The Behavior and the Character of the Last Day Society Pt. 2 - Sunday Service

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praise god well i tell you what uh what we're going to talk about today i don't know if it's ever been discussed in the links that we're gonna talk about it i don't even know if i'll finish it today but it is so big it is so big uh when you grow up and you're you're moving in life and you're sitting you bump into things and trying to figure out why is it that certain things are not working well for me in my life maybe today you're going to find out the answer of that and so father we thank you for this another opportunity to minister to these your precious sheep thank you lord that revelation knowledge will flow freely uninterrupted and unhindered by any satanic or demonic force and father i pray that you will speak through my vocal cords and think through my mind none of me and all of you it's in jesus name and everybody said amen if you have your bibles go with me to matthew chapter 24 verses 1 through 8 and then we'll go to second timothy 3 this is our two text scriptures for what we're talking about um we're talking about the behavior and character of the last day society the behavior and character of the last society in other words we're trying to locate the signs of when jesus is going to return let's read matthew chapter one and let's read one through eight together ready read and jesus went out and departed from the temple and his disciples came to him for to show him the buildings of the temple and jesus said unto them see ye not all these things verily i say unto you there shall not be left here one stone upon another that shall not be thrown down and as he sat upon the mount of olives the disciples came unto him privately saying tell us when shall these things be and what shall be the sign of thy coming what shall be the sign of thy coming what shall be the sign of thy coming just in case you didn't know jesus is coming back again and he said uh what shall be the sign of thy of thy coming and of the end of the world verse 4 and jesus answered and said unto them take heed that no man deceive you for many shall come in my name saying i am christ and shall deceive many and you shall hear of wars and rumors of war see that you be not troubled for all these things must come to pass they must come to pass but the end is not yet for nations or ethnos or ethnic groups shall rise against nation and kingdom against kingdom and there shall be famines and pestilence and earthquakes in diverse places all these are the beginnings of sorrows now we talked to you about all these things that going to happen but we're not looking to see if these things are going to happen we're going to look we're looking at the frequency and the intensity of these things happening jesus described it as birth pains and said if you understand how a woman gives birth to a child then you will follow the contractions and the more intense and frequent they occur then you know something is going to be born well over the last months and years we have seen intensity like never before you're seeing it right now you're seeing and hearing about things that have never happened the way that they're happening right now and jesus said that's a sign that i am coming but we spend a lot of time on those things and we should but he also mentioned this in second timothy chapter three and verse nine that if you're not convinced with the earthquakes and the deception and all that stuff he says i want you to also pay attention to how people are going to behave in the last days i want you to pay attention to the character of of the of people on the earth in the last days second timothy chapter 3 verse 1 he says this know also that in the last days perilous or dangerous times shall come ladies and gentlemen we are living in one of the most dangerous seasons and times in the earth's history he says and somebody you don't believe that but you can drive this you can drive down the highway now and not be sure you make it home because somebody might get mad that you jumped in front of them and then i'd shoot you on your way out there's a crazy things that are going on in the earth right now for men shall be lovers of their own selves they're going to be covetous bolsters proud blasphemers they're going to be disobedient to parents unthankful unholy without natural affection truth breakers false accusers incontinent fierce they're going to be despisers of those that are good traitors heady high-minded lovers of pleasure more than lovers of god wow having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof from such he said turn away for of this sort are they which creep into houses and lead captive silly women laden with sins led away with different lust ever learning never able to come to the knowledge of the truth now as janus and jambrus withstood moses so do these also resist the truth men of corrupt mind reprobate concerning the faith now we located almost 20-something characteristics of this last day society i am going to be teaching on about 18 of them we have already talked about self-centered lovers of self and that is an immoderate concern with one's own interests and well-being egotism thinking of yourself higher than what you ought to think considering yourself and never considering other people he said that is what will be demonstrated in the last days people who are self-centered and lovers of themselves i won't ask you to raise your hands if you know somebody like that then we talked about lovers of money and that is not money is not the problem it's trusting money more than you trust god and there are people who place more value on money than they do on god and that's idolatry when people men and women are willing to do anything anything that they can do to to get paid they're not concerned about how they do it just as long as they get paid and they have an abundance of websites that allow you to get as perverted as you want to and get paid you don't trust god anymore and we live in a society they don't trust god anymore they're trying to get paid trying to get their paper that's a lover of money and the bible says watch that that's a sign that i'll be coming soon when that becomes so intense that people trust money more than they trust god they treasure money more than they treasure god he said look up your redemption draws nine last week we talked about this third area being boastful and proud speaking with that exaggeration and excessive pride especially when talking about yourself pride showing a high opinion of yourself and he says you'll t you'll know that i'm getting ready to come because check out the the behavior and the character of people they're going to be boastful and proud if you'll just notice you know when you go to work or you're out in public if you just take a checklist of all these things i guarantee you before you get back home you'll bump into each one of these number four we talked about it last week scoffing at god mocking god laughing and rejecting and refusing and ignoring what god said that when now you mention god people think it's a joke they make big fun of god they say things like jesus is never coming back they said that for 2000 years and it hadn't happened yet he says when that increases with such intensity and it has it has it's on movies it's on talk shows it's it's in your family he said that's a sign that i'm coming back but number five and this is something huge today that i'll spend all my time with today he said here is a sign of the time disobedient and disrespectful children to their parents that's something that we've not spent a lot of time with but everybody i talk to it seems like of course not everybody but it's like most people that i have that i speak to talk to me about what's going on with their children and what i'm about to teach i cringe when i think about the disrespect that i showed my parents coming up thank god i had had a chance to get it fixed but because we hadn't spent a lot of time of it in church it's almost like your teenager doesn't even know he's supposed to be respectful and it's like your adult child doesn't have a clue that they're supposed to be taking care of you well y'all ain't gonna like me here today you're gonna learn a lot about my deliverance amen and so i want to start this and today we're going to look at this this area he said this is a sign of the time i've never seen anything like it i've never seen anything the relationship between children and their parents i've never seen anything like it and there are serious consequences of dishonoring parents it's the only problem it's the only commandment the only moral law that had widowed a promise none of them had it except this one and so i think i need to spend some time with it and those of you who are streaming in uh if you're a parent contact your children if you're if your children contact your parent let's get into this today amen now i want to show you just scripturally i want to show you about five scriptures i want to go back to deuteronomy chapter 21 verses 18 through 21 in the jewish community it was a civil law that if your child was disobedient that you would have to put them to death it was a civil law let me show you this now it's no longer a law there they had to change that law i'm sure they got together at city hall and voted that out but it used to be a law look at verse 18 through 21. if a man have a of a stubborn and rebellious son which will not obey the voice of his father or the voice of his mother and that when they have chastened or directed him and then he will not hearken unto them then shall his father and his mother lay hold on him and bring him out unto the elders of his city and unto the gate of the place of his place and they shall say unto the elders of the city this our son is stubborn and rebellious he will not obey our voice he is a glutton and a drunkard and all the men of this city shall stone him with stones that he die so shall thou put evil away from among you and all israel shall hear in fear that used to be a societal civil law amongst jewish people now look at exodus 21 verse 15 in the esv version exodus 21 15. now he says whoever strikes his father or his mother shall be put to death now i'm showing you what happened back then so you can see god's attitude where this is concerned that this is like this was so serious that he said if you strike your father and mother you die if you don't hearken to your father and mother you die now y'all listening to this like well i just don't agree with that now please listen to me i'm going to show you a scripture i'm going to show it to you carefully and in context and after i do that whatever you choose not to hear that's between you and god but you will not be able to go to heaven and say my pastor never showed me that so let's look at what the scripture talks about some consequences now so that's what the law was back then and i'll reiterate this a little bit uh later on but i just wanted to want you to see that when i saw that i was like whoa look at colossians chapter 3 verse 20 in the esv colossians 3 verse 20 in it he says children obey your parents in everything for this pleases the lord now adult children you're not necessarily obligated to obey after you become an adult but you are obligated to honor them see they can only offer suggestions when you get grown but children teenagers the bible says obey your parents in everything for this pleases the lord look at ephesians six verses one through three ephesians 6 1-3 in order for me to nail this home you got to see this ephesians 6 1 through through children obey your parents in the lord he said for this is right and then he's talking to the adult children honor thy father and mother he said it's the first commandment it is the first moral law and remember the ten commandments in the old testament is moral law in the new testament so it is still valid it is still good for you to honor your father and your mother which is the first commandment with promise verse 3 that it may be well with thee and that thou mayest live long on the earth so here's the promise if you want it to be well with you if you want things to go well and if you want to live long he says you need to do that your prosperity is on the line how the kind of success you have as an adult son or daughter is going to be based on honoring your parents so if things are not going well with you you need to follow this train back to the root and a lot of people don't even look at that the root to why things are not going well with you a lot of times is lack of honor and then he says here's another promise not only will all things go well with you and you'll prosper and all these kind of things he says but you're going to live long on the earth you're going to live long on earth your life on the planet is tied to your relationship with your parents your life on the planet is tied to that relationship i'm so glad i got it right with my father after grossly dishonoring him i'm so glad i got it right with him before he left i'm so glad my mother is still alive so i can continue to walk in honor there because my life was on the line but i had enough wisdom to know if this is going to change i need to go back to this because this is the only one with that promise look at proverbs 23 22 proverbs 23 22 in the esv he says listen to your father who gave you life and do not despise your mother when she is old and that very thing is happening today they're kids that still despise their parents there are there are kids that still won't listen to their father who gave them life you know that blew my mind and i always gave the credit to the wife because she went through all of the the pain and the suffering and stuff like that benefits i read the scripture like oh lord that mercy i'm a life-giver look at that scripture look at jeremiah i wanna i wanna encourage you i mean before i start teaching this after seeing those scriptures you need a little encouragement jeremy jeremiah 31 15-17 in the new living translation he says this is what the lord says a cry is heard in raima deep anguish and bitter weeping rachel weeps for her children refusing to be comforted for her children are gone now some of you may be experiencing that right now but look at this promise but now this is what the lord says do not weep any longer for i will reward you says the lord your children will come back to you from the distant land of the enemy isn't that good i don't care how long it's been that's a part of the end time prophecy too they're coming back from the enemy praise the lord and look what happens when that happens zechariah 9 and 12 nlt no now please understand i haven't started teaching yet i'm just setting this table zechariah chapter 9 and verse 12 says come back to the place of safety that's that's what's going to happen come back to the place of safety all you prisoners who still have hope i promise this very day that i will repay two blessings for each of your troubles that's powerful in it so take those two scriptures and and tuck them away and let's go ahead and get started with this the consequences the serious consequences of dishonoring parents jesus said in the last days you will see it worldwide if you're if you're thinking that it's only happening to you it's not and i pray that as i teach this today maybe some things can change the question is for everyone that has a parent are you losing your blessings are you losing your blessings every time i bless my mother i get blessed i started noticing that every time i do something to bless her it's like a boomerang and come and get me glory be to god there's a serious problem in the body of christ there's a growing number of adult children who are ungrateful who are critical who are disrespectful towards their christian and non-christian parents they are magnifying their parents faults and they are minimizing their parents sacrifices in love they kind of forgot the sacrifices they only remember you don't even know what it was like when you was two you don't even remember how messy you was and that diaper had to be changed they magnify the parents fault and minimize the parents sacrifice and love they expect grace from their parents but they give very little in return and unfortunately many in the church many church folks are sympathizing with these fault-finders in direct contradiction to god's word you don't sympathize with a child who would where with another with with children whether they're adult children or teenage children who find fault in their parents and i'll balance this in a moment that's the direct contradiction to the word now i'm going to talk about crazy parents and all that other kind of stuff in a minute but you got to get the point cause even if they're crazy you got to figure out how to honor them even in the midst of their crazy now i don't sit i don't suggest you live with them and i don't suggest you participate what they crazy but they're still that's still that's still my daddy that's still my mama he crazy but he's still my mama he's still my daddy when we become adults we take on adult responsibility towards our parents so you're not a child you're not a teenager you're an adult and when you become an adult you take on adult responsibility and that real adult responsibility to our parents is is we now have to find out we're supposed to be taken care of there's a level of honor that goes to a parent once you are an adult it ain't i'm not the house ain't got to deal with y'all no more you got to deal with them the rest of your life because now as an adult you have an adult responsibility to your parents now we no longer obey them that's not what i'm saying but we do our part to have a meaningful relationship with them god never excuses he never excuses disrespect towards parents because disrespect towards parents shows disrespect for his commandments his moral law and for his promises even if your parents made some large mistakes you can return good for evil and you can be a blessing by god according to romans 12. you're christian you can return good for evil you can turn around and do something good now what i want to spend the time this morning talking about i want to show you the scriptural view of honoring your parents not my opinion i can't even afford to try to even think about talking to you about my opinion because this stuff is so thick in the world today you know so somebody that hears something like this they're gonna have to strongly disagree with the word but if i don't come from the word then they'll strongly disagree with me and it'll still be up in the air see after today it's either i i i am going to believe god's word and line up with it or i'm going to believe the norms and values of society and too many people base their life on the norms and values and the opinions of social media and society and because a lot of people think this is good then you think it's good and it contradicts the word of god so you have to choose today god's word and god's way or or or social media's word and the unsaved world's word you better get it together because don't forget what this is tied to your life and your prosperity you ain't got to clap you make me nervous when you clap i know what you're doing i don't know if you're trying to set me up or what [Music] so let's look at this scriptural view of the death penalty as i said before the nation of israel god commanded that children who curse their parents be put to death now you're going to learn that it's not just using profanity that curses them it's just what you say about them when you're not around them now this was a civil law for a period in israel history not a permanent law of god but it shows the emphasis that god puts on our words spoken to and about our parents the principle is not limited to like i said verbally cursing a parent and if we doubt that this law reflects god's hatred for dishonoring parents we need only to read of what jesus quoted in the book of matthew chapter 15 which we will in a moment jesus applies this principle to people who neglect their parents while claiming to be spiritual and neglect your parents and neglect your parents leviticus i want to read it out of two versions in the niv version leviticus 20 and nine he says anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death because they have cursed their family or mother their blood will be on their own head look at the nlt this is god's attitude about this remember cursing is not just profanity in the nlt he says anyone who dishonors father or mother must be put to death such a person is guilty of a capital offense look at matthew chapter five and four matthew chapter five and four oh you gonna get in the bible today matthew chapter five and verse four in the niv for god said honor your father and mother and anyone who curses their father or mother is to be put to death now if you read verses one through nine what you're going to find out is god's no longer going to be responsible for this he said but your decision and actions may be responsible for this these are consequences so let's look at this let's get a scriptural view of of cursing parents what's the scriptural view of cursing parents you saw in the old testament law how god viewed it but what's what's the view see cursing someone can mean speaking a verbal curse over them um the word curse means to be when you're blessed you're empowered to have success when you're cursed you're empowered to have a failure and and when you curse somebody and speak a verbal curse you're empowering them to to have a failure your curse over them but it includes even a lot more than that the hebrew word um in what we just read it means to bring into contempt it means to uh a curse or to despise see this would include speaking negatively about your parents around your children okay you're speaking negatively about your parents around your children so that your children form disrespectful views towards them because of what they heard you say it's it's about speaking negatively about your parents around other relatives so they now begin to form disrespects because of what you say now it can be appropriate to share parental difficulties of course but do it with a few close friends or with a counselor but we must use caution and ask ourselves how we are expressing our disappointments and why to make sure you're not playing the victim all the time because you got to be careful not to do the blame game because when you're doing the blame game that just simply means you have not yet accepted responsibility for your part look at proverbs 20 and 20 in the niv and nlt proverbs 20 20 in the niv and the nlt why would you teach this at church because it's everywhere i would label this as a a a national christ a worldwide crisis now i have to say more national because you can't do this in some parts of the world because they still kill you the elders are honored in most parts of the world but not so in this nation we don't honor our elders like we should in this nation you the bible i'll show you a moment says that when you come across an elder you should treat him like your own father and mother because of their age you don't do that you don't do that old woman at a grocery store and you let her open the door excuse me oh woman get out my way make fun of old people and stuff like that that that gonna get you you don't want to do that look at verse 20 in the niv he says if someone curses their father or mother their lamp will be snuffed out in pitch darkness in other words you're not shining no more you're not you're not you're not it's not working for you no more and you're wondering why you're 40 years old trying to figure out why haven't you been able to get over and it's tied to what you have yet to give attention to you got grown folk responsibility look at the nlt if you insult your father or mother your light will be snuffed out in total darkness go to proverbs 30 verses 11 through 13 proverbs 30 11 through 13 in the nlt somebody says man ain't no went through most christian grips are going to church but that's what you're supposed to do when you go to church and reason why we don't know this kind of stuff is that we hooping and hollering over the latest comment that some worldly person said during the week he says some people curse their father and do not thank their mother they are pure in their own eyes but they are filthy and unwashed they look proudly around casting disdainful glances [Music] wow so what is what is the what is the scriptural view of mocking parents well we can also show contempt for our parents by making fun of them looking down on them or speaking flippantly to and about them the hebrew word mocks it means to laugh to scorn or to mock and in proverbs 30 17 turn there he's talking about our parents in this manner he said it's never appropriate to do that mocking them oh dad you're just too you're just too uh you just you just drama field or something i don't know what they're saying verse 17 says the i that mocks a father that scorns an aged mother will be will be pecked out by the ravens of the valley will be eaten by the vultures in other words god takes it very seriously mocking your parents he takes that very seriously you don't mock them because all right surely they're not they're not they may not understand what you're doing in your you know this is your season and this is your generation and they don't they don't understand a lot maybe but you got to be careful about that so what's the scripture review for the elderly let's look at that i was talking about that just for a moment the elderly what's the scriptural view there leviticus 19 32 leviticus 19 and 32. he said uh and really what what he says and he says thou shalt rise up before the the horry head and honor the face of the uh old man and fear by god i am the lord and so he commands people to stand in the presence of elderly as a way of showing respect and showing reverence of god nobody does that actually i ain't standing i'm tired let them stand it's it's it's it's gonna be bad with you not them scripture is so important as we consider these things this command is not based on the character or the importance of the elderly person but it's it's based on their age and god obviously thinks respect for the elderly is important and we need to change our view about that it's not right just pause and take a look around the elderly are not being honored and they should [Applause] the scriptures consider respect for parents the norm so you have to listen to what i'm about to say as if it was a norm for parents to be respected first timothy 5 and 1 it assumes that we speak respectfully to our own parents and something that often isn't true in this day and age but in this scripture he says do not in niv do not rebuke an older man harshly but exhort him as if he were your father assuming that you respect your father so you see what's happening here you don't respect your own natural father and when will you respecting the elderly you're not respecting the elderly because you don't respect your own father and god commands us to honor and respect different types of leaders even secular governmental leaders based on their age and based on their position and not based on their character or their integrity we honor our parents because god says we owe them honor we owe them honor not because they've been perfect ain't no such thing that's tv ain't no such thing as a perfect parent and if you think you are you lying to yourself you are greatly deceived you are lying link in your breath stink it just won't work you are not a perfect parent we honor them because we owe them honor not because they've earned it a parent doesn't have to earn honor you owe it to him y'all don't understand what i'm saying there are things you don't even know [Music] when you were born and when you were growing up stuff you don't even remember how you think you got around before you walked who got up when you were hungry every time i think about it i get tired just thinking about who cleaned you who taught you how to speak english who taught you how to walk who was there with you when you missed it when you messed up who can't even get you out of jail who spent their last dime so you can go to the the washington dc trip who fed you when you were hungry comforting you when you were lonely when they were dead tired who was the taxi driver in your house i think about my mama god dawg it's like she went and worked a full-time job then got off work and then i had to be picked up from practice and then this one had to be picked up from that and then that one had to be picked up from that one and then that one had to be picked up then she had come home and then she had to make sure we had something to eat and then she had to get everything ready for the next day to do it all over again for all them years and you think they gotta earn your honor i mean before she even asks if the answer is yes i don't even care if it's sacrificial she probably did sacrificial stuff a whole lot of times stuff i don't even know or remember that she sacrificed [Applause] see that's that's when you got your big your big boy draws on right there when some of y'all need to take them panties off you got them big boy draws on and you need to start acting like a big boy and you need to start honoring your parents not because they earned it but because you owe it [Applause] well that ain't in the bible really romans 13 and 1. and the niv says give to everyone what you owe them if you owe taxes pay taxes if you owe revenue then pay revenue that means if you owe somebody some money pam if you owe somebody respect respect them if you owe somebody honor then honor them what's the scriptural view on rewards then well why do you think that the fifth commandment or i would refer to it as moral law under the new testament in ephesians promises blessings on those who honor their parents why would god give this command this moral law and emphasis he doesn't give any other why would he give this emphasis that he doesn't give any other look at ephesians chapter six verses two through three in the nlt ephesians ephesians six verses two and three he says honor your father and mother this is the first commandment with the promise if you honor your father and mother things will go well for you and you will have a long life on the earth well the opposite has got to be true too but if you don't honor your mother and father things won't go well with you and you won't live life long on this earth if you think with me for a moment famous people that died young if we could track it back you'd find some things nobody thinks about that track it back forget about people think about yourself like i told you i'm so glad god gave me an opportunity because things were not going well for me when i was in rebellion and dishonoring my parents they were not going well for me stuff wasn't working man when i got saved and i knew man i need to i need to correct this that's mama yeah but you also i also learned by looking at how my mama honored her parents what are we setting up if there's a generation of children that don't honor their parent what is the next generation seeing so what is the scriptural review for unworthy parents because i can hear that yeah but what if your mama did this and what do you mean i told you you you were alive they must have did something right you were allowed to recognize something you wasn't at the fire station you wasn't flushed down somewhere luke 6 32 deals with this a couple of scriptures i want to share luke 6 32 first in niv what's the scriptural view of of unworthy parents 6 32 says um if you love those who love you what credit is there to you even sinners love those who love them you know what he's saying you know you'll take the scripture and use it for unsaved friends but won't use it for your for you for your unsafe parents if you love those who love you what credit is there he said go and challenge yourself with all of the hurt and the pain and all that stuff listen man my dad and i wasn't we didn't get along too good i mean i did one of the most disrespectful dishonorable things ever and and and pulled a gun in front of my dad in in his face to threaten to shoot him dishonorable it tore his heart out and i could have been a victim and stayed with that all that and all that kind of stuff but i'm like i gotta fix this i gotta fix this i can't just love those who love me i just can't love him because he's doing everything i think he should do i got to fix this and i did thank god thank god and even though i fix it it still causes me to cringe like boy who do you think you are and the way i used to talk to my mother who do you think you are thank god for salvation because i now know that you just don't love people that love you you love even when it's hard and when it's uncomfortable and when it's challenging first john chapter 4 verse 20 says whoever claims to love god and yet hates a brother or sister that that that includes your parents they're to be considered your brothers and sisters before they're your parents is a liar for whoever does not love their brother and sister whom they have seen cannot love god whom they have seen every day put your little christianity on the side it ain't working he says you can't go around and love everybody isn't in church and then don't love your parents i know people who love ungodly believers enough to spend their lives sharing the gospel but they place boundaries in their relationship with their parents because they find their parents unknowing that means they're picking and choosing which of god's commandments to obey and it shows a lack of love for god as well as a lack of love for your parents john chapter 14 verse 23 says that anyone who loves me will obey my teachings my father will love them and he will come to them and he will make our abode or make our home with them god will not simply look at their service to the gospel he'll also look at their obedience to the gospel in situations where a parent is physically abusive mentally ill [Music] criminal well god will guide you and direct adult children how to honor his commandment without being abused and without enabling his parents or ungodly behavior but we must be careful not to exaggerate our situation thinking we can neglect or reject a parent simply because they are annoying or because they're difficult we mustn't do that well i want to talk a little bit more specifically about for for grown children how to honor your parents and for teenagers how to respect your parents with teenagers you've got to be careful of this nonverbal communication because it's tempting man it's tempting you know muhammad ali the spirit trying to come out because you you ain't saying that i ain't saying it now or rolling your eyes i don't know if i'm wrong you had a pokey look back in your mind better poke your lip back in i don't know what that means poke it in so let's deal with the adults first how to honor parents as adults ephesians 6 verses 1 through 3 again says children obey your parents and the lord for this is right but then for adult children honor your father and mother which is the first commandment with a promise so that it may go well with you and that you may enjoy long life on this earth now let's give you a few ways to do that this is the practical part now some practical things to do to make sure you accomplish that all right number one be thankful for them and show your gratitude an adult an adult child be thankful for your parent and show gratitude when we enter this world from our mother's womb we are we're pretty helpless man and we haven't learned yet how to feed ourselves and to walk and how to communicate and do any form of self-care but our parents take on all of these responsibilities and we may drive them crazy as we grow up but they continue to put clothes on our backs and provide food and they and they run from all of the practices and all those things that i was telling you about earlier to honor your parents begins by being thankful for them be thankful i mean almost every day we see stores in the news of abusive parents or parents killing their children and if you are still on this side of the earth your parents did at least a few things right abuse is never okay and there will always be situations where adult children need to separate themselves from their parents but even if gratitude feels impossible as a christian we are to be thankful and even in dark circumstances as god uses those circumstances for his good we still ought to be thankful romans 8 28 says this and we know that in all things god works for the good of those who love him who have been called according to his purpose we got to learn how to do that to honor your parents adult children be thankful for them show them gratitude be thankful where you can be thankful and show gratitude where you can show gratitude here's another thing honor your parents by communicating with them there are numerous verses in the bible about communication and the importance of that communication as far as building relationship god wants us to have a deep relationship with others and your first relationships are the ones with the parents that he has placed in your life communicate with them god chose your parents just for you and that relationship is important to him oh pastor when are you going to take his own relationships don't get me a husband girl forget about your husband it ain't going to go well with you you can communicate with your parents quit looking for a husband nobody wants you because you you look what you're doing with your parents go put your makeup back up get another weed be they ain't working you ain't psalms psalms psalm 3 psalm 1 3 39 verse 13 in the niv says this for you created my inmost being you knit me together in my mother's womb that's how close that relationship is knit it together in your mother's womb you to honor your parents you need to talk to them ask about their day how they're doing ask questions about when they you know when they were growing up how was i when they were growing up you we love having those talks with my mom well you just used to bother the girls we couldn't leave you by yourself because you always picking with your sisters the whole time loud have mercy with the undead now often weeks or even months go by without some people even talking to their parents and the bible makes it clear that christians are to handle this differently in first timothy chapter 5 and 8 in the esv he says anyone who does not provide for their relatives and especially for their own household has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever to honor your parents you need to talk to them a visit a phone call no matter how busy you are that visit or call may be the highlight of their week communicate and i know some of you thinking ah pastor you don't know my my mama get on my nerves i don't know if i want to hear that i'm sure you don't get off you owe it to her here's another one number three talk to them and treat them with respect talk to them and treat them with respect honor your father your mother you know the value of our parents is just just you can't even remember it and in this verse in ephesians chapter six and two paul reminds us that the commandment is to honor our parents and to see them as valuable how much value have you placed on your parents we're good about placing value in a lot of different areas but how much value have you placed on your parents we're not to honor our parents if we are short with them that's not honor show irritation or use unkind words that's not honor how we talk to others is a reflection of how we feel about them and how you talk to your parents as a reflection of how you feel about them and you've got to be careful especially when you walk in that kind of dishonor whoo crazy stuff can happen to you in matthew chapter 12 verse 34 in the esv matthew 12 says you you you you brew the vipers oh that just means you family of vipers how can you who are evil say anything good for the mouth speaks what the heart is full of to honor your parents your words should honor them as well as your actions you have been around somebody that dishonored their parents so bad with their words you wanted to hit him man i just when i look back at some of the things that i that i said as a teenager and teenage girls can be volatile and and wretched to their mothers be careful guys too but when we show resentment or frustration toward our parents we're reflecting a heart that is not grateful and in addition we're sinning by not giving our parents the position of authority and respect that god has ordained you given them that position of authority and you giving them that position of respect so we need to treat them in speech and indeed as some of the most important people on the earth you don't come calling me your spiritual daddy and you ain't saying nothing you ain't doing you know you don't even you know you you don't even talk to your dad well i don't know where he is well i mean i got i get that sometimes the ones who you know exactly is he live in your house number four seek their advice seek their advice proverbs 1 and verse verses 8 through 9 says this hear my son your father's instructions hear your father's instructions and do not forsake your mother's teaching hear your father's instructions and don't forsake the teaching now there are teenagers in here today you need to hear what i'm saying your father's instructions have gone forth and your mother's teachings have gone forth and when you get out the house and you got in your mind but i'm gonna do exactly what i want to do when i leave well don't you get mad at them they told you what not to do they told you don't go sleeping around with everybody what could happen they showed you pictures you did it anyway that's old-fashioned that if you want an old-fashioned was it teenagers are just they're convinced i i'm not listening to my father's instructions i'm not paying attention to my mother's teaching i'm going to do what i want to do because now i'm grown and you know how to use to say and ain't got a pot you finish that in your own head you ain't got a pot that you you finish if you ain't heard that saying ask somebody i'm sure you can bump into somebody that'll know what how that is his how'd it go he said in the scripture indeed they are graceful wreaths to your head and ornaments about your neck ask advice when you're talking to them they'll be so happy that you trust them to share their wisdom but my dad ain't smart but he knows something because he raised you don't ever pretend that you're a better parent than your parent and you ain't got no children [Music] because believe me when you have some they gonna give you sevenfold what you gave your parent [Applause] i ain't mad at my kids cause i know where it came from i look at me and i look at that i'm like yeah that about right i'm gonna have to just hank it down it'll be over with it they got some of the good stuff in there too but i ain't ain't mad at him i'm just like well you know what they say the fruit don't fall far from the tree it goes without saying if your parents are not believers you should avoid asking them for spiritual advice how about this one when's the last time you pray for them pray for your parents pray for your parents i pray for my mother this morning pray for your parents man that she would be healthy well continue to be a good looking woman that woman almost 90 years old and look good i'm always giving her she's like i ain't 90 yet yeah but you will be i'm calling those things that be not as though they were before they get there pray for them pray for their health pray for their relationships pray for their vocation pray for for their lives if you're if you're struggling with how to honor your parents ask god he'll show you how here's another one real quick encourage your parents you know parents need to be encouraged too i i oh man i just get so thrilled when when my kids would encourage me and and my baby girl as a little baby she did it and didn't even know it i i came home i was so tired i was the tires man on the planet and i i i laid on the bed and picked her up and sat on my chest and she grabbed my cheeks and she said daddy i love you and i said you've been here before she said sure hell just encourage me your parents need encouragement too you're i'm talking about as adult children your parents need encouragement too be reminded of how difficult aging can be encourage your parents in the latter years that's awesome way to honor them if your parents are believers encourage their walk with the lord thank them for their christian walk encourage them to share their wisdom and to disciple other people into where they need to be i like what he says in hebrews chapter 10 25 in the niv he says not giving up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing but encourage one another and all the more as you see the day approaching so while the verse does not specify the day that being the return of the lord jesus christ or their own death paul is reminding us that we need to encourage our elders and friends as time goes by when was the last time you were an encouragement to your parents here's a big one you want to honor as as adult children forgive your parents okay i know it happened okay but it's time to have a funeral for your past it's time to put a tombstone on the past i was talking to a young lady one day and she she was talking about how she carried this all against her father and she one of her friends lost her father and she said oh my god i still got one and she says all this other crap is nothing i i got a daddy that's still alive forgive your parents one of the most important ways that you can honor your parents is to forgive them every parent makes mistakes in raising their children i know that because i've made my fair share of mistakes and raising my own children oh i know you're not supposed to say that as a preacher oh but you're a preacher but please you're not so so dumb to think that a pastor is supposed to be flawless and perfect that is just a misconception of what a real leader is all about because i don't even know how i can preach this to you today if i was flawless i won't even be able to relate with you no parent is perfect all parents have made poor decisions at one time or another or or they said or done things which have which have hurt you got to let go any bitterness or any resentment and you got to forgive them if you're unable to forgive you and your parents are unable to move forward and all you have is the past on that relationship it's basically over you'll be stuck in that mire of anger and resentment which ultimately is unhealthy for the both of you you can honor your parents by extending grace and forgiveness so much of how we deal with with our parents and how we honor our parents comes down to this something called pride we've seen the worst of them you have you've seen the worst of your parents and you've seen them sin towards others you've seen them sin towards yourself but the bible however is very clear that the way we treat our parents has significant consequences and not only for our life on earth but our spiritual life as well honor them by forgiving them i'm gonna move real quickly because i wanna i wanna give some other things i'm probably not got time but tell the truth lying lips are an abomination to the lord but those who act faithfully are his delight proverbs 12 22 tell the truth i wish i had time to read this in mark chapter 7. go there i may close with this mark chapter 7 verse 9-13 honor your parents by taking care of your parents take care of your parents take care of your parents now i know there are times where it's probably necessary for you to call on assistant living and so forth so you can take care of them in other ways and stuff like that absolutely but it doesn't mean that you just throw them there and leave them there take care of your parents paul maintains that we are worse than an unbeliever when we do not take care of our parents let me read this to you real quick and i'll close because some of you getting tired already i'm tired of hearing all this you know yeah i was excited when i came here you know got on my nerves now well you gonna take care of your parents i pray about it see i pray about it i see what the lord said the lord talking to you right now through these scriptures let me end with this verse 9 through 13 and nlt mark 7 9 through 13 and nlt he says then he said you skillfully sidestep god's law in order to hold on to your own tradition for instance moses gave you this law from god honor your father and mother and anyone who speaks disrespectfully of father or mother must be put to death but you say it is all right for people to say to their parents sorry i can't help you for i have vowed to give to god what i would have given to you mama in this way you let them disregard their needy parents and so you cancel the word of god in order to hand down your own tradition and this is only one example among many and the one he picked out was the one about caring for your parents ladies and gentlemen this is a sign of the time and this is something that is happening all over the world teenagers you need to obey your parents rules in the house they're their house rules you obey them teenagers you need to practice saying please and thank you you need to respect your parents decisions teenagers you need to prioritize your parents over your friends and your boyfriends and your girlfriends teenagers you need to keep your tongue low teenagers you need to humble and you need to humble yourself and say you're sorry when you've done something teenagers do not cross your arms when talking to them teenagers do not bring up past issues avoiding the issue at hand teenagers do not break their trust open up about your problems teenagers you need to have an opportunity to help the house in the household charge you ain't no prince prince are king you need you need some chores teenagers need some chores what the heck teenager needs some choice i had chores i had to cut the grass i had to watch the cause i had to wash off the carport had to empty the trash and when that wasn't done my daddy woke me up politely at 3 30 in the morning and said didn't i tell you to cut that grass yeah get up and cut it it's three o'clock in the morning oh crazy man are you serious no i ain't crazy you want crazy for not doing what i told you to do when it was in the daytime they're not gonna be calling me crazy for being out there at nighttime grass [Applause] cannon about you playing football teenagers do not cut your parents off when they talking teenagers do not complain teenagers give your parents presents you get that money and buy it on yourself give your parents some presents don't be something like hey i got you a card put something in it that ain't a good card if it's empty put it by five dollars in that i appreciate it teenagers spend special occasions with your parents when possible teenagers treat your parents out to a date show affection by hugging and kissing your parents i don't know i don't like that i don't care what you like [Applause] tell them you love them as often as possible that is respect oh dear god we thank you for our time together today i pray that this word by the power of the holy spirit will settle in the right places i pray that in the name of jesus that it will be received in the attitude that it was given out of love and out of concern father we know that this is a sign of the time we know that this is a time a sign of your return we know that you're coming soon but lord we will not be a part of the world we are holy people peculiar people and we will now take hold of the word and make the corrections and make the adjustments oh god help us we can't do none of this without you we can't be the adult children like we need to be without you we can't be the young and teenage children without you we need you to help us and while we won't while we won't be flawless and while we won't be perfect help us help us forgive us there's just certain things we just didn't know show us grace and mercy we give you praise for it return our children back from the enemy bless this congregation bless those who are online bless the world changes nation right now we can see these things happening but we don't have to participate with them come quickly lord jesus come quickly come quickly we give you praise for it now in jesus name amen give the lord a big hand clap praise and praise and praise and praise and praise and praise and praise him come on praise the lord come on praise the lord come on praise the lord hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah i want to do something a little different i want to put offering here because it is a part of our worship in fact our worship is not concluded and completed without the giving of gifts we've had such a misunderstanding the things that i've got better at teaching and better at understanding where offering is concerned but you're not giving so you can get god to bless you and you're not giving so you can get god to give you victory god has already blessed you and god's already given you the victory so then why am i giving i'm giving as an act of honor gratitude and thanksgiving for what god has already done i am motivated to give by my love i am motivated to give by my gratitude i'm motivated to give by my honor and now i understand the scripture honor the lord with your substance our worship is incomplete without without gift-giving and so many people have not understood it that's why it's so easy to just not be a giver because you've been betrayed and understanding of what it's for and the bible says don't give out of necessity but give out of a cheerful heart the bible also warns don't give a little because you'll get a little don't give he said give much if you want much what he's saying here is that you have to decide in your heart what to give the promise is whatever you give god said i'll multiply it he can't multiply what you consume he can only multiply what you sow he can't multiply what you keep he can only multiply what you give i think there's a breakthrough in this because now god now wants people to be givers because they want to not because they're being made to feel guilty or condemned but out of a cheerful heart worship god with your giving and what i do is i just think about i just think about his goodness i think about man he has really been good to me and i'm that's my motivation for sowing and it's really hard for me to stay with ten percent i'm i'm normally up at 40 and 50 and 60 because i'm giving as i am being led to give i'm giving i make my mind up this is what i want to do because god's been so good to me god wants us all to be givers i have a message that i'm going to teach when i think you're ready for it because when i preach it it goes against the entire christian establishment worldwide so i'm going to be placed front and center again but it's got to be taught because it's been wrong and it's helped people back and god couldn't multiply things in their lives because condemnation was put on them about keeping a law and not giving out of a heart under the grace of god so today let's give glory to his name bring an offering and worship him in the beauty of his holiness hallelujah bring an offering and worship him in the beauty of his holiness so let that mean something to you from now on that you're giving out of honor and respect and gratitude and god takes great pleasure in that because what he says is if you honor him here it is again he'll honor you if you're on the stream right now and thank god you can participate with this at home if you want on the stream you want to complete your worship today you can text world changers and the amount excuse me world changes space and the amount to 74483 you can call that number on your screen if you're streaming in 1-866-477-7683 you can mail in if you're somewhere and you still like mailing in you can go to 2500 burdette road college park georgia 303 49 or if you want to go to your website or you can give online and you can also use your paypal account now we have a qr code that'll make all of that easy if you have a phone if you're here in the dome or by stream you can use this qr code both in here and as you exit i noticed some people had to leave early and they just walk by and hit that qr code and give and that awesome i gotta go to work well they don't have to wait till somebody pass a plate they can just give on the way out that's awesome that's i get excited about technology i don't understand but you can hit that qr code it'll take you straight to the text to give where you can just put the amount in and hit send those of you at home it may work at home as well so okay if you need an offering envelope and you're here in the dome if you just lift your hands up ushers will be glad to give you an envelope if you want to give that way and uh we can uh serve you in that capacity matthew chapter two if you have time read it these kings finally located jesus they were looking for him he was about two years old and i noticed this when i read it and they found jesus in the tent and when they found him the bible says they fell to their knees reaching to reaching into the treasury to worship him i said lord how did i miss that i heard in my baptist church that every time they took offering up they said this is a time of worship i never got it like what i said how is this a time of worship it is the biggest time of worship because your giving should be giving to god and not going to him expecting nothing from him that's worship worship is i'm sowing to god expecting nothing of course you expect from the promises that he made but i'm sowing to god expecting nothing i'm worshiping god at that particular time at this time we declare the blessings over what you sow and what you give and that god will multiply it back to you in jesus name amen let's just go ahead and receive the offering you can go ahead and hit those qr codes and all that stuff i tell you what receiving an offering in this day and time is very interesting now before it was like get off an envelope gail praise the lord nice do that number mess that button take a picture that but all that stuff is really cool it works and it helps us out how many of you this is your first time back in the dome since the uh pandemic hey we got a couple of yeah yeah yeah welcome home welcome home welcome home praise the lord and we're in the dome so you can social distance as much as you want to in the dome and uh we got some folks in the balcony i don't i don't care if you're up there if it makes you feel comfortable do that we'll continue to take temperatures and all that kind of stuff um you know make sure you have a healthy immunity system that's a that's a great mass to wear a healthy immunity system and do some stuff um i'm gonna do my my life talks before the summer is up and uh we'll have some guests there that'll show you how to stay fit to fight stay fit to fight and that's going to be a blessing amen well those of you who are here today and you're not born again and you would like to get born again you've never made jesus the lord of your life just simply pray this prayer with me right now if you're on stream pray this prayer with me right now you don't have to wait to the last minute you can get saved today let's say this together heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but right now i repent of all my sins today i accept the free gifts of forgiveness lord jesus come into my heart be my lord and my savior save me so by faith i receive what grace is made available and declare that i am saved in jesus name amen now if you just prayed that prayer with me if you'll just text the key words i'm saved that's one word to 51555. provide your name and email address we'll send you your free ebook as a gift to you today if you're here and uh in the dome and you just prayed that prayer with me if you'd like to come down to the altar we got some things we can share with you in the prayer room we rejoice with you as well so if you're here you can and also if god's leading you to join this church today you can come down to this altar and those of you who want to join the e-church you can join the e-church today as well by becoming a member of the e-church you just simply go to your website becoming an e-member is simply it's simple use one way to join on your web you can go to and click join at the top of your page if you're on your phone you can text uh join wcci all one word to 51555 and we'll send you all the benefits of e-membership so if you want to become a member through e-membership or a member here live you can do so in jesus name amen salvation and membership that's what we're talking about right now praise the lord amen welcome home welcome home amen well god bless you guys and at this time if your followers are our gentlemen here to the prayer room they're going to take you and minister to you right now and get some things from you you can follow them right now follow them right now right now just go ahead and follow okay all righty let's stand for the final blessing [Music] you guys are amazing taff and i appreciate you we love you we thank god for your boldness and your bold stance to get the word now we're going to continue this series there are like 15 other things we got to talk about that'll be a sign of the time where behavior is concerned and it is going to be it heated i'm guaranteeing you that so father we thank you right now in the name of jesus i call everyone at the sound of my voice blessed i pray that divine protection will be theirs i pray that in the name of jesus that you will put the right people in their lives and remove the wrong people from their lives i thank you lord that you are perfecting everything that concerns them right now and in the mighty name of jesus that blessing is working in them and through them and it's working for them right now i thank you that the angels of god are ministering to every person at the sound of my voice that there is no fear but only divine protection that comes from you father i declare that now now unto him who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the almighty god be glory majesty dominion and power both now and forever and everybody said amen good day everybody
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 81,633
Rating: 4.8597341 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 19sec (4999 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 01 2021
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