How To Properly Create An Etsy Listing | Etsy Tutorial

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hey guys welcome to my XC channel where my primary objective is to help you build a thriving business on XE if this is your first time visiting my XE shadow my name is Nancy I am a digital marketing specialist and I'm also an XE seller and I do videos about XE to help XE sellers increase their sales and take their business to the next level so if you are currently an exit seller or thinking of joining XE make sure that you subscribe this is the channel to be in and make sure that you like comment and share this video on your Facebook or any social media platform so let's go ahead let's go ahead and get started on this video I'm gonna talk about how to create an exit listing implementing the new changes that XE just made about a month ago as well as getting an ex e grade of a and how to do it properly so I'm gonna kind of talk about three different things I'm gonna walk through one of my listings that by step by step I think this would be very helpful for a lot of people that have asked me to do this before I did one a couple months ago so this is gonna be a little bit more in-depth so I'm just gonna go step by step showing you the process of what I do to create a listing that is not only for someone is viewing it as a viewer but also is meeting the criteria of the search engine and it's also meeting the criteria of what XE wants so it's kind of meeting all three metrics so let's go ahead and get started so this is my exit shop this is a new one that I started and this is just for entrepreneurs I'm doing logos and I'm gonna be adding more stuff I haven't had the opportunity to add additional items but this is the one I'm gonna go ahead and do so this is a listing that I'm gonna talk about today any tools and resources that I talked about on this video guys the links are below if you click on this video there's a little text box you could click there and you'll see all the links to all the resources that I'm currently using plus additional stuff in there so make sure you go in there and check it out so the first thing that I'm gonna talk about is product photography right so that's the thing I'm gonna talk about all the time on my Etsy shop critiques that I talk about on my Facebook group and etc so you want to make sure that when you're doing the listing you have you use at least ten images or less I think on this on am using nine however try to use as many lists as many photos you can try to make them make sure that they're clear that when somebody zooms into it they they can see the actual whatever you're selling that is nice that is cropped in a complimentary way that is not distracting that people know what they're buying and most of all that is very nice and clear right it's not the story it's not blurry people are enticed to click on it to learn more or they're enticed to click and view the additional pictures that you have and what I did was this is a pre-made logo that I sell so for this pre-made logo you get four logos including I just did the main one in the front and then I did mock-ups these are mock-ups you could buy these this is not a picture of me I wish I look like this this is actually a mock-up and what it would you do is you go to a creative market I have the link below and you can find mock-ups there for just about anything for t-shirts for logos like this like a bag you could find picture frames you can find pillows you can find pants I mean so many mock-ups in here and it takes your pictures to another level I think that if I was to take if I was to take my own photos for my product I don't think I would do that good of a job I'm not a photographer I would need to buy probably not expensive stuff because I do have a light box that I use however I will probably need to be very very creative and do stuff that I normally don't do on a daily basis to get that the perfect lighting to you know maybe put like a white board on the back and then put the picture and then I mean put the item and take a picture so for me mock-ups are the best thing for me I highly recommend that if you have something that you sell that you could add it to a picture frame or add it to a hat or add it to a t-shirt that you could use in this company credit market I highly highly recommend using it because it's gonna make your photos look so much nicer like this one that it does for me and then what I did was I added the second logo on a separate one with a really nice flat layout I buy these in here as well keep that in mind everything I buy either I get here or I have the links below to places where you could find images so it's not that I make them I don't make these this is another photo I have so I have the logo on the actual bag and then because this is more for like a woman's logo that's why I have it set up that way with that particular style I have the other logo here so as you can see they could get a really good glance of wish logos I'm selling these are all for the coming cluding and they're really pretty I even have it on business cards so they could get an idea I got this a creative market as well so I put it in a business card that way they because physically steer right because when you are selling on Etsy all they have to go by is the photo so your photos have to be amazing they have to be clear they have to understand what exactly they're buying before they even click to learn more or before they read the listing description so that's the first tip make sure you fill out all nine or ten or at least I would say six the minimum six I would say and when you do the photos showcase them in different ways like I did I have one in a bag I have another one in a different color bag I have one in a business card I have just a plain mobile I have the plain logo zoomed out zoomed in and then I have the four logos together right so just different ways to showcase your item so that's step number one so step number two is your SEO rice or your search engine optimization it's how search engine works when you type in a keyword if you type in pre-made logo design your logo will appear right for that particular keyword that you're searching and you want to able to be found organically and you also want to be able to be found if you were to run an ad that you could place on the first page of XE so why I highly recommend is doing your SEO research just don't don't get any keywords a lot of people be like oh this is a flower logo spring logo flower spring logo like they just guessed keywords don't do that that's the worst thing you could do take the time to do the diligence of doing your research so you want to go to XE rank aam you want to do your keyword research and you want to make sure that you pick you pick keywords that are not over saturating and that describe your item right there for target audience and describe your item and that they're not too broad either so you don't want to say this is a logo right a pre-made logo you don't want to use the word business that's too broad business could be anything it could be a notepad it could be a logo it could be a pillow for your business right for your for your sofa it could be anything so therefore you are targeting the wrong people you're showing your you're listening to a lot of people however that's when you see a lot of impressions and views on your store but you're not making the sale is because you're showing you the item to so many people they are not interesting right they're not interested in buying this flower logo so therefore you have to make sure that your keywords describe what you're selling so therefore when somebody is typing in oh I mean I want I kind of want to get a flowery logo for my shop they'll type in spring flower logo or they'll type in you know flower logo and then yours will pop up right my listing hopefully will pop up and they would love it and buy it so that's what you want to do and all I use it honestly I use XE I mean I use XE ring I use the free one I don't pay I think I'm gonna start paying for the extra one just to learn more stuff on it it's worth it's only $10 and you can write it off in your taxes but I sup now I've been using the free one and all I do is pretty much time I think of a keyword right so - it's a logo so I put spring logo and then what I do is like I I click on get keywords idea is getting spit out a whole bunch of keywords and then what you want to do is you want to focus on just using the I mainly focus on using just the the green ones so I'm sorry so mine was spring flower sorry about that logo so what I try to focus is on using only green ones if I use any yellow ones I want to use the ones that have less than ten downstream listings and then if I also use they say I start using four to kind of give you an idea if I use keywords that are very very broad I mean I'm not broad I'm sorry over saturating meaning a lot of people are using I'm aware of which keywords I want to use because I know I'm gonna pay a little bit more for my cost per bit so sometimes I'll have like one or two because I really wanna rent for that keyword now if you don't really know how to play with your cost per bid and you're pretty fairly new I was thick with just using the ones that are green or in the sense of they're less than 2000 listings those will be better for you because you will rank organically and then if you were to run an ad your ad would be like right on the first page of that of that search results for that particular keyword so that's the nice thing about it you will always be right in front and keep in mind that people when they shop especially you know I know I do this you probably do this as well people don't go after the third or fourth maybe the third one they may go to the third page of XE search results to find something but after that they won't go right so if you go to and I'll give you an idea because I know sometimes I I assume that everybody knows what I'm talking about but I need to start doing a better job of showing what exactly what I'm talking about so let's say this was your keyword here right spring flower logo what you want to do is you want to be in the first page so this is one of Mines that's mine that's mine that's mine that's mine so you see I'm already in the first page people normally what they do is they go on the first page of EXCI this one's mine and then I was mine and that was mine and this one's mine as well you see I'm on the first page but people normally might go to the second maybe these are mine so here you see I have there there they might go to the third page right but after the third they might not continue going especially there's like over a hundred pages to go so what people normally do is that they end up making a decision on what they're gonna get based on the first second or third page of XE so this is what I'm talking about you want to be featured in the first page of XE you will rank or got this so this is an example what I'm talking about this keyword is ranking organically and my ad as well so it's both so that's what you want to do you want to make sure that you rank organically and if you were to run a if you were to run an ad that you're also ranking on the first page and be found that way so therefore what I do is I go to the keyword tool on X earring calm and I start looking for keywords so these keywords are too oversaturated you see there's too many people using them I normally try to stick with like this one will be a really good one floral wreath logo because it's right under 2000 now is mine is not a wreath so I wouldn't particularly pick that one um so I wouldn't choose that one so what you want to do is you want to make sure also that just because it's a good keyword doesn't make it a good one for yours so this one you could save it you could create a a keyword list on Excel and kind of say before if you are planning to do a wreath so if you find one a keyword that doesn't particularly work with the listing that you're doing but you know it's gonna particularly work with a different one do that right save that keyword for later because then later you forget which what keyword it was and you could use it and just keep doing this and you keep looking maybe this one botanical logo since this flowers and then what I do is I normally just create the list first I just create the list and then what and then I also put the amount of competition right how many other people are using that particular list right or that particular keyword and then what I do is I try to gather 13 keywords or 13 tags and then once I have all 13 that's when I decide which one is gonna be my primary keyword which one describes my item the best and which one has the least competition or it has competition but not so you know not like this one here so then I picked that one as my main one and then the other tags I used throughout my listing description and then I put them obviously on the tags which is all 13 right this is how I do my XE search results this is all I do and then I'll play with it I put you know it's my if my logos pink up a pink flower logo and then I keep doing that I keep doing long tail keywords that's what that is instead of just putting flower logo I was change it up and I'll put different keywords in front of it so pink flower logo and then I kind of see what XE search results gives me right so right now it's pulling up additional keywords so here we go so then you kind of go through them and you kind of see okay pink logo but there's a lot of competition I'm not gonna use that one and then you keep going and you find okay blogger logo okay - could be for a blogger and maybe you write that one down right now I particularly like I would saying 4,000 will be my map but my max is 10,000 listings right but if they're if I have a lot of options like these here then my max is like 4,000 if you don't have a lot of options then your max should be like 10,000 because you don't want to go you don't want to pick keywords out too competitive because then you're not gonna drive traffic either then you're gonna be sitting there with no sales so this is what I do technically I just go through them I write them down once I have like my full 13 keywords this is the new donea way that XE search works or how they not how it works for how they want you to do it the reason why is because they try to simplify the system they want make sure that your title is easy to read now the customer knows what they're buying and it doesn't sound like unnatural right it doesn't sound robotic they don't want you to have like multi listings that have like 20 keywords in the title they don't want that they want the main keyword so this is my main keyword and then I added this one as an additional one the reason why I added this one as an additional one is because this keyword is very oversaturated but I'm paying my cost per click I actually raised my cost per click this morning for this keyword because I want to start targeting people to use that one to kind of test it out so I'm using that one so I put a second one that has good that I could actually get farm organically that's the second and what you want to do is you want to have a short caption that's intriguing for the person to want to click so instead of having like I normally have let's say for this one I have all these keywords you see so instead of having that that's the old way the EXCI today they want you to do this way so what I did was I put pre main logo design spring flower logo elevate your business to the next level with this beautiful level simple see that's what they want then what you want to do is you want to put the main keyword that you put here you want to use it right here so obviously I didn't even do that I was fixing this earlier so what you want to do is go back I'm gonna edit - real quick and I apologize for that was my fault so what you want to do is you want to make sure that your pre-made local design that's my main keyword is there the reason why you want to have the keyword there that's consider the Meta Description and this is what people see when they search you when they search in the search engine so this is what people should people will see so on Google they're gonna see that you see it's gonna say pre main logo design and then here we say this pre-made logo design is a great way to set your business apart the branding kits that includes four logos giving you a variety of matching logos for your business you wanna have something short like that you don't want to have nothing to long that's gonna get cut off so you want something that is under 160 characters that describes what you're selling short quick what it is for and that's it that way entices them to click and land on your page but this is what Google shows this section right here so that's why it's important that you do that a lot of people say like they don't know that so this part up here they just have like shipping is not included shipping is $35.99 they have like stuff like that and that doesn't look great because when somebody looks at it that's the first thing they seen shipping is not included so they're like mmm I ain't clicking on that so you want to make sure that this is enticing and it looks good and then this is your exit preview you see this is what people are seeing on the search results so you want to make sure that your logo or whatever your your whatever your you're selling is looks nice it's not cut off like the picture is not cut off and don't know what they're buying so you want to make sure you fit these two criterias okay it's so important that you do that so then what you also want to do is you want to take the additional keywords and this is important I talked about this in my videos you want to use the additional keywords and put them in your listing description you want to make sure that they're natural it sounds natural you don't want to just stuff them in there but you want it make sure they sound natural I wasn't able to add all 13 only because it just becomes tedious after a while and it looks like I'm trying to put them in there but I did use like six or seven the reason one you want to do that that's a that's consider an on-page SEO factor and what that does is that the more keywords you have in your listing description when sir she when somebody's searching for your logo or whatever you're selling on the search results um these are they're considered they're called queries on their search queries and whenever you have different keywords XE which will take those pages that have all these keywords that the customer is looking for and they're actually would take your item and put it in the search results for that person to find so the more keywords that you add in your listing description in your attributes in your categories and then also your all 13 tags the more traffic you would drive to your shop I would say one more time the more keywords that you add here that you put them here like this one like this one here like for instance I put here spring logo here the more keywords you add throughout your listing description in your category and also write also in your attributes and then you use all 13 tags on top of that the more chances of people finding your sword because XD is going to push you to the search results so this is something that you have to take the time and do and you have to you know make sure that it flows because if it sounds so force or the sounds too like it doesn't make sense on the sentence it's gonna look bad on you so you have to make sure that you take the time and you do it I have this one here this pre-made logo kid this is a three years of pre-made logo that's one of my keywords see do you say do yourself premium no go you want to include them in your listing description now also keep in mind that your category right and your attributes when you're doing an listing right so let's go into inside my listing the categories and attributes work together to match your listings or XE uses them to match your listing with shop with with shoppers on Xing so you want to make sure that let's say right here so these are what I'm talking about right so grab the design this design and template that that's the category you don't want to use graphic design and then use that as a tag as well right you don't want to do that some people have here graphic design and then they use it as a tag you don't want to do that because you're wasting a space the graphic designer is already working as a tag this I template is already working as a tag stationary is already working as a tag party and paper supplies it all of these are working as a tag and then when you add attributes like colors or if you add occasions I didn't add a location because it doesn't really go with that or you add a holiday so if you have more this day that's like holiday you wouldn't put Mother's Day down here that's the keyword the reason is because that's this one is already it when you choose it here is already acting as a keyword get it so you're gonna have so for instance right now I have the 13 keywords down here right on the bottom I'm sorry right here and on top of that I have this keyword here these two that's 14 15 and then I have these two primate these attributes so 15 16 17 keywords I could potentially rank for it that's what you want you want to use every single little thing that you could describe your item now everything that's not gonna be for you right because I couldn't choose a location and I wasn't able to choose the holiday because this is a logo so it doesn't really go with that however if you do sell stuff that is for a specific occasion or specific holiday if you put Christmas and you pick Christmas don't use it as a regular tag you're wasting a space use that tag for something else so make sure that you do that all these tags work together so the the XE tags the regular tax which are your keywords the category tags and the attributes all come together and they work together in order for they're called queries and that's when somebody types in something on on the search for social vaccine they trigger this response to your shop and they pull your shop and show them to that person so keep that in mind another thing that I wanted to talk about that I see a lot of people do is that don't have their shop name as a tag don't do that if your shop is not unless you are me you know unless people are searching your name by by your shop because you're popular and you're like you know you have a brand that's when you use it in the beginning if you're not there yet don't you say you're wasting you wasting the tag basically do not use it and also don't include misspellings like make sure you check your tags in case you didn't misspell a tag I mean this happened to me on XE rank also you could check your spelling it's checked it does a scan of all your listings and they tell you every single listing is messed up and you can actually fix it through XE rank without having to go to XE comm so I would recommend doing that just double check that you don't have no misspellings because if you misspelled it wrong then you're not gonna you know get any traction from that keyword or that tag another thing is use multi words but don't use like I'll give you an idea this is what I mean so if you're selling a necklace and it's a custom necklace don't don't use one keyword custom and one keyword necklace right use multi words meaning combine them together so instead of using custom and that's one keyword necklace that's two keywords use it together and put custom necklace that's one keyword now and that's gonna give you more space for additional tags you want to make sure that you are you you you think about that next time you do a keyword a lot of people I see that when I do the reviews they have 1q2 keywords that they could have combined together and made one keyword out of so make sure that you keep that in mind it will free up on a little free up for another tag for you to use and then the last thing is use longtail keywords a lot of times those are so much better because if you're selling and and this is an example I started using just because we had a conversation about this on on my Facebook group baby headband is very very oversaturating so what we what you want to do is if you sell baby headbands you want to cut like an additional keyword that way you can make a longtail keyword and hopefully find keywords that you can rank for so if his baby headband so you would do he baby headband or nylon baby headband or brown baby headband or brown infant headband that way you could start looking for keywords that still describe your item but that you could potentially rank organically and also when you rock when you run an ad whether it's on axiory spoke or Google AdWords you're not paying so much money because now you're using a keyword there so oversaturated that you got to pay so much money or even if you know where your cost per bin to let's say ten cents per click that particular keyword because so many people are using and you're gonna be stuffed and buried all the way down somewhere in the search engine results because you don't want to pay regular price for your cost per bid so it's so important to keep that in mind that if you are in a saturated niche and you can't seem to find keywords and you're struggling to find keywords do longtail keywords on you'll start noticing that you'll start finding keywords that you're still using that main keyword that you wanted to use and you're still finding keywords so you could rank organically which is thought what you want to do basically so once you have the keywords like we talked about put the main keyword here put that same keyword here throughout your listing description put in all the other keywords if you can as many as you can make sure the flows natural put all thirteen keywords here make sure you use attributes make sure you use categories the next thing I want to talk about is your listing description so the listing description is basically what helps the customer build credibility from you so they the photo is what made them click on the actual listing they're like wow this is amazing the keywords right is how they found you right that's how they found your logo or found your I don't know whatever yourself and then the listing description is what makes them want to buy from you is what closes out the sale they read the listing description they know everything and anything about that listing I see people put reviews on the listings or they talk about why they started their shop do not put that who's that just put that's what it's called listing description that's what that means it means you describe what you're what you're selling how to order it's a big one because a lot of people need to exceed they really don't know how to order and what's included shipping policies what you beget the timeframe that you will get it on return and refunds do you have a refund like I don't have no refund policy because if you order from my shop and you get it automatically it's the instant download so there's no refund if it's a custom order and I haven't started it and you want to cancel for whatever reason then yes I could cancel so you want to make sure that you put that in there you want to make sure you put a back link to your page to your home page that way when they go on the bottom they don't click on the back button you want to make sure you include any matching items if you have other stuff that goes with that particular product so if you have matching items you put it there if you have I have other I could here view my collection of floor logos so they don't want to buy this one but they're interested in buying some type of floral logos they could click there and they will open a page where I have all additional logos they have flowers right there's 46 of them so they'll be able to shop through there so making sure that you have links or backlinks these are called backlinks to other pages or other categories of your shop is very very crucial because that way you're keeping them longer in the page you also avoid unnecessary messages you will still receive messages from people saying hey how come on what price is this or how do i order what's included you you will get those people however there are people out there to read every single thing they read the list in the description they read your about Me section they look at your reviews to see how long you've been there how long you been on XE a seller they check everything before they buy some people don't right it just depends on who you get however it's important to add as much information as you can another reason why I always tell this on my videos is because god forbid that person opens a let's say a claim against your shop by you having all this information in there um they can't later say what she never told me that where he never explained that to me it's in there so if they didn't read and they just purchase and you you did all the work and you send it to them but you did the shipping and and they got there you know whatever like a day late or whatever um they can't XE will not take their side XE will abide by you because you did everything you're supposed to and you're an ethical seller and you have all the information that the person should know in your actual listing description so it's important that you include everything in here or as much as information now I'll show you what an X ear ank is right like they grade and I always talk about this I always say just because you have an a right on that listing doesn't necessarily mean that you chose the right keywords right because you could be using be using keywords that are too broad so you want to make sure you use keywords I'm not broad and they target your audience and this is what it looks like so I have on this particular listing and XE grade of a the reason is is because I'm meeting the criteria that supposedly XE ones they want me to use breath practices where they want me to focus on writing a shorter they even said this should be a little bit shorter okay um it's a little bit too long you see even then it's long and I don't think it's long but it's up to you I at some point you have to decide okay do I tweak it or do I leave it how it is because it's actually pretty good so you have to decide don't take every single thing they say and change it especially if it's not gonna make sense and you're showing them it down too much so for me I'm gonna leave it because I think it's fine I actually made it shorter but the best practice right is to write a short clear descriptive title making it easy for shoppers who are scanning right to know whether buying see that's what they want tag analysis right out of all 13 tags they want to make sure that am i repeating the same tags by using tags that are easy to find right in the sense of organically I am all these tags here I could get found organically except this one but this is the one that I'm trying to target I'm doing a little experiment on that one and my cost per bid on that one is a lot higher because of it but as you can see I'm using keywords that I could rank for and not keywords are too oversaturated all my keywords really describe what I sell they all have floral or logo on e I didn't put business or blogger or business owner or XE own I think cookie words like that that's too broad and and I would be targeting anybody versus if I put do yourself pre-made logo people are looking for pre-made logos that works for them with or they're looking for a spring logo my logos kind of spring is flattering so that would be for them attributes I have my interviews I have pink and black so the the logo has more pink so that's why I put primary that one and black is the wording of the logo so that's perfect category do I am I in the right category yes logo and branding see so all of these give me a check mark did I use all 13 times check did I do my attributes Chuck did I do my category Chuck did I did my description Chuck now my description it does say is a little bit long you see for me it's not long because I'm describing exactly what they're buying so you're gonna have to play with this and decide okay do I need to make a smaller or not right for me I'm okay with it because I'm actually describing everything they need to know it's separated into sections that way there's no confusion it's easy to scan so they just want to know returning policies right here if they just want to read what's included is right there it's easy it's not a block of text that when they're looking at it they're like oh my god this is a lot to read so for me I'm leaving it like that best practices use all ten images did I use all ten by use all nine that's why I still green is it recommending me to use all transia of course and then the preview so my Google preview do I have a good Meta Description yes I do do I have a photo that's not cut off that is precise that people could see it and understand what I'm selling yes so this is the proper way to do exeed listing from turn your title to your listing description to the type of keywords you're using how to place them your photos your meta description and your actual listing photo so you have to practice this the more you practice it the more you do it every single day the easier is gonna become and then later you're like wow this is a lot easier than I thought and it just practice practice practice but just keep in mind that the tips that I gave your photos have to be amazing or as amazing as you can get them right somebody might look at my photos and say well her photos are okay for me this is the the best I could do so for me they're pretty amazing can I probably make them better probably and I'm constantly working on I'm constantly looking at insane hmm can I make this photo better and you feed throughout months I I'm always changing my pictures and that's because I get feedback from people or I find other mock-ups I'm like oh that's one that one's better than mines so they're not going to switch it again so but you gotta be you gotta be open to criticism right positive quick I mean that positive um constructor because criticism but you have to be open to it so making sure your photos are good making sure you use in your main your main keyword in the title and putting a nice caption making sure your main keyword is here as well sprinkle the keywords throughout your listing description have all 13 tags make sure you put the attributes and the categories if you do this on every single listing when when you least expect the sales will start wrong women but you have to make sure you practice all that and you have to make sure that your SEO also is up to par that you go and you do the research and you're finding keywords that you can rank organically for you don't want to use keywords that are gonna be too broad that you're never even driving any type of traffic is better to drive our amount of traffic but there are more targeted people tend to drive tons of people but no one's buying from you because you're just showing your listings to anybody and everybody so I hope that this video was helpful for you to have a better understanding of how to properly write a listing description for EXCI guys if you have any questions about this video any comments any suggestions leave them below on this video if your if you liked it leave a like below like type just the word I love this video so make sure that you give me feedback so I can understand it videos like this actually do help you guys or it's the videos that you guys don't want to you know you guys don't really care for it to make sure that you give this video a thumbs up or a negative feeling like it because the feedback is feedback for me and make sure that you don't forget to subscribe thank you guys for watching
Channel: Nancy Badillo
Views: 32,873
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Etsy Listing Tips, Nancy Badillo, how to create an etsy listing, etsy listing, etsy listing tutorial, etsy listing fees, etsy listing photos, etsy tutorials, etsy tutorial 2018
Id: xagErTfSrzE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 46sec (2326 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 07 2018
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