How to Live in the Supernatural - Sunday Service

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times and seasons are so very important [Music] last night in new york it was kind of bittersweet as i turned the new york church over to our new senior pastor and it was a great joy to do that but it was also a confirmation for me i was tired growing up and exhausted going back and i'm like dandy i know ain't that no more for this and so we are excited for our new york church we combined two churches together there and they're going to do a great job and taffy now very proud of what they will accomplish after 40 years in ministry sometimes you got to know when to step aside and let the next generation come on up do what need to be done amen okay so this is going to be so seriously amazing and i'm excited about teaching this to you and i want you to in a sense um we're going to kind of go to school a little bit but this is going to really the series the entire series is going to going gonna give you some information on on how to rise above the situations of this natural world uh when things are not working how many of you have experienced things in your life where you did all you knew to do but it just didn't work and i remember my daddy saying one time i said that i did all i i did all i knew to do he said well you don't know enough amen and and i don't want that to be the case with us there's a very weird time going on things are probably not going to go back to exactly the way they were uh so for the believer for you and i what does it mean what does it mean when you're facing impossibilities what does it mean when you know there's no way for this situation to work out though in the natural world i mean where do you go what happens when the hope you're told to have just ends up in hopelessness there's a lot of that going around and yet this is i believe the time for us to shine like never before so in doing so uh you know the lord's challenged me and i challenged myself to enter into a series where i'm believing god to be precise and uh to show you how to do this and so i call this series living in the supernatural living in the supernatural not expecting the supernatural to show up every now and then i want to show you how to never be bound by hopelessness that there's nothing in this world that you will confront that there's not a way out of it over it or through it you know what i said there's always going to be a way out of it for those of you who live in the supernatural there's always going to be a way out of it now i want to show you this illustration if you go with me to the book of romans chapter four uh guys in the control room i didn't give you all scriptures because i know where i'm going but i don't know exactly how i'm gonna get there so just just go with me one of those sermons i i know the destination but uh i don't have my little god guiding system on my phone telling me which way to turn so i'm depending on the lord for that amen uh romans chapter 4 this is a very good illustration here verse 17. as it is written i have made thee with talking about abraham a father of many nations before him whom he believed even god who quickeneth the dead and even god even god calleth those things which be not as though they were underline that god calls things that be not as if they were can you think of some things in your life that be not that you would like for it to be but it's not well you got a little clue here god called the thing that was not as though it were so if you were sick and and you're not healed then don't call what be called what be not so you're not supposed to be saying i'm sick well you already got that what you're supposed to be saying is i'm healed god called the things that be not as though they were all right so he goes on here verse 18 abraham who against hope believed in hope now this is a very interesting thing against hope believed in hope sounds to me like there are two realms here there's the hope that you have in this earth realm in this physical realm and then there's the hope that you have from somewhere else and i'll submit to you to be the hope that you get from god's word it's the hope that comes from from another realm a supernatural realm and abraham hoped against that hope that he might become the father of many nations according to that which was spoken so shall thy seed be so god spoke a word to abraham and obviously what god said there was no hope for that to happen in the natural and you'll see in a moment what he said there was no hope for it to take place in the natural so abraham says i am going to go against that natural hope with the hope that comes from what he said the hope that comes from what he said now this is the importance of getting in the word of god as a christian getting in the word of god as a christian provides hope that you can use against the hope that's in this world but if you don't get your hope from god's word you will be subject to the hope that's in this world so when systems in the world fall and that was your only hope when the government doesn't do something that's your only hope or somebody else that's your only hope you're going to be you know uh you're going to be stuck i don't want to be stuck i want to get my hope from what i find in the word if the word has a promise for me that's where i get my hope and there are lots of people that don't know that lots of christians that don't understand that and that's the reason why a lot of them don't get in the word anymore because they don't see see any need to get in the word but the need you have to get in the word is that's where you get your hope from that a christian that's in the word should never be hopeless glory be to god i gotta seriously cool down cause i told you i got a shot of me somewhere not enough to be running around the dome i don't know brother chris we do that anymore running around no dawn but that's why we get in the word that's why you get in the word read the word because that's where you harvest your hope glory to god there's never you never can tell when you're going to bump in something some hope in the world and then it lets you down something you were dependent on and it let you down someone you depended on and you let you down a job you were dependent on and it lets you down a relationship you depended on and it lets you down but when you get your hope from the word anytime you confront that you have hope that you can use against that hope and still rise above that situation if you understand what i'm saying say amen you'll rise above that situation now you got to understand i want to teach you in other words here's what i expect as a result of this series supernatural operation you are no longer say this out loud i will no longer be bound by the hope that's in this world my hope comes from god's word amen and so abraham's in this situation here and he says in being not weak in faith he considered not his own body now dead when he was about a hundred years old and neither yet the deadness of sarah's womb so his body's dead sarah's womb is dead and he's bible says he staggered not at the promise of god through unbelief now there's always going to be the temptation to walk in unbelief and it's never going to be that something's wrong with your faith the problem is going to always be the presence of unbelief and you got to make sure that the presence is not the presence of unbelief is not there in the form of fear in the form of worry in the form of care how do i know if unbelief is in my life when you're in worry when you're in fear when you are in care you are in unbelief what do i do to get rid of that because see the devil is going to bring a thought a contrary thought to try to bring the presence of unbelief and a lot of times things don't work because of the presence of unbelief you are born again christians it is now time for us to quit living this casual life as a christian oh i'm a christian i have a christian t-shirt we go to church oh hallelujah it's time for us to rule and reign bless god it's time for us people will get saved when they see the supernatural operating through your life so welcome to world changers supernatural church glory be to god he didn't consider his body so what is it that you consider when you read the word when the bible gives you a promise do you always find yourself going back to the your situation and considering what's happening there god says i'm not considering that he says i'm not considering your education i'm not considering your color i'm not considering your past i'm not considering anything i gave you a word and you're gonna have to decide whether you're gonna have to have hope in that and you're gonna believe in that or you're gonna you're gonna spoil my promise that i gave you by considering your problem you hear what i just said you're gonna spoil your the promise of god by considering your problem don't consider your problem consider the you know you know things when you consider something that means you're rolling it over and over and over in your head again you're considering you know the bible says i'm gonna prosper you in every way and you're gonna you're gonna sit up there well i gotta consider i don't make but four dollars an hour he didn't ask you to consider that he didn't ask you to consider that he's trying to show you i'm god you don't even you don't know who you're talking to i promise you this and you're considering that lol calm down boy gotta teach this thing calm down i feel chill but i know you don't move by chill bumps but i hate about shaq thank you you don't consider all the stuff that's going on around you you don't consider the economy you don't consider what they got on abc news or good morning in america you don't consider none of that you got a promise i hope y'all ready your life gonna change you ain't gonna be the same you are coming out of average you understand you are not gonna be no average world changers the world changers nation is about to switch rounds we are not just going to be in this physical realm but we're gonna abide in a higher realm i'm ready i'm ready it's time for you to cast out devils it's time for you to lay hands on the sick it's time for you to raise the dead it's time for you to call things that be not as though they were it's time for you to receive the wealth of the wicked it's time for you to be the head and not the tail it's time for you to be able and never again beneath we are living in the supernatural i can't wait to everybody get in the house before i teach this i gotta teach it now [Applause] abraham didn't consider his own body now dead the body dead and then sarah's womb is dead and they're supposed to be having a kid how you gonna do that his body dead her wound dead and if they were to go to the doctor doctor say this ain't happening but the lord said oh my god see we don't we don't do that much more we sit there and take what the doctor tell you and not consider what god told you hey you should have thought about this about 50 years ago bro but it ain't going to happen now sarah it ain't going to happen it's dead it's gone but god said there ain't no way in the world you're gonna be getting this job you gotta have your this degree you gotta have that degree oh yeah i i know all that but god said well you know uh you know you know 20 years ago it would have been a good time to start this business but it won't work right now yeah yeah yeah but there's only one problem with that what god said my god i'm believing god that the world changes nation is gonna go back to what god said instead of what somebody else said [Applause] now i i hope you're ready for this now cause people gonna be looking at you strange now cause you're going against what they can see you're going against what they understand and you're now saying i'm getting ready to rise above all of that i'm not just gonna be no average christian no more i am ready to rule and reign and to stand on what god has spoken to me to do i don't know about you but i'm not ready to curl up and just submit to what the world say now you ain't seen nothing yet boy the best is yet to come you ain't seen you haven't seen god's best some of you ain't seen god you're a christian but you you ain't seen nothing you hadn't seen nothing you hadn't experienced none yeah you saved but you you have no record of a supernatural happening in your life and i don't think you ought to be a christian and die and not experience god's supernatural happenings in your life so i'm going to teach you so you can take hold and see some supernatural happiness in your life in other words god's going to do something in your life that's not supposed to happen in this natural realm i speak it and declare it in the name of jesus [Applause] i can't rush through this series because some of this stuff you got to catch some of y'all going to be notes right take a note some of you just have to put your pen down and just say all right what you talk to me lord you can pick it up a little later on but the lord said now i want to say something to you i'll be saying stuff in this series and you're gonna be hearing the holy ghost while i'm saying something i'll be saying one thing and the holy ghost will start talking to you with precision telling you what to do when to do it how to do it why he wants you to do it i'm ready i've seen some stuff and i want to see some more well i'm not moved by what what what i see see you you don't even know what they're talking about that ain't that ain't it no no no no no no i'm not moved by the crazy stuff or the natural things of what i see i'm moved by the word of god every miracle the bush lie every miracle that i read in the bible came as a result result of a word from god the church in these last days we are stuck with the word of god which is good you got to start there because the word of god is going to create intimacy between you and god the word of god is going to be the walkway of the pathway that leads you to a rainbow word there's a written word that's what you see in your bible but then there's a rhema word there's a word from god and one of the reasons we hadn't seen breakthrough in our lives is because we keep living by the word of god but we won't let the word of god take us into the bedroom where we can get an intimate word from god see you can get a word of god that says you will be successful but when you go in the bedroom the lord will say to you i need you to start this on this street at this time with this thing and read the bible you see people who have breakthroughs because they they tell you what the lord told them to do a word from god is the key to breakthrough in your life so that means we're calling for not you just to get in the word of god but to get in the word of god long enough until it leads you into intimate places where you can get a word from god so that means you can't be uh this casual christian that have no relationship with god you're gonna have to really be a real christian a real one someone who knows your god and when you know your god you're going to hear from your god and your god going to give you some instructions and when you start doing the thing you heard from god and you you do it and you see breakthrough you're going to be able to talk to people about you know what you did to make this happen you're gonna become a witness to the glory of the lord and you're gonna have to say the lord told me to do this i did it and look at what the lord has done are y'all ready for this some of y'all some of y'all just satisfied being a little little carnal christian you know move by what you see read a little scripture made it you know meditate on it for two minutes so you can quote it and then quote it to somebody oh praise the lord you're a good little christian now now i'm talking about somebody that's gonna wreck hell up they're gonna wreck it up that's gonna wreck hell up when demons see you they're gonna go the other way glory to god hallelujah there'll be other demons waiting outside your door warning demons they're trying to come in say don't go in there don't go in there i've been in there i just came out i ran out of there man they'll shout a thousand hallelujahs they'll mess you up they know they're god we better go to some some fake christians that don't know that god because those are supernatural people on the inside of there y'all ain't ready for me man y'all i thought you understand what i'm do you see the crazy stuff going on in the world right now they need to see some infallible proof i don't need anymore word everybody running their mouth everybody got something to say everybody got an opinion [Music] show me what you say you believe [Applause] amen so he didn't stagger at not that the promise of god through unbelief but he was strong in faith and and this is his part that got me he was strong in faith giving glory to god another translation says he's so dependent on god that he started thanking him he was so dependent on god that he started thanking him are you thanking god for the thing that hadn't showed up yet i i so depend on him i start thinking it hadn't felt no different ain't none different showed up in the world that looks hopeless and here i am saying i depend on you lord yes thank you i depend on you lord i think god's not gonna be showing you stuff and telling you to do stuff so you can rely on your own abilities he gets no glory out of you relying on your own performance and relying on your own ability he gets no glory out of that but when you start thanking god because you depend on god do you know the only reason god gave us grace and i'll teach this later he gave us grace so we can totally depend on him we keep depending on ourselves we keep depending on the government we keep depending on see you know let me see some some people were so dependent on the money that came from the government like we're going to keep coming and and god was like why are you depending on the government i've been taking care of you all this time [Applause] he said why don't you try me try me try me well you know guppy gave me that long yeah you gotta pay the government back too try me somebody call me one time say i got some information so that the church can get get the lawn and stuff they need so they can make it through the pandemic i said i die first government's not my source the ppa eat whatever law well that ain't my source well doc that's easy for you to say no no it'll be easy for you to say the day you decide to hope against hope and believe god for your provision and believe god that the supernatural will show up in your life and believe that god can take care of you and oh boy he has he is and he will somewhere in your life you're gonna have to make your mind up i'm gonna depend on god see if you don't start depending on god now when you really need him you'll have no practice depending on him you can start practice depending on it you're so quick to one run to the provisions that the world has provided and yeah i know there are certain provisions that god has allowed to be in the earth for you to take advantage of yes but you see you use that as an excuse that's a real soft excuse to just keep saying don't depend on god that's easy yeah there are lots of things that are provided in this world that taff and i can take advantage of but we're never going to be disciplined and in shape depending on god certain stuff you can depend on god with i mean a headache ain't going to kill you so sometime before you go running and get a tylenol give god an opportunity start somewhere start somewhere else trust in god lord i don't i ain't got no money getting no light bread i got some beans but i ain't got no money let's start somewhere don't come calling me hey yeah yeah yeah bro and then let me borrow the money get a light bread jesus is your light bread supplier when are you gonna trust him for something you gotta start somewhere we gotta quit playing church we know how to do church but we don't know how to do life and now doing church ain't working no more you can come and shout scream roll up and down the aisle spit and dance and nothing happens because you know how to do church but do you know how to take the promises of god take the scriptures of god go home with it go to sleep with it take a shower with it eat breakfast with it call those things that be not as though they were look at those bad situations in the face and say i still will believe god when are you going to do that man oh baptist church and you sing song try jesus he's all right i think they said i don't try and man he's all right he's a doctor in a sick room he's all right y'all know none about that he's a lawyer in the court oh he's all right see the problem is you won't try you won't even give him a shot when will you allow him the opportunity to meet your needs [Music] to be your god and to show up and show out in your life when do you just wait until a bad day comes don't wait till a bad day comes start depending on him every day for something amen you wake up in the morning i don't feel god i don't feel good god i depend on you for joy today start start small lord i i depend on you for insight today lord i depend on you to walk in a greater level of love today lord i depend on you to give me wisdom to do a good job today lord i depend on you for insight and revelation start depending on him start with something dependent on him if you're a doctor in the hospital lord i depend on you for the wisdom use my hands and think through me and show me how to handle this and let me see what can't be seen that's how this works it is not enough for us to put a t-shirt on i'm a christian praise the lord i ain't trying to do that no more i want to not walk with jesus but i want you to see jesus walking in me supernatural supernatural supernatural i'm strong in faith and i'm going to give glory to god before anything happens abraham by body was dead he gave glory to god sarah wound was dead she can't glory to god she can't glory to god somebody said my wounds not dead my body's not dead but my my finances they dead give glory to god my relationships are dead give glory to god see you're gonna find that if you really want jesus the way you say i mean how how does that work you know i'm a christian and not i don't want to ever get in his word uh you know i i you know i love pastor don and everything but i got to go somewhere where i can shout a little bit and learn nothing you're as ignorant today as you were 20 years ago sitting out of a bunch of emotional shouting and don't know nothing the devil come knock on your door you ain't even know the devil you thought was your next door neighbor are you listening to me he said and blew it and being fully persuaded that what he had promised he was able also to perform that's a huge phrase being fully persuaded how do i get there being fully persuaded well abraham told us how to get there considering spend time considering it spin spend time thinking about it and then eventually start speaking it was he talking about meditating in that word becoming fully persuaded to a point where you just you just you just trust god you believe god being fully persuaded you know when i was in that doctor's office and after they did their bops on me and they said yeah you do have cancer and it is aggressive we got to get on it right now man my heart starts beating fast i want you being aggressive he said it's moving now i'm like what i had to go said i had to that's just back up you you you own me right now it was like the devil talking to me stop just i don't talk to you no more in fact i never did see him another day in my life i said i'll never want to talk to that man no more i paused i got out of the situation and i started thinking and i never forget this thought that came i said you went to a village and healed a whole village and they were not even christians and i thought and here i am say sanctified filled the holy ghost fire back to i got jesus on my side running for my life yes [Applause] and i'm filled with the holy ghost and you you healed an entire village he hadn't died yet so they wasn't christians yet i said oh no oh no i became fully persuaded there ain't nowhere in the world i'm gonna let them receive something that's mine i took communion over that thing and i'm like all right god you my god now show me what to do show him where to go show me how to handle what show me how to do this i'll never forget it i went to a who's a friend of mine today he is the best in his field and he'll tell you that and um he i went out to tennessee and and got in his mri tank and we went over everything he's really good he's got this big theater and everything and uh he called me up he said soon as doc get out that that thing rush him over here i want him to see something and i walked in there man and all these screens around and i'm looking around i'm like what are you doing he says well i apologize for keeping you in there so long he said but i'm the best in the business and and and i've seen this high grade before and anna went in and i went out he's you see he said you know the stuff i gave you got and that stuff i told him to get you you drink it he said yeah yeah he said whatever that was amplified even more then he says i haven't done this before now the great they said you had he said i don't see it he said now now he said now hold on a minute and then he hit the pause button and when it hit the pause button on all the screens there was a the the images formed into a bearded man and and i looked at it and my son was with me and he looked at it he did this he said and then doc said oh the guy on the screen yeah he said that something in and i'm like and i thought about what god told me he said then i tell you that i got your back now you can say you want to say but i think that image was just to remind me that the supernatural was working and went in and out and he says i don't know what's going on he said but what they say happened to you i can't see it and he kept reminding me and i'm the best in the whole world he said you need to take it back and tell them do it again you know what they say when you talk about it again they said we ain't wrong that it is what we say it is i said oh i see what's happening now the devil trying to get me to consider that instead of considering this whose report will you believe i'm going to believe the report of the lord i'm going to believe that god's got my back i'm going to believe that by his stripes i'm healed i'ma hope against hope i trust him i depend on him i want you to do the same thing now right now i really hadn't started the sermon that scripture wasn't in my notes i don't know where all that came from but hey glory be to god are all ready to live the supernatural life now now i want to i want to show you something now go to second corinthians chapter 4 and verse 18. now now stay with me now they stand bush now we human physically in a physical body we abide and live and exist in the physical realm everything in this realm is physical we have a physical body so we can comprehend physical things but at the same time that this physical realm is running at the same time concurrently at the same time that the physical world is running there is a spiritual world that is in operation at the exact same time i taught a sermon what ken 40 years ago is the physical world really real and i want you to think about something now you have to be careful not to think that the only things that are real are the things that you can see now you are not the only beings in the presence in this dome physically we can see you but if god were to open your eyes up you would be able to see all of our angels in here as well at the same time and it becomes hard for people to comprehend and to believe what they can't see but just because you can't see something doesn't mean that it doesn't exist and and the problem is is we've been deceived by oh by by thinking that that this realm is is the only real thing and and you've got to understand it this is not the physical world is not the parent over the spiritual world in other words the physical world did not produce the spiritual world the spiritual world is the parent of the physical world in other words every pattern in this physical world came from a spiritual world i i thought i thought the other day the bible here people don't he says whatever you bind on earth literally says is what is already bound in heaven so what he is saying is we should be the reflection of what already is in the spiritual world [Applause] your physical body is the reflection of your spirit man you think that you're gonna be less real when you shed your physical body but when you get out of the physical world you're going to enter into the spiritual world which is more real to the physical world and the fear spiritual world that gave birth to this physical world so your body is a reflection of what you're going to be like in in the spiritual world you'll have a spirit suit in the spiritual realm surrounded by spiritual matter just like you have a physical suit in the physical realm surrounded by physical matter that's why nobody i ain't scared to die [Applause] because i'm just moving from one realm to the original realm that's responsible for all other rounds glory be to god let's read this uh second corinthians chapter 4 18. read it out loud with me ready read for we look not at the things which are seen but at the things which are not seen for the things which are seen are temporal but the things which are [Music] all right now let's milk this scripture keep it up there for a moment while we look not at the things which are seen literally here this word seen is not specifically talking about seeing with your eyes he is saying while we look not at the things that we can comprehend with our sensory mechanisms all of the things you can pick up with your sensory mechanism the thing you can see you touch you can you can smell all all that your senses can perceive we're not looking at what your senses we're not going to be looking at what your senses can perceive only of course god gave you senses to be used in this physical natural world mostly to protect you let you know when that's hot let you know train come and move i had a dog got hit by a train i'm like why didn't you move all that money i paid for you to be trained and you just sat there we're not we're not looking at the things we're seeing now what this is what we're doing in amongst christians that's exactly what we're doing we are focused in on all the stuff we can see he says don't look at that but we look at the things which are not seen well how can you look at what can't be looked at what is he saying for we are not but we but but but but we look at the things which are not seen or the things that can't be picked up with our sensory mechanisms why he says now if you choose to live your life by your senses and if you choose to allow your senses to govern your life he says you're going to be limited from the things that i can do supernaturally for the things which are seen or can be picked up with your sensory mechanisms are going to be temporary they're going to be temporary see what you don't understand is that if something hits your body and it's a disease he says it'll be temporary if you're not allowing to govern you you look at your financial situation it's bad it'd only be temporary if you don't allow yourself to be governed by it you look at every crazy thing that can happen in this realm it will only be temporary you know that is that's the truth lord the lord just spoke to me says well whether you decide to be governed about it or not all this stuff is temporary he's everything you can see and pick up right now is temporary you're going neighborhoods i went in the neighborhood i grew up at you know he's not even there no more it was temporary it was temporary the things you can see are temporary but now watch this put it back up he says but the things which are not seen are eternal now now listen to me carefully this spirit realm is the eternal realm this physical realm is temporary [Music] and god is saying that you and i can begin eternity while we're in the physical world if we start paying attention to the things that we have access to in this spiritual world sickness is temporary healing is eternal [Music] poverty is temporary prosperity is eternal worry is temporary peace is eternal i'm going to switch i'm going to start living by those eternal those eternal things and almost start checking out those eternal things i'm not moved by what i see i'm not moved by what i hear i'm not moved by what i feel i'm moved by the eternal word of god does everybody see this if we don't teach this if you don't hear this if you don't start spending time thinking about this you won't know how people operate in the supernatural realm while they're still in their physical body because you never thought about that before please let me make sure you understand something you will die one day when you die you're going to step up out of your body the strange thing about it is that you it's going to be very hard to tell whether you're in the body or out of the body because you stepped out of a reflection into the reality cool about [Music] you just want to make sure when you step out you are you have arrived at the right address somebody said where we at where the signs say 666 hell you better make your reservations right now to 777 heaven boulevard the issue is not death that's not the problem you just got to make sure you got the right address see that's why the the demons are busy right now there's so much demonic influence the demonic influence is all about kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself the devil trying to just get people out the way kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself those demons come and they influence you they speak to you they're telling you to do stupid stuff it starts off with you're so depressed or you switched to something that gave those demons authority to be in your life you know you're doing some kind of weird religion thing you know you're messing around with vibrations and all that other kind of stuff you're substituting the only god that exists with other stuff and you're listening to doctrines of demons and so you're giving place for those demons to come and they're abiding in your life but you don't know it right now and then all of a sudden you when you start you get strong depression you'll get this strong loneliness you'll get this strong will to give up and and and it's all leading to those demonic influence saying kill yourself kill yourself kill yourself now they operate in the spirit realm too you know man is a threat to the devil because you know men took authority over angels you understand and over demons what is man that thou art mindful of them who visited him and you do such thing even angels are submitted to men do you know that you're going to judge the angels one day you understand how powerful you are and the authority that god gave you but you don't see how the demonic forces are working against you and then all of a sudden you know uh you you decide you heard some say kill yourself and if you don't do it you know the way you talk to your therapist you say well some told me to kill myself he won't know something it was a demon that you somehow opened the door and let that demon force come on inside and either he's oppressing you or or or possessing you and we don't even know what's going on you all you got to do is look in the eyes of people you know when they go and they're shooting everybody and they just don't know what's going on you can see that these people are under influence but the world won't ever go that way they will never think about that because their solution is oh they need therapy oh they need mental health listen i worked there i saw demon after them i cast some on my the boy was psychotic you walking around all psychotic and everything and i'm just like he is he gonna walk around like that and then you gave him drugs which amplified it and gave those demons more of an opportunity to be there and and i felt sorry for the guy one day i said i said come here come on i got that boy saved filled with the holy ghost and cast the devil out of him in one week he was discharged [Applause] they checked on the months later he was doing fine he was under a demonic influence one guy came in one time he was under demonic influence he says i'm jesus christ i said well jesus we're gonna lock you up right now because i mean it's kind of creepy late at night you ain't got a few staff on that and then they come and admit somebody he's talking about he jesus christ and growling at the same time oh no i come from california i don't do all that you know you know ain't the investigative type you understand what i'm saying lock jesus put jesus in the bcr and somebody else will see him tomorrow we'll leave a word for one of your disciples to come and visit you jesus are you following what i'm saying so here's this physical world that we live in here's this supernatural world that's responsible for giving birth to this physical world the things you cannot see are more real than the things you can see we're going to see lots of scriptures on this as we begin to deal with this but these are the foundations for you to begin to understand and they don't use you freaking out there are angels and there are demons but i don't believe in them that's exactly what they want for you not to believe in them and start acting like a fool and then somebody like me got to come and jump on you and cast the devil out of you and in some cases people say i said i said let him out no i don't want him get out but hey bro that's you but you got to get out of here so either i'm going to cast the devil out of you or i'm casting you out but one way one way or another you got to go in the what 70s and 80s that's we we had a lot you saw that all the time you saw that all the time you come to church there'd be people come up here and say i'm demon-possessed could you help me please in two different voices you would smell the stench of those things when you cast them out i saw a guy who was directing the choir in the pulpit and and i and i'm like this guy is under the demonic influence i so wish i had this on in recording i never seen on that before in my life this dude was directing and and flew backwards and shoulders hit the floor and was pinned to the floor first i'm like what just happened and we took him in the back my pastor said get him delivered i went in the back i said satan in the name of jesus you come out he said no i said oh boy that's how we gonna do their thing today why now how we gonna do this thing today you you're not allowed to say no you have to respect the power of the name of jesus man we catch the devil like that boy he's in the bedtime my what happened i said it looked like you got pen it was like you know wrestling was big in those days look like you got pink one two three you were out brother and that beamer had to come out as well i talked these things and some of y'all look at me and over the stream y'all think about unbelievable there are gonna be some stuff that god gonna let you see just to let you know that what i am saying is true you better believe it god knows how to make you believe my wife was studying demonology in in in uh in a school and she i i know if i got the story right you went to a club it's half over there she went to a club or something and god opened her eyes now that's that's bible he opened remember elijah's servant god opened his spiritual eyes and he saw angels of chariots and fire surrounding him well opened her eyes and she saw the demons on everybody's face in there that's right she caught has that ever happened to anybody else she saw the demons in their face and she called me like three in the morning freaking out telling me what she what she saw and i'm like well yeah you saw what was more real than those people somebody said well what's that called it's called a spirit of discernment some of y'all believe and some of you who don't believe are under demonic influence i'll see you soon i see you soon she saw the supernatural side of what was going on it's called a spirit of discernment my mom not many very many people have that gift my mom has a spiritual spirit of discernment a spirit of discernment is not i know i knew that was happening but that's the spirit of the nose of this the spirit of discernment the spirit of discernment is opening your eyes to the spiritual realm and you being able to see into that spiritual world and that is a gift that some people have that you can open the god will open your eyes and you can see in that spiritual world all right we're talking about living in supernatural now so don't be be freaking out and stuff like that i'm just getting this part over with so you'll have to deal with it but you're gonna have to deal with this because there there are probably more people on demonic influence today as a result of the pandemic as a result of the locking in see y'all might some of y'all might have locked in in a nice place some of these people that have a lot of nice places to lock into and there's some weird stuff going on and and i have never dealt with so many people who want to kill themselves thank god they haven't but a lot of people have a lot of people have they've whacked themselves they're dead and nobody even knew they were going to do it but that little spirit just kept talking to him kill yourself kill yourself i'm familiar with that voice i heard that before early in my in my life when i first got got saved kill yourself kill yourself and if you keep entertaining that thing and you don't know how to go to the word of god and exalt that word above that demonic influence you'll find yourself doing something and won't even know why because some folks i don't even know why pulling guns on folks don't even know why some told me to just shoot everything what do you think's going on mental health issues yeah some of them some of them are demonic possession issues we don't want to talk about that but i'm gonna be bold enough i'm gonna be the church to talk about all of the stuff that don't nobody believe in no more that don't nobody talk about no more because we're getting ready to do some supernatural living romans chapter 8 verse 24. romans chapter 8 and verse 24. now watch this i'm so excited about your lives you're getting ready to go to another level oh the devil hates this because all i'm doing is exposing him so if you run into it in the name of jesus jesus there is power and authority invested in the name of jesus you remember in the book of acts the seven sons of stephen see they didn't have a relationship with jesus they were professional exorcists y'all read this right it's in the bible right and so they go up there and and and uh these guys these people were possessed with demons and they walk up in there as professional exorcists and they say okay we cast you out in the name of jesus that paul preaches now can you imagine they walking in then the demons like we cast out in the name of jesus paul and the scripture says they say it paul we know jesus we know but who are you let me say this if you're born again and filled the holy ghost every demon knows who you are and i believe the bible says they jumped on them stripped them of their clothes and ran them out this is serious stuff this is stuff that people don't talk about no more and then stuff just happens and then the world gives it another name and you ignore the bottom line issue and you ignore this bottom line issue just like you ignore the bottom line issue of this supernatural world this spiritual world running at the same time that this physical world and until you understand that you won't know how to successfully operate in victory because all of these wonderful things that are in the spiritual world heaven has already been said you know there's another scripture to talk about how the tabernacle in moses day was taken from the pattern that was in heaven already amen the pattern of the tabernacle was a as the pattern of the heavenly tabernacle there is a heaven there is a hell there are demons there are angels there is a god and there is a satan and you and i will see the conclusion of this matter but i ain't going out losing the bible says he's coming back for what kind of church a victorious glorious church now watch this verse 24 for we are saved by hope that's the truth but hope that is seen is not hope for what a man seeth why does he yet hope for it if i could see the thing it wouldn't be hope so our hope is based on what we can't see and you know what kind of society we have now a hopeless society because they're basing everything on what they can see and we're basing things on what the word of god has to say our hope is in jesus our hope is in the word of god second corinthians chapter five and seven flip over there ii corinthians chapter five and seven man i am so looking forward to this this time i spend with you now now some of you like oh i ain't going back there all that demon talking god to me see now you got fear and fear is the faith of the devil the thing you fear the most will come upon you don't walk in fear god hasn't given you no spirit of fear so if god didn't give you a spirit of fear guess where it's coming from stop it get out of fear the bible says here in verse 7 for we walk by what and not by our sensory mechanism i'm walking by faith i'm walking by what the word says i'm walking by the things that i cannot see i'm walking by faith i walk by faith i don't walk by my sensory mechanism i am it is not so just because it exists in this physical world it is not so just because i can feel it in my body it is not so just because i can't see something in my bank account i don't walk by that i don't live by that i live by god's word that's what it means to be a christian i am moved by his word i'm moved by his promises i consider his promise [Applause] hebrews 11 verse 1. hebrews 11 in verse 1. now faith is the substance of things hoped for which means you can't see it it's the substance of things that you don't see right now it's some things hoped for the evidence of faith can't be seen it's i hope for it but i can't see it i hope for it but i might not be able to feel it faith is unseen substance somebody said what's that it's the word of god faith the word of god in fact let me put it is now the word of god is the substance of things hoped for and the word of god is the evidence of the things that you can't see so what is it what's going on you're a christian but you don't get in the word you don't believe in the word it's not necessary oh i come and get the word so i can fulfill my quota as a christian no no no no no the word of god is the substance of things hoped for so my hope comes from the word we started off with that today my hope comes from the word but the word of god is also my evidence of things that i can't see yet why do i have the word of god as my evidence of things i can't see yet because when the devil shows up and tells me what's not i say no you're wrong here's my evidence i show him my heavens by his stripes i'm healed that's that's the only thing i got right now and i'm not gonna let go that word because that's all i got i can't see it i can't feel it i can't touch it but all i got is the word of god and the word is my evidence glory be to god just like your title deed is the evidence that you actually own your car i don't have to see your car just show me your your title d and i believe you got a car it's the same way it's the same way you know i believe i'm healed where's your title d isaiah 53 glory to god first peter i got evidence from god's word i can't show you the manifestation of my healing right now so until it shows up i'm going to hold on to my confirmation of what i know [Applause] the word of god's my confirmation number i don't have the room at the hotel but i have a guarantee that that will manifest one day glory to god and so when i show up at the hotel in faith literally with a confirmation number i'm assuming they got my room i showed up one day at a convention and uh gave my name they said we don't have a room for you i didn't panic i didn't worry i knew somewhere in this hotel there was a manifestation of my room now i know if they got to go build it right quick or what but there's a manifestation of my room why how can i be that assured because i have a confirmation same way it's true when you're standing on god's word believing for something that is not yet manifested all you got to do is look through those 66 books of evidence and pull out some evidence for what god said and when you can't show the physical manifestation walk around with the evidence and let everybody know i can assure you glory to god that i'm healed i can assure you that i'm delivered i can assure you that i'm protected faith is the evidence of the unseen provisions that have not yet manifested in my life glory be to god you got time for a few but can i get about three more by three more about three more can i do with that three more all right let me let me take a minute of scripture so put three minutes up there i'm just telling you my time up and i knew i normally shut up when the zero's hit okay just three more three one two three mo three you guys on stream i can't hear you also three all right real quick genesis chapter one and verse one genesis chapter one and verse one in the beginning god created what the heavens say unseen and the what say sing so question where did all physical things come from where did all physical things come from no no no no according to this scripture where did all physical things come from god god look at it again i got i got to make sure yeah i hear what you're saying but according to the scripture in the beginning god created what and he created what all right so all physical things were created excuse me by who by god who created all what all things physical things and what spiritual things well well that means all physical things came from god who is a spirit right john chapter 4 24 you don't have to turn that but john 12 24 says god is a spirit and they that worship him must worship him how in spirit we hadn't been worshipping him in spirit we don't have no idea what that means we're not worshiping him based on what has already been done and said in his word all right so if god created all physical things and god is a spirit then all physical things came from the spiritual realm because it came from god right all right go to second kings chapter six second kings chapter six and uh guys just work with me second kings six verse eight verse twelve and then i'll give you the next one after that second kings chapter six verse eight then the king of syria ward against israel and took counsel with his servants saying in such and such a place shall be my camp all right so the king was giving instructions out okay of syria and then verse 12 and one of his servants said none my lord who in other words somebody was telling the instructions he gave him private he says which one of y'all did he said none my lord o king but elijah the prophet that is in israel he tells the king of israel the words that thou speaketh in thy bed chamber elijah wasn't there but god told him the words that was being spoken oh my god and god will tell you some words that are being spoken all right look at verse 14 through 17 14-17 therefore sent he hither the king of syria sent horses and chariots and a great host and they came by night and they compassed the city about and when the servant of the man of god was risen early and gone forth behold a host compassed the city both with horses and chariots and his servant said unto him now this is elijah's servant said unto him alas my master how shall we do and uh he answered fear not he was getting ready to fear because of what he saw fear not for they that be with us are more than they that be with them now his servant like what you talking about can't you see all these chairs and horses surrounding us they were sent by the king of syria to kill us and you sit up here talk about there's more for us than against us i don't understand look what elijah did and elijah prayed and said lord i pray thee open his eyes well his eyes were already open or he would not have seen the army that was surrounding him so i wasn't talking about opening his physical eyes he was talking about opening those spiritual eyes right open his eyes that he may see and the lord opened the eyes of the young man and he saw and behold the mountain was full of horses and chariots of fire round about elijah now the horses and chariots of fire were always there he couldn't see it he could only see what was in the natural glory of god just because he saw it that's not when they became real they were real even when he couldn't see it there are unseen forces that are working for you and i and you may not be able to see them but i tell you right now in the name of jesus they are working on your behalf they are protecting your household they are making a way for you the lord god has sent his angels to watch over you lest you dash your foot against this dome don't be moved by what you see don't be moved by what you hear be moved by the word of god that is your evidence that god has your back finally starting next week how do we access [Music] supernatural resources to benefit us in this physical realm you ready words [Music] words are spiritual containers they are the most powerful thing in the universe words penetrate the spirit realm and can be filled with the provisions in the spirit realm and they can come right back and deposit the resources in this physical world we'll pick up with this but isaiah 55 11 says my words shall not come back void or empty but they will perform everything it was scent [Applause] watch your mouth make sure your containers are filled with the right stuff when it comes back my word shall not return void or empty but it will accomplish what it was sent out to accomplish and when you send your words from god's word out and they penetrate this this supernatural realm they come back with a deposit and the bible says like rain that waters the flowers one day it will begin to bloom and grow up from supernatural means amen now i can't make you want to live supernatural some of you may be satisfied with just being average christians but i can't do that no more i am so hungry to show this world who thinks that they're smarter than god supernatural encounters they need to see all throughout the bibles when they saw miracles they were changed when they saw the supernatural they were changed they need to see something supernatural not just compare well i like that preacher call he say that i like that preacher because he preached like that i like that preacher called time for some supernatural happenings and we welcome that at world changes prepare yourself the age of the supernatural has begun amen lift your hands up and just worship god for what you have which you didn't understand ask the holy ghost he'll help you father we we come before you with great confidence and great excitement and great boldness we we say lord teach us we say lord take us we say lord show us we say lord we consider you we consider your word we consider your way oh my goodness oh my god let us depend on you in everything let us depend and trust you in everything [Music] i declare your word arise and shine for the light has come the glory of the lord has risen upon you and gross darkness shall cover the people but it shall not come near us may this word find its place in the hearts of those who heard it and may they never be the same again take us on this journey walk us through it we give you praise for it now in the mighty wonderful name of jesus we pray and everybody said amen give the lord a big hand clap for praise he's worthy so our worship i i i've been praying about how to articulate what i what i want to say i don't know how to say it except the fact that christianity and a and being a giver go hand in hand it's uh it's like yeah it's it's christianity and a giver goes in it's not christianity and a giver is somewhere else it's like attached to who you are in christ jesus it's like god for for god so loved the world his love had to produce a gift he loved the world that he gave his only begotten son and we talk about how much we love god we talk about how much we appreciate god and all that so you follow what i'm saying it's it's it's one and the same they they work together you are a giver you are a christian you're not just a christian you're you're a giver you are a christian it it is it is our worship it is our worship it is us saying to god we are grateful for what you have done we are grateful for the victory we had and have we are grateful for the blessings we had and have we're not givers to try to get you to do something for us but we're so grateful for what you do this is our time of worshiping we are grateful that when we do give you multiply the seed that we give we are grateful for that but our motivation for giving is not out of necessity it is out of thanksgiving and worship and gratitude and appreciation and honor for what you have done as you prepare your gifts as you prepare to give to god that is your that's that's you as a christian worshiping god and giving him glory the bible refers to that glory or thanksgiving so that that gift is like a thanksgiving for what he's already done give glory unto the lord bring an offering and worship him he calls that worship him in the beauty of his holiness praise the lord so at this time if you are here in the dome and if you like an offering envelope you can go ahead and get lift your hands up to us as a i'll get one to you if you're online and if you're streaming in today then you can give through the text you can text world changes space and then the amount to 74483 or if you're streaming in you want to call the number on your screen 1-866-477-7683 [Music] you can mail the 2500 burdette road college park georgia or if you're in front of your computer and you want to just log on you can go to or and you can give online you can use your paypal online so forth and so on now if you're here or at home and you'd like to access the qr code here in the dome the qr code for giving is on the screen you can also access the qr code in the lobby as well and so that qr code when you access it it will take you directly to the text to give where you only have to load your amount and hit send and it'll do what needs to be done there uh it is an honor and a privilege uh for me to be so excited about seeing your life go to another level we are really going to whoop some devil tale like never before and you're going to have some great testimonies so i'm going to have to get the testimony box ready again because i want to hear what's happening and some of you are going to experience some extraordinary things this week as god will open some doors because we're trusting him we're living our lives and depending on him to do what needs to be done and so that's a that's a big blessing of the lord amen glory to god so father we thank you for the opportunity to give as givers to bring this gift before you to worship you in the beauty of your holiness we're grateful for everything you have done that you are doing and that you will do and we sow this seed in honor we saw it in appreciation and gratitude and in thanksgiving and we thank you so much for being our god and our lord and our savior it's in jesus name we pray amen oh you can go ahead and receive the offering now uh you can go ahead and hit your button click whatever you're going to click and do all those technical things that you do um man y'all forgive me for screaming and holler but i i really i just had i just had a ball today man you know i'm so happy about what we're learning now i'm gonna pray the prayer of salvation as soon as we take this up and also e-church if you want to become an e-church member you can go to your web uh you can go to and click join at the top of the page or if you want to text that you can text uh join wcci that's one word to five one five five five we'll send you all the benefits of e-membership it's simple way to become a part of world change's nation as an e-member and so we're so excited about our e-membership because it's growing by leaps and bounds but we're also excited about uh uh people coming back live to church and we're excited about you guys being here and we're providing a safe atmosphere for you to be here to do what needs to be done and so if you believe god's calling you to become a member of this church and you're here in the dome we'll allow you to do that in a moment but those of you who are at home those of you who are here if you've never been born again and you'd like to make jesus your lord and personal savior just pray this simple prayer after me heavenly father i realize that i'm a sinner but right now i repent of my sins i accept the free gift of forgiveness jesus come into my heart be my savior and my lord so by faith i declare that i am saved i receive it now in jesus name amen now if you're streaming in and you prayed that prayer with me just text the key word i'm saved that's one word to five one five five five provide your name and email address and we'll send you a free book as a gift to you today welcome to the family of god go to the comment section let people know i just got saved world changes nation rejoice with those people and uh put your spiritual e arm around them and welcome them to the family of god if you're here in the dome today and and you just prayed that prayer you just got born again would you get your bibles and personal belongings and would you come down front or if you're here today and you believe that god's calling you to connect with us and become a member of world changers church international if you'll come on down front we want to minister to you and thank god for you praise the lord amen [Applause] [Music] [Applause] man it's good to be back at church and see your altar call isn't it so good so good to be back at church [Applause] you know if you'll make a decision to get in the word twice a week at least somehow someway either live or on the stream i know your life will be transformed but it's going to be because you made a decision to get in that word i'm so proud of the decisions you've made this morning and i just believe that the best is yet to come in your life and you haven't seen anything yet the god of the turnaround is about to visit your house in other words i don't know what it is that's taking place but it's not over yet so don't give up it's not over yet god's getting ready to do an extraordinary thing in your life if you believe him and if you trust him and if you let him amen he's gonna do a great thing in your life at this time if you'll uh follow our ministers up in the prayer room they're gonna take you and uh get and give some information to you we are grateful for you we thank god for what he's doing and it's gonna be an awesome thing in your life amen well let's stand prepare for the final blessing thank you guys for showing up and coming today and and uh we thank god you're safe in jesus name lift your hands up father i declare great success and great favor in the lives of these your precious people i declare that the favor of god is working on their behalf that the grace of god is working on their behalf i thank you that they are operating in supernatural increase right now i thank you that they are protected and the angels of god watch over them lest they dash their foot against the stone i pray for mighty restoration in their lives and i thank you o god that your love will be shown upon them that they will abound lord in provisions and your provisions will continue to abound in their lives lord i thank you and plead the blood of jesus over them and over their family and over everything they touch i thank you lord that you're stirring up that anointing in them to function and operate like they've never seen before now unto him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we can ask or think i thank you god that all is well with these precious saints in jesus name and everybody said amen god bless you have a great day today
Channel: Creflo Dollar Ministries
Views: 106,218
Rating: 4.9000001 out of 5
Keywords: creflo, creflodollar, worldchangers, taffi, taffidollar, grace, megachurch, collegepark, atlantachurch, sermon, gracelife, tbn, pastors, church, pastordollar, drdollar
Id: UijDaa4-pUA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 10sec (5110 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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