I tested Etsy SEO with erank and Marmalead and found this disturbing thing - Etsy SEO 2020

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hey I think this is going to be one of the saddest videos I ever have to post I feel really bad about it and I know there are going to be but one of the reasons I think that I'm sad about it is because it's gonna get a lot of haters and a lot of know-it-alls and that mean it makes me more sad about the knodel's because usually they see the title of my video and then they'll comment some know it all snotty SEO comment that is either anecdotal evidence or that they heard somewhere by someone they trusted and they're not gonna even really watch the video to see what I have to say about it or to present to you and that just makes me really really sad like try to open your mind to what I'm about to show you okay because I did not want to find the information that I found that I'm about to show you in this video okay today we need to discuss Etsy SEO in 2020 this isn't the stuff from months ago or years ago this is the stuff that I am personally testing right now in a brand new Etsy shop a lot of you who love to tell me what I'm doing wrong you have shops with lots of cells and lots of history behind it and you have an aged shop what works for you is anecdotal data that means it just works for you and can't necessarily work for a brand new shop so if you're the one who comments on my channel hey SEO is just titles tabs and attributes you're wrong and I will actually challenge you at the end of this video and pay you a thousand bucks to prove me wrong on what I show you here today okay that's how serious I am about what I'm about to show you thousand bucks for anyone who can prove me wrong today with any new shop like brand new Lee open shop show me that I'm wrong with what I'm about to present to you I'll pay you a thousand bucks because I'm about to tell you and show you how I really don't think that it's possible for a newbie Etsy shop to get to the top of these search results or Etsy's ranking in 2020 at all if it's a newbie shop you cannot get up there I don't care how good your SEO is and I'm about to prove that if you use software's like ear ink or marmalade those software's be at the analytics in there the data that they're pulling in at sea is wrong and I'm about to show you that - I don't want to cause a fight I I don't want to say like the the owners of the software's who created the software's did anything wrong I think that Etsy's data that they are feeding to those software's is wrong and I'm gonna prove that to you too and for those of you who think I know absolutely nothing about Etsy SEO I do want to tell you about one at sea SEO study and test where I actually got on a live call with besties for six hours and got hundreds of besties to the top of se by the end of the call so I dunno SEO I know a lot of you think I'm dumb but I'll tell you about that test as well so that you at least know what I that I know what I'm talking about and then I want to actually prove to you after I tell you my own personal findings I actually went into our own Z besties Facebook group and asked all of you to confirm what I found without even knowing what you were confirming because I knew I'd get a lot of opinions if I was like what do you guys think about this or tell me about this and what's what I just knew a lot of you we're gonna weigh in on opinions and not actually show me the data so in our Z besties Facebook group I asked you all one question and hundreds of you responded to this question with screenshots and pretty much proved me right so I'm gonna show you that thread and you guys proving my study from today's video right I'll show you that I'll show you the screens and the post and again I don't say all of this to cause a fight I don't want to cause a fight with all of the Etsy coaches or gurus or Etsy SEO know-it-alls I know that they're in it all day long this is just my test with a newbie shop and what I found and what all of you confirmed and yet in the same breath that a lot of you confirmed what I found you then went over to a second post and spouted the usual Etsy SEO talking points that was either anecdotal data or you just heard somewhere so just just open your mind a little bit as we get into Etsy SEO as of right now if you're already a seasoned shop and you're like oh I already know all this my shop blah blah blah blah blah that's great for you Etsy is only showing you right now and will not show a newbie shop Etsy will not put an movies listing to the top of Etsy I don't care what you do prove me wrong for a thousand bucks I'll tell you about the challenge at the end so first I'm gonna get into my actual test but I want to tell you about this one study that I did with besties it was like in 2000 I wanna say 2015 or 2016 and I had this Etsy SEO workshop it was a live workshop and hundreds of besties came to this workshop and I had a lot of pressure on me because I had made a lot of heavy promises and I said by the end of this workshop you will all be up on Etsy search results period hands down not one person will be left behind and the workshop lasted six hours because I helped you know every I got everybody up and then there were a few stragglers and I helped them as well but by the end of the six hours every single besties got their listings to the top of at-sea page number one okay it was wonderful it was so emotional we actually like a bunch of us cried it was so cool and then from that point on you guys had everything that you needed and all you had to do is renew your listings and you'd keep floating to the top now everything's different but everybody is either listening to old SEO advice or advice from people who think they know or from people who are like listening to Etsy itself why would you listen to Etsy itself the people who are like well as I said I've never listened to a search engine authority about their own search engine because they will lie to you every time this is just my past since 2006 search engines lie to you because they want you to behave okay they don't want to tell you how to gave him the system to get to the top okay so on so I know what I'm talking about with Etsy SEO ok hundreds of people to the top of that see I could not ever have the same results today that I had in that workshop in fact I can't even get one shop with one listing to the top of that see with just SEO now we're not talking about all the rankings of like well there's the customer ranking and there's the this class and there's the this code I'm not talking about any of that I'm just talking about SEO so many of you in my last tests said oh got to work on your SEO oh god work on your SEO Oh titles tags and descriptions times and descriptions I'm about to prove to you all that is crap I don't care how good your SEO is I don't care how good your titles tags and descriptions are and in fact as of today I'm not even sure that sale boosting your sales will do it because of what I just discovered so let's get into my actual test that I started okay I was gonna put up a hundred t-shirts in my test shop and quick disclaimer that this test shop is a totally new B ish test shop meaning I don't show this test shop to you guys on purpose because I don't want to get it traffic and sales that are inflated I really wanted to start a new shop for my test that you guys don't really know about for these tests because how can you guys duplicate my tests if I'm like have fake besties traffic and besties sales to inflate it right we're trying to find new cheese for people just coming onto the scene and is Etsy really the place to find new cheese and is Etsy still the place I used to recommend it all the time and say start on that so you start on it you start on it see now I'm not going to recommend that probably ever again and you're about to find out why so we've done three Etsy tests and I was like okay we're gonna do our fourth Etsy test I'm gonna fuel it with sales to see if we can get up on search results okay so on day one and right now is day two so you can see I didn't get very far before I discovered something and was like oh my gosh I have to tell the besties about this because I don't know if I can even continue the test knowing what I know right now so I put up two listings and started tweaking things and with those listings my very very first plan was okay well with these two listings let's get them up in search first because traffic first conversions second right can't get the traffic unless you're up on search results so a lot of times when I test SEO and how it works I'll choose like a really random weird keyword that nobody else uses to see if I can get up on Etsy search for the weird random keyword that nobody uses then I can choose a heavier used keyword more competition and know okay the tactics I used over here I can just move over here to the more competition and just continue to work at that so I chose keyword results or keywords for these products that only ended up having like 32 listings on Etsy for testing so rule number one you have to get up on Etsy right so for my very first listing I put in all the SEO that I know titles tags and descriptions all the whole thing I do the whole thing and I use a private VPN to look through a private IP address with a new computer and a new browser cleared cache and cookies to see if I can find my search results to see if I can find where my listing is that and my listing is at the very very very bottom I thought that's really weird I wonder what I can do to get that up like wow my SEO really does stink it's at the very bottom so I went up to the top and I copied everything from the top listing to the bottom listing and I copied it over to a second listing so new listing new SEO new tags to copy the one that's already near the top and then I went into a second VPN from Italy to do the search so is as if I was some other person so the whole personalization location thing wouldn't take effect and from Italy I searched again and both listings were at the very very bottom and I thought that's really really weird well this is maybe this is where my sales test comes in right so I purchased one of the t-shirts four times and I wait for like 12 hours okay so I purchased it four times and then I copy it over one more time but here's the thing is I copy it over to a different Etsy shop because I wondered if maybe my Etsy shop had issues with it or was being penalized for something so I copied it over to a nother Etsy shop that you guys didn't know about so I had three listings so what was weird is all three listings once again and then I started searching in a country I did a ping from a VPN IP address and it was as if I was searching Etsy new cache new browser new country I couldn't even pronounce the country I was like I don't know what this country is and I all three we're at the bottom again but here's what was weird the product with for sale was behind the newer listings I at this part I was like what that's really weird I thought sales were supposed to boost the listing that's the whole point of our two-week test that I was just getting ready to do so then I remembered that Starla more texted me and said you know looking through things through the VPN isn't gonna be good your results are gonna be tainted because someone who use that VPN probably went to Etsy to search and so you really really she said you really really need to use ear Inc to know where your listing is really landing because if you're just searching you're just finding you know other people's tainted personalization type habits machine learning type stuff so I was like okay so I but first quit from computer to computer in our house I went to Tom's computer and surged I went to my laptop and searched my phone to search and it didn't matter where I searched if I had was logged in or not if I was on a VPN or not if I was on mobile or not my listings were at the very very very very bottom so then I was like alright let's get into a rank so I log in to e rank and this is what I see so I search for my one key phrase that was I called it just here for the drama to see if I could find where I was really ranked and it actually showed me look you're on page one ranked number two and another one was page one ranked 30 and that third one from that other Etsy shop Oh actually that third one from that other Etsy shop was ranked one from this shop it was ranked to four on the same page and then at the very bottom was the one that I bought for myself with my own sales and that was page one rank 30 and I thought that's really weird why would i rank show me that why would i rank say hey you're at the very top but i can't find myself at the very top even with my own machine learning I mean I thought if XE is checking my behavior wouldn't Etsy make my shirt higher in the search results not lower in the search results because of my behavior if I'm clicking on my own listing doesn't that make it so that it's supposed to be higher and now at the very bottom but according to e rank my listing was number one but according to everything else I was looking at it was last what this is so and don't just say something like oh it was your keywords it was this it was that this has nothing to do with the keywords that I chose because I chose like nobody's gonna search for this keyword just here for the drama to purchase something okay it's a keyword that nobody's gonna search for nobody's gonna buy from I know that I purposefully chose it because there's like 32 listings that show up with it so that I can easily track where I am in search to see if I can game at C's SEO system by itself right and if I make purchases and I go up then BAM we've cracked the code and then we can use harder search terms more competitive search terms to go up right that's the idea anyway so then I thought that's really strange how can I figure out what I'm really searching because the VPNs and all these other things I searched 10 different countries on my VPN so it was like I was I was France I was from England I did all these different VPNs as if I was completely 10 different people from 10 different locations with all clean slates and I was at the bottom for every single one of them so then I was like how can I who should I go to so then I asked my staff and I paint my staff and I said I really need you guys to search for just here for the drama on etsy and show me your search results for the top and for the bottom search results I wanted to see if my staff who is not on my Etsy there have nothing to do with my @c they don't even know what my Etsy shop is they're just going to Etsy and certain a lot of our immense a lot of them don't even go to Etsy brand new on Etsy brand new like total locations like just in case Etsy was tracking something else in my house that I don't know about who knows what else that can track but I thought my staff is really like there in the Philippines they're halfway across the country like they will be they should be able to get different search results than mine because of the whole personalized machine learning thing right the screenshots they showed me we're the same as the private VPNs and not I rank so I thought who is seeing what earing just seeing like Bruce who is seeing my shirt as the top result if so far no but everybody is seeing it as the bottom result so I thought who else could I ask and obviously a lot of you know what I'm about to say I thought we gotta go to the besties so we went into our Z besties Facebook group and it was life-changing you guys posted alright so this is what I posted in the Facebook group and I got almost by the time this video post it'll be way over 300 responses to it and you can see I was like okay look for just here for the drama and post a picture of the top 10 and the bottom 10 right so we should have a pretty good idea if either the VPNs are right the private VPNs are those the accurate search results for someone just coming in with no machine learning or is it a ranks results with me at the top which one is right they can't both be right because earrings showing me at the very top and private pans are showing me at the very bottom so I thought let's ask besties because you besties are all over the world you have all sorts of weird habits that we won't talk about so let's look through some of your results okay here's the very first one here's the top okay we won't look at the ads but here's the top results okay and it's almost the same as my private VPN this purple shirt is always at the top for almost all of your pictures and this pink one here to this one here sometimes in this gray one and then usually one of these is there okay remember this because we're gonna be going through a bunch of them and they all kind of look the same so let's see what else is a top result top results okay there's the purple shirt again we saw that we saw that we saw that we saw that okay looks similar here's another top result similar similar it's all the same this is a machine-learning huh is this what machine learning is all about oh look that one's a little bit different we still got the purple shirt it's just in a different order so it feels like the top ten will always be the top ten but in a different order here we go that one's a little bit different that one's not in all of them but we still got the purple shirt we still got the this one the pink one it looks like the whole machine learning changes maybe one or two things or maybe the order of the top ten but we so got the pink shirt the pink shirt the purple shirt all very similar and I'll have a link to this thread below so that you can see that all 300 are like this all 300 first 10 right here and a lot of you said okay this is on mobile this is on a laptop I'm from this country it's all the same you can sometimes pick out one that's different those are the ads up there but they're all the same okay let's go through the bottom okay here's the bottom here we go guess what these three are my shirt these are the three that I was testing and they are at the very bottom just like my private VPN and if we go through more last ten I mean there might be a few in between there but it's still like okay so this is machine learning it's all the same bottom top ten but in a different order there's my bottom shirts again and if you go through this on I'll give you the link so that you can see total 100% proof yourself here's the bottom there's my three shirts bottom all three hundred results shows this bottom bottom bottom bottom bottom bottom also this yellow dress for some strange reason is in a lot of these two bottom bottom bottom so I know a lot of you you love to make excuses you're like Etsy SEO like lovers or something really weird like a cult so you're gonna see this and you're gonna make really really weird excuses but you know what three hundred people who can't be wrong if three hundred random people who haven't visited my shop at all by the way I haven't released my shop name I haven't told you guys what it was I just said search for this and take a picture of the top ten in the bottom ten so none of you knew what my shop was I never told you what my shop was before so none of you could have done the machine learning where you saw my shop accidentally or whatever and now you're seeing it and the results that doesn't even make sense though also because my stuff wouldn't be at the bottom if that was the case for machine learning but it really shows something's wrong with ear ank and marmalades data feeds because marmalade also was showing that my stuff was at the top here let me show you so before I actually a house do besties to post me your screenshots when I rank and the VPN private VPN weren't matching up to results I was like let me try and marmalade and see what they say and I tried to put their tracking in and it was like oh give us a few days a few days why do you need a few days you ranked at least does it almost instantly that's definitely a 10 up on ear Inc versus marmalade if you want to make any changes and see the results right away it's like I would definitely use ear ink about marmalade for that of course right now everything looks incorrect anyway so in marmalade I searched the keyword though just here for the drama and once again my t-shirt showed up at the top at the top white and then I looked very closely and I compared marmalades feed to e ranks feed and it is exactly the same they are pulling in the same feed for rank results so just follow my pattern here on the screen here's my two t-shirts and then the purple shirt and then the grey shirt and on Irae we got my two shirts the purple shirt at the grey shirt and then next we have the red writing and then the mug then we have the red writing and the mug then we have just for the drama writing and the kid just here for the drama writing and the kid and then another mug and then another with that graphic mug graphic these are exactly the same as e ranks rankings no I do have to say like we should not be upset like you should not be going to attack ear ank or marmalade or star l'amour or Anthony wolf or Ritchie who made marmalade you do not do that because they are listening to Etsy whatever else he tells them and the feeds the Etsy are like here's our API feed for this use this they are using for their software what else are they gonna do they have to trust at see that Etsy is giving them the results and the data that they need for their software's so they aren't even completely to Blake be blamed for all of this so but before you're like well maybe your ear ank is different than my ear ank or whatever I actually went in and wanted to test that too because I thought maybe my ear ank is actually doing like machine learning with Etsy and nobody knows it may be ear ank by connecting through the API is like doing a little bit of machine learning so maybe Etsy is tainting the results that way and marmalades because we're like hooking to our Etsy shop through it maybe it's Etsy's machine learning that's messing with that data feed that way more so than if we actually search for something our selves or through private VPNs so because of that I went into the besties Facebook group again and asked you guys to search just here for the drama and show me your ear ank search results to see if they were the same as mine that you just saw because maybe everybody's search results would be different in ear ank if that was the case but your guys's search you guys posted your pictures and your rank search results for ranking for this was exactly the same as mine so it really is the same feed that isn't really moving a lot one way or another so here's my whole point of all of this it's not because I hate Etsy it's not because I hate SEO it's not because I'm dumb I just think that maybe we should stop listening to Etsy I just think that this is what I think okay this is my personal opinion I think when Etsy started Etsy off site ads you guys remember that and as he said well if you make more than 10 grand I believe it was 10 grand you have no choice but to get in on the Etsy off site ads you will pay if we bring people in from like Google or Pinterest or Facebook or whatever you will pay 15% or whatever it is to to offset that ad cost and we will promote you okay I think when Eddie did that they changed the search results again I think they lessened the a I think or the a I think has been so dumbed down that we're all getting the same bestsellers that Etsy is like Oh get this because this is tied to Etsy off site ads and we can charge them more that's what I think I think when they did that they were like screw you to all the little little people and the little shops we're really gonna pay attention to the best selling shops we're gonna cater to them that's why all the best selling shops through throughout kovat and Quarantine they're like oh I've been doing better than ever this is amazing while everybody else who had any type of sales fell off the face of the map and then emailed me crying saying I was the breadwinner I was doing so good but Etsy has now like all my stuff is gone it's completely off of search I really think Etsy when they implemented Etsy off-site ads wasn't just that I think they changed their search as well but didn't tell anybody I think Etsy said here's how you increase your search but I think they're lying and I'm gonna continue to test for the next two weeks but I'm really worried I'm really concerned you guys because I purchased my own product from four different IP ends and that product went below the products with that were newer with no sales so I'm really really worried that maybe even sales won't do it so now I'm wondering if like the number of products in my shop will do it it's just really really hard I just really think that Etsy is like if you bring enough money and I'm really really worried that that money might be like you have to make more than 10k a year I'm really worried about that that sees like I will only promote you if you prove that you can bring us 10k a year then you'll be in top search results all the time and make even more that's what I'm thinking but you can you can say whatever you want I do have to say in our Facebook group a lot of people are like well if you do the right SEO you can make money from day one and every time I'm like prove it they're like well this person over here I'm like they had a shop since 2010 you just show me a new shop because to say you can make it from day one if to start a new shop in 2020 and prove that I really think you can't from the after doing three extensive Etsy tests where it's not like I hate it at sea and I was like I'm gonna convince everybody he got off at sea so I'm gonna have these tests where I fail and then everybody's gonna get off at Etsy and do what I want that has nothing to do that I really did try to find like new cheese for people just like I did with my Amazon and eBay tests I'm trying to help you guys to make money from day one on Etsy I'm trying to prove that you can do it but you know what more and more I'm thinking you can't especially after I found out this right here how do I get my products up some of you have said just give it time I have given it time after my last test I let my test a run for over 30 days after I turned off the ads and turned off the whole test didn't get a single sale okay no traffic nothing happened didn't get up and search so everything you guys throw at me on my channel well you didn't do this try this why don't you try this I have tried that within one of three previous tests or in this one-day test where I like tried to pump orders into it but I'm really thinking like unless I have $10,000 to pump into it Etsy will not promote me as a shop okay here's where I put my money where my mouth is okay and I'm dead serious about this because I really want to be wrong I really do want to be wrong I want someone to come in and school me I want someone to be like you're an idiot Renae I'm gonna show you because several people who have said well but the whole masks thing I I wanted to start a new shop so that it wouldn't affect my old shop and most of those people who start a new mask shops ended up dumping those shops and posting their masks right in their shops that already have sales because those were proven and Etsy was giving those sales to the proven shops so I want to see here's how the challenge works okay and if you want in on this totally fine I don't care if you're in a third-world country or whatever watching this Philippines Mexico whatever you can do this if you want to okay prove me wrong I'll give you a thousand dollars okay if you can start a brand new Etsy shop like today 2020 not you can't use an Etsy shop in 2016 2010 it's got to be a 2020 SC shop no traffic no sales you can't have an email list where you pump in traffic or sales into the shop just new Etsy shop new listings show me that you can get to the top of NC search results I will pay you a thousand dollars but you know I have to agree that we tell besties how to do it if you can find a way okay that is part of the part of the deal because if I'm paying a thousand bucks I want to be able to use the information on my channel you see you understand also super important you cannot prove that you're at the top of NC through a rank or Marmol II because I just showed how something is skewed with their data it has to be through a private VPN or through myself searching or through besties searching you could see in that post that everybody search is the same within the top ten so if it's really in that top ten or even the top first page besties will show it in their search so if that happens and I say besties search this search and your stuff shows up on the front page somewhere near the topic can be in the middle that's okay it doesn't need to be top ten but just somewhere on the front page I mean obviously it can't be a first search term like I did where there's only 32 listings so there's only a front page but it does have to be like there's four pages worth of products and you're on the front page at that point you can't use anything weird it's got to be just SEO to prove that through SEO on day one through titles tags and attributes you can get up period I'll pay you a thousand bucks that's my challenge spread it out spread out this video because it's anybody can do it so far I've tried to push out this challenge to a few individuals and they're like oh I'm just so busy but it really does work titles tags and attributes it really is just that really is super simple and you anybody can do it and you're an idiot if you can't and renate you're an idiot cuz you you've done it four times and you haven't been able to do it so you're a total idiot so far nobody's taking me up on this because when it comes time to actually put the work in nobody's willing to do it because I think everybody secretly does know all of this already although I don't think anybody knows about that ear ank marmalade feed problem that's something totally new and I don't even think that that's their fault so don't be upset with them like don't start a fight or anything like that about that in fact I'm sure once they see this video they're gonna have some sort of comeback of I shouldn't have used a private VPN plus over three hundred besties from all over the world to look for it that to me says like if three hundred strangers who've never seen my shop can't find my listing and it's at the bottom why do I care if my listing is at the top who is good at the top four who is seeing it at the top besides earring and marmalades feed who is seeing that it's not me it's not any computer in my house it's not any private VPN and it's not three hundred besties so who what machine learning person is finding my products at the top of search okay so I do want to tell you for the next two weeks I still want to continue the test but I I'm really skeptical about the whole sales thing I know a lot of you have said it oh the sales thing is already known Rene once I get sales I get more sales but that could be because you're already a best-selling Etsy shop once you get past like a certain threshold which I'm scared is 10k they're gonna promote you whenever you get sales so I don't think it's black and white though I don't think it's like because I've pumped in four sales already and nothing has happened to anything in fact my product has gone down I do also think that it's that you have to actually search the product find it and then checkout for it to get higher with that particular keyword meaning if my t-shirt that we've been talking about if I wanted it to rank for funny women's t-shirt I would need to do the SEO for that but then go into search and search funny women's t-shirt and then find my listing and then check out from there I do think that that has weight on your search results positioning but the four times that I checked out with my t-shirt I did that with the just here for the drama term and I didn't go up I went down I went down below listings with zero history just blew my mind so I'm gonna continue to test for the next two weeks even though I'm like coming in here a day into my test to tell you this stuff about hearing can marmalade and things tell me how you guys feel about it I know all of you guys are gonna be like know-it-alls and not really listen anyway or maybe you'll have some maybe you'll maybe you'll have like a different thought that I'm not thinking of because I thought my personal thought was I think that Etsy is actually pulling in recency into that field because when I search Etsy for the search term and I search relevancy and then I search recency and then I search price high low and low to high and stuff it's all kind of a mixture and I'm almost wondering if Etsy's feed is showing a mixture of the different feeds like recency relevancy the this the this to this and is mixing them in the feed that they're giving Arang can normally but what do you think do you think that that's a possibility oh also for my two-week test I have a hundred t-shirts to put up I just wanted to try to this first day I really just wanted to take two listings and see if I can get one of them up for a random search term to see if I was doing my SEO right so far it doesn't matter what I do to it it will not go up in search no matter how often I changed the SEO no matter what I do and a lot of you have said well you have to give it a couple weeks for the SEO to take place let see changes every 15 minutes there are algorithm changes so waiting two weeks like why is it all of a sudden you mean like a two week like all right we're ready to bring you up now even though you had no sales and no traffic unless you bring the traffic and sales so we'll see on that one I'm wondering if the amount of listings that I have in my shop will matter so we're gonna continue to put up those hundred t-shirts in my shop to see if I can by doing that and pumping sales get up on search but we'll see but either way I'm gonna be searching a private VPN for my search results and not necessarily ear Ankur marmalade although I do have to say those software's are awesome for like keyword research and so many other things so don't don't like cancel your subscription or something to these softwares just because of this one bug just keep it in mind I'm sure that they'll either fix it or have an explanation behind it they have so many other things going in those software's that are so awesome and the owners and creators are awesome too and they they change with the time so I'm hoping that they'll be able to find a way to figure this out or sue sue Etsy so sue them all right let me know your thoughts I'm so scared I know so many of you are gonna say weird things and stuff but alright I'll see you guys in the comments Oh super fast I do have to add because a lot of people were like but these are only like 32 to 45 listings how is this really proving anything everyone search results are gonna be the same because of the amount he has of that in RZ besties Facebook group I posted and everybody's searched for engraved gift for Dad and we had everybody post their top 10 and their bottom 10 few people got confused about what the bottom 10 was just his they were on mobile and there was more than 19,000 listings so they kept pressing over on their mobile and they were like this is good enough so they were kind of just posting whatever for bottom but the top 10 for everybody was exactly the same and for those who are on laptops or desktops who could actually click through to page 200 50 and show the bottom of the listings they were exactly the same so all 19,000 listings 19,000 761 results we're pretty much the same for the term engraved gift for dad you can go into the Z besties Facebook group to see it for yourself so saying like it's only 32 listings what does this prove well we did it for a search term with 19 thousand listings and it was the same and these were besties from all over the world with different devices as well [Music]
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Keywords: etsy seo, etsy seo tips, seo, etsy 2020, etsy seller tips, setting up an etsy shop, increase sales on etsy, etsy christmas, etsy holiday, not making sales on etsy, what is seo, does etsy work, make more sales on etsy, make money on etsy, make money online, how to set up an etsy shop, how to be successful on etsy, etsy success stories, how to sell on etsy, etsy tips
Id: ulU7oho6uyY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 56sec (2156 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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