2021 Branson Virtual Victory Campaign: Jesus Knew What He Would Do (7:00 p.m.)

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times are changing and the winds of change are blowing things in the earth are moving so rapidly now time has been put in a place where it's in in a way time is shorter so it's moving rapidly and things are changing rapidly by the time something is produced and put on the market it's obsolete these times are times that confuse people and people wonder what do i do now how how can i how what can i do how can i make it in this i don't know what to do listen to me saith the lord i'll walk with you and i'll talk with you i'll show you things i'll show you patterns in your life i'll and i'll i'll un-confuse de-confuse and decompress things for you and it'll you come into that place where it'll look like things have just seemed they seem like they've slowed down for me and i have time to think where i didn't have time before or thought i didn't and my motives have changed from motives of my own to motives of love and faith i'll continue to do that for you and through you and in you and my purpose is become your purposes and the things that i desire your desires and we'll walk in this together and there are people that will notice the difference in you because you see there are those that have known me and walked with me as your as their savior and those that have found close relationship with me in the infilling of the holy spirit and walked with me and they've known me as the great planner and the great financier and they've known me as the healer and they've known me as the as as as their very own grace in life but very soon you will know me as the great resurrection and it's time oh glory to god it's time it's time put more expectation in my coming look for me watch for me everywhere look for me all times look for me in the clouds look for me in the night time look for me in the daytime look for me listen to me walk together with me practice my presence and we'll talk and visit all the time and i'll show you things to come and i'll reveal myself in you and around you and for you and through you and then you can become a beacon of light not only to your own family but in an area wherever i have called you and placed you people will begin to follow your lead and you'll see many many many people come into the kingdom of god and you'll see many people that you didn't understand and didn't have any idea that you even knew how to win souls well all you have to be is uh be a winning personality and help people and talk to them and understand them and listen to me and i'll tell you what to say and i'll tell you what to do and it'll work and you'll say how in the world did i ever live before today and i'm coming so soon you'll be glad that you began to watch for me for i am in the present place now i've stepped into the room concerning the end and it's very close so rejoice again i say rejoice and understand that the time of great blessing is at hand in the land of the living saith the lord hallelujah glory to god glory to god glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory glory thank you lord well you may be seated there was a man came up to gloria and he wasn't he wasn't trying to be ugly about it he just he said gloria i just keep hearing people all the time saying it's the last days it's the last days it's the last days and they just keep on going and going she just smiled sweetly and said well one thing about it it's your last days oh yeah he said it isn't it if you make the whole 120 you hadn't been here all that long amen thank you lord jesus i'll tell you this has become so strong in me here of late and it's particularly just in the last several weeks the resurrection look for him look for him in the resurrection lynn my mother used to tell me every year kenneth jesus come in this year i said mommy you said that last year i know it but he's coming this year i didn't get it and she and she said she come up next to me kenneth jesus is coming to you i said mommy you said that last year yeah but he's coming this year she watched for him until the day she went to heaven yeah she did she really did i'm sitting down here and the lord said kenneth was talking about jesus going about doing good and healing all that were oppressed of the devil the lord said to me here's the way i inspired it it didn't get written that way jesus went about jesus went about doing and being god that's right and he's so good thank you amen he went about doing and being god because god was with him yes and if you've seen one you've seen the other yep thank you lord jesus thank you lynn thank you lord jesus glory he's in this place tonight you can receive your healing right now or anything else that you want or need thank you lord jesus well now we still have all day tomorrow and um the number of total households online 50 301. so this is a nice crowd take that covet 19. or covet 20 or whatever your name is states viewing all 50 states and the district of columbia are watching with 60 countries that is a nice audience aruba australia bahamas barbados belgium belize bermuda brazil canada costa rica czech republic denmark dominican republic estonia france gabon germany ghana grenada guam guatemala hungary iceland india ireland italy jamaica japan kenya latvia luxembourg malaysia malta mauritius mexico netherlands new zealand nigeria norway philippines puerto rico russia rwanda saint kitts and nevis st lucia singapore south africa south korea spain sweden switzerland tanzania trinidad and tobago ukraine united arab emirates united kingdom the united states vanitia u.s virgin islands and zimbabwe praise god thank you jesus glory to god i remember um many years ago and we it seemed like we were stuck on 50 people we're just 50 people i mean i i don't care what i did with just 50 people would come to the meetings well i just finally i went to the lord about it and i said lord what is this with 50 people that's and i want you to know he jerks and slack out of me he said not all that often he calls me kenneth but when he does yeah you know it's hearken here ken and so he said kenneth if you had governors of the 50 states would it be a big crowd i said oh yeah it would what if you had the ceos of the top 50 corporations in america would you have a big crowd yeah why i said because of who they represent he said i want you to know i am sending those 50 people to you and i am picking them because they will receive what you're saying now quit griping about it and do your job okay what i didn't realize back in those days i was preaching to 50 people but i was making tapes the tapes were just going out everywhere and i had people contact me from places how did they get those tapes it was those 50 people that kept coming everywhere we went so it wasn't the same 50 people all the time and they were bringing their tape recorders and we were they were buying our tapes and just sending them and they were duplicating them and i didn't care let them make 10 000 of them that's why they're here i'm not in the tape business amen you know first it was bookworms and then it was tape worms i was a tapeworm man to you glory to god and then when as giant stepped backwards and got cds you can't stop them and back them up and make notes well well do the best you can but we do have more than 50 people now we have 50 countries 50 states praise god god is so good all right open your bibles for this message tonight first of all in the book of james chapter 2. james chapter 2 begin reading with the 14th verse what does it profit my brethren though a man say he has faith and has not works can faith save him now the weymouth translation of the new testament it was it was originally called the new testament in modern english it was out of print so kcm put it back in print so it's it's kcm publication now and right now it's being offered free so get busy and get yours because you will be glad you did you've heard me use this phrase well that's where i got it what does it profit my brethren though a man say he hath faith and has not action can faith save him has not corresponding action if a brother or sister be naked and destitute of daily food and one of you say unto him depart in peace be ye warmed and filled notwithstanding you give them not those things which are needful to the body what does it profit even so faith if it has not corresponding action it is dead being alone corresponding action that clears it up doesn't it now people many years ago got confused with works and guns got you know kind of bent out of shape but that's that's not really what he was saying it's it's action that corresponds to what you believe in your heart and say with your mouth for instance a woman with the issue of blood believed it in her heart she said it and she got out there and did it that's corresponding action to what she believed and what she said now this is the way faith works now that corresponding action excuse me doesn't necessarily have to be after the fact it can be before now go to the go to mark's gospel chapter 5. mark chapter 5 the great faith chapter in fact jairus leader of the synagogue that that the centurion built same centurion that recognized jesus as a prophet in authority same centurion at the crucifixion and said this must have been the son of god i thought he was just a prophet but he's the son of god and then we found out who he was and he lived in caesarea his name's cornelius he was the caesarea he was the he he was the centurion of that whole district and caesarea is right there where pilate's headquarters was and you remember pilate checked the scent with the centurion and see that he's really already dead so this was the uh of the italian band and was com and was commander of that whole area well and and all of this is right here in this fifth chapter it's it's an amazing uh anyway verse one they came over unto the other side of the sea into the country of the gadarenes and he was come out of the ship immediately immediately there met him out of the tombs a man with an unclean spirit now in the sixth chapter of the book of ephesians the apostle paul gives us the rank and foul of satan's command from the lowest to the highest principalities powers rulers of the darkness of this world those are the ones that possess people now a demon-possessed person is someone that that demon controls them spirit and soul and body completely that's demon possession that's not oppression that's demon possession and you haven't seen many i have you haven't seen many there's not many in this country because of the gospel that's preached in this country and you'll see something about that right here in this chapter very interesting now look at it again a man with an unclean spirit one spirit who had his dwelling among the tombs no man could bind him no not with chains because that he had been often bound with shackles and chains and the chains had been plucked asunder by him and the shackles broken in pieces neither could any man tame him now notice this um if you permit me to use this for ex explanation purposes this is samson in reverse the power of god would come on samson it's obvious that samson was not a big strong-looking man because they couldn't figure out what made him so strong but the power of god would come on him and you couldn't bind him the power of the devil came on this man because he's skin and bones doesn't sleep he's a cutter but that demon was one breaking the chains in the shackles no man could tame him now that's extremely important information not only in this case but this there there's information in this chapter that explains a lot of things and you'll understand a lot that's going on today by what you learn here now then always now always means always day and night so he didn't sleep he was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting himself with stones he's a cutter now there are people that do this today that cut themselves trying to get some kind of release cutting themselves cut it cutting themselves well you can be delivered from that that is a spirit i didn't say you're possessed could possibly be that you are but if you're possessed that means spirit soul and body you could be a cutter and not be possessed just obsessed the same way that you can you can be obsessed and a lot of pressure put on you by the devil and be a born-again believer you say something long enough for it to get into your heart it'll control your life for instance i had said it since i was a little boy i hate exercise i hate that i mean i like to play ball and i'm an athlete but who in the world wants to exercise during the daytime i mean that's kind of dumb and i was always overweight too but i just kept saying it and then i got to where you know i didn't pay attention to it but and the lord began to talk to me about it and and he started telling me back in the early days of this ministry i want you to start walking and don't quit i started walking but i quit and i paid a price for it came to a place where i had a disc that didn't disrupt her it blew up in 2004 on sunday after uh the close of the southwest believers convention it was a very difficult convention to start with and in my shower on that sunday morning that disc blew up and literally changed my life i fell in the floor and couldn't get up i screamed and before i could think about it that was pain i i didn't know anything about couldn't get up crawled out of my shower because of just being disobedient well but thank god i mean with god a lot of help and well now that that pain is over now i'm not against people having surgery but i made up my mind i'm not going to have i'm not going to have this operated on i i'm not going to do it i'm not against that don't misunderstand me but thank god for it i'm healed and well now what i want you to see is this man i decided i just i i tell you uh the the lord has dealt with me about this 120 and i am so excited about it glory to god i'm so thrilled i have a nice exercise room there in my home and for a long time it didn't have anything but you know dirty clothes hanging on the treadmill but well it didn't get quite that bad but it was pretty bad but i i walked in there and i'm all excited about exercising glory to god and i have a large a-frame there and and and and of course my trainer was working with me and i and i took those two ropes to do some pull-downs like this and it came out my mouth before i could stop it i said god i hate this no i physically felt that spirit leave my body i could feel it the oppression of it i said that till it got down in my heart and it was controlling my thinking and actions are you listening to me i said no i love this and i repented and i do love it because i have a lot of good time with the lord he said something to me about it i love him so he said kenneth i sacrificed my body for yours now you're sacrificing your body for mine because i started at an older age amen and i'm 84 and i and i enjoy it oh i enjoy working out it's just fun i thought i'd never hear the day i'd say that but that's what i'm talking about so you don't just keep saying the same thing if you don't want it to come to pass because it'll begin to control your life but that's that's nowhere near that's not even oppression that's just that's just dumb coming to pass that may be the answer to how dumb can you get i don't know praise god now then i want you to see something else about this cutting himself with stones but when he saw jesus afar off say afar off he saw him afar off and he ran and worshiped him if there could ever have been a person that the devil had complete control of and could have stopped him from worshiping god it would have been this man but he had no control over him and the minute he saw jesus he lost his deal right there he ran and he worshipped him the devil's still in him and he ran and worshiped now notice this now i have been in the presence and been talked to by demon-possessed people so i'm i'm going to attempt to use the same kind of voice that i heard and particularly well yeah particularly two incidents and then i'll tell you about a third one and cried with a loud voice whenever i need you indeed jesus outside of the most high god unto thee by god you torment me not for he had said come out of the man you unclean spirit and he asked what is thy name and he and my name is legion for we are many and don't send me away out of this country now that's amazing isn't it his assignment was right there don't send me away out of this country now there was now unto the mountains a great herd of swine feeding and all the devils besought him saying send us into the swine that we may enter into them now everybody there heard what this devil said through the man jesus heard all these other devils from three to six thousand of them now that ruler was in charge of the three to six thousand there was only one spirit that possessed him and all of those others were coming and going now here in fort worth when we're in branson we're in fort worth we were having meetings back some years ago that we called super sunday and every so often we would have a meeting there at the will rogers auditorium there in in west part of fort worth and we had some manifestations there like that one situation john was just just a a little boy and um there was a a woman and she was what they call a human chalice and a handler will use them and work through them and they're the one that's full of the devils and they call themselves a human chalice and all of a sudden there was just chaos all over the room just chaos babies started crying it's just chaos just terrible just going and going and just and i stopped and it just just almost make your hair stand up just the whole room was just in chaos and i just stopped and the lord showed me what was going on and i pointed over there in that direction but i just did it by the spirit in the name of jesus i bind you and you stop doing what you're doing now this woman jumped and ran out and ran over john she just ran over him he and kelly and the and the the woman that they were with were just right there and she i'm telling you she just ran over him and left and the woman that was the chalice you see the power of the name of jesus broke the power of that devil that woman the handler ran off and and that woman was doing like this to that spirit trying to get it back now there had been a thunderstorm a friend of mine trying to come into the meeting that night was a little bit late there was one thunderstorm right over downtown fort worth and there was not a storm anywhere else and and senator told him well it's kind of strange but it's just right there over fort worth and so he was wondering if he's really going to get in there to meet some field and then all of a sudden it disappeared and he called me and told me about it and then i told him what happened now isn't that amazing so all the devils besought him saying send us into the swine that we may enter into them forthwith jesus gave them leave and the unclean spirits went out and entered into the swine they look for a body they have to have a body to express themselves their first choice is a human body if they can't get a human body they'll take a pig they'll take anything they can get their hands on to keep from having to go to the dry place and seek rest and find none well that didn't do them any good because all the pigs drowned they that fed the swine fled and told it in the city and in the country and they went out to see that that was done they came to jesus and see him that was possessed with the devil and had the legion sitting and clothed and in his right mind and they were afraid where did the clothes come from huh where did the clothes come from jesus was prepared he already knew what he was going to do he took the clothes with him he prepared ahead of time faith always prepares for what it believes and praises that will come to pass preparing for it sweep out the garage for the new car clean up the old car quit calling it a clunker don't call it a piece of trash it's the only car you have darling clean it up polish the ugly thing clean it up amen i'll tell you what a clunker is like one cold morning my good friend jerry savelle i don't know i don't know what i don't know why was the only ride i had at the airport that morning i don't know where you and i were going but i but anyway i said jerry you're going to have to come over and pick me up well he came on and picked me up in this great oldsmobile it was cold i had my top coat on and uh i won't go into all the uh all the slippage and all all the things that were happening in that car and we got in that car and i said jerry turn the heater on uh he said brother copeland um it's on now wide open and it was cold but i'm going to tell you something about that car that car was worn out but it was not dirty it was not nasty and i hollered and slapped the dashboard and said what do i say work or work in the name of jesus work in the name of jesus and and then i said jerry turn the heat down in here it said i can't i can't turn it off but i'm going to tell you something that car wasn't dirty it was not nasty you won't find anything he owns dirty and nasty and filthy no sir plan ahead of time plan for the best corresponding action i can just see jesus because now look listen to what he said clothed and in his right mind and they saw that it that told them had befell him that was possessed with the devil and also concerning a swine they began to pray him to depart out of their coast get out of here please and when he was coming to the ship he had been possessed with the devil prayed him that he might be with him i want to go with you jesus how be it jesus suffered him not but said unto him go home to your friends and tell them how great things the lord has done for thee and has had compassion on me go home and preach love he departed and began to publish in decapolis how great things jesus had done for them and all men did marvel now you check it out this man caused he changed this man changed that whole area right there and when jesus came back they rushed to him i can't you see jesus called the guys together he said now look i want you to go get some nice clothes i'm going to call this man to preach and right now he looks nasty i mean he's he's naked he doesn't even have any clothes and he's skin and bones but he's going to be a new man i'm going to call him to preach and he's going to go back home to his friends and i'm just thinking that they probably don't even know what happened to him that maybe thought maybe he's dead if they were to see him they wouldn't recognize him but he's going to go back home in nice clothes and he's going to hit the road preaching brother talking about this man jesus that came to him and he'll be like me he'll say do you like my new suit yes man because jesus called the man to preach thank you lord i was in jamaica the lord instructed me to go up into the mountains and preach i found out when i got there that there were people that had been fasting a day a week for weeks and weeks and weeks that somebody would come teach them faith and so i it was on independence first independence of jamaica and uh so got up there in the mountains and we were on the way to to the church while i was preaching that's this this particular time and there of course all of the churches were very small and so forth but and when i got there there there were people up in those mountains that i was the first light-skinned man they had ever seen so when we got up there got and started to get in the car with the pastor and he said brother copeland i said yes can we stop and pray for our lady please i said sure what's wrong with her she's mad i said what he said she's mad i don't know ministered her before i go preach you know so i had a former marine that was working with me at the time and we were working together on over there he was helping me and the pastor and uh so we went into this place we it took a good little bit of a drive and you know no no electricity anywhere in those mountains so is all all lanterns and so forth and started through the house now i'm serious i saw several people that looked like they qualified on the way back to the back room of this house but they just all looking at me kind of funny but then i realized why because i'm headed back there where this young woman was and we walked in there she was on her haunches just squatted down like this up in the middle of an old mattress no no bed no no linens or anything just just an old old cotton tick striping mattress just squirt it down in that just skin and bones had a little stick about that long with a red bandana and had it over her shoulder and we walked in there and of course you can understand the atmosphere is very oppressive walked in there well i saw her i just walked right straight up and hit right in in front of her the pastor was on one side and earl was on the other side and back in those days brother weber was a baptist radio preacher now nobody nobody in the mountains of jamaica had a radio and her head was down she looked over there at the pastor and said you must be brother webber he said no ma'am i'm not and she wouldn't look at me and she looked over there at earl and said you must be oral roberts he said no ma'am i'm not i know who you are you're afraid of anything that's not flesh and blood i said i fear no man no beast and i come in the name of the lord jesus christ of nazareth and i command you in that name to come out of her right now and then i said baby look at me they came look at me look at i said and i said this supernaturally i you know i didn't know anything about her i said look at me i said i came to tell you that jesus loves you and i saw her eyes clear for a moment and she dropped her head again but then she turned back around and i caught her and i said listen to me god loves you jesus loves you he sent me to help you and set you free she never did go back to that glassy-eyed look now i had to leave and go on to where i was preaching that night and i never did hear but i know what condition she was in when i left now let me tell you her story there was a group came through jamaica and they were having revivals all over the country now and she but she worked it was either i think it's spanish town either spanish town or kingston and she was a waitress and they came in and just just one people to the lord and she accepted jesus as her savior and she was so thrilled she was just so in love with jesus and she just just loved him so and she'd never been to church in her life and so she just was just so ready and so she got she bought her a new dress and and she went and got her hair all fixed and and everything and she was and then she went to church and she got to the church and she was trying she come to started to go through the front door of the church and they said you have cut your hair she said well yes what's that on your fingernails they grabbed her fingers and took the polish off her fingers you cannot come in this church you have cut your hair and god does not love a woman that will cut her hair and she just staggered out she was a scriptural illiterate that got on her mind and stayed on her mind until she until that devil took her over but he didn't possess her because she's born again he when the minute i mentioned love that god loved her her eyes cleared up glory to god isn't that amazing praise god forevermore hallelujah thank you jesus now i i was in um uh there in in fort worth and really good friend of mine charles rogers and this one back i mean i i i just got saved i like i told you earlier i mean gloria and i both you know scriptural illiterates we didn't know anything about the bible but charles was in a meeting and he wanted me to come sing for him and so i said yeah you know charles charles powerhouse man man of faith so how singing in this meeting that he was having and uh good meeting we were having a lot of a lot of things and this woman said brother charles would you come pray for my mother please she's on her deathbed she's in the hospital and i don't know if she's even saved or not would you come so he said you know come on go with us well i'm you know i'm just there with charles well i i'm down here at the foot of the bed and charles and this uh the daughter are up there beside the woman and they're they're talking about her i mean we just walked in there and this little woman i don't know she's elderly she couldn't have weight over 75 80 pounds and she's just lying there in the bed sick boy sit sick boy sit scared i i couldn't mean breathe man i'm telling you i i just went out the door the hospital i just walked outside i wasn't expecting that and i don't mean telling you oh dear lord and back in those days i wait about 2 25 and i i i go i thought boy you stupid looking thing here you standing out and you let that little 75 year old woman with that devil run you out of the room i said lord i'll never run from another one i give you my word right now i will never run from another one in the name of jesus and walked back in there so anyway then went to oral roberts university now i was talking about that little project house that we lived in and my landlord was a mormon and a lawyer and i had a good time talking to him he said kenneth you know it's strange he said to some folks think that we're not born again he said i want to tell you something about me personally he said the lord jesus christ is my personal savior do you understand that i said i do understand that well thank you very much and we had a lot of good good talks and he on he owned the house that i lived in and he owned the house that a very close friend of mine lived in i was going to or you he was going to um uh trinity bible college yeah oh you talk about it this that man had smith wigglesworth in his church in england and he told me he said i want to tell you something he will frighten you he will frighten you they had a funeral now wigglesworth was preaching in brother duncan's church and uh so it the man that died was didn't belong to his church but some of his family did and he went over there to pay his respects and wigglesworth went with him so they they walked in there and of course this is in the uk and there's a they had set up a sitting room there in this home and a parlor the glass doors and and then they had the uh the coffin behind those glass doors and people were sitting out here in front and and so they went into the family and so forth and they walked in and wigglesworth just walked on in there and walked behind those doors and just reached in there and pulled that guy out of that box and stood him up in the corner and he said in the name in the name of jesus walk and it just slid down he picked him up and slammed him back in there i said in the name of jesus walk and he slid down again and picked him up and he said i said in the name of the lord god a rose and ain't walking the man walked him to the door that'll straighten your day up and i can just hear brother charles duncan i can just hear him now anyway so right across our our our houses were back to back and and so john came over to my house you're going to have to come help me you're going to have to come help me i said what's the matter man i got a demon-possessed guy in my house and i can't get rid of him i said really yeah so i said tell me about him now he was giving his testimony at the full gospel businessmen's fellowship and why anybody believe this i have no idea he's talking about how he had been a crew member on a b-25 in world war ii and they got shot down he wasn't even born in world war ii but he's telling this big tale and just going on about this and had everybody just feeling so sorry for him and he didn't have any place to live and he'd gone home with some other people and they finally got rid of him well then john took him into his house and he can't get him out he asked him to leave and he won't go he just refuses to leave and he said he said brother kenneth this man's got a devil in him told me the story i said i guarantee he's got a devil in him he doesn't even know what a b-25 is much less being a crew member of it and i thought later i thought well you know maybe his dad or granddad was and he's telling the story like it is him but anyway so i i went over there and he's just sitting down there in the kitchen table and i saw it in his eyes the eyes tell the story i sat down there across from him and and began to minister to him about the lord jesus oh yeah no no no i know that wouldn't look at me i know i know all that i know all that i don't know so i said well stand up here i'm going to minister to you and i didn't know any better than this at the time keith you'll enjoy this i know so and and i had i had on my mind i knew what i was going to do i was going to put my i'm going to put my hand on him cast that devil out of him now we got up from the little kitchen table and little dinette table there and we're standing here there's a door right behind him i'm standing in front of him and this the door's right here and the hall is right here and the wall and the hall is right here and keith i put my hand on his head and he hit me right in the mouth well i'm not all that long off the street before i thought about it i unloaded on him i hit him knocked him and just knocked him up off of the ground and stuck his rear end through that sheetrock wall in there and john is going oh what's my landlord going is he don't care nothing about this guy anymore what's my landlord going to say what's my landlord and i thought well i've gone this far so i just pulled him out of that that and just dropped him down in the floor sat down on him and cast several devils out of him i do not recommend the procedure but it worked it did work we did get results so he left i don't know where he went after that but i had already witnessed to him and and talked to him about jesus amen so anyway i don't know how he got into this but anyway faith prepares faith believes and is ready back in our first little airplane was a little uh four seat cessna skylane and um i had been believing god for that airplane i mean i tell you i knew i knew it i knew it i knew it i just knew it glory to god and i believed for it and so i i bought i i bought uh a chart case for my instrument chargement and i i told this one time this is back in the days of tape and i said i bought a case from a charts and this woman wrote me and said why did you need a case for your shorts that's no not my shorts my navigation charts i bought the case it didn't have the airplane but i had the case and so i bought that case and ready and so and we were out at oak grove back during the days when it was just a small airpla airport only had an 1800 foot strip and now they've got what 3 500 4 000 feet out there now but anyway i bought that little airplane and uh so no hangers available and i and i knew the manager of the place and i said i would like to have a hangar and i would like to have one big enough for a twin because i'm not going to have this single-engine airplane all that long he said copeland you know there's not any hangars available that people out here leave these hangars in their will man that i said well how about a tie-down you can have any tie-down you want i'd already picked out the hanger so i picked the tie-down in the next row that was in front of that hangar just a straight shot from this tie-down to the front door of that hangar and i was in shreveport preaching there and that's where i met carolyn and jerry and uh just preaching the word of faith and we we just went weeks there and so carolyn's dead olin and we were driving down through town and i had that little red sky laying there with me now i'm believing god i know i know there was a cessna 310 a twin engine cessna that flew across and olin was in in the car with me i said olin that's my airplane i heard the lord say that that airplane belongs to you and so i watched him i knew where he was going i was parked at the same airport so i just went over there and saw where it taxied up and drove over there to the hangar he was putting the airplane in the hangar and introduced myself to him i said is your airplane for sale he said well this is not my airplane but he said my boss he said you know i think anything he has is probably for sale so and i knew in my spirit what to pay for it and i knew what my airplane was worth because i had been in the airplane business and i had already looked it up in the book i knew what it was worth retail i knew what his was worth and i knew what mine was worth wholesale and so then later that day the boss came out and so we talked and he's one of those guys that you know he did all the talking and just talk talk talk talk talk and i said i want to trade airplanes with you okay yeah you bet and i told him what a wonderful mind oh your airplane ain't worth that and i told him what i wanted to give her here my my airplane's worth a lot more than that well i said okay just let's just say that it is um why i tell you what can we just could we go by the airplane blue book well yeah i don't see anything wrong with that so the guy that flew for him went across the field and got the blue book and and i said okay we will just we'll go by the blue book right we got a deal yeah if that's what the blue book says i already knew what the blue book said and i already knew what i was supposed to pay for it he looked at that and said well i guess we got a deal don't we so i had that little twin i guess you know what i wanted to do right we got back to oak grove airport the manager called me he said copeland this beats all i have ever seen in my life that hanger that you were warning has come open do you still want it i said would you give me the keys and just push my airplane back there in it i had the twin engine airplane and the hangar and the charts the bag from my shorts i had i had the whole thing but i prepared ahead of time because i'd learned that from brother hagin and i had learned that you prepare faith prepares faith starts praising him faith prays and ends his prayer thank god it's mine now well then you start preparing amen amen and so as we moved and walked by faith and this right here is just so moving to me that jesus already had that planned out he knew what he was going to do it's like it was with philip he knew what he was going to do with philip he did all of that on purpose because for some reason it he he knew something in philip that needed to be changed and that this did it he already knew and he already knew this man in the spirit knew he was going to call him to preach so he took his new clothes for him now that's very very important jesus was prepared for him and and you know you already saw it this man didn't want to do anything but be with him because for the first time he remembered who he was he remembered who his friends are he remembered where his home is his mind is in back again and now he's a love preacher now faith's motive is always love faith's motive is always love i want to read you something in the classic amplified from ephesians chapter 5 verse 1. now the greek word now let me let me turn over there in the king james because it's it it's very you you you have to study to get this out of what the the king james says about it be there for followers of god that doesn't say it but the greek word translated follower is m-i-m-e-t-e-s mimick be therefore imitators of god copy him follow his example as well beloved children imitate their father and walk in love walk in love esteeming and delighting in one another as christ loved us and gave himself up for us a slain offering and sacrifice to god for you so that it became a sweet fragrance walk in love john 13 35. let's look at that now most people don't know this the 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th and 17th chapters of john are in the middle of the night in the covenant meal and jesus and of course john records things in that meal some have called it the last supper it's it it's more it's well that kind of says it but but it was the covenant meal when you take communion you should see yourself there i've learned to take communion it says as often as you do this and i do it a lot sometimes i have the time where i just take a lot of time at it and somehow i just go there and i'm right there in that room and there's john on the right hand of jesus leaned up against him and it and somehow i'm just right there and do this in remembrance of me and then i start remembering things i i remember things that i particularly those things that i saw when i was in the those first days in oral roberts ministry and the things that i experienced in the things that i saw and dr jackson you you will enjoy this well everybody would but particularly in your profession as a neurosurgeon and and uh this family it was a family of color and and it this little girl and it was just an old rickety wheelchair and she had they had a a 2x12 just kind of wired to that chair and had her strapped to it like this well you know my job during the message in the invalid room and this time it was in the invalid tent and my job was to hear it on the loudspeaker and then go outline brother robert's message and then go back and and and go over the points now in this message brother roberts had had made this statement and did and illustrated it like this he said if you can't move anything but your little finger you start moving it start with something do something do something you couldn't do get into motion start just start doing something and there she was strapped down to that board completely totally paralyzed now we walked up there she was already doing this her eyes were just going i mean i mean they they they look like little marbles rolling around into her head she was moving the only thing she could move and she's just moving her little eyes see i guessed her somewhere around nine or ten years old and i mean she's rolling her eyes she's moving her little eyes and she said mama mama get me loose untie me i'm healed get me out of here her mama said baby no god tie me now she's at an angle like this and of course she'd been like that a long time i guess because she she was very very thin and they untied her and when they untied her she just came off that board and took off running around that room with her mother right behind her oh baby baby now that is the woman that comes to my mind do this in remembrance of me i see her i see her she's 60 65 years old now if she's still on the earth but i saw her when she came off of that board just flew off that board took off i mean she was picking them up and laying them down and their mama was just trying to catch a baby baby baby in remembrance of him the first time i was in the infant room now i had i was driving the car still and i had several jobs but colin steele the the road manager on on the the campaigns on the road came to me and one of my favorite people on the earth because he's gone now but very spiritual man came to me and he said now kenneth uh we want you to go in the invalid room now and explain to me what the invalid room was he said people that are very sick crowds make them really really nervous and they just so we've provided a place for them and uh sometimes there's just a few in there but sometimes there's up to 50 75 people and this first one was i i'm guessing oh about that probably 40 50 people in there and now the one where that young girl was was bigger than that in fact there was another guy in that one it was pretty large crowd in there and that but it was in the invalid tent and it was a pretty good sign and this other man that in there and he he got up out of a wheelchair just kind of took a step or two and man he took off i mean he took off running around that thing and i'm watching him and he came by around here and and he came running by me and and i said in the name of jesus and and he just started talking in tongues and he just went around again he came around and i and i touched him again i said you called a priest yes and he just went around again he just kept going around that thing and round and round and round he went just just shouting and praising god but this was the first one and and i went on they said now you'll have about five or seven minutes when he gets out from giving the invitation he's going to stop in a little curtained off area that we have for him and this is back in the days of micro fish and he said all of the names of his partners are on microfiche and he goes in there and prays for all of his partners and i thought i'm going to do that someday well i have the name of all of my partners on the usb where i can carry them around in my pocket and carry them in my bible case which i do so anyway pray for his partners for you know several minutes and then he'd come in there he came in there and he's surveying the room and he took me stand up here amen for just a second please he he walked up beside me and and he just standing there and then he took me like this and pulled me over there to him he said now you're going to do the praying and you're going to do the laying on of hands you can say that and i thought what and i could feel all the color going on my face and he laughed he said don't worry about it he said if you make a mistake i'll fix it i said okay i didn't say anything i thought okay but listen to what he said don't touch them till you're ready to release your faith he had preached that night on the point of contact there comes a place that point of contact where you release your faith that's when it starts and i learned years later to draw a line i've believed for this thing and that's my that line's my point of contact and i step across the line of faith i'm never looking back it's done amen go forward well i thought i've been learning on the power and authority of the name of jesus so the name of jesus that that uh at that name i'm gonna release my faith so we walked in the very first one about as far as from here to the where brother keith is and this little woman was lying on an old army cot she looked like just just just withered away dying of cancer found out with stomach cancer and so weak and and we walked right straight to her and she was so weak her nurse had to hold her up where we could come over there and pray for her he was still right here i walked over there and i stood there a second and i said in the name of jesus and as far as i got i touched her from right here oh dear lord oh dear lord under the anointing you you you can't imitate that i heard a little indian woman in a tent meeting one night in fact it was billy's meeting and we had we were having we were in a tent we had a number of tribes there maurice scalar represents the tribes of of israel and i represented the cherokee and and there were tribes there that that up until that night had never gotten together because they were enemies and this little woman tearful lord i'm telling you all of a sudden we all took communion together and all of a sudden i mean just a little half pint of a woman she just shouted she didn't say anything she just did this and shouted i've been trying to do it ever since and i'm telling you all the hair just stand right straight up on your head it was so powerful gloria said dear lord god she said that went that went completely through me i said it didn't mean to that's the way this did you foul unclean spirit in the name of jesus whose i am and whom i serve i thought my god the lion of the tribe of judah is roaring here take your hands off of god's property and she went and spit that tumor out on the floor that's what i think about when i receive community hallelujah as often as you do this thank you lord hallelujah well i preached about all i know tonight but amy in this jesus said it right here in that covenant meal 13 35 34 a new commandment i give unto you that you love one another as i have loved you that you also love one another by this shall all men know that you are my disciples if you have love for one another in mark 5 19 jesus had compassion on that man and then that man left and preached compassion and it worked now i will show you this in closing praise god first chapter of isaiah 18th verse you really need to read all the way down through this 15th verse when you spread forth your hands in prayer imploring help i will hide my eyes from you even though you make many prayers i will not hear your hands are full of blood wash yourselves make yourselves clean put away the evil of your doings from before my eyes cease to do evil learn to do right seek justice relieve the oppressed and correct the oppressor defend the fatherless plead for the winner come the widow come now and let us reason together saith the lord though your sins are like scarlet they shall be white as snow and though they are red like crimson they shall be like wool and if you're willing and obedient you shall eat the good of the land that's what love does because he's so good and the lord said to me you better get your house in order and i said well lord you know you said in your word i don't understand what's wrong here if you're willing and obedient you eat the good of the land and and and i know i know you want us to have the good of the land i believe that i've read it many times i do that i'm walking in the good of the land but something's wrong here in the finances and it's something wrong in what we're doing he said you don't qualify for that well i'd heard brother hagin say that so it didn't it didn't hit me with the force that it did him but it still hit me because i i i didn't understand what in the world could he be talking about i don't qualify he said you've been obedient but absolutely not willing i said in what he said daily television well i didn't want to do it and at the time that he called gloria me to do that i'm telling you tv preacher stock was at an all-time low the scandals were going on there was just all kinds of mess going on and we were in australia and we were watching the morning news at night over there and it was all over the news i mean just all over it and he said when you get home i want you to go on a daily broadcast we were on an hour sunday broadcast i said god i was on that we were in that 747 a 13-hour trip to get to los angeles where we could get to our airplane i argued with him the whole 13 hours i i want to do this i can't do this i'm already exhausted well that was my fault but i didn't know it then i said i can't do this it'll kill me i don't want to do it i can't do it well you know if you ever realize it doesn't do any good to argue with him because all all the talking you ever did didn't inform him of anything that's right he already knew it anyway he just put up your yakity act and you know and i cried about it and didn't want to do it and i was exhausted and hurt and then just you know and i finally said well you know all right okay i'll do it i the only time i'd smile is just before that red light came on on that camera because i was exhausted i'm sitting there and i wanted to be somewhere else and i didn't like this i just i tell you i just hated every minute of it i mean literally i despised it i did not want to do that and then he hit me in the curse of the law because you did not thank the lord your god with with a with gladness and joyfulness of heart for the abundance of all things and that's the reason this it it cursed you i said not anymore i said did you know i love daily television i said i love daily television i mean i love daily television and so i started using that phrase now exodus 23 25 you should serve the lord your god i just added that in there i serve the lord my god with joyfulness and gladness of heart for the abundance of all things and i love daily television amen and so i got in there i didn't feel any different but the first time i sat down i was smiling before they turned it on i'll just wait until they turn that thing on and i said i want you to know something this is the believer's voice of victory broadcast and i love doing daily television and i want you to know it hit me i jumped up and ran around the table i shouted and i've been in love with it ever since glory to god i love it i love it i enjoy it amen that's the way it works that's the way it works the motive has to be love and the reason i love doing daily television is because i love my partners and you probably don't know this but i've said it in times past young men i keep seeing you in my spirit you the the the presence of god is on you and the ministry of god is on you and the word of the lord has come unto me walk with him and cherish your time with the lord jesus because his calling is on you and the time will come when you will stand and do the same thing i'm doing right now and you'll tell people about jesus and you'll preach faith and people will come to jesus and say i know that man he is a faith man and he walks in the power of god like creflo dollar glory to god amen amen in fact the word of god is on this this whole role amen amen thanks for coming i'm just checking to see if there's anything else in there yes has anybody today told you how pretty you are let me be the first amen this is an anointed row of people glory to god i i've been watching them this whole series look back there and the smiles on the whole row god loves you and i love you glory to god now where in the world was it thank you lord well and it it came to that place where love has to be king and love has to be the motive i preach and teach on television to my partners that's just where my mindset is and everybody else just gets to listen in and the lord taught me that a long time ago when you know particularly when it started out i didn't have guests with me i'm just looking at that hole and he said no don't try to see a whole television audience talk to your partners yeah you're speaking to them and let the rest of the world hear it and i learned that way way back in the early days to preach to my partners and talk about my partners and let everybody else you know well i've talked enough tonight would you stand on your feet please yes sir yes sir come please hallelujah is this on yeah uh the passage you were reading in john 13 uh the lord said it to me before you turn there but the very next four verses there uh you kept remarking about faith prepares yes faith gets ready and how that the lord was ready with the clothes for the man and the lord spoke to me right there he said that's what i'm doing right now let not your heart be troubled you believe in god believe also in me in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so i would have told you i go that's the next step on this outline right here i go to prepare a place for you and if i go and prepare a place for you i will come again i'll receive you to myself that where i am there you may be also jesus is a faith lord oh yes he is and he is so fully persuaded that we are going to finish our course with joy and stay with him and obey him and complete it that he's going ahead and getting our place ready hallelujah right now yes he is you
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 16,144
Rating: 4.8809524 out of 5
Keywords: 2021 branson virtual victory campaign, actions, ahead, believe, communion, corresponding, covenant, faith, jesus, kenneth copeland, knew, love, motive, plan, prepared, ready
Id: fhZO4z7MaGQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 55sec (5455 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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