2017 Southwest Believers’ Convention: It’s What’s on the Inside that Changes the Outside (7:00 p.m.)

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real quickly if you've got your Bibles with you turn with me to the book of Matthew chapter 9 the book of Matthew chapter 9 I want to start reading with verse 18 I'm really the old King James Version I love it because it's poetical because most people don't quote the amplified even creflo had to read it and they got a lot of words well you ever seen Hebrews 11:1 and amplified now faith is Lord Jesus take a supercomputer to get through the verse but you understand it that's a good translation I want to read the Word of God tonight now and as I said it I'm going different tonight than I doing in my day sessions but I will say this again preaching should never supersede thought it should make you think when you understand the power of the word of God then I'm gonna say something gonna shock you when you miss church you lose money well let me say it again when you miss church you lose money because you lost the faith that you didn't hear and faith cometh by hearing faith don't stack up I wish it did you even say 45 years you don't have other five years of faith you may have 45 years of experience faith cometh it come by hearing not by heard so I tell people you miss church and I'm not just saying that so you can come to church but you you you or you lose spiritually physically and financially because you wasn't there to hear Plus receive the corporate anointing that are in the church with the other people around you line upon line precept upon precept all plug together so all the voters is running in the same in the same line and that currents flowing I want to read Matthew chapter 9 we'll start with verse 18 while he spake these things that behold that came a certain ruler worshipped him saying I know it worse with him saying my daughter is even now dead but coming late my hand upon her and she shall live watch Jesus Jesus rose followed him and so did his disciples verse 20 and behold a woman which was diseased with an issue of blood twelve years came behind him and touched the hem of his garment for she said within herself underlying that statement for she said within herself if I may but touch His garment I shall behold but Jesus turned him about when he saw her he said daughter he put her in the family be of good comfort thy faith hath made thee hope what made her hope what made her hope what made her hope all right go with me to mark chapter five we're gonna read the other a part of this here to see how mark writes this in mark chapter five verse 22 and behold that cometh one of the rulers of the synagogue Jairus by name and when he saw him he fell at his feet and I notice they said they worship him not this see that's what I love about the four Gospels they give you insight and light on different things people see things differently some people say a glass half-empty others see it half-full so that's why it's good that you should reference everything so you can understand the full picture because you should never supersede thought it should make you think he fell at his feet and besought him greatly saying my little daughter lives at the point of death now we found out how little she was I pray they come and lay thy hands on her that she may be healed and she shall live and Jesus went with him and much people follow them and thronged him underline the word thronged and the word him and a certain woman which had an issue of blood twelve years and had suffered many things of many physicians and had spent all that she had there was nothing better but rather grew worse when she heard of Jesus came in the press behind and touched his garment for she said if I may touch but his clothes I shall behold and straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up she felt in her body that she was healed of that Blake and Jesus immediately knowing him in himself that virtue had dawned on him turned about an oppressor said who touched my clothes and his disciples said of him thou seest the multitude thronging V and say us thou who touched me I'm going to live further looked around about the sir that that see heard that had done this but the warming fearing and trembling knowing what was done in her came and fell down before him and told him all the truth why she wasn't supposed to touch this rabbi she was unclean he said unto her daughter thy faith hath made thee whole go in peace and behold of thy plague there's a reason that he pulls her out of the crowd we'll deal with that in just a minute she was just good enough to touch him get America and take off but Jesus did something cuz he knows how religious people think and he stops it before they start thinking it right there at that place go with me to Luke chapter 8 hallelujah Luke chapter 8 here is another rendition of this so you can get the full picture what's happening here Luke chapter 8 I believe verse mmm 41 and behold that came a mandate named Jairus and he was a rule of the son of God now we know who he what his position was and he fell down at Jesus feet besought him that he would come into his house where he had one only daughter about twelve years of age now we know the age of the dollar do you see the different all the information that's taking place as you reference and go with the Word of God because God knew you had to have least four Gospels because everybody sees things differently and you he has it write it down called holy canon for she was about twelve years of age and she lay a-dying but as they went that people throng him right underlined that again and a warming have an issue of blood twelve years which i spent all her living upon position neither could be healed of any came behind him and touch the border of his garment so now you know where she grabbed this garment and immediately her issue of blood stopped and jesus said who touched me when all denied Peter and they that were with him said master the multitude thrown thee underline that word thrown thee and Presley and says thou who touched me and Jesus said somebody had touched me for I perceived that virtue is going out of me and when the woman saw that she was not here she came trembling falling down before him she declared on him before all the people for what cause she had touched him and how she was healed immediately and he said unto her daughter be of good comfort thy faith hath made thee whole go in peace I'm gonna go back to verse Matthew chapter 9 verse 22 for she said within herself Tyler this message today it's what's on the inside that changes the outside you can write that down as the title it's what's on the inside of you that will change the outside of what you see any five senses that you operate and function for she said within herself now how many of us what are you saying inside yourself what are you saying at this believers convention inside yourself are you looking for someone to be your source or your source is yourself within yourself because the next thing if you understand and you are believing this within yourself the next thing is an action they actually faith without works is dead next thing is now you're gonna do something so write this down the smallest effort of belief will bring a response from God for she said within herself if I could but touch the hem of His garment of the border I will be healed she had no evidence to the fact that she would be here other than what people said I made you underlined the word throng see there's a lot of people around Christianity but how many people are touching Jesus even the disciples throng Jesus and wasn't touching him the way that girl was touching him how many people are coming to meetings my god and are thronging this but never touching it how many people since I've been a part of these believers convention are no longer here let me help you in the thousands they throng the believers convention but they never touched what was in it do you see that seekers what's on the inside of you is what changes the outside if you want to get a healing on the outside you got to get a healing on the inside you got to have it inside you before it ever manifest on the outside so the smallest effort of belief will bring a response from God what does that mean write this down faith has a divine power to discover Christ yet you can walk in Christianity churches all over the world throng in Christ throng and Christian but not touching him people get mad at me because I have more than prayer come bye-bye sir thank you let me just tell you the truth I don't pray a lot well that's the enemy right there Lord they could just write some trash that's called faith news I don't pray a lot because praying is this it's like I come to Jesus mean a lot a lot Raji Raji and then nothing wrong with it but I have a lot of conversations with God I go in my study I sit down and I say look let's talk and he likes fellowship Paul was calling pestilent fellow a real pest if you look in the Greek it means a Christian disease you got around Paul he infected you with God so faith has a divine power to discover Christ number one this is what's happening in that woman when she said within herself faith comes with an implicit trust in Christ she said if I could touch him she's trusting something she hadn't touched yet but because she said within herself she's calling those things would be not as though they were she's producing Romans 4:17 before Romans folks everything was ever wrote do you see that so the smallest effort to believe will bring a response from God how's it done faith has a divine power to discover Christ faith comes with an implicit trust in Christ Trust is a beautiful word number three and I'll go over to you and after a while faith seeks what is it seeks it seeks comfort what is the conference what what makes faith comfortable close contact with Christ faith seeks for its comfort and that confidence close contact with Christ that's why I like talking to God in conversations hey Jesus we think about this we've had some of the greatest conversations I built Winston one time said something and he suggests I'm gonna preset I was in my I was having a conversation and I was saying the Lord just went off the rails he said you know I'm God I I've got the power to check to take your life and I went oh okay first thing I thought that I'll do something wrong he said but I don't have the authority to do it now that kind of blew me away said what did you say he said Jesse I'm God I have the power to take your life but not the authority I said who's got it he should you he said death and life center power of your tongue not mine now how long you want to live then he said this was in conversations Billy he said you know there are a lot of people here in heaven and they're not supposed to be here but I received them they never completed their destiny I reached their destination you see what I'm saying he said I didn't take him home you here with Kenneth Copeland said today in this session that the only person God ever made sick was Jesus and you won't tell me God put a cancer on you to teach you something let me give you a good black statement yo mama he put sickness on you to teach you something and the only person I loved her brother Cartman said I said I hope he preached because God give him revelation who he said and the only person he ever took was Jesus you see faith has a divine power to discover Christ faith comes with an implicit trust in Christ face seeks for its comfort what is that comfort contact with Christ faith feels a change from the touch of Christ when she touched him but God faith felt the change see and there is a vast difference between thronging Christ and touching him how many people were in the Holy Ghost meetings I heard someone tell me this the other day I don't know if it's true or not I'll just repeat it they said in Katherine comas mean been thousands of people got here but 90% of all of them lost the healing how do you lose a healing that God gave you Christians oh you better stay close he loved lose it how many times you might been diagnosed cancer my god God heals your body my life and your family they'd all be ought to be shouting but they come tell but you know it comes back you yeah see that's people thronging instead of touching I made it my mind when I come to church I want to touch God I want to say hello Jesus hi Jesse notice both our name starts with a J there's something spiritual about that I don't know what it is but I'd rather believe that and do you know why you want things do you ever wondered why you want say I'm gonna check with the church where the world says I'm sure well cuz you agreed no your faith insist on you possessing that possession that's why you can't get it off your mind my god what I want to thank so much because your face saying that is yours you won't let the devil control what's yours it insists on possessing that possession but most people know about faith and don't know faith that's what God said about Abraham for I know him that he your teachers children so let me say it again faith has a divine power to discover Christ faith comes with an implicit trust in Christ faith seeks for its comfort in that comfort his close contact with grace faith feels a change from the touch of Christ so what I'm saying today is there's a vast difference between throwning Christ and touching him I want to touch him the reason why you get healed because you touch him yeah I wanna say it's not just coming to meeting you touch him and when you touch him bother your face go no something happened here I heard brother Copeland say this then he tells no when I quote him I got a quarter incorrect so because he'd get on my case if I don't so I wanted to I believe when he was working with Oral Roberts or Roberts told to him you don't touch nobody until you're ready to release your faith is that right brother Copeland okay yes in other words Wow don't don't go fit about like this I hope this works no you got to learn to release and when you release God begins to flow you see what I'm saying so faith is seeking for its comfort and that's contact with God let me taste of my faith we love all that manifestation stuff come on boy let me tell you what Jesus did let you know God loves he likes the chase he likes you doing this and he can't see anything but he walking by faith and not by sight do you see that that's what that lady said she wasn't supposed to touch him God violated the rules of the religious world of that day he touched a leper you don't do that he said I'm God do whatever I want to do he violated the rules and did something he said I will identify with that leper but when I touch him not only will he be healed he'll be made whole if lepers they ate his nose off I'm putting some plastic surgery a new nose the other day I was with my granddaughter she said what is this grandfather I looked at her and said time time I laugh at me you got the same thing so I don't want to just go to church for church sake I don't want to just chase the miracle workers so I can see it healing I want to touch God and I won't gut cuz when you touch God you stop it he turns around who touched me now watch all the preachers the first pope said you know the first book was Peter Cardinal Catholic Jerry you asked him touching all these people looking around touching press it on you how many people do that all the time but never received from God because they never touched him because they didn't have nothing within them she said within herself I like that she already made up her mind let me just make it simple I am a success going somewhere to succeed if I can just get if I got to get in my hands and need people stomping my fingers I don't care I'm gonna touch him do you see what I'm saying write this down faith is modest its humble its unselfish its ingenious and its powerful even when it's tested but difficulties let me say it again faith is modest its humble its unselfish its ingenious and it's powerful even when it's tested by difficulties when Jesus said who touched me that lady was just trying to get away Billy because you know you don't want to get caught here because you know how to peel a stone you in a second Jesus he's looking around see you can't hide from God I tried to hide from God as a sinner but I had a prayin mama who God showed her where I was which I did not like at all she told me one time at 6 News - I heard you lying to that girl I was lying at a girl I lied so much the girls I had to write them down so I remember what I don't look at me with maybe most kid I mean I was just a heathen from healthy I said hi you noted the Lord to him I said what's her name mama told me her name mama found me in a sex club that's before I was saved committed sin husband before I bathe in renault some mexico in the red-light district my mother was in burg louisiana would you remember where there's that I am in Reynosa Mexico with a naked woman dancing on my table me and the drummer Jimmy everybody screaming and harlot everybody speaks Spanish cost 50 cents the Gulf of our cab and $20 to get back to the border they just want to get you a red light this I will the heathen mister going out see what's going on and to make a long story short a man caught you heard me say a man on the phone me sir and dad just at the planters hair is there just at the plant says here Jimmy Spencer look at me said that's your real name my real name was Jerry Jackson Beckett people people that know me from the rock world without I was in called me Jerry J a xon look good lights on the albums that I did all that kind of stuff he said that's your real name I said you know what no me and Allah knows he said that's what real is they're just at the planet here I'm ahead I walked over there and I thought I said hello and mama said I see a little heathen from hell that's a true story [Applause] she said the love my mama should have been black you away she said the Lord I want to let you know the Lord showed me your little heathen from Hell what you doing and I'll tell you better get out of there cuz imma ask God to kill both you I said bye mama I hung the phone up I went to Jim I said let's get out of here Mama's praying for God to kill us let's get that's a true story that's a true story how could she do that she didn't thrown Jesus she touched Jesus are you gonna touch him tonight are you gonna let Jesus touch you there's no way she could have known I was there that's and I prayed leaving that sector I said oh god don't let mama tell Cathy cuz Cathy was not there but she was in she was visiting her mama I was don't look at me weird you too I smoked enough dope took trips never left my house so I could fly with the birds oh I mean I'll never forget I heard a person speaking tongue more time I said what they smoking but they look like they have names have a good time see a lot of people Sunday morning throng in Christianity but never touching Christ their faith is aggravated because it doesn't have comfort because it can't get into contact with Christ it has no trust that Jesus with your people say I know God heals but will it heal me but let me tell you something the true faith is very very modest very humble very unselfish very ingenious and very powerful even when it's tested by difficult so what was the difficulties that lady didn't want nobody to know you know my Jesus pull that woman either you want a little revelation relics what religious relics that was a big thing if you could get something that was owned by Jesus hey soul em relics by the thousands and thousands of dollars George Whitefield my favorite preacher he's in heaven I've been the way he was buried they literally busted open to his cat in his casket and pulled one of his bones the casket they had a single thing they said if we've got this we can win a war relics Jesus knew my gut people say if I could just get that robe if I can get something he got watch this the Holy Grail [Music] that's why he exposed that woman to let them know that it wasn't the clothes now write this down her power was not in her finger her power was in her faith because she said within herself it wasn't in our hands hands is just the receptacle that that faith is flowing through it was within herself it was not in her finger it was in her faith you know about the you know but the close of office in terms of the helmet of salvation right breastplate of righteousness the loins girded about with truth feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace the shield of faith the sword of the Spirit not when I say that what do you see you see a person in uniform with a sword and you're looking at the wrong that the sword is not in your hand it's in your mouth the Word of God is what's coming at is what cuts Aten to pieces not this that's man's way of physicality it's the word of faith the Bible says which we preach because that is the scalpel that gets rid of anything that you may have in your body whether it's physical whether it's spiritual or whether its financial see never be in a hurry write it down when you are a conscious of supreme power she didn't get in a hurry she just have crawled it because her faith was not in her finger her power it was in her faith you never get in a hurry when you're a conscious of supreme power my mother made me go to a meeting with William Brown I hated church I hated it with a passion Betty is here I've been knowing Betty since what 14 12 so my god her father is the one started me out in the ministry her father you know what my mama said about Betty get a shot at Betty well I said she said no no my mama said you don't get around that nice girl you'll ruin that girl you are heathen from hell you stay with him that girl so I said all right mama I'll do that it would be nice but I've been no no just we but I found that just loved me and started me out in the ministry now you got to understand something about this I I just didn't like Church because I didn't know anybody that was believing anything everyone I knew believed in healing was sick and when I knew bleeding prosperity was broke I see no evidence and nothing I thought well why not want to waste my time on people they say this is all true and they don't get any of it and don't make God matter you kill you so hey I take my chances with the devil at least I can see him how come they pay me so much as a rocker but they wouldn't pay me nothing at the church how come when I'm starting to mention they stole my offerings how come they didn't steal my money when I played rock music because I work for the mob I will make you an offer you don't refuse you're gonna pay me because they own most of the nightclubs in those days I'm on they own Vegas they owned all that way back wet now I would built all that now it's junk bonds which means right junk just start to tell you that but when I went to church Lord Jesus we get on yeah wait a minute I thought well my god man if I'm gonna make a living I want somebody that lease payment but I loved about Kennecott my heard him say this one time blew my socks off god I pay you more than anyone ever pay you well I thought my experience has not done that I preached Sunday morning Sunday night Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday and Friday had the buckets were full every night and Billy you know what they gave me a dr. pepper I still got I ain't drinking that dr. pepper I work too hard for that dr. pepper I sweat like a Missouri mule for that doctor but if you ever come to my office tell him to take your Marvin and let you look at the dr. pepper it's sickness and all dr. pepper Bob said thank you very much one later I went priest fun time she said I'm gonna give you ten dollars to eat and if you go too if you go to Popeyes and you buy a diet coke they'll give you a biscuit true story I never had the devil do that devil gave me surf-and-turf Church gave me cholesterol piece of chicken and a biscuit you know why because that's what was in them my mother said would you please go to a youth camp I'll tell you those for just a man we need to go to youth camp that's where I met Betty's father well her brother is the what the general secondary of the Assemblies of God in Springfield something I got whatever what assisted something I got he's up there he like vice president pants went into the Assemblies of God I know him real well he said hey Jesse you play guitar I said yeah he said what you play I said all right now this is a Pentecostal thing so this ain't Baptists you know because bringing in the sheaves it don't take much talent to play bringing in chief you know bringing in the sheaves Brian industries we shall come rejoicing bringing in the sheaves bringing in the sheath Hey it'll take was power you get over the pendants call to hit God on the plant food he got he got well you play a little faster so her brother said I'm playing and I played rhythm guitar lead guitar bass I'll play 11 insurance and I've been playing guitar since I'm six years old I mean I played it in Bourbon Street I brought my teachers to strip joints I got A's I they couldn't get now get you in in a little bit there you look a man for ourselves a heathen so I stopped playing so out to say did do a ride that means do a solo boy and I'm just kicking like that oh Jesus three preachers just had a flame and fit now her father who is now in heaven he just danced it : today he said I like that kid take that and my god just running right down that pipe and kids going like that whoo you know why cause all he ever heard me bring in this see I had it in me and I had an outlet to let it float they came up there in the middle of the song and unplugged my amplifier unplugged my guitar he's acting like Elvis Presley Elvis Presley is a lot older than I was when acting like I looked at them and I can't tell you what I said but it wasn't tongues you you could not misinterpret it and I made up my mind right there I ain't never going back to them crazy fools I started to walk off and her father grabbed me by the arm he said don't believe don't worry about them boys come on young man he grabbed me said you're talented God can use you I said them yeah he said food woven kind of hurt my ears whoo I said he said whoo not too loud not too loud I was cussing buddy and I was good at cussing he pulled me over that he reached over there and plugged that get to our back-end and plug that amplifier in Jeremy he said play he looked at them three and he was a big man he went like this I said I like this guy he must belong to one of the families he let me play I never forgot that and I don't forget he said young men they shouldn't have done you there I said I never come back he said you just need Jesus in your life I said listen this Jesus stuff is not for me you see all in people thronging never touching other than her father at some point my car and I left I went in the work I'd like Jerry Lee Lewis you know he was he went to walks a hatchet to beat a preacher but because he thought it was a little too loose on a piano they told him out that's true how many great people that came from the church but couldn't be there because the throng girls were there and they wouldn't allow people to have what was in them to be expressed hmm because you see that faith stuff see that man was his faith brother hander garrison his name but what was modest it was humble and in the midst of this difficulty he tried to help me write this now never be in a hurry when you're a conscious of supreme power now watch this see God don't care about time cuz time don't exist for him Jairus daughter is in trouble he's trying to get Jesus to that house wouldn't you if you had a 12 year old daughter sick you do everything you could right but something happened see Jesus violated roofs it's called a divine interruption the lady with the issue blood she was a divine interruption Jesus needed to be touched God needed to be touched today did you touch him did you worship him or did you had you didn't have enough time for that that's why I'll our witness in public shout in public Jerry and Carolyn took us to tip for lunch today papacito's I like that Mexican food Lord Jesus I mean you know it's best if I like a sauce I eat it like soup John Hagee say there nothing can live in your body or your colon you will kill it but I've never seen that like well I had a colonoscopy and he said you got a pretty colon I didn't like that I said what I said look like you enjoying this well I said no Jerry he said not just that this is my town I said no this is not your town Jerry your town Crowley we always fight a lot like fighting that's the wrong word but yeah we're always trying to see who's gonna pay the bill I said when you come to New Orleans that's my city your money is no good enormous this ain't no good well you still do my time so no no we're not in Crowley and I said I'm taking the bill first so he let me well here comes this little age what she said if you don't mind I'm training this person it just happened this afternoon Oh lunch I'm trained in France that's fine so they took care of us and all that kinda stuff and I had wonderful food they gave him we're all chicken but I had one so he had to send the chicken back gotta get it cooked a little bit hallelujah so we anyway have a nice time and I love to bless people now when you say that people right yeah well would you do this way I'm looking to be a blessing who taught me that chemical Jesus Christ the Holy Ghost glory every time I went I mean there was blessing so he come the girl you know and I forgot not what the bill was $78 7 he said I can remember so I looked at it like yeah you know I like to kind of see in the eyes I said now here's $80 that takes care of the bill I saw go which means ain't hardly no tip right I said now here's $100 for you she goes can I hug you did you say that can I hug you I want this day do you feel strongly about it I said sure she said yeah I've never had anybody do that before I said well everybody's got to make a living I'm not bragging about that could brag more than hundred bucks in my pie I gave 100 I was here I mean I could brag more with that but she said who I said well you did a good job and it was a blessing bless you people don't know what did $100 bill or makeup Buddhists say Jesus nice thing I'm telling you you ought to try that's enough you go and do a restaurant and you slap a hundred pounds upon their book Jesus can't a wood another true story I got a lot of vehicles in my ministry I like when I come here especially believers me like I can wear boots because you don't wear that too much in New Orleans you know but good cow town now like I like boots and I drove up and I didn't know this little shop was owned by a Muslim so I just stopped in you know pump my own gas some of you heard me say that I felt little oh just say that again so you know I went in it's kind of like a loop which I'll call them 7-eleven you know stop and go what did he call it just you know so anyway I'm in line like that and the lady asked for something so he walked away from the counter to go get it for anyway that for just over come and he looks at my boots he goes woo that's I put the boots and I said Jesus give me them boots he meant what I said Jesus giving him booze he said Jeezy give me the boots I said Jesus giving him boots he said Jesus give me those boots I said Jesus I said what I raised you oh I'm I'm a Muslim ooh slow Islam I said Muhammad never give me any boots ago no no Mohammed Oh give me it was wonderful I said it I did it was it I knew something was cooking here I said Jesus given Abel is it jeez give them I said Mohammed never give you know but I said Jesus give me these books oh they're pretty boots you show Mohammed up again oh no no mama never given the book so I've got droves it up to the minister I said give me the keys to the Vans now I had I had 17 vehicles I don't own majestic apprentice minister you got all over the place then and I got a lot of cowboy boots so I went home got me a different pair took this van went down to the gas station filled it up I walked in he go who I said Jesus to give me the boots he said gee even those boots I said yes sir I said Mohammed don't give me anything I paid the gap I went 17 times I must have spent $3,000 in gas I filled up every vehicle we had and I wore different pair boots I walk in here a food Jesus give it I said Muhammad don't give it a little you know bow that's the true story I said you mean Jesus you get some boots who can a Muslim come to your church I said yes sir has anybody come to my church if you'd like he said you was like boots that's how you know I'm trying to mimic his uh acts a almost like boots I said I do I said in Jesus give me a boost I said Muhammad never you know and you know he came to the church i said lord if you want me to I'll buy him a pair of boots he said tell him aha let Muhammad by my pebbles [Applause] now don't let me know ugly letter I'm not against Muhammad I went back six months later I said Muhammad I'm happy you want to buy the men a pair boots I'll be honest with you he said I know this is working on him see what's inside you is what will change the outside of you God is on an errand of love that's what was happening even our imperfect faith brings a blessing even her faith may have been imperfect because she should not have touched Jesus according to religion but God was on an errand of love that take care Jairus his daughter and to take care of that girl are you seeing that write this down never forget the hour your faith was born when was your faith born because it was before the touch because she said within herself her faith was born before she ever put her hand on the hem of His gonna win where's your faith oh I can remember when my own was born I remember I said Lord I'm gonna work for you if you want me to never thinking I was gonna be a preacher when I was sound in properly I'm pretty good with money why I had to work for it I've been working full-time since I'm 11 years old I knew how to work and how to take finance invest in different thing I mean my lord I mean my brother I never had modes but I never had any money no cuz man he I was cutting grass when he wanted to play around give me a few dollars and I try to work at this way work it that way you know okay I got I became friends with influential people as a kid became up you know what a soda jerk is look at a young fit every every uh way to call that pharmacy a drug still had a soda fountain I mean I remember that soda fountain in there where you got cherry cokes remember those things that's mean you could drink and eat sugar and it was okay that's what everybody enjoyed eating remember that cherry coke watch this the chocolate malt now you can barely get a milkshake you don't get no more Jerry I found a mote please my god when I was at his house here in a Weatherford right there's ammo he got a chocolate malt I got something else and Carolyn got something Kathy got something and said can we taste your mouth dear Jerry's gone yeah but all of us wanted his mall after we think how can we have you now I know so his faith knew what to do inside well I mean that moat was wonderful I hadn't had a malt good cop 30 years huh a double he said give me double malt Jerry believing the double that sting was wonderful so I would go in there and I worked in the soda fountain well I met lawyers and doctors judges they would come in together ice cream ice cream cross the Nicholas coupe manga I never forget when coke went to six cents I told my mom we got to quit drinking coke I ain't got a penny I don't have another how many people ruin it was six cents anybody how about when it became a dime remember when you paid 10 cents for a cup of coffee you got to pay 10 cents just to smell it I would meet people I met jewelers I met a wonderful man he said let me show you diamonds I like jewelry today because I am he said and this is what he'd say it was an old Jewish man let me show you what God made and he'd pull a diamond out of a ruby or an emerald he said look at this man can't do this I said man that's some nice stuff that's when I first saw a rolex president gold watch it was $600 today they were 75,000 Wow you know what he looked at me and said this brother Frank he said this one day you'll own one he put faith in me and I thought I should like to have one I did not know my faith at that point was born and was insisting on only one of those now you say I don't believe it I don't care and I mean that Ruby faith insist on possessing a possession whether it's spiritual physical or financial and I don't know how many of them I've owned over the years no I don't know how many of them I've given away I got 32 watches give to me at one time I think I was preaching too long I had 32 watches give to me at one time lady 32 of them because I forgot my watch at the hotel I was preaching I stole everybody stand up anybody ever know new bebe Hankins people that's mark Hankins father I was at his church so I turned around to his associate said can I borrow your watch I forgot about these microphones being on can I borrow your watch on how long I'm preach it yeah I said I left my watch in the hotel room so I put it put it on on the pulpit well some man in the front immediately got it walked out I thought I might have said something wrong I didn't know Jarrett he was a jeweler he went to the store and took out open up all the case he had 32 and brought him back and we were supposed to eat a little finger foods after the service he comes in he said these are yours I said what these are you he said I don't want you to ever be without a watch I mean expensive watch 32 of them now how you gonna get out of a church with 32 watches and a cop you are you gonna tell a cop I was preaching in the Lord move upon the jewel just to give me 32 watch it okay put them on me think you done stole that that literally happened I didn't know what to do at that BB Hankey Church in West Columbia Texas Sean I'm standing with 32 watches he walked out yours I said what I'm gonna do he's watches the brother Hank I said I'll take one I said we'll take whatever you want I gave away 20 30 watches that night it was a bunch of preachers the okay Mahorn how so I had two left my god I was excited man I flew back home I was so excited I said so I put one on I had one in my in my briefcase my god I walked in and when one of them I said oh that's a pretty watch well I said give it to him I said I just gave away 30 watches but God knew that what was in me was about ready to change what was out of me I said you like this watch yeah let me give it to you oh no call me boss that's nice today it was fine start walking then my oldest brother was working for me Wayne like I said I called Wang and I said let me know what's going on in the ministry and he goes oh you got a new watch I put that one off I said yeah he that's nice Lord said give it to her I had him less than 24 hours I said wearing you like this watch yeah I say here 32 watches alright heard of it is that's that was Monday can't see said we need to go to the mall I walk to the mall now 32 hours someone was sake hose I mean they were worth total I guess all of you know sickos and I guess maybe what Cathy 15 $25 for all of them I guess you know how long a man walks up to me and says well Jessa the Lord told me to buy you a rolex president watch he said now I don't know what kind you like here's the money Cathy said give me the money I said I gave her 32 watches managers give me the money you take the money she said I've been believing to buy you that was so we went in that day it less than 24 hours and I walked out that jeweler with that rule next why Cathy said I bought you that [Applause] see you never forget that's right never forget the hour your faith was long miracles are always born out of the sense of a supreme need if you have a supreme need right now you'll faith is percolating and a miracle is about ready to take place and it's taking place as you hear because faith cometh by hearing do you see what I'm saying your faith is the hand which receives the blessing remember miracles always born out of the sense of supreme me that woman had a supreme need but she said if I but it was what was in her for she said within herself you don't have to tell everybody you're gonna build a big church but you got to tell yourself you do you gotta tell you got to know within you brother there's big church mentality inside of me and when you say that people who do you think you are whatever God said you were see it takes Christ to do crisis work but you that have the Holy Spirit should be able to do it too and often in every area because this what's in you that changes the outside of you so my faith is being stretched who bill in Lord Jesus I said then I freaked out everybody off when I told that later but then stretch Margaret yeah but you didn't say that after I finished that story it brought great honor to that woman I know it didn't make any sense stirred up people make noise [Applause] so we've been dealing with in there in the morning sessions when you understand that what is what are you saying within yourself for tonight I let me ask you this what do you want forget about need here take care of it what do you want he's waiting for an answer what is in you what is what what's your spirit saying in you to reach out to something you never thought you could receive see what I'm saying it's in every area of your life spiritually physically and financially if you stay with these believers Convention and I'm gonna use me as a personal example you'll get to a point in your life finance will never be a thought it'll always be there spiritually physically financially it's a believers convention they don't say come to the southwest almost believers convincing is we got 47 people at doubt but the rest of us I believe it no no I don't say that a believers convention a believers convention everybody in this place ought to be happy yet a believe it's good everybody ought to get healed yeah at a belief must convince everybody ought to be blessing the city blessing a feel blessed go on it bless gonna believe this convention I'll say this in close you know how I got it I was preaching a lot brother Copeland I met Gloria first remember that Gloria me and glory went to lunch I think it was 1984 something like that she came to the church I went to said this is Gloria I said hello I'm just in the plan she said we've heard a lot about you I said you have okay she said ken has to I said well that's not went to lunch and years past after that I mean I don't push myself on people I ain't trying to get to the dough and all that kind of stuff I never have done that you know I said God want me to do something he'll do it and even when I was a sinner yeah I knew how to do business but I mean I mean I wasn't just overbearing I met brother Copeland in the elevator coming down John Osteen thing he's hello I'm gonna go I said I'm Jesse mallet never thought I'd forgotten Kenneth Copeland what I went and I saw him preach that and I said that's that guy in that elevator never thinking that that connection there and then Jimmy Hester Joanne Hester was here last night calls me and says I need you to preach at a full gospel motorcycle rally I'm in Miami ladies and gentlemen now I'm preaching every week my first year of evangelism I did 52 weeks I did 52 revivals 11 Crusades in seven and seven conventions and eleven Crusades I had Christmas off never have asked the preacher for me nothing wrong with it didn't have time God honored me still like that today I got over 9,000 requests right now I don't mean that trifle he listened to me my god man but you know and I know God didn't tell only people write me but if you can pull a crowd they want you see cuz the end of the thronging I'm into the touching you found what I'm saying I don't care how big your church is how many people are touching Christ because if you touch in Christ there's sin in you camp if you thrown in Christ there's sin in that camp yeah when I'm saying so III just God did that for me all I wanted to do was obey Him and I hired Fritz Brown right holy Hannah Fritz up you say yeah and he started coming in man how many times we drove for it's a good god Ted I'll Drive all night barely get home and back on the road just going with it just to do the work of the Lord Jesus Christ still like that still like that before I got here last Sunday night this Sunday Payless and I preached in the preach to cover the church Monday night I was a Connecticut Tuesday night I was in New York City Dan & Stratton right there Wednesday night I was in pennsville New Jersey Thursday night I was in New Orleans Friday night I was in Chicago a 10-year Paulk for Rob Thompson Saturday I got back blessed God Tim Newhall in the hen house rode hard and put up wet Kathy asked me to preach Sunday I preached Sunday then I flew here Sunday night freeze Monday I'm over here Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday I get back home Friday night I leave Saturday morning to go to San Antonio I Sunday morning and Sunday night in San Antonio and then Sunday night you know son to Sunday mornings for John Hagee and then I fly to Houston for Sunday night I fly back home and then I go to Virginia to Phil privets to preach then I come back home Wednesday then I go to Alabama on Thursday no on Wednesday on Thursday is the rapture of the church hope so for God's sake I am the biggest jet personal private jet fuel buyer in the city of New Orleans I buy more jet fuel as an individual than anyone else and I never charge the church I just pay for about about show contact excuse me I pay for it I'm not broke just to be a blessing well why do you go to some of those small church because Jesus went to the towns and the villages I'm going what Jesus tells me to go and I've never had a financial deficit why cuz I know how to touch it I know how I'm not just gonna throw him so I want conversations see what I'm saying and a ministry is cooking people say when you gonna slow down when you hang with Copeland you don't slow down I mean he's gonna be doing this at 120 I know you're gonna do he's gonna say Jesse come up here and at 120 BAM hit me on the back go without God I doing there brother coupling I like that very humble man who will just do anything him and Gloria go to their house they cooked me breakfast I can't get Kathy to cook [Applause] one thing you did I've never forgotten I never will it's so precious to me I'm a procrastinator you're not think about things I don't care what I'm spinning I think I don't care if it's a major investment or something small now I saw a jacket there wasn't even Steamboat Springs Colorado not Colorado Colorado learn it from the caller Eddie its color red I said I don't think I mean that way I don't know and he saw me I didn't know that you all walk around that little town beautiful place well the next morning I got up and that jacket was in his on the chair in his house look I said oh well coat must have butter he's a jester I bought that I said what he said I bought that he said I got it this morning went to the store I bought that for you I ain't never had nobody do me that I didn't know what to say I went are you serious yeah put it on you look good with that I still have that jacket I just look at that go it's a gift yeah I want to give you a gift that they don't have to that's a wonderful thing see that's the size you don't never see then you don't need to that's not the issue that's why I tell you to get involved in this ministry my body's doing such great things and thank God that I'm a part of it and that same spirit got on Jerry I came here got on me you know in that motorcycle rally I was supposed to preach Friday night the Copeland's gonna pretty sad night Jerry gonna preach Sunday morning that's what Jimmy has this it called a fool gospel motorcycle ride has him for the Eagle Mountain motorcycle rally he said I want you to meet Kenneth Copeland that's all yeah I said I met him gonna just shook his hand in it in that in that elevator walking he goes hello just Kenneth Copeland I said how you doing and then Jerry and I say hey yeah we just standing there you know Jimmy said introduced he said well let y'all talk how y'all want to work this thing in brother copán looked at I said why don't we uh Jessica we all tag-team tonight eyesight started with me I said he said that's all three of us preach won't do that you see me and Jarrod do that all the time I said sure he said why don't I start first Jerri you get in the middle Jesse you close the gate I said that's fine so all of us preached on Friday night all of us preached on Saturday morning Saturday night in all of his free Sunday morning and that's when Jerry says because he's the last one the personal said he said everybody grab hand so brother coke and grab my hand I'm sound like he does this when his hand he said pray about preaching one of my conventions you know what I told Kenneth Copeland I said I can't he said what I said I can't I said I'm loaded to the gills in meeting Bell come on I said yeah I've got a whole week I said Kathy don't even get a week of me I said but I give you three days he said I'll take it I said all right that's how it started never thinking I was gonna preach any more I thought maybe one I knew Jerry we could you know he's preaching pardon never thinking and year after year and now what 27 years later and he still looks the same I have changed crazy and I thought my god never think and I've become a personal friend never push my way through any of that kind of stuff Oh even with Jerry never thing but they found out that I didn't know how to do something bill I didn't know how to play I just knew how to work y'all taught me to play and you taught me to cry I ain't never cried you can ask that one I just did not do that I remember I saw tears in your eyes I saw tears in his eyes you know what I thought what's the matter with these guys they got to suck it up so how did you manage but it touched me cuz something within them was touching me and I had to learn it was not easy when you've had all those years of suppression and you don't show any kind of emotion and somebody mess with you that's what the Mississippi River for you laugh at that but that's the way I read buddy P and I learned to play still learning to play and now as I'm getting older I'm getting emotions the other day I watch the movie I want Kathy said you crying as it now it's a little sinus here just kind of enlarged Attila you're tearing up I was watching keys to the kingdom with Gregory Peck anybody ever saw it great movie black and white movie a man that gives his life to God goes to China now let's see if we can touch God everybody begin to pray on the Holy Ghost come on come on come on you're cool man can you bring me something soft come on come on kill Alicia Copa de cheveux only by Kuhn de de Lima mando Lea sucker Billy : I want that pastor Rennels get out of your seat come up here that pastor name is Reynolds come up here don't don't be freaking out just come up here come where are you I know there's a lot of people in here come on people pray with me you want a miracle there's one waiting for you who is that are you the man that the man check his nametag see if his name Reynolds Reynolds somebody gave a note gave it to my wife wanted to talk to me now it's time to talk come on people pray with me while that's happening but you stand up come in both you and your wife come both you babish kuma silly about battle fair I don't want anybody else come in please no no I want to do exactly what God says did you grab your wife's hand let them both up ba-ba-ba-ba-ba-ba covered it please covered it ranches went through some tough times but the best is yet to come because you've been found faithful the Lord would say that I have dragged on you to my angels because you were willing to do what I asked you were willing to put me first watch what I will do with you and your ministry and the people I send to you Jesus touch these people bless them and honor them Lord in Jesus mighty name I thank you for come on people pray with I want that riddles guy come on people pray with me come on my hotshot car came here Phil Phil come in Phil Driscoll come my life Phil come by bozo come by here pray with me in the Holy Ghost you mark my words he little a sight a little bundle it kick you to my suck up and if he hands it bah ha ha ha my bad dog we we had some discussion but the Lord told me to tell you this come from God you haven't made a mistake Satan is we want to shut you down because you see you have his job when he hears you play when he hears you sing it angers him he remembers what he used to do you mark my words your ministry will do more in the latter in this in this time to come that it's ever done you be of good cheer I'll push walls down to get to you what you need you be a good chip because you see spiritually Jericho is yours they tried to wall you up but they will not see it the Lord because my word is true and I have a worshiper here and you understand my sound and you're my son will come out of you and permeate this planet it Jesus touch my friend bless him and honor him Lord through the authority of the spoken word give him all he need and desire people come on pray with me Bukka how about Lucas LF your hands upset Lord too many ask you what do you want okay no no no listen to me no no you know I know you need you you got the Lord you don't need it you got it what do you want you got to get specific because the Lord told me in the room he said I'm gonna have you meet that man so I thought I would try to get a hold of you and talk to you the Lord said no I will talk to him forget the past cuz the past never sees the future know that my word is true it makes no difference what you have gone through cuz you will go through it and you all come out on the other side better than you ever have ever been so you be a good chick I sent you here at times you've been depressed but depression will no longer be a part of your life don't be moved by what you see but talk taking with that man spoke today because there's something within you and you've been dragging dragging trying to get to Jesus but you wasn't wrong in him you have touched me safe the Lord and see if I'm not do what I said I will do Lord bless this man out of this man touch him Lord give into the service make it a success going somewhere to succeed through the authority of the spoken word people if your hands are blessed come on people keep praying come on Walker come on keep red balloon show comadre tell Elly about my program in the holy God Allah back up about chocobar over they say Kindle briefly ask me for more you're not asking me for enough ask me for more come on I can use you I can do some things you have a talent that I want I tell her that I need a talent that I will use and I'll start tonight so ask of me and see if I'll not do what I said I would do because by this time next year you will be a totally different man doing a totally different things getting done what you've always wanted to do such was the hands of this man blessing Jesus honor him touch him Lord bless him honor him come on people somebody shout in this bill [Music] that's Jesus come on walk back come on people pray with me come on Livia sir stand right there lift your hands up he said tell him he can live as long as he walked give me some strength telling tell him I'll give it more Swift than he had when he was young Jesus touch this man out of him bless you bless John Lord Jesus he said tell him I will grant him a divine visit I'm coming saith the Lord and we're gonna discuss and talk about some mighty things your time is not finished whoa somebody shouts somebody [Music] I wouldn't mind having that myself come on people pray with me I will suck up my liquor I lie mother hen if your hands up thanks huh I don't know what nationality you're all I know you a person that will obey me so within the next three weeks I will give you an agenda you never thought you could do seek my face cuz girl you are going to work sohcahtoa baba that's a person is there you've been having problems with your kidneys don't come up if you don't have in this error here if you'll come Jesus to heal your body he's in the healing mood but having problem with your kidney pain where is that where are you quickly don't come it that's you come here what are you pointing at me for just come bless God how do I be Sunday Lord don't make no appointments come on people free with me but they said I'll come back lift your hands up sweetheart are you ready to get heal are you a holy ghost woman stand up put your hand on her back back here if your hands up stand behind the boys well Jesus to the soul of a thief let that miracle of somebody shouts of [Music] hello come on people keep praying with me keep praying with me come on Jesus in this building come on I want your praying in the Holy Ghost with your head up and your eyes open Andres Soto Kabbalah robos so red chile mondo robot Khandala a corn all of us so cold who got me a cake coming I want perfuse Widow me step forwards then behind us look folks you don't have a good image in yourself but you're going to after tonight you've been beating on yourself since you're a small girl I don't know who you are but am I telling you the truth the Holy Ghost you've been beating on yourself beating on yourself be the beaten is over I'm gonna heal the scars that you put on yourself and I'm gonna make you see you the way I see you and girl happy days are coming to you look Melissa stay behind the boys reach out to Jesus come on somebody shout this bill below Coco bhai you yeah come live your hands up come on slam I have the Holy Ghost in here somebody's sharpness better cut off [Music] pulled out a nylon mouth shut up [Applause] [Music] robocall sir somebody shot in this building come on come on people keep praying with found the hot dosas in here G Tucker come here come here lift your hands up bless all the room was super money come on girl he sent me all the way in the back it is you got his undivided attention I see I see a blackboard with an eraser he said tell her I might erase her pass she'll not remember nothing more back there and your future is brighter than you ever thought someone and it starts tonight Oh somebody shout your love come on people keep bread with will calm down eh it's all right come on prayer with me in the whole ego all kind of like this SATA chill a moment ladies on the road gotta let me come on prayer with people in the Holy Ghost come on Harlen Soto a lot of AC and the pasture section is a preacher that just flat wanna quit baby I only said yellow say their name just want to quit you had you've had hell hell people not only hurt you they enjoy it you don't know what to do anymore [Music] judgment is coming to those people you were doing right my praying for them my halo de Landa where are you get out of your seat come up here nothing to be embarrassed about come on come your minister you didn't want to quit be honest come that's you sir maybe more than one that's your pastor come you two all right both you come [Music] now you're not kneeling before me remember that thought to me to tell you go back home and don't pray for those people anymore I'm gonna tell you what I told Sam you don't pray for Saul no more they have done much damage to my body and took my work you let me handle this because if you get involved in it you're gonna do it wrong I will fix it and I will bless you because you have stayed the course [Music] be surprised how much pressure people put on preachers but they forgot that understand is what we imperfect people ask him what he want pastor can lift your hands up below or see some blackness on the side of you there's some sin back here right right you're not talking to me sir I wouldn't say this in front of nobody that's a killer behind you that has got to stop you ready heal that and let him never do it again somebody shout come on brother crank can I pay for your wife too if you don't mind my luck Oh Sundaram pray with me people I know it's a little late me and creflo I'll go out in the blocks the first one they want so I I got to get up study myself bye honey Dada [Music] this whole your wife's hand if you don't mind oh you're here come a little closer to me lift both hands please your works before or exceed your father's there's been some people said something and imma shut their mouth they said well he he was in the right place at the right time that's why he was able to do it no no you always had it in you you sought my face you're a great Giver that's what safe hates about both of you you're looking constantly to be a blessing and I just irritate Satan I know in how you show much allora the Lord said run everybody I'm gonna make you rich very rich money gonna start flowing like you ain't never thought and it won't be just to your ministry it's completed YouTube because I know what you do instead of looking at as harvest you look at it to see but your harvest is gonna get full and I'm gonna tell you brother grant God told me the same thing and he made me a very rich man and I thought God something I thought what would make me happy didn't which made me happy is that God wanted to do it oh I see some children that you gonna in a very near future that you're gonna be a blessing to because you will have these are the finance to do everything that you want to do oh Jesus bestest people touch them Lord honor them Lord people lift your hands up bless the Lord [Music] come here Dan lift your hands up [Music] whoo-hoo you feed a sword all right [Music] because you walk so many places so many people wouldn't walk I've given you revelation upon revelation but the word of the Lord was says you they don't understand it go back simple go back simple and I'll send all those people that left you back to you and as they say on this on the simple instruction then I'll open up the ears to hear because they don't understand what you're saying so they don't they think they're not getting fed yet you have a level that there haven't been at so if you go back sample not for a very long time let me fill them up with some baby food then they'll begin to ask for bigger things to eat and then those revelations and things that you have in you oh Jesus will come out of you better than you ever thought you would and your work will flourish and people won't be able to walk about the building without getting attracted to go inside of it don't worry about your daughter she is in my hand and her future is too and my servant asked me for money because I got a lot and I want to give it to you because you know how to handle business the business part of you is coming back stronger than it ever was why because you're the only man can touch those business people and I'm gonna use you to do it that's why you got to go back simple because they don't understand some of the things you've been preaching not that you were preaching wrong you're just trying to get people to another level but I'm gonna fill them up with baby food then they're gonna want something stronger and then the full meat that I've given you they'll understand so that's both your head that is pastor father touch of charity touch them all that he does thank you for in Lord by the power of Jesus's name and let it begin in fact let his staff call it before he leaves hit say it something is happening at the church mode I decree and declare it today people lift your hands up and bless the Lord for that come on come on lift your hands up and bless the Lord for that come on just thank you come on pray with me come on [Music] whoo come on come on pray with me come on [Music] oh thank you Lord the Lord says say this to the congregation no one's old enough to quit no one's old enough to quit I'll tell you when to quit Kazuma quit looking for your successor there's a whole generation that won't need one there's a whole generation won't see death quit looking if I want your successor to show up I'll put him at your door oh I'll put her at your door you just do what I asked you to do and if you will call upon me as a whole-body I'll speed up the time I'll speed it up we'll go to work in the universe you can't Holly found a prophecy saith the Lord they hadn't been fulfilled thank you Lord tell me well adjust to easy telling my horse is ready [Applause] [Music] this is closer that the Prophet said this is closer than you think ma ma ma ma ma every standard beverage standard the Lord is healing a blood issue just like you did with the lady with the issue of blood in the Bible God is healing sixteen girls who have had endometriosis and been told by gynecologists that they can't have babies you will have them I will heal your body and you will happen it's a promise of mine that I told you to be fruitful many you don't realize what I have promised you because you hadn't looked my Bible my word that I wrote with you expressly in mind has everything I want you to have spirit physically and financially you go study it not just read it make it priority and promises have come to pass faster than you thought the Lord just told me to tell you what he told me about the promises of God he said my promises are far more powerful than the sins of people so if you got a I love one lesson not doing the waited not living the way they should it's just that tough luck there's born to you you got the promise to that family down to a thousand generations and can I explain that you know many generations has happened since Adam a thousand generation how many 114 what 114 some of these people lived almost a thousand years my foods at 966 years yeah I did what God is doing you just call it in and watch God to do it you know what every believers convention I give an altar call for salvation I remember the first time I did it Jerry I I wasn't expecting anybody to come because it's a believers convention I can understand a revival tent meeting but there are a lot of people come to believe it's conventions that don't know the Lord they throng in Christ they interested but they're not touching it so with every head Bell somebody move that thing out the way I say it all the time if you'd like to know God stead of knowing about God see I'm with the church all my life I knew about God but I did not know God never had touch God did not understand maybe that's you today I'd like to introduce you to my friend who you can have great conversations with it's called getting save for the first time it's called knowing God stead of knowing about God I always go for that first fish I'll throw that net out then the Lord interrupted me said take it further always maybe in this building you are having trouble with your Christianity temptations are getting the best of you you want that junk to stop you have to repent from the same sin every week it's frustrating when the Bible explicitly says sin does not have lord over you but it seems like in your situation it does how do I stop that brother Jesse how do I live that happiness that you seem to have it's an old Pentecost to turn it's called rededicate see you get so close to God that when the temptation comes in it will but your proximity to God will destroy the temptation before it has a time to affect you because sin and temptation of any kind cannot get into his presence since he died resurrected and ascended so with your head bowed please if you'd like to know God that's called getting savor the first time instead of just knowing about him or and be honest with yourself you're struggling with your Christian is the temptations we get the best day and you want that junk to stop would you lift your hand up hold your hand up when I see it Nick knowledge to thank you I see those hands OSHA's help me this place is got a lot of people thank you I see those hands in the back yes open it up up and about look at the people that can I see another hand quickly I have television lights way in the back I can see you yes I do yes yes I see you here thank you I see those hands look at the people thank you Jesus up here in the front I see your hand yes hello how about on the sides i Lou these lights thank you I see that hand yes I do people being honest with God honest with themselves put your hand down everyone look at me I'm gonna ask everyone here that lifted your hand that took courage to do that Jesus everyone he talked to he called publicly how my ass should get your Bible in your purse or whatever you brought with that's the kids if you got them I'm actually get out of your seat and come stand here front everybody yeah front everybody yeah what's wrong with that you got drunk in front everybody he's sinned in front of everybody why can't you give your life to God in front of everybody he hung on the cross for you come on give them a hang if you in the balcony that take you maybe two minutes to walk down come on give them a hand clap as they come from all parts of this building [Applause] come ahead canal there will steal this wonderful opportunity my [Applause] [Music] come on everybody say it's good brother Lin everybody say good come on come on David sing that song everybody sing come on [Music] come on don't get the hurry with supreme power is being manifested [Music] it's a [Applause] look at the people coming from the four walls [Applause] all to me less the same [Applause] look at the people coming [Music] ah I got some room over here all to thee my same [Applause] come on sir I'm waiting for that man with a bald cap on come on man you walking fat look at that give the Lord another hand clap people [Applause] look at the people that still come on keep applauding people up oh Jesus one more time guys sing it again come on bunny [Music] oh my [Music] [Music] see there was something within you that's changing the outside of you it's what's in you that changes the outside all of you that have come forward brother Jesse would never lie to you people I had so many people lie to me that's what I love about brother and sister call them they were textualist this this is what God said this is what we believe this is what we do what hard to understand that they didn't complicated you see God said be childlike did he say be childish childlike because children are born believers my ask each and every one of you at the prayer prayer with me I'm asking you that are watching through the internet all over maybe there's someone coming to church right there you know Hall is where we are giving their life to Jesus [Music] you know how many we average about 4000 4500 people a week getting born through our being born again through our ministry people have no concept of how many people I mean I'd prefer that we're touching all over the world we don't talk much about leave raw Thompson told me said if people just knew what you did I said I don't care if they don't what I do I I'm not interested in I what I'm in arresting that people know who Jesus what he did so at that so they get involved I'm a church man I believe that people ought to go to church because the gates of hell won't prevail against it don't ever leave a church it's the only thing in the world that the gates of hell can't prevail against you see what I'm saying it's a covering like you've never had before you'll have it a protection so you that are watching all over the world faith the Stars all distance between me and you God for reaching his hand right through that Cameron grab your hand say hey I'll be you to two of us agree I beat you to will you pray this prayer and repeat it after me everybody no audience would you do the same Lord Jesus I ask you come into my life forgive me of all my sins I confess my sin before you this day I've been out Satan and all his works I confess Jesus as the Lord of my life I believe with my heart I confess with my mouth that Jesus rose from the dead that I am saved I will no longer struggle but temptation of any kind from this day forward I will serve God and God will serve me I pray this prayer till the father in the mighty name of Jesus amen stand right there for just a minute give of my hand clap [Music] [Applause] you made it young men let me just look at you for a minute you know I love to visit with you here I can't but you know we get to heaven I'm coming to your house there's no night you ain't gotta worry about sleep I'm coming over I want to know your dreams because you see when you get to heaven you're gonna dream bigger than your dream here his will be done where in earth as it isn't him there's so much work to be done in the universe who we are gonna be a people that will touch that you see he's the king of kings and he made you king well you got to be a king over what you gotta have something to be king over there's so much if you don't have a good church there's so many great churches kind of copán ministry can direct you if you're kind of close to Eagle Mountain International Church it's a wonderful place but there's so many great churches in that dallas-fort Worth area I'm gonna ask you to do one more thing I think we're gonna pray for you I want you to go whether it's the first time salvation or rededication greet dedications are so powerful you get double the strength that you had when you first had it because you know how to receive it we're gonna take you to back you won't take long one minute maybe two and pray with you and direct you you did the right thing tonight yes you did so sir both hands if you don't mind everybody turn around see that man waving his hammer would you walk toward him all you just follow him real quickly this way your friends will wait for you this will not take long sing it again as they go forward would you just do this hush your showing which way to go [Music] come on just walk this way come on that's alright come on give them a hand clap we're gonna do that back there because we have time a little early thank you come on give him a hand clap as they go thank you [Music] come on give the Lord a great god bless come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] ladies and gentlemen if that's your family and friends they'll be back in just a moment you see Kenneth Copeland ministers have provided instruction few that are watching all over the world you still got a chance to get here oh I can't afford give God a job let God do what he want to do he ain't asking you to pay for it he's asking you to believe for it think about that so this is just Wednesday night my god tomorrow night brother Jerry Savelle be preach it me and Creflo Dollar be doing the morning sessions I think who's preach bill Winston and I guess brother cope would be doing it afternoon sessions we're gonna have a wonderful time remember this it's what's in you that changes the outside give Jesus one more hand clap as my brother comes [Applause] you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 314,855
Rating: 4.7721324 out of 5
Keywords: 5530459294001, jesse duplantis
Id: NQTjv8sNkEA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 54sec (5814 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 06 2017
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