How to Live in the Supernatural Pt 2 - Sunday Service

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we rejoice over that in the name of jesus christ so good to have you guys online streaming in this morning and and even so much better to have you folks in the uh in the dome and uh we welcome you in the dome so excited about you being here and um today i just i believe it's just going to be a revolutionary in your life um in this series i have committed to making sure that i take my time because we're we don't want you to just know that the supernatural exists we want you to understand how to operate in the supernatural and that's what this is for it is to graduate you out of this natural realm of existence where you find limitations uh into a supernatural realm of existence where all things are possible so there are some impossibilities you will face in the natural but you don't have to you can move into the supernatural and you can do as abraham did you can hope against hope in other words when there is no natural hope in the world there's always going to be some hope in the supernatural and you can use that hope in the supernatural to to win over hopelessness in the natural but i believe that's what heaven's looking for he's looking for christian people to begin to exist and abide in the realm of the supernatural father we thank you for this opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by the satanic or demonic force and father i pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in jesus name we pray and everybody said amen praise the lord if you have your bibles this morning go with me to the book of genesis chapter 1 genesis chapter 1 and beginning at verse 1 and we are going to continue our series how to live in the supernatural how to live in the supernatural now one of the things i'm not going to go over everything but the bible says we look not at the things which are unseen we shouldn't look at the we shouldn't look at the things that are seeing but the things that are not seen for the things that are seen are eternal but those things which are on the things that are seen are temporal but the things that are unseen are eternal so that lets us know that there is a sane realm of existence and there is an unseen uh realm of existence and so what we've got to understand is that we are in this physical world we are in a physical world with physical matter with a physical body to comprehend physical matter in this physical world our sensory mechanisms are important it helps us to get around in a physical world what we smell what we see what we touch but existing at the same time that this physical world exists is a spiritual world that's where the supernatural is i'm not saying that the physical world is here and then later on you'll see the existence of the other i'm saying that right now at this very moment that we are in this physical world there exists a spiritual world a supernatural world right now as you are seated living in your house called the body there exists angels that have been assigned to you more than one right now if god were to open up your spiritual eyes or literally open your eyes to see in that realm of the spirit you would see angels uh and you might see some demons there there's another realm that exists at the same time that this one exists now for some christians who had been taught that that just seems to be so ridiculous for you to say that but you won't know about that other realm until you leave your physical body you are a spirit being you have a soul you live in a body when you leave your physical body you step into that spiritual realm with spiritual matter and spiritual beings and you can then comprehend them because you are of a spiritual substance and so one of the things you have to understand is uh god who is a spirit created all things which means that every physical thing that we see all physical matter came from unseen matter all matter that can be seen derived and came from what you can't see and so uh the spiritual world is the parent world over the physical world we've been all we know is about the physical world so we think that everything that exists has to come out of the physical world and we've been trained to believe that if you can't see it in this world it doesn't exist and i showed you last week second king six when elijah and his servant were surrounded by those that army the uh the elijah said there's more for us than against us his his servant couldn't understand what he was talking about and elijah prayed lord open his eyes so he can see and his eyes not that he was blind his physical eyes were were able to see but he said open his eyes into the realm of the spirit so he can see and he saw angels and horses of chariots of fire surrounding that army now they had all they were always there and you see an elijah who put more attention in the supernatural he wasn't putting all of his attention in what he saw in the natural and that's what that's what most christians most of us have been trained to do put all your focus and relate more with what you can see instead of relating more with what you can't see and so this training over the next few weeks is really to train you to understand that you live in the physical world but there exists the parent world to all physical things now if all physical things came from an unseen place if all physical things came from a spiritual place who is god if even the pattern of the tabernacle that moses got came from a heavenly tabernacle tabernacle or when we pray the prayer lord we bind we understand that whatever is bound in heaven pattern that we used to bind whatever's going to be binding on the earth whatever we loose in heaven is already loosed but whatever we loose on earth is already loosed in heaven in other words our pattern from the earth is already established in heaven i'm trying to take your mind like a fisherman and i'm trying to fish you out of the physical pawn to get you to pay attention to a higher way of operation because anything that's physical came from that spiritual world and the same thing is true today there are a lot of things you need in the natural that have been made available to you in that spiritual world but we're ignoring it and we're not paying attention to it so i want you to i want you to listen to this today verse 1 he says this in the beginning god created the heaven and the earth the earth was without form and darkness was upon the face of the earth and the spirit of god moved upon the face of the water verse 3 and god said verse 4 then god saw verse 6 god said verse 7 god had made uh verse 9 god said he called verse 10 verse 11 god said god said god said god said and then at the end of this it says in verse 31 and god saw everything that he had made well when did he make it words he said it and then he saw it he said it and he made it and i am telling you that that authority has been passed down to every born-again christian you have the awesome power to use the most powerful thing in the universe words to make your way prosperous and to have good success is everybody with me now i don't i don't i don't want to i don't want to lose you on this one now i want to i want to share three things here and we'll get started a believer who is far away from god's word is far away from the supernatural a believer that is far away from god's word is far away from the supernatural so now listen god spoke words and we saw things coming into the physical world he spoke words and it moved from the spiritual world to the physical world john 4 24 god is a spirit god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him in spirit and truth the bible says that the word is spirit and it is life the word words in general are spiritual containers that's awesome they have the ability to penetrate into that supernatural realm and come back and make a deposit into this natural realm my god words look at saint john chapter 1 verse 13 uh saint john chapter 1 1-3 and then verse 14. saint john 1 1 through 3 and then 13. i i want to lay this foundation guys it's important that you get this this is some good stuff i'm gonna share today he says in the beginning was the what and the word was but then the word was now i want you to see this now we're trying to get jesus in the earth and isaiah really got it but throughout the old covenant people used words to begin to partake and give birth into what was going to happen in this natural world i mean what an assignment god god's challenge was how do i get myself who am a spirit into a physical body how do i get myself into an earth suit well like i did everything else physically i spoke words and the physical realm came into existence oh repeated god so notice what he says in the beginning was the word the word was with god and the word was god and the same was in the beginning with god watch this next verse all things were made by him the word and without him the word was not anything made that was made the word he just showed you the in the beginning was a word where it was with god word was god and nothing nothing was made without the word what is it you need in this physical world and you're trying to make it without the word imagine the awesome authority that we as christians can have when we begin to understand the power and the authority of the word to penetrate this supernatural realm where grace has made everything available i'll teach you later but grace was made especially for the new creation in the spirit world i can't talk about it now but i just mentioned it nothing was made without no thing was made without the word and then in verse 14 he says and the word was made what [Music] the word was made what and the word was made what and the word was made physical flesh he sent his word and it impacted physical healed you he sent his word and the word became flesh and the word became job and the word became healing and the word became increased and the word became protection and the word [Applause] so what's the powerful thing about speaking god's word because when you speak god's word his word has already been equipped his word is already filled with the capacity to bring itself to pass it only needs someone to cooperate and to load your mouth up with a with bullets that's already got gunpowder in it and pull the trigger and speak it look what he says go to isaiah this is this is the last scripture and we'll we'll get started somebody says haven't you started no no man i'm trying to get us all on the same page i don't know where you came from man i know what them demons been saying to you doing the pandemic i got to make sure we're on the same page isaiah 55 watch this isaiah 55 verse 8 for my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways god said this he says my thoughts are not your thoughts my ways are not your words now watch what he says but this is what i'm gonna do so you can have my thoughts in my ways i'm gonna give you my word the only way you're gonna have god's thoughts in god's ways is you gotta have god's word i don't care how intelligent you are you're not gonna have god's thoughts gonna always be higher god's way is gonna always be higher and you're never gonna be able to come and where god is unless you get his word because his words will contain his thoughts his words will contain his ways now can't you see why it's important for a christian not to try to be like god without god more more better than that can't you see how important it is for a christian to try not to be like god without his word you got to get his word you had his word it can't be some hypothesis that you learned out of a textbook that came from some guy who's not born again god's word brings you to the place where your thoughts and his thoughts jail his ways and your word your ways begin in jail as well watch this for as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher in your ways my thoughts higher than your thoughts supernatural world higher than the physical world supernatural ways are higher than the physical ways supernatural thoughts are higher than the physical thoughts or things that you think in this physical world all right now watch this he says for as the rain now here's an example just like the rain comes down and just like the snow from heaven and returneth not hither but what it does it waters the earth and it makes it bring forth and and then it buds that it may give seed to the sower and bread to the eater he says so just like the rain comes down it benefits uh whatever is whatever seeds in the earth and then it grows up and it buds because the rain comes down and causes something to happen he says so shall my word be just like that rain it'll go forth out of my mouth it shall not return to me void or empty but it shall accomplish that which i please it shall prosper in the thing where to i sent it so if you take god's word from the bible and it's already filled to accomplish what he labeled it as to accomplish if you'll do that and then speed out your mouth it's going to be like the rain and it's going to cause something to bud or something to show up in this physical world something to bud or something to show up in this physical world but it starts with the word god it starts with god's word i can't emphasize this enough christian people cannot expect to be successful aside from god's word you are not here this morning so we can shake rattling bro you are here this morning as students of grace to get some more word that you can send in the supernatural to impact your natural living [Applause] now let me i i understand three things here three items number one again a believer who is far away from god's word is far away from the supernatural the supernatural cannot be separated from the word of god the supernatural cannot be separated from the word of god first base if you if you are far away from the word of god you are far away from the supernatural they don't work independent of each other one another they work against the same verse uh number two when the word comes in light is shed darkness disappears then you manifest the supernatural when the word comes in light is shed darkness disappears then you manifest the supernatural so first things first if you're in dark situation sickness poverty disease whatever it may be confusion he says the word comes in and when the word comes in it brings light and the darkness will disappear and then you manifest the supernatural and then the final thing i want you to see in this progression the word equals seed and the supernatural equals fruit the word equals seed and the supernatural equals fruit the word is your seed and the manifestation is the supernatural supernatural is your fruit it's your fruit so it seems to me that as christians we got to start thinking like farmers we've got 66 bags of seed what are you going to do with it seed in the bag in the barn won't grow anything take the seed out of the barn out of the bag and put it in your heart and it grows everything you hear me now here's what i want to talk to you about today but you'll see why i had laid it foundation there is a number one reason why manifestations of the supernatural are hindered in the lives of the christian this is the number one reason the number one enemy to supernatural manifestation all right so i'm gonna tell you the answer and then we're gonna go through the scripture and let the scripture tell you the number one reason for supernatural the number one reason for um you you you you up here too much move your you're in where the front move go go side i don't know if they forgot that but go you're supposed to come in and go out you're not supposed to hang around now i apologize for that but i just wanted to i just noticed every time i come over that camera in my face and so you're in the front row all the time so amen all right what did i just say so y'all remember that in the back so i don't have to do the job all right make sure y'all do that now um the number one reason why the supernatural is not manifesting why are christians walking around just as impacted as in the natural as as people are not saved there's no way you're supposed to be going through the same thing that somebody is that's that doesn't have access to the supernatural you're supposed to be living way above fear way above sickness way above poverty everything that the world's going through you should not be like right there with them and there's just too many christians that's just right there with them you can't even you you're the light you're supposed to be standing out when the darkness comes but there's a reason why the light is not shining in the midst of darkness there's a reason why supernatural things are not are not showing up what's that reason the number one enemy to a supernatural manifestation is something called hardness of heart now what is that because you're assuming it you're assuming something that i know i know you're assuming it but it's not right it's not just rebellion to god's word so we have to let the scripture explain to us what hardness of heart is go with me to the book of mark chapter 6 verse 45 through 52 hardness of heart we gotta we gotta we gotta figure out what hardness of heart is not just rebellion towards god so that's why it's important to have the scripture because somebody will say hardness of heart and then come up with any kind of general definition and then you walk away still don't know what it is and then manifestations of supernatural should you know instill not existing i'm serious about this i want everybody in our church that hears these teachings to begin to function above the natural realm i mean and i'm not talking about taking a long time because you don't have to qualify for this all you gotta do is be saved and believe and stuff will start happening how many y'all ready for some stuff to start happening you don't sound like it you i mean some jesus stuff ought to start happening listen you ought to be you ought to be able to speak to a fig tree and in 24 hours come back and see that thing responded to what you said why is that not happening and so since we could never figure it out we just kind of just went with the flow and that has always bothered me we're supposed to be reigning on a higher level than everybody else and we're not well that changes today ladies and gentlemen y'all ready are y'all ready i mean supernatural wisdom coming on you supernatural inventions and supernatural ideas i mean to tell you all the things that the world is doing you're going to be doing it to such a point that they're going to look at you and want to be like you i want to know your god i want to know your word i want to know your supernatural but we've not given people a reason to want to be like us why cause we like everybody else y'all ready for this i sat there and i thought dear god if i'd have known this 30 years ago oh if i'd have known this now taff and i have seen it operate and so we have enough experience to say that's right we didn't know what to call it now follow me very carefully and straightway he constrained his disciples to get into the ship and to go to the other side before uh bethsaidia while he sent away the people get on the boat he sent away the people verse 46 and when he had sent them away he jesus departed into a mountain so he went to pray so they're on the water and he's he he's praying on the land and when even was come the ship was in the midst of the sea and he alone on the land and he saw them toiling and rowing i mean they're struggling i mean there's a wind that came it was probably pretty close to a pretty bad storm or close to a hurricane and they're doing they're struggling they're twirling for the wind was contrary unto them and about the fourth watch of the night he cometh unto them [Music] watch how he came he he cometh unto them walking upon the sea somebody say supernatural see he was able to tell them to go get in the boat say i'll meet you later i'm sure they thought how you gonna meet us later when we got the boat i'm living on a higher a higher plane so he walking on the water now this is interesting and he said and he would have passed by them i think i think it's almost that he thought he should have passed by them some reason you'll find out that he was expecting for them to tap in the supernatural just like he did but when they saw him walking upon the sea they supposed it had been a spirit another translation says phantom or ghost so they saw jesus walking on and they thought it's a ghost now i don't know if the disciples were black or white but i know black people don't do no investigation to see if that's really a ghost they were talking about they would negotiate and do we need to swim because that's a ghost my white brothers and sisters they like to go and investigate black people like if i'm up here right now if i ran right quick everybody running where to run for but when they saw him walking upon the sea they supposed it had been a phantom of a spirit and they cried out for they all saw him and they were troubled i don't know what they cried out and immediately he talked with them and he said unto them now isn't it strange he sees all this fear they're in a storm they think they see a ghost and jesus comes and talks to them immediately and watch what he says be of good cheer he said what are y'all doing why are you not of good cheer it is i be not afraid so they they were entertaining fear we live in our whole world right now that's entertaining fear and he went up unto them into the ship so he went got in the ship and that's so cool jesus walked in the water and he gets in the ship so cool somebody said well that's jesus walking on the water i want to remind you i want to remind you that jesus wasn't the only one in scripture that walked on the water paul which represented the church i mean excuse me peter walked on water as well you remember when peter said lord if it be thou if it be thou and jesus was like well what am i supposed to say it be thou not me if it be thou bid me to come on the water and watch this and peter stepped out of the boat and on that one word come he stepped on the supernatural and did something that natural man wasn't supposed to be able to do [Applause] no no no you got an issue with that because he did what y'all saying can't nobody but jesus do and the only reason jesus came in the body is to show you the capacity of what you can do in this body that's the only reason he came in the body to show you the capacity the potential the potential of the supernatural walking in a body and peter said he came but see notice peter wasn't paying no attention to the natural round no more he had his eyes sat on jesus and he started walking on the water and then i guess it must got loud or something and then he got his eyes off jesus and started paying attention to the natural and he began to sing but jesus is right there to pick him up now watch this part and the bible says and they both walked on the water lord have mercy i'm telling you if you'll give god an opportunity he'll show you the capacity of what you can do in this body with the supernatural and he doesn't expect for you to fall but when you fall he'll be right there to pick you up so you can continue to move in the supernatural [Applause] all right let's go back to this and he went up and uh and under them under the ship and then the wind ceased and they were so amazed in themselves beyond measure and they wandered next verse now here's the key wonder they wonder they wonder i i think i can safely assume that they were wondering how is it that he's doing this and they considered not the miracle of the loaves for their heart was hardened how come they were not operating in the super natural like this you know what jesus said they were not thinking about the miracle that they've already seen they were relating more to the natural what they could see and had not even remembered or neither were they relating to the supernatural of what they just saw they just saw the supernatural come in and feed over 5 000 people and jesus said that several times five seven and they didn't consider it they they were considering the natural but they were not considering the supernatural and jesus says when you consider the natural more than you consider the supernatural he calls that a hardened heart let's let's look at some definitions of a heart that's been hardened [Music] hardness of heart in its simplest sense is relating more easily to the natural realm than to the supernatural realm when you relate more easily to the natural realm then you do the supernatural realm what it says is your heart has been hardened against the supernatural realm realm because you pay more attention to the natural realm you're more pliable to believe what you can see and and you can be more pliable to it's easier for you to believe what you see and in this natural world he says but the more time you give considering the natural world the less time or no time at all you give to the supernatural world and your heart has become hardened you relate more easily to the natural realm than the supernatural realm we're more moved by what we see than anything else we're more moved by what we see than anything else and that's the issue we keep treating this relationship with god as a part-time issue come to church get your little church in do church and then go home and completely ignore it and and you spend more time you pay more attention you're moved more by what you see than anything else nothing else moves you like what you see nothing else moves you like what you see that's why the government can tell you anything and you believe everything they say nothing moves you like what you see nothing moves you like what you see you get a big old bump a lump somewhere and you come to church and i say you healed in the name of jesus it's not going to move you like that big lump of hum nothing moves you like what you see and you know what all of those years have done hardened you to the supernatural there's a reason why you don't see supernatural things because you become conditioned to only consider what you see what you hear and what you feel and so there's this there's no other way we've done all we can do in the natural and only time you can consider the supernatural is with weak faith saying well there's always god and give this little weak chumpy looking y'all pray for us you don't even believe in it [Applause] why should i waste my time praying for anything to happen when you spend more time with the natural you believe more than natural than my prayers why we're doing a symbolic prayer because you don't believe in the supernatural i got a call from the make-a-wish foundation one day this little girl needed a heart transfer and her last wish was to meet me and i went up and i'm thinking what's up what's a make-a-wish thing and they say well you know they're expecting the person to die and it's their last wish before they die i said well i ain't participating in that i ain't gonna participate if i'm a participating ain't gonna be to participate and somebody dying go up there and do a little symbolic hey how you doing we love you we appreciate you you know hope you die in peace you finally got your last wish i ain't doing that man so i figure if i'm gonna do it i'm gonna do it my way so uh she had some brother can you go with me that day he had some brothers in the room and then they was all up mom and dad's everything and i walked in and i said hey him i said y'all ready for a miracle today jesus says you can be healed tell me what you want in other words pick your victory tell me what you want i'm all loud i'm like god and they're like i said what need to happen here i said i didn't come here to give you no last wish so you can die she said well her hearts i think was enlarged and she needed a new heart and i said well pick it you can get one jesus got parts all in heaven you can get one another one a new one or you can get this one repair what you want you see look girl say it don't matter i laid hands on her and i said god in the name of jesus i thank you that our heart operates and then she says i want a new one give her a new heart put it on top of the list get somebody else's heart ready for her to go and i walked out and i said now i believe i have what you say do you believe it they said i said now do you believe it they say yes we believe it i said so when it happens you bring her to church you sit on the second or third row and y'all let me know you're here because my god is a supernatural god watch this i don't know how long it was but that little girl came here i think they were sitting somewhere on this second or third row [Applause] i'm telling you god can do anything i'm telling you god god can give you something that the world say you can't have i'm telling you god can bring the supernatural to past he'll have you walking on water hallelujah he'll have you do what the natural says you can't do my god [Applause] but if you start hanging around these natural christians so much you will forget about the god of the supernatural i started hanging around these natural preachers and i recognize it was robbing me [Music] of thinking and considering the supernatural and i'm back now considering the natural more than the supernatural because it just makes sense i went back and looked at some some old footage of taffy and i'm ministering in in the in the 80s 88 89 early 90s and i mean to tell you i just i saw bringing in the supernatural look at it i i heard go no go somewhere without prophesying somebody i prophesy to them slap them knock them up get them back up again i i walk up folks read that mail i'd cast demons out of folks and i'm thinking i said lord what happened he says you're not considering the super like you used to i said oh we're going to fix that my god is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that you can ask or think i feel all right here this morning y'all he has done too much for us to consider and to be moved only by what we see more than anything else we should be moved more by what god says and we're not we see it as just a you know a religious jargon it's just a part of our religion we say these things we we quote the scriptures and think about it why why why do we have the scriptures just to quote them i mean i could quote my angelo's portrait the scriptures got to have something of distinction that makes you stand above poetry [Music] this is not a literary work this is the book of power this is the book of the supernatural this is the book of healing [Applause] and i'm not going to go before god when i get to heaven and ask some stupid question well lord how come that didn't work but i already told you your heart was hardened to what i was making available to you and how is the christians working hard trying to be like the world you what you have is so much more superior than what the world has you should never want nothing they got but all you do i mean most christians in here your heroes are not even christian people your heroes are some demon possessed famous people that don't know god and don't know his word and you have to make a lot of excuses to make them seem like they're all right ain't doing that i know something coming and i know jesus is getting ready to come and i am not going to be caught in my last days on these planet on this planet having more confidence in the natural when the whole time the supernatural is available i don't care what's wrong with you there's supernatural wisdom that'll that'll show you what to do when to do how to do it you sit around here broke busted and disgusted and all of the ideas and insight god trying to get it in the earth isn't it sad that he can't use a christian because they're so carnal that he gotta have an unsaved person to have a dream just to get it in because you you you so deep and dumb deep trying to be dumb deep about something that don't even matter that you ain't even applying to your own life but you think that christianity is about you opening your mouth up and exposing your intelligence about the word and how much of the word you know and you quoting it ain't what it's about honey it's about showing it's show-and-tell can you demonstrate that you know this supernatural no because you have settled for being a parrot christian all you got is an echo you settle when you can rise above every issue every staff is at this one every gift the devil brings your way so you could tap into the supernatural and prove prove god prove his word you ain't gonna do it you know you think you got to be in church you think you've got to be in the platform and i'll tell you the greatest miracles happen on the street when ain't nobody there but you and that person the greatest miracles happen when you ain't got no audience to clap the greatest miracle happens where there is no altar there's just somebody that says i believe god more than this natural situation amen i'm telling you been too good to me there's too many natural things that god has helped me to come over that cancer shoulda coulda would have killed me that leukemia shoulda coulda would have killed me that car wrecked could have shoulda would have killed me that airplane shoulda coulda woulda crashed but i'm gonna tell you something that was too much supernatural that had already been done and just like he said you forgot about the miracle of the bread and the loaves you forgot about it but every now and then that's why you got to keep hold of every time god shows up and does a supernatural thing in your life you got to make your mind up i'm never going to forget about this supernatural thing i'm never going to forget how he healed me how he delivered me i picked me up out of a pit i gave me joy when i was about to kill myself i'm not gonna forget it because if he didn't watch he'll do it again but you forget what is already done you forget having a hard heart is defined as being deprived of wisdom deprived of judgment and deprived of understanding jesus couldn't figure out how come y'all can't get this look at look at uh mark 8 verse 17 through 21 mark 8 verse 17 20. jesus like how is it that y'all can't see this you have been a part of the miracles you've seen it you live with me you eat with me and still you don't understand that i'm just here as a test ride in this physical body to show you what you can do i've given you a manual of instruction that's already equipped with everything you need all i need you to do is load it in your mouth and believe it and when jesus knew it he saith unto them why reason you because you have no bread perceive ye not yet neither do you understand have you your heart have have ye your heart yet been hardened you see what he's saying is you're reasoning about bread don't you understand you don't have no standing here oh your heart's hardened you don't have any understanding you're reasoning about something that you shouldn't reason about look at the next verse you got eyes and you still can't see you got ears and you still can't hear and you do do you not remember do you not remember next verse do you not remember when i break the five loaves among the five thousand remember that you remember that how many baskets full of fragments took you up you remember that and they said yeah lord 12. he says and and listen and when when this when the seven among four thousand remember that how many baskets full of fragments took you up then and they said seven and he said unto them how is it that you don't understand how is it that you don't understand you say you remember this stuff and you're still reasoning about bread [Music] have you not seen my supernatural supply of provisions of bread how is that an issue still [Music] i heard that somebody says well i've never seen the supernatural oh you will oh you you you'll see it this week oh man of god you speak boldly oh yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah god ain't gonna hold you accountable for something you hadn't done now you need to you need to back up a little bit because you probably have had some supernatural things happen and didn't realize it you just thought oh well i must have gotten lucky tell him and i'd talk about our father a lot when he'd come sitting on that front row and you know when you remember we used to turn to one another in minister to one another are you saved and all that well some guy turned to determined to my father and he said they said uh hey you want to be saved he said i just wish me good luck y'all won't hear that you know the supernatural things happening all the time and why is it that you don't understand it he said the way your heart becomes hardened is by what you do not consider what i mean consider you you don't even think about it your heart is heartened so you can't be you can't be tempted with something without thinking about your heart is hardened based on what you don't consider what you focus your attention on you'll be sensitive to and what you neglect you'll be hardened to what you focus your attention on you'll be sensitive to but what you neglect you will be hardened to have we neglected the word in our search for inspiration have we neglected the word and now we've been come we've become hardened to it know about i don't want to come here no teaching i want i want to have some church and see that's what i said you learned how to do church but you don't know how to do life because you you you've become hardened to the word you won't sit down and get no teaching you won't get out sitting under somebody instruct you so it's never going to be real because you don't really you don't receive instruction see if i'm trying to give you instructions on how to operate some machinery you better be quiet and hold your amen and hold your dance so that machine won't cut your hand off because you receive any instruction [Music] but nobody wants don't about a lot of people don't want to know no instructions if i bit this ministry on holland and screaming and doing cartwheels the place will probably be full right now even though cover going on i i i want to feel something but instructions i don't want to know construction no instructions i get people all the time they settle in on the stream listening for a while and when they're not hearing nothing and feeling none you know it's easy to go out the back door online just just slip out and go go somewhere else why is it that we don't want instruction no more because we really don't believe it i don't want to hear nothing about no scripture i don't want to read no scripture i won't i don't feel something don't let them feel and deceive you because satan will give you he'll give you a lot of feelings we've lost it like i say we've been so busy learning how to do church that we don't know how to do life because we neglect the word and we're more sensitive to those other things i'm not doing that thought about a few times i'm not doing that i don't care if everybody leave i'm going to teach you the word i'm just worried one of my biggest fears used to be i just have dreams about it coming to a church and it wasn't nobody in the season i was preaching i'm like lord have mercy what happened i had that dream i had no idea god was trying to show me what was going to happen i spent a whole year preaching in this dawn with all these emphasis and then i got used to it i ain't scared no more i am not going to become insensitive to the word of god just so i can get you know validation from somebody oh i love him he really inspires me oh i just love you i ain't here for you to be loving me like that i'm here to carry out an assignment to get you now i'm just getting callie paul i'm here to carry out assignment you got to get this word you got to understand his word if you walk out of here and don't understand what i preached today i have i have failed well i didn't fail you you weren't listening [Applause] no i gave you the meal i fed you i fed you so you're going to be getting to heaven down in the lord and say why are you going to do that well creville on them didn't tell me i'm going to be right behind the throne stick my head out use a lie going back out again most people have neglected the things of god and paid attention to the things of the world isn't that the truth especially in the time of social media neglected the things of god paying attention to the things of the world you used to take your bible first thing in the morning when you had to go to the bathroom you took your bible in there read a couple scriptures now you take your phone in there and look at your little line and see what's going on in social media can't you tell that stuff messing with you can't you tell there's so much bad news can't you feel that affecting you turning news on is bad news turn on social media is bad news somebody slandering somebody somebody got some bad say about somebody and somebody somebody did that somebody somebody doing that somebody somebody did that somebody they even gone so far not announcing that people dead that ain't even dead you know that person died anything just to get you to log on so they can get paid and still you don't get it just cause new things and new technology come out i don't know if i want to be involved in all of it i took this stuff off my phone i want to know who doing what how they're doing what they're doing i want on youtube youtube on facebook uh you know double facebook i don't know none of that stuff i don't know nothing i want to know what they're saying about who what they're saying about me i ain't telling when the world is saying about me i don't care i don't want to know i don't want to know i got too much i got to get equipped for the supernatural i ain't got time to be distracted by something that and then you sit up there all worried and messed up and it's like it's your fault you keep turning to it it's like you just go to get beat up i know i had to get delivered from that somebody logged on told my wife you just need to go somewhere and sit down and shut up and submit to your husband i'm like you know that ain't going to tell you what i said about that number wait wait look at see i'm not going to be going on facebook i need to find out where you live bro you need to be what what you talking about i need to call my people up what you talking about and that's what i'm like i see that's the devil i got i gotta get away from that boy i gotta i gotta get away from that cause you you you're a facebook assassin it's easy for you to sit behind that computer and saying all that stuff right there you understand what i'm saying it's just like listen i'm saved man i gotta i gotta focus on the things of god and then you sit up here spending all half a day focused on what somebody some bad comment taff and i started a new club is called mind your own business club and i'm like that i want to hear about what's going on everybody else i'm trying to focus on walking on water just in case i need it one day i'm trying to focus on divine healing and health so that if a virus touches my body it dies instantly cordoba i'm trying to focus on how to how to live a good life and how to live a long life and and and and how to stay away from you know when you go to the doctor not to tell you well you know you're getting a little doc so don't worry don't talk about all that no my my my life is being renewed like an eagle my youth has been renewed like an eagle [Applause] yeah pastor we hear what you're saying mm-hmm you don't really think that that can happen see that's where the separation comes that's that's what that's what holiness is you becoming common with the world and god expects us to be uncommon with the world and until you become oncoming to with the world you're not holy holiness is uncommonness it's not being common with the world and that's our problem we too common with the world you got gospel artists that you can't tell they gospel artists they just sing songs with jesus in it but that's about it and your motivation is life is to be like a worldly artist don't you know what god's got is better than what the world will ever have and yet you don't think you nobody until you can get the recognition of the world i want no recognition from the world i am working for recognition from one only the one and only jesus the anointed one you understand talking about in the world i want to hear him say my good and faithful servant well done [Applause] so what's the cure for a hardened heart most people have neglected the things of god and paid attention to the things of the world so the cure for our heart and heart is a total commitment to keep our minds stayed on the lord this is going to let you know if you're really a christian or you just you know you're just at church playing a a church game really a christian isaiah 26 and three it turned out isaiah 2063 says he'll keep you in perfect peace huh that will keep him in perfect peace how you know how many you know peace especially in this day and time how many you know peace is a blessing it's a blessing and too many of us were spending our peace on other people's drama if it costs you your peace what it's too expensive and you let somebody rob you of your peace and that includes family you spending your peace on other people's drama taff and her mom used to say it like this who's renting space in your mind you keep renting space in your mind that will keep him in perfect peace who's he going to keep in perfect peace whose mind is what stayed on thee why would your mind be stayed on him because that's who you trust in the often the authenticity of your of your of your of your of your trust is your mind being stayed on him and that's that's the challenge of everyday life get my mind on him keep my mind on him it drips away get it back on him something comes up it gets better get back on him something keep his mind that's that's the that's the challenge of every day keep my mind on this word i'll keep him in perfect peace look at the book of philippians this may be the i don't have more time philippians 4 8 through 9. philippians 4 8 through 9. he says finally brethren whatsoever things are true the things that are honest the things that are are just the things that are of pure the things that are uh lovely whatsoever things that are of a good report he said if there be any virtue if there be any praise think think on these things that's the challenge of life thinking on these supernatural things relating to the supernatural more than you do the natural world making sure that your heart hasn't been hardened because you relate more with the things you you relate more to the things you can see more than anything else relating more to the things you can see more than anything else to me it was mind-boggling oh my god you mean we can operate in this kind of supernatural lifestyle all i got to do is challenge my thinking relate relate to the things of the supernatural relate to his word the objective is going to be single-mindedness single-mindedness is the key if you look at any person who has been mightily used of god you will find it wasn't because they were great men of faith it was because they were little men of unbelief when unbelief is presence that's what stops it all so we'll pick up with this next week when unbelief is present and faith and unbelief can exist at the same time but if you want to see things happen you got to get rid of the unbelief and every time satan comes with a thought he ushers with it unbelief doesn't take but a mustard seed of faith to get things going but it's the presence of unbelief that always hinders it so we got to learn how to deal with unbelief i've never taught a series where i have had to teach a foundational series before i can get into the series but i realize that we're actually training people to walk in the supernatural not just to listen to a sermon and and you know go home but actually that when these things come up take you a couple of notes you can put in your pocket and just something comes up pull it out and say okay now what i need to be doing now i've been hit with this thing it's messing with my emotions right now um okay what's the scripture that always kind of gets me back where i need to be that's when it becomes serious i can't depend on this world i can't depend on this nation i can't depend on this government i can't depend on the church i can't depend on nothing right now except my relationship with god and no matter what happens i'm gonna be all right because of that and that only take that away from me she might as well call me the world because you know i'd be subject to everything else that they're subject to but right now we're not if we take hold of it and believe it i think i'll stop right there you get anything out of there i'll stop dropping would you please i want to declare something over you right now would you lift your hands up right now father in the name of jesus we will not forget the miracles of the past we will not forget the supernatural moving of the past and today we renounce a hardened heart my prayer for those who are here in this dome and over stream is that you will put in them a desire holy spirit you give them a want to to do what they may not have wanted to do holy spirit by mercy and by grace do some amazing things in their life that they can't take no credit for just to let them know more of this is available for you i declare this a supernatural church a supernatural people i declare supernatural families and i declare supernatural events in their lives let the anointing be stirred up right now do something so amazing that brings great testimonies to this group is my prayer in jesus name amen i think he's worthy of some worship and he's awesome he's awesome [Applause] i uh i want to share something with you right now our giving time [Music] is a time [Music] of worship and i i think that people don't understand that in this time of worship if you'll understand what it is it's your opportunity to bring before the lord appreciation to bring before the lord thanksgiving to bring before the lord praise and worship that's due unto his name the apostle paul taught proportional giving that what we give should be proportional to how god has given to us and that no matter what season we may be in financially we are able to give generously you can see this in second corinthians chapter nine if you'll put that up there guys second corinthians chapter nine and verse six in fact look at second corinthians eight look at second corinthians chapter eight and verse two i'm going to start feeding you some scripture for your giving so that you'll understand that what i am saying i'm not just making something up that i got it from the word uh move the ways to give out well yeah okay he says in this he says how how that in a great trial of affliction the abundance of their joy and their deep poverty abounded unto the riches of their liberality and in second corinthians nine and six flip over there second corinthians chapter nine and six he says but this i say he which soweth sparingly shall reap also sparingly and he which soweth bountifully shall reap also bountifully so paul taught proportional giving that what we give should be in proportion to how god has blessed us and that no matter what season we may be in financially we're able to give generously how has god given to you now determines how you give to him how god has blessed you now determines how you should respond back to him okay so let's prepare our our giving to the lord giving giving is right right there with being a christian it's like your christianity and your relationship with god is not separate from your giving for god so loved the world he gave he gave and so we do the same thing it's not this thing well i'm a christian but i really i really don't have to give and you know you don't have to do anything you don't even have to be saved but i'm saying when you become a for real christian there's no way that giving is not a part of who you are amen so those of you who are on online let's take care of you guys first if you want to give you can text world changes and the amount uh world changes of space and the amount to 7448 or you can call that number on your screen one eight six six four seven seven seven six eight three or you can mail twenty five hundred burden road college park georgia um [Music] and if you'd like to give online you can give you can go to or you can use your paypal there and i am thankful to those of you who take the time even though you're streaming in you take the time to participate in our prayer you to participate in our um our are our giving you participate in the communion god bless you you're participating and and we appreciate that now for those of you who are here if you'd like to give either by the qr code that's here now starting i think today maybe those pop-ups won't be there so go in the middle aisle in the uh lobby and the um qr codes will be on the screen on both sides or on the big led screen you see when you come in but not on the pop-ups but if you want to go ahead and do it now you can go ahead and and do that qr code now you can also do that at home as well it'll take you directly to the text and give and you can just put the amount in and hit the send button okay what else i got to remember something all right so if you're here and you want uh offering envelope and if you'll raise your hands the ushers will give you an offering envelope uh please don't grab the buckets the ushers will do that for you if you need an offering envelope taffy is anything else i'm offering them lope okay [Music] oh yeah the e-members you can give through the qr code as well and we'll offer membership for both people who are live and those of you who are online as well okay now let's pray over this father we thank you for the privilege to give to give out of a cheerful heart to give out of thanksgiving to give because of all the victories that you have allowed to come to our lives we honor you in our giving we praise you in our giving and we are grateful for all that you have done receive this gift now as we plant it and sow it in joy in jesus name amen okay uh ushers you can go ahead and receive the offering everybody can hit their buttons if you got to leave out early their qr codes outside um in that middle owl and um as you do that we are going to uh [Music] get ready to pray to pray of salvation with those people who have not made jesus the lord of their lives we want to make sure we do that you know i looked at the stats almost 3 000 people have gotten born again isn't that awesome from january to date it's amazing amen praise the lord now if you're watching by stream and if you're here right now pray this prayer with me we're going to go ahead now i'm going to teach on you know i don't mind people getting up moving but i'm going to teach on the after the benediction what it's just kind of like a final blessing that you give and it's not a rush to your car you know i've given so let me rush to the car everybody would like to do that but it's just like a a part of getting that final blessing over your life if you got to go to work or go to a football game i mean i understand all that but but uh if if you could not so much walking uh going out and do that now i'm not gonna do it like i did in times past keep saying it every sunday you know as you you you're going to realize one day oh they say the blessing i needed that all my life and i want here to get it that's what the benediction means it's the final blessing okay it's the final blessing for those of you who have not been born again and you would like to be please if you're here in the dome or if you're online say this prayer after me heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but right now i repent of my sins i receive the free gift of forgiveness i ask you to come into my life be my lord and my savior thank you lord for saving me i declare by faith that i am saved now in jesus name amen if you prayed that prayer with me welcome to the family of god i want you to text the key word i'm saved that's one word to 51555 provide your name and email address and we'll send you a free ebook as a gift to you today welcome to the kingdom of god those of you who prayed that prayer with me here in the dome if you just prayed that prayer to get saved would you get your bibles and personal belongings and come on down front also those of you who are here today and would like to become a member of world changers church international and you're in the dome would you please come down we want to receive both of those salvation and church membership today if you're online and you'd like to become an e-member you can go to the web just go to and you can click join at the top of the page also if you want to become an e-member you can text join wcci that's all one word to 51555 and we'll send you all the benefits of e membership right now we are clapping and rejoicing of those who are responding in the dome and we rejoice with all of you who are responding and we say welcome to you for all of the things that you are doing we are grateful for the lord jesus by the holy spirit changing people's lives and we believe you're a part of that your prayers and your prayer of agreement allows these lives to change like never before so welcome as an e-church member and welcome those who are here in the dome and have come down and decided you wanted to be a part of our membership as well amen at this time those of you who come down if you will follow this gentleman right here to the prayer room we're grateful and thankful for you [Music] [Applause] amen [Applause] well if all hearts and minds are clear if you'll stand for the final blessing thank you so much for showing up today at church thank you those of you who are online for showing up online taffy and i certainly appreciate it and we thank god for you may the grace of our lord jesus christ be upon you may you operate in this unmerited abounding provision of god where the operation of his love will continue to move in your life [Music] i declare protection over you and your house i plead the blood of jesus over you and your house i declare mighty restoration over you and your house and i declare that whatever the devil has stolen from you be restored sevenfold may this week be a week of supernatural happenings may god stir your faith up like never before may you continue to develop like never before i call you blessed in the name of the father the son and the holy spirit and there is no curse that can operate or exist upon your life and now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty and dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen god bless you everybody have a great day
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 67,423
Rating: 4.9056864 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: 9nmXmJe_9KY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 8sec (4688 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 29 2021
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