Our Covenant of Protection—Part 1

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Every believer has a voice, and it's the Voice of Victory. ♪ My God has made a way for me Hello everybody, welcome to the Believer's Voice of Victory. Pastor George is back with us again and he and I are already having a good time with these words from God, hallelujah. - Amen. - Welcome. We're glad you're here. Pastor's just given us some wonderful things on our covenant of protection. - Amen. Gloria- - Very important. - I'm so glad to be with you. I just get so excited of the things that I do research on them coming here and then you add so much more to it. It's wonderful. - I enjoy it. - It's wonderful. And that's what the Word of God does. Well, faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. And now what we're talking about is, the subject that we are on is called The Untouchables. Living in God's circle of protection. - I like your title. That's great. - So we are... The wicked one, first John five. - The devil. - The devil touches us not. - The devil and all his devils touches us not. - Devil and all of his hosts touch us not. And so today, Gloria, what we're going to do, and we'll spend several days talking about this, but we'll talk about our covenant of protection. - Good, I like that. - We have a covenant with God, and that covenant includes, as part of its benefits or part of the articles of the covenant, a covenant of protection. And the scripture that I like to use on this one is Psalm 105, verse eight. And it says, "He has remembered his covenant forever, the word which he commanded to a thousand generations." - Hallelujah. So we know it's still good. - It's still good. - Glory. - It's still on. And that word... And this is an interesting point. When we talk about covenant, the covenant that we have with God is his Word. His Word is his covenant. - That's right. - And a covenant, I wrote down a definition here on our notes, which by the way, these are available to you. All you have to do is go to kcm.org and you'll see the information there of how to access these. And Gloria, we've had over half a million, since you and I started. Half a million! Outlines that have been downloaded. - I'd like to have some testimonies from those, wouldn't you? - Yes, I would. I'd like to hear that. - Glory to God. - So you've heard it from Gloria. We want your testimonies. Tell us. - We get excited about these things. - Tell us what God is doing for you. But the covenant that we have, this covenant with God, a covenant is, and I have a definition there, it's an unbreakable agreement between two parties that have joined together as one to support each other, provide for one another, to protect each other and to defend each other. So we have a covenant of protection with God. And the articles of that covenant are written in the Word of God. - That's right. And when you got married, did they say, "Do you take this woman to be your wedded wife?" What is that? That's a covenant. - That's a covenant. - That's a covenant. - That is a covenant. - Glory to God. - And we, Terri and I, have been living in our covenant. This year is our 38th year of our covenant together. - Glory to God. - And we became, really the word "covenant" means "one." You're one together in Christ. We are one together with Almighty God. With Terri, we are one together. - "Do you take this man to be your wedded husband?" - Yeah. - "Do you take this woman to be your wedded wife?" Yes, yes. - And we have become one and everything, everything that is mine is hers. - Believe me, it's hers. - It's hers. I mean, I joyfully... Whatever she wants, whatever she desires. - I know, you're a good one. - That's my heart. - That's the way my husband is. - Oh, he's over the top. - He's over the top. - And that's the way God is. God's over the top. - He is. Hallelujah. - He's over the top in love with us so much. Any good father will watch over their family and protect them. - Yes, that's right. - Protect their children. And that's the way the Father is with us. - That's right. Glory to God. - And folks, we have a covenant with God and we have a covenant of protection and he is here to defend us, to protect us, but the thing about it is, we must become knowledgeable of that covenant. You and I have talked about this before. It's not enough just to make Jesus the Lord of your life. It's not enough- - That's a good start. - It's a great start, but then you have to become familiar with his Word and what is available to you and what is yours? And there are people that are, as we talked about the other day, they're running scared. - They're running scared. - Some of them won't leave their house. Precious Christian people, but they're so afraid they won't leave their house. Some of them are afraid to go to church. - Or to ride the airplane. - Or ride an airplane, or go to the mall, where any large group of people might come. There's is a paranoia that begins to set in, that fear that something bad is going to happen. - Yeah. Well, now think about it. If that's what they believe, they ought to stay in. - Yeah, that's right. - Because it's what you release your faith for that's active in your life. - And that negative paranoia, "Everybody's out to get me. There's somebody out there with a gun right now looking for me." We have to deal- - Fear is a terrible thing. It's an awful bondage. - And we have to be just like Mylon LeFevre. Mylon LeFevre- - As a kid, we used to say Mylon LeFeather. - Le Feather? - Yeah. - We have to be just like Mylon. Mylon has a serious case of reverse paranoia. Everybody's out to bless me. - Amen, amen. - So we have to become educated and familiarized with the covenant that we have with God. So Gloria, this is what we're going to do. - Okay, George. - You and I are going to run some scriptures together. I've seven scriptures here of our covenant of protection. And let's begin with Psalm 91. And again, those of you that are watching right now, you can go back to the archives and look at these over and over again, these studies that we're doing together, and write down the scriptures. We're in a day, in an age now where we have televisions that you can pause them and you can write down a scripture, pause it, study right along with us. It's amazing, isn't it? - We've got every kind of tool. - Gloria, you've come a long way from the Beverly Hillbillies on a little television set with that one line in the- - It was broken. - Broken. We've come a long way from that. - Yeah, and the rollaway bed. - And the rollaway bed. - We've got several good beds. - Praise God. - Ken and I were so broke when we first got married, we rented a rollaway bed for $7 and something. We rented a house. We rent a runaway bed, our bed, and we had $7 in something. That's what we rented at. And it was like this, you know? But we had a coffee table Ken made in shop. - Yes. - Stunning piece. And we had a black-and-white TV that it was about this high, but picture was only this high. We watched it, too. - And now- - Oh! Those days are gone. - Those days are over forever. - Hallelujah. - Praise God. - Mm-hmm. - Okay. Our covenant of protection, Psalm 91:1. Now, Gloria, we're going to be doing a fuller study of some 91, here coming up. - Good. We can't do it too much. - I just wanted to take this first verse, though. This is your covenant with God. - Amen. - "He that dwells in the secret place of the most high shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty." What a scripture. - What a scripture. - That belongs to us. - I see obedience in that. "We abide." - Yes, yes. - We abide in that Word. We abide under that shadow. We're not here out here doing... - That's where we all live. That's where we live. - That's right. - I was doing some reading in one of your books about this. And you wrote in there, you talked about the scripture and you said that to dwell in the secret place, to abide, that's not transient. That's not like living in a hotel. That is where we live. - Amen. - We dwell in the secret place of the most high, we abide under the shadow of the Almighty. - Praise God. - That's an article from your covenant with God. - Praise God. - Covenant of protection. - Glory to God. - Look in your Bible there, Gloria and just let me know if you've got anything as we go through 91:1, if you've got any treasure in your margin of Psalm 91:1. - Psalm 121 talks about your arrival and departure. So we were protected as we travel. That's a good- - Oh, that's good. - ... arrival and departure. - That's good. - And then- - Ooh, that's good. - Now hoping I can read my writing. - That's really good. - God's action- - What was that Psalm? - Psalm 121. - Psalm 121. - Three through eight. - Wow. I didn't have that one. That's good. - In the Tehillim, it would be page 1512. - That's good, Gloria. Thank you. - "God's actions toward each man reflect that individual's." That man's, in other words, actions toward God. - Yes. - Like if you have faith for your protection, then you've opened the door for God to secure that protection. - Oh, that's good. - Ain't that right? - Ooh, that's good. - If you have faith for your finances, you've opened the door for God to prosper you. - Yes. - Glory to God. - Wow. - Ain't that good? - Psalm 121 is an amazing scripture there. Verse five, "The Lord is thy keeper. The Lord is thy shade upon my right hand." Verse seven, "The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil." - All, everything. Glory to God. - We'll add that. That'll be added into this outline. Wow. Okay. Well, let's look then turn to Psalm- - Let me read this, if I can read it. - Yeah, go ahead. - It's kind of hard to read. - Go ahead. - I'm still on the arrival and departure. - Yeah. - Like when you get on an airplane, you depart and you arrive. Now, if you do it by faith, you depart and you arrive intact. - Yes. - Or that could be going to town, could be going to the shopping mall. Plead God. I plead the blood of Jesus all the time as I go do stuff. - Praise God. - Okay. God's actions toward each man reflect that individual's actions toward God and his fellow man to the extent that man pays attention, or tends to it, as Proverbs 420 says, to the word of Hashem, or God, and safeguard... Oh, oh! To the word. Hashem safeguards his commands, Hashem will safeguard him. The attention you give to the Word... We did not begin to prosper supernaturally until we attended, gave attention to the Word about prosperity. Then what happened? Well, faith came and we began to believe to prosper. Or the same thing's true with healing, glory to God. Hashem is your guardian, the Tehillim says. Hashem, or God, shall be at your right hand. Glory to God. - Gloria, that's wonderful. I'm looking there at your Bible. That's Psalm 91, there. Isn't it? We're going to make a copy of that and include that in the notes. - You won't be able to read it. - We'll enlarge it a little bit. We'll get it up there a little bit bigger. - Okay, all right. - But we're going to do that and make that available. - These are good. - That's magnificent. What you just said? Wow. - The refuge of the most high, he will be enveloped by God's providence. - Enveloped, protected. - That's us. - That's us. - That's why it's so important, church, that you spend time in the Word of God. Your healing's in there, your deliverance is in there. Your deliverance from poverty is in there. Glory to God. - It's all in there. - Drugs, you're deliverance from drugs, sickness, anything that's under the curse is in the Word of God. And how do you take it? The Bible talks about God's Word being medicines. Take my words, medicine to your flesh. Okay, so you take it in your eyes. You take it in your ears. It gets down in your heart where it talks to you. - Talks to you. - And it brings faith if you'll listen to it. - Yes. - And faith fixes anything. - And we can have that same faith- - Faith in the Lord. - For the protection of our lives. - That's right. - From Psalm 91. - That's right. And I love what George has called us: the untouchables! - We are untouchable. - Glory to God. - We are the untouchables. Let's look at a couple of these other scriptures. Here's Psalm 125:2. This is from the New Living translation, "Just as the mountains surround and protect Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds and protects his people both now and forever." - Hallelujah, great scripture. - That's a wonderful, wonderful scripture. And that's part of the article of our covenant of protection. And so we could take that, and you could say it like this: just as the mountains surround and protect Jerusalem, so the Lord surrounds and protects me and my family, or my family and me, both now and forever. So you take that and make it personal to you. You declare it over yourself. That's how you make it real. - You take the 91st Psalm. It's a good place to start. - It's a good place to start. - Go through all of it. - This one here, this is the third one, Proverbs 1:33. The NIV. "Whoever listens to me will live in safety and be at ease without fear of harm." - Oh, what a great scripture. I believe that. - So we have to listen to him, don't we? We have to listen. - Yeah, obey. - And obey. - Believe it, obey it. - And we will live in safety and be at ease without fear of harm, to be sensitive enough to the Holy Spirit that we might be driving out somewhere, and all of a sudden, the Holy Spirit says, "Turn here," or, "go there," or you have an impression to go someplace. - Or not to go at all. - Or not to go at all. And I like what Keith Moore said. He says this, he talks about the goodness of God. And he says, "Just think about how many accidents you avoided today." - Really? Praise God. - Just think about the things that... - Amen. - I mean, there are times Gloria, that I have actually driven up on an accident that just took place. And I thank God. And what we do, we pray for these people. - Timing's everything. - It is everything. And we pray for these people. And you know, every time we see an ambulance and a fire truck. - Yes, we do. - Every time, every time we pray for them. And there have been times when the Lord has had me actually stop and get out of the car and lay hands on people. - Praise God. - And there was one guy, one time that this accident had just taken place right in front of us. So I got out and there was a guy sitting over off of the road, obviously in pain. And I said, "Can I pray for you?" He said, "Yes." And he took my hand. He squeezed my hand. He was taking it. - Praise God. - But I declare this over our congregation: we are in the right place at the right time with the right people. - That' good, that's right. - All the time. - Amen. - In the Amplified translation of Proverbs 133, "Whoever hearkens to me wisdom shall dwell securely and in confident trust, and she'll be quiet without fear or dread of evil." - I believe it. Glory to God. - That's a good one. - No, Proverbs 12:21. "No harm comes to the godly." That's saying something. - No harm comes to the godly. - Or you can say no harm comes to the obedient. - Right, right. - But the wicked have their fill of trouble. Ain't it the truth? - Amen. - The emphasis. - Read what the Amplified Bible says. - "No actual evil, misfortune, or..." This is a great- - That's a great scripture. - "No actual evil misfortune or calamity shall come up on the righteous, but the wicked shall be filled with evil, misfortune and calamity." Now, who gets to choose? - We do. - We do. - Ain't that a great scripture? Oh man! - That's good. Look at that, Proverbs 18:10 in the Amplified. I like this scripture. "The name of the Lord is a strong tower. The consistently righteous man, upright and in right standing with God, runs into it and is safe, high above evil and strong." - Glory to God. - That's a good one. The name of the Lord. - Proverbs 19:23, NIV. - Yes. - "The fear of the Lord leads to life. Then one rests content, untouched." - Untouched, there it is. Untouchable. - Ooh, I like it. - We are untouchable. - Hallelujah. - The New Living of that one says, "The fear of the Lord leads to life, bringing security and protection from harm." Read the Amplified there. - "The reverent, worshipful, fear of the Lord leads to life. And he who has it rests satisfied." - That's right. - Nothing missing, nothing wrong. - That's right. Nothing missing or broken. - And nothing bad on you. "He cannot," this one who rests, who believes it and lives in the fear of the Lord, "he cannot be visited with actual evil." Is that a great scripture or what? - It's wonderful. That's our covenant with God. That's what belongs to us. But you have to take it. - You have to take it. - It's in there. - And you have to be obedient. This is for the obedient. - Yeah. - That's why God gave us the Word, so that we could live free. We can live blessed, we could live on unhindered. - Unhindered. - Hallelujah. - This scripture in Isaiah 54, this is the scripture that Kenneth Copeland ministries, as long as I have been here, has stood upon. - Yes. - And Gloria we've averted so many things in this ministry that have tried to come against us through standing on this. And that's what we've done. We've stood on it. - Politicians. - Yes, politicians. - All kinds of things. - All kinds of things have tried to come on us but we've stood on this. And I really like the Amplified" "No weapon that has formed you shall prosper. Every tongue that shall rise against you in judgment, you shall show to be wrong," in the wrong. Listen to this: "This peace, this righteousness, this security, this triumph over opposition is the heritage of the servants of the Lord- - Glory to God. - ... those in whom the ideal servant of the Lord is reproduced. This is the righteousness, or the vindication, which they obtain from me. This is that which I impart to them for their justification, says the Lord." - Now, if you wonder why we get so excited about these scriptures, it's because we believe it. We actually do believe it. We take it. We say it. We expect it. - Glory to God. - Now Gloria, on this one, and we'll close out with this, this is Psalm 91 in the New Living translation. Why don't we do this? I'll read a line, you read a line. - Okay, go ahead. - It's a beautiful, beautiful translation of Psalm 91. - Hallelujah. - This belongs to you. - Hallelujah. - This is yours. "Those who live in the shelter of the most high will find rest in the shadow of the Almighty." - "This I declare about the Lord: he alone is my refuge, my place of safety, he is my God and I trust him." - "For he will rescue you from every trap and protect you from deadly disease." - "He will cover you with his feathers, he will shelter you with his wings, his faithful promises are your armor and protection." - "Do not be afraid of the terror..." Were you going to say something now? - No, go ahead. - "Do not be afraid of the terrors of the night, nor the arrow that flies in the day." - "Do not dread the disease that stalks in darkness nor the disaster..." When you hear about epidemics and whatever, believe God. Don't get in fear. Don't receive that. Say: "Well, Jesus himself bore my sicknesses and carried my diseases, by his stripes I was healed. Nor the disaster... "Do not dread the disaster that strikes at midday." - "Though 1,000 shall fall at your side, 10,000 are dying around you, these evils will not touch you." - I say again: these evils will not touch you. - Will not touch you. We are untouchable. - Will not touch me. - That's right. - Just open your eyes and see how the wicked are punished. - "If you make the Lord your refuge, if you make the most high your shelter, no evil will conquer you nor plague will come near your home." - No plague. "For he will order his angels to protect you wherever you go." When you hear on the news that there's an epidemic of this or that or the other, whatever it is, don't just sit there like a dummy. Say, "I'll never have that. I'm not taking that." - It's not coming near my family. - I'll never have the flu. Oh, it's flu season? Not for me, it's not. - That's right. - "They will hold you up with their hands." Oh, this is yours, George, but I'll read it for you. - Go right ahead. - "They will hold you up with their hands so you won't even hurt your foot on a stone." - That's good. - Ooh! - "You will trample upon lions and cobras. You will crush fierce lions and serpents under your feet." - Now, where could you find more danger than that? - That's dangerous. - Here you are in a cage with lions, cobras and serpents. - Serpents. - And you get to go free. - That's right. - Because... Read that. "The Lord..." - "The Lord says, 'I will rescue those who love me. I will protect those who trust in my name.'" - Now, what does the Bible say about who are those who love him? If you love the Word. - "If you love me, you'll keep my commandments." - That's right. That's right. - So we know what it takes to get this kind of protection. "When they call on me, I will answer. I will be with them in trouble. I will rescue and honor them. We live in a good place." - We do. - Hallelujah. - "I will reward them with long life and give them my salvation." - Glory to God. - Praise God. - George and I will be right back. - A bullet went through the top of our band with my entire family in it and no one was touched. - I was diagnosed with aggressive breast cancer. And today, I am cancer-free. - A flash flood caused our vehicle to hydroplane and flip into a ditch underwater. But we were able to escape unharmed. - End of that church Sunday morning, I died. But here I am today. - I've dealt with depression and suicide, but now I know God loves me and I have hope. [Presenter] Discover how you can live totally protected through The Untouchables package. Request Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons' two-week Bible study on DVD or MP3 along with their study notes. Also included as the bonus CD by Pastor George, Protection in Perilous Times and Gloria Copeland's CD, Totally Protected. We are untouchable. - I am untouchable. - I am untouchable. - I am untouchable. - I am untouchable. [Presenter] Live every day in God's circle of protection. Request The Untouchables package by Gloria Copeland and Pastor George Pearsons, yours free from Kenneth Copeland Ministries. Go to kcm.org/tvspecial, or call 800-600-7395. Discover how you can live confident and free from fear in God's circle of protection every day. This offer is good for 60 days. Outside the US, shipping charges may apply. Contact your regional office for more information. - In Christ, in the Word, you and I are the untouchables. And Gloria, there's a book that we want to give as a gift to everyone today. It's called No Fear Here. And I wrote this book right after 9/11 because I could see that this nation was just gripped by fear. We had had something come to our shores that we'd never experienced before. As you well remember- - shocking. - It was shocking. And Terri and I were on a plane coming back from a meeting at Rick Renner's church in Moscow with Billye. We were headed back and they turned us around and we spent the week of 9/11 in Ireland. It was just horrific, what was taking place. It just seemed like the clutches of fear was on this nation. In this book I wrote, the Lord led me to write this little book because I wanted to put in here as many scriptures as possible concerning the fact that we do not fear. Fear not. Fear not. - That's a commandment. - It's a commandment and it is said 110 times in the Bible, God is saying "fear not." - because it opens the door- - It opens the door. - ... to tragedy. - That's right. - To the devil. - And so we made that declaration over our nation: no fear here. There is no fear in this nation. - Fear God. We are not afraid of him, but we trust God. - That's right. - We honor God. - That's right. This scripture here, "Fear not. I am with you. Be not dismayed, I am your God. I will strengthen you. I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." So this book, Gloria, it's all about being delivered from the spirit of fear. - Everybody needs to get that. - And we've put all kinds... We've put many, many scriptures. Scripture after scripture about fear-free; being free from the clutches of fear. - Acting on the Word and in faith will put you in a position where you're not fearful because you've got an answer. - That's right. - You know you've been delivered, you know God's Word's there, you know Satan can't touch you if you're in faith. - That's right. - And so George and I, we want to pray for you today over the fear. That's what opens the door to the devil. - That's right, it does. - You don't have any, you've got to stay in faith. I mean, when everybody says, "The world's going into an economic downturn, you might lose your job," you stand in faith. Father, we pray. - Thank you, Jesus. - For every person listening to this broadcast today. We rebuke fear. Fear, you are a traitor, you're a liar. - That's right. - You do not belong to the children of God and we bind you from every person in the name of Jesus. - Praise God. - And we all in agreement. Take the Word of God! Take our deliverance, take our blessing and we'll not fear, glory to God. This is Gloria and George reminding you that [Gloria and George] Jesus is Lord. [Presenter] Thank you for joining us today on the Believer's Voice of Victory. For more information on Kenneth Copeland Ministries, go to kcm.org. While you're online, you can also request a free copy of today's broadcast on DVD, CD or download it to your computer or mobile device. Continue to grow in your faith in God and live in the wisdom of his Word. 2021 is The Year of the Local Church, a year of divine healing, divine health, divine prosperity and divine recovery. Welcome to kcm.org, your Study Center for Victory. Get real help for real life problems. Select a topic for answers straight from the Bible. Then believe, speak, pray, learn, and apply what you've heard and read to experience real change in your situation. Each step provides pages of articles, video teachings, topicals scripture lists, and recorded prayers and confessions from the Copelands. Kcm.org has made it simple to tap into God's wisdom for real help in your life. Kcm.org meets you where you are.
Channel: Kenneth Copeland Ministries
Views: 14,746
Rating: 4.9131694 out of 5
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Length: 28min 31sec (1711 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 11 2021
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