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[Music] oh oh what's wrong with it [Music] it has to be the hottest day of the century in fact i think we're in death valley because i don't know how hot it is but a hundred maybe gotta be what do you think adam it's it's humid it's humid it's hot it's everything that it shouldn't be but it's gorgeous and here we are ooh noisy noisy shoes have you is that construction happening at your house what do you mean well it looks like someone spilt paint on you oh you're so mean you're so mean hold on though hold on before we look at this absolute monstrosity of a beautiful house yes uh this that's new new toy that's beautiful isn't that absolutely insane what is that an rm11 no it's an rm55 bubba watson and you had the bubba didn't you before i had a white one which i got rid of because i don't know why i got rid of it i wish i had kept it but this one is rose gold uh black something and diamonds all factory black something yeah black what it's made of it might be ceramic and i got this from my buddy vadim risk aficionado thank you thank you thank you you have no idea how hard these are to get he hooks me up all the time so yeah check him out aficionado nice right love it and my shirt this is like a big advert let's not do the advert with me standing in the sun like this i'm ordering okay so i'll tell you about my shirt later here we have a 19 million dollar eleven thousand six hundred square feet incredible house i've seen the middle there middle layer floor layer this floor and one below it have not seen upstairs there's two floors upstairs and from what i've seen it's the nicest house we've ever seen um big statement because i've said that a few times they keep getting better jeanetta is here to tell us about it and uh let's go show you it's wacky it's wild it's gorgeous i want it let's go adam what was that look look at that dragonfly huge dragonfly oh i think he died why did he do that yeah i think he just flew into the window can you rescue him um we can turn him upside down i don't think the dragonfly sting i don't know let's use it i would be very careful come on buddy oh there he goes that wasn't nice of you why did you tell him to attack me my good deed done for the day yeah would he not have been able to invert himself he didn't look like it did it yeah okay i think he flew into the window i think he did like you know birds fly into windows i think he's stunned himself yeah this house is mental ready ready i'm going in going in thank you sick house sick house janetta hello how are you good to see you again you've done it again you look gorgeous as always thank you you look very nice and this house is sick tell us about it so the home is eight bedrooms 11 bathrooms hundred square feet the lot itself is about twelve thousand approximately twelve thousand square feet and you get beautiful views of the stone canyon reservoir and magnificent city views it's beautiful and it's 19 million bucks right yes 19 million dollars just under 19 million dollars yeah people take a dollar yes it's really nice i love this home it's one of my favorite homes that um i was telling adam from what i've seen so far the two levels i've seen incredible so we'll show you a real entertainer's home too you're gonna love it thank you again for arranging this and uh we'll go show it out you're very very welcome thank you thank you wait are we gonna start here yeah why don't we go in here first okay i'm going in here stay away taking the old mascot off okay wow so i've got so many things in my pockets mask phone transmitter it's hot why are you filming that i've never seen that in a staged house before is it real no no well this is the office and i'm assuming that's a bathroom it is a bathroom is it a bathroom it is a bathroom with a shower very nice it's going to get better and better and better you're going to freak when you see this house i'm starting with a normal stuff i mean i'm already looking at this view and i'm going to say it's the best bee we've ever seen this is crazy so this would be a guest room i'm assuming and uh again another bathroom there if you want to take a peek high ceilings yeah i love to see you just want to see the good stuff right i'm like i know what a bathroom looks like all right there's another bathroom this is the coolest granite ever this is look at that unbelievable i know right wow look at this sink wow fun this is truly spectacular i mean the kitchen i hope the camera does it justice i'm assuming the refrigerator brand new brand new well for 19 million you'd hope it is freezer think are they turned on they're not turned on is the ac turned on the ac is turned on but it only just got turned on so it's going to have to cool for a little bit it's ridiculously hot i love this kitchen just love this kitchen i think these are those yeah they are i'm going to put it too high falcon wings close it oh did you just put a fingerprint on that glass no i did it from underneath show me the fingerprint i didn't touch there you did you didn't i went like this how am i going to change it because you closed it and you went boink with your big old greasy finger really yeah really yeah i'm going to rewind that and see if i did it hey don't worry i'll do it for you right now close it close it [Music] okay now you've seen the tape you did it huh okay beautiful right it is stunning absolutely beautiful and here we have oh i didn't see this before the glass is really clean this is an outside kitchen area four little nook here there's a couple of seats i didn't see this before it's very fun because there's a big one of these lower so this is a second outdoor barbecuing area i love how it matches the kitchen all the same granite or marble whatever this is it's simply phenomenal and it really is phenomenal look at that view yeah let's go take a look at the view before we take a look at the view i want to point something out that the living room it feels like we're outside because these enormous enormous enormous doors have all tucked away and you your like cozy area living room can literally become outside the scale of this is quite hard oh there you go that's perfect that really does show the scale it does yeah but you won't see me i'll be like a silhouette right no no i can see you check this out adam look look at this view ready it's like being in the alps or somewhere i'm going to need jurassic park music okay it's beautiful i shouldn't have signed you as a photographer i should have signed you as a singer or a composer or something we can still change this country look at the pool we'll get to that we'll get to that don't show too much okay too much of the pool let's go back inside and see some of the fun stuff see the scale of the house from here either but it's crazy it's huge huge very welcoming imagine sat here or outside on the dinner table outside literally outside outside does that make sense oh yeah i didn't even see that over there yeah that's outside outside pretty cool huh yeah sit here there's your little view well big view massive view massive massive view so that's your outside dining table and your outside sofas but are inside when the doors all close and they're electric so all touch button and there's another little one here as well it's a little watch out there look just two seats just very lovely little reading spot and then this is the big dining room let me go to it i like that chandelier i do too [Applause] so this would be again to put this in perspective there's 12 seats around this table with plenty of room let me switch sides with you so that you're not shattered yeah yeah please do isn't that gorgeous amazing okay so should we go up or down um so i'm only going down yeah i've only seen this and down so let's leave the top for a surprise okay well i haven't seen the top either that's what i mean but i've heard it's the best part of the house so really this is fun this is obviously made for this specific use because it's about 60 feet tall okay so as we go down the stairs here is a card room or game room which is so fun and cameras security is this a yeah it is i was gonna say are these skylights are they yeah it's such a great way to get lighter then it's a great way to get light in here a lot of cameras and there's jack there he is again and there's another the monkey will be here there's a different type of jack the monkey is going to be here do you think yeah the frozen monkey yeah that is a cool monkey all right so here is the elevator this would be the exercise area not going to get on one of these it's way too hot look how tall the ceilings are i know and this is the lower level a great sink and luan shower i should have asked them to put the air on an hour earlier right i am yeah guys i'm sleeking right now here's uh oh there's another bedroom down here i didn't see this before so this will be the laundry room so that's the maids quarters this would be a staff room with an emergency escape or if you want the maid to sneak someone in secretly they could do that too i suppose bathroom shower nicely done everything is nicely done check this out ready this is the subterranean garage and it does not come with my car but there's a window in the garage with spectacular views not only of the view but also of the inside of the house and the wine room is oh yeah i've been down here i was like i haven't seen this yet but i have look at that view crazy right well we're coming to this you haven't been oh you haven't i have yeah yeah sneak preview yeah we just never went upstairs spectacular right um is there a serial killer waiting for us up there it's just incredible are you ready adam i'm ready look at this theater now to put this in perspective i'm going to stand by the screen okay so you can see how big it is there's a popcorn machine there this is lovely am i chinese you know what this is it's big but it's not obnoxious so you could quite happily cuddle up in here with your significant other or insignificant other and enjoy it without feeling like you're rattling around it's beautiful and a huge screen i can't see the speakers other than a bunch in the ceiling but i'm sure it has amazing sound yeah well that's how they do it now i don't know they don't even have yeah yeah he has new technology that sounds as good as the old stuff it was huge okay adam area beautiful bar gorgeous absolutely beautiful bar and the sommeliers quarters fabulous so tastefully done do you know what's nice is that in this house they're actually storing the wine the correct way because i don't know if you noticed in the 65 million dollar house the wine was being stored the wrong way it was it was upright and you should always keep the cork wet of course yeah you have to keep it wet otherwise it'll crumble yeah try sure now oh yes massive sauna massive sauna and just what you need on a day like today i want to uh point something out this is all venetian plaster which is a very expensive and beautiful finish i would probably play pool but i'm not going to mess this beautiful display up it's a real table no well i mean it's a real table but it's not a real table let's go out here in a second so this would be another inside outside living area chill deck when coming off the pool um i don't know if this is that waterproof stuff i was just thinking that looks like it is fireplace tv another sitting area another bathroom and shower this is dreamy yeah now this is dreamy look at this adam this is dreamy you got your sunken pit with a fire pit in the middle of the pool this is all just cushions yeah so you just lay in there superb can you imagine look at the length of the pool it has to be i'm guessing what 150 feet yeah it's more it's long still going long way i've made it hi wow we have to go down here there's a wall of water oh there is yes and then there's the two levels on the top which i can't wait to get to michael i want to jump in this pool so bad i want this house i'm yeah i'm thinking that i think this is spectacular i'm thinking that you wouldn't need to pay me five grand right now look so this is an overflow from the pool that goes into that trough and recirculates so it's an infinity edge so you can see it and then here you have another sitting deck lovely lawn this is seats all all the way around in case you needed more seats and this crazy crazy view and a bird you'll hear look at this oh my word [Music] seriously i can't get over this pool i love these seats that are just in the water so you're wet but you're kind of dry you know what this is called tell me i just learnt this i think i'm gonna remember it right a baja deck is it i want a baja deck this groove here around the edge is where the water goes over and continues to circulate i'm in heaven are you in love i am in heaven yeah oh one of those came in huh yeah he's out see you later don't fly into any glass i think you would live down here most of the time wouldn't you on this level you certainly could i mean this is it's got to be 3 000 square feet down here spectacular watch the telly have your fire pit going two fire pits yeah this is where you'd hang out with your friends yeah absolutely and there's an entry down the side oh we don't have to go through the house yeah we've got to go all the way upstairs now aren't we long way okay i'm going to do a fast forward thing so did he do it no because we haven't walked up there yet wait do i say spiral staircase you do goes to the roof deck my goodness wow okay let's start over here one on the seat can you play guitar no oh oh what's wrong with it why does it sound like that nice bathroom closet balcony [ __ ] i nearly we've seen this guy before oh yeah another bathroom so this kind of set up like the kids room i guess yeah okay i can't even imagine oh i can't because i can see it a little bit what the master looks like a doggy shower is it no it's for washing machine dry oh and then here zen area sorry here oh my gosh wow is that what's that behind you is that shelves yeah what a great idea to backlight it just with a glass panel fabulous fabulous so closet one closet two oh wow now this is super same thing here you have the michael this closet might be big enough for you it's nice it's pretty close right it's half the size but it's like i said pretty quick but it's as big as we've seen right i mean like look how much storage there is and how much you could hang yeah you know what you could probably get as much in here yeah i bet i bet whatever you couldn't fit in here would easily yeah fit in there question it's a huge closet okay so let's do this first beautiful beautiful you feel that breeze i do i stay here for a bit yeah much needed breeze fire pit look at this view from your bedroom that's just sick okay so adam i want to show you something oh god you know well you know i'm wary of heights right especially this height because this would kill you if you fell down there yeah right look down there it's a long way down so here's the thing i have exactly the same setup at my house but feel this yeah mine's a bit more wobbly than that you you do have a wobbly one at your house yeah i'm being serious yeah mine is slightly more flexible right i know it's supposed to flood do you have as many little joiners no mine's on mine has a steel stainless steel thing on the bottom that everything sits in so so maybe then because this has got two like bolts instead of one strip that gives it that extra rigidity but they say it's safe they say i can lean on it not that i ever would but well look look at this i know this is a bedroom this is a bedroom on steroids this is insane i was looking to see if it had a motorized arm to screw okay got you i'll see you in the bathroom here i am lovely tub oh my goodness great things they're fun it's like a little shower look at that you know steam shower double shower herds i'm assuming this is lou it's a lou and i'm assuming it's gonna open ready i don't like you why didn't it open ah this is funny you're gonna have races they must be shut down or something there is a sleep mode on them that doesn't mean you go to sleep on them but there is a sleep mode oh my goodness look at that hold on look at that eagle out there or whatever that bird is you see that i do see that there's a couple of them hold on i'm just gonna do a nature show one second nature show look at that hey buddy nice nature show back to the house please okay refrigerator cupboard sink i love all of this led lighting i do too so funny fun fact i'm having that in my van are you really yeah underneath all of my cabinets nice this is the alarm and i think it's a dci you know how i know that what what i don't like spiral staircases go on do it oh it gives me the spooks go on it's just like a regular staircase but you just turn right are you coming up yeah you're having fun with us is it wobbly no oh my god look at this this is the house that just keeps giving i want the house i want you to have this house look at this elevator comes all the way to the top all the way to the shop what can i say i think i said tremendous fire pit fire pit oh god unbelievable adam this is unbelievable am i right saying this is the nicest one we've seen i think you are yeah wow wow guys hit the subscribe button please hit the subscribe button trying to get to a million hit the bell that'll tell you that a new video is up um hit the thumbs up the like leave a nice comment and that's about it we're in it to win it like the watch love the watch oh and if anybody wants to know about michael's shirt go to producermichael.com go to the deals section and it's right there i'll put a link in the description i will and also put one for wrist aficionado if anybody wants a super nice watch and a great deal have that there too it's done thank you see ya [Music] you
Channel: ProducerMichael
Views: 732,099
Rating: 4.9424772 out of 5
Keywords: mansion, megamansion, mega mansion, celebrity home, house tour, real estate, interior design, mtv cribs, lifestyles of the rich and famous, infinity pool, huge house, millionaire, billionaire, wealth, money, rich people, bel air, beverly hills, los angeles, hollywood, LA, california, SoCal, southern california, america, USA
Id: nG1pD2bXxLU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 9sec (1509 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 01 2020
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