2021 Word Explosion Military Salute: You Have to See It First (2:00 p.m. CT)

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father we thank you for the word thank you for the anointing thank you for miracles signs and wonders and we fully expect it right now in jesus name somebody shout amen thank okay all right come on come on come on come back here no you you're too late you're too late somebody said flow up here who was that that said flow yeah come on down praise god i got a new fresh supply overflow overflow hundred dollars let the lord use you okay now i'm i'm this is my time it's my time okay what what did you okay you just no you you got it right now jesus name amen now go get praise the lord amen all right okay [Applause] [Music] all right you sit down come on back up here come on back up man somebody has caught on to how this thing works now here's 200. that's increased right overnight come on amen [Music] my goodness well praise the lord god is good all the time now let's open the bibles please let's go to isaiah again chapter 55. and let's just see what it says here in verse 8 for my thoughts and not your thoughts neither your ways my ways saith the lord he says for the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts and your thoughts four as a rain cometh down and the snow from heaven and returneth not thither but watereth the earth and make it bring forth and bud that it may give seed to the sow and bread to the eater so shall my word be that goethe forth out of my mouth it shall not return unto me void but it shall accomplish that which i please and it shall prosper in the thing where unto i sin yeah just a minute uh somebody come out of the back and get my offering i forgot to show my offering for tonight praise the lord and i just want to make sure hey amen bear amen amen i received uh this that we're teaching on and that uh pastor just finished teaching on it's it's it's a it's a it's a what we call an end time teaching it's it's manifesting the power of the world to come and found in hebrews and he is saying that my thoughts are not your thoughts neither your ways my ways saith the lord for the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts and your thoughts now he's not saying that because you can't reach them he's saying that because by the spirit of god by the holy ghost he can give you god's thoughts and you can think on the level watch this of your creator you're being the god class say god class that's what you are that's why he said jesus said didn't the scripture say you are gods and all of you are children of the most high all right let's go on over to uh let's go over to uh ephesians in ephesians chapter 5 then i can give it to you really from memory ephesians chapter 5 verse 1. he says be ye imitators of god as dear children now in the amplified translation or if they be followers of god as their children and amplified it says to follow him and for us to copy him the things that he did we're to copy those things we're to do things like the father did them and he was teaching abraham how to call things that be not as though they were okay so that is a real area of focus that the children of god need to have because we need to know that this time that we're living in is going to take spiritual power to make things happen natural power is not going to be enough in fact natural solutions have what what i call they have side effects and you'll find that that's usually the way you content the word of god has no side effects when i say that i mean negative side effects you know you take some medications that say well take this you know uh three times a day until you did you know or something or what whatever they might see but they said you got to watch it now because it might bring this might give you that so forth but it will help you that but it might have some side effects so that's the same thing that's happening in the middle east that's what you see you know at first it was al qaeda and then taliban and then now it's i don't know al qaeda be or what whatever it is notice how when it was time for the mythical character to slay that giant um in aesop's fable notice as fast as giant slay the dragon as fast as he cut off one head two heads blew back the and hercules was a character but my point to you is that's a typical uh a result of the solutions of the world is that they have side effects and instead of people thinking they're getting worse things really start getting uh getting better pardon me let me concentrate here that things really start look like they're getting worse now here's what he said on proverbs chapter 14 i think it's verse 12. he said that um that there is a way that seems right to a man but the end of that way is what is death is death so my point to you is is that there could be something that looks like it's right but it's not right it's not right not right at all and it sounds so eloquent it sounds so um uh erudite it's not whatever the words are but that's the way it sounds but it's not that colossians chapter 2 verse 8 over here please somebody colossians chapter 2 verse 8 and i want to look at it yeah come on in the cev translation colossians chapter 2 verse 8 in the cev translation please okay nobody over here all right over here wonder okay well you better come on up here because i i've got time i'm rolling doc okay in a cev translation and uh going to show you that scripture because this intellectual realm is the realm that people have been impressed with because they haven't known a realm above that they haven't known that realm above that now he's reading colossians chapter 2 and verse 8 in the cev translation i just want you to see this all right watch what he says here okay don't let anyone move by [Music] these arguments may sound wise but they are only human teachings they come from the powers of this world and not from christ stop right there start at the beginning read it again and watch what he's saying now he's saying oh they can come with some good arguments they sound intellectual oh my goodness look at here i can't compete with those people so forth that's why moses said hey i can't talk but these there's some eloquent speakers and they have the highest degrees nothing wrong with degrees but notice how satan has cleverly tried to take god out of it i was just reading uh a thing on harvard the other day about the election of a new chaplain and so forth that is not even uh christian let's let's look at this right here now i'm not coming down on university or anything like that that's not my point my point to you is is that god through a minister started harvard see now i'm just saying and the others yale whatever but my point of view is look what the enemy has done he's tried to remove it and give only intellect which the bible says knowledge alone puffs up all right read it one more time for me don't let anyone fool you by usel using senseless arguments these arguments may sound wise but they are only human human teachings they come from the powers of this world and not from christ isn't that something and it can sound so impressive but there's a way that seems right to a man but the end of that way is what it's death because satan is still running that realm he is called the god of this world you got what i'm saying so the world needs the church thank you sir it's been kind and that's yours now you don't have to give it back to me because i ain't going to take it yes all right no i'm not no i'm not go don't get on going about that sit down okay thank you thank god for it amen it was hard to give away something to be here okay now are you with me here now i just do that because i just put some fun in the game you know as we're having fun we want to have fun with this and plus plus a fact the word uh the is the platform of fall increase all right so let's look at this so why am i saying that here's what jesus said he said over in matthew's gospel chapter 8 verse 20. he said the foxes have holes and the birds of the air have nests but the son of man has what nowhere to do what lay his head all right now let's just examine that because we know that jesus is not talking about foxes and he's not talking about birds and he's certainly not talking about somewhere to lay his head because you can see on the boat in mark chapter 4 when they're going over to the other side he had his head laid on a pillow you can see in the book of the gospel of john where he told them come see what i abode so he did have a place of lazy so that's not it so what is god saying he is saying okay here's what i'm going to have to do i'm going to have to raise you up on another level i'm going to have to raise it if you're going to do the work that i called you to do you're going to have to have revelation versus just information and so what he's saying he's saying wait a minute birds of the air have nests foxes have holes but the son of man has no place to lay his head now what what lay his head jesus is coming back and he's coming back with a for a triumphant church got it so we have got to mature the bible talks about it over in romans chapter 8 and verse 14 he talks about the fact that um that we are sons of god over in first john chapter 2 i think it is or 3. he also talks about it over in romans in chapter 8 verses 19 and verse 22 he said the whole creation is waiting on the manifestation of the sons of god sons is not immature they're not babies they're not carnal they are spiritually mature so for the head to come back we need to grow up we need to be mature enough that the head now can fit on the body and so what he's doing now is working on growing the head up we've got to wean the head up wean the body off of the senses so that we can do and practice the scriptures as god has intended and we could take our place as leaders on this earth say amen to that amen all right so over in joshua and joshua chapter 5 and verse 12 this is when joshua had taken over from moses so now he's going over to the other s he's going to take over the leadership of israel and so moses he said over in joshua chapter 1 my servant is dead so therefore now rise and go over this jordan you and all his people and he said every place that the soul of your foot shall tread upon that have i given unto you all right as i was with moses so i'm going to be with you then in chapter 5 of joshua he talks about food he is saying in chapter 5 and i have here in my notes you can verify it in your own time of study in joseph chapter 5 and verse 12 he says and the manna ceased now that's the same thing you do with a baby when you wean a baby now babies today are weaned about what seven or eight months or whatever have you in other words they come off breastfeeding or bottle feeding and they go into solid food well in that day those days in the days of jesus a baby could be weaned in i don't know two to three years or something like that they tell me it's longer but the point is they went on a different diet and my point to you is if you're going to go to another level you're going to have to eat on another level now i'm saying that because that was the example that i just gave you that foxes have hold birds of the air have left now but the son of man had no place to lay his head i'm trying to let you know that wait a minute if you just read that like that then you're reading on a level without a revelation then you're down there where you are not going to have the spiritual authority that it takes or be able to use it so that you could conquer this world so that you could take this world where this world's really supposed to be shame intimate so notice joshua had to change their diet god had to cut off manna no more manna no momenta so in this case now here's a pastor preacher or prophet or whoever it is they're going to give you the word now what they do is how can they hear without a preacher and how can he preach except to be sent so then faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god so my job here is to give you what god has given me but for the most part you're going to have to receive it as seed see see i'm getting it from god i'm going over to canaan like joshua and caleb and and the other leaders and i'm going to spy out the land now you didn't go he sent me there's a reason for a leader and he sent me over there now you go over there spy it out and you come back and tell the people what they can expect so what are they supposed to do just that they were supposed to get in this word long enough spend time with god and get a revelatory word and then they were supposed to come back and they were supposed to speak to the congregation the congregation had to receive it as seed and once they receive it as seed the incubator of the kingdom is inside of them and it begins to give increase to that seed and one day they say oh i see that and when they say i see it that means they can believe it and when they can believe it once you believe restoration takes place so i'm saying to you that sometimes what they do is take my sermons and just listen to it while i'm preaching that ain't the idea i can almost i've listened to some brother brother copeland's sermons 15 times i'll take a piece of it boom boom boom boom boom back and forth boom boom wow because i'm still in debt and i need to know how to get this out of debt and he's got the word of out of debt and as i get it i got to receive it as seed first time i didn't hear it the next time i heard it he says in psalm chapter 62 and verse 11 that god's spoken once twice have i heard and that's what it's talking about you didn't hear it the first time you heard it with your natural ears but wait till it sinks down into that heart of yours and grows up so it becometh are you following what i'm saying here now i'm just saying that because i'm just going to a meeting well what is that that's called religion that's called no i'm going to i'm going to this meeting because i'm out here fighting the devil in my neighborhood and i need to get a revelation of what i need to do say amen to be victorious that's growing up now with that comes the supernatural because it takes you up into a place where every road block in your life is put down i had things of brother copeland preaching and you know he talks about you know being debt-free and so forth like that man i tried that blah blah but what did i do i then took this word that he was teaching and begin to play it back and forth back and forth back and forth now what it's doing is it's coming down into my heart and now beginning to grow up in the soil that's inside of me so it's growing up and an image of what he is saying in that word is growing up in sodomy now all of a sudden there's a step of faith or whatever i have to do just to show you how powerful it is i had a situation where we you know we have a couple of shopping malls and so forth but one of them there was the retail section uh the others all debt free the retail section it wasn't debt-free because i was letting the tenants that are in there pay their money uh for leasing and i would take that money and pay the taxes to pay the day and pay on that uh note that was in there and i you know did that well we did it for seven years he said man this thing ought to be paid off and then next thing you know they they i said well they they said hey you're gonna have to refi and so forth i hated to do that man i'm still waiting on this thing to be paid off here i said what what am i doing what what's going on here and i start you know just seeking god trying to get an answer well i sought god and what happened we went into another indebtedness for seven more years i said wait a minute i said this is not right why because i read in here i'm supposed to be the lender i'm not supposed to be the borrower listen don't come against yourself cause the letter killeth you got to get this by faith say amen to this and so what happened i said okay i'm going in here so i found these scriptures i found scriptures on debt free i found scriptures on the jubilee so forth and so on now i'm watering this seed and then pretty soon the spirit of god spoke to me during the pandemic paying off i said okay how pay a million dollars a week is it all right now remember if you believe god like mary did in luke 1 and chapter 45 what happens is your belief releases the virtue that will cause a performance of what was promised i'll try that again your believing causes a release of virtue that will cause a performance of what god has promised she believed god you look in luke chapter one she's saying pretty soon everybody's gonna call me blessed now wait a minute no morning sickness no showing no nuts he had just gotten the word from the angel but she chose to believe it and first time you hear you may not believe it so believing comes and once it comes let me tell you revelation comes revelation is the seeing and so it's i mean it's just all over but the shout and so i said okay that's what i'm gonna do i said all right now i'm going in there now boom went in that uh our our uh our you know my treasury and boom about first first million that was the first week boom second week next million boom next week next million i said let me just see if the accounting department is going to remind me that i didn't pay anything this week see somewhere we i that and i'm not telling all my people i'm just saying that they they they said wow now i'm paying it now all the time if you look at my treasury it's right where it was before all this took place when that woman fixed a meal for the man of god did it get replaced at the same time see it's according to what you believe so i just listened and see if they're going to call me and say pastor a weeks past you didn't pay anything because i told them what i was going to do see and when i told them i could tell it was kind of shaking you know and i'm not telling on i'm just saying when you start walking in the supernatural the flesh will shake but the supernatural is what you've been made for you're not even made for the natural isaiah 8 18 i and the children whom the lord has given me are for signs and wonders you're not made for the natural supernatural is your home it's your home so what happened nobody called i called back i said hey i just noticed that nobody called me here to pay this next million oh oh uh i said well for that we're going to pay 2 million this week see i'm going to break the back of the devil because see can we talk here in this thing if your faith has no proof it's a fake yes jesus had meetings over in matthew's gospel in chapter 4 it says he preached the kingdom of god he taught and he worked miracles over in mark matthew chapter 9 and verse 35 he said he preached he taught watch this and heal every sickness and every disease over in matthew chapter 12 and since the glory has preached this he healed them all now how could he do that can i keep going here [Music] he saw it yes sir yes brother copeland preached it see i i played it till i got it he saw the earth through the eyes of the blessing how does god see you how does he see you how does he see you he sees you blessed he's does he see you healed does he see you rich if you dispute that then go into the bible and find out what it says how he is folks we've heard this over and over again now let's let's let that stuff go let's let all that carnality go let's let's hit you that's why i put down here this whole idea about uh accountability i even got a definition for it here is the man well let me just finish this right here so when he says through the eyes of the blessing you can't go any further than you can see now man let's come down oh yeah y'all don't resist me okay don't resist me don't resist because i don't have time for this okay now for you to move forward in god you're going to have to see it first got it this in this bible is the promised land which for us is not an option the ones that didn't go in died early this is your promised land god expects for you to manifest what jesus died to provide yes it's not an option i used to think it was an option no no no he said over in luke chapter 19 verse 13 occupy till i come yes that was not a suggestion over in luke chapter 19 also remember what he said this is luke chapter 19. let's get somebody from back here come somebody back here please raise your hand quick come on up come on up coming up look at luke chapter 19. now bring your bible please i mean your or your system something the lady gave up yes they didn't have nothing she just gave up get some money no no you could we go we'll do it like this okay all right luke 19 and look at verse 1 nineteen verse one oh one no one yeah all right it says jesus entered and passed through jericho now behold there was a man named zachus yeah yeah wait wait wait wait wait wait wait pardon me luke chapter 16 in verse 1. i i blew it knew it yeah but those are good scriptures what you just read you you was fishing in a good hole there okay go ahead okay there was a certain rich man who had a steward and accusations was brought to him whoa with this wait a minute there was a certain rich man who had a steward now what is a steward somebody who cares for somebody else's wealth or whatever all right so here's a man who was rich had a steward so you and i are owners psalm 115 verse 16 with stewardship responsibility all right amen got it we are not to let things go on in this earth all right no okay no only okay so go ahead that would start again please thank you there was a certain rich man who had a steward and an accusation was brought to him this man was wasting his goods so he called him and said to him what is this i hear about you give an account of your stewardship you can no longer be a steward give an account give an account of your sewership accountability which a lot of the church is trying to avoid but you cannot i found this out and i'm so loud for jesus meaning that i'm i'm in it all the way 24 7. because i saw where i'm being god is looking at my stewardship see now it didn't scare me it motivated me because in this this deal look at what can i take you one more place please sure okay go to uh luke pardon me go to matthew chapter 16 and start at verse 18 please watch this now i'm i'm only talking to you because i'm here not to make friends but to make you rich i'm here to get you all the stuff that god died sent jesus or died to provide i want to make you rich keep going and i also say to you that you are peter and on the rock i will build my church keep going and the gates of haides shall not prevail so peter you are peter you're the rock and upon this church i'm going to build upon this rock i'm going to build my church and the gates of hell won't be able to stop you hallelujah next verse please and i will give you all the keys of the kingdom i will give you all the keys of the kingdom are you reading cicev translation i don't know okay go to cv translation soon okay i don't want you to see this i'm going to take my time with you because we got to raise up an army here and and god is holding me standing in this pulpit accountable for what i've told you look what it says here okay um verse 18 verse 18 again so i will call you peter which means a rock on this rock i will build my church and death itself will not have any power over it whoa nothing that satan has can have you on you are uncursible oh amen say i'm uncurseable you are unstoppable unstoppable you are unfailable you are untouchable in jesus name in jesus name not that now i've got to get that in here because when i get that in there i am really that all right keep going i will give you the keys to the kingdom of heaven and god in heaven will allow whatever you allow woo hold on sister you you preaching now god in heaven will allow whatever you the church will allow keep going please okay that's all right okay um where am i at god but he will not allow anything you don't he will not allow anything you will not allow anything you'll have control over economies anything in this earth because you're not here to take sides you're here to take over amen thank you very much may the lord bless you real good amen thank you i know you you you i want you to take it i'm taking nothing back i'm giving praise god amen all right are you with me so who's responsible for this earth not the world they're under the uh the blindness of the devil it's it's us so who is he going to ask what did you do about it god is not running the world he's running the church that's right the church is running the world come on doesn't make any difference amen and you've got such power until where it takes armies gideon just settled for 300. why because you don't do it you don't you don't do it here's what jesus said john chapter 14 verse 10. he said it's not me it's the father help me in me he's doing the work amen jesus even told you himself he's not doing it what did he who did he say was doing it the father so the father is going to do your work he said verily i said to you he that believeth on me the works that i do shall he do also and greater works than he surely do because i'm going to the father well that right now we just settled for the works so my point to you is is wait wait a second hold on you can pay off a debt of seven million in seven weeks now let alone that little card note yes i'm gonna come over here i'm gonna take i'm gonna stay right with you it's only through our own thinking that we have got into this place where we're acting like humans you are not only human a human does not have god inside of them amen and i'm telling you his uh pastor was preaching about speaking that word that's where we're going that's so numb to take you to another level here so over in proverbs no over in luke mark let's do this mark chapter 8. all right verse 22. mark chapter 8 verse 22. way back here we're back here come somebody okay anybody nobody okay if you're nobody okay come on come on down okay mark 8 22. let's let's look at this now say another level see if if i'm going to raise up in faith i've got to raise up in corresponding revelation all right eight mark eight and twenty two let's try that and where is it okay all right what translation are you reading king james all right that is good enough for paul it's good enough for us okay i was just kidding i just kidding okay and he coming to bethlehem that excuse me whatever it is okay but say the city and they bring a blind man unto him and besought him to touch him and he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town i think he led him out of that unbelief are you with me here so you got to get him out in the middle of that because i've been in that before and hardly any miracles take place in that i was in haiti one time my first trip and and no it's not the first trip at one of my trips and i was preaching on the podium and god said now go down and get the sick heel so i went down and i was headed over this side because i was standing for that that side and the steps were there he said no no no don't start over here start all the way over there so i went over there obeying god started playing over there and miracles broke out i worked my way back over here and so i said when i got home that night i said lord why couldn't i start over there he said too much unbelief too much unbelief can be in a church and you see no miracles but you'll see in mark chapter 6 and verses 5 and 6 all that unbelief in there jesus could do no mighty works in his own home i'm talking about the son of the living god good news nobody works in their own hometown because of what unbelief unbelief and that unbelief doesn't mean you don't believe nothing it means you believe something god didn't say and some of it comes from these songs [Music] it's all right to sing some of these songs you know and and so forth but you got to watch what what's being transmitted into your thinking you know when when we all get to heaven right now what a great time this will be right now when we all see jesus we'll sing and shout the victory wall a minute huh that that that this bible says over in first corinthians chapter 15 it says i got the victory now and i'm telling you it's very subtle but it builds unbelief so when it's time for you to do signs and wonders and miracles raise your friend up who got this and that and the doctor said okay and talk nothing happens wow i wonder why nothing happened so jesus went about teaching amen i want you to see this right here because when jesus worked miracles they didn't take several days don't shout me down because i'm preaching good [Music] and he said what he did come on help me help me now i can do too he said that god will deliver me when speedily say speedily he read it in luke chapter 18 and verse eight he will deliver you how. speedily spin the lake if that be the case and i'm not getting it i need to put something else inside of here so i can get what he said because if jesus can do it i can do it amen amen they all got me preaching hard here but i'm preaching against some unbelief no no no no no no no no when god said let there be light was that light then it said that was the first day and then the next thing he called out then that was the second day notice it took a maximum of 24 hours for the faith of god to work for god now he put that faith in jesus and jesus could call out when he wanted come on somebody say amen my point to you is is that god has given you his faith he said in mark chapter 11 22 have faith in who another translation says have the god kind of that is the faith that will deliver me speedily now stop fighting me i'm reading this bible and you know i'm reading it he can deliver you in seven weeks for seven million he can deliver you in one week for seven minutes i'm just saying it's according to your name being unto you saints i believe we're rolling now i believe i believe i believe y'all got the spirit all right look okay read that again where you were okay now i'm only listen i got to preach the truth to you i got to preach what i'm living now i haven't scratched the surface here i'm still i'm kind of on the surface right now cause i saw y'all some kind of you know some looks can look like y'all they like what i was saying but but that that ain't gonna stop bw no no i got over that long time ago [Applause] told me that we don't want you to have that mall because they don't want no black people to have that mall let's say yeah is it me that's what jesse does no no no no let's go and accurate accurately get this scripture and let's put it to work that's right he said according to your belief see i want to make sure i believe exactly what god believes all right but the devil's not going to fool me anymore out of what belongs to me now let's come back to you okay okay where are we now i'm going to verse verse 22 verse 22 go ahead and he cometh to besselia and they bring a blind man unto him and besought him to touch him verse 23 and he took the blind man by the hand and led him out of the town and when he had spit on his eyes um he took that come on okay i'm not gonna do it right now okay okay but this stuff is anointed doc you didn't do the understand here okay i got something that'll make you run around this place you know okay go ahead and and when he had spit on his eyes and put his hands upon him he asked him if he had his head ask him did he see anything keep going verse 24 and he looked up and said i see men as trees walking i see men as trees walking yes sir that's a revelation come on up now you're to have to eat on another level if you're going to go to another level i see men as trees walking next first please verse 25 after that he put his hands again upon his eyes and made him look up and he was restored and saw every man clearly you see what i'm saying now look at that he restored the man but a lot of people read that without eating on another level and said well the first time he didn't heal him yes he did heal him he healed him from the spirit he healed him in a place that he needed healing from the beginning are you with me all right but notice what happened here i see men come on i see men as trees walking walking just say that with me i see men i see men as trees as trees walking now one more scripture if you could turn to that one i can hold hold it like for you turn to psalm 92 and verse 12. i see men as trees walking walking always symbolizes spiritual maturity baby can't walk they crawl but when you can walk walk around jericho or abraham walk throughout joshua walk throughout this land the walking symbolizes spiritual maturity keep going oh sorry okay verse 12 the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree palm tree now just do your little study go home see what a palm tree is you got enough text and got enough stuff from google and everything you can find out palm tree palm tree produces more products almost than any other trees wow everything in the pro uh cooking oils uh lotions uh medication palm tree palm tree you're like a tree what kind of tree palm tree so i'm like a tree producing yeah watch this and walking so i am a walking distribution center praise god praise god yes sir verse 12 verse 12 the righteous shall flourish like the palm tree he shall grow like a cedar in lebanon verse 14 they shall bring forth fruit in his old age they shall be fat and flourishing pat and flourishing are bringing forth fruit now what are the fruit wait wait for that i got everybody here i'm breaking you off that's what we see here you go god bless you god bless you you've been so wonderful let the lord bless you real good all right okay all right no no yeah you know i want you to keep it and listen listen don't be ashamed to keep the money i better come over here and say that [Applause] you give it to me you ain't getting it back to you try try me and see okay all right now [Applause] i see ministries they're walking oh did i did i turn my clock on i don't think i turned it on okay okay okay okay okay seven minutes seven minutes thirty thirds of now okay i'm good huh okay yeah i'm gonna just give you one cause you just said that you followed up fair does anybody else say that nobody okay see everybody joining in now amen [Applause] i see men as trees walking now what are they doing flourishing and why why are they doing this because they're the ones that are going to meet the needs of humanity i'm going to use them to bring forth new products come on i'm going i'm going to use them to bring forth uh some thing that will block ransomware i'm going to use them to bring forth ideas wealth creating ideas walking i want you to get this now this takes a little time to sink in but but you're up there you're not down here you're up there you're the provider yeah you're not the person by the side of the road begging for something you're the person who's walking by now here's jesus and he's characterizing what mankind has originally been made for you'll find that the biggest reason for poverty is the absence of self-production don't think that you don't make enough money don't think your check is not big enough no no no no no you're in a whole nother group that's right everything that god's going to do for you is already done jesus paid the price for it so that you could get it without toil see when adam sinned the biggest thing he lost other than his nature the nature of god he lost the ability for god to provide for him i like what brother copeland says he said when adam's sin it's like he was trying to just find out how to feed himself it got really dark and so what god has now is he has put you in the earth as his ambassador that's right amen now watch this so as an ambassador i'm only going to say what my government says and he has loaded the whole kingdom in me yes amen see when things in the spirit form they need no space because they're not matter the man who was demonic man in mark chapter five look he had he he was loaded with demons jesus asked who what is your name my name is legion for we are many he cast them out and they went into all the animals or the pigs or whatever and they all ran that's how many demons it was and you can take people without their bodies and sit them all in one chair i'm trying to bring you up i'm trying to let you know spiritual power is the most power powerful thing in the world words are the most powerful thing in the world because they can release spiritual power it'll stop a storm it'll redirect one all kinds of stuff yes sir yes and you're the only ones that got that the world just have to suffer the consequences you are a walking supply house and when people don't know who they are because they've stayed down at the level of a baby and so forth the bible says well let's get somebody to read that let's go back up here come on come on up whoever that is okay yep all right turn to galatians galatians chapter now you do have a bible or something you got okay uh they let's go to galatians chapter four and verse one let me get a mic for you isn't this good notice what i'm feeding i'm feeding your spirit and come coming into your spirit and when brother copeland laid some things down i mean he might say them and you praise god that sounds no you didn't really hear you need to take that home and then play that back and forth just so tracked four through track six yeah just just play back and forth and watch what happens that's right all right go ahead galatians this this is what what am i reading you said galatians chapter 4 galatians 4 and verse 1. let's try that watch this the thieving this is in the king james oh king james whatever you have whatever you have what do you have the cv you have what cv c-e fee okay i can do the king james can you go can he go to the amplified let's go to the amplified okay amplifier c amplified one whatever i think i think they're they're both now what i mean is that as long as the inheritor hairs is a child and underage he does not differ from a slave although he is the master of all the estate all right now start at the beginning again start at the beginning again now what i mean is that as long as the inheritor errors is a child long as the inheritor that you is a child keep going keep going and under age and under age keep going i differ from a slave he does not differ from a slave although he is the master of all although he is the master of how much of this state all of it you don't have to read that but one time god bless you and make the lord bless you and keep you real good amen here you are thank you all right you you're gonna you're gonna take that money you're gonna take it and take it right now and go on back there and sit down and inside of it all right come on okay all right now y'all with me are you with me yes sir so he said in verse seven but you are sons that's right so i'm only saying that because come on let's eat on another level now why because we got to provide for the world there is no shortage no no there is no shortage this heaven is stopped yes watch this waiting on a child of god to take faith and access it say amen so here is mark matthew chapter 14 and jesus over there in verse 14 15 and so forth jesus said up on the mountain in a desert place jesus said feed them the disciples said wait a minute wait a minute how are we going to feed all these people let them go now and go get something to eat he said they don't need to go anywhere you'll feed them because you are a walking come on you are a walking i want everybody yeah okay distribution center all right uh walking supply house disappear whatever the case why because god put enough inside of you to feed the city if it takes them the biggest reason for poverty is the absence of what self-production you are a producer if you're not a producer and just a consumer then you become migratory you've got to migrate to some other place to get your needs met god made you self-sufficient if you're up on the top of mount vesuvius you can bring forth food you can bring forth healing say amen thank you jesus can i just cover one more point lord jesus okay let's finish with this we are to possess the land that jesus died to provide all right uh let me just cover one more point here now i i talked about um accountability and accountability uh i looked up the definition of it in the definition of accountability glory to god is yeah it is the state of being liable to answer to one's conduct to answer for one's conduct the state of being liable to answer for one's conduct and what god wants to do is he wants to lord have mercy let me just cover this one last point is this too much is this too much have i done too much now where is the kingdom of god okay luke chapter 17 21 says the kingdom of god is where menu what does the kingdom of god have in it come on everything there's no distance in the spirit that's why god can be there and in you at the same time now jesus said seek ye first seek ye first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you your business is to bring things forth because things have been brought forth but most that has been brought forth has been a a work of the flesh now god says in genesis turn over there please chapter 1 whoa doc i'm i'm i'm up here i'm trying to get it out man you you amen amen i'm trying to help you you got to receive it by faith you know all right and josh and brother court this is not something different brother called man preached i got his bible here if you go in the front of his bible you see all the sermons in here they got it in it so what am i saying no watch this so genesis 1 28 be fruitful and i think we're going to start here tomorrow say be fruitful what does that mean it means to produce if i'm going to the grocery store and i want some some fruit what section do i go to be what fruitful notice when they spot out canaan what did they bring back some fruit what did he say i'm taking you off of manna now and i'm putting you on fruit okay be fruitful means watch this to bring forth or to create amen or to make public are you with me so he is saying to you and me he said it to adam first words adam heard be fruitful yes come on that means i want you to produce yes watch this now because i produced it first says god and i gave you the tree but you're going to have to produce the chair i'm just giving you the treat yeah are you with me multiply what does that mean increase increase both horizontally and vertically that's what they're doing right now with this cell phone this is an older model this is seven they're trying to you know they're trying to get you off these old models and so far i got 11 so forth in my bag but i like i'm used to the seven praise god and i'm using the seven but notice they made improvements each time people are lined up they're lined up to get it and when they're lined up to get it like that you just google how much cash apple has and they'll tell you about 200 billion dollars why because when you're fruitful and you're multiplying you're gonna make some money every time replenish the earth what does it mean to perpetually renew it and supply it that's not your body is made out of what say earth so it's including your body so that means i can replenish my kidney i can replenish because you got to hear me saints of god man this thing this is awesome amen that's why you can be 100 years old and run the marathon what and when uh-huh that's right amen the world is waiting on the manifestation come on of the song amen and subdue it that means everything that satan has put up out here i want you to undo it every bogus law everything that he had put up in here reversing say amen amen amen my name is bill winston and i approve this message god bless you god bless you god bless you you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 15,371
Rating: 4.9003558 out of 5
Id: oV9VC86SFgk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 49sec (4189 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 04 2021
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