45 Canva Tips & Tricks | Canva Tips for Beginners | Tutorial Canva

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Do you love Canva? If so, you NEED to watch my latest YouTube video? I’ll be sharing 45 Canva tips and tricks to help you create beautiful designs easier and faster. If you want to learn some cool Canva hacks this is the perfect video for you, click below to watch the video!


👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/nbadillo1 📅︎︎ Feb 01 2021 🗫︎ replies
[Music] hey everyone welcome back to my youtube channel where i post videos every week teaching you the latest strategies to help you build an impactful online business make sure to subscribe to the channel if learning how to scale your business is something that excites you today's shout out goes to maribel slater thank you so much for the amazing feedback that you provided in my previous video now if you want to get a shout out in my future videos screenshot yourself watching this video and tag me on my instagram stories or leave a comment below and subscribe to my channel now in today's video you will learn 45 canva tips and tricks i will be going over my favorite tips that will help you create beautiful designs easier and faster on canva so if you want to learn some cool canva hacks make sure to watch this video all the way to the end and let's go ahead and get started tip number one how to remove backgrounds from photos with one click so let's say i wanted to remove the background from this particular photo of myself you will need to have the canva pro account in order to do this particular trick so all you need to do is click on effects click on background remover it will take a few seconds and your background is going to be automatically removed is an easy fast way to do this for any particular images that you want and this is how simple it is to go ahead and remove the background tip number two is how to duplicate a text or element with one click so let's say i wanted to duplicate my own self right here all i need to do is go up here click on duplicate and there you go i have duplicated it myself tip number three is how to create a highlight effect on your images and this is really great if you have like a youtube channel a lot of people put the little white outline i'm going to show you how to do so on canva so all you need to do is obviously have two of you so i have my duplicate here and i have this image i'm going to click on this one i'm going to go to effects i'm going to go to dual tone right here i'm going to pick any of these it doesn't matter from here i'm going to click on the little settings right here and i'm going to change the highlight to white and then i'm going to change the shadow to white so i'm completely white now and then what i'm going to do is i'm going to change the background so if this was my thumbnail for let's say my youtube channel i'm going to click on the background and change it so let's go ahead and change the color let me move this this way okay so i'm going to change this to let's pick this color so as you can see there goes my highlight right there of myself right so all i would need to do is i could do this and i could use this image if i wanted to or i could kind of like make myself a little bit smaller if i wanted the highlight to be all around my photo like that tip number four is how to add a gradient background on canva so all i'm going to do is open my canva that i'm working on i'm going to go to elements i'm going to do a search for gradient and these are all the different gradient colors that they have i'm going to pick something from here to use um so let me go ahead and play around with these see which ones so i'm gonna pick this one right here or i could do this one actually i'm gonna put this on the corner and i'm gonna make it and fill up my whole space you could do this with any of these gradients here once you're happy with how it looks you could come up here and change the colors so these are my branding colors i could do that color i could do the green if i wanted to and then i could just leave the yellow one if i wanted to as well right so i could go here and pick the yellow one and this is a gradient color or i could pick a different color if i wanted to it's really up to you you could just play around with it or you could come up here and select different colors from here as well so you could play around here and let's say i wanted to do like three bold colors you could do so there you go tip number five how to filter elements or photos by color so let's say i was searching for elements for shoes but i wanted a specific color all i need to do is click right here and search by that color so let's say i wanted pink shoes or you could do a specific color up here as well apply filters and there you go tip number six how to use mockups to promote your products or services so all you need to do is go to the homepage come up here search for mock-ups do a quick search you're going to have all of these options here that you could choose from let's say i wanted to do this one for my xc mastery course so once i have this mac up here i could upload an image or use one that i currently have in my actual file so i'm going to go ahead and use this one you drag the image to the actual computer and it will automatically pop up in here if you need to move the image around if you double click you can move the image around once you're happy click again and you are good to go tip number seven is how to save time by uploading your brand colors to canva by using the brand kit so if you are constantly working on different digital assets that you use for your business i highly recommend upgrading to the canva pro that way you could have your branding colors already added to your actual palette and this is really useful because i'm constantly creating whether it is a blog post or maybe i'm doing a social media post maybe i'm working on my newsletter i want to use my branding colors all the time so it makes it easy that whenever i have to go ahead and change the color i could just come here and select my branding colors tip number eight is how to perfectly align text and elements with guides and rulers so if you're creating a social media post let's say like this one what you could easily do is if you go to files you could click on show rulers and these are your rulers up here and on the side as well all you need to do is drag the ruler to the actual canva design and then you can also drag it down this way and this is a quick way to kind of align everything make sure that your text is aligned make sure that even these are aligned you could use multiple ones too you could just drag it to the actual canva design but this is how easy it is to go ahead and make sure that everything is aligned perfectly once you're done with it all you need to do is just get rid of the actual rulers and you are good to go to download your file tip number nine is how to add margins so if you want to add margins to any design that you're creating all you need to do is go to the file section and go all the way down to where it says show margins you it will show you the margins and then what you want to make sure that you do is that your design doesn't pass the dotted lines so as long as it's within the margin you are good to go tip number 10 is how to add print bleed so if you need to add this all you need to do you will go ahead go back to file show print bleed and there you go tip number 11 is how to add audio to any project that you're working on so this is actually a youtube intro that i created that plays in the beginning of my youtube channel on all of my videos and what i did was i purchased audio on a different website i uploaded by going here upload media the audio audio automatically storage in this section and all you need to do is once you have the design that you're working on you drag the audio to the actual media that you want to add it on [Music] and that's how simple it is once you're happy with how it looks and with the actual audio [Music] all you need to do is download the file as an mp4 video so you can use it with the music tip number 12 is how to add a drop shadow text effect on canva so all you need to do is click on the actual text go to effects and click on shadow from there you have the shadow created you could change the color of course and make it any color that you want or you could just click from up here and choose different colors as you can see i made it red you can see it right there and then you can just play around also with if you want the offset to be a little bit stronger if you want it a little bit less you can also do the direction of it as well do you want it from this side you want it to go a little bit more down a little bit more to the right i like to the right and then you can also do the transparency like do you want it a little bit lighter do you want it to be full heavy i actually like it around there and then obviously from here you could also change the color again if you wanted to as well and play around with it until you find that combination that you like tip number 13 is how to add a hyperlink text for any pdf and this is actually really great if you create lead magnets and you want to create elite mana where people click on particular links and it takes them to offers or your products or maybe to your website so let's say i wanted to create a hyperlink out of my logo down here all i need to do is click on the actual text where i want to create it as a hyperlink i will go here where it has a little link i will put in my address so i'm putting in my actual website address i'm going to apply this and once i download this pdf guide and i give it to other people when they click here it will take them to my website tip number 14 is how to zoom in and zoom out faster so there's two ways you could do this you could go right here on zoom and sometimes you do need to zoom in especially if you're creating something or the text is very small and you're trying to read what you wrote so you could come here and play around with this and kind of zoom in this way if you have a mac you could do command plus and then command minus to kind of go back if you have a windows you would do control plus and then control minus to go back tip number 15 is how to create a presentation on canva so if you ever needed to create a quick presentation all you need to do is you could do a search up here and type in presentation or you could go right here and you'll see it right here presentation so click there it's going to give you different options of different templates that you could use so you could use any of these here anything that speaks to you to your brand um i kind of like this one here you could click on it once you have it you could start editing this you could change the colors if you wanted to so let's say i was doing a presentation and i named mine how to increase your online sales right so if this was my presentation i could keep adding to this i could put this one here i could have a picture of myself here i could keep adding to this and add another page i could maybe go ahead and talk about my how to connect with me online i could kind of go and then start my presentation and you can make this as long as a hundred templates that's the max that you could add once you're happy with this then you could go ahead and present this and go ahead and click on percent and you can make this into an actual powerpoint presentation where you're talking about how to increase your online sales tip number 16 is how to record yourself while talking over a presentation i don't know if you know this but many people don't know this you can actually record yourself using canva so if you are short on money and you don't have a video software right now this is the best way to do it so once you create your presentation you will go up here click on the three dots and you will see click on percent and record follow the steps and you are good to go tip number 17 is the fastest way to add a text so if you're working on something and you want to add text all you need to do is click on t on your screen on your computer and it will automatically pop up your paragraph text here you're able to go ahead and change the font right here and you're able to change the size and color as well tip number 18 is how to resize your images fast and quick so let's say i'm working on this i'm going to use this image on my instagram but i want to create another image for my instagram story so all i need to do is i'll click on resize this is an option only if you have the camera pro and from here you pick the size that you want so i'm going to go ahead and do it in pixels and i'm going to change this to 1080 by 1920 that's the size for instagram stories i'm gonna go ahead and resize it and now i have this resize for my instagram story tip number 19 is how to filter templates by languages so if you're looking for a template in a different language i myself speak spanish i'm going to go ahead and change that you could do so by clicking here in the settings and you choose a language so i'm going to go ahead and pick this one here and these are all that are changed into spanish now keep in mind that you could use a regular standard english template and then change that into spanish as well but this is just a quicker way if you want to play around and find something different that's already pre-made tip number 20 is how to filter elements from free and pro so if you go to elements here and this only will work for people that have the free version that they don't want to pay for the pro elements if you have canva pro then you could use all the pro elements and you don't pay anything additional but you will go up here you would click on the filter and right here you could filter it by free apply so these are all the free ones or you could go ahead and also click on pro and then all the pros will come up as well keep in mind if you have like i said canva pro it comes included with your subscription if you don't then you could just pay i believe is a dollar per image tip number 21 is how to group texts or elements together so these are individually right now so if i wanted to move this text and all of it to move all of these to move together i need to group them together so if i needed to do that all i need to do is just select all the text click up here where it says group and now the text is grouped together tip number 22 is how to curve your text on canva so all you need to do is have your text that you're working on click on effects click on curve you can play around with this as well to make it not as curvy if you don't want it this is great for your logo this is great for your website etc tip number 23 is how to add bullet points or numbers on canva so if you're creating a newsletter maybe you're creating a social media post where you need to add bullet points or numbers this will be great for you all you need to do is create the first line that you're working on you can actually click right here it will select automatically bullet point but you could double click on it again and it will have the number so then you clear you go ahead and write the second tip that you have so let's say is activate plugin and then if you have another tip you go ahead and click enter and it will automatically put three four five and so on tip number 24 is how to create and print business cards directly from canva many people don't know but you can actually print out a lot of stuff using canvas services so all you need to do is just do a search type in business cards and you're going to get all of these options here so let's say that this one speaks to your brand you click on it you play around with it you do all the editing you could change all of this you could change the color once you're happy with how it looks all you need to do is click on print business cards and from here you click on re resize design and then it will give you all the different options whether you want to print print it on standard paper premium deluxe how many do you want and then what style of finish do you want and that's how simple it is to create and print business cards from canva tip number 25 is how to animate tags or images on canva this is really cool because i use it actually for my youtube intro and i also use it for like social media posts a lot so if you wanted to create this a little bit more animated once you have whatever you're working on for instance let's say i'm going to animate my youtube intro all i click is on animate up here and i could select these are all the free ones and these are the ones that come with the actual canva pro but they actually give you free ones as well so you could click here and you could see how it could it just becomes animated and it's really nice because it's different you can add your music and you could create a really cool intro within seconds i'm using canva you can use any of these here as you can see they have a big selection that you could choose from also if you're creating different templates let's say you have one page and then you have a second page every page could have a different style so for instance i could pick on this page oops let me go back i could pick on this particular page that i want um this one the fade but then on my second page i want to include um this one here the tumble right and then now when these here whenever at let's go ahead and play it so that will be one style but then the second slide is going to be a different style you could do that as well this is great for powerpoint presentations if you want to have different variations of things as well or if you want to keep it the same aesthetic like the same type of an animation then you just click on apply all then when you download the actual file you download it as an mp4 and that particular style will apply to all the templates here tip number 26 is how to duplicate a page so if you're working on a page and then you're like oh i come on i want to do some tweaks on the page but you're scared that you might mess it up all you need to do is just click on the little plus sign right here duplicate it and then you know start making the changes here of whatever you want to change and that way if this doesn't turn out to be the way that you want it but you actually like this one you didn't ruin the original design tip number 27 is how to move layers around on canva so let's say i wanted to do a fun picture with me and my son and i wanted to put like a background of a sky because this is the first photo that i put automatically when i add this photo is going to be right on top of the first layer so if i want this photo to go behind me all i need to click on is position and then all i need to click on is backwards and it automatically puts it behind me and then all i have to do is click on that layer play around with it obviously straighten it out and then i could put myself like let's say right there and that's how you move layers around on canva tip number 28 is how to create a team and pay for one canva pro and get four for free so basically you can invite four more people to team up with you on camera pro for free and this works really great if you have a team so if you have a business and you have like a team that helps you with your business this is great all you need to do is create a team right here you're able to put their email address and invite them for free they don't have to pay anything and then you just choose what type of role you want to give them if you have questions about the roles it gives you all the different explanations here tip number 29 is how to save a template to a folder on canva so let's say this is a template you're working on and you know that you're going to be using it every week all you need to do is go ahead and click on file save to folder and then save it to a folder or it will also prompt you to create a folder if you wanted to create a new folder for it but this is important because if you have a specific template that you know that you're going to use time after time it will save you a lot of time instead of you manually creating it all over again tip number 30 is that you could design and print unique ceramic mugs using canva the reason why i like this is because i just created my own mug um using my own logo i haven't received it yet but i thought it was a great idea all you need to do is click on mugs do a quick search and you can actually upload you could create a blank mug meaning that you could upload your own design like i did or you could choose one from here as well if you wanted to so let's say that i particularly like this one here for a mug this is how it would look i could change the text if i wanted to i could change the color if i wanted to so you could pretty much do anything here if you want to just do like two colors like this once you're happy with how this looks then you will click up here print mugs and this is cool if you have a team as well because you could create a mug for yourself and for your team and you could do one-sided mug only right or you could do both sides that if you want your message on both or you could create two different messages obviously for for both sizes and then from here you could pick if you won one mug two mugs the more mugs you buy the cheaper that they are if you have a team you know buying five mugs for five people for only sixty dollars it's not too bad um you click on whatever you're buying um continue proceed with with the billing etc but this is how easy it is to create actual mugs for your business if you wanted to as well tip number 31 is how to make any post into an actual mp4 video on canva so if i wanted to take this particular post that you see and i wanted to make it into an actual video all i need to do or one of the things i could do is go to elements type in let's say star stickers do a quick search and these are all the stickers that come up so i could pick any of these to use so what i'm gonna do i like the first one i see right here i'm gonna put it in the actual post i'm gonna fit it the way that i want it i think it looks good right there once i'm happy with it i could change the length of my video i could make it small shorter or longer once i'm happy with the length i go ahead and download as an mp4 video tip number 32 is how to delete uploading media on canva so what you could do is you could go to let's say one of your designs i'm just going to open this one here and i'm going to go to uploads and i'm just going to go here and i'm going to click on the design that i want to delete so i'm going to go ahead and delete this sometimes you have to delete stuff because you do have a limit with canva and a lot of times we'll start getting so much clutter that it's just easier to go ahead and delete all files that you're not currently using tip number 33 is how to name your image file when downloading from canva and this is great for if you're doing a pinterest pin for your business you have to make sure that the file has your actual keyword and this is also good for if you're creating like a lead magnet you want to name that pdf guide as well so let's say this is my pdf guide all i need to do is click up here pinterest seo guide and now when i download it i'm just going to download it really quick i'm going to download the first and second page now when i download this file the file name is going to be pinterest seo guys so when my customer gets there they they won't be confused because the actual file has that name tip number 34 is how to download high quality files from canva so unfortunately with canva jpeg and png files are not necessarily high quality when it comes to printing and making sure that they're 300 dots per inches however if you want to make sure that your file is saved as 300 per inches all you need to do is download the file as a pdf print and that will ensure that your file is high quality tip number 35 is that if you refer any friends to canva you get free premium photos so all you need to do is head over to your profile picture click on refer friends give them this link or share it on facebook or twitter or in your email list and anytime somebody joins canva you get free premium photos tip number 36 is how to delete trash from canva so even though you deleted whatever file you uploaded it goes into the trash folder and you need to go in there and delete that if you're trying to open more space so all you need to do is when you click on home you will head down to trash click there and delete your files tip number 37 is how to lock a design on canva so if you're working on a slide or you're working on a particular design you could actually lock a particular part of your design to avoid making unintentional changes to it so i need to do is hover on top of the design that you want to lock and if you click right here in the three dots you will click unlock so this design you're not able to edit that designs you could change all of this and you will not mess up this design if you want to unlock it all you need to do is click on the lock right here to unlock it tip number 38 is how to add a text overlay to images so let's say i wanted to use this and i wanted to add text on top of it it's pretty dark so it'll be a little bit hard for the text to show up so one trick that you could do is click on elements and you will go to shapes and i'm going to add this square and i'm going to make it a little bit longer you could do the full image if you wanted to like you could cover the whole image or you could do just a section i'm going to do just a section i'm going to add text to this which is down here and i'm going to go ahead and put this text right on top and i'm going to say welcome [Music] to the group right then all i'm going to do is make this a little bit bigger so let's go ahead and change it to that size and at this point i could either keep it this way and i just added a text overlay or i could make this picture here this color transparent so i could play around with it and make it a little bit more transparent and then if you did this overlay right on top of your image it still looks pretty good so this is how you do a text overlay tip number 39 is how to add an image to canva so if you're working on the design you go ahead and create design here you choose your size so let's say i'm going to do an instagram post so i'm going to do 2000 by 2000 create my design all i need to do is if i wanted to upload my own image from my computer i will click on uploads upload media from device and from here i will pick from my actual computer tip number 40 is the fastest way to uppercase text so if you need to change the letters to uppercase just click on the actual the um text that you're working on click on the little three dots click on uppercase and there you go tip number 41 is how to add notes to any design so if you're working on the design and you want to add some notes for you for you to remember later or maybe for your team all you need to do is click on this little note right here add the notes so this is the post for thursday and then save tip number 42 is how to take any design that you create on canva and how to embed it on a html or link so you can actually take this particular design and put it in your website if you wanted to so if i like this design all i need to do is click on the three dots go down to embed right here click there and it's going to give me the actual html code that i could use on my website so the picture actually pops up or i could use this link as well tip number 43 is how to filter font by type so if you're playing around on fonts you could click on the font up here and if you go up here you could click on the little box and you have you could filter them by handwriting fonts right here as you can see or you could filter them by corporate fonts or you could choose any of these different filters that they have you could do all both fonts but this is how easy it is to filter your fonts to whatever you're looking for number 44 is how to add canva audio to your designs now canva does offer music that you could use for your designs but this is only available if you have the canva pro so if you want to play around with it all you need to do is go down to music right here and have your design open and from here you could pick from happy to instrumental um you could pick all these different types of music pop um they have hip hop they have all types of music in here and you can kind of go through it play whichever one you like um see if you like it if you're happy with it all you do is just drag and drop and that's how you add audio to your designs that you create tip number 45 is how to check designs that will share with you so if you buy a lot of stuff like i do from creative market there are templates that are that i could go ahead and edit on canva or maybe somebody shared with you a particular file and for some reason you cannot find it all you need to do is click on home head over to share with you and then it will auto populate any file that somebody ever share with you so there you have it 45 tips and tricks that you could start implementing when using canva if you enjoyed this video please let me know this way i could create additional videos like this let me know what was your favorite part about this video if you learned something new don't forget to like and share this video as well and thank you guys for watching
Channel: Nancy Badillo
Views: 66,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Canva tips and tricks, canva tips and tricks 2021, canva tips, canva tips for beginners, canva app tutorial, canva basics, canva design tips, canva design tutorial, canva editing, canva for beginners, canva tricks, canva tutorial for beginners, canva.com tutorial, tips for canva, easy canva tutorial, how to use canva app, how to use canva for beginners, how to use canva tutorial, tutorial canva, canva, canva tips and trick, nancy badillo
Id: UBnDYpmRv7s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 7sec (1927 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 31 2021
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