on them know how to look toward the lord of saboth and his name is jesus hallelujah so now let's talk about that's the soldiers song let's talk about the soldier's promise i've never i've never heard too much about the soldiers promise but it's huge we have any any people in here that were in southeast asia okay let me come around here let me visit with you a little bit now first of all welcome home soldier now back there then my microphone wasn't big enough to make much noise but i did the best i could now here is the answer this is the answer to a combat soldier particularly infantryman army marine corps i mean you know down in the weeds this is it and moses said unto them if you will do this thing well i'll put there if you don't forget it because you're just i mean you're just a mud pounder like everybody else but if you'll do this thing [Music] if you will go armed before the lord to war that changes the whole formula armed before the lord answering to him with every word every action every thought i've heard this i've known of it personally remorse and guilt because you're the only one left that's no time for guilt that's time for joy but now here's here's the here's the key and we'll go all of you armed over jordan before the lord until he has driven out his enemies before him you're just the tool now when i was in the army 65 years ago this coming january we were i mean the m1 garand was our weapon heavy rascal a little over nine pounds without the bayonet it's just it's a club of wood brother but it's a good weapon it was good but it was nothing but a stick without me just a big heavy club without the soldier the soldier is no good if he or she takes all the responsibility upon themselves that just won't work you and i are not equipped to handle that yeah we weren't built for war we were created by a god of love but he's also a god of war and it's when the prince of peace becomes the god of war when mean unreasonable ungodly and merciful doggy people get to the place where local law enforcement can no longer handle it then somebody has to call the soldier it takes a soldier to step in there and make the difference it takes a marine to step in there and make the difference it takes an airman it takes a whole crew of people to make the difference i believe in war yes sir thank god for it i do not believe in going to war and fight a war you can't win but then that's not my decision as a soldier now listen to this and the land be subdued before the lord not before the soldier but before the lord who is love then afterward listen you shall return you're coming home bob i'm you do it this way and you're coming home and you're not coming home all messed up either you go to bed and sleep like a baby yeah somebody said yeah i cried all night long no no that's not no no no no look you shall return and you will be guiltless before the lord and before israel and this land shall be your procession before the lord amen guiltless guiltless that's that's where the devil just rips it to people feeling guilty even when you did a good job come home feeling guilty and he just tarry all the pieces no you went before the lord you did it his way and you did it because he needed you and you will return and you will be guiltless now you'll have to contend for it and when the devil tries to put it on you just put your foot down and say no i'm a soldier not a killer i'm guiltless because i did it god's way i came against his enemy this is his nation the first act of congress in this country our president george washington said you will be our god and we will be your people amen god never forgets a covenant i don't care if it is nearly 300 years old what difference does that make to god 300 years is 10 seconds to him that's still in his face and i'm glad yeah because we've had some pretty goofy stuff over the last 245 years but no enemy will be able to take this country down until he's done with it yes do you know what i said yes amen amen now now that we have that that part settled we can continue to explore that the the god kind of love is the secret and it is the gateway to success it is the um the greatest ideas in this country i like to study success and then go back and study the you know the henry ford's and the and andrew carnegie's and and and thomas edison and and uh and different ones that you know over the years in their success and the one and you'd be surprised you'd be shocked how many of these men were tithers john d rockefeller was born a very poor family but he had a baptist mother and she insisted that he tithe on whatever he got in his hands he said if i hadn't tithed on that first million i never would have on the second. but he continued and continued and continued to give he was dying of ulcers living on crackers and milk and he thought he was 50 some years old and he said that he he lay in the bed couldn't sleep pain what is it and and prayed like this what is it i have all this money now and i'm about to die what is it that i have not done yet and the more he thought about it and the more he prayed about it he began to realize i've never tried to give it all away and that's what i'm going to do now those of you that remember polio oh oh listen i was a little boy when that scourge was going on my cousin had it a second cousin she had big scars on the inside of her feet here they had to cut her feet where they get them to work where she could walk and she got to where she could walk you you'd never know it did you ever hear the march of dimes of course you did but the old john rockefeller laid a mile of dimes not not some 57 years old he got healed he laid a mile of dimes i think he was right down fifth avenue in new york that's the way the march of dimes were born to find a cure and they eventually got the vaccination hallelujah why because a man decided to give and he got healed these these men all talked about the door and the gateway to success is service and think about now think about what jesus said well let's look at it in the sixth chapter of luke sixth chapter of luke is oh it is just of course it's jesus sermon but it is so powerful you remember that this is also the one that said give and it'll be given unto you well in fact let's just back up here 6 27 excuse me but i say unto you which here what jesus love your enemies [Music] what do good to them which dislike you no that hate you bless them that curse you pray for them which despitefully use you but now brother copeland this couldn't mean the soldier this absolutely has to mean the soldier especially the soldier especially the police officer now i never thought i'd live to see the day when people were so fouled up that you want to get rid of the police force you've got to have bbs for brains to do that well brother copeland there's bad cops yeah there's bad soldiers too there's bad governors and bad mayors and you know i'm not sure there is but what did he just say those are the ones you need to be praying for amen amen and loving them out of their stupid ways our president is in a mess i do not agree with his politics but if there ever was a time we better be praying for him i'm going to tell you something my brother and sister it's right now it is right now thank god there are some people that are getting some folks out of there yes i was privileged to be a just this little small part of getting at least five thousand christians out of afghanistan i mean you know just just really a very small part of it but it turned out to be the most miraculous thing we ever did no i didn't we didn't fly our airplane into afghanistan i was born at night but it wasn't last night no way i'm going to be doing that [Laughter] no we just we took some folks close by in order to take video and prove that the money that had been raised was actually doing what it was supposed to do so that the banks could release less money and we had the airplane that could help do it and thank god so anyway what did he say bless them that curse you pray for them that despitefully use you well what kind of guff are you going to take on the battlefield and all you drink is milk and say praise god they're going to call you everything they can think of for a little while but after a while it changes doesn't it yet it changes yes sir i remember a southern baptist chaplain and chef i never will forget him man the others just you know just kind of we were just in the way and not just a big tall good-looking soldier and uh and he's one of them kind you know he'd been there and come back and became a chaplain that's those are the ones that are so real yeah and the others would would say i'm going to tell you right now i you go down there and you get drunked up in town don't call me i don't care nothing but you know better than to do that he was just exactly the opposite he would he would say things like you know now i'd whole lot rather you didn't go down there and make a fool out of yourself but if you do and you get in trouble i'm the man to call because i'll help you then i paid attention to him and back in those days i mean i lost as a goose in a hail storm i mean i you know i was trying to go to hell mother wouldn't let me you know but that that southern baptist chaplain really he gave me a new testament that had an olive wood back on it with a cross engraved in it the champion was precious to me man and that that chaplain i just i thought about him a lot i loved him yes because he loved me and as bad as my mouth was and want no way he's going to be bad around him because he's a combat soldier yes sir had become a chaplain glory to god somebody say amen hallelujah now then give to every man that asks of thee and of him that takes away your goods ask them not again and so forth and so on and verse 31 and as you would that men should do to you do you also to them likewise for if you love them which love you what thank have you for sinners also love those that love them and if you do good to them which do good to you what thank have you what's he saying how can i thank you for that you're not helping me at all i'm your lord and i'm your savior but the only one you'll have anything to do with the one that like you and you won't have anything to do with the nasty people but if you be good to them i'll be good to them through you and we'll turn some of these folks around if everybody did that you'd be surprised how many of those early on very wealthy men actually believed that and did it on purpose there was one man that tithed for a long time before he ever got saved because he saw that it worked it worked for these other men and he did it i'll give it to god i'll give him 10 of what i have i need him i don't know anything about him and it worked and because it did work then he got saved this this is the way service works i don't know a thing in the world about the man that started amazon just you know except i don't know anything about him personally is what i'm saying but here is a man with a really good idea to serve people particularly people that couldn't go somewhere and shop and he's got his own spaceship for crying out and just went in space just because he could it's about time holy ghost folks got some of those ideas those ideas come along all the time and people pass them off as nothing yes but did you know every invention that ever happened at one time or another was an idea that just wouldn't quit the cell phone what a cell phone cell phone does that mean it came from jail or a cell a flip phone they got the idea from star trek somebody decided they'd have a phone like i said i'm old first week of december birthday hint i'll be 85 and it's ah anybody can get 85 it's just one day at a time but i remember any of you remember dick tracy and his watch radio that's almost what this one is see what is that thing well that little guy right there says it's 903 and so far i've done 3988 steps today that's pretty good it's nowhere near what i usually do but i didn't work out today i had to come here [Laughter] i can't talk over it but it gets on me when i don't work out hard enough it was a good idea a good idea that somebody had and now it's an app huh an app app there was no such word as app but somebody had an idea well you can't put application all over the good ideas there's god ideas but they're all wrapped up in love and they're all wrapped up in service amen now let's talk about faith this is still strange to me open your ipads that was a good idea wasn't it let's see what faith is in the classic amplified now faith is the assurance the confirmation the title deed of the things we hope for being the proof of the things we do not see and the conviction of their reality faith perceiving as real fact what is not revealed to the senses there it is and you know how faith has been used that people talk about well what is your faith what faith are you that's talking about a denomination or something like that that that you know there's nothing wrong with that but that's not what faith is faith is a creative force of god by faith we understand that the worlds during the successive ages were framed fashioned put in order and equipped for their intended purpose by the word of god so that what we see was not made out of things which are visible of course not it was made out of the creative force of faith now it was not made out of nothing it was made out of something you can't see and you can't see faith but you can see the results of it but now wait a minute in the book of galatians boy isn't that a great little book 5 1 stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith christ has made us free be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage behold i paul say unto you that if you be circumcised christ the anointed one in his anointing shall profit you nothing for i testify again to every man that is circumcised that he is debtor to do the whole law christ is become of no effect unto you whosoever of you are justified by the law you're fallen from grace for through the spirit wait for the hope of righteousness by faith for in jesus christ neither circumcision avails anything nor uncircumcision but faith which works by agape love it works by love of course it does mark 11 22 have faith in god your cross references say have the faith of god or as brother hagin used to say have the god kind of faith well we're talking about the god the god kind of loved have faith in god folks that's the answer to everything have faith in god have faith in god what is it brother schambach used to say you don't have any trouble all you need is faith in god somebody shout amen somebody lord i get talking about these men i miss them man i i'll tell you he i got such a big kick out of him he said he he said you know they they run those things in the paper there whether they say you know maybe there's some money for somebody and somebody said oh they don't use looking in there he said i do he said i look for sham box sham bozo shambanger anything if it just got a sham on it i wanna and then of course he learned from a.a allen miracles uh bold men of faith now my father in the faith oral roberts two things he said all the time god is a good god now until then was written by stewart hamlin and so was god is a good god god is a good god and he played that on all of his his radio broadcast and then his television broadcast god is now you can copyright uh lyrics but you can't copyright a title and there's another one i like this one god is a good god yes he is and he is love yes he is he's a good god and he's he's the soldier's best friend yeah but you have to do it his way yes so faith which works by love now in winding this down the big thing about faith and love is not always a big thing i was talking about during the offering i was talking about the you know the things that we've learned over the years and helping people everywhere we go and and and uh jerry savelle and jesse duplantis and i we were we were all in hawaii and we had ministered there we had when we had come back across the country and stopped there for rest anyway before we came in home and we just walked past this restaurant and i can just i can just see it in my mind it's a nice restaurant i mean it wasn't anything all that special but it was nice and we walked back and the lord just stopped me right where i was and they stopped and i said i need to go in here so we just all walked in there and the lord said see that man right there he was a waiter in there in that restaurant he said he's hurting financially helping so i just caught i said sir something like that i don't remember the exact word but i said um you know it just i believe the lord had me come in here and that you're hurting financially and he just dropped his head like that well i just reached in my pocket and got what i had in there i think i had i don't remember now you know a couple hundred dollars or something and i just got it i just handed it to him and jerry said wait a minute jesse said wait a minute within about 30 seconds we had four or five hundred dollars in that man's hand and his whole life changed his whole countless change he's just all the tears coming down his face just because of that little thing we were all on a motorcycle trip up in colorado and then the whole gang we call ourselves the glory gang i mean the whole gang of us was up there and we went in this restaurant in nestus park and it it was it was very crowded and so there was happy and genie kathy and jesse gloria and me and let's see jeannie happy caldwell and dennis and vicky bird so this woman came over there and she had to sit the tables together and seem to drug them up there and uh you know just anyway first we didn't pay attention to it and she came over there and jerking stuff around what do you want to drink well everybody wanted iced tea and so she brought the ice to it and somebody said can we have some water okay she went over and got water all of us picked it up in the spirit at the same time that there's something wrong here so i looked at everybody and they we just all did it almost the same time i said okay uh and i pulled i think it was one of those it wasn't mine but it was a seat right on the end there and so we just turned it around she came over there with all that water and and i said come here baby come here what sit down man now 99 of the people who got mad at her and said she's getting no tip out of me today well that wouldn't have helped her any you always have to be ready the little stuff and so we just gathered around her and i said i don't know what has hurt you but we're just a bunch of preachers and we're going to pray for you and everything's going to be all right and we didn't wait to see if she wanted to or not we just all gathered around her and started telling us you don't know what my sister did she's every wedding [Music] well you can imagine the size of the tip all of us and prayed the sinner's prayer with her it changed is there anything else i can get you anything at all anything at all some more tea no everything excuse you really she followed us all the way to the to the front door and waved us those are good-looking bikes you're riding just because of love changed her whole day i dare say changed her life because she earnestly prayed that prayer what happens let me just talk to you men a little bit i've never been in a woman's restaurant i understand but i i've seen guys come in the restroom and just go over there at that towel rack and just start dragging the towels out somebody had to pay for those well they're free not to everybody you take the ones you need and then when you get through clean off the counter and pray for the prosperity of the people that own this restaurant or on this service station and then when you walk out [Music] the smile on your face i don't care if it was the nastiest old truck stop restroom you've ever seen you just walk out of there and say it i'll tell you one thing partner that restroom was right on time i assured you appreciate it you know i mean just get a smile he knows how nasty it is he's been in there i was working in a service station in the night out in california i was on night duty all the freaks came out and there was one guy that loved to set fires on the in the towels and the the trash tails in a rack he just loved going there and set him on fire so i know what some of these guys are putting up with i've been there my dad taught me things yes he said to me one time he said don't just sit around you're there to help i was working in an esso station now in texas esso humble they're they're saying that but the the thing of it is they have red fuel pumps and the the pumps were faded out it's hot in the summertime there in fort worth and those pumps had faded out and everything in the middle of the day and this is back when it was a service station not a 7-11 you do it yourself people actually drove in there and i went up and said what would you like and actually cleaned the windshield can you believe it and i i got to look at those pumps uh and just because my dad and my dad loved people he was a he was a people man and oral robert is a people man and he said to me so many times he'd say meet the needs of the people yeah you're not you're not writing that part in a letter to get your needs met you're writing that part in a letter to get their needs met and i got looking at those puns and i found some remnants of polish and some and some compound that just you know cans that have almost been used up and get some clean uh shop rags i didn't even try to do a big fine job and just polish those pumps and the redder they got the more excited i got about shining those things i mean i'm a red guy anyway i like red everything i have is red white and blue my travel pillowcase is red white and blue i never have been able to find any shorts that are red white and blue but i'm still looking anyway my car's red and glorious is blue so there it used to be white but anyway and i got to looking at those pumps and they got to where they're looking better and looking better and so finally i took a little my own money and got a new can of compound and a new can of polish and went to work on those pumps and i don't you know they were looking good and the boss never said anything about it i don't care i didn't do it for his sake i really never thought about it but you know what he did say and this is just a summer job now i was in high school he knew i had to go back to school he said kenneth i don't know what you plan to do with your life but anytime you want to come work for me son you just call me he said i'd love to have you back then he told my dad later he said you know that boy shine my gas pump well i just did it because my dad set me on that track my dad serves people he loved people so those if the little foxes spoil the vine the little acts of love create great blessing blessing for other people blessing for you you may never ever get thanked for it but it's building something up in you that is like a shield of faith and when the bad stuff comes along it just bounces off your shield amen because faith works by love now let's talk about the battlefield and i'll close at this this is not something i just heard this happened to a very very close friend of mine he was an f-100 pilot flew into misty squadron very high high risk squadron and to give you an idea now now hugh was raised in southern baptist church and was a strong strong young man and he said he told me he said i i knew nobody could kill me if they couldn't kill david they couldn't kill me he said i really believed that but he said i started having a dream and i kept having this dream and i dreamed it over and over and over he said it got on my mind so that i couldn't sleep for it and he said i'd go to the officer's club now he said kenneth i'd absolutely told her but he said i'd take a drink or two just try and go to sleep and it didn't do any good he said i just dreamed that same dream until it but then he said it stopped and he said then they they when they briefed us on this mission they said there's a strong probability of it from 50 to 60 casualties on this one mission long mission something like eight or nine hours i mean you go in and come back and get on the tanker go back in go out and get on the tanker come back in and he said all of a sudden he said i was calling of course i where somebody was down and i was pointing out gun emplacements and he said i realize i'm flying that dream now this is the kind of man i'm talking about before i knew him one of the ways um he later came to work for this ministry he's the one that taught gloria how to fly hugh smith he's in heaven now oh what a man of god my mother had a prayer group and it would get so big on monday night she could not get my daddy's house and when he would get to where they she'd block the neighborhood she'd shut it down and it would turn into a church and she'd wait about a year 18 months start over again well see somebody brought you over there to my mother's prayer and he had he came out of the air force went to work for braniff and just was i don't know kind of sick of himself and everything else and they're in my mother's living room he she he was sitting in a chair and mother was just standing there looking at him she said young man there's a spirit of murder on you he said at first i but she said unless you get this spirit of murder off you she didn't know anything about him she didn't know he'd been in the airport she said there's a spirit of murder on you and and until you get this off of you and out of you you're not going to be happy with anything and she laid hands on him and cast that thing out of him and he said he knew exactly when it left then he knew exactly what it was they would go in and bomb enemy airfields just tear them apart immediately hundreds maybe even thousands i don't know chinese would just come out there and within a few minutes that runway's right back like it was so they're just wasting the wasting ordinance and just wasting fuel and just going through all of this and having to put up with this and he told me he said kenneth i would lie there in my bunk trying to figure out ways i can kill more of those people he said i got to where i hated them for what they were doing and it's costing me people in my squadron under my command because i can't stop the enemy fighters on account of all these chinese and he said i hated them and i couldn't when i see it's a born-again man but not spirit-filled nobody taught him so he said i just let anybody said i finally figured it out he said i'd take take one squad in bomb it like we used to keep the other one in reserve they all got out there and got in the middle of what they're doing just go in there and just kill them like stomping flies murder murder on the battlefield he said i could have come to a conclusion in prayer and not been responsible for hating those people and he never would have been he would have lived with that it thought at that time nobody knew what ptsd was but that would have been on his mind and all the time i murdered all those people and the devil would see to it it'd drive you right out of your mind that's right but once that spirit was gone and then then that baptist boy got baptized in the holy ghost and he became a soldier in the army of the lord and we flew together in the ministry until he went into his own ministry and one of the most brilliant faith preachers i ever heard in my life do you see you you see where we go with this on that that will not work on the battlefield why he was not defending the constitution of the united states he's murdering chinese that's the difference he wasn't armed before the lord if he'd had the lord on his mind the lord just showed him some way to do it without without going at it that way everybody's stand with me please thank you lord thank you lord jesus praise your lord jesus let's just praise the lord here for a few moments praise him and thank him praise him in thanking praise him and thank you now of course i don't know you but jesus you have to understand this nobody no man before no man ever will again suffer like he suffered no he not only died on the cross he not only bore our sins in his own body on the tree that we might being dead to sin should live unto righteousness by whose stripes we were healed no not only that study the new testament study all of the first testaments types and shadows it plainly says that jesus went in to hell and suffered there for three days and three nights no this was a high sabbath it did not start at friday it started wednesday evening it said so in the gospel of john he did all the hard part he took those stripes on his back beat almost to death to the point where according to the book of isaiah the 52nd chapter he no longer resembled a human being and after all that he still shouted with a loud voice [Music] and took all of that on himself went into hell and paid the price so that you so that i could just simply pray a simple prayer he did all the hard part but he could not pray your prayer he could not pray my prayer so the first week in november of 1962 just a little before 8 o'clock in the evening i had just flown a charter trip for a man in north little rock arkansas with arkansas louisiana gas company by the name of weir i came in and just just had gone glorious was preparing supper and i've gone in the bedroom and and changed clothes and i came out and had one shoe on and one shoe off and all of a sudden the room filled up with the glory of god and i heard it down in here kenneth if you don't get right with me you headed to a devil's hell son i said i know it well what do i do now i heard my sunday school teacher's voice i heard mrs taggart we called her old lady taggers she called herself old lady taggart and she said boys you have to ask jesus to come in your heart i can just see her right now she was a little short she was a widow woman and she wore black all the time and she wore a little little black straw hat with a little with a little artificial flower in it old lady attacker oled tiger one meat of the lord so she gets part of everything that comes in ministry asked jesus to come into your heart i thought that sounds just as dumb as it did the first time i heard but i don't know what else to do so i did it i said jesus come into my heart oh the only way i have ever been able to describe that is if you had been raised in a boiler room and suddenly somebody turned it off the silence would have been the loudest thing you had ever heard in your life and i felt this square feeling kind of a block in my mouth and from that day until this second day of november 1962 from that day to this i have never used profanity of any kind sense amen all i said was jesus come into my heart gloria had done so two weeks before she didn't say anything to me about it now she was raised in a church that didn't say anything about the new birth she never heard the phrase born again she'd never heard anybody pray the sinner's prayer she just said lord take my life and do something with it well i would say he did and she never heard born again until after she was baptized in the holy ghost in 1963. so whoever you are and wherever you are you've never accepted jesus as your lord and savior don't you go one more second without him this is your moment this is your time and all of us here we're going to we're going to pray and we're going to lead you to the throne of grace and anyone in this room that's doubtful about your own situation we're just going to all pray this together so let's just lift our hands before god oh god in heaven i believe with all my heart that you raised jesus from the dead jesus [Music] come into my heart take my life i give it to you do something with it i receive your life fill me now with your precious holy spirit to overflowing i receive now the infilling of the spirit and i fully expect to speak with other tongues just like they did on the day of pentecost jesus the gift to the world the holy spirit ah the gift to the church oh glory to god now let's just lift our hands and let's just praise him thank him thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus thank you lord jesus and all of you all all of you anyone out there that accepted the lord received the spirit of god tonight we want to hear about it let us know about it let it hey email a shout call whatever you need to do thank you jesus you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 10,968
Rating: 4.8769231 out of 5
Id: ol61qq1EDK8
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Length: 79min 1sec (4741 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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